< 1 Samueli 16 >

1 Yehova anati kwa Samueli, “Kodi udzamulira Sauli mpaka liti, popeza Ine ndamukana kuti akhale mfumu ya Israeli? Dzaza mafuta mʼbotolo lako ndipo unyamuke kupita kwa Yese wa ku Betelehemu popeza ndadzisankhira mmodzi mwa ana ake kukhala mfumu.”
And the Lord seide to Samuel, Hou long biweilist thou Saul, sithen Y castide hym awey, that he regne not on Israel; fille thin horn with oile, and come, that Y sende thee to Ysay of Bethleem; for among hise sones Y haue purueide a king to me.
2 Koma Samueli anati, “Kodi ndingapite bwanji? Sauli akamva zimenezi adzandipha.” Yehova anayankha, “Tenga ngʼombe yayikazi ndipo ukanene kuti, ‘Ndabwera kudzapereka nsembe kwa Yehova.
And Samuel seide, Hou schal Y go? for Saul schal here, and he schal sle me. And the Lord seide, Thou schalt take a calf of the droue in thi hond, and thou schalt seye, Y cam to make sacrifice to the Lord.
3 Ukamuyitane Yese ku mwambo wa nsembe, ndipo ine ndidzakuwuza choti ukachite. Ukandidzozere amene ndikakulozere.’”
And thou schalt clepe Ysay to the sacrifice, and Y schal schewe to thee, what thou schalt do; and thou schalt anoynte, whom euere Y schal schewe to thee.
4 Samueli anachita zimene Yehova ananena, ndipo anabweradi ku Betelehemu kuja. Akuluakulu a mu mzindawo anamuchingamira ali njenjenje ndi mantha ndipo anamufunsa kuti, “Kodi mwabwera mwa mtendere?”
Therfor Samuel dide, as the Lord spak to hym; and he cam in to Bethleem, and the eldere men of the citee wondriden, and camen to hym, and seiden, Whether thin entryng is pesible?
5 Samueli anayankha kuti, “Inde, kwabwino. Ndabwera kudzapereka nsembe kwa Yehova. Mudzipatule ndipo mubwere kudzapereka nsembe pamodzi nane.” Kenaka iye anamupatula Yese ndi ana ake aamuna ndipo anawayitana kudzapereka nsembe.
And he seide, It is pesible; Y cam to make sacrifice to the Lord; be ye halewid, and come ye with me, that Y make sacrifice. Therfor he halewide Ysai, and hise sones, and clepide hem to the sacrifice.
6 Pamene anafika, Samueli anaona Eliabu ndipo anaganiza “Ndithu wodzozedwa wa Yehova uja ndi uyu wayima pamaso pakeyu.”
And whanne thei hadden entrid, he siy Eliab, and seide, Whether bifor the Lord is his crist?
7 Koma Yehova anati kwa Samueli, “Usaone maonekedwe ake kapena msinkhu wake, pakuti ndamukana iyeyu. Yehova sapenya zimene munthu amapenya. Anthu amapenya zakunja, koma Mulungu amapenya za mu mtima.”
And the Lord seide to Samuel, Biholde thou not his cheer, nethir hiynesse of his stature; for Y castide hym awei, and Y demyde not bi `the siyt of man; for a man seeth tho thingis that ben opyn, but the Lord biholdith the herte.
8 Kenaka Yese anayitana Abinadabu namubweretsa pamaso pa Samueli. Koma Samueli anati, “Yehova sanamusankhenso ameneyu.”
And Ysai clepide Amynadab, and brouyte hym bifor Samuel; which seide, Nether the Lord hath chose this.
9 Ndipo Yese anayitana Sama, koma Samueli anati, “Ngakhale uyu Yehova sanamusankhe.”
Forsothe Isay brouyte Samma; of whom Samuel seide, Also the Lord hath not chose this.
10 Pambuyo pake, Yese anayitana ana ake amuna asanu ndi awiri kuti apite kwa Samueli. Koma Samueli anati, “Yehova sanasankhe amenewa.”
Therfor Isai brouyte hise seuene sones bifor Samuel; and Samuel seide to Ysai, The Lord hath `not chose of these.
11 Tsono Samueli anafunsa Yese kuti, “Kodi awa ndi ana ako onse aamuna?” Yese anayankha kuti, “Ayi, alipo wina wamngʼono amene watsala, koma akuweta nkhosa.” Samueli anati, “Apite munthu akamutenge popeza sitipereka nsembe mpaka iye atabwera.”
And Samuel seide to Isai, Whether thi sones ben now fillid? And Isai answeride, Yit `another is, a litil child, and lisewith scheep. And Samuel seide to Isai, Sende thou, and brynge hym; for we schulen not sitte to mete, bifor that he come hidur.
12 Choncho anatuma munthu kukamutenga ndipo anabwera naye. Iye anali wofiirira, wa maonekedwe abwino ochititsa kaso. Ndipo Yehova anati, “Mudzoze popeza ndi ameneyu.”
Therfor Ysai sente, and brouyte hym; sotheli he was rodi, and fair in siyt, and of semely face. And the Lord seide, Rise thou, and anoynte hym; for it is he.
13 Samueli anatenga botolo la mafuta ndi kumudzoza pamaso pa abale ake, ndipo Mzimu wa Yehova unabwera mwamphamvu pa Davide kuyambira tsiku limenelo mpaka mʼtsogolo. Pambuyo pake Samueli anabwerera ku Rama.
Therfor Samuel took the horn of oyle, and anoyntid hym in the myddis of his britheren; and the Spirit of the Lord was dressid in to Dauid fro that day `and afterward. And Samuel roos, and yede in to Ramatha.
14 Nthawi imeneyo Mzimu wa Yehova unamuchokera Sauli, ndipo mzimu woyipa wochokera kwa Yehova unayamba kumuzunza.
And so the Spirit of the Lord yede awei fro Saul, and a wickid spirit of the Lord trauelide Saul.
15 Atumiki a Sauli anati, “Taonani mzimu woyipa wochokera kwa Mulungu ukukuzunzani.
And the seruauntis of Saul seiden to hym, Lo! an yuel spirit of the Lord traueilith thee;
16 Ndiyetu, inu mbuye wathu titumeni ife antchito anu kuti tikafune munthu wodziwa bwino kuyimba zeze. Tsono pamene mzimu woyipa wochokera kwa Mulungu wakufikirani, iye azidzayimba ndipo mudzakhala bwino.”
oure lord the kyng comaunde, and thi seruauntis that ben bifore thee, schulen seke a man, that kan synge with an harpe, that whanne the yuel spirit of the Lord takith thee, he harpe with his hond, and thou bere esiliere.
17 Choncho Sauli anati kwa atumiki ake, “Chabwino, kandipezereni munthu wodziwa bwino kuyimba ndipo mubwere naye kuno.”
And Saul seide to hise seruauntis, Puruey ye to me sum man syngynge wel, and brynge ye hym to me.
18 Mmodzi mwa antchito ake anati, “Ine ndinaona mwana wa Yese wa ku Betelehemu. Ndiye munthu wodziwa bwino kuyimba, wolimba mtima, ngwazi pa nkhondo, wodziwa kuyankhula ndi wokongola. Ndipotu Yehova ali ndi iye.”
And oon of the children answeride and seide, Lo! Y siy the sone of Ysai of Bethleem, kunnynge to synge, and `strongeste in myyt, and `a man able to batel, and prudent in wordis, and a feir man; and the Lord is with hym.
19 Ndipo Sauli anatumiza amithenga kwa Yese kukanena kuti, “Nditumizireni mwana wanu Davide, amene amaweta nkhosa.”
Therfor Saul sente messangeris to Ysay, and seide, Sende thou to me Dauid thi sone, `which is in the lesewis.
20 Choncho Yese anatenga bulu namunyamulitsa buledi, thumba la vinyo ndi mwana wambuzi mmodzi. Zonsezi anamupatsa mwana wake Davide kuti akapereke kwa Sauli.
Therfor Isai took an asse `ful of looues, and a galoun of wyn, and a `kyde of geet; and sente bi the hond of Dauid his sone to Saul.
21 Davide anafika kwa Sauli ndipo anayamba ntchito. Sauli anamukonda kwambiri Davide ndipo anamusandutsa wonyamula zida zake za nkhondo.
And Dauid cam to Saul, and stood bifor hym; and Saul louyde hym greetli, and he was maad `his squyer.
22 Kenaka Sauli anatumiza mawu kwa Yese ndi kuti, “Mulole kuti Davide azinditumikira, pakuti ndamukonda kwambiri.”
And Saul sente to Isay, and seide, Dauid stonde in my siyt, for he foond grace in myn iyen.
23 Nthawi zonse mzimu woyipa wochokera kwa Mulungu umati ukamufikira Sauli, Davide ankatenga zeze wake nʼkumamuyimbira. Choncho Sauli ankapeza bwino, ndipo mzimu woyipa uja unkamusiya.
Therfor whanne euer the wickid spirit of the Lord took Saul, Dauid took the harpe, and smoot with his hond, and Saul was coumfortid, and he hadde liytere; for the wickid spirit yede awey fro hym.

< 1 Samueli 16 >