< Eginak 28 >

1 Eta salburic emparatu ciradenean, eçagut ceçaten orduan ecen islá Malte deitzen cela.
When we were all safe, we found that the island was called Malta.
2 Eta Barbaroéc humanitate handi eguin cieçagutén: ecen sua vizturic recebi guençaten gu guciac, gaineancen çaicun vriagatic, eta hotzagatic.
The island’s people showed us marked kindness, for they lit a fire and took us all under shelter, because it had come on to rain and was cold.
3 Bildu çuenean bada Paulec cembeit sirmendu appur, eta eçarri cituenean sura, viperabat beroaren causaz ilkiric lot cequión escutic.
Paul had gathered a quantity of dry sticks and laid them on the fire, when a poisonous snake, driven out by the heat, fastened on his hand.
4 Eta ikussi vkan çutenean Barbaroéc dilindoca bestiá haren escutic, elkarri ciotsaten, Falta gabe guiçon haur guicerhaile da, cein itsassotic, emparaturic mendequioac ezpaitu permettitzen vici den.
When the islanders saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, “Evidently this man is a murderer, for though he has been saved from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live.”
5 Baina harc bestiá sura iharrossiric etzeçan minic har.
However, Paul shook the creature off into the fire and took no harm.
6 Eta hec beha ceuden noiz hant leiten, edo subitoqui hilic eror leiten: baina luçaqui beha egon içan ciradenean, eta çacussatenean calteric batre etzayola ethorten, proposa cambiaturic erraiten çutén, Iainco cela hura.
The islanders were expecting inflammation to set in, or that he would suddenly fall dead; but, after waiting for a long time, and seeing that there was nothing amiss with him, they changed their minds and said that he was a God.
7 Eta ciraden leku hartan islaco principal Publio deitzen cenaren possessioneac, ceinec gu recebituric, hirur egunez benignoqui logea baiquençan.
In that region there was an estate belonging to the Governor of the island, whose name was Publius. He took us up to his house, and for three days entertained us most courteously.
8 Eta guertha cedin Publioren aita baitzatzan helgaitzéc eta sabeldarçunac çaducatela: hura baithara Paul sar cedin, eta othoitz eguinic, eta escuac haren gainean eçarriric senda ceçan.
It happened that the father of Publius was lying ill of fever and dysentery. So Paul went to see him; and, after praying, he placed his hands on him and cured him.
9 Bada haur eguin eta, islaco berce eritassunic çutenac-ere ethorten ciraden eta sendatzen.
After this, all the people in the island who had any illness came to Paul, and were cured.
10 Hec-ere ohore handi eguin cieçagutén, eta embarcatzeracoan behar cenaz forni guençaten.
They also presented us with many gifts, and when we set sail they put supplies of necessaries on board.
11 Eta hirur hilebetheren buruän embarca guentecen Alexandriaco vnci islán neguä iragan çuen batetan, ceinec baitzituen enseignatzat Castor eta Pollux.
After three months, we set sail in a ship that had wintered in the island. She was an Alexandrian vessel, and had the Twin sons of Zeus for her figure-head.
12 Eta Syracusara arriuaturic, han egon guentecen hirur egun.
We put in at Syracuse and stayed there three days,
13 Handic inguru eguinic arriua guentecen Rhegera: eta egun-baten buruän egu-erdi haicea iaiquiric, bigarren egunean ethor guentecen Puzolera:
and from there we worked to windward and so got to Rhegium. A day later a south wind sprang up and took us to Puteoli in two days.
14 Han anayeac eridenic, othoiztu içan guenén egoitera hequin çazpi egun: eta hala ethor guentecen Romara.
There we found some of the Lord’s followers, and were urged to stay a week with them; after which we went on to Rome.
15 Handic anayeac gure berriac ençunic bidera ilki cequizquigun Appioren merkaturano, eta Hirur botiguetarano: hec ikussi cituenean Paulec, Iaincoari esquerrac rendaturic courage har ceçan.
The followers there had heard about us, and came out as far as the Market of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At sight of them Paul thanked God and was much cheered.
16 Eta ethorri içan guenenean Romara, Centenerac eman cietzón capitain generalari presonerac: baina permetti cequión Pauli bere gain egoitera, hura beguiratzen çuen gendarmesarequin.
On our reaching Rome, Paul was allowed to live by himself, except for the soldier who was in charge of him.
