< 2 Mafumu 15 >

1 Mʼchaka cha 27 cha Yeroboamu mfumu ya Israeli, Azariya mwana wa Amaziya mfumu ya Yuda anayamba kulamulira.
In the seuenthe and twentithe yeer of Jeroboam, king of Israel, Azarie, sone of Amasie, kyng of Juda, regnede;
2 Iye anakhala mfumu ali ndi zaka 16 ndipo analamulira mu Yerusalemu zaka 52. Amayi ake anali Yekoliya wa ku Yerusalemu.
he was of sixtene yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede two and fifti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Jecelia of Jerusalem.
3 Iyeyo anachita zabwino pamaso pa Yehova, monga momwe anachitira Amaziya abambo ake.
And he dide that, that was plesaunt bifor the Lord, bi alle thingis which Amasie, his fadir, hadde do;
4 Komabe malo opembedzerako mafano sanawachotse ndipo anthu anapitirizabe kupereka nsembe ndi kufukiza lubani kumeneko.
netheles he distriede not hiy thingis; yit the puple made sacrifice, and brente encense in hiye thingis.
5 Ndipo Yehova analanga mfumu ndi nthenda ya khate mpaka tsiku limene inamwalira. Tsono mfumuyo inkakhala mʼnyumba yakeyake yapadera. Mwana wake Yotamu ndiye amene ankayangʼanira nyumba ya mfumu ndiponso ndiye amene ankalamulira anthu mʼdzikomo.
Forsothe the Lord smoot the kyng, and he was leprouse til in to the day of his deeth; and he dwellide in an hous freli bi hym silf. Sotheli Joathas, sone of the kyng, gouernde the palis, and demyde the puple of the lond.
6 Ntchito zina za Azariya ndi zonse zimene anachita, kodi sizinalembedwe mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a Yuda?
Forsothe the residue of the wordis of Azarie, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda?
7 Azariya anamwalira ndipo anayikidwa mʼmanda pamodzi ndi makolo ake mu Mzinda wa Davide. Ndipo Yotamu mwana wake analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.
And Azarie slepte with hise fadris; and thei birieden hym with hise eldre men in the citee of Dauid; and Joathas, his sone, regnede for hym.
8 Mʼchaka cha 38 cha Azariya mfumu ya Yuda, Zekariya mwana wa Yeroboamu anakhala mfumu ya Israeli ku Samariya ndipo analamulira miyezi isanu ndi umodzi.
In the eiyte and threttithe yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Zacharie, sone of Jeroboam, regnede on Israel in Samarie sixe monethis.
9 Ndipo iye anachita zoyipa pamaso pa Yehova monga anachitira makolo ake. Iye sanaleke machimo a Yeroboamu mwana wa Nebati, amene anachimwitsa nawo Israeli.
And he dide that, that was yuel bifor the Lord, as his fadris diden; he departide not fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne.
10 Salumu mwana wa Yabesi anachitira chiwembu Zekariya. Anamukantha anthu akuona, namupha, ndipo analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.
Forsothe Sellum, the sone of Jabes, conspiride ayens hym in Samarie; and Sellum smoot hym opynli, and killide hym, and regnede for hym.
11 Ntchito zina za Zekariya, zinalembedwa mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a Israeli.
Sotheli the residue of the wordis of Zacharie, whethir these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
12 Awa ndiwo mawu a Yehova amene anayankhula kwa Yehu kuti, “Ana ako adzalamulira Israeli mpaka mʼbado wachinayi.”
Thilke is the word of the Lord, which he spak to Hieu, and seide, `Thi sones `til to the fourthe generacioun schulen sitte `of thee on the trone of Israel; and it was doon so.
13 Salumu mwana wa Yabesi anakhala mfumu mʼchaka cha 39 cha ulamuliro wa Uziya mfumu ya Yuda ndipo analamulira mu Samariya mwezi umodzi.
Sellum, sone of Jabes, regnede in the nynthe and thritty yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda; sotheli he regnyde o monethe in Samarie.
14 Ndipo Menahemu mwana wa Gadi anachoka ku Tiriza napita ku Samariya nakantha Salumu mwana wa Yabesi ku Samariya, namupha ndipo iye analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.
