< मत्तय 24:7 >

7 कारण राष्ट्रसवर राष्ट्र अनं राज्यसवर राज्य ऊठतीन अनी जागोजागी दुष्काळ पडी अनं भूकंप व्हतीन.
Will rise up
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to arise
Verb Future Passive Indicative 3rd Singular
an ACTION that will to be done to a person or thing being discussed
Identical in all sources
to arise
Greek Verb
ἐγείρω, [in LXX for קוּם, etc;] trans. (imperat. ἔγειρε used intransitively, Mat.9:5, Mrk.2:11, al.); 1) to awaken, arouse from sleep: Mrk.4:38, Act.12:7; metaphorically, of spiritual awakening, Rom.13:11 (pass.), Eph.5:14; pass, to be aroused, wake up: Mat.25:7, Mrk.4:27; ἀπὸ τ. ὕπνου, Mat.1:24. 2) Freq. in NT, to raise from the dead: νεκρούς, Jhn.5:21, Act.26:8, 2Co.1:9; ἐκ νεκρῶν, Jhn.12:1, Act.3:15, Rom.8:11, al; pass, rise from death: Mat.11:5, Luk.7:22, Jhn.2:22, Rom.6:9, al; ἀπὸ τ. νεκρῶν, Mat.14:2, al. 3) In late Gk, (a) to raise, from sitting, lying, sickness; mid. and pass, to rise: Mat.9:5, 7 Mrk.1:31 9:27 10:49, al; redundant, like Heb. קוּם, Mat.2:15 9:19, Rev.11:1 (see Dalman, 23f.); (b) to raise up, cause to appear: Act.13:22 (cf. Jdg.2:18); τέκνα, Mat.3:9; pass, to appear: Mat.11:11, Mrk.13:22, al. 4) to rouse, stir up; pass, to rise against: Mat.24:7, Mrk.13:8. 5) Of buildings, to raise: τ. ναόν, Jhn.2:19, 20 (cf. Deu.16:22, Sir.49:13); (cf. δι, ἐξ, συν-εγείρω, and V. Cremer, 224). (AS)
to arise
Greek Verb
ἐγείρω, Aeolic dialect infinitive ἐγέρρην [Refs 7th c.BC+]: Epic dialect imperfect ἔγειρον [Refs 8th c.BC+]: future ἐγερῶ [Refs 5th c.BC+]aorist ἤγειρα, Epic dialect ἔγ- [Refs 8th c.BC+]: perfect ἐγήγερκα [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: pluperfect -κειν [Refs 1st c.AD+]:—passive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: future ἐγερθήσομαι [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: aorist ἠγέρθην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Epic dialect 3rd.pers. plural ἔγερθεν variant for{ἄγ}. in [Refs 8th c.BC+]perfect ἐγήγερμαι variant in [Refs 5th c.BC+]: pluperfect ἐγήγερτο [Refs 2nd c.AD+] also, in passive sense, poetry aorist ἠγρόμην (ἐξ-) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἔγρετο, imperative ἔγρεο, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 2nd pers. singular subjunctive ἔγρῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+]infinitive ἐγρέσθαι (frequently written ἔγρεσθαι, as if from a present ἔγρομαι, compare ἔγρω)[Refs]; participle ἐγρόμενος [Refs 4th c.AD+]: intransitive perfect ἐγρήγορα (as present) [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc: pluperfect ἠγρηγόρη (as imperfect) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural ἐγρηγόρεσαν [Refs]; 3rd.pers. singular ἐγρηγόρει [Refs 5th c.BC+]: Epic dialect perfect 3rd.pers. plural ἐγρηγόρθασι [Refs 8th c.BC+]infinitive ἐγρήγορθαι[Refs] I) active, awaken, rouse, ἐ. τινὰ ἐξ ὕπνου [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2) rouse, stir up, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐγείρειν Ἄρηα stir the fight, [Refs], etc; Τρωσὶν θυμὸν ἐ. (variant{ἀγεῖραι})[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐκδοχὴν πομποῦ πυρὸς ἐ. wake up the bale-fire, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; λαμπάδας ἐ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ οὖς ἐ. 'prick up' the ears, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] I.3) raise from the dead, νεκρούς [NT]; or from a sick-bed, [NT] I.4) raise, erect a building, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ναόν [NT+2nd c.AD+]:—passive, στῦλος ἐγηγερμένος [Refs 3rd c.BC+] II) passive, with perfect active ἐγρήγορα, wake, ἐγειρομένων ἀνθρώπων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: in perfect, to be awake, ἐγρηγόρθασι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐγρήγορθε stay awake! [Refs]wake up! [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐγρήγορας ἢ καθεύδει; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of things, ἐγειρομένου χειμῶνος arising, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) rouse or stir oneself, be excited by passion, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]infinitive, ἐγηγερμένοι ἦσαν μὴ ἀνιέναι τὰ τῶν Ἀθηναίων they were encouraged to prevent the departure of the Athenians, variant in [Refs 5th c.BC+] III) intransitive in active, arouse oneself, [Refs 5th c.BC+] IV) in ἀμφὶ πυρὴν. ἔγρετο λαός [Refs 8th c.BC+] (ἀγείρω); so in [Refs 3rd c.BC+]
to waken (transitively or intransitively), i.e. rouse (literally, from sleep, from sitting or lying, from disease, from death; or figuratively, from obscurity, inactivity, ruins, nonexistence); awake, lift (up), raise (again, up), rear up, (a-)rise (again, up), stand, take up; probably akin to the base of g58 (ἀγορά) (through the idea of collecting one's faculties)

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Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
γάρ, co-ordinating particle, contr. of γε ἄρα, verily then, hence, in truth, indeed, yea, then, why, and when giving a reason or explanation, for, the usage in NT being in general accord with that of cl; 1) explicative and epexegetic: Mat.4:18 19:12, Mrk.1:16 5:42 16:4, Luk.11:3 o, Rom.7:1, 1Co.16:5, al. 2) Conclusive, in questions, answers and exclamations: Mat.9:5 27:23, Luk.9:25 22:27, Jhn.9:30, Act.8:31 16:37 19:35, Rom.15:26, 1Co.9:10, Php.1:18 (Ellic, in l.), 1Th.2:20, al. 3) Causal: Mat.1:21 2:2, 5, 6, 3:23, Mrk.1:22, 9:6, Luk.1:15, 18, Jhn.2:25, Act.2:25, Rom.1:9, 11, 1Co.11:5, Rev.1:3, al; giving the reason for a command or prohibition, Mat.2:20 3:9, Rom.13:11, Col.3:3, 1Th.4:3, al; where the cause is contained in an interrog. statement, Luk.22:27, Rom.3:3 4:3, 1Co.10:29; καὶ γάρ, for also, Mrk.10:45, Luk.6:32, 1Co.5:7, al. id. as in cl. = etenim, where the καί loses its connective force (Bl, §78, 6; Kühner 3, ii, 854f.), Mrk.14:70, Luk.1:66 22:37, 2Co.13:4. The proper place of γάρ is after the first word in a clause, but in poets it often comes third or fourth, and so in late prose: 2Co.1:19. Yet "not the number but the nature of the word after which it stands is the point to be noticed" (see Thayer, see word). (AS)
Greek Conjunction
γάρ (γε, ἄρα), causal conjunction, used alone or with other Particles. I) introducing the reason or cause of what precedes, for, τῷ γὰρ ἐπὶ φρεσὶ θῆκε θεὰ λευκώλενος Ἥρη· κήδετο γ. Δαναῶν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; but frequently in explanation of that which is implied in the preceding clause, πολλάων πολίων κατέλυσε κάρηνα. τοῦ γὰρ κράτος ἐστὶ μέγιστον [Refs] I.b) in simple explanations, especially after a Pronoun or demonstrative adjective, ἀλλὰ τόδ᾽ αἰνὸν ἄχος κραδίην καὶ θυμὸν ἱκάνει· Ἕκτωρ γ. ποτε φήσει [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὃ δὲ δεινότατον. ὁ Ζεὺς γ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in introducing proofs or examples, μαρτύριον δέ· Δήλου γ. καθαιρομένης. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τεκμήριον δέ· οὔτε γ. Λακεδαιμόνιοι. [Refs 4th c.BC+]; in full, τεκμήριον δὲ τούτου τόδε· αἱ μὲν γ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παράδειγμα τόδε τοῦ λόγου· ἐκ γ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.c) to introduce a detailed description or narration already alluded to, ὅμως δὲ λεκτέα ἃ γιγνώσκω· ἔχει γ. [ἡ χώρα] πεδία κάλλιστα. [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.d) in answers to questions or statements challenging assent or denial, yes, no. , οὔκουν. ἀνάγκη ἐστ;—ἀνάγκη γ. οὖν, ἔφη, ay doubtless it is necessary, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἱκανὸς γ, ἔφη, συμβαίνει γ, ἔφη, [Refs]; οὔκουν δὴ τό γ᾽ εἰκός.—οὐ γ: [Refs] I.2) by inversion, preceding the fact explained, since, as, Ἀτρεΐδη, πολλοὶ γ. τεθνᾶσιν Ἀχαιοί. τῷ σε χρὴ πόλεμον παῦσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; χρόνου δὲ οὐ πολλοῦ διελθόντος (χρῆν γ. Κανδαύλῃ γενέσθαι κακῶς) ἔλεγε πρὸς τὸν Γύγην τοιάδε, Γύγη, οὐ γ. σε δοκέω πείθεσθαι. (ὦτα γ. τυγχάνει κτλ.), ποίει ὅκως. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶεν, σὺ γ. τούτων ἐπιστήμων, τί χρὴ ποιεῖ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; the principal proposition is sometimes I.2.b) blended with the causal one, τῇ δὲ κακῶς γ. ἔδεε γενέσθαι εἶπε, i.e. ἡ δέ (κακῶς γ. οἱ ἔδεε γενέσθαι) εἶπε [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2.c) attached to the hypothet. Particle instead of being joined to the apodosis, οὐδ᾽ εἰ γ. ἦν τὸ πρᾶγμα μὴ θεήλατον, ἀκάθαρτον ὑμᾶς εἰκὸς ἦν οὕτως ἐᾶν, i.e. οὐδὲ γ. εἰ ἦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.2.d) repeated, οὐ γ. οὖν σιγήσομαι· ἔτικτε γ. [Refs] I.3) in elliptical phrases, where that of which γάρ gives the reason is omitted, and must be supplied, I.3.a) frequently in Trag. dialogue and [Refs 5th c.BC+], when yes or no may be supplied from the context, καὶ δῆτ᾽ ἐτόλμας τούσδ᾽ ὑπερβαίνειν νόμου;—οὐ γ. τί μοι Ζεὺς ἦν ὁ κηρύξας τάδε [yes], for it was not Zeus, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in phrase ἔστι γ. οὕτω [yes], for so it is, i. e. yes certainly: λέγεταί τι καινό; γένοιτο γ. ἄν τι καινότερον ἢ; [why,] could there be? [Refs 5th c.BC+] [do so], yet shall ye never prevail by this means: for ἀλλὰ γ, see below[Refs] I.3.b) to confirm or strengthen something said, οἵδ᾽ οὐκέτ᾽ εἰσί· τοῦτο γάρ σε δήξεται [I say this], for it will sting thee, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: after an Exclamation, ὦ πόποι· ἀνάριθμα γ. φέρω πήματα [Refs 5th c.BC+] I.3.c) in conditional propositions, where the condition is omitted, else, οὐ γ. ἄν με ἔπεμπον πάλιν (i.e. εἰ μὴ ἐπίστευον) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; γίνεται γ. ἡ κοινωνία συμμαχία for in that case, [Refs 4th c.BC+] I.4) in abrupt questions, why, what, τίς γ. σε θεῶν ἐμοὶ ἄγγελον ἧκε; why who hath sent thee? [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πατροκτονοῦσα γ. ξυνοικήσεις ἐμο; what, wilt thou? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; what, was it? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί γ; quid enim? i. e. it must be so, [Refs]; τί γ. δή ποτ; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; also πῶς γ; πῶς γ. ο;, see at {πῶς}. I.5) to strengthen a wish, with optative, κακῶς γ. ἐξόλοιο O that you might perish! [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare αἴ, εἰ, εἴθε, πῶς. II) joined with other Particles: II.1) ἀλλὰ γ. where γάρ gives the reason of a clause to be supplied between ἀλλά and itself, as ἀλλ᾽ ἐν γὰρ Τρώων πεδίῳ. but [far otherwise], for, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀλλὰ γὰρ ἥκουσ᾽ αἵδ᾽ ἐπὶ πρᾶγος πικρόν but [hush], for, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἀλλ᾽ οὐ γ. σ᾽ ἐθέλω. but [look out] for, [Refs 8th c.BC+] II.2) γ. ἄρα for indeed, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.3) γ. δή for of course, for you know, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; φάμεν γ. δή yes certainly we say so, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.4) γ. νυ [Refs 8th c.BC+] II.5) γ. οὖν for indeed, to confirm or explain, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; φησὶ γ. οὖν yes of course he says so, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; compare τοιγαροῦν. II.6) γ. που for I suppose, especially with negatives, [Refs] II.7) γ. ῥα, ={γὰρ ἄρα}, [Refs 8th c.BC+] II.8) γ. τε, [Refs]; also τε γ. [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.9) γ. τοι for surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; compare τοιγάρτοι. B) POSITION: γάρ properly stands after the first word in a clause, but in Pocts it frequently stands third or fourth, when the preceding words are closely connected, as ὁ μὲν γὰρ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; χἠ ναῦς γὰρ. [Refs]; τό τ᾽ εἰκαθεῖν γὰρ. [Refs]; τὸ μὴ θέμις γὰρ. [Refs 4th c.BC+]: sometimes for metrical reasons, where there is no such connexion, as third [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in later Comedy texts fifth [Refs 4th c.BC+]; once sixth in [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) inserted before the demonstrative -ί, as νυνγαρί for νυνὶ γά; compare νυνί. C) QUANTITY: γάρ is sometimes long in [Refs 8th c.BC+].—In Attic dialect always short: [Refs 5th c.BC+]
properly, assigning a reason (used in argument, explanation or intensification; often with other particles); and, as, because (that), but, even, for, indeed, no doubt, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet; a primary particle

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Gentile nation
Noun Nominative Singular Neuter
a neuter PERSON OR THING that is doing something
Identical in all sources
the Greek of h1471G
Greek Noun Neuter
ἔθνος, -ους, τό, [in LXX chiefly for עַם,גּוֹי;] 1) a multitude, a company, whether of beasts or men (Hom.). 2) a nation, people: Mat.21:43 24:7, Mrk.13:8, Luk.22:25, Act.10:35, al; in sing, of the Jewish people, Luk.7:5 23:2, Jhn.11:48, 50-53 18:35, Act.10:22 24:3, 10 26:4 28:19. 3) In pl, as in OT, τὰ ἔ. (like Heb. הַגּוֹיִם), the nations, as distinct from Israel, Gentiles: Mat.4:15 6:32, Act.26:17, Rom.3:29 11:11 15:10, Gal.2:8, al; of Gentile Christians, Rom.11:13 15:27 16:4, Gal.2:12, 14, Eph.3:1. SYN.: λαός (see DCG, ii, 229; Cremer, 226). (AS)
the Greek of h1471G
Greek Noun Neuter
ἔθνος, εος, τό: (ϝέθνος,[Refs 8th c.BC+]: - number of people living together, company, body of men, ἑτάρων ἔ, ἔ. ἑταίρων, band of comrades, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔθνος λαῶν host of men, [Refs]; of particular tribes, Αυκίων μέγα ἔ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of animals, ἔ. μελισσάων, ὀρνίθων, μυιάων, swarms, flocks, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔ. ἀνέρων, γυναικῶν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔ. βρότεον, θνατόν, [Refs]; ἔ. τόδε, of the Erinyes, [Refs 4th c.BC+] 2) after [Refs 8th c.BC+], nation, people, τὸ Μηδικὸν ἔ. (γένος being a subdivision of ἔθνος) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔ. ἠπειρογενές, μαχαιροφόρον, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 2.b) later, τὰ ἔ. foreign, barbarous nations, opposed to Ἕλληνες, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἔ. νομάδων, of Bedawîn, [Refs]; at Athens, athletic clubs of non-Athenians, [Refs], non-Jews,[LXX+NT] 2.c) at Rome, = provinciae, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: so in singular, province, ὁ τυραννήσας τοῦ ἔθνους [Refs 1st c.AD+]; ὁ ἡγούμενος τοῦ ἔθνους the governor of the province, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] 3) class of men, caste, tribe, τὸ Θετταλῶν. πενεστικὸν ἔ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἶσθά τι ἔ. ἠλιθιώτερον ῥαψῳδῶ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δημιουργικὸν ἔ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἱερὰ ἔ. the orders of priests, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; trade-associations or guilds, ἔθνη καὶ ἐργαστήρια [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; class in respect to rank or station, οὐ πρὸς τοῦτο βλέποντες. ὅπως. ἕν τι ἔ. ἔσται διαφερόντως εὔδαιμον [Refs 5th c.BC+] 4) sex, θῆλυ, ἄρρεν ἔ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 5) part, member, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) of a single person, a relation, [Refs 5th c.BC+]
Noun Neuter
a race (as of the same habit), i.e. a tribe; specially, a foreign (non-Jewish) one (usually, by implication, pagan); Gentile, heathen, nation, people; probably from g1486 (ἔθω)

