< Eginak 26 >

1 Agrippac orduan Pauli erran cieçón, Permettitzen çaic eure buruägatic minçatzea. Orduan Paul escua hedaturic has cedin raçoin emaiten, cioela,
Turning to Paul, Agrippa said, “You are at liberty to speak for yourself.” Then Paul stretched out his hand and began his defense.
2 Regue Agrippá, dohatsu neure buruä estimatzen diat ceren egun hire aitzinean ihardetsi behar baitut, Iuduez accusatzen naicen gauca guciez
“I have been congratulating myself, King Agrippa,” he said, “that it is before you that I have to make my defense today, with regard to all the charges brought against me by my own people,
3 Principalqui ceren baitaquit eçagutzen dituala Iuduén artean diraden costuma eta questione guciac: halacotz othoitz eguiten drauat, patientqui ençun néçan.
especially as you are so well-versed in all the customs and questions of the Jewish world. I beg you therefore to give me a patient hearing.
4 Bada ene vicitze gaztetassunetic eraman dudanaz den becembatean, eta ceric lehen hatsetic içan den ene nationean Ierusalemen, badaquite Iudu guciéc:
My life, then, from youth upwards, was passed, from the very first, among my own nation, and in Jerusalem, and is within the knowledge of all Jews;
5 Lehendanic eçaguturic (baldin testificatu nahi baduté) nola neure aitzinecoacdanic gure religioneco secta gucizco excellentaren arauez vici içan naicen Phariseu.
and they have always known – if they choose to give evidence – that, in accordance with the very strictest form of our religion, I lived a true Pharisee.
6 Eta orain Iaincoaz gure aitey eguin içan çayen promesseco sperançaren causaz, iudicioan accusaturic nago.
Even now, it is because of my hope in the promise given by God to our ancestors that I stand here on my trial –
7 Promes hartara gure hamabi leinuéc ardura gau eta egun Iaincoa cerbitzatzén dutela helduren diradela sperança duté, cein sperançaz (o Regue Agrippá) Iuduéc ni accusatzen bainaute.
A promise which our twelve tribes, by earnest service night and day, hope to see fulfilled. It is for this hope, your Majesty, that I am accused – and by Jews themselves!
8 Cer? sinhets ecin daitenetan daducaçue çuec baithan, Iaincoac hilac ressuscitatzen dituela?
Why do you all hold it incredible that God should raise the dead?
9 Eta niçaz den becembatean irudi içan çait ecen Iesus Nazarenoren icenaren contra resistentia handi eguin behar nuela:
I myself, it is true, once thought it my duty to oppose in every way the name of Jesus of Nazareth;
10 Eta eguin-ere badut Ierusalemen: eta anhitz saindu nic presoindeguietan enserratu vkan dut, Sacrificadore principaletaric bothere vkanic: eta nehorc hiltzen cituenean neure sententiá emaiten nuen.
and I actually did so at Jerusalem. Acting on the authority of the chief priests, I myself threw many of the people of Christ into prison, and, when it was proposed to put them to death, I gave my vote for it.
11 Eta synagoga gucietan maiz punitzen nituela bortchatzen nituen blasphematzera: eta sobera minthuric hayén contra, persecutatzen nituen hiri arrotzetarano.
Time after time, in every synagogue, I tried by punishments to force them to blaspheme. So frantic was I against them, that I pursued them even to towns beyond our borders.
12 Dembora hartan Damascerat-ere ioaiten nincela Sacrificadore principalén botherearequin eta commissionearequin.
It was while I was traveling to Damascus on an errand of this kind, entrusted with full powers by the chief priests,
13 Egunaren erdian, o Regué, bidean ikus nieçán cerutico arguibat iguzquiarena baino claroagoric, arguitzen guentuela ni eta enequin bidean ioaiten ciradenac.
that at midday, your Majesty, I saw right in my path, coming from the heavens, a light brighter than the glare of the sun, which shone all around me and those traveling with me.
14 Eta gu guciac eroriric lurrera, ençun nieçán vozbat niri minço çaitadala, eta ciostala Hebraicoén lengoagez, Saul, Saul, cergatic ni persecutatzen nauc? gogor duc hiretaco akuloén contra ostico eguitea.
We all fell to the ground, and then I heard a voice saying to me in Hebrew – ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? By kicking against the goad you are punishing yourself.’
