< 1 Samueli 17 >

1 Afilisti anasonkhanitsa ankhondo awo ku Soko mʼdziko la Yuda. Iwo anamanga misasa yawo ku Efesi-Damimu, pakati pa Soko ndi Azeka.
Forsothe Filisteis gaderiden her cumpenyes in to batel, and camen togidere in Socoth of Juda, and settiden tentis bitwixe Socoth and Azecha, in the coostis of Domyn.
2 Sauli ndi Aisraeli anasonkhana namanga misasa mʼchigwa cha Ela ndipo anandandalitsa ankhondo kuti amenyane ndi Afilisti.
Sotheli Saul and the men of Israel weren gaderid, and camen in to the valey of Terebynte, and dressiden scheltrun to fiyte ayens Filisteis.
3 Afilisti anali phiri lina ndipo Aisraeli analinso phiri lina, ndipo pakati pawo panali chigwa.
And Filisteis stoden aboue the hil on this part, and Israel stood on the hil on the tother part of the valey, that was bitwixe hem.
4 Tsono munthu wina wamphamvu, dzina lake Goliati wochokera ku Gati anatuluka ku misasa ya Afilisti. Msinkhu wake unali pafupipafupi mamita atatu.
And a man, `sone of a widewe, whos fadir was vncerteyn, yede out of the `castels of Filisteis, Goliath bi name of Geth, of sixe cubitis heiy and a spanne; and a brasun basynet on his heed;
5 Iye ankavala chipewa chamkuwa ndi malaya achitsulo olemera makilogalamu 57.
and he was clothid with `an haburioun hokid, ether mailid; forsothe the weiyte of his haburioun was fyue thousynde siclis of bras;
6 Ankavalanso zokuta miyendo yake zamkuwa, ndipo ankanyamula nthungo ya mkuwa pa phewa pake.
and he hadde `bootis of bras in the hipis, and a `scheld of bras hilide hise schuldris.
7 Thunthu la mkondo wake linali ngati mkombero wowombera nsalu, ndipo mutu wa mkondowo unkalemera makilogalamu asanu ndi awiri. Patsogolo pake pamakhala munthu wonyamula zida zake za nkhondo.
Forsothe `the schaft of his spere was as the beem of webbis; forsothe thilke yrun of his spere hadde sixe hundrid siclis of yrun; and his squier yede bifor hym.
8 Goliatiyo anayimirira ndi kufuwula kwa ankhondo a Israeli, nati, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani mwakonzekera nkhondo chotere? Kodi sindine Mfilisiti ndipo inu sindinu akapolo a Sauli? Sankhani munthu kuti abwere kwa ine.
And he stood, and cried ayens the cumpenyes of armed men of Israel, and seide to hem, Why camen ye redi to batel? Whether Y am not a Filistei, and ye ben the seruauntis of Saul? Chese ye a man of you, and come he doun to syngulere batel;
9 Ngati angathe kumenyana nane ndi kundipha, ife tidzakhala akapolo anu, koma ngati ine ndimugonjetsa ndi kumupha, inu mudzakhala akapolo athu ndi kumatitumikira.”
if he may fiyte with me, and sleeth me, we schulen be `seruauntis to you; forsothe if Y haue the maystry, and sle hym, ye schulen be boonde, and `ye schulen serue vs.
10 Ndipo Mfilisitiyo anati, “Bwerani lero timenyane basi! Patseni munthu kuti ndimenyane naye.”
And `the Filistei seide, Y haue `seyd schenschip to dai to the cumpenyes of Israel; yyue ye a man, and bigynne he `synguler batel with me.
11 Atamva mawu a Mfilisitiyo, Sauli ndi Aisraeli onse anataya mtima nachita mantha kwambiri.
Sotheli Saul and alle men of Israel herden siche wordis of `the Filistey, and thei weren astonyed, and dredden greetli.
12 Davide anali mwana wa munthu wa fuko la Efurati dzina lake Yese amene amachokera ku Betelehemu mʼdziko la Yuda. Yese anali ndi ana aamuna asanu ndi awiri. Pa nthawi ya Sauli nʼkuti ali wokalamba.
Forsothe Dauid was `the sone of a man of Effrata, of whom it is `biforseid, of Bethleem of Juda, to `which man the name was Isay, which hadde eiyte sones; and `the man was eld in the daies of Saul, and of greet age among men.
13 Ana atatu oyamba kubadwa a Yese nʼkuti atapita nawo ku nkhondo pamodzi ndi Sauli. Woyamba dzina lake anali Eliabu, wachiwiri anali Abinadabu, ndipo wachitatu anali Sama.