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relating it to another person or thing
Identical in all sources
Greek Preposition
ἐπί (before a smooth breathing ἐπ᾽, before a rough breathing ἐφ᾽), prep. with genitive, dative, accusative (accusative most frequently in NT), with primary sense of superposition, on, upon. I. C. genitive, 1) of place, answering the question, where? (a) of the place on which, on, upon: ἐπὶ (τ.) γῆς, Mat.6:10, 19, al; τ. κεφαλῆς, 1Co.11:10; τ. νεφελῶν, Mat.24:3 o, al; like ἐν, in constr. praegn. after verbs of motion: βάλλειν, Mrk.4:26; σπείρειν, ib. 31; ἔρχεσθαι, Heb.6:7, al; figuratively, ἐπ᾽ ἀληθείας (MM, see word ἀ.); of the subject of thought or speech, Gal.3:16; of power or authority, over, πάντων, Rom.9:5: τ. γάζης, Act.8:27; ἐξουσία, Rev.2:26 20:6; (b) of vicinity, at, by: τ. θαλάσσης, Jhn.6:9; τ. ὁδοῦ, Mat.21:19; τοῦ βάτου, Mrk.12:26 (see Swete, in l.); with genitive of person(s), in the presence of, before, Mat.28:14, Act.23:30, 1Co.6:1, al. 2) Of time, (a) with genitive of person(s), in the time of: ἐπὶ Ἐλισαίου, Luk.4:27; ἐπὶ Κλαυδίου, Act.11:28; ἐπὶ Ἀβιάθαρ ἀρχιερέως, when A. was high priest, Mrk.2:26; (b) with genitive of thing(s), at, at the time of: Mat.1:11, Heb.1:2, 2Pe.3:3; ἐπὶ τ. προσευχῶν, Rom.1:10, Eph.1:16, 1Th.1:2, Phm 4. II. C. dative, of place, answering the question, where? (a) lit, on, upon: Mat.9:16, 14:8, al; after verbs of motion (see supr, I, 1, (a)), Mat.9:16 Act.8:16; above, Luk.23:38; at, by, Mrk.13:29, Jhn.5:2, Act.5:9, al; (b) metaphorically, upon, on the ground of, Luk.4:4 (LXX); in the matter of, Mrk.6:52 (see Swete, in l.); upon, of, concerning, Act.5:35, 40; of the ground, reason or motive (Bl, §38, 2; 43, 3), Mat.18:3 19:9, Rom.12:12, al; ἐφ᾽ ᾧ, for the reason that, because, Rom.5:12 2Co.5:4; after verbs of motion, over, Mat.18:13, Rom.16:19, al; of a condition (cl.), Rom.8:20, 1Co.9:10; ἐπὶ δυσὶ μάρτυσιν (see Westc. on Heb.9:10), Heb.10:28; of purpose or aim, Eph.2:10, Php.4:10; of authority, over, Mat.24:47 Luk.12:44; of hostility, with dative of person(s) (cl.), against, Luk.12:52; in addition to (cl.), 2Co.7:13; of an adjunct, in, at, on, Php.1:3 2:17. III. C. accusative, 1) of place of motion upon or over, answering the question, whither? (a) lit, upon, over: Mat.14:28, 29, Luk.5:19, al. mult; in NT also, answering the question, where? (as with genitive, dative), Mrk.4:38 11:2, Luk.2:25, Jhn.1:32; ἐπὶ τ. αὐτό, Act.1:15 2:1, al; of motion to a vicinity, to, Mrk.16:2, Act.8:36, al; (b) metaphorically (in wh. "the accusative is more widely prevalent than it strictly should be," Bl, §43, 1); of blessings, evils, etc, coming upon one, with accusative of person(s), Mat.10:13 12:28, Act.2:17, Jhn.18:4, Eph.5:6, al; of addition (dative in cl.), λύπη ἐπὶ λύπην, Php.2:27; ἐπικαλεῖν ὄνομα ἐπί (see: ἐπικαλέω), Act.15:17, Jas.2:7; καλεῖν ἐπί, to call after, Luk.1:59; of number or degree: ἐπὶ τρίς (cl. εἰς τ.), thrice, Act.10:16 11:10; ἐπὶ πλεῖον, the more, further, Act.4:17 2Ti.2:16 3:9 (see also infr, 2, (a)); ἐφ᾽ ὅσον (see infr, ib.), forasmuch as, Mat.25:40, 45, Rom.11:13; of power, authority, control, Luk.1:33, Act.7:10 Rom.5:14, Heb.3:6, al; of the direction of thoughts and feelings, unto, towards, Luk.1:17 23:28, Act.9:35, 42, Rom.11:22, Gal.4:9, Eph.2:7, 1Ti.5:5, al; of purpose, for, Mat.3:7, Luk.23:48; ἐφ᾽ ὅ πάρει (Rec. ἐφ᾽ ᾧ, Mat.26:50; of hostility, against, Mat.24:7, Mrk.3:24-26 10:11 13:8, Luk.9:5, Jhn.13:18, Act.7:54, 1Co.7:36, 2Co.1:23; Of reference, concerning, for (cl. usually dative), Mrk.9:12 15:24, Jhn.19:24, Rom.4:9. 2) Of time, (a) during, for: Luk.4:25 (WH, txt, omits ἐπί), Act.13:31 16:18, Heb.11:30, al; ἐφ᾽ ὅσον (χρόνον), as long as, for so long time as, Mrk.9:15 Rom.7:1, al. (for ἐφ᾽ ὅ in another sense, see supr, 1, (b)); ἐφ᾽ ἱκανόν (see: ἱ), Act.20:11; ἐπὶ πλεῖον (see supr, 1, (b)), yet longer, further, Act.20:9 24:4; (b) on, about, towards (cl. εἰς): Luk.10:35 Act.3:1 4:5. IV. In composition, ἐπί signifies: up, ἐπαίρω; upon, ἐπίγειος, ἐπιδημέω, ὠπικαθίζω; towards, επιβλέπω, ὠπεκτείνω; over (of superintendence), ἐπιστάτης; again, in addition, ἐπαιτέω; against, ἐπιορκέω, ἐπιβουλή. (AS)
Greek Preposition
ἐπί, Thess. (before τ) [Refs 3rd c.BC+], to denote the being upon or supported upon a surface or point. A) WITH GEN: A.I) of Place, A.I.1) with Verbs of Rest, upon, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: without a Verb expressed, ἔγχεα ὄρθ᾽ ἐ. σαυρωτῆρος (i.e. σταθέντα) [Refs]; ἔκλαγξαν ὀϊστοὶ ἐπ᾽ ὤμων the arrows on his shoulders, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with Verbs of Motion, where the subject rests upon something, as on a chariot, a horse, a ship, φεύγωμεν ἐφ᾽ ἵππων on our chariot, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὴν κλεῖδα περιφέρειν ἐφ᾽ ἑαυτοῦ to carry the key about on his person, [Refs 5th c.BC+] walk on tiptoe, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of places, upon, if the place is an actual support, [Refs]; ἐ. τοῦ εὐωνύμον on the left, ἐ. τῶν πλευρῶν on the flanks, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but most frequently, in, rarely in [Refs 8th c.BC+] in the country. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ οἰκήματος κατίσαι, καθῆσθαι, in a brothel, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; μένειν ἐ. τῆς αὐτῶν (i.e. χώρας) remain in statu quo, Indut. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later of towns, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; sometimes also, at or near, ἐπ᾽ αὐτάων (i.e. τῶν πηγῶν) [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αἱ ἐ. Λήμνου ἐπικείμεναι νῆσοι off Lemnos, [Refs] the Thrace-ward region, [Refs 5th c.BC+] on, i.e. near which, [Refs 5th c.BC+] at the money-changers' tables, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the passage concerning the bush, [NT] A.I.2) in various relations not strictly local, μένειν ἐ. τῆς ἀρχῆς remain in the command, [Refs 5th c.BC+] abide by it, [Refs 4th c.BC+] to be engaged in, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry). A.I.2.b) of ships, ὁρμεῖν ἐπ᾽ ἀγκύρας ride at (i.e. in dependence upon an) anchor, [Refs 5th c.BC+] dependent upon an attendant, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.2.c) with the personal and reflexive pronoun, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; later mostly with 3rd pers., ἐπ᾽ ἑωυτῶν κεῖσθαι by themselves, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ὑμέων αὐτῶν βαλέσθαι consider it by yourselves, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἑωυτῶν διαλέγονται speak in a dialect of their own, [Refs 6th c.BC+] considering their own interest only, th.[Refs] A.I.2.d) with numerals, to denote the depth of a body of soldiers, ἐ. τεττάρων ταχφῆναι to be drawn up four deep, four in file, [Refs 5th c.BC+] i.e. in a long thin line, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐφ᾽ ἑνὸς ἄγειν in single file, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; rarely of the length of the line, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πλεῖν ἐ. κέρως, ἐ. κέρας, see below c.[Refs] is formed in column, [Refs 5th c.BC+] eight bricks wide, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.2.e) with genitive person, before, in presence of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so, before a magistrate or official, [NT+2nd c.BC+]; but ἐπὶ δικασταῖς is falsa lectio in [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.I.2.f) with Verbs of perceiving, observing, judging, etc, in the case of, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν τῶν ἔργων ἂν ἐσκόπει [Refs 6th c.BC+]; also with Verbs of speaking, on a subject, [Refs 6th c.BC+]. A.I.3) implying Motion: A.I.3.a) where the sense of motion is lost in the sense of being supported, ὀρθωθεὶς. ἐπ᾽ ἀγκῶνος having raised himself upon his elbow, [Refs 8th c.BC+]. A.I.3.b) in a pregnant sense, denoting the goal of motion (compare [Refs 5th c.BC+] drew the ship upon the land and left it there, 1.485; περάαν νήσων ἔπι carry to the islands and leave there, 21.454, compare22.45; [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἀναβῆναι ἐ. τῶν πύργων [Refs 5th c.BC+] (variant); frequently of motion towards or (in a military sense) upon a place, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (but νήσου ἔ. Ψυρίης νέεσθαι to go near Psyria, [Refs 8th c.BC+] homewards, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ κόλπος ὁ ἐ. Παγασέων φέρων the bay that leads to Pagasae, [Refs] the road leading to [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.3.c) metaphorically, ἐ. γνώμης τινὸς γίγνεσθαι come to an opinion, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὡς ἐ. κινδύνου as if to meet danger, [Refs 6th c.BC+] A.II) of Time, in the time of, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐ. Κέκροπος, ἐ. Δαρείου, etc, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐ. τούτου τυραννεύοντος, ἐ. Λέοντος βασιλεύοντος, ἐ. Μήδων ἀρχόντων, etc, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἐμεῦ in my time, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ εἰρήνης in time of peace, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἡμέρης ἑκάστης variant for{-ῃ -τῃ} in [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.b) later ἐ. δείπνου at dinner, [Refs 1st c.AD+] A.III) in various causal senses: A.III.1) over, of persons in authority, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐ. τῶν πραγμάτων the public officers, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ ἐ. τῶν ἐπιστολῶν τοῦ Ὄθωνος, = Latin ab epistulis, his secretary, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) κεκλῆσθαι ἐ. τινος to be called after him, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τινος ἐπώνυμος γίγνεσθαι [Refs 2nd c.BC+]. A.III.3) of occasions, circumstances, and conditions, οὐκ ἐ. τούτου μόνον, ἀλλ᾽ ἐ. πάντων, on all occasions, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἐξουσίας καὶ πλούτου πονηρὸν εἶναι in. [NT+4th c.BC+] equally, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἐσχάτων at the last, [LXX] for the present, [Refs] A.III.4) in respect of, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; concerning, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] B) WITH DAT: B.I) of Place, upon, just like the genitive (hence Poets use whichever case suits the metre, whereas in Prose the dative is more frequently): B.I.1) with Verbs of Rest, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καίειν ἐ. πᾶσι (i.e. βωμοῖς) [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also with Verbs of Motion, where the subject rests upon something, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but ἐφ᾽ ἵππῳ, ἐφ᾽ ἵπποις and the like are never used for ἐφ᾽ ἵππου, etc.); of places, mostly in, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also, at or near, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; of rivers, etc, by, beside, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; of persons, οὐ τἀπὶ Λυδοῖς οὐδ᾽ ἐπ᾽ Ὀμφάλῃ λατρεύματα in Lydia, in the power of O, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.b) on or over, ἐπ᾽ Ἰφιδάμαντι over the body of Iphidamas, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also, over or in honour of, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.1.c) in hostile sense, against, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; as a check upon, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; also, towards, in reference to, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐ. πᾶσιν τοῖς σώμασι κάλλος extending over all bodies, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the ills which lie upon thee, [Refs 5th c.BC+] make a law for his case, whether for or against, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; νόμος κεῖται ἐ. τινι [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.d). of accumulation, upon, after, ὄγχνη ἐπ᾽ ὄγχνῃ one pear after another, pear on pear, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry); πήματα ἐ. πήμασι, ἐ. νόσῳ νόσος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.e). in addition to, over and above, besides, οὐκ ἄρα σοί γ᾽ [Refs 8th c.BC+] besides, [Refs 4th c.AD+]; so of Numerals, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with Verbs of eating and drinking, with, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; νέκταρ [Refs 6th c.BC+]; especially of a relish, κάρδαμον μόνον [Refs 6th c.BC+]: metaphorically, ἐ. τῷ φάγοις ἥδιστ᾽ ἄ; ἐ. βαλλαντί; [Refs] live on turnips, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] B.I.1.f). of position, after,behind, of soldiers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.g). in dependence upon, in the power of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τινί ἐστι it is in his power to do, c.infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τῷ πλήθει in their hands, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc, as far as is in my power, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τοῖς υἱάσι their property, [Refs] B.I.1.h). according to, ἐ. τοῖς νόμοις Legal cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+] codices (Lyric poetry). B.I.1.i). of condition or circumstances in which one is, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ αὐτοφώρῳ λαβεῖν, see at {αὐτόφωρος}; also ἐ. τῷ δείπνῳ at dinner, [Refs 6th c.BC+] (anapaest meter). B.I.1.k). Geometry texts, of the point, etc, at which letters are written, κέντρον ἐφ᾽ ᾧ K Hippocr. cited in [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.2). with Verbs of Motion: B.I.2.a). where the sense of motion merges in that of support, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἱστὸν ἔστησεν ἐ. [Refs]; δυσφόρους ἐπ᾽ ὄμμασι γνώμας [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc. B.I.2.b). in pregnant construction, πέτονται ἐπ᾽ ἄνθεσιν fly on to the flowers and settle there, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἦλθε δ᾽ [Refs]. B.I.2.c). rarely for εἰς c.accusative, [Refs]. B.I.2.d). in hostile sense, upon or against, ἐ. τινι ἔχειν, ἰθύνειν ἵππους, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (Teos, 5th c.BC). B.II). of Time, rarely, and never in good Attic dialect, except in sense of succession (below 2), ἐ. νυκτί by night, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἤματι τῷδε on this very day, [Refs 8th c.BC+] for to-day, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II.2). of succession, after, ἕκτῃ ἐ. δέκα on the [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πρὸ τῆς ἕκτης ἐ. δέκα [Refs] Latin re peracta, [Refs 5th c.BC+], τὰ ἐ. τούτοισι, = Latin quod superest, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry), etc. B.II.3). in the time of (compare [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.III). in various causal senses: B.III.1). of the occasion or cause, τετεύξεται ἄλγε᾽ ἐπ᾽ αὐτῇ for her, [Refs 8th c.BC+] for thee, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; μέγα φρονεῖν ἐ. τινι to be proud at or of a thing, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; also ἐφ᾽ αἵματι φεύγειν to be tried on a capital charge, [Refs 6th c.BC+], etc: in adverbial phrases [δικάσσαι] ἐπ᾽ ἀρωγῇ with favour, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; ἐ.κακουργίᾳ καὶ οὐκ ἀρετῇ for malice, [NT+5th c.BC+] in both cases, [Refs 6th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry); ἐ. τῇ πάσῃ συκοφαντίᾳ καὶ διασεισμῷ Mitteis [Refs 2nd c.BC+] B.III.2). of an end or purpose, [Refs 8th c.BC+] for supper, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δῆσαι ἐ. θανάτῳ or τὴν ἐ. θανάτῳ, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἐξαγωγῇ for exportation, [Refs 5th c.BC+] with a view to gaining. , [Refs 6th c.BC+] B.III.3). of the condition upon which a thing is done, ἐ. τούτοισι on these terms, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τούτῳ, ἐπ᾽ ᾧτε on condition that. , [Refs 5th c.BC+] followed by infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but ἐφ᾽ ᾧ = wherefore, NT.Rom.5.12); ἐπ᾽ οὐδενί on no condition, on no account, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but, for no adequate reason, [Refs 4th c.BC+], on fair and equal terms, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; γῆμαί [Refs 6th c.BC+]; on the principle of. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]. B.III.4). of the price for which, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἀργυρίῳ λέγειν, πράττειν, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; also of money lent at interest, δανείζεσθαι ἐ. τοῖς μεγάλοις τόκοις [Refs] lend at 12 per cent, [Refs], i.e. at 16 per cent, [Refs]; also of the security on which money is borrowed, [Refs]; ἐπ᾽ οἴνου [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.III.5). of names, φάος καὶ νὺξ ὀνόμασται. [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ὄνομα καλεῖν [Refs 6th c.BC+] B.III.6). of persons in authority, ὅς μ᾽ ἐ. βουσὶν εἷσεν who set me over the kine, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πέμπειν ἐ. τοσούτῳ [Refs 6th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐ. ταῖς καμήλοις [Refs 5th c.BC+]. B.III.7). in possession of, possessing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. C). WITH Acc: C.I). of Place, upon or on to a height, with Verbs of Motion, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀναβιβαστέον τινά, ἀναβαίνειν ἐ. τὸν ἵππον, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐξεκυλίσθη πρηνὴς ἐ. στόμα upon his face, [Refs]; ὤμω. ἐ. στῆθος συνοχωκότε drawn together upon his breast, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐ. κεφαλήν head-foremost, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.I.b). Geometry texts, αἱ ἐ. τὰς ἁφὰς ἐπιζευγνύμεναι εὐθεῖαι joining the points of contact, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]. perpendicular to (v. κάθετος). C.I.2). to, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; ἐ. βωμὸν ἄγων [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐ. [Refs]: c.accusative person, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.I.2.b). metaphorically, ἐ. ἔργα τρέπεσθαι, ἰέναι, [Refs 8th c.BC+] codices; also ἐ. τὴν τράπεζαν ἀποδιδόναι, ὀφείλειν, pay, owe to the bank, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐ. τὴν τράπεζαν χρέως [Refs] to be entered under his name, [Refs] C.I.2.c). up to, as far as (μέχρι ἐ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐ. διηκόσια ἀποδιδόναι yield [Refs]-fold, [Refs 6th c.BC+] adjective or pronoun, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὅσσον [Refs] I am prudent enough, not to, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐ. τὸ ἔσχατον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. μεῖζον χωρεῖν, ἔρχεσθαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. μακρότερον, ἐ. μακρότατον, [Refs 5th c.BC+], a little way, a little, [Refs 5th c.BC+] still more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. C.I.2.d). before, into the presence of (compare [Refs 4th c.BC+] (but στὰς ἐ. τὸ συνέδριον standing at the door of the council, [NT]. C.I.2.e). in Military phrases (compare [Refs 4th c.BC+], i.e. twenty-five in file, [Refs 5th c.BC+] many in file, [Refs] codices; for ἐ. κέρας see below[Refs] C.I.3). of the quarter or direction towards or in which a thing takes place, ἐ. δεξιά, ἐπ᾽ ἀριστερά, to the right or left, [Refs 8th c.BC+], on the longer, shorter side, [Refs 5th c.BC+] both ways, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; ἐ. τάδε Φασήλιδος on this side, [Refs 5th c.BC+], of space, in one, two, three dimensions, [Refs 4th c.BC+], to the spear or shield side, i.e. to right or left, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc, retire on the foot, i.e. facing the enemy, [Refs], etc, sail towards or on the wing, i.e. in column (v. [Refs], etc, with exaggeration, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τὸ φοβερώτερον [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.I.4). in hostile sense, against, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; στρατεύεσθαι or -εύειν ἐ. τινα, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry); πλεῖν ἐ. τοὺσ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; θύεσθαι ἐ. τινα offer sacrifice on going against. , [Refs 5th c.BC+] to your prejudice, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.5). of extension over a space, πουλὺν ἐφ᾽ ὑγρὴν ἤλυθον over much water, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πλέων, λεύσσων ἐ. οἴνοπα πόντον, [Refs 8th c.BC+] over nine acres he lay stretched, [Refs 8th c.BC+] over so much, [Refs] over a large space, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; frequently to be rendered on, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἵππους. ἐ. νῶτον ἐΐσας [Refs]; ἐ. γαῖαν εἰσὶ δύω [γένη] [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also, among, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.II). of Time, for or during a certain time, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; ἐπ᾽ [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐ. χρόνον τινά, ἐ. τινα χρόνον, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. διετές Legal cited in [Refs 6th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐφ᾽ ἡμέραν ἀρκέσον enough for the day, [Refs 5th c.BC+] for a long time, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.2). up to, until a certain time, εὗδον παννύχιος [Refs 8th c.BC+]. C.III). in various causal senses: C.III.1). of the object or purpose for which one goes, ἀγγελίην ἔπι Τυδῆ στεῖλαν sent him for (i.e. to bring) tidings of, [Refs 8th c.BC+] let him go for an ox, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πέμπειν εἴς τινα ἐ. στράτευμα [Refs] for (i.e. to demand) the interest, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: with accusative of a Noun of Action, ἐξιέναι ἐ. θήραν go out hunting, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἔρχεσθαι, ἵζειν ἐ. δεῖπνον, [Refs 8th c.BC+] to see the sight, [NT+2nd c.BC+] or adjective, ἐ. τοῦτο ἐλθεῖν for this purpose, [Refs 6th c.BC+], etc; ἐ. τ; to what end? [Refs 5th c.BC+] for which purpose, [Refs 5th c.BC+] for like ends, [Refs 8th c.BC+] to a better result, [Refs 5th c.BC+] set up as God's anointed, [LXX]: after an adjective, ἄριστοι πᾶσαν [Refs 8th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry); χρήσιμος [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ὄργανα ἐ. τι [Refs] C.III.2). so far as regards, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὐπί σε, τὸ ἐ. σέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς ἐ. τὸ πολύ for the most part, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ πρὸς ἅπαν [Refs 3rd c.AD+]; ἐ. [Refs 3rd c.BC+]. C.III.3). of persons set over others, ἐ. τοὺς πεζοὺς [Refs 6th c.BC+]. C.III.4). according to, by, ἐ. στάθμην by the rule, [Refs 8th c.BC+] D). POSITION:—ἐπί may suffer anastrophe (ἔπι) and follow its case, as in [Refs 8th c.BC+] D.II). in Poets it is sometimes put with the second of two Nouns, though in sense it also governs the first, ἢ ἁλὸς ἢ ἐ. [Refs 8th c.BC+] E). AB[Refs 8th c.BC+]; κτεῖνον δ᾽ ἐ. μηλοβοτῆρας as well, [Refs 8th c.BC+] and besides. , [Refs 5th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry). E.II). ἔπι, for ἔπεστι, there is, [Refs 8th c.BC+] there is no man, [Refs 5th c.BC+] codices (Lyric poetry). F). PROSODY: in ἐπιόψομαι, ι is not elided before a vowel; also in some words where σ or ϝ has been lost, as ἐπιάλμενος, ἐπιείκελος, ἐπιεικής, ἐπιέξομαι (v. [Refs] G). IN COMPOSITION: G.I). of Place, denoting, G.I.1). Support or Rest upon, ἔπειμι (A), ἐπίκειμαι, ἐπικαθίζω, ἐπαυχένιος, ἐπιβώμιος, etc. G.I.2). Motion, G.I.2.a). upon or over, ἐπιβαίνω, ἐπιτρέχω. G.I.2.b). to or towards, ἐπέρχομαι, ἐπιστέλλω, ἐπαρίστερος, ἐπιδέξιος. G.I.2.c). against, [Refs], ἐπιστρατεύω, ἐπιβουλεύω. G.I.2.d). up to a point, ἐπιτελέω. G.I.2.e). over a place, as in ἐπαιωρέομαι, ἐπαρτάω. G.I.2.f). over or beyond boundaries, as in ἐπινέμομαι. G.I.2.g). implying reciprocity, as in ἐπιγαμία. G.I.3). Extension over a surface, as in ἐπαλείφω, ἐπανθίζω, [Refs], ἐπάργυρος, ἐπίχρυσος. G.I.4). Accumulation of one thing over or besides another, as in ἐπαγείρω, ἐπιμανθάνω, ἐπαυξάνω, ἐπιβάλλω, ἐπίκτητος. G.I.5). Accompaniment, to, with, as in ἐπᾴδω, ἐπαυλέω, ἐπαγρυπνέω: hence of Addition, ἐπίτριτος one and 1/3 more, 1 + 1/3; so ἐπιτέταρτος, ἐπίπεμπτος, ἐπόγδοος, etc. G.I.6). with adjectives, somewhat, slightly, as in ἐπίξανθος, ἐπίπικρος. G.II). of Time and Sequence, after, as in ἐπιβιόω, ἐπιβλαστάνω, ἐπιγίγνομαι, [Refs]. G.III). in causal senses: G.III.1). Superiority felt over or at, as in ἐπιχαίρω, ἐπιγελάω, ἐπαισχύνομαι. G.III.2). Authority over, as in ἐπικρατέω, ἔπαρχος, ἐπιβουκόλος, ἐπιποιμήν. G.III.3). Motive for, as in ἐπιθυμέω, ἐπιζήμιος, ἐπιθάνατος. G.III.4). to give force or intensity to the Verb, as in ἐπαινέω, ἐπιμέμφομαι, ἐπικείρω, ἐπικλάω.
properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.; about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with; a primary preposition

