< Apokalipsia 3 >

1 Sarden den Eliçaco Aingueruari-ere scriba ieçóc, Iaincoaren çazpi spirituac eta çazpi içarrac dituenac gauca hauc erraiten citic. Baceaquizquiat hire obrác, ecen icena duc vici aicela, eta hila baitaiz.
And to the angel of the in Sardis church do write: These things says the [One] having the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars; I know your deeds that (*k*) characterization you have that you are alive and yet dead you are.
2 Aicén iratzarri eta confirmaitzac goitico hiltzera doacenac: ecen hire obrác eztitiát perfect eriden Iaincoaren aitzinean.
do be watching and do strengthen the [things] that remain which (were about *N(k)(O)*) (to die; *NK(O)*) not for I have found your works completed in the sight of the God (of Mine. *NO*)
3 Aicén bada orhoit nola recebitu eta ençun vkan duán: eta beguireçác, eta dolu bequic. Bada baldin veilla ezpadeçac ethorriren nauc hiregana ohoina beçala, eta eztuc iaquinen cer orenez ethorriren naicén hiregana.
do remember therefore what you have received and heard — and do keep [it] and do repent. If therefore not you shall watch, I will come (upon you *K*) like a thief, and certainly not (you may know *NK(o)*) at what hour I will come upon you.
4 Cembeit persona-ere badituc hic Sarden bere abillamenduac satsutu eztituztenic, eta ebiliren baitirade enequin abillamendu churitan: ecen digne dituc.
(But *NO*) you have a few people in Sardis who not soiled the garments of them, and they will walk with Me in white, because worthy they are.
5 Garaita vkanen duena hala veztituren datec abillamendu churiz, eta eztiát haren icena iraunguiren vicitzeco liburutic, eta aithorturen diát haren icena neure Aitaren aitzinean, eta haren Aingueruén aitzinean.
The [one] overcoming (thus *N(k)O*) will be clothed in garments white, And certainly not will I blot out the name of him from the book of life and (I will acknowledge *N(k)O*) the name of him before the Father of Mine and before the angels of Him.
6 Beharriric duenac ençun beça cer Spirituac
The [one] having an ear he should hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
7 Eta Philadelphian den Eliçaco Aingueruäri scriba ieçóc, Sainduac eta Eguiatiac, ceinec baitu Dauid-en gakoa, ceinec irequiten baitu, eta nehorc ez ersten: eta ersten baitu, eta nehorc ez irequiten, gauça hauc erraiten citic:
And to the angel of the in Philadelphia church do write: These things says the Holy [One], the True [One], who is having the key (*k*) of David, who is opening and no [one] (will shut *N(k)O*) (it (only except that which is being open); *O*) and (shutting *N(k)O*) and no [one] (opens; *NK(o)*)
8 Baceaquizquiat hire obrác: huná, eman vkan drauát eure aitzinera bortha irequia, eta nehorc ecin erts ceçaquec hura: ceren indar gutibat baituc hic, eta beguiratu baituc ene hitza, eta ezpaituc renuntiatu ene icena.
I know your deeds. Behold I have set before you a door opened (which *N(K)O*) no [one] is able to shut it; because little you have power and yet you have kept My word and not denied the name of Me.
9 Huna, eçarriren citiát Satanen synagogatic diradenac, bere buruäc Iudu eguiten baitituzté eta ezpaitirade, aitzitic gueçurra cioé: huna bada, eguinen diát ethor ditecen, eta adora deçaten hire oinén aitzinean, eta eçagut deçaten, ecen nic maite audala:
Behold (I may give *N(k)O*) [those] from the synagogue of Satan — those declaring themselves Jews to be and not are, but they lie — behold I will cause them that (they will come *N(k)O*) and (they will worship *N(k)O*) before the feet of you and they may know that I myself loved you.
10 Ceren hic beguiratu vkan baituc ene patientiazco hitza, nic-ere hi beguiraturen aut tentationeco oren mundu guciaren gainera ethorteco denetic, lurreco habitanten phorogatzera.