And Manaheu, the sone of Gaddi, styede fro Thersa, and cam in to Samarie; and he smoot Sellum, sone of Jabes, in Samarie, and killide hym, and regnede for hym.
15 Ntchito zina za Salumu ndiponso za chiwembu chimene anachita, zinalembedwa mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a Israeli.
Sotheli the residue of wordis of Sellum, and his conspirasie, bi which he settide tresouns, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel.
16 Nthawi imeneyo Menahemu, kuchokera ku Tiriza, anakathira nkhondo mzinda wa Tipisa ndi anthu onse amene anali mʼmenemo ndi dera lonse lozungulira chifukwa iwo anakana kutsekula zipata zawo. Iye anatenga katundu yense mu mzinda wa Tipisa ndi kutumbula akazi onse oyembekezera.
Thanne Manaheu smoot Capham, and alle men that weren thereynne, and the termes therof fro Thersa, for thei nolden opyn to hym; and he killide alle wymmen therof with child, and karf hem.
17 Mʼchaka cha 39 cha Azariya mfumu ya Yuda, Menahemu mwana wa Gadi anakhala mfumu ya Israeli ndipo analamulira mu Samariya zaka khumi.
In the nynthe and thrittithe yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Manaheu, sone of Gaddi, regnede on Israel ten yeer in Samarie.
18 Iye anachita zoyipa pamaso pa Yehova. Nthawi yonse ya ulamuliro wake sanasiye machimo a Yeroboamu mwana wa Nebati, amene anachimwitsa nawo Israeli.
And he dide that, that was yuel bifor the Lord; he departide not fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne.
19 Tsono Puli mfumu ya ku Asiriya inadzathira nkhondo dzikolo ndipo Menahemu anapatsa Puliyo makilogalamu 34,000 a siliva kuti amuthandize ndi kulimbikitsa ufumu wake.
In alle the daies of hym Phul, the kyng of Assiries, cam in to Thersa. And Manaheu yaf to Phul a thousynde talentis of siluer, that he schulde be to hym in to help, and schulde make stidefast his rewme;
20 Menahemu anapeza ndalamazo kudzera mu msonkho umene ankakhometsa Aisraeli. Munthu aliyense wachuma ankapereka masekeli a siliva makumi asanu kwa mfumu ya ku Asiriya. Choncho mfumu ya ku Asiriya inabwerera ndipo sinakhalenso mʼdzikomo.
and Manaheu settide taliage of siluer on Israel to alle myyti men and riche, that he schulde yyue to the kyng of Assiries; he settide fifti siclis of siluer bi alle men; and the king of Assiries turnede ayen, and dwellide not in Thersa.
21 Ntchito zina za Menahemu ndi zonse zimene anachita, kodi sizinalembedwe mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a Israeli?
Forsothe the residue of wordis of Manaheu, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not wrytun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
22 Menahemu anamwalira ndipo anayikidwa mʼmanda pamodzi ndi makolo ake. Ndipo Pekahiya mwana wake analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.
And Manaheu slepte with hise fadris; and Phaceia, his sone, regnyde for hym.
23 Mʼchaka cha makumi asanu a Azariya mfumu ya Yuda, Pekahiya mwana wa Menahemu anakhala mfumu ya Israeli mu Samariya ndipo analamulira zaka ziwiri.
In the fiftithe yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Phaceia, sone of Manaheu, regnede on Israel in Samarie twei yeer.
24 Pekahiya anachita zoyipa pamaso pa Yehova. Iye sanaleke machimo a Yeroboamu mwana wa Nebati, omwe anachimwitsa nawo Israeli.
And he dide that, that was yuel bifor the Lord; he departide not fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne.
25 Ndipo Peka mwana wa Remaliya, mtsogoleri wake wa ankhondo, anamuchita chiwembu. Iye pamodzi ndi anthu makumi asanu a ku Giliyadi anapha Pekahiya pamodzi ndi Arigobu ndi Ariyeli mʼchipinda choteteza nyumba ya mfumu mu Samariya. Kotero Peka anapha Pekahiya ndipo analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.
Forsothe Phacee, sone of Romelie, duyk of his oost, conspiride ayens hym, and smoot hym in Samarie, in the tour of the kyngis hous, bisidis Argob, and bisidis Arib; `and he smoot hym with fifti men of the sones of Galaditis; and Phacee killide hym, and regnede for hym.