Next word
Gentile nation
Noun Accusative Singular Neuter
a neuter PERSON OR THING that is having something done to them
Identical in all sources
the Greek of h1471G
Greek Noun Neuter
ἔθνος, -ους, τό, [in LXX chiefly for עַם,גּוֹי;] 1) a multitude, a company, whether of beasts or men (Hom.). 2) a nation, people: Mat.21:43 24:7, Mrk.13:8, Luk.22:25, Act.10:35, al; in sing, of the Jewish people, Luk.7:5 23:2, Jhn.11:48, 50-53 18:35, Act.10:22 24:3, 10 26:4 28:19. 3) In pl, as in OT, τὰ ἔ. (like Heb. הַגּוֹיִם), the nations, as distinct from Israel, Gentiles: Mat.4:15 6:32, Act.26:17, Rom.3:29 11:11 15:10, Gal.2:8, al; of Gentile Christians, Rom.11:13 15:27 16:4, Gal.2:12, 14, Eph.3:1. SYN.: λαός (see DCG, ii, 229; Cremer, 226). (AS)
the Greek of h1471G
Greek Noun Neuter
ἔθνος, εος, τό: (ϝέθνος,[Refs 8th c.BC+]: - number of people living together, company, body of men, ἑτάρων ἔ, ἔ. ἑταίρων, band of comrades, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔθνος λαῶν host of men, [Refs]; of particular tribes, Αυκίων μέγα ἔ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of animals, ἔ. μελισσάων, ὀρνίθων, μυιάων, swarms, flocks, etc, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔ. ἀνέρων, γυναικῶν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔ. βρότεον, θνατόν, [Refs]; ἔ. τόδε, of the Erinyes, [Refs 4th c.BC+] 2) after [Refs 8th c.BC+], nation, people, τὸ Μηδικὸν ἔ. (γένος being a subdivision of ἔθνος) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔ. ἠπειρογενές, μαχαιροφόρον, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 2.b) later, τὰ ἔ. foreign, barbarous nations, opposed to Ἕλληνες, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἔ. νομάδων, of Bedawîn, [Refs]; at Athens, athletic clubs of non-Athenians, [Refs], non-Jews,[LXX+NT] 2.c) at Rome, = provinciae, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: so in singular, province, ὁ τυραννήσας τοῦ ἔθνους [Refs 1st c.AD+]; ὁ ἡγούμενος τοῦ ἔθνους the governor of the province, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] 3) class of men, caste, tribe, τὸ Θετταλῶν. πενεστικὸν ἔ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἶσθά τι ἔ. ἠλιθιώτερον ῥαψῳδῶ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δημιουργικὸν ἔ. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ ἱερὰ ἔ. the orders of priests, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; trade-associations or guilds, ἔθνη καὶ ἐργαστήρια [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; class in respect to rank or station, οὐ πρὸς τοῦτο βλέποντες. ὅπως. ἕν τι ἔ. ἔσται διαφερόντως εὔδαιμον [Refs 5th c.BC+] 4) sex, θῆλυ, ἄρρεν ἔ, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 5) part, member, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) of a single person, a relation, [Refs 5th c.BC+]
Noun Neuter
a race (as of the same habit), i.e. a tribe; specially, a foreign (non-Jewish) one (usually, by implication, pagan); Gentile, heathen, nation, people; probably from g1486 (ἔθω)

Next word
Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
καί, conj., and I. Copulative. 1) Connecting single words; (a) in general: Mat.2:18, 16:1, Mrk.2:15, Luk.8:15, Heb.1:1, al. mult; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mat.23:23, Luk.14:21, Rom.7:12, 9:4, al. (b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jhn.2:20, Act.13:20; (with) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mat.8:33, 26:59, Mrk.16:17, Act.5:29, al. 2) Connecting clauses and sentences: Mat.3:12, Act.5:21, al. mult; esp. (a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss, LAE, 128ff.): Mat.1:21, 7:25, Mrk.9:5, Jhn.10:3, al; (b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Luk.3:14, Jhn.4:11, IIIJhn.10; (with) consecutive, and so: Mat.5:1, 23:32, Heb.3:19, al; after imperatives, Mat.4:19, Luk.7:7, al; (d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mat.3:14, 6:26, Mrk.12:12, Luk.18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), 1Co.5:2, al; (e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Luk.2:21, 7:12, Act.1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mrk.10:26, Luk.10:29, Jhn.9:36. 3) Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Luk.3:18, Jhn.1:16, Act.23:6, Rom.1:5, 1Co.3:5, al. 4) In transition: Mat.4:23, Mrk.5:1, 21, Jhn.1:19, al; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mrk.1:9 (cf. Luk.5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16). 5) καὶ. καί, both. and (for τε. καί, see: τε); (a) connecting single words: Mat.10:28, Mrk.4:41, Rom.11:33, al; (b) clauses and sentences: Mrk.9:13, Jhn.7:28, 1Co.1:22, al. II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mat.5:39, 40; Mrk.2:28, al. mult; esp. with pron, adv, etc, Mat.20:4, Jhn.7:47, al; ὡς κ, Act.11:17; καθὼς κ, Rom.15:7; οὑτω κ, Rom.6:11; διὸ κ, Luk.1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss, BS, 313ff.), Act.13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ. (Bl, §77, 7; Deiss, BS, 265f,), Php.4:3; τί κ, 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ, Luk.14:22, Jhn.5:18, al; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Act.17:27; καίπερ, Heb.5:8; κ. ἐάν, see: ἐάν. ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle, representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ with ind. (Bl, §65, 4; cf. Jhn.13:17, 1Co.7:36), if haply, if; 1) with subjc. (cl.); (a) pres: Mat.6:22, Luk.10:6, Jhn.7:17, Rom.2:25, 26 al; { (b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mat.4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Luk.9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mrk.3:24, Luk.14:34, Jhn.5:43, Rom.7:2, al; = cl. εἰ, with opt, Jhn.9:22 11:57, Act.9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jhn.12:32 14:3, I Jhn.2:28 3:2, Heb.3:7 " (LXX). 2) C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; see WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss, BS, 201f, LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl, §65, 4); (a) fut: Mat.18:19 T, Luk.19:40, Act.7:7; (b) pres: 1Th.3:8 (see Milligan, in l.). 3) With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl, §65, 6), Gal.6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl, l.with), with subjc. pres, Mat.10:13, 1Co.8:8, Jas.2:17, 1Jn.3:21; aor, Mat.6:15, Mrk.3:27, Jhn.3:3, Rom.10:15, Gal.1:8 2:16 (see Lft, Ellic, in ll.); ἐ. τε. ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם. אִם, Est.19:13, al,] Rom.14:8. 4) = cl. ἄν (which see) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf, Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f; Bl, §26, 4; Mayser, 152f; Deiss, BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ, Mat.5:19, Mrk.6:22, 23 Luk.17:32, 1Co.6:18, al; ὅπου ἐ, Mat.8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ, Rev.11:6; οὗ ἐ, 1Co.16:6; καθὸ ἐ, 2Co.8:12; ὅστις ἐ, Gal.5:10. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
καί, conjunction, copulative, joining words and sentences, A) and; also adverb, even, also, just, frequently expressing emphatic assertion or assent, corresponding as positive to the negative οὐ (μή) or οὐδέ (μηδέ). copulative, and, A.I) joining words or sentences to those preceding, ἦ, καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύσινεῦσε Κρονίων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: repeated with two or more Nouns, αἱ δὲ ἔλαφοι κ. δορκάδες κ. οἱ ἄγριοι οἶες κ. οἱ ὄνοι οἱ ἄγριοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; joining only the last pair, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ὄχλος πλείων κ. πλείων ἐπέρρει more and more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to add epithets after πολύς, πολλὰ κ. ἐσθλά [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) to addalimiting or defining expression, πρὸς μακρὸν ὄρος κ. Κύνθιον ὄχθον to the mountain and specially to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (sometimes in reverse order, πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς κ. μακρὸν Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; to add by way of climax, θεῶν. κ. Ποσειδῶνος all the gods, and above all. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently ἄλλοι τε καί, ἄλλως τε καί, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs]; ὀλίγου τινὸς ἄξια κ. οὐδενός little or nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταῦτα and this too. , γελᾶν ἀναπείθειν, κ. ταῦθ᾽ οὕτω πολέμιον ὄντα τῷ γέλωτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) at the beginning of a sentence, A.II.1) in appeals or requests, καί μοι δὸς τὴν Χεῖρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καί μοι λέγε, καί μοι ἀπόκριναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in Oratt, καί μοι λέγε. τὸ ψήφισμα, καί μοι ἀνάγνωθι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) in questions, to introduce an objection or express surprise, κ. τίς τόδ᾽ ἐξίκοιτ᾽ ἂν ἀγγέλων τάχο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. πῶς; pray how? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δὴ τί; but then what? [Refs]; κ. ποῖον; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς εἶδε πώποτε βοῦς κριβανίτα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κἄπειτ᾽ ἔκανε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς πώποτε Χαριζόμενος ἑτέρῳ τοῦτο εἰργάσατ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) ={καίτοι}, and yet, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) at the beginning of a speech, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) after words implying sameness or like ness, as, γνώμῃσι ἐχρέωντο ὁμοίῃσι κ. σύ they had the same opinion as you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἴσον or ἴσα κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἴσῳ (i.e. ἐστὶ) κ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) after words implying comparison or opposition, αἱ δαπάναι οὐχ ὁμοίως κ. πρίν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) to express simultaneity, ἦν ἦμαρ δεύτερον, κἀγὼ κατηγόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρέρχονταί τε μέσαι νύκτες κ. ψύχεται [τὸ ὕδωρ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι] οὐκ ἔφθασαν τὴν ἀρχὴν κατασχόντες κ. Θηβαίοις εὐθὺς ἐπεβούλευσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) joining an affirmative clause with a negative, ἀλλ᾽ ὥς τι δράσων εἷρπε κοὐ θανούμενος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) καί, καί. correlative, not only, but also. , κ. ἀεὶ κ. νῦν, κ. τότε κ. νῦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) by anacoluthon, ὣς φαμένη κ. κερδοσύνῃ ἡγήσατ᾽ Ἀθήνη, for ὣς ἔφη κ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔρχεται δὲ αὐτή τε. κ. τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, for κ. ὁ υἱός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) even, also, just, B.1) τάχα κεν κ. ἀναίτιον αἰτιόῳτο even the innocent, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόμεναι κ. μεῖζον ἄεθλον an even greater prize, [Refs]full five,[Refs 5th c.BC+] two or three, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) also, κ. ἐγώ I also, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. αὐτοί they also, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀγίας καὶ Σωκράτης κ. τούτω ἀπεθανέτην likewise died, [Refs]; in adding surnames, etc, Ὦχος ὁ κ. Δαρειαῖος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative ὁ κ. first in [Refs 1st c.BC+], frequently later, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; Ἰούδας ὁ κ. Μακκαβαῖος [NT+8th c.BC+]; εἴπερ τι κ. ἄλλο, ὥς τις κ. ἄλλος, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not only, but also. , see at {μόνος}; οὐδὲν μᾶλλον. ἢ οὐ καὶ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2.b) frequently used both in the antecedent and relative clause, where we put also in the antecedent only, εἰ μὲν κ. σὺ εἶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὧνπερ κ. ἐγώ [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.3) frequently in apodosi, after temporal Conjs, ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥα, κ. τότε δή. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also after εἰ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: as a Hebraism, κ. ἐγένετο. κ. [LXX+NT] B.4) with Advs, to give emphasis, κ. κάρτα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. λίην full surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πάλαι, κ. πάνυ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μάλα, κ. σφόδρα, in answers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5) with words expressing a minimum, even so much as, were it but, just, ἱέμενος κ. καπνὸν ἀποθρῴσκοντα νοῆσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷς ἡδὺ κ. λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίς δὲ κ. προσβλέψετα; who will so much as look at you? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) just, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ κ. νοσοῦμεν 'tis just that that ails me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with a relative, τὸ κ. κλαίουσα τέτηκα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and how long ago was the city sacked? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ποῦ καί σφε θάπτε; where is he burying her? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) even, just, implying assent, ἔπειτά με κ. λίποι αἰών thereafter let life e'en leave me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8) κ. εἰ even if, of a whole condition represented as an extreme case, opposed to εἰ κ. although, notwithstanding that, of a condition represented as immaterial even if fulfilled,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰ κ. ἠπιστάμην if I had been able, [Refs 5th c.BC+] each exert their force separtely, as εἴ περ ἀδειής τ᾽ ἐστί, καὶ εἰ. and if. [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.9) before a Participle, to represent either καὶ εἰ, or εἰ καί, although, albeit, Ἕκτορα κ. μεμαῶτα μάχης σχήσεσθαι ὀΐω, for ἢν κ. μεμάῃ, how much soever he rage, although he rage, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C) Position: καί and, is by Poets sometimes put after another word, ἔγνωκα, τοῖσδε κοὐδὲν ἀντειπεῖν ἔχω, for καὶ τοῖσδε οὐδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) καί also, sometimes goes between a preposition and its case, ἐν κ. θαλάσσᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.3) very seldom at the end of a verse, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) crasis: with ᾰ, as κἄν, κἀγαθοί, etc; with ε, as κἀγώ, κἄπειτα, etc, Doric dialect κἠγώ, κἤπειτα, etc; with η, as Χἠ, Χἠμέρη, Χἠμεῖς, etc; with ῐ in Χἰκετεύετε, Χἰλαρ; with ο, as Χὠ, Χὤστις, etc; with υ in Χὐμεῖς, Χὐποχείριον, etc; with ω in the pronoun ᾧ, Χ; with αι, as κᾀσχρῶ; with αυ, as καὐτό; with ει, as κεἰ, κεἰς (but also κἀς), κᾆτ; with εὐ, as κεὐγένεια, κεὐσταλή; with οι in Χοἰ (Χᾠ [Refs]; with ου in Χοὖτος, κοὐ, κοὐδέ, and the like.
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words; and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet; apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force

Next word
Noun Nominative Singular Feminine
a female PERSON OR THING that is doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Female
βασιλεία, -ας, ἡ (βασιλεύω), [in LXX chiefly for מַמְלָכָה,מַלְכוּת;] 1) prop. abstract, sovereignty, royal power, dominion: Luk.1:33 22:29, Jhn.18:36, Act.1:6, Heb.1:8, 1Co.15:24; λαβεῖν β, Luk.19:12, 15 Rev.17:12; δοῦναι τὴν, ib. 17; ἔχειν β, ib. 18; ἔρχεσθαι ἐν τ. (εἰς τὴν) β, Mat.16:28, Luk.23:42; β. τ. θεοῦ, Rev.12:10. 2) By meton, concrete (MM, Exp., x), (a) a kingdom, the territory or people over whom the king rules (Est.5:3, al.): Mat.4:8 12:25, 26 24:7, Mrk.3:24 6:23, Luk.4:5, Heb.11:33, al; (b) the royal majesty (cf. our phrase His Majesty), the king himself (τ. σπέρμα τῆς β, 4Ki.11:1). 3) In LXX (Wis.6:5, Tob.13:1, al.), Targ. and NT, of the Messianic rule and kingdom, ἡ β. τ. θεοῦ, τ. οὐρανῶν (Heb. מַלְכוּת שָׁמַיִם, Aram. מַלְכוּתָא דִשׁמַיָּא; see Dalman, Words, 91-147; Cremer, 132, 658), the kingdom of God (on the equivalence of the two phrases, see Dalman, op. cit., 93, 218f.); τ. θεοῦ, Mat.6:33 12:28, al; τ. οὐρανῶν, Mat.3:2 4:17, al; τ. Χριστοῦ (מַלִכוּת דִמְשִׁיחא, Targ. Jon. on Isa.53:10), Eph.5:5; τ. κυρίου, 2Pe.1:11, Rev.11:15; τ. Δαυείδ, Mrk.11:10; absol, ἡ β, Mat.4:23, Jas.2:5, al. The kingdom is regarded as present: Mat.11:12, Luk.17:21, Rom.14:17, al; as that which is to be consummated in the future, Mat.6:10, Mrk.9:1, Jhn.3:5, 2Pe.1:11, al. Noteworthy phrases are: ζητεῖν τὴν β, Mat.6:33; δέχεσθαι, Mrk.10:15; κλρονομεῖν, Mat.25:34; διδόναι, Lk 12:32; παραλαμβάνειν, Heb.12:28; αὐτῶν (τοιούτων) εστὶν ἡ β, Mat.5:3, 10 19:14, Mrk.10:14, Luk.18:16; διὰ τὴν β, Mat.19:12; ἕνεκεν τῆς β, Luk.18:29; εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, κηρύσσειν, διαγγέλλειν τὴν β, Luk.4:43 9:2, 60; ἤγγικεν ἡ β, Mat.3:2, Mrk.1:15; κλεῖς τῆς β, Mat.16:10; κλείειν τὴν β, Mat.23:14; υἱοὶ τῆς β, Mat.8:12 13:38 (cf. Cremer, 132, 658). (AS)
Greek Noun Female
βᾰσιλ-είᾱ, Ionic dialect βᾰσιλ-ηΐη, ἡ, kingdom, dominion, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; hereditary monarchy, opposed to τυραννίς, ἐπὶ ῥητοῖς γέρασι πατρικαὶ β. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ πρώτη πολιτεία μετὰ τὰς β. after the age of monarchies, [NT] 2) kingly office, β. καὶ στρατηγία [Refs 4th c.BC+] 3) at Athens, the office of the archon βασιλεύς, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 4) passive, being ruled by a king, τῆς ὑπ᾽ ἐκείνου βασιλείας [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) diadem, [Refs 1st c.BC+] III) reign, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; so αἱ β. the reigns of the Kings, title of book of “VT”; accession to the throne, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] IV) concrete, His Majesty, [LXX]
Noun Feminine
properly, royalty, i.e. (abstractly) rule, or (concretely) a realm (literally or figuratively); kingdom, + reign; from g935 (βασιλεύς)