Because you have kept the word of the patient endurance of Mine, I myself also I myself also you will keep out of the hour of the trial which is being about to come upon the inhabited world whole to try those dwelling upon the earth.
11 Huná, baniatorquec sarri: educac duána, nehorc har ezteçançát hire coroá.
(behold *K*) I am coming quickly; do hold fast to what you have, so that no one may take the crown of you.
12 Garaita vkanen duena, neure Iaincoaren templean habe eguinen diát, eta eztuc guehiagoric camporat ilkiren, eta scribaturen diát haren gainean neure Iaincoaren icena, eta neure Iaincoaren ciuitatearen icena, cein baita, Ierusaleme berria, ene Iaincoaganic cerutic iautsia, eta neure icen berria.
The [one] overcoming, I will make him a pillar in the temple of the God of Mine, and out certainly not shall he go anymore, And I will write upon him the name of the God of Mine and the name of the city of the God of Mine, the new Jerusalem, which (is descending *NK(o)*) out of heaven from the God of Mine, and the name of Me new.
13 Beharriric duenac ençun beça cer Spirituac erraiten drauen Elicey.
The [one] having an ear he should hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
14 Laodicean den Eliçaco Aingueruäri-ere scriba ieçóc, Gauça hauc erraiten citic Amenec, testimonio fidelac eta eguiatiac, Iaincoaren creaturaren hatseac:
And to the angel of the (in *no*) (Laodicea *N(K)O*) church do write: These things says the Amen, the Witness faithful and (*o*) true, the Beginning of the creation of God;
15 Baceaquizquiat hire obrác, ecen ezaicela ez hotz ez eraquin: aihinz hotz edo eraquin.
I know your works that neither cold you are nor hot. I wish cold (you were *N(k)O*) or hot;
16 Baina ceren eppel baitaiz, eta ezpaitaiz hotz ez eraquin, vomituren aut neure ahotic.
So because lukewarm you are and (neither *NK(o)*) hot nor cold, I am about you to spit out of the mouth of Mine,
17 Ecen badioc, Abrats naiz, eta abrastu naiz, eta eztut deusen beharric: eta eztuc eçagutzen ecen dohacabe eta gaicho eta paubre eta itsu eta billuzgorri aicela.
For you say that Rich I am and I have grown rich and ([of] no [thing] *N(k)O*) need I have, And not do you understand that you yourself are wretched and (*o*) miserable and poor and blind and naked,
18 Conseillatzen aut eros deçán eneganic vrrhe suz phorogatutic, abrats adinçát: eta abillamendu churriric, vezti adinçát, aggueri eztençat hire billuzgorritassunaren laidoa: eta collyrioz vncta ditzan eure beguiac, ikus deçançát.
I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may be rich, and garments white so that you may be clothed and not may be made manifest the shame of the nakedness of you, and eye-salve (so that *o*) (to anoint *N(k)(O)*) the eyes of you so that you may see.
19 Nic maite ditudan guciac reprehenditzen eta gaztigatzen citiát: har eçac beraz zelo, eta dolu bequic.
I myself as many as if shall love I rebuke and discipline. (do be jealous *N(k)O*) therefore and do repent.
20 Huná, borthan niagoc, eta bulkatzen diát: baldin cembeitec ençun badeça ene voza, eta borthá irequi badieçat, sarthuren nauc harengana eta affalduren nauc harequin eta hura enequin.
Behold I have stood at the door and knock. If anyone shall hear the voice of Mine and shall open the door, (then *no*) I will come in to him and I will dine with him and he with Me.
21 Garaita vkanen duena iar eraciren diat neurequin, neure thronoan: nola nic-ere garaitu vkan baitut eta iarria bainago Aitarequin haren thronoan.
The [one] overcoming, I will give to him to sit with Me on the throne of Mine as I myself also I myself also overcame and I sat down with the Father of Mine on the throne of Him.
22 Beharriric duenac ençun beça cer Spirituac erraiten drauen Elicey.
The [one] having an ear he should hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

< Apokalipsia 3 >