26 Ntchito zina za Pekahiya ndi zonse zimene anachita zinalembedwa mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a Israeli.
Sotheli the residue of wordis of Phacee, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
27 Mʼchaka cha 52 cha Azariya mfumu ya Yuda, Peka mwana wa Remaliya anakhala mfumu ya Israeli ku Samariya ndipo analamulira zaka makumi awiri.
In the two and fiftithe yeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, Phasee, sone of Romelie, regnyde in Samarie twenti yeer.
28 Iye anachita zoyipa pamaso pa Yehova. Sanaleke machimo a Yeroboamu mwana wa Nebati, amene anachimwitsa nawo Israeli.
And he dide that, that was yuel bifor the Lord; and he departide not fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne.
29 Nthawi ya Peka mfumu ya Israeli, Tigilati-Pileseri mfumu ya ku Asiriya anabwera ndi kudzalanda Iyoni, Abeli-Beti-Maaka, Yanowa, Kedesi ndi Hazori. Mfumu ya ku Asiriya inatenga Giliyadi ndi Galileya, kuphatikizanso madera onse a Nafutali ndipo anatumiza Aisraeli ku Asiriya.
In the daies of Phacee, kyng of Israel, Teglat Phalasar, kyng of Assur, cam, and took Aion, and Aibel, the hows of Maacha, and Janoe, and Cedes, and Asor, and Galaad, and Galilee, and al the lond of Neptalym; and translatide hem in to Assiriens.
30 Kenaka Hoseya mwana wa Ela anachitira chiwembu Peka mwana wa Remaliya. Anamukantha ndi kumupha ndipo anakhala mfumu mʼmalo mwake mʼchaka makumi awiri cha Yotamu mwana wa Uziya.
Forsothe Osee, sone of Hela, conspiride, and settide tresouns ayens Phasee, sone of Romelie, and smoot hym, and killide hym; and he regnyde for hym, in the twentithe yeer of Joathan, sone of Ozie.
31 Ntchito zina za Peka ndi zonse zimene anachita, kodi sizinalembedwe mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a Israeli?
Forsothe the residue of wordis of Phacee, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
32 Mʼchaka chachiwiri cha Peka mwana wa Remaliya mfumu ya Israeli, Yotamu mwana wa Uziya mfumu ya Yuda anayamba kulamulira.
In the secounde yeer of Phacee, sone of Romelie, kyng of Israel, Joathan, sone of Ozie, kyng of Juda, regnyde;
33 Iye anakhala mfumu ali ndi zaka 25 ndipo analamulira mu Yerusalemu zaka 16. Amayi ake anali Yerusa mwana wa Zadoki.
he was of fyue and twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede sixtene yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Jerusa, the douyter of Sadoch.
34 Iye anachita zabwino pamaso pa Yehova monga anachitira Uziya abambo ake.
And he dide that, that was plesaunt bifor the Lord; he wrouyte bi alle thingis, whiche his fadir Ozie hadde do;
35 Komabe malo opembedzera mafano sanawachotse ndipo anthu anapitiriza kupereka nsembe ndi kufukiza lubani kumeneko.
netheles he dide not awey hiy thingis; yit the puple made sacrifice, and brente incense in hiy thingis; he bildide the hiyeste yate of the hows of the Lord.
36 Ntchito zina za Yotamu ndi zonse zimene anachita, kodi sizinalembedwe mʼbuku la mbiri ya mafumu a Yuda?
Forsothe the residue of wordis of Joathan, and alle thingis whiche he dide, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Juda?
37 (Nthawi imeneyo, Yehova anayamba kumatuma Rezini mfumu ya Aaramu ndi Peka mwana wa Remaliya kudzamenyana ndi Yuda).
In tho daies the Lord bigan to sende in to Juda Rasyn, the kyng of Sirie, and Phacee, the sone of Romelie.
38 Yotamu anamwalira ndipo anayikidwa mʼmanda pamodzi ndi makolo ake mu Mzinda wa Davide abambo ake. Ndipo Ahazi mwana wake analowa ufumu mʼmalo mwake.
And Joathan slepte with hise fadris, and was biried with hem in the citee of Dauid, his fadir; and Achaz, his sone, regnyde for hym.

< 2 Mafumu 15 >