Next word
relating it to another person or thing
Identical in all sources
Greek Preposition
ἐπί (before a smooth breathing ἐπ᾽, before a rough breathing ἐφ᾽), prep. with genitive, dative, accusative (accusative most frequently in NT), with primary sense of superposition, on, upon. I. C. genitive, 1) of place, answering the question, where? (a) of the place on which, on, upon: ἐπὶ (τ.) γῆς, Mat.6:10, 19, al; τ. κεφαλῆς, 1Co.11:10; τ. νεφελῶν, Mat.24:3 o, al; like ἐν, in constr. praegn. after verbs of motion: βάλλειν, Mrk.4:26; σπείρειν, ib. 31; ἔρχεσθαι, Heb.6:7, al; figuratively, ἐπ᾽ ἀληθείας (MM, see word ἀ.); of the subject of thought or speech, Gal.3:16; of power or authority, over, πάντων, Rom.9:5: τ. γάζης, Act.8:27; ἐξουσία, Rev.2:26 20:6; (b) of vicinity, at, by: τ. θαλάσσης, Jhn.6:9; τ. ὁδοῦ, Mat.21:19; τοῦ βάτου, Mrk.12:26 (see Swete, in l.); with genitive of person(s), in the presence of, before, Mat.28:14, Act.23:30, 1Co.6:1, al. 2) Of time, (a) with genitive of person(s), in the time of: ἐπὶ Ἐλισαίου, Luk.4:27; ἐπὶ Κλαυδίου, Act.11:28; ἐπὶ Ἀβιάθαρ ἀρχιερέως, when A. was high priest, Mrk.2:26; (b) with genitive of thing(s), at, at the time of: Mat.1:11, Heb.1:2, 2Pe.3:3; ἐπὶ τ. προσευχῶν, Rom.1:10, Eph.1:16, 1Th.1:2, Phm 4. II. C. dative, of place, answering the question, where? (a) lit, on, upon: Mat.9:16, 14:8, al; after verbs of motion (see supr, I, 1, (a)), Mat.9:16 Act.8:16; above, Luk.23:38; at, by, Mrk.13:29, Jhn.5:2, Act.5:9, al; (b) metaphorically, upon, on the ground of, Luk.4:4 (LXX); in the matter of, Mrk.6:52 (see Swete, in l.); upon, of, concerning, Act.5:35, 40; of the ground, reason or motive (Bl, §38, 2; 43, 3), Mat.18:3 19:9, Rom.12:12, al; ἐφ᾽ ᾧ, for the reason that, because, Rom.5:12 2Co.5:4; after verbs of motion, over, Mat.18:13, Rom.16:19, al; of a condition (cl.), Rom.8:20, 1Co.9:10; ἐπὶ δυσὶ μάρτυσιν (see Westc. on Heb.9:10), Heb.10:28; of purpose or aim, Eph.2:10, Php.4:10; of authority, over, Mat.24:47 Luk.12:44; of hostility, with dative of person(s) (cl.), against, Luk.12:52; in addition to (cl.), 2Co.7:13; of an adjunct, in, at, on, Php.1:3 2:17. III. C. accusative, 1) of place of motion upon or over, answering the question, whither? (a) lit, upon, over: Mat.14:28, 29, Luk.5:19, al. mult; in NT also, answering the question, where? (as with genitive, dative), Mrk.4:38 11:2, Luk.2:25, Jhn.1:32; ἐπὶ τ. αὐτό, Act.1:15 2:1, al; of motion to a vicinity, to, Mrk.16:2, Act.8:36, al; (b) metaphorically (in wh. "the accusative is more widely prevalent than it strictly should be," Bl, §43, 1); of blessings, evils, etc, coming upon one, with accusative of person(s), Mat.10:13 12:28, Act.2:17, Jhn.18:4, Eph.5:6, al; of addition (dative in cl.), λύπη ἐπὶ λύπην, Php.2:27; ἐπικαλεῖν ὄνομα ἐπί (see: ἐπικαλέω), Act.15:17, Jas.2:7; καλεῖν ἐπί, to call after, Luk.1:59; of number or degree: ἐπὶ τρίς (cl. εἰς τ.), thrice, Act.10:16 11:10; ἐπὶ πλεῖον, the more, further, Act.4:17 2Ti.2:16 3:9 (see also infr, 2, (a)); ἐφ᾽ ὅσον (see infr, ib.), forasmuch as, Mat.25:40, 45, Rom.11:13; of power, authority, control, Luk.1:33, Act.7:10 Rom.5:14, Heb.3:6, al; of the direction of thoughts and feelings, unto, towards, Luk.1:17 23:28, Act.9:35, 42, Rom.11:22, Gal.4:9, Eph.2:7, 1Ti.5:5, al; of purpose, for, Mat.3:7, Luk.23:48; ἐφ᾽ ὅ πάρει (Rec. ἐφ᾽ ᾧ, Mat.26:50; of hostility, against, Mat.24:7, Mrk.3:24-26 10:11 13:8, Luk.9:5, Jhn.13:18, Act.7:54, 1Co.7:36, 2Co.1:23; Of reference, concerning, for (cl. usually dative), Mrk.9:12 15:24, Jhn.19:24, Rom.4:9. 2) Of time, (a) during, for: Luk.4:25 (WH, txt, omits ἐπί), Act.13:31 16:18, Heb.11:30, al; ἐφ᾽ ὅσον (χρόνον), as long as, for so long time as, Mrk.9:15 Rom.7:1, al. (for ἐφ᾽ ὅ in another sense, see supr, 1, (b)); ἐφ᾽ ἱκανόν (see: ἱ), Act.20:11; ἐπὶ πλεῖον (see supr, 1, (b)), yet longer, further, Act.20:9 24:4; (b) on, about, towards (cl. εἰς): Luk.10:35 Act.3:1 4:5. IV. In composition, ἐπί signifies: up, ἐπαίρω; upon, ἐπίγειος, ἐπιδημέω, ὠπικαθίζω; towards, επιβλέπω, ὠπεκτείνω; over (of superintendence), ἐπιστάτης; again, in addition, ἐπαιτέω; against, ἐπιορκέω, ἐπιβουλή. (AS)
Greek Preposition
ἐπί, Thess. (before τ) [Refs 3rd c.BC+], to denote the being upon or supported upon a surface or point. A) WITH GEN: A.I) of Place, A.I.1) with Verbs of Rest, upon, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: without a Verb expressed, ἔγχεα ὄρθ᾽ ἐ. σαυρωτῆρος (i.e. σταθέντα) [Refs]; ἔκλαγξαν ὀϊστοὶ ἐπ᾽ ὤμων the arrows on his shoulders, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: also with Verbs of Motion, where the subject rests upon something, as on a chariot, a horse, a ship, φεύγωμεν ἐφ᾽ ἵππων on our chariot, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὴν κλεῖδα περιφέρειν ἐφ᾽ ἑαυτοῦ to carry the key about on his person, [Refs 5th c.BC+] walk on tiptoe, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of places, upon, if the place is an actual support, [Refs]; ἐ. τοῦ εὐωνύμον on the left, ἐ. τῶν πλευρῶν on the flanks, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but most frequently, in, rarely in [Refs 8th c.BC+] in the country. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ οἰκήματος κατίσαι, καθῆσθαι, in a brothel, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; μένειν ἐ. τῆς αὐτῶν (i.e. χώρας) remain in statu quo, Indut. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later of towns, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; sometimes also, at or near, ἐπ᾽ αὐτάων (i.e. τῶν πηγῶν) [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αἱ ἐ. Λήμνου ἐπικείμεναι νῆσοι off Lemnos, [Refs] the Thrace-ward region, [Refs 5th c.BC+] on, i.e. near which, [Refs 5th c.BC+] at the money-changers' tables, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in the passage concerning the bush, [NT] A.I.2) in various relations not strictly local, μένειν ἐ. τῆς ἀρχῆς remain in the command, [Refs 5th c.BC+] abide by it, [Refs 4th c.BC+] to be engaged in, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry). A.I.2.b) of ships, ὁρμεῖν ἐπ᾽ ἀγκύρας ride at (i.e. in dependence upon an) anchor, [Refs 5th c.BC+] dependent upon an attendant, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.2.c) with the personal and reflexive pronoun, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; later mostly with 3rd pers., ἐπ᾽ ἑωυτῶν κεῖσθαι by themselves, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ὑμέων αὐτῶν βαλέσθαι consider it by yourselves, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἑωυτῶν διαλέγονται speak in a dialect of their own, [Refs 6th c.BC+] considering their own interest only, th.[Refs] A.I.2.d) with numerals, to denote the depth of a body of soldiers, ἐ. τεττάρων ταχφῆναι to be drawn up four deep, four in file, [Refs 5th c.BC+] i.e. in a long thin line, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐφ᾽ ἑνὸς ἄγειν in single file, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; rarely of the length of the line, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πλεῖν ἐ. κέρως, ἐ. κέρας, see below c.[Refs] is formed in column, [Refs 5th c.BC+] eight bricks wide, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.2.e) with genitive person, before, in presence of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; so, before a magistrate or official, [NT+2nd c.BC+]; but ἐπὶ δικασταῖς is falsa lectio in [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.I.2.f) with Verbs of perceiving, observing, judging, etc, in the case of, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ αὐτῶν τῶν ἔργων ἂν ἐσκόπει [Refs 6th c.BC+]; also with Verbs of speaking, on a subject, [Refs 6th c.BC+]. A.I.3) implying Motion: A.I.3.a) where the sense of motion is lost in the sense of being supported, ὀρθωθεὶς. ἐπ᾽ ἀγκῶνος having raised himself upon his elbow, [Refs 8th c.BC+]. A.I.3.b) in a pregnant sense, denoting the goal of motion (compare [Refs 5th c.BC+] drew the ship upon the land and left it there, 1.485; περάαν νήσων ἔπι carry to the islands and leave there, 21.454, compare22.45; [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἀναβῆναι ἐ. τῶν πύργων [Refs 5th c.BC+] (variant); frequently of motion towards or (in a military sense) upon a place, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (but νήσου ἔ. Ψυρίης νέεσθαι to go near Psyria, [Refs 8th c.BC+] homewards, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ κόλπος ὁ ἐ. Παγασέων φέρων the bay that leads to Pagasae, [Refs] the road leading to [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.I.3.c) metaphorically, ἐ. γνώμης τινὸς γίγνεσθαι come to an opinion, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὡς ἐ. κινδύνου as if to meet danger, [Refs 6th c.BC+] A.II) of Time, in the time of, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐ. Κέκροπος, ἐ. Δαρείου, etc, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐ. τούτου τυραννεύοντος, ἐ. Λέοντος βασιλεύοντος, ἐ. Μήδων ἀρχόντων, etc, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἐμεῦ in my time, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ εἰρήνης in time of peace, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἡμέρης ἑκάστης variant for{-ῃ -τῃ} in [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.b) later ἐ. δείπνου at dinner, [Refs 1st c.AD+] A.III) in various causal senses: A.III.1) over, of persons in authority, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐ. τῶν πραγμάτων the public officers, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ ἐ. τῶν ἐπιστολῶν τοῦ Ὄθωνος, = Latin ab epistulis, his secretary, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) κεκλῆσθαι ἐ. τινος to be called after him, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τινος ἐπώνυμος γίγνεσθαι [Refs 2nd c.BC+]. A.III.3) of occasions, circumstances, and conditions, οὐκ ἐ. τούτου μόνον, ἀλλ᾽ ἐ. πάντων, on all occasions, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἐξουσίας καὶ πλούτου πονηρὸν εἶναι in. [NT+4th c.BC+] equally, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἐσχάτων at the last, [LXX] for the present, [Refs] A.III.4) in respect of, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; concerning, [Refs 2nd c.BC+] B) WITH DAT: B.I) of Place, upon, just like the genitive (hence Poets use whichever case suits the metre, whereas in Prose the dative is more frequently): B.I.1) with Verbs of Rest, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καίειν ἐ. πᾶσι (i.e. βωμοῖς) [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc: also with Verbs of Motion, where the subject rests upon something, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but ἐφ᾽ ἵππῳ, ἐφ᾽ ἵπποις and the like are never used for ἐφ᾽ ἵππου, etc.); of places, mostly in, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also, at or near, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; of rivers, etc, by, beside, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; of persons, οὐ τἀπὶ Λυδοῖς οὐδ᾽ ἐπ᾽ Ὀμφάλῃ λατρεύματα in Lydia, in the power of O, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.b) on or over, ἐπ᾽ Ἰφιδάμαντι over the body of Iphidamas, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also, over or in honour of, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.I.1.c) in hostile sense, against, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; as a check upon, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; also, towards, in reference to, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐ. πᾶσιν τοῖς σώμασι κάλλος extending over all bodies, [Refs 5th c.BC+] the ills which lie upon thee, [Refs 5th c.BC+] make a law for his case, whether for or against, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; νόμος κεῖται ἐ. τινι [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.d). of accumulation, upon, after, ὄγχνη ἐπ᾽ ὄγχνῃ one pear after another, pear on pear, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry); πήματα ἐ. πήμασι, ἐ. νόσῳ νόσος, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.e). in addition to, over and above, besides, οὐκ ἄρα σοί γ᾽ [Refs 8th c.BC+] besides, [Refs 4th c.AD+]; so of Numerals, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with Verbs of eating and drinking, with, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; νέκταρ [Refs 6th c.BC+]; especially of a relish, κάρδαμον μόνον [Refs 6th c.BC+]: metaphorically, ἐ. τῷ φάγοις ἥδιστ᾽ ἄ; ἐ. βαλλαντί; [Refs] live on turnips, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] B.I.1.f). of position, after,behind, of soldiers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.I.1.g). in dependence upon, in the power of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τινί ἐστι it is in his power to do, c.infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τῷ πλήθει in their hands, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc, as far as is in my power, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τοῖς υἱάσι their property, [Refs] B.I.1.h). according to, ἐ. τοῖς νόμοις Legal cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+] codices (Lyric poetry). B.I.1.i). of condition or circumstances in which one is, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ αὐτοφώρῳ λαβεῖν, see at {αὐτόφωρος}; also ἐ. τῷ δείπνῳ at dinner, [Refs 6th c.BC+] (anapaest meter). B.I.1.k). Geometry texts, of the point, etc, at which letters are written, κέντρον ἐφ᾽ ᾧ K Hippocr. cited in [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.2). with Verbs of Motion: B.I.2.a). where the sense of motion merges in that of support, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἱστὸν ἔστησεν ἐ. [Refs]; δυσφόρους ἐπ᾽ ὄμμασι γνώμας [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc. B.I.2.b). in pregnant construction, πέτονται ἐπ᾽ ἄνθεσιν fly on to the flowers and settle there, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἦλθε δ᾽ [Refs]. B.I.2.c). rarely for εἰς c.accusative, [Refs]. B.I.2.d). in hostile sense, upon or against, ἐ. τινι ἔχειν, ἰθύνειν ἵππους, [Refs 8th c.BC+] (Teos, 5th c.BC). B.II). of Time, rarely, and never in good Attic dialect, except in sense of succession (below 2), ἐ. νυκτί by night, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἤματι τῷδε on this very day, [Refs 8th c.BC+] for to-day, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.II.2). of succession, after, ἕκτῃ ἐ. δέκα on the [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πρὸ τῆς ἕκτης ἐ. δέκα [Refs] Latin re peracta, [Refs 5th c.BC+], τὰ ἐ. τούτοισι, = Latin quod superest, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry), etc. B.II.3). in the time of (compare [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.III). in various causal senses: B.III.1). of the occasion or cause, τετεύξεται ἄλγε᾽ ἐπ᾽ αὐτῇ for her, [Refs 8th c.BC+] for thee, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; μέγα φρονεῖν ἐ. τινι to be proud at or of a thing, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; also ἐφ᾽ αἵματι φεύγειν to be tried on a capital charge, [Refs 6th c.BC+], etc: in adverbial phrases [δικάσσαι] ἐπ᾽ ἀρωγῇ with favour, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; ἐ.κακουργίᾳ καὶ οὐκ ἀρετῇ for malice, [NT+5th c.BC+] in both cases, [Refs 6th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry); ἐ. τῇ πάσῃ συκοφαντίᾳ καὶ διασεισμῷ Mitteis [Refs 2nd c.BC+] B.III.2). of an end or purpose, [Refs 8th c.BC+] for supper, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δῆσαι ἐ. θανάτῳ or τὴν ἐ. θανάτῳ, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἐξαγωγῇ for exportation, [Refs 5th c.BC+] with a view to gaining. , [Refs 6th c.BC+] B.III.3). of the condition upon which a thing is done, ἐ. τούτοισι on these terms, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τούτῳ, ἐπ᾽ ᾧτε on condition that. , [Refs 5th c.BC+] followed by infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (but ἐφ᾽ ᾧ = wherefore, NT.Rom.5.12); ἐπ᾽ οὐδενί on no condition, on no account, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but, for no adequate reason, [Refs 4th c.BC+], on fair and equal terms, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; γῆμαί [Refs 6th c.BC+]; on the principle of. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]. B.III.4). of the price for which, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐπ᾽ ἀργυρίῳ λέγειν, πράττειν, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; also of money lent at interest, δανείζεσθαι ἐ. τοῖς μεγάλοις τόκοις [Refs] lend at 12 per cent, [Refs], i.e. at 16 per cent, [Refs]; also of the security on which money is borrowed, [Refs]; ἐπ᾽ οἴνου [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.III.5). of names, φάος καὶ νὺξ ὀνόμασται. [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ὄνομα καλεῖν [Refs 6th c.BC+] B.III.6). of persons in authority, ὅς μ᾽ ἐ. βουσὶν εἷσεν who set me over the kine, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πέμπειν ἐ. τοσούτῳ [Refs 6th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐ. ταῖς καμήλοις [Refs 5th c.BC+]. B.III.7). in possession of, possessing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. C). WITH Acc: C.I). of Place, upon or on to a height, with Verbs of Motion, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀναβιβαστέον τινά, ἀναβαίνειν ἐ. τὸν ἵππον, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐξεκυλίσθη πρηνὴς ἐ. στόμα upon his face, [Refs]; ὤμω. ἐ. στῆθος συνοχωκότε drawn together upon his breast, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐ. κεφαλήν head-foremost, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.I.b). Geometry texts, αἱ ἐ. τὰς ἁφὰς ἐπιζευγνύμεναι εὐθεῖαι joining the points of contact, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]. perpendicular to (v. κάθετος). C.I.2). to, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; ἐ. βωμὸν ἄγων [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐ. [Refs]: c.accusative person, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.I.2.b). metaphorically, ἐ. ἔργα τρέπεσθαι, ἰέναι, [Refs 8th c.BC+] codices; also ἐ. τὴν τράπεζαν ἀποδιδόναι, ὀφείλειν, pay, owe to the bank, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐ. τὴν τράπεζαν χρέως [Refs] to be entered under his name, [Refs] C.I.2.c). up to, as far as (μέχρι ἐ. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐ. διηκόσια ἀποδιδόναι yield [Refs]-fold, [Refs 6th c.BC+] adjective or pronoun, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὅσσον [Refs] I am prudent enough, not to, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἐ. τὸ ἔσχατον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. μεῖζον χωρεῖν, ἔρχεσθαι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. μακρότερον, ἐ. μακρότατον, [Refs 5th c.BC+], a little way, a little, [Refs 5th c.BC+] still more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]. C.I.2.d). before, into the presence of (compare [Refs 4th c.BC+] (but στὰς ἐ. τὸ συνέδριον standing at the door of the council, [NT]. C.I.2.e). in Military phrases (compare [Refs 4th c.BC+], i.e. twenty-five in file, [Refs 5th c.BC+] many in file, [Refs] codices; for ἐ. κέρας see below[Refs] C.I.3). of the quarter or direction towards or in which a thing takes place, ἐ. δεξιά, ἐπ᾽ ἀριστερά, to the right or left, [Refs 8th c.BC+], on the longer, shorter side, [Refs 5th c.BC+] both ways, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; ἐ. τάδε Φασήλιδος on this side, [Refs 5th c.BC+], of space, in one, two, three dimensions, [Refs 4th c.BC+], to the spear or shield side, i.e. to right or left, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc, retire on the foot, i.e. facing the enemy, [Refs], etc, sail towards or on the wing, i.e. in column (v. [Refs], etc, with exaggeration, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. τὸ φοβερώτερον [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.I.4). in hostile sense, against, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; στρατεύεσθαι or -εύειν ἐ. τινα, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry); πλεῖν ἐ. τοὺσ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; θύεσθαι ἐ. τινα offer sacrifice on going against. , [Refs 5th c.BC+] to your prejudice, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.I.5). of extension over a space, πουλὺν ἐφ᾽ ὑγρὴν ἤλυθον over much water, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πλέων, λεύσσων ἐ. οἴνοπα πόντον, [Refs 8th c.BC+] over nine acres he lay stretched, [Refs 8th c.BC+] over so much, [Refs] over a large space, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; frequently to be rendered on, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἵππους. ἐ. νῶτον ἐΐσας [Refs]; ἐ. γαῖαν εἰσὶ δύω [γένη] [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also, among, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.II). of Time, for or during a certain time, [Refs 8th c.BC+], etc; ἐπ᾽ [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐ. χρόνον τινά, ἐ. τινα χρόνον, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. διετές Legal cited in [Refs 6th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐφ᾽ ἡμέραν ἀρκέσον enough for the day, [Refs 5th c.BC+] for a long time, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.2). up to, until a certain time, εὗδον παννύχιος [Refs 8th c.BC+]. C.III). in various causal senses: C.III.1). of the object or purpose for which one goes, ἀγγελίην ἔπι Τυδῆ στεῖλαν sent him for (i.e. to bring) tidings of, [Refs 8th c.BC+] let him go for an ox, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πέμπειν εἴς τινα ἐ. στράτευμα [Refs] for (i.e. to demand) the interest, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: with accusative of a Noun of Action, ἐξιέναι ἐ. θήραν go out hunting, [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ἔρχεσθαι, ἵζειν ἐ. δεῖπνον, [Refs 8th c.BC+] to see the sight, [NT+2nd c.BC+] or adjective, ἐ. τοῦτο ἐλθεῖν for this purpose, [Refs 6th c.BC+], etc; ἐ. τ; to what end? [Refs 5th c.BC+] for which purpose, [Refs 5th c.BC+] for like ends, [Refs 8th c.BC+] to a better result, [Refs 5th c.BC+] set up as God's anointed, [LXX]: after an adjective, ἄριστοι πᾶσαν [Refs 8th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry); χρήσιμος [Refs 6th c.BC+]; ὄργανα ἐ. τι [Refs] C.III.2). so far as regards, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοὐπί σε, τὸ ἐ. σέ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς ἐ. τὸ πολύ for the most part, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ πρὸς ἅπαν [Refs 3rd c.AD+]; ἐ. [Refs 3rd c.BC+]. C.III.3). of persons set over others, ἐ. τοὺς πεζοὺς [Refs 6th c.BC+]. C.III.4). according to, by, ἐ. στάθμην by the rule, [Refs 8th c.BC+] D). POSITION:—ἐπί may suffer anastrophe (ἔπι) and follow its case, as in [Refs 8th c.BC+] D.II). in Poets it is sometimes put with the second of two Nouns, though in sense it also governs the first, ἢ ἁλὸς ἢ ἐ. [Refs 8th c.BC+] E). AB[Refs 8th c.BC+]; κτεῖνον δ᾽ ἐ. μηλοβοτῆρας as well, [Refs 8th c.BC+] and besides. , [Refs 5th c.BC+] (Lyric poetry). E.II). ἔπι, for ἔπεστι, there is, [Refs 8th c.BC+] there is no man, [Refs 5th c.BC+] codices (Lyric poetry). F). PROSODY: in ἐπιόψομαι, ι is not elided before a vowel; also in some words where σ or ϝ has been lost, as ἐπιάλμενος, ἐπιείκελος, ἐπιεικής, ἐπιέξομαι (v. [Refs] G). IN COMPOSITION: G.I). of Place, denoting, G.I.1). Support or Rest upon, ἔπειμι (A), ἐπίκειμαι, ἐπικαθίζω, ἐπαυχένιος, ἐπιβώμιος, etc. G.I.2). Motion, G.I.2.a). upon or over, ἐπιβαίνω, ἐπιτρέχω. G.I.2.b). to or towards, ἐπέρχομαι, ἐπιστέλλω, ἐπαρίστερος, ἐπιδέξιος. G.I.2.c). against, [Refs], ἐπιστρατεύω, ἐπιβουλεύω. G.I.2.d). up to a point, ἐπιτελέω. G.I.2.e). over a place, as in ἐπαιωρέομαι, ἐπαρτάω. G.I.2.f). over or beyond boundaries, as in ἐπινέμομαι. G.I.2.g). implying reciprocity, as in ἐπιγαμία. G.I.3). Extension over a surface, as in ἐπαλείφω, ἐπανθίζω, [Refs], ἐπάργυρος, ἐπίχρυσος. G.I.4). Accumulation of one thing over or besides another, as in ἐπαγείρω, ἐπιμανθάνω, ἐπαυξάνω, ἐπιβάλλω, ἐπίκτητος. G.I.5). Accompaniment, to, with, as in ἐπᾴδω, ἐπαυλέω, ἐπαγρυπνέω: hence of Addition, ἐπίτριτος one and 1/3 more, 1 + 1/3; so ἐπιτέταρτος, ἐπίπεμπτος, ἐπόγδοος, etc. G.I.6). with adjectives, somewhat, slightly, as in ἐπίξανθος, ἐπίπικρος. G.II). of Time and Sequence, after, as in ἐπιβιόω, ἐπιβλαστάνω, ἐπιγίγνομαι, [Refs]. G.III). in causal senses: G.III.1). Superiority felt over or at, as in ἐπιχαίρω, ἐπιγελάω, ἐπαισχύνομαι. G.III.2). Authority over, as in ἐπικρατέω, ἔπαρχος, ἐπιβουκόλος, ἐπιποιμήν. G.III.3). Motive for, as in ἐπιθυμέω, ἐπιζήμιος, ἐπιθάνατος. G.III.4). to give force or intensity to the Verb, as in ἐπαινέω, ἐπιμέμφομαι, ἐπικείρω, ἐπικλάω.
properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc.; about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with; a primary preposition