17 Hirur egunen buruän dei citzan Paulec Iudu principalac: eta bildu ciradenean erran ciecén, Guiçon anayeác, nic deus eguin ezpadut-ere populuaren contra edo aitén costumén contra, Ierusalemen presonér eguin içanic liuratu içan naiz Romanoén escuetara:
Three days after our arrival, Paul invited the leading Jews to meet him; and, when they came, he said, “Brothers, although I had done nothing hostile to the interests of our nation or to our ancestral customs, yet I was sent from Jerusalem as a prisoner, and handed over to the Romans.
18 Ceinéc examinatu nendutenean largatu nahi vkan bainendutén, ceren heriotaco hoguenic batre nitan etzén.
The Romans, when they had examined me, were ready to release me, because there was nothing in my conduct deserving death.
19 Baina Iuduac contrastatzen ciradenaren gainean, ecin bercez Cesargana appellatu içan naiz: ez neure nationea cerçaz accusa deçadan dudalacotz.
But, as the Jewish leaders opposed my release, I was compelled to appeal to the Emperor – not, indeed, that I had any charge to make against my own nation.
20 Causa hunegatic bada deithu çaituztet, ikus cinçatedan eta minça nenguiçuençát: ecen Israeleco sperançaren causaz cadena hunez inguratua nago.
This, then, is my reason for urging you to come to see me and talk with me; because it is for the sake of the hope of Israel that I am here in chains.”
21 Eta hec erran cieçoten, Guc ez letraric recebitu diagu hiçaz Iudeatic: ez ethorriric anayetaric nehorc denuntiatu dic edo erran deus hiçaz gaizquiric.
“We,” was their reply, “have not had any letter about you from Judea, nor have any of our fellow Jews come and reported or said anything bad about you.
22 Baina nahi diagu hireganic ençun cer irudi ceyán: ecen secta horrez den becembatean, baceaquiagu ecen leku gucietan nehor contrastatzen çayola.
But we will be glad to hear from you what your views are, for, with regard to this sect, we are well aware that it is spoken against on all sides.”
23 Eta assignatu vkan ceraucatenean eguna, ethor citecen harengana ostatura anhitz: eta testificationerequin declaratzen cerauen Iaincoaren resumá, eta eracusten cerauztén Iesusez diraden gauçác, hambat Moysesen Leguetic nola Prophetetaric goicetic arratserano.
They then fixed a day with him, and came to the place where he was staying, in even larger numbers, when Paul proceeded to lay the subject before them. He bore his testimony to the kingdom of God, and tried to convince them about Jesus, by arguments drawn from the Law of Moses and from the prophets – speaking from morning until evening.
24 Eta batzuc sinhesten cituztén erraiten ciraden gauçác, baina bercéc etzituzten sinhesten.
Some were inclined to accept what he said; others, however, rejected it.
25 Eta elkarren artean accord etziradenaren gainean, parti citecen, Paulec hitz haur erran eta, Segurqui vngui Spiritu saindua minçatu içan çaye Esaias prophetáz gure Aitey,
So, as they disagreed among themselves, they began to disperse, Paul adding only – “True, indeed, was the declaration made by the Holy Spirit, through the prophet Isaiah to your ancestors –
26 Cioela, Habil populu horrengana, eta errac, Ençutez ençunen duçue eta eztuçue adituren: eta dacussaçuela ikussiren duçue eta etzaizquiote oharturen.
Go to this nation and say: You will hear with your ears without ever understanding, and, though you have eyes, you will see without ever perceiving.
27 Ecen guicendu da populu hunen bihotza, eta beharriez gothorqui ençun vkan duté, eta bere beguiac ertsi vkan dituzté: beguiéz ikus, eta beharriez ençun, eta bihotzez adi ez teçatençát, eta conuerti ez titecen, eta senda ez titzadan.
For the mind of this nation has grown dense, and their ears are dull of hearing, their eyes also have they closed; otherwise some day they might see with their eyes, and with their ears they might hear, and in their mind they might understand, and might turn – and I might heal them.
28 Iaquiçue bada çuec ecen Gentiley igorri içan çayela saluagarri haur, eta hec ençunen dutela.
Understand, then, that this salvation of God was sent for the Gentiles; and they will listen.”
29 Eta gauça hauc erran cituenean, ilki citecen Iuduac, bere artean disputa handi çutela.
30 Baina egon cedin Paul bi vrthe complituric bere ostatu alocatuan: eta recebitzen cituen harengana ethorten ciraden guciac:
For two whole years Paul stayed in a house which he rented for himself, welcoming all who came to see him,
31 Predicatzen çuela Iaincoaren resumá, eta iracasten cituela Iesus Christ Iaunaz diraden gauçác, minçatzeco hardieça gucirequin, nehorc empatchuric eguin gabe.
proclaiming the kingdom of God, and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ, with perfect fearlessness, unhindered.

< Eginak 28 >