15 Nic orduan erran nieçán, Nor aiz Iauna? Eta harc erran cieçadán, Ni nauc Iesus hic persecutatzen duana.
‘Who are you, Lord?’ I asked. And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting;
16 Baina iaiqui adi, eta ago çutic eure oinén gainean: ecen hunegatic aguertu natzaic, ordena ençadançat ministre eta ikussi dituán eta aguerturen natzayán gaucen testimonio:
but get up and stand upright; for I have appeared to you in order to appoint you a servant and a witness of those revelations of me which you have already had, and of those in which I will yet appear to you,
17 Idoquiten audalaric populu horretaric eta Gentiletaric, ceinetara orain igorten baihaut,
since I am choosing you out from your own people and from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you,
18 Irequi ditzançat hayén beguiac, conuerti ditecençát ilhumbetic arguira, eta Satanen botheretic Iaincoagana, recebi deçatençát bekatuen barkamendua, eta çorthea sanctificatuén artean, ni baithango fedeaz.
to open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God; so that they may receive pardon for their sins, and a place among those who have become God’s people, by faith in me.’
19 Hunegatic, o Regue Agrippá, eznitzayoc desobedient içan cerutico visioneari.
After that, King Agrippa, I did not fail to obey the heavenly vision;
20 Baina Damascen ciradeney lehenic, eta Ierusalemen, eta Iudeaco comarca gucian ciradeney, guero Gentiley-ere predicatu diraueat emenda litecen eta conuerti Iaincoagana, obrác eguiten lituztelaric emendamendutaco digneac.
on the contrary, first to those at Damascus and Jerusalem, and then through the whole of Judea, and to the Gentiles as well, I began to preach repentance and conversion to God, and a life befitting that repentance.
21 Causa hunegatic Iuduac ni templean hatzamanic enseyatu içan dituc ene hiltzen:
This is why some men seized me in the Temple, and made attempts on my life.
22 Baina Iaincoaren aiutaz aiutatu içanic iraun diát egungo egunerano, testificatzen drauèdala hambat chipiey nola handiéy, eta deus erraiten eznuela Prophetéc eta Moysesec ethorteco ciradela aitzinetic erran dutén gauçaric baicen:
However I have received help from God to this very day, and so stand here, and bear my testimony to high and low alike – without adding a word to what the prophets, as well as Moses, declared should happen –
23 Ecen behar cela Christec suffri leçan, eta hilén resurrectioneco lehena licén, ceinec populu huni eta Gentiley arguia denuntiatu behar baitzerauen.
That the Christ must suffer, and that, by rising from the dead, he was destined to be the first to bring news of light, not only to our nation, but also to the Gentiles.”
24 Eta gauça hauc bere defensatan erraiten cituela Festusec ocengui erran ceçan, Çoratu aiz Paul, letretaco iaquin handiac çoratzen au.
While Paul was making this defense, Festus called out loudly, “You are mad, Paul; your great learning is driving you mad.”
25 Eta Paulec, Eznauc çoratzen, dio, Festus gucizco excellentea, baina eguiazco eta adimendu onetaco hitzac erraiten citiát.
“I am not mad, your Excellency,” he replied. “On the contrary, the statements that I am making are true and sober.
26 Ecen baceaquizquic gauça hauc Reguec, ceinen aitzinean minço-ere bainaiz frangoqui: ceren estimatzen baitut gauça hautaric eztela deus harc eztaquianic: ecen gauça haur eztuc çokoan eguin içan.
Indeed, the king knows about these matters, so I speak before him without constraint. I am sure that there is nothing whatever of what I have been telling him that has escaped his attention; for all this has not been done in a corner.
27 O regue Agrippá, sinhesten dituc Prophetac? baceaquiat ecen sinhesten dituala.
King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know you do.”
28 Eta Agrippac erran cieçón Pauli, Hurrensu gogatzen nauc Christino eguin nadin.
But Agrippa said to Paul, “You are soon trying to make a Christian of me!”
29 Orduan Paulec erran ceçan, Iaincoa baithan desir niquec bay hurrensu bay choil, ez hi solament, baina ni egun ençuten nauten guciac-ere eguin cindeizten halaco, nolaco ni bainaiz, estecaillu hauc salbu.
“Whether it is soon or late,” answered Paul, “I pray to God that not only you, but all who are listening to me, might today become just what I am myself – except for these chains!”
30 Eta gauça hauc harc erran cituenean, iaiqui cedin Regue, eta Gobernadorea, eta Bernice, eta hequin iarri içan ciradenac.
Then the king rose, with the Governor and Bernice and those who had been sitting with them,
31 Eta appartatu ciradenean bere artean minço ciraden, cioitela, Deus herio edo presoindegui mereci duen gauçaric eztu eguiten guiçon hunec.
and, after retiring, discussed the case among themselves. “There is nothing,” they said, “deserving death or imprisonment in this man’s conduct”;
32 Eta Agrippac Festusi erran cieçón, Larga ahal cieitean guiçon haur baldin appellatu içan ezpaliz Cesargana.
and, speaking to Festus, Agrippa added, “The man might have been discharged, if he had not appealed to the Emperor.”

< Eginak 26 >