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Noun Accusative Singular Feminine
a female PERSON OR THING that is having something done to them
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Female
βασιλεία, -ας, ἡ (βασιλεύω), [in LXX chiefly for מַמְלָכָה,מַלְכוּת;] 1) prop. abstract, sovereignty, royal power, dominion: Luk.1:33 22:29, Jhn.18:36, Act.1:6, Heb.1:8, 1Co.15:24; λαβεῖν β, Luk.19:12, 15 Rev.17:12; δοῦναι τὴν, ib. 17; ἔχειν β, ib. 18; ἔρχεσθαι ἐν τ. (εἰς τὴν) β, Mat.16:28, Luk.23:42; β. τ. θεοῦ, Rev.12:10. 2) By meton, concrete (MM, Exp., x), (a) a kingdom, the territory or people over whom the king rules (Est.5:3, al.): Mat.4:8 12:25, 26 24:7, Mrk.3:24 6:23, Luk.4:5, Heb.11:33, al; (b) the royal majesty (cf. our phrase His Majesty), the king himself (τ. σπέρμα τῆς β, 4Ki.11:1). 3) In LXX (Wis.6:5, Tob.13:1, al.), Targ. and NT, of the Messianic rule and kingdom, ἡ β. τ. θεοῦ, τ. οὐρανῶν (Heb. מַלְכוּת שָׁמַיִם, Aram. מַלְכוּתָא דִשׁמַיָּא; see Dalman, Words, 91-147; Cremer, 132, 658), the kingdom of God (on the equivalence of the two phrases, see Dalman, op. cit., 93, 218f.); τ. θεοῦ, Mat.6:33 12:28, al; τ. οὐρανῶν, Mat.3:2 4:17, al; τ. Χριστοῦ (מַלִכוּת דִמְשִׁיחא, Targ. Jon. on Isa.53:10), Eph.5:5; τ. κυρίου, 2Pe.1:11, Rev.11:15; τ. Δαυείδ, Mrk.11:10; absol, ἡ β, Mat.4:23, Jas.2:5, al. The kingdom is regarded as present: Mat.11:12, Luk.17:21, Rom.14:17, al; as that which is to be consummated in the future, Mat.6:10, Mrk.9:1, Jhn.3:5, 2Pe.1:11, al. Noteworthy phrases are: ζητεῖν τὴν β, Mat.6:33; δέχεσθαι, Mrk.10:15; κλρονομεῖν, Mat.25:34; διδόναι, Lk 12:32; παραλαμβάνειν, Heb.12:28; αὐτῶν (τοιούτων) εστὶν ἡ β, Mat.5:3, 10 19:14, Mrk.10:14, Luk.18:16; διὰ τὴν β, Mat.19:12; ἕνεκεν τῆς β, Luk.18:29; εὐαγγελίζεσθαι, κηρύσσειν, διαγγέλλειν τὴν β, Luk.4:43 9:2, 60; ἤγγικεν ἡ β, Mat.3:2, Mrk.1:15; κλεῖς τῆς β, Mat.16:10; κλείειν τὴν β, Mat.23:14; υἱοὶ τῆς β, Mat.8:12 13:38 (cf. Cremer, 132, 658). (AS)
Greek Noun Female
βᾰσιλ-είᾱ, Ionic dialect βᾰσιλ-ηΐη, ἡ, kingdom, dominion, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; hereditary monarchy, opposed to τυραννίς, ἐπὶ ῥητοῖς γέρασι πατρικαὶ β. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἡ πρώτη πολιτεία μετὰ τὰς β. after the age of monarchies, [NT] 2) kingly office, β. καὶ στρατηγία [Refs 4th c.BC+] 3) at Athens, the office of the archon βασιλεύς, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] 4) passive, being ruled by a king, τῆς ὑπ᾽ ἐκείνου βασιλείας [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) diadem, [Refs 1st c.BC+] III) reign, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; so αἱ β. the reigns of the Kings, title of book of “VT”; accession to the throne, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] IV) concrete, His Majesty, [LXX]
Noun Feminine
properly, royalty, i.e. (abstractly) rule, or (concretely) a realm (literally or figuratively); kingdom, + reign; from g935 (βασιλεύς)

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Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
καί, conj., and I. Copulative. 1) Connecting single words; (a) in general: Mat.2:18, 16:1, Mrk.2:15, Luk.8:15, Heb.1:1, al. mult; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mat.23:23, Luk.14:21, Rom.7:12, 9:4, al. (b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jhn.2:20, Act.13:20; (with) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mat.8:33, 26:59, Mrk.16:17, Act.5:29, al. 2) Connecting clauses and sentences: Mat.3:12, Act.5:21, al. mult; esp. (a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss, LAE, 128ff.): Mat.1:21, 7:25, Mrk.9:5, Jhn.10:3, al; (b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Luk.3:14, Jhn.4:11, IIIJhn.10; (with) consecutive, and so: Mat.5:1, 23:32, Heb.3:19, al; after imperatives, Mat.4:19, Luk.7:7, al; (d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mat.3:14, 6:26, Mrk.12:12, Luk.18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), 1Co.5:2, al; (e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Luk.2:21, 7:12, Act.1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mrk.10:26, Luk.10:29, Jhn.9:36. 3) Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Luk.3:18, Jhn.1:16, Act.23:6, Rom.1:5, 1Co.3:5, al. 4) In transition: Mat.4:23, Mrk.5:1, 21, Jhn.1:19, al; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mrk.1:9 (cf. Luk.5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16). 5) καὶ. καί, both. and (for τε. καί, see: τε); (a) connecting single words: Mat.10:28, Mrk.4:41, Rom.11:33, al; (b) clauses and sentences: Mrk.9:13, Jhn.7:28, 1Co.1:22, al. II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mat.5:39, 40; Mrk.2:28, al. mult; esp. with pron, adv, etc, Mat.20:4, Jhn.7:47, al; ὡς κ, Act.11:17; καθὼς κ, Rom.15:7; οὑτω κ, Rom.6:11; διὸ κ, Luk.1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss, BS, 313ff.), Act.13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ. (Bl, §77, 7; Deiss, BS, 265f,), Php.4:3; τί κ, 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ, Luk.14:22, Jhn.5:18, al; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Act.17:27; καίπερ, Heb.5:8; κ. ἐάν, see: ἐάν. ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle, representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ with ind. (Bl, §65, 4; cf. Jhn.13:17, 1Co.7:36), if haply, if; 1) with subjc. (cl.); (a) pres: Mat.6:22, Luk.10:6, Jhn.7:17, Rom.2:25, 26 al; { (b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mat.4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Luk.9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mrk.3:24, Luk.14:34, Jhn.5:43, Rom.7:2, al; = cl. εἰ, with opt, Jhn.9:22 11:57, Act.9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jhn.12:32 14:3, I Jhn.2:28 3:2, Heb.3:7 " (LXX). 2) C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; see WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss, BS, 201f, LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl, §65, 4); (a) fut: Mat.18:19 T, Luk.19:40, Act.7:7; (b) pres: 1Th.3:8 (see Milligan, in l.). 3) With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl, §65, 6), Gal.6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl, l.with), with subjc. pres, Mat.10:13, 1Co.8:8, Jas.2:17, 1Jn.3:21; aor, Mat.6:15, Mrk.3:27, Jhn.3:3, Rom.10:15, Gal.1:8 2:16 (see Lft, Ellic, in ll.); ἐ. τε. ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם. אִם, Est.19:13, al,] Rom.14:8. 4) = cl. ἄν (which see) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf, Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f; Bl, §26, 4; Mayser, 152f; Deiss, BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ, Mat.5:19, Mrk.6:22, 23 Luk.17:32, 1Co.6:18, al; ὅπου ἐ, Mat.8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ, Rev.11:6; οὗ ἐ, 1Co.16:6; καθὸ ἐ, 2Co.8:12; ὅστις ἐ, Gal.5:10. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
καί, conjunction, copulative, joining words and sentences, A) and; also adverb, even, also, just, frequently expressing emphatic assertion or assent, corresponding as positive to the negative οὐ (μή) or οὐδέ (μηδέ). copulative, and, A.I) joining words or sentences to those preceding, ἦ, καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύσινεῦσε Κρονίων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: repeated with two or more Nouns, αἱ δὲ ἔλαφοι κ. δορκάδες κ. οἱ ἄγριοι οἶες κ. οἱ ὄνοι οἱ ἄγριοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; joining only the last pair, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ὄχλος πλείων κ. πλείων ἐπέρρει more and more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to add epithets after πολύς, πολλὰ κ. ἐσθλά [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) to addalimiting or defining expression, πρὸς μακρὸν ὄρος κ. Κύνθιον ὄχθον to the mountain and specially to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (sometimes in reverse order, πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς κ. μακρὸν Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; to add by way of climax, θεῶν. κ. Ποσειδῶνος all the gods, and above all. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently ἄλλοι τε καί, ἄλλως τε καί, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs]; ὀλίγου τινὸς ἄξια κ. οὐδενός little or nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταῦτα and this too. , γελᾶν ἀναπείθειν, κ. ταῦθ᾽ οὕτω πολέμιον ὄντα τῷ γέλωτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) at the beginning of a sentence, A.II.1) in appeals or requests, καί μοι δὸς τὴν Χεῖρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καί μοι λέγε, καί μοι ἀπόκριναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in Oratt, καί μοι λέγε. τὸ ψήφισμα, καί μοι ἀνάγνωθι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) in questions, to introduce an objection or express surprise, κ. τίς τόδ᾽ ἐξίκοιτ᾽ ἂν ἀγγέλων τάχο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. πῶς; pray how? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δὴ τί; but then what? [Refs]; κ. ποῖον; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς εἶδε πώποτε βοῦς κριβανίτα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κἄπειτ᾽ ἔκανε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς πώποτε Χαριζόμενος ἑτέρῳ τοῦτο εἰργάσατ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) ={καίτοι}, and yet, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) at the beginning of a speech, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) after words implying sameness or like ness, as, γνώμῃσι ἐχρέωντο ὁμοίῃσι κ. σύ they had the same opinion as you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἴσον or ἴσα κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἴσῳ (i.e. ἐστὶ) κ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) after words implying comparison or opposition, αἱ δαπάναι οὐχ ὁμοίως κ. πρίν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) to express simultaneity, ἦν ἦμαρ δεύτερον, κἀγὼ κατηγόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρέρχονταί τε μέσαι νύκτες κ. ψύχεται [τὸ ὕδωρ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι] οὐκ ἔφθασαν τὴν ἀρχὴν κατασχόντες κ. Θηβαίοις εὐθὺς ἐπεβούλευσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) joining an affirmative clause with a negative, ἀλλ᾽ ὥς τι δράσων εἷρπε κοὐ θανούμενος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) καί, καί. correlative, not only, but also. , κ. ἀεὶ κ. νῦν, κ. τότε κ. νῦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) by anacoluthon, ὣς φαμένη κ. κερδοσύνῃ ἡγήσατ᾽ Ἀθήνη, for ὣς ἔφη κ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔρχεται δὲ αὐτή τε. κ. τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, for κ. ὁ υἱός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) even, also, just, B.1) τάχα κεν κ. ἀναίτιον αἰτιόῳτο even the innocent, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόμεναι κ. μεῖζον ἄεθλον an even greater prize, [Refs]full five,[Refs 5th c.BC+] two or three, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) also, κ. ἐγώ I also, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. αὐτοί they also, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀγίας καὶ Σωκράτης κ. τούτω ἀπεθανέτην likewise died, [Refs]; in adding surnames, etc, Ὦχος ὁ κ. Δαρειαῖος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative ὁ κ. first in [Refs 1st c.BC+], frequently later, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; Ἰούδας ὁ κ. Μακκαβαῖος [NT+8th c.BC+]; εἴπερ τι κ. ἄλλο, ὥς τις κ. ἄλλος, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not only, but also. , see at {μόνος}; οὐδὲν μᾶλλον. ἢ οὐ καὶ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2.b) frequently used both in the antecedent and relative clause, where we put also in the antecedent only, εἰ μὲν κ. σὺ εἶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὧνπερ κ. ἐγώ [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.3) frequently in apodosi, after temporal Conjs, ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥα, κ. τότε δή. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also after εἰ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: as a Hebraism, κ. ἐγένετο. κ. [LXX+NT] B.4) with Advs, to give emphasis, κ. κάρτα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. λίην full surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πάλαι, κ. πάνυ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μάλα, κ. σφόδρα, in answers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5) with words expressing a minimum, even so much as, were it but, just, ἱέμενος κ. καπνὸν ἀποθρῴσκοντα νοῆσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷς ἡδὺ κ. λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίς δὲ κ. προσβλέψετα; who will so much as look at you? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) just, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ κ. νοσοῦμεν 'tis just that that ails me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with a relative, τὸ κ. κλαίουσα τέτηκα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and how long ago was the city sacked? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ποῦ καί σφε θάπτε; where is he burying her? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) even, just, implying assent, ἔπειτά με κ. λίποι αἰών thereafter let life e'en leave me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8) κ. εἰ even if, of a whole condition represented as an extreme case, opposed to εἰ κ. although, notwithstanding that, of a condition represented as immaterial even if fulfilled,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰ κ. ἠπιστάμην if I had been able, [Refs 5th c.BC+] each exert their force separtely, as εἴ περ ἀδειής τ᾽ ἐστί, καὶ εἰ. and if. [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.9) before a Participle, to represent either καὶ εἰ, or εἰ καί, although, albeit, Ἕκτορα κ. μεμαῶτα μάχης σχήσεσθαι ὀΐω, for ἢν κ. μεμάῃ, how much soever he rage, although he rage, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C) Position: καί and, is by Poets sometimes put after another word, ἔγνωκα, τοῖσδε κοὐδὲν ἀντειπεῖν ἔχω, for καὶ τοῖσδε οὐδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) καί also, sometimes goes between a preposition and its case, ἐν κ. θαλάσσᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.3) very seldom at the end of a verse, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) crasis: with ᾰ, as κἄν, κἀγαθοί, etc; with ε, as κἀγώ, κἄπειτα, etc, Doric dialect κἠγώ, κἤπειτα, etc; with η, as Χἠ, Χἠμέρη, Χἠμεῖς, etc; with ῐ in Χἰκετεύετε, Χἰλαρ; with ο, as Χὠ, Χὤστις, etc; with υ in Χὐμεῖς, Χὐποχείριον, etc; with ω in the pronoun ᾧ, Χ; with αι, as κᾀσχρῶ; with αυ, as καὐτό; with ει, as κεἰ, κεἰς (but also κἀς), κᾆτ; with εὐ, as κεὐγένεια, κεὐσταλή; with οι in Χοἰ (Χᾠ [Refs]; with ου in Χοὖτος, κοὐ, κοὐδέ, and the like.
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words; and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet; apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force