Sotheli thre grettere sones of Ysai yeden after Saul in to batel; and the names of hise thre sones, that yeden to batel, Heliab, the firste gendryd, and the secounde, Amynadab, and the thridde, Samma.
14 Davide ndiye anali mzime. Ana aakulu atatuwo ndiwo anapita ku nkhondo ndi Sauli.
Forsothe Dauid was the leeste. Therfor while thre grettere sueden Saul, Dauid yede,
15 Koma Davide ankapita ku misasa ya Sauli ndi kubwerako kuti azikaweta nkhosa za abambo ake ku Betelehemu.
and turnede ayen fro Saul, that he schulde kepe the floc of his fadir in Bethleem.
16 Kwa masiku makumi anayi, Mfilisiti uja ankabwera mmawa ndi madzulo kumadzionetsera.
Forsothe the Filistey cam forth in the morewtid, and euentid; and stood `bi fourti daies.
17 Tsiku lina Yese anawuza mwana wake Davide kuti, “Atengere abale ako makilogalamu khumi a tirigu wokazinga ndi malofu a buledi khumi ndipo upite nazo mofulumira ku misasa yawo.
Sotheli Ysai seide to Dauid his sone, Take thou to thi britheren meete maad of meele, the mesure of ephi, and these ten looues, and renne thou in to the castels to thi britheren;
18 Utengerenso wolamulira wa gulu lawo tchizi khumi uyu. Ukaone mmene abale ako akukhalira ndipo ubwere ndi kanthu kosonyeza kuti ali bwino.
and thou schalt bere to the tribune these ten `litil formes of chese; and thou schalt visite thi britheren, whether thei doon riytli, and lurne thou, with whiche men thei ben ordeyned.
19 Sauli, abale akowo ndi asilikali onse a Israeli ali ku chigwa cha Ela, akumenyana ndi Afilisti.”
Forsothe Saul, and thei, and alle the sones of Israel in the valei of Terebynte fouyten ayens Filisteis.
20 Mʼmamawa mwake Davide anasiya nkhosa mʼmanja mwa munthu wina ndipo anatenga zakudyazo nanyamuka monga momwe Yese abambo ake anamulamulira. Anakafika ku misasa pamene asilikali ankapita kukandanda pa mzere ku nkhondo, nʼkufuwula mfuwu wankhondo.
Therfor Dauid roos eerli, and bitook the floc to the kepere, and he yede chargid, as Ysai `hadde comaundid to hym; and he cam to the place Magala, and to the oost, which oost yede out to the batel, and criede in `the batel.
21 Aisraeli ndi Afilisti anandanda pa mzere wankhondo moyangʼanana.
For Israel hadde dressid scheltrun; `but also Filisteis weren maad redi `euen ayens.
22 Tsono Davide anasiyira zakudya zija munthu wosunga katundu nathamangira kumene kunali ankhondo kuja ndi kukalonjera abale ake.
Therfor Dauid lefte the vessels, whiche he hadde brouyt, vndur the hond of a kepere `at the fardels, and he ran to the place of batel, and he axyde, if alle thingis weren `doon riytli anentis hise britheren.
23 Pamene iye ankayankhula nawo anangoona Goliati wa ku Gati uja akuchoka pa mzere wa Afilisti akufuwula mawu onyoza monga mwa masiku onse, ndipo Davide ankawamva.
And whanne he spak yit to hem, thilke bastard apperide, Goliath bi name, a Filistei of Geth, and stiede fro the castels of Filisteis; and `while he spak these same wordis, Dauid herde.
24 Aisraeli ataona munthuyo, anamuthawa ndi mantha aakulu.
And whanne alle men of Israel hadden seyn `the man, thei fledden fro his face, and dredden hym greetli.
25 Ndipo Aisraeli ankanena kuti, “Kodi mwamuona munthu akubwerayo? Iye amangobwera kudzanyoza Israeli. Tsono mfumu inati kuti idzapereka chuma chambiri kwa munthu amene adzamuphe. Idzaperekanso mwana wake wamkazi kuti amukwatire ndiponso banja la abambo ake silidzaperekanso msonkho mu Israeli.”
And ech man of Israel seide, Whether thou hast seyn this man that stiede? for he stiede to seie schenship to Israel; therfor the kyng schal make riche with greet richessis `the man that sleeth thilke Filistei; and the kyng schal yyue his douyter to that man, and schal make the hows of his fader with out `tribut in Israel.
26 Davide anafunsa anthu amene anayima pafupi naye kuti, “Kodi adzamuchita chiyani munthu amene adzapha Mfilisiti uyu ndi kuchotsa chitonzo pakati pa Israeli? Mfilisiti wosachita mdulidweyu ndi ndani kuti azinyoza gulu lankhondo la Mulungu wamoyo?”
And Dauyd spak to the men that stoden with hym, and seide, What schal be youun to the man that sleeth this Filistei, and doith awei schenschip fro Israel? for who is this Filistei vncircumcidid, that dispiside the scheltruns of God lyuynge?
27 Anthu anamuwuzanso zonse zimene mfumu inanena kuti idzachitira munthu amene adzapha Mfilisitiyo.
Forsothe the puple tolde to hym the same word, and seide, These thingis schulen be youun to the man that sleeth hym.
28 Eliabu, mkulu wake wa Davide, atamumva akuyankhula ndi anthuwo, anamukwiyira ndipo anamufunsa kuti, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani wabwera kuno? Ndipo wasiyira yani nkhosa zochepazo mʼchipululu? Ndikudziwa kuti ndiwe wodzikuza ndiponso woyipa mtima. Unabwera kuno kuti udzaonere nkhondo.”
And whanne Heliab, `his more brother, had herd this, while he spak with othere men, he was wrooth ayens Dauid, and seide, Whi camest thou, and whi `leftist thou tho fewe scheep in deseert? Y knowe thi pride, and the wewardnesse of thin herte; for thou camest doun to se the batel.
29 Davide anati, “Kodi ndachita chiyani ine? Kodi ndisamayankhule?”
And Dauid seide, What haue Y do? Whether it is not a word?
30 Ndipo anamuchokera napita kwa munthu wina ndipo anamufunsa nkhani yomweyo, ndipo anthu anamuyankha iye monga poyamba paja.
And Dauid bowide a litil fro hym to another man; and Dauid seide the same word, and the puple answeride to hym al word as bifore.
31 Mawu amene Davide anayankhula atamveka, anthu anakafotokozera Sauli ndipo Sauli anamuyitanitsa.
Forsothe these wordis weren herd, whiche Dauid spak, and weren teld `in the siyt of Saul.
32 Davide anati kwa Sauli, “Munthu aliyense asataye mtima chifukwa cha Mfilisitiyu. Ine kapolo wanu ndipita kukamenyana naye.”
And whanne Dauyd was brouyt to Saul, Dauyd spak to hym, The herte of ony man falle not doun for `that Filistei, Y thi seruaunt schal go, and `Y schal fiyte ayens the Filistei.
33 Sauli anayankha Davide kuti, “Iwe sungathe kupita kukamenyana ndi Mfilisitiyu. Iwe ukanali mnyamata, koma iyeyu ndi amene wakhala akumenya nkhondo kuyambira unyamata wake.”
And Saul seide to Dauid, Thou maist not ayenstonde this Filistei, nether fiyte ayens hym, for thou art a child; forsothe this man is a werriour fro his yong wexynge age.
34 Koma Davide anati kwa Sauli, “Kapolo wanune ndinkaweta nkhosa za abambo anga. Ndipo mkango kapena chimbalangondo chikamabwera ndi kugwira mwana wankhosa pakati pa nkhosazo,
And Dauid seide to Saul, Thi seruaunt kepte `the floc of his fadir, and a lioun cam, ether a bere, and took awei a ram fro the myddis of the floc;
35 ine ndinkatsatira ndi kupha chirombocho. Choncho ndinkapulumutsa mwana wankhosa uja mʼkamwa mwake. Ndipo chinkati chikandiwukira, ine ndinkagwira tchowa lake, nʼkuchikantha mpaka kuchipha.
Y pursuede, and killide hem, and rauyschide fro `the mouth of hem; and thei risiden ayens me, and I took the nether chaule `of hem, and Y stranglide, and killide hem.
36 Ine kapolo wanu ndinapha mkango ngakhalenso chimbalangondo. Tsono Mfilisiti wosachita mdulidweyu adzaphedwa monga zinazo chifukwa wanyoza ankhondo a Mulungu wamoyo.
For Y thi seruaunt killide bothe a lioun and a bere; therfor and this Filistei vncircumcidid schal be as oon of hem. Now Y schal go, and Y schal do awey the schenschip of the puple; for who is this Filistei vncircumcidid, that was hardi to curse the oost of God lyuynge?
37 Yehova amene anandilanditsa mʼkamwa mwa mkango ndi chimbalangondo adzandilanditsa mʼmanja mwa Mfilisiti uyu.” Sauli anati kwa Davide, “Pita, ndipo Yehova akhale nawe.”
And Dauid seide, The Lord that delyuerede me fro the `mouth of the lioun, and fro the `hond, that is, power, of the bere, he schal delyuere me fro the hond of this Filistei. Forsothe Saul seide to Dauid, Go thou, and the Lord be with thee.
38 Ndipo Sauli anamveka Davide mwinjiro wake. Anamuveka zovala zankhondo ndi chipewa cha mkuwa.
And Saul clothide Dauid with hise clothis, and puttide a brasun basynet on his heed, and clothide hym with an haburioun.
39 Davide anamangirira lupanga pa mwinjirowo. Atayesa kuyenda nazo, analephera chifukwa anali asanazizolowere. Iye anati kwa Sauli, “Sindingathe kuyenda nazo chifukwa sindinazizolowere.” Ndipo anazivula.
Therfor Dauid was gird with his swerd on his cloth, and bigan to asaie if he myyte go armed; for he hadde not custom. And Dauid seide to Saul, Y may not go so, for Y haue not vss. And Dauid puttide awei tho,
40 Pambuyo pake anatenga ndodo yake mʼmanja. Kenaka anasankha miyala yosalala bwino mu mtsinje ndi kuyiika mʼthumba lake la ku ubusa. Legeni ili mʼmanja mwake, Davide ananyamuka kukakumana ndi Mfilisiti uja.
and he took his staaf, which he hadde euere in the hondis. And he chees to hym fyue clereste stonys, that is, harde, pleyn, and rounde, of the stronde; and he sente tho in to the schepherdis scrippe, which he hadde with hym; and he took the slynge in the hond, and yede forth ayens the Filistei.
41 Tsono Mfilisiti uja anayambapo kupita kumene kunali Davide, mnyamata wonyamula zida zake za nkhondo ali patsogolo pake.
Sotheli the Filistei yede, `goynge and neiyyng ayens Dauid; and his squyer yede bifor hym.
42 Mfilisitiyo atangomuona Davide, anamunyoza popeza kuti Davide anali mnyamata chabe wofiirira ndi wa maonekedwe abwino.
And whanne `the Filistei hadde biholde Dauid, and hadde seyn hym, he dispiside Dauid; forsothe Dauid was a yong wexynge man, rodi, and feir in siyt.
43 Iye anati kwa Davide, “Kodi ndine galu, kuti ubwere kwa ine ndi ndodo?” Ndipo Mfilisitiyo anamutemberera Davide potchula mayina a milungu yake.
And `the Filistei, seide to Dauid, Whether Y am a dogge, for thou comest to me with a staf? And `the Filistei curside Dauid in hise goddis; and he seide to Dauid,
44 Iye anatinso, “Bwera kuno ndipo ndidzapereka mnofu wako kwa mbalame zamlengalenga ndi kwa zirombo zakuthengo!”
Come thou to me, and Y schal yyue thi fleischis to the `volatilis of heuene, and to the beestis of erthe.
45 Koma Davide anati kwa Mfilisitiyo, “Iwe wabwera kwa ine ndi lupanga, mkondo ndi nthungo, koma ine ndikubwera kwa iwe mʼdzina la Yehova Wamphamvuzonse, Mulungu wa ankhondo Aisraeli amene iwe ukuwanyoza.
Sotheli Dauid seide to `the Filistei, Thou comest to me with swerd, and spere, and scheeld; but Y come to thee in the name of the Lord God of oostis, of God of the cumpanyes of Israel, to whiche thou seidist schenschip to dai.
46 Anatinso lero lino Yehova adzakupereka mʼmanja mwanga. Ndidzakukantha ndi kudula mutu wako. Ndidzapereka mitembo ya asilikali a Afilisti kwa mbalame za mlengalenga, ndi kwa zirombo zakuthengo ndipo dziko lonse lapansi lidzadziwa kuti mu Israeli muli Mulungu.
And the Lord schal yyue thee in myn hond, and Y schal sle thee, and Y schal take awey thin heed fro thee; and I schal yyue the deed bodies of the castels of Filisteis `to day to the volatils of heuene, and to the beestis of erthe; that al the erthe wite, that the Lord God is in Israel,
47 Onse amene asonkhana pano adzadziwa kuti Mulungu sapulumutsa anthu ndi lupanga kapena mkondo, pakuti nkhondo ndi ya Yehova. Iye adzakuperekani mʼmanja mwathu.”
and that al this chirche knowe, that the Lord saueth not in swerd nether in spere; for the batel is his, and he schal bitake you in to oure hondis.
48 Mfilisitiyo akusendera pafupi kuti akumane naye, Davideyo anathamangira mofulumira ku mzere wa nkhondo kukakumana naye.
Therfor whanne the Filistei hadde rise, and cam, and neiyede ayens Dauid, Dauid hastide, and ran to batel ayens `the Filistei.
49 Davideyo anapisa dzanja lake mʼthumba lake natengamo mwala ndipo anawuponya, nalasa pa mphumi pa Mfilisitiyo. Mwalawo unalowa pa chipumi chake, ndipo anagwa chafufumimba.
And Dauid putte his hond `in to his scrippe, and he took o stoon, and he castide with the slynge, `and ledde aboute, and smoot `the Filistei in the forheed; and the stoon was fastned in his forheed, and he felde doun in to his face on the erthe.
50 Kotero Davide anamupambana Mfilisitiyo pomugenda ndi mwala wa legeni ndi kumupha. Mʼmanja mwa Davide munalibe lupanga.
And Dauid hadde the maistrie ayens `the Filistei `in a slyng and stoon, and he killide `the Filistei smytun. And whanne Dauid hadde no swerd in the hond,
51 Davide anathamanga nakayimirira pamwamba pa Mfilisiti uja. Anasolola lupanga lake lomwe moyikamo mwake, namupha pomudula mutu wake. Afilisti ataona kuti ngwazi yawo yafa, anathawa.
he ran, and stood on `the Filistei, and took his swerd; and Dauid drow out the swerd of his schethe, and `killide him, and kittide awei his heed. Forsothe the Filisteis sien, that the strongeste of hem was deed, and thei fledden.
52 Ndipo Aisraeli ndi anthu a ku Yuda ananyamuka, ndipo akufuwula anathamangitsa Afilisti aja mpaka ku Gati ndi ku zipata za Ekroni. Anthu akufa awo amagwa njira yonse ya ku Saaraimu mpaka ku Gati ndi ku Ekroni.
And the sones of Israel and of Juda risiden to gidere, and crieden, and pursueden Filisteis, `til the while thei camen in to the valei, and `til to the yate of Accaron. And woundid men of Filisteis felden in the weye of Sarym, and `til to Geth, and `til to Accaron.
53 Aisraeli anabwerako kothamangitsa Afilisti kuja ndipo anadzatenga zonse zimene zinali mʼmisasa ya Afilistiwo.
And the sones of Israel turneden ayen, aftir that thei hadden pursuede Filisteis, and thei assailiden `the tentis of hem.
54 Pambuyo pake Davide anatenga mutu wa Mfilisitiyo napita nawo ku Yerusalemu, koma anayika zida za Mfilisitiyo mu tenti yake.
Forsothe Dauid took the heed of `the Filistei, and brouyte it in to Jerusalem; sotheli he puttide hise armeris in the `tabernacle of the Lord.
55 Sauli ataona Davide akupita kukakumana ndi Mfilisitiyo anafunsa Abineri, mkulu wa ankhondo kuti, “Abineri, kodi mnyamatayu ndi mwana wa yani?” Abineri anayankha kuti, “Ndithu mfumu muli apa ine sindikumudziwa.”
Forsothe in that tyme in which Saul siy Dauid goynge out ayens `the Filistei, he seide to Abner, prince of his chiualrie, Abner, of what generacioun `cam forth this yong waxynge man? And Abner seide, Kyng, thi soule lyueth, I knowe not.
56 Mfumu inati, “Pita kafufuze kuti mnyamata ameneyu ndi mwana wa yani.”
And the kyng seide, Axe thou, whos sone this child is.
57 Davide atangobwerako kokapha Mfilisiti kuja, Abineri anamutenga nabwera naye kwa Sauli, mutu wa Mfilisiti uja uli mʼmanja mwake.
And whanne Dauid hadde come ayen, whanne `the Filistei was slayn, Abner took Dauid, and brouyte hym in, hauynge in the hond the heed of `the Filistei, `bifor Saul.
58 Sauli anamufunsa, “Mnyamata iwe, kodi paja ndiwe mwana wayani?” Davide anati, “Ndine mwana wa mtumiki wanu Yese wa ku Betelehemu.”
And Saul seide to hym, Of what generacioun art thou, yong waxynge man? And Dauid seide, Y am the sone of thi seruaunt, Isai of Bethleem.

< 1 Samueli 17 >