< Lucas 23 >

1 Y se ardiñó sari ocola sueti, y lo lligueráron á Pilato.
And having risen up all the multitude of them (they led *N(k)O*) Him to Pilate.
2 Y se chitáron á acusarle, penando: A ocona terelamos alachado pervirtiendo á amari sueti, y vedando platisarar jayere á Cæsar, y penando que ó sinela Christo Crallis.
They began then to accuse Him saying; This [man] we found misleading the nation (of us *NO*) and forbidding tribute to Caesar to be given (and *no*) declaring Himself Christ a king to be.
3 Y Pilato le puchabó, y penó: ¿Sinelas tucue o Crallis es Chuti? Y ó le rudeló penando: Tucue lo penelas.
And Pilate (asked *N(k)O*) Him saying; You yourself are the King of the Jews? And answering him He was saying; You yourself say.
4 Penó Pilato á os Manclayes es Erajais, y á la sueti: Chichi, sos sinela choro alachelo andré ocona manu.
And Pilate said to the chief priests and the crowds; No [thing] find I guilty in man this.
5 Tami junos insistian, penando: Terela alborotado a sueti sat la beda, sos chibela por sari la Judéa, comenzando desde o chim de Galiléa, disde acoi.
But they were insisting saying that He stirs up the people teaching throughout all of Judea (and *no*) He has begun from Galilee until here.
6 Pilato, sos juneló penar Galiléa, puchabó si sinaba de Galiléa.
Pilate now having heard (Galilee *KO*) asked whether the man a Galilean is,
7 Y pur chaneló, que sinaba e jurisdicion de Herodes, lo bichabó á Herodes: sos al chiros socababa tambien andré Jerusalém.
and having learned that from the jurisdiction of Herod He is, he sent up Him to (*o*) Herod being also he himself in Jerusalem in those days.
8 Y Herodes pur dicó á Jesus, se alendó baribu. Presas de baribu chiros le terelaba camelado dicar, presas habia junelado penar de ó barias buchias, y fronsaperaba dicarle querelar alguno zibo.
And Herod having seen Jesus [was] glad exceedingly; he was for of (long *N(k)O*) time wishing to see Him because of hearing (many things *K*) concerning Him and he was hoping some sign to see by Him done.
9 Le quereló pues baribustrias preguntas: Tami ó le rudelaba chichi.
He was questioning then Him in words many; He himself however no [thing] answered him.
10 Y sinaban os Manclayes es erajais, y os Libanes acusandole silamente.
Had been standing by now the chief priests and the scribes vehemently accusing Him.
11 Y Herodes sat desqueres jundunáres ó despreció: y caquerandole le quereló chitar yeque conel parno, y aver begai o limbidió á Pilato.
Having set at naught then Him (also *no*) Herod with the troops of him and having mocked [and] having put on (Him *ko*) apparel splendid, sent back Him to Pilate.
12 Y ocola chibes se quereláron monres Herodes y Pilato; presas palal sinaban daschmanuces entre sí.
Became then friends both Herod and Pilate on that day with one another; they were formerly for at enmity they were between (them. *N(k)(o)*)
13 Pilato pues araqueró á os Manclayes es erajais, y á os Barandéres, y á la sueti.
Pilate then having called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people
14 Y les penó: Terelais lanelado á mangue ocona manu, sasta pervertidor e sueti; y diquelad que puchabándole menda anglal de sangue, na alaché andré ocona manu yeque de ocolas buchias chorias de que o acusais.
said to them; You brought to me man this as misleading the people; and behold I myself before you having examined [Him] no [thing] found in man this guilty of that accusation you are bringing against Him;
15 Ni Herodes Crallis: presas sangue bichabé á ó, y he acoi que se ha probisarado chichi, sos merezca meripen.
But not even [did] Herod; (he sent back *N(K)O*) for Him to (us *N(K)O*) And behold no [thing] worthy of death is done by Him.
16 Y andiar le despandaré despues de terelar curado.
Having chastised therefore Him I will release [Him].
17 Y debisaraba despandarles yeque estardo andré o chibes e fiesta.
(necessity *KO*) (now had to release to them according to feast one. *K*)
18 Y sari a sueti diñó goles catanés, penando: Querelad merar a ocona, y despandanos á Barrabás.
(They cried out *N(k)O*) however all together saying; do remove this [man], do release now to us Barabbas;
19 Ocona habia sinado bucharado andré l’estaripel por yeque sedicion ardiñada andré o foros, y por yeque mordipen.
who was on account of insurrection a certain having been made in the city and murder (being cast into *N(k)O*) (the *no*) (prison. *N(k)O*)
20 Y Pilato les chamulió de nuevo, camelando despandar á Jesus.
Again (therefore *N(k)O*) Pilate called to them wishing to release Jesus.
21 Tami junos limbidiaban á diñar goles, penando: A la trijul con ó, A la trijul con ó.
But they were crying out saying; (do crucify do crucify *N(k)O*) Him.
22 Y ó a trincha begai les penó: ¿Pues qué choro ha querdi ocona? Menda na alachelo andré ó necautia causa de meripen: le curelaré pues y le despandaré.
And a third [time] he said to them; What for evil did commit this [man]? No [thing] worthy of death found I in Him. Having chastised therefore Him I will release [Him].
23 Tami junos insistian mangando á goles bares, que sinase trijulado, y ardiñaban butér sus goles.
But they were urgent with voices loud asking for Him to be crucified, And were prevailing the voices of them (and of the chief priests. *KO*)
24 Y Pilato penchabó, que se querelara ma junos mangaban.
(*k*) (and *N(k)O*) Pilate sentenced to be done the demand of them.
25 Y les despandó á ó sos por sedicion, y mordipen habia sinado bucharado andré l’estaripel, al sos habian mangado: y entregisaró á Jesus á las bastes de junos.
He released then (to them *k*) the [one] on account of insurrection and murder cast into (*k*) prison whom they were asking for; and Jesus he delivered to the will of them.
26 Y pur lo lligueráron, ustiláron yeque manu de Cyrene, sos se hetó Simón, sos abillaba de yeque cosque: y le carguisaráron la trijul, somia que la lliguerase palal de Jesus.
And as they led away Him, having laid hold on (Simon a certain from Cyrene *N(k)O*) (who *k*) (is coming *N(k)O*) from [the] country they put upon him the cross to carry behind Jesus.
27 Y le plastañaban yeque plastañi bari de sueti, y de cadchias, sos le plañian y orobaban.
Were following now Him a great multitude of the people and of women who (also *k*) were mourning and they were lamenting for Him.
28 Tami Jesus? límbidiandose hacia siras, les penó: Dugidas de Jerusalém, na orobeis opré mangue; antes orobad opré jirias matejas, ta opré jires chaborés.
Having turned then to them Jesus said; Daughters of Jerusalem, not do weep for Me myself, but for yourselves do weep and for the children of you.
29 Presas abillarán chibeses andré que penarán: Majaradas as estériles, y as porias, sos na concibiéron, y as chuchai sos na diñáron de mamisarar.
For behold are coming days in which they will say; Blessed [are] the barren and (the *no*) wombs that never did bear and breasts that never (they feed. *N(k)O*)
30 Entonces se chibarán á penar á as playas: Perad opré amangue: y á os bures: Ucharadnos.
Then They will begin to say to the mountains; do fall upon us; and to the hills; do cover us.
31 Presas si andré carschta bardry querelan ocono, ¿andré a seca, que se querelará?
For if in the green tree these things they do, in the dry what may happen?
32 Y lligueraban tambien sat ó dui averes, sos sinaban chores, somia mulabarlos.
Were being led away now also other criminals two with Him to be executed.
33 Y pur bigoreáron á o stano, sos se heta de la Calavéra, le trijuláron oté; y os dui randés, yeque á la bastari, y aver á la can.
And when (they came *N(k)O*) to the place which is being called [The] Skull, there they crucified Him and the criminals, the one on [the] right, another and on [the] left.
34 Tami Jesus penaba: Dada, ojabesalos: presas na chanelan, ma querelan. Y dividiendo desqueres talalorés, bucháron sustirias.
And Jesus was saying; Father, do forgive them; not for they know what they do. Dividing then the garments of Him they cast (lots. *NK(o)*)
35 Y a sueti sinaba dicando, y os Manclayes catanamente sat junos o denostabelaban, y penaban: A averes chibó lacho, listrabese á sí matejo, si ocona sinela o Christo, o camelado de Debél.
And had stood the people beholding. Were deriding [Him] then also the rulers (with them *k*) saying; Others He saved, he should save Himself if this is the Christ (*ko*) of God (the *no*) Chosen [One].
36 Le caqueraban tambien os jundunares, chalando sunparal á ó, y chitandole anglal vinagre.
(Mocked *N(k)O*) then Him also the soldiers coming near, (and *k*) sour wine offering to Him
37 Y penando: Si tucue sinelas o Crallis es Chuti, listrabelate á tun matejo.
and saying; If You yourself are the King of the Jews, do save Yourself!
38 Y sinaba opré ó yeque titulo libanado andré letras Griegas, Latinas y Ybuchias: Ocona sinela o Crallis es Chuti.
There was now also an inscription (written *K(o)*) over Him (writings in Greek and in Latin and in Hebrew; is *K*) the King of the Jews This [is].
39 Y yeque de ocolas randes, sos sinaban luanados, o injuriaba, penando: Si tucue sinelas o Christo, listrabela á tun matejo, y á amangue.
One now of those having been hanged criminals he was denigrating Him saying: (Surely *N(K)O*) you yourself are the Christ? do save Yourself and us!
40 Tami o aver rudelando, le chingaró, penando: Ni aun tucue canguelas á Debél, sinando andré a mateja corypény?
Answering now the other (rebuking *N(k)O*) him (was speaking; *N(k)O*) Not even do fear you yourself God that under the same judgment you are?
41 Aromali amangue urgiyamos por amaro grecos, presas ustilamos ma merecen amarias obras: tami ocona chichi choro ha querdi.
and we ourselves indeed justly, Worthy for of what we did we are receiving; [this] man however no [thing] wrong did.
42 Y penába á Jesus: Erañó, enjallate de mangue pur abillares á tun chim.
And he was saying: (*k*) Jesus, do remember me (Lord *K*) when You may come (into *N(k)O*) (the kingdom *NK(o)*) of You!
43 Y Jesus le penó; Aromali te penelo, que achibes sinarás con-a-mangue andré o Paraiso.
And He said to him (Jesus: *ko*) Amen to you I say: today with Me you will be in Paradise.
44 Y sinaba ya casi a ocana zobia, y sari a chiquen se ucharó de tinieblas disde a ocana nubia.
(And *no*) it was (now *k*) (already *no*) about [the] hour sixth, and darkness came over all the land until [the] hour ninth
45 Y se chitó oruné o Cam: y o velo e cangri se asparabó pré medio.
(and *ko*) (The sun darkened. *N(k)O*) (and *ko*) was torn (then *no*) the veil of the temple in [the] middle.
46 Y Jesus diñando yeque gole baro, penó: Dada: andré tirias bastes encomiendo minrio ylo: y penando ocono, espiró.
And having called out in a voice loud Jesus said; Father, into [the] hands of You (I myself commit *N(k)O*) the Spirit of Mine. (This now *N(k)O*) having said He breathed His last.
47 Y pur dicó o Centurion ma habia anacado, diñó chimusolano á Debél, penando: Aromali, ocona manu sinaba lacho.
Having seen now the centurion that having taken place (he was glorifying *N(k)O*) God saying; Certainly man this righteous was.
48 Y sari a sueti sos sunparal sinaba, pur dicaba ma anacaba, se limbidiaba curandose andré os chepés.
And all the having come together crowds to spectacle this, (having seen *N(k)O*) the [things] having taken place, beating (their own *k*) breasts were returning [home].
49 Y sares os pincherados de Jesus, y as cadchias sos le habian plastañado de Galiléa, sinaban dicando oconas buchias de dur.
Had stood now all those who knew (with Him *N(k)O*) (from *no*) afar off also women those (having followed *N(k)O*) Him from Galilee beholding these things.
50 Y he acoi yeque gacho araquerado Joseph, sos sinaba Barander, gacho lachó ta justo:
And behold a man named Joseph a Council member being (also *n*) a man good and righteous;
51 Sos na habia consentido andré o consejo, ni andré os hechos de junos, de Arimathéa, foros e Judéa, sos ujaraba o chim de Debél.
he not was having consented to the counsel and to the deed of them; from Arimathea a city of the Jews, who (and *k*) he was waiting for (and himself *k*) the kingdom of God,
52 Ocona bigoreó á Pilato, y le mangó o trupos de Jesus.
He having gone to Pilate asked [for] the body of Jesus.
53 Y habiendole nicabado, lo involvisaró andré yeque sabana parni, y lo childó andré yeque sepulchro querdi andré un bur, anduque cayque disde entonces habia sinado childado.
And having taken down (it *k*) he wrapped it in a linen cloth and placed (it *N(k)O*) in a tomb cut in a rock in which no were no [one] (not yet *N(k)O*) laid.
54 Y sinaba o chibes de Parasceve, y sunparal sinaba a Canché.
And [the] Day it was (of Preparation, *NK(o)*) and Sabbath was just beginning.
55 Y abillando tambien as cadchias sos habian plastañado á Jesus desde Galiléa, dicáron o sepulchro, y a beda en que sinaba childado desquero trupos.
Having followed then (and *k*) (the *no*) women who were having come from Galilee with Him saw the tomb and how was laid the body of Him.
56 Y limbidiandose, quináron bus ta unguentes; y reposáron a Canché sasta mandisarela a Eschastra.
Having returned then they prepared spices and anointing oils And on the indeed Sabbath they rested according to the commandment.

< Lucas 23 >