there will be
Next word
to be
Verb Future Middle Deponent Indicative 3rd Plural
an ACTION that will happen - by people or things being discussed
Identical in all sources
to be
Greek Verb
εἰμί, with various uses and significations, like the English verb to be. I. As substantive verb. 1) Of persons and things, to be, exist: Act.17:28, Jhn.1:1, 8:58, 17:5, al; ὁ ὢν καὶ ὁ ἦν (for past ptcp.), Rev.1:4, 8, 4:8, 11:17, 16:5 (see Swete, Ap., 5; M, Pr., 228); τὰ (μὴ) ὄντα, Rom.4:17, 1Co.1:28. 2) Of times, events, etc, to be, happen, take place: Mat.24:3, Mrk.14:2, 15:42, Luk.21:23, Jhn.4:6, 23, 5:10, al. 3) to be present, be in a place, have come: Mat.2:13, 15, Mrk.1:45, 5:21, 15:40, Luk.1:80, 5:29, Jhn.7:30, al; before εἰς, Mrk.2:1; before ἐκ, (ἐξ), Mat.1:20, 21:25, Mrk.11:30, Jhn.3:31, al. 4) Impers, ἔστι, ἦν, etc; (a) there is (Fr. il y a), was, etc: Mat.16:28, Luk.16:19, Jhn.3:1, 5:2, Rom.3:10, al; with dative (of the possessor; Bl, §37, 3), Mat.16:22, Luk.1:7, Jhn.18.10, Rom.9:2, al; ἔστιν ὅς, ὅστις (chiefly in pl), Mat.16:28, 19:2, Mrk.9:1, al; (b) with inf, = ἔξεστιν (which see), it is possible: Heb.9:5, 1Co.11:20, RV (but see ICC, in l.). II. As copula uniting subject and predicate. 1) Expressing simply identity or equivalence: Mat.5:13, 14:15, Luk.1:18, 19, Jhn.1:1, 4:19, Rev.3:9, al. mult. 2) Explicative, as in parable, figure, type, etc: Mat.13:19, 1Co.9:2, 10:4, 11:25, Gal.4:24, Rev.17:15, al; ταῦτ᾽ ἔστιν, Mat.27:46, Mrk.7:2, Rom.7:18 al; ὅ ἐστιν, Mrk.3:17, Col.1:24, Heb.7:2, al; akin to this is the sacramental usage: Mat.26:26-28, Mrk.14:22, 24, Luk.22:19, 1Co.11:24 (see ICC on Mk, I Co, ll. with; DB, iii, 148 f.). 3) C. genitive: qual, etc, Mrk.5:42, Luk.3:23, 1Co.14:33, Heb.12:11, al; part, 1Ti.1:20, 2Ti.1:15; poss, Mat.5:3, 10, Mrk.12:7, Luk.4:7; of service or partisanship, Rom.8:9, 1Co.1:12, 2Co.10:7, 2Ti.2:19. 4) C. dative (BL, §37, 3): Act.1:8, 9:15, Rom.4:12, 1Co.1:18, 2:14, Rev.21:7, al. 5) C. ptcp, as a periphrasis for the simple verb (Bl, §62, 1, 2; M, Pr., 225 ff.); (a) with ptcp. pf. (cl.): Mat.10:30, Luk.9:32, Jhn.3:24, Act.21:35, 1Co.15:19, al; (b) with ptcp. pr. (esp. in impf, as in Heb. and Aram; Dalman, Words, 35 f.), Mat.7:29, Mrk.1:22, Luk.4:31, 14:1, Act.1:10, al. mult, id. for imper. (M, Pr., 180f, 182f.), with ellipsis of εἰμί, Rom.12:9, 10, Heb.13:5, al; (with) with ptcp. aor. (cl), Luk.23:9. 6) Seq. εἰς (cf. Heb. הָיָה לְ), a vernac. usage (M, Pr., 71): Mat.19:5, Mrk.10:8, Heb.8:10, al. 7) C. adv: Mat.19:20, Mrk.4:26, Luk.18:11, al. 8) Ellipses; (a) of the copula (Bl, §30, 3): Mat.8:29, 24:32, Jhn.21:22, 23, Heb.6:4, al; (b) of the predicate: ἐγώ εἰμί, Mat.14:27, Mrk.6:50, al; absol. (cf. Deu.32:39; אֲנִי הוּא), Mrk.13:6, Jhn.4:26, al. (cf. ἄπ, ἔν, πάρ, συμ-πάρ, σύν-ειμι). (AS)
to be
Greek Verb
εἰμί (sum), Aeolic dialect ἔμμι [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Cretan dialect ἠμί [Refs]; 2nd pers. singular εἶ, Epic dialect and Ionic dialect εἰς [Refs 8th c.BC+], Epic dialect and Doric dialect ἐσσί [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἐστί, Doric dialect ἐντί [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. dual ἐστόν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 1st pers. plural ἐσμέν, Epic dialect and Ionic dialect εἰμέν (also in [Refs 5th c.BC+], Doric dialect εἰμές [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἰσί (-ίν), Epic dialect and Ionic dialect ἔασι (-ιν) [Refs 8th c.BC+], Doric dialect ἐντί [Refs 5th c.BC+], Epic dialect and Lyric poetry also in middle form ἔσσο [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἔστω (ἤτω [LXX+5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural ἔστωσαν, but ἔστων [Refs 8th c.BC+], and early Attic dialect Inscrr, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]subjunctive ὦ, ᾖς, ᾖ, Epic dialect ἔω [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἔῃ [Refs 8th c.BC+], also Boeotian dialect ἔνθω [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect 3rd.pers. plural ὦντι [Refs], Boeotian dialect ἴωνθι [Refs 6th c.BC+], -η, also ἔοις, ἔοι, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἴοισαν Ἀρχ. Ἐφ. [Refs]; 3rd.pers. dual εἴτην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 1st pers. plural εἶμεν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 2nd pers. plural εἶτε [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural εἶεν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Elean ἔα, ={εἴη}, [Refs 6th c.BC+]infinitive εἶναι, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; Epic dialect ἔμμεναι (also Aeolic dialect ἔμμεν᾽ [Refs 7th c.BC+]; Doric dialect εἶμεν Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]participle ὤν, Epic dialect ἐών, ἐοῦσα, ἐόν, [Refs 5th c.AD+]; Boeotian dialect feminine ἰῶσα [Refs], Aeolic dialect and Doric dialect feminine ἔσσα [Refs 7th c.BC+] (also Ionic dialect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative singular εἴς in [Refs 7th c.BC+]: imperfect ἦν [Refs 8th c.BC+] (also Aeolic dialect, [Refs 7th c.BC+] (uncertain in Aeolic dialect, [Refs 7th c.BC+] is required by metre in [Refs 8th c.BC+], whence Hom.and later Ionic dialect ἔᾱ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Epic dialect 3rd.pers. singular ἦεν, always with ν in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔην as 1st pers. singular, only [Refs 8th c.BC+]; 2nd pers. singular ἦσθα, later ἦς (which is variant in [NT+5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. singular ἦν, Epic dialect ἔην, ἤην, ἦεν (see. above), Doric dialect and Aeolic dialect ἦς [Refs 7th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. dual ἤστην [Refs 8th c.BC+]; Doric dialect 1st pers. plural ἦμες [Refs 1st c.AD+]; 2nd pers. plural ἦτε [Refs 5th c.BC+]; 3rd.pers. plural ἦσαν, Ionic dialect and poetical ἔσαν (in [Refs 8th c.BC+], but is rather a peculiarity of syntax, see below see, but is 3rd.pers. plural in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Aeolic dialect ἔον [NT+5th c.BC+], 2nd pers. singular ἦσο [Refs], 3rd.pers. singular ἦστο [Refs], 1st pers. plural ἤμεθα [NT+3rd c.BC+]; subjunctive ὦμαι [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; Ionic dialect and Epic dialect also ἔσκον, used by [Refs 4th c.BC+]future ἔσομαι, ἔσται, Epic dialect and Aeolic dialect also ἔσσομαι, ἔσεται, ἔσσετα; Aeolic dialect 2nd pers. singular ἔσσῃ probably in [Refs 8th c.BC+], infinitive ἐσσεῖσθαι [Refs 5th c.BC+] —All forms of the present indicative are enclitic (except 2nd pers. singular εἶ and 3rd.pers. plural ἔασι); but 3rd.pers. singular is written ἔστι when it begins a sentence or verse, or when it immediately follows οὐκ, καί, εἰ, ὡς, ἀλλά, or τοῦτ᾽, Hdn.Gr.[Refs]; later Grammars wrote ἔστι as substantive Verb, [Refs 9th c.AD+] A) as the substantive Verb, A.I) of persons, exist, οὐκ ἔσθ᾽ οὗτος ἀνήρ, οὐδ᾽ ἔσσεται [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔτ᾽ εἰσί they are still in being,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐκέτ᾽ ἐστί he is no more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐδὲ δὴν ἦν he was not long-lived, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ὁ οὐκ ὤν, οἱ οὐκ ὄντες, of those who are no more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ὄντες the living, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; ὁ ὤν the [LXX+8th c.BC+]; ἐσσόμενοι posterity,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς ἂν εἶεν ἅνθρωποι might continue in being, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of things, εἰ ἔστι ἀληθέως [ἡ τράπεζα] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of cities, ὄλωλεν, οὐδ᾽ ἔτ᾽ ἐστὶ Τροία [Refs 5th c.BC+]; δοκεῖ μοι Καρχηδόνα μὴ εἶναι censeo Carthaginem esse delendam, [Refs 1st c.AD+]; ἂν ᾖ τὸ στράτευμα be in existence, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; of money, to be in hand, τῶν ὄντων χρημάτων καὶ τῶν προσιόντων [Refs]; τὰ ὄντα property, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐσόμενον ἐκ. future revenue from, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; of place, τὴν οὖσαν ἐκκλησίαν the local church, [NT]; of time, τοῦ ὄντος μηνός in the current month, [Refs]; in office, ἱερέων τῶν ὄντων [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; αἱ οὖσαι [ἐξουσίαι] the powers that be, Ep. Rom.[Refs] A.II) of the real world, be, opposed to become, γίγνεται πάντα ἃ δή φαμεν εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ὄν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; opposed to τὸ μὴ ὄν, [LXX+5th c.BC+]; τὰ ὄντα the world of things, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὄνindeclinable, τῶν ὂν εἰδῶν species of Being, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] A.II.2) of circumstances, events, etc, to happen, τά τ᾽ ἐόντα, τά τ᾽ ἐσσόμενα, πρό τ᾽ ἐόντα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; τῆς προδοσίας οὔσης since treachery was there, [Refs]; ἕως ἂν ὁ πόλεμος ᾖ so long as it last, [Refs]; τί ἐστι; what is it? what's the matter? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί οὖν ἦν τοῦτ; how came it to pass? [Refs 5th c.BC+] things are as they are, i.e. are ill, [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.III) be the fact or the case, διπλασίαν ἂν τὴν δύναμιν εἰκάζεσθαι ἤ ἐστιν twice as large as it really is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; αὐτὸ ὅ ἐστι καλόν beauty in its essence, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in participle, τὸν ἐόντα λόγον λέγειν or φαίνειν the true story, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ ἐόντι χρήσασθαι tell the truth,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; σκῆψιν οὐκ οὖσαν, λόγον οὐκ ὄντα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τῷ ὄντι in reality, in fact, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to apply a quotation to a case in point, τῷ ὄντι κλαυσίγελως real 'smiles through tears' (with allusion to [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κατὰ τὸ ἐόν according to the fact, rightly, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πᾶν τὸ ἐόν the whole truth, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) followed by the relative, οὐκ ἔστιν ὅς or ὅστις no one, οὐκ ἔσθ᾽ ὃς. ἀπαλάλκοι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οὐκ ἔ. ὅτῳ, ={οὐδενί}, [Refs 4th c.BC+], = Latin sunt qui, used exactly like{ἔνιοι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστὶν ἃ χωρία, πολίσματα, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; the singular Verb is used even with masculine and feminine plural, ἐστὶν οἵ, αἵ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; more frequently in oblique cases, ποταμῶν ἐστὶ ὧν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστὶ παρ᾽ οἷς, ἐστὶν ἐν οἷς, [Refs 5th c.BC+], = Latin est ubi, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. ὅπῃ, ἔσθ᾽ ὅπου, somehow, somewhere, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in questions expecting a negative answer, ἐ. ὁπόθεν, ὅπω; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οὐκ ἔ. ὅπως οὐ in any case, necessarily, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐ. ὅτε, ἔσθ᾽ ὅτε, sometimes, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) ἦν is sometimes used with plural masculine and feminine, usually at the beginning of a sentence, there was, τῆς δ᾽ ἦν τρεῖς κεφαλαί [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἦν δ᾽ ἀμφίπλεκτοι κλίμακες [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἦν ἄρα κἀκεῖνοι ταλακάρδιοι epigram cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; before dual Nouns, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) ἔστι impersonal, with infinitive, it is possible, ἔστι γὰρ ἀμφοτέροισιν ὀνείδεα μυθήσασθαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἴ τί πού ἐστι (i.e. πιθέσθαι)[Refs 5th c.BC+]; so in imperative, optative, and subjunctive, ἔστω ἀποφέρεσθαι τῷ βουλομένῳ [Refs 8th c.BC+]; followed by ὥστε with infinitive, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with accusative et infinitive, ἁδόντα δ᾽ εἴη με τοῖς ἀγαθοῖς ὁμιλεῖν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: sometimes not impersonal in this sense, θάλασσα δ᾽ οὐκέτ᾽ ἦν ἰδεῖν [Refs] A.VI.b) ἔστω in argument, let it be granted, ἔστω τοῦτο ἀληθὲς εἶναι [Refs 4th c.BC+] B) most frequently, to be, the Copula connecting the predicate with the Subject, both being in the same case: hence, signify, import, τὸ γὰρ εἴρειν λέγειν ἐστίν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially in the phrase τοῦτ᾽ ἔστι, hoc est; Σκαιόλαν, ὅπερ ἐστὶ Λαϊόν [Refs 1st c.AD+] twice five are ten, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναί τις or τι, to be somebody, something, be of some consequence, see at {τι; οὐδὲν εἶναι} [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) periphrastic with the Participle to represent the finite Verb: with perfect participle once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so in Trag. and Attic dialect, ἦν τεθνηκώς, for ἐτεθνήκει, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἔσται δεδορκώς[Refs 5th c.BC+]: with aorist participle, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so προδείσας εἰμί, οὐ σιωπήσας ἔσε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]: with present participle, ἦν προκείμενον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί δ᾽ ἐστί. φέρο; [Refs 5th c.BC+] — if the _Article_ is joined with the Part, the noun is made emphatic, Κᾶρές εἰσι οἱ καταδέξαντες the persons who showed her were Carians, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C) εἶναι is frequently modified in sense by the addition of adverbs, or the cases of Nouns without or with Preps: C.I) εἶναι with adverbs, where the adverb often merely represents a Noun and stands as the predicate, ἅλις δέ οἱ ἦσαν ἄρουραι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀκέων, ἀκήν εἶναι, to be silent,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἀσφαλέως ἡ κομιδὴ ἔσται will go on safely, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐγγύς, πόρρω εἶναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] it fared ill with them, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.II) with genitive, to express descent or extraction, πατρὸς δ᾽ εἴμ᾽ ἀγαθοῖο [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.II.b) to express the material of which a thing is made, ἡ κρηπίς ἐστι λίθων μεγάλων consists of, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τοιούτων ἔργων ἐστὶ ἡ τυραννίς is made up of, [Refs].ή, etc. C.II.c) to express the class to which a person or thing belongs, εἶ γὰρ τῶν φίλων you are one of them, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔστι τῶν αἰσχρῶν it is in the class of disgraceful things, i. e. it is disgraceful, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.II.d) to express that a thing belongs to another, Τροίαν Ἀχαιῶν οὖσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: hence, to be of the party of, ἦσαν. τινὲς μὲν φιλίππου, τινὲς δὲ τοῦ βελτίστου [Refs 4th c.BC+]; to be de pendent upon, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to be at the mercy of, ἔστι τοῦ λέγοντος, ἢν φόβους λέγῃ [Refs] C.II.e) to express one's duty, business, custom, nature, and the like, οὔτοι γυναικός ἐστι 'tis not a woman's part, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τὸ δὲ ναυτικὸν τέχνης ἐστίν is matter of art, requires art, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.II.f) in LXX, to be occupied about, ἦσαν τοῦ θύειν [LXX]; ἔσεσθαι, with genitive, to be about to, ἐσόμεθα τοῦ σῶσαί σε [LXX] C.III) with the dative, ἐστί μοι I have, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.III.2) with two datives, σφίσι τε καὶ Ἀθηναίοισι εἶναι οὐδὲν πρῆγμα that they and the Athenians have nothing to do one with another, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; more shortly, σοί τε καὶ τούτοισι πρήγμασι τί ἐστ; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τί τῷ νόμῳ καὶ τῇ βασάν; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τί ἐμοὶ καὶ σο; Latin quid tecum est mihi? [NT]; also ἐμοὶ οὐδὲν πρὸς τοὺς τοιούτους (i.e. ἐστίν) [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔσται αὐτῳ πρὸς τὸν θεόν, in tomb inscriptions, [Refs] C.III.3) with ἄσμενος, βουλόμενος, etc, added, ἐμοὶ δέ κεν ἀσμένῳ εἴη 'twould be to my delight, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C.IV) with Preps, εἶναι ἀπό τινος, ={εἶναί τινος}[Refs 5th c.BC+]; but εἶναι ἀπ᾽ οἴκου to be away from, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.2) εἶναι ἔκ τινος to be sprung from, εἴμ᾽ ἐκ Παιονίης, Μυρμιδόνων ἔξ εἰμι, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔστιν ἐξ ἀνάγκης it is of necessity, i. e. necessary, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.3) εἶναι ἐν. to be in a certain state, ἐν εὐπαθείῃσι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἀθυμία, etc, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐν ἀξιώματι to be in esteem, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ ἐν τέλεϊ ἐόντες those in office, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; but εἶναι ἐν τέχνῃ, ἐν φιλοσοφία to be engaged in, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.3.b) ἐν σοί ἐστι it depends on thee, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.4) εἶναι διά, much like{εἶναι ἐν}, εἶναι διὰ φόβου, ={φοβεῖσθαι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι δι᾽ ὄχλου, ={ὀχληρὸν εἶναι}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι δι᾽ αἰτίας, ={αἰτιᾶσθαι}, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; Geometry texts, pass through, διὰ τᾶς ἑτέρας διαμέτρου ἐόντος τοῦ ἐπιπέδου [Refs 3rd c.BC+] C.IV.5) εἶναι ἐφ᾽ ἑαυτῆς to be by oneself, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐπὶ ὀνόματος to bear a name, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐπὶ τοῖς πράγμασιν to be engaged in, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐπί τινα to be against him, [Refs]; εἶναι ἐφ᾽ ἑξήκοντα στάδια to reach sixty stadia, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι ἐπὶ τὰς ἁφάς pass through the points of contact, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; εἶναι ἐπί τινι, see above 3 b. C.IV.6) εἶναι πρός τινος to be in one's favour, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to suit, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶναι πρός τινι engaged in, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; πρὸς τοῖς ἰδίοις mind one's own affairs, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; πρὸς τὸ πονεῖν[Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.7) εἶναι παρά τινι or τινα, = παρειναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (assuming variant). C.IV.8) εἶναι ὑπό τινα or τινι to be subject to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.IV.9) περὶ τούτων ἐστίν that is the question, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.IV.10) εἶναι ἀπό, in Geometry texts, to be constructed upon, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] D) ἐστί is very frequently omitted, mostly in the present indicative before certain predicates, as ἀνάγκη, ἄξιον, δυνατόν, εἰκός, ἕτοιμον, οἷόν τε, ῥᾴδιον, χρεών, etc, and after the neuter of Verbals in -τέος, and such forms as θαυμαστὸν ὅσον: less frequently with other persons and moods, εἰμί omitted, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; εἶ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἐσμέν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐστέ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰσί, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; subjunctive ᾖ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; optative εἴη, [Refs]; imperfect ἦν, [Refs]; future ἔσονται, [Refs 8th c.BC+] E) the Inf. frequently seems redundant, E.1) in phrases implying power or will to do a thing, ἑκὼν εἶναι (see. ἑκών) κατὰ δύναμιν εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ ἐπ᾽ ἐκείνοις εἶναι, quantum in illis esset, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ τήμερον, τὸ νῦν εἶναι, [Refs 4th c.BC+] E.2) after Verbs of naming or choosing, σοφιστὴν ὀνομάζουσι τὸν ἄνδρα εἶναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of giving, δῶκε ξεινήϊον εἶναι [Refs 8th c.BC+] F) imperfect ἦνissts. used where other languages take the present, F.1) after ἄρα, to express a fact which is and has always been the same, δέρμα δὲ ἀνθρώπου. ἦν ἄρα σχεδὸν δερμάτων πάντων λαμπρότατον human skin then it appears is, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὡς ἄρ᾽ ἦσθ᾽ ἐμὸς πατὴρ ὀρθῶς[Refs 3rd c.BC+]; so also when there is reference to a past thought, τουτὶ τί ἦ; what is this? [Refs 5th c.BC+], used to express the essential nature of a thing, where τί ἦν (for ἐστί) takes the place of the dative in such phrases as τὸ ἀγαθῷ εἶναι, τὸ μεγέθει εἶναι, [Refs] G) ἐγώ εἰμι, in [LXX]
I exist (used only when emphatic); am, have been, X it is I, was; the first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb

Next word
Noun Nominative Plural Masculine
male PEOPLE OR THINGS that are doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Male/Female
λιμός, -οῦ, ὁ (so in Att; in Dor. ἡ, and so sometimes in LXX, see Th., Gr., 146; in NT: Luk.15:14, Act.11:28; cf. M, Pr., 60), [in LXX chiefly for רָעָב;] hunger, famine: Luk.4:25 15:14, 17, Act.7:11 " (LXX) Act.11:28, Rom.8:35, Rev.6:8 18:8; λ. καὶ δίψος, 2Co.11:27; pl, Mat.24:7, Mrk.13:8, Luk.21:11. (AS)
Greek Noun Male/Female
λῑμός, οῦ, ὁ (Doric dialect ἡ, accusative to [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Λ. ἔχων γυναικὸς μορφήν Callisth. cited in [NT+2nd c.BC+]:—hunger, famine, δίψα τε καὶ λ. [Refs 8th c.BC+], referring to the siege of Melos, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II) a hungry wretch, [Refs 4th c.BC+]
Noun Masculine
a scarcity of food; dearth, famine, hunger; probably from g3007 (λείπω) (through the idea of destitution)

Next word
Identical in King James sources, absent in Nestle/Aland and other sources
Greek Conjunction
καί, conj., and I. Copulative. 1) Connecting single words; (a) in general: Mat.2:18, 16:1, Mrk.2:15, Luk.8:15, Heb.1:1, al. mult; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mat.23:23, Luk.14:21, Rom.7:12, 9:4, al. (b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jhn.2:20, Act.13:20; (with) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mat.8:33, 26:59, Mrk.16:17, Act.5:29, al. 2) Connecting clauses and sentences: Mat.3:12, Act.5:21, al. mult; esp. (a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss, LAE, 128ff.): Mat.1:21, 7:25, Mrk.9:5, Jhn.10:3, al; (b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Luk.3:14, Jhn.4:11, IIIJhn.10; (with) consecutive, and so: Mat.5:1, 23:32, Heb.3:19, al; after imperatives, Mat.4:19, Luk.7:7, al; (d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mat.3:14, 6:26, Mrk.12:12, Luk.18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), 1Co.5:2, al; (e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Luk.2:21, 7:12, Act.1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mrk.10:26, Luk.10:29, Jhn.9:36. 3) Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Luk.3:18, Jhn.1:16, Act.23:6, Rom.1:5, 1Co.3:5, al. 4) In transition: Mat.4:23, Mrk.5:1, 21, Jhn.1:19, al; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mrk.1:9 (cf. Luk.5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16). 5) καὶ. καί, both. and (for τε. καί, see: τε); (a) connecting single words: Mat.10:28, Mrk.4:41, Rom.11:33, al; (b) clauses and sentences: Mrk.9:13, Jhn.7:28, 1Co.1:22, al. II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mat.5:39, 40; Mrk.2:28, al. mult; esp. with pron, adv, etc, Mat.20:4, Jhn.7:47, al; ὡς κ, Act.11:17; καθὼς κ, Rom.15:7; οὑτω κ, Rom.6:11; διὸ κ, Luk.1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss, BS, 313ff.), Act.13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ. (Bl, §77, 7; Deiss, BS, 265f,), Php.4:3; τί κ, 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ, Luk.14:22, Jhn.5:18, al; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Act.17:27; καίπερ, Heb.5:8; κ. ἐάν, see: ἐάν. ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle, representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ with ind. (Bl, §65, 4; cf. Jhn.13:17, 1Co.7:36), if haply, if; 1) with subjc. (cl.); (a) pres: Mat.6:22, Luk.10:6, Jhn.7:17, Rom.2:25, 26 al; { (b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mat.4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Luk.9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mrk.3:24, Luk.14:34, Jhn.5:43, Rom.7:2, al; = cl. εἰ, with opt, Jhn.9:22 11:57, Act.9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jhn.12:32 14:3, I Jhn.2:28 3:2, Heb.3:7 " (LXX). 2) C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; see WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss, BS, 201f, LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl, §65, 4); (a) fut: Mat.18:19 T, Luk.19:40, Act.7:7; (b) pres: 1Th.3:8 (see Milligan, in l.). 3) With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl, §65, 6), Gal.6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl, l.with), with subjc. pres, Mat.10:13, 1Co.8:8, Jas.2:17, 1Jn.3:21; aor, Mat.6:15, Mrk.3:27, Jhn.3:3, Rom.10:15, Gal.1:8 2:16 (see Lft, Ellic, in ll.); ἐ. τε. ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם. אִם, Est.19:13, al,] Rom.14:8. 4) = cl. ἄν (which see) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf, Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f; Bl, §26, 4; Mayser, 152f; Deiss, BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ, Mat.5:19, Mrk.6:22, 23 Luk.17:32, 1Co.6:18, al; ὅπου ἐ, Mat.8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ, Rev.11:6; οὗ ἐ, 1Co.16:6; καθὸ ἐ, 2Co.8:12; ὅστις ἐ, Gal.5:10. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
καί, conjunction, copulative, joining words and sentences, A) and; also adverb, even, also, just, frequently expressing emphatic assertion or assent, corresponding as positive to the negative οὐ (μή) or οὐδέ (μηδέ). copulative, and, A.I) joining words or sentences to those preceding, ἦ, καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύσινεῦσε Κρονίων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: repeated with two or more Nouns, αἱ δὲ ἔλαφοι κ. δορκάδες κ. οἱ ἄγριοι οἶες κ. οἱ ὄνοι οἱ ἄγριοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; joining only the last pair, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ὄχλος πλείων κ. πλείων ἐπέρρει more and more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to add epithets after πολύς, πολλὰ κ. ἐσθλά [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) to addalimiting or defining expression, πρὸς μακρὸν ὄρος κ. Κύνθιον ὄχθον to the mountain and specially to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (sometimes in reverse order, πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς κ. μακρὸν Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; to add by way of climax, θεῶν. κ. Ποσειδῶνος all the gods, and above all. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently ἄλλοι τε καί, ἄλλως τε καί, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs]; ὀλίγου τινὸς ἄξια κ. οὐδενός little or nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταῦτα and this too. , γελᾶν ἀναπείθειν, κ. ταῦθ᾽ οὕτω πολέμιον ὄντα τῷ γέλωτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) at the beginning of a sentence, A.II.1) in appeals or requests, καί μοι δὸς τὴν Χεῖρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καί μοι λέγε, καί μοι ἀπόκριναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in Oratt, καί μοι λέγε. τὸ ψήφισμα, καί μοι ἀνάγνωθι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) in questions, to introduce an objection or express surprise, κ. τίς τόδ᾽ ἐξίκοιτ᾽ ἂν ἀγγέλων τάχο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. πῶς; pray how? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δὴ τί; but then what? [Refs]; κ. ποῖον; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς εἶδε πώποτε βοῦς κριβανίτα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κἄπειτ᾽ ἔκανε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς πώποτε Χαριζόμενος ἑτέρῳ τοῦτο εἰργάσατ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) ={καίτοι}, and yet, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) at the beginning of a speech, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) after words implying sameness or like ness, as, γνώμῃσι ἐχρέωντο ὁμοίῃσι κ. σύ they had the same opinion as you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἴσον or ἴσα κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἴσῳ (i.e. ἐστὶ) κ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) after words implying comparison or opposition, αἱ δαπάναι οὐχ ὁμοίως κ. πρίν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) to express simultaneity, ἦν ἦμαρ δεύτερον, κἀγὼ κατηγόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρέρχονταί τε μέσαι νύκτες κ. ψύχεται [τὸ ὕδωρ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι] οὐκ ἔφθασαν τὴν ἀρχὴν κατασχόντες κ. Θηβαίοις εὐθὺς ἐπεβούλευσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) joining an affirmative clause with a negative, ἀλλ᾽ ὥς τι δράσων εἷρπε κοὐ θανούμενος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) καί, καί. correlative, not only, but also. , κ. ἀεὶ κ. νῦν, κ. τότε κ. νῦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) by anacoluthon, ὣς φαμένη κ. κερδοσύνῃ ἡγήσατ᾽ Ἀθήνη, for ὣς ἔφη κ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔρχεται δὲ αὐτή τε. κ. τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, for κ. ὁ υἱός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) even, also, just, B.1) τάχα κεν κ. ἀναίτιον αἰτιόῳτο even the innocent, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόμεναι κ. μεῖζον ἄεθλον an even greater prize, [Refs]full five,[Refs 5th c.BC+] two or three, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) also, κ. ἐγώ I also, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. αὐτοί they also, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀγίας καὶ Σωκράτης κ. τούτω ἀπεθανέτην likewise died, [Refs]; in adding surnames, etc, Ὦχος ὁ κ. Δαρειαῖος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative ὁ κ. first in [Refs 1st c.BC+], frequently later, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; Ἰούδας ὁ κ. Μακκαβαῖος [NT+8th c.BC+]; εἴπερ τι κ. ἄλλο, ὥς τις κ. ἄλλος, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not only, but also. , see at {μόνος}; οὐδὲν μᾶλλον. ἢ οὐ καὶ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2.b) frequently used both in the antecedent and relative clause, where we put also in the antecedent only, εἰ μὲν κ. σὺ εἶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὧνπερ κ. ἐγώ [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.3) frequently in apodosi, after temporal Conjs, ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥα, κ. τότε δή. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also after εἰ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: as a Hebraism, κ. ἐγένετο. κ. [LXX+NT] B.4) with Advs, to give emphasis, κ. κάρτα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. λίην full surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πάλαι, κ. πάνυ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μάλα, κ. σφόδρα, in answers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5) with words expressing a minimum, even so much as, were it but, just, ἱέμενος κ. καπνὸν ἀποθρῴσκοντα νοῆσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷς ἡδὺ κ. λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίς δὲ κ. προσβλέψετα; who will so much as look at you? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) just, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ κ. νοσοῦμεν 'tis just that that ails me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with a relative, τὸ κ. κλαίουσα τέτηκα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and how long ago was the city sacked? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ποῦ καί σφε θάπτε; where is he burying her? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) even, just, implying assent, ἔπειτά με κ. λίποι αἰών thereafter let life e'en leave me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8) κ. εἰ even if, of a whole condition represented as an extreme case, opposed to εἰ κ. although, notwithstanding that, of a condition represented as immaterial even if fulfilled,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰ κ. ἠπιστάμην if I had been able, [Refs 5th c.BC+] each exert their force separtely, as εἴ περ ἀδειής τ᾽ ἐστί, καὶ εἰ. and if. [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.9) before a Participle, to represent either καὶ εἰ, or εἰ καί, although, albeit, Ἕκτορα κ. μεμαῶτα μάχης σχήσεσθαι ὀΐω, for ἢν κ. μεμάῃ, how much soever he rage, although he rage, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C) Position: καί and, is by Poets sometimes put after another word, ἔγνωκα, τοῖσδε κοὐδὲν ἀντειπεῖν ἔχω, for καὶ τοῖσδε οὐδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) καί also, sometimes goes between a preposition and its case, ἐν κ. θαλάσσᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.3) very seldom at the end of a verse, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) crasis: with ᾰ, as κἄν, κἀγαθοί, etc; with ε, as κἀγώ, κἄπειτα, etc, Doric dialect κἠγώ, κἤπειτα, etc; with η, as Χἠ, Χἠμέρη, Χἠμεῖς, etc; with ῐ in Χἰκετεύετε, Χἰλαρ; with ο, as Χὠ, Χὤστις, etc; with υ in Χὐμεῖς, Χὐποχείριον, etc; with ω in the pronoun ᾧ, Χ; with αι, as κᾀσχρῶ; with αυ, as καὐτό; with ει, as κεἰ, κεἰς (but also κἀς), κᾆτ; with εὐ, as κεὐγένεια, κεὐσταλή; with οι in Χοἰ (Χᾠ [Refs]; with ου in Χοὖτος, κοὐ, κοὐδέ, and the like.
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words; and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet; apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force

Next word
Noun Nominative Plural Masculine
male PEOPLE OR THINGS that are doing something
Identical in King James sources, absent in Nestle/Aland and other sources
Greek Noun Male
λοιμός, -οῦ, ὁ [in LXX for לוּץ, עָרִיץ, בְּלִיַּעַל, etc;] pestilence: pl, Luk.21:11; metaphorically (as in cl; LXX: Psa.1:1, Pro.21:24, 1Ma.15:21, al.), of persons, a pest: Act.24:5 (also as adj, ἄνδρες λοιμοί, 1Ma.10:61, al.). (AS)
Greek Noun Male
λοιμός, ὁ, plague, once in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of the plague at Athens, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; coupled with λιμός, [Refs 8th c.BC+] 2) of persons, plague, pest, [Refs 4th c.BC+] II) as adjective, pestilent, [LXX]; ἀνὴρ λ. καὶ πονηρός[NT+2nd c.AD+]
Noun Masculine
a plague (literally, the disease, or figuratively, a pest); pestilence(-t); of uncertain affinity

Next word
Identical in all sources
Greek Conjunction
καί, conj., and I. Copulative. 1) Connecting single words; (a) in general: Mat.2:18, 16:1, Mrk.2:15, Luk.8:15, Heb.1:1, al. mult; repeated before each of the terms in a series, Mat.23:23, Luk.14:21, Rom.7:12, 9:4, al. (b) connecting numerals (WM, §37, 4): Jhn.2:20, Act.13:20; (with) joining terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole: Mat.8:33, 26:59, Mrk.16:17, Act.5:29, al. 2) Connecting clauses and sentences: Mat.3:12, Act.5:21, al. mult; esp. (a) where, after the simplicity of the popular language, sentences are paratactically joined (WM, §60, 3; M, Pr., 12; Deiss, LAE, 128ff.): Mat.1:21, 7:25, Mrk.9:5, Jhn.10:3, al; (b) joining affirmative to negative sentences: Luk.3:14, Jhn.4:11, IIIJhn.10; (with) consecutive, and so: Mat.5:1, 23:32, Heb.3:19, al; after imperatives, Mat.4:19, Luk.7:7, al; (d) = καίτοι, and yet: Mat.3:14, 6:26, Mrk.12:12, Luk.18:7 (Field, Notes, 72), 1Co.5:2, al; (e) beginning an apodosis (= Heb. וְ; so sometimes δέ in cl.), then: Luk.2:21, 7:12, Act.1:10; beginning a question (WM, §53, 3a): Mrk.10:26, Luk.10:29, Jhn.9:36. 3) Epexegetic, and, and indeed, namely (WM, §53, 3c): Luk.3:18, Jhn.1:16, Act.23:6, Rom.1:5, 1Co.3:5, al. 4) In transition: Mat.4:23, Mrk.5:1, 21, Jhn.1:19, al; so, Hebraistically, καὶ ἐγένετο (וַי:הִי; also ἐγένετο δέ), Mrk.1:9 (cf. Luk.5:1; V. Burton, §§357-60; M, Pr., 14, 16). 5) καὶ. καί, both. and (for τε. καί, see: τε); (a) connecting single words: Mat.10:28, Mrk.4:41, Rom.11:33, al; (b) clauses and sentences: Mrk.9:13, Jhn.7:28, 1Co.1:22, al. II. Adjunctive, also, even, still: Mat.5:39, 40; Mrk.2:28, al. mult; esp. with pron, adv, etc, Mat.20:4, Jhn.7:47, al; ὡς κ, Act.11:17; καθὼς κ, Rom.15:7; οὑτω κ, Rom.6:11; διὸ κ, Luk.1:35; ὁ κ. (Deiss, BS, 313ff.), Act.13:9; pleonastically, μετὰ κ. (Bl, §77, 7; Deiss, BS, 265f,), Php.4:3; τί κ, 1 Co 15:29; ἀλλὰ κ, Luk.14:22, Jhn.5:18, al; καίγε (M, Pr., 230; Burton, §437), Act.17:27; καίπερ, Heb.5:8; κ. ἐάν, see: ἐάν. ἐάν, contr. fr. εἰ ἄν, conditional particle, representing something as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not so definitely expected as in the case of εἰ with ind. (Bl, §65, 4; cf. Jhn.13:17, 1Co.7:36), if haply, if; 1) with subjc. (cl.); (a) pres: Mat.6:22, Luk.10:6, Jhn.7:17, Rom.2:25, 26 al; { (b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.): Mat.4:9 16:26 (cf. ptcp. in Luk.9:25; M, Pr., 230), Mrk.3:24, Luk.14:34, Jhn.5:43, Rom.7:2, al; = cl. εἰ, with opt, Jhn.9:22 11:57, Act.9:2; as Heb. אִם = ὅταν, Jhn.12:32 14:3, I Jhn.2:28 3:2, Heb.3:7 " (LXX). 2) C. indic, (as in late writers, fr. Arist. on; see WH, App., 171; VD, MGr. 2, App., §77; Deiss, BS, 201f, LAE, 155, 254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl, §65, 4); (a) fut: Mat.18:19 T, Luk.19:40, Act.7:7; (b) pres: 1Th.3:8 (see Milligan, in l.). 3) With other particles: ἐ. καί (Bl, §65, 6), Gal.6:1; ἐ. μή (M, Pr., 185, 187; Bl, l.with), with subjc. pres, Mat.10:13, 1Co.8:8, Jas.2:17, 1Jn.3:21; aor, Mat.6:15, Mrk.3:27, Jhn.3:3, Rom.10:15, Gal.1:8 2:16 (see Lft, Ellic, in ll.); ἐ. τε. ἐ. τε, [in LXX for אִם. אִם, Est.19:13, al,] Rom.14:8. 4) = cl. ἄν (which see) after relat. pronouns and adverbs (Tdf, Pr., 96; WH, App., 173; M, Pr., 42f; Bl, §26, 4; Mayser, 152f; Deiss, BS, 202ff.): ὃς ἐ, Mat.5:19, Mrk.6:22, 23 Luk.17:32, 1Co.6:18, al; ὅπου ἐ, Mat.8:19; ὁσάκις ἐ, Rev.11:6; οὗ ἐ, 1Co.16:6; καθὸ ἐ, 2Co.8:12; ὅστις ἐ, Gal.5:10. (AS)
Greek Conjunction
καί, conjunction, copulative, joining words and sentences, A) and; also adverb, even, also, just, frequently expressing emphatic assertion or assent, corresponding as positive to the negative οὐ (μή) or οὐδέ (μηδέ). copulative, and, A.I) joining words or sentences to those preceding, ἦ, καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ᾽ ὀφρύσινεῦσε Κρονίων [Refs 8th c.BC+]: repeated with two or more Nouns, αἱ δὲ ἔλαφοι κ. δορκάδες κ. οἱ ἄγριοι οἶες κ. οἱ ὄνοι οἱ ἄγριοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; joining only the last pair, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὁ ὄχλος πλείων κ. πλείων ἐπέρρει more and more, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; to add epithets after πολύς, πολλὰ κ. ἐσθλά [Refs 8th c.BC+] A.I.2) to addalimiting or defining expression, πρὸς μακρὸν ὄρος κ. Κύνθιον ὄχθον to the mountain and specially to, [Refs 5th c.BC+] (sometimes in reverse order, πρὸς δῶμα Διὸς κ. μακρὸν Ὄλυμπον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; to add by way of climax, θεῶν. κ. Ποσειδῶνος all the gods, and above all. , [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently ἄλλοι τε καί, ἄλλως τε καί, see at {ἄλλος} [Refs]; ὀλίγου τινὸς ἄξια κ. οὐδενός little or nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταῦτα and this too. , γελᾶν ἀναπείθειν, κ. ταῦθ᾽ οὕτω πολέμιον ὄντα τῷ γέλωτι [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II) at the beginning of a sentence, A.II.1) in appeals or requests, καί μοι δὸς τὴν Χεῖρα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καί μοι λέγε, καί μοι ἀπόκριναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in Oratt, καί μοι λέγε. τὸ ψήφισμα, καί μοι ἀνάγνωθι, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.2) in questions, to introduce an objection or express surprise, κ. τίς τόδ᾽ ἐξίκοιτ᾽ ἂν ἀγγέλων τάχο; [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. πῶς; pray how? [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δὴ τί; but then what? [Refs]; κ. ποῖον; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς εἶδε πώποτε βοῦς κριβανίτα; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κἄπειτ᾽ ἔκανε; [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τίς πώποτε Χαριζόμενος ἑτέρῳ τοῦτο εἰργάσατ; [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) ={καίτοι}, and yet, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.4) at the beginning of a speech, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III) after words implying sameness or like ness, as, γνώμῃσι ἐχρέωντο ὁμοίῃσι κ. σύ they had the same opinion as you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἴσον or ἴσα κ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐν ἴσῳ (i.e. ἐστὶ) κ. εἰ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.2) after words implying comparison or opposition, αἱ δαπάναι οὐχ ὁμοίως κ. πρίν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.III.3) to express simultaneity, ἦν ἦμαρ δεύτερον, κἀγὼ κατηγόμην [Refs 5th c.BC+]; παρέρχονταί τε μέσαι νύκτες κ. ψύχεται [τὸ ὕδωρ] [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [οἱ Λακεδαιμόνιοι] οὐκ ἔφθασαν τὴν ἀρχὴν κατασχόντες κ. Θηβαίοις εὐθὺς ἐπεβούλευσαν [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.IV) joining an affirmative clause with a negative, ἀλλ᾽ ὥς τι δράσων εἷρπε κοὐ θανούμενος [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.V) καί, καί. correlative, not only, but also. , κ. ἀεὶ κ. νῦν, κ. τότε κ. νῦν, [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.VI) by anacoluthon, ὣς φαμένη κ. κερδοσύνῃ ἡγήσατ᾽ Ἀθήνη, for ὣς ἔφη κ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; ἔρχεται δὲ αὐτή τε. κ. τὸν υἱὸν ἔχουσα, for κ. ὁ υἱός, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B) even, also, just, B.1) τάχα κεν κ. ἀναίτιον αἰτιόῳτο even the innocent, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; δόμεναι κ. μεῖζον ἄεθλον an even greater prize, [Refs]full five,[Refs 5th c.BC+] two or three, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2) also, κ. ἐγώ I also, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. αὐτοί they also, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; Ἀγίας καὶ Σωκράτης κ. τούτω ἀπεθανέτην likewise died, [Refs]; in adding surnames, etc, Ὦχος ὁ κ. Δαρειαῖος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; nominative ὁ κ. first in [Refs 1st c.BC+], frequently later, [Refs 2nd c.AD+], etc; Ἰούδας ὁ κ. Μακκαβαῖος [NT+8th c.BC+]; εἴπερ τι κ. ἄλλο, ὥς τις κ. ἄλλος, [Refs 5th c.BC+], not only, but also. , see at {μόνος}; οὐδὲν μᾶλλον. ἢ οὐ καὶ. [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.2.b) frequently used both in the antecedent and relative clause, where we put also in the antecedent only, εἰ μὲν κ. σὺ εἶ τῶν ἀνθρώπων ὧνπερ κ. ἐγώ [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.3) frequently in apodosi, after temporal Conjs, ἀλλ᾽ ὅτε δή ῥα, κ. τότε δή. [Refs 8th c.BC+]; also after εἰ, [Refs 8th c.BC+]: as a Hebraism, κ. ἐγένετο. κ. [LXX+NT] B.4) with Advs, to give emphasis, κ. κάρτα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. λίην full surely, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πάλαι, κ. πάνυ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μάλα, κ. σφόδρα, in answers, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.5) with words expressing a minimum, even so much as, were it but, just, ἱέμενος κ. καπνὸν ἀποθρῴσκοντα νοῆσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; οἷς ἡδὺ κ. λέγειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τίς δὲ κ. προσβλέψετα; who will so much as look at you? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.6) just, τοῦτ᾽ αὐτὸ κ. νοσοῦμεν 'tis just that that ails me, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently with a relative, τὸ κ. κλαίουσα τέτηκα [Refs 8th c.BC+]; and how long ago was the city sacked? [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ποῦ καί σφε θάπτε; where is he burying her? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.7) even, just, implying assent, ἔπειτά με κ. λίποι αἰών thereafter let life e'en leave me, [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.8) κ. εἰ even if, of a whole condition represented as an extreme case, opposed to εἰ κ. although, notwithstanding that, of a condition represented as immaterial even if fulfilled,[Refs 8th c.BC+]; εἰ κ. ἠπιστάμην if I had been able, [Refs 5th c.BC+] each exert their force separtely, as εἴ περ ἀδειής τ᾽ ἐστί, καὶ εἰ. and if. [Refs 8th c.BC+] B.9) before a Participle, to represent either καὶ εἰ, or εἰ καί, although, albeit, Ἕκτορα κ. μεμαῶτα μάχης σχήσεσθαι ὀΐω, for ἢν κ. μεμάῃ, how much soever he rage, although he rage, [Refs 8th c.BC+] C) Position: καί and, is by Poets sometimes put after another word, ἔγνωκα, τοῖσδε κοὐδὲν ἀντειπεῖν ἔχω, for καὶ τοῖσδε οὐδέν [Refs 4th c.BC+] C.2) καί also, sometimes goes between a preposition and its case, ἐν κ. θαλάσσᾳ [Refs 5th c.BC+] C.3) very seldom at the end of a verse, [Refs 5th c.BC+] D) crasis: with ᾰ, as κἄν, κἀγαθοί, etc; with ε, as κἀγώ, κἄπειτα, etc, Doric dialect κἠγώ, κἤπειτα, etc; with η, as Χἠ, Χἠμέρη, Χἠμεῖς, etc; with ῐ in Χἰκετεύετε, Χἰλαρ; with ο, as Χὠ, Χὤστις, etc; with υ in Χὐμεῖς, Χὐποχείριον, etc; with ω in the pronoun ᾧ, Χ; with αι, as κᾀσχρῶ; with αυ, as καὐτό; with ει, as κεἰ, κεἰς (but also κἀς), κᾆτ; with εὐ, as κεὐγένεια, κεὐσταλή; with οι in Χοἰ (Χᾠ [Refs]; with ου in Χοὖτος, κοὐ, κοὐδέ, and the like.
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words; and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet; apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force

Next word
Noun Nominative Plural Masculine
male PEOPLE OR THINGS that are doing something
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Male
σεισμός, -οῦ, ὁ (σείω), [in LXX chiefly for רַעַשׁ;] a shaking, commotion, as a tempest at sea: Mat.8:24; esp. an earthquake: Mat.24:7 27:54 28:2, Mrk.13:8, Luk.21:11, Act.16:26, Rev.6:12 8:5 11:13, 19 16:18. (AS)
Greek Noun Male
σεισμ-ός, ὁ, (σείω) shaking, shock, γῆς σ. earthquake, [Refs 5th c.BC+] 2) generally, shock, agitation, commotion, σ. τοῦ σώματος [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἔξωθεν. προσφέρειν τοῖς. πάθεσι σεισμόν a shock, [NT+2nd c.AD+] 3) blackmail, extortion, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; συκοφάντεια καὶ σ. [Refs 2nd c.BC+]
Noun Masculine
a commotion, i.e. (of the air) a gale, (of the ground) an earthquake; earthquake, tempest; from g4579 (σείω)

Next word
according to
relating it to another person or thing
Identical in all sources
according to
Greek Preposition
κατά (bef. a vowel κατ᾽, καθ᾽; on the frequently neglect of elision, see Tdf, Pr., 95; WH, App., 146a), prep. with genitive, accusative, down, downwards. I. C. genitive (WM, §47, k; Bl, §42, 2). 1) C. genitive of thing(s), in local sense; (a) down, down from: Mat.8:32, Mrk.5:13, Luk.8:33, 1Co.11:4; (b) throughout (late usage; Bl, l.with): κ. ὅλης κ.τ.λ, Luk.4:14 23:5, Act.9:31 10:37; (with) in a peculiar adjectival phrase: ἡ κ. βάθους, deep or extreme poverty, 2Co.8:2. 2) C. genitive of person(s), usually in hostile sense; (a) against (in cl. only after verbs of speaking, witnessing, etc.): opposite to ὑπέρ, Mrk.9:40; μετά, Mat.12:30; after ἐπιθυμεῖν, Gal.5:17; λαλεῖν, Act.6:13; διδάσκειν, Act.21:28; ψεύδεσθαι, Jas.3:14; after verbs of accusing, etc, Mat.5:23, Luk.23:14, Rom.8:33, al; verbs of fighting, prevailing, etc, Mat.10:35, Act.14:2, 1Co.4:6, al; (b) of swearing, by: όμνυμι κ. (BL, §34, 1), He 6:13,16, cf. Mat.26:63. II. C. accusative (WM, §49d; BL, §42, 2). 1) Of motion or direction; (a) through, throughout: Luk.8:39 9:6 10:4, Act.8:1, 36 al; (b) to, towards, over against: Luk.10:32 (Field, Notes, 62), Act.2:1 o 16:7, Gal.2:11, Php.3:14, al; (with) in adverbial phrases, at, in, by, of: κατ᾽ οἶκον, at home, Act.2:46; κατ᾽ ἰδίαν (see: ἴδιος); καθ᾽ ἑαυτόν, Act.28:16, Rom.14:22, Jas.2:17; with pron. of person(s), Act.17:28 18:15, Rom.1:15, Eph.1:15, al. 2) Of time, at, during, about: Act.8:26 12:1 19:23, Rom.9:9 Heb.1:10, al. 3) Distributive; (a) of place: κ. τόποὐς, Mat.24:7, al; κ. πόλιν, Luk.8:1, 4 al; κ. ἐκκλησίαν, Act.14:23. (b) of time: κ. ἔτος, Luk.2:41; ἑορτήν, Mat.27:15, al; (with) of numbers, etc: καθ᾽ ἕνα πάντες, 1Co.14:31 (on καθ᾽ εἷς, see: εἷς); κ. ἑκατόν, Mrk.6:40; κ. μέρος, Heb.9:5; κ. ὄνομα, Jhn.10:3. 4) Of fitness, reference, conformity, etc; (a) in relation to, concerning: Rom.1:3, 4 7:22 9:3, 5, 1Co.12:6 10:18, Php.1:12; κ. πάντα, Act.17:22, Col.3:20, 22 Heb.2:17 4:15; (b) according to, after, like: Mrk.7:5, Luk.2:27, 29 Jhn.7:24 Rom.8:4 14:15, Eph.2:2, Col.2:8, Jas.2:8, al. III. In composition, κ. denotes, 1) down, down from (καταβαίνω), etc.), hence, metaphorically; (a) victory or rule over (καταδουλόω, -κυριεύω, etc.); (b) "perfective" action (M, Pr., 111ff.). 2) under (κατακαλύπτω), etc.). 3) in succession (καθεξῆς). 4) after, behind (καταλείπω). 5) Hostility, against (καταλαλέω). (AS)
according to
Greek Preposition
κατά [κᾰτᾰ], poetry καταί accusative to [Refs 2nd c.AD+]: preposition with genitive or accusative:— downwards. A) WITH GEN, A.I) denoting motion from above, down from, βῆ δὲ κατ᾽ Οὐλύμποιο καρήνων, κατ᾽ Ἰδαίων ὀρέων, βαλέειν κ. πέτρης, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καθ᾽ ἵππων ἀΐξαντε[Refs 5th c.BC+] — for κατ᾽ ἄκρης see.{ἄκρα}: Μοῖσα κ. στόματος Χέε νέκταρ [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.II) denoting downward motion, A.II.1) down upon or over, κ. Χθονὸς ὄμματα πήξας [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of the dying, κατὰ. ὀφθαλμῶν κέχυτ᾽ ἀχλύς a cloud settled upon the eyes, [Refs]; φᾶρος κὰκ κεφαλῆς εἴρυσσε down over. , [Refs 8th c.BC+]; [κόπρος] κ. σπείους κέχυτο. πολλή [Refs]; ὕδωρ κ. Χειρός, see at {Χεί; μύρον κ. τῆς κεφαλῆς καταχέαντες} [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ξαίνειν κ. τοῦ νώτου πολλὰς [πληγάς] [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. κόρρης παίειν, ={ἐπὶ κόρρης}, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] A.II.1.b) Geometry texts, along, upon, πίπτειν κατ᾽ [εὐθείας] [Refs 3rd c.BC+] αἱ γωνίαι κ. κύκλων περιφερειῶν ἐνεχθήσονται will move on. , [Refs 3rd c.BC+] A.II.2) down into, νέκταρ στάξε κ. ῥινῶν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; of a dart, κ. γαίης ᾤχετο [Refs]; κ. γᾶς underground, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ ὕδατος under water, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; [ποταμὸς] δὺς κ. τῆς γῆς [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. Χθονὸς κρύψαι to bury. [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ κ. γῆς one dead and buried, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; so κ. θαλάσσης ἀφανίζεσθαι, καταδεδυκέναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also βᾶτε κατ᾽ ἀντιθύρων go down by or through. , [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.3) later, towards a point, τοξεύειν κ. σκοποῦ to shoot at, [Refs 2nd c.AD+] A.II.4) of vows or oaths, by, καθ᾽ ἡμῶν ὀμνύναι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially of the victims, etc, over which the oath is taken, ὀμνυόντων τὸν ἐπιχώριον ὅρκον καθ᾽ ἱερῶν τελείων Foed. cited in [Refs 5th c.BC+]; also κατ᾽ ἐξωλείας ὀμνύναι to imprecate destruction on oneself, [Refs] A.II.4.b) to make a vow towards, i.e. make a vow of offering, κ. Χιλίων εὐχὴν ποιήσασθαι Χιμάρων [Refs 5th c.BC+] A.II.5) in hostile sense, against, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially of judges giving sentence against a person, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; of speeches, [λόγος] κ. Μειδίου, etc. (opposed to πρὸς Λεπτίνην, in reply to L.); δῶρα εἰληφέναι κατά τινος [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.II.6) of Time,for, μισθοῦν κ. εἴκοσι ἐτῶν [Refs]; κ. βίου for life, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. παντὸς τοῦ αἰῶνος ἀείμνηστον [Refs 4th c.BC+] A.II.7) in respect of, concerning, μὴ κατ᾽ ἀνθρώπων σκόπει μόνον τοῦτο [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ κ. Δημοσθένους ἔπαινοι praises bestowed on [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐρεῖν or λέγειν κατά τινος to say of one, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; frequently in the Logic of [Refs 4th c.BC+] to be predicated of, [Refs]; καταφῆσαί (or ἀποφῆσαί) τι κατά τινος to affirm (or deny) of, Metaphorical[Refs]; so κ. τινὸς ὑπάρχειν [Refs] adverb καθόλου (which see). B) WITH Acc, B.I) of motion downwards, κ. ῥόον down stream, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; opposed to ἀνὰ τὸν ποταμόν, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τὸν ποταμόν, κ. τὸ ὑδάτιον, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ οὖρον ἰέναι, ῥεῖν, down (i.e. with) the wind, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. πνεῦμα, κατ᾽ ἄνεμον ἵστασθαι to leeward, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.I.2) with or without signification of motion, on, over, throughout a space, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ Ἀχαΐδα, κ. Τροίην, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. πόντον, κῦμα, ὕλην, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. ἄστυ, οἶκον, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. κλισίας τε νέας τε[Refs 5th c.BC+] (in later Gr.of motion to a place, κ. τὴν Ἰταλίαν [Refs 5th c.BC+]: Geometry texts, at a point, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; τέμνειν [σφαῖραν] κ. κύκλον in a circle, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; also, in the region of, οἱ κ. τὸν ἥλιον γινόμενοι ἀστέρες [Refs 8th c.BC+]; βέλος κ. καίριον ἦλθεν struck upon a vital part, variant in [Refs] in heart and soul, [Refs] B.I.3) opposite, over against, κ. Σινώπην πόλιν [LXX+5th c.BC+] B.II) distributively, of a whole divided into parts, κρῖν᾽ ἄνδρας κ. φῦλα, κ. φρήτρας by tribes, by clans, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. σφέας μαχέονται by themselves, separately,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. κώμας κατοικημένοι in separate villages, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ ἑωυτοὺς ἕκαστοι ἐτράποντο each to his own home, [Refs]; κ. πόλεις ἀποπλεῦσαι, διαλυθῆναι, [Refs 5th c.BC+], etc; κατ᾽ ἔπος word by word, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ ὄνομα individually, [NT]; παῖδα κ. κρήνην at each fount a boy, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] B.II.2) of Time, καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, κατ᾽ ἦμαρ, day by day, daily, see at {ἡμέρα} 111; καθ᾽ ἑνιαυτόν, κατ᾽ ἔτος, [NT+1st c.AD+] B.II.3) of Numbers, by so many at a time, καθ᾽ ἕνα one at a time, individually, [Refs 5th c.BC+]detailed list, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; κ. μίαν τε καὶ δύο by ones and twos, [Refs 5th c.BC+] drachmae on every [Refs 4th c.BC+]in separate sums of 200[Refs]; of ships, κ. μίαν (i.e. ναῦν) in column, [Refs 5th c.BC+], measure, be measured a certain number of times, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; μετρεῖν κ. τὰς ἐν τῷ Β μονάδας as many times as there are units in B, [Refs] B.III) of direction towards an object or purpose, πλεῖν κ. πρῆξιν on a business, for or after a matter, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; πλάζεσθαι κ. ληΐδα to rove in search of booty, [Refs]; κ. ληΐην ἐκπλῶσαι [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. Χρέος τινὸς ἐλθεῖν come to seek his help, consult him, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. θέαν ἥκειν to have come for the purpose of seeing, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τ; for what purpose? why? [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.III.2) of pursuit, κ. πόδας τινὸς ἐλαύνειν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; simply κ. τινά after him, [Refs]; κατ᾽ ἴχνος on the track, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.III.3) Geometry texts, in adverbial phrases, κ. κάθετον in the same vertical line, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; κατ᾽ εὐθεῖάν τινι in the same straight line with, [Refs 3rd c.AD+] B.IV) of fitness or conformity, in accordance with, κ. θυμόν [Refs 8th c.BC+]; καθ᾽ ἡμέτερον νόον after our liking,[Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μοῖραν as is meet and right, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. νόμον [Refs 8th c.BC+]; αἰτίαν καθ᾽ ἥντινα for what cause, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ ἔχθραν, κ. φθόνον, for (i.e. because of) hatred, envy, [Refs]; καθ᾽ ἡδονήν τι δρᾶν, ποιεῖν, do as one pleases, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. φιλίαν, κατ᾽ ἔχθος, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ ἄλλο μὲν οὐδέν, ὅτι δέ. for no other reason but that, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. δύναμιν to the best of one's power, [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. τρόπον διοικεῖν arrange suitably, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ εὐνοίην with goodwill, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; in quotations, according to, κατ᾽ Αἰσχύλον [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.IV.2) in relation to, concerning, τὰ κατ᾽ ἀνθρώπους ={τὰ ἀνθρώπινα}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὰ κ. πόλεμον military matters, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; αἱ κ. τὴν πόλιν οἰκονομίαι (opposed to αἱ πολεμικαὶ πράξεις) the management of public affairs, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; so τὸ κατ᾽ ὑμέας as far as concerns you, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὸ κατ᾽ ἐμέ as far as I am concerned, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. τοῦτο in this respect, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. ταὐτά in the same way, [Refs]; καθ᾽ ὅτι so far as, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.IV.3) in Comparisons, corresponding with, after the fashion of, κρομύοιο λοπὸν κ. like the coat of an onion, uncertain in [Refs 8th c.BC+]; κ. Μιθραδάτην answering to the description of him, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; τὴν ἰδέαν κ. πνιγέα like an oven in appearance, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κηδεῦσαι καθ᾽ ἑαυτόν to marry in one's own rank of life, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; οὐ κατὰ σέ none of your sort, [Refs 5th c.BC+] to address you in your own style, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: frequently after a comparative, μέζων ἢ κατ᾽ ἀνθρώπων φύσιν [Refs 5th c.BC+]; μείζω ἢ κ. δάκρυα too great for tears, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἤθεα βαθύτερα ἢ κ. Θρήϊκας morerefined than was common among the Thracians, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.V) by the favour of a god, etc, κ. δαίμονα [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τύχην τινά [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.VI) of round numbers (see. below v11.2), nearly, about, κ. Χίλια ἑξακόσια ἔτεα 1600 years more or less, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κατ᾽ οὐδέν next to nothing, [Refs 5th c.BC+] B.VII) of Time, during or in the course of a period, κ. τὸν πόλεμον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; καθ᾽ ἡμέραν, κατ᾽ ἦμαρ, by day, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; κ. Χειμῶνα, κ. θερείαν, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] B.VII.2) about, κ. τὸν αὐτὸν τοῦτον Χρόνον [Refs 5th c.BC+]; especially with names of persons, κ. Ἄμασιν βασιλεύοντα about the time of Amasis, [Refs]; οἱ κατ᾽ ἐκεῖνον (i.e. τὸν Ἀλκιβιάδην) ὑμέτεροι πρόγονοι [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ καθ᾽ ἑαυτοὺς ἄνθρωποι their contemporaries, [Refs] B.VII.3) καθ᾽ ἕτος this year, [Refs 4th c.BC+] B.VIII) periphrastically with abstract substantive, κατ᾽ ἡσυχίην, κ. τάχος, ={ἡσύχως, ταχέως}, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. κράτος by force, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. μέρος partially, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; individually, severally, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. φύσιν naturally, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; κ. τὴν τέχνην skilfully, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; οὔτ᾽ ἐμοὶ λέγειν καθ᾽ ἡδονήν [ἐστι] it is not pleasant for me to tell you, [Refs 4th c.BC+] C) Position: κατά may follow both its cases, and is then written with anastrophe κάτα, as [Refs 8th c.BC+]; so also in tmesi, when it follows its Verb, [Refs] D) absolutely as adverb. in all the above senses, especially like{κάτω}, downwards, from above, down, frequently in [Refs 8th c.BC+] E) κατά in COMPOSITION (joined with other words), E.I) downwards, down, as in καταβαίνω, καταβάλλω, κατάκειμαι, καταπέμπω, καταπίπτω, καταπλέω 1. E.II) in answer to, in accordance with, as in κατᾴδω (occino), καταινέω, καταθύμιος. E.III) against, in hostile sense [Refs 4th c.BC+] substantive, as καταδίκη. E.IV) back, back again, as in κάτειμι, καταπορεύομαι, καταπλέω 11. E.V) frequently only to strengthen the notion of the simple word, as in κατακόπτω, κατακτείνω, καταφαγεῖν, etc; also with Substantives and adjectives, as in κατάδηλος, κάτοξος. E.VI) sometimes to give a transitive force to an intransitive Verb, our be-, as in καταθρηνέω bewail. E.VII) implying waste or consumption, as in καταλειτουργέω, καθιπποτροφέω, καταζευγοτροφέω: and generally in a disparaging sense, as in καταγιγνώσκω 1. F) κατά as a preposition was shortened in some dialects, especially in Epic dialect, into κάγ, κάδ, κάκ, κάμ, κάν, κάπ, κάρ, κάτ, before γ, δ, κ, μ, ν, π (or φ), ῥ, τ (or θ), respectively; see these forms in their own places. Mss. and the older Edd. join the preposition with the following word, as καγγόνυ, καδδέ, κακκεφαλῆς, καππεδίον, καπφάλαρα, καρρόον, καττάδε, καττόν, etc. In compound Verbs, κατά sometimes changes into καβ, καλ, καρ, κατ, before β, λ, ρ, θ, respectively, as κάββαλε, κάλλιπε, καρρέζουσα, κάτθαν; and before στ, σχ, the second syllable sometimes disappears, as in καστορνῦσα, κάσχεθε, as also in the Doric dialect forms καβαίνων, κάπετον. καθεῖς, for καθ᾽ εἷς, one by one, one after antoher, [LXX+NT+2nd c.AD+]
(prepositionally) down (in place or time), in varied relations (according to the case (genitive, dative or accusative) with which it is joined); about, according as (to), after, against, (when they were) X alone, among, and, X apart, (even, like) as (concerning, pertaining to touching), X aside, at, before, beyond, by, to the charge of, (charita-)bly, concerning, + covered, (dai-)ly, down, every, (+ far more) exceeding, X more excellent, for, from … to, godly, in(-asmuch, divers, every, -to, respect of), … by, after the manner of, + by any means, beyond (out of) measure, X mightily, more, X natural, of (up-)on (X part), out (of every), over against, (+ your) X own, + particularly, so, through(-oughout, -oughout every), thus, (un-)to(-gether, -ward), X uttermost, where(-by), with; a primary particle

[various] places.
Next word
Noun Accusative Plural Masculine
male PEOPLE OR THINGS that are having something done to them
Identical in all sources
Greek Noun Male
τόπος, -ου, ὁ, [in LXX chiefly for מָקוֹם;] place: Luk.4:37 10:1, 32 Jhn.5:13 6:10, Act.12:17, 1Co.1:2, al; τ. ἅγιος (cf. Isa.60:13), Mat.24:15; ἔρημος, Mat.14:13, al; πεδινός, Luk.6:17; ἄνυδρος (pl.), Mat.12:43, Luk.11:24; κατὰ τόπος (BV, in divers places), Mat.24:7, Mrk.13:8; τραχεῖς τ, Act.27:29; τ. διθάλασσος (which see), ib. 41; ἑτοιμάζειν τ, Jhn.14:2, 3; ἔχειν, Rev.12:6; διδόναι, Luk.14:9; with genitive defin, τ. βασάνου, Luk.16:28; τ. καταπαύσεως, Act.7:49; κρανίου, Mat.27:33, Mrk.15:22, Jhn.19:17; before οὗ, Rom.9:26; ὅπου, Mat.28:6, Mrk.16:6, Jhn.4:20 6:23 10:40 11:30 19:41; ἐν ᾧ, Jhn.11:6; ἐφ ̓ ᾧ, Act.7:33; of a place which a person or thing occupies, Rev.2:5 6:14 12:8; τ. μαχαίρας, Mat.26:52; ὁ ἴδιος τ, Act.1:25; of a place in a book, Luk.4:17 (cf. Clem. Rom, I Co., 8, 4). Metaphorical, of condition, station, occasion, opportunity or power: Act.25:16, Rom.12:19 15:23, Eph.4:27 (cf. Sir.38:12). SYN.: χώρα (extensive), region; χωρίον (enclosed), a piece of ground. τ. is "a portion of space viewed in reference to its occupancy, or as appropriated to a thing " (Grimm-Thayer, see word). (AS)
Greek Noun Male
τόπος, ὁ (feminine by attraction τόπον τὰν καλειμέναν Δαματρείαν [Refs 2nd c.BC+], place, region, first in [Refs 4th c.BC+], afterwards frequently in all writers; periphrastic, χθονὸς πᾶς τ, i.e. the whole earth, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ἐν Ἑλλάδος τόποις in Greece,[Refs]; πρὸς ἑσπέρους τ. towards the West, [Refs]; πρόσθε Σαλαμῖνος τόπων before Salamis, [Refs 5th c.BC+]: so in Prose, district, ὁ τ. ὁ Ἑλληνικός [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ τ. οὗτος, ἐν τούτοις τοῖς τ, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὅλος τ. a whole region, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; οἱ τῆς χώρας τ. the places of a country, [Refs] the geographical position, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; region, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὁ ἅγιοστ, of Jerusalem, [LXX]; the universe divided into three τόποι, [Refs 4th c.BC+]; οἱ κοινοὶ τ. public sites or buildings, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; οἰκίαι καὶ τόποι houses and sites, [Refs 2nd c.BC+]; so ψιλοὶ τ. sites not built upon, [Refs 3rd c.BC+] 2) place, position, οὐ τὸν τρόπον, ἀλλὰ τὸν τ. μόνον μεταλλάξαι [Refs 4th c.BC+]; ὑπολιποῦ τ. leave a space (in a document), [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; τ. ἔχειν have a place, [Refs 1st c.BC+]; φίλου τ. ἔχειν hold the place of, [NT+2nd c.BC+]; τ. ἔχειν also = have room (to grow), [Refs 4th c.BC+]; τόπῳ with genitive, in place of, instead of, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; ἀνὰ τόπον on the spot, immediately, [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ἐπὶ τόπου [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; κατὰ τὸν αὐτὸν τ. [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; παρὰ τόπον at a wrong place, [Refs 1st c.BC+] by virtue of the place and the time, [Refs] 3) place or part of the body, [Refs 5th c.BC+] in titles of works, e.g. περὶ τῶν πεπονθότων τόπων, περὶ συνθέσεως φαρμάκων τῶν κατὰ τόπου; especially ὁ τόπος, pudendum muliebre, [Refs 4th c.BC+] 4) place, passage in an author, κατὰ τόπους τινὰς τῆς ἱστορίας [NT+2nd c.BC+]; the word is probably interpolated in [Refs 5th c.BC+] 5) burial-place, [NT]; also in codices of [Refs 5th c.BC+]; later ὁ ἅγιος τ. is frequently of the grave of a martyr, or of a monastery associated with it, [Refs 6th c.AD+] 6) in Egypt, district, department, a entry-division of the νομός, ={τοπαρχία}, [Refs 3rd c.BC+]; οἱ ἔξω τ. uncertain meaning in [Refs 3rd c.BC+] 7) a room in a house, τόπον ἕνα ἄνευ ἐνοικίου [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; δύο τόπους ἤτοι συμπόσια [Refs 4th c.BC+] 8) position on the zodiac, [Refs 2nd c.AD+]; especially the twelve regions[Refs 2nd c.AD+] 9) αὐτὸς ὁ θεὸς καλεῖται τόπος, τῷ περιέχειν τὰ ὅλα [Refs 1st c.AD+] II) topic, [Refs 5th c.BC+] II.2) common-place or element in Rhetoric, ὁ τοῦ μᾶλλον καὶ ἧττον τ. [Refs 4th c.BC+] II.2.b) ={ὁμολογουμένου πράγματος αὔξησις}, Hermog [Refs] II.2.c) generally, sphere, ὁ πραγματικὸς τ. [Refs 1st c.BC+] III) metaphorically, opening, occasion, opportunity, ἐν τ. τινὶ ἀφανεῖ [Refs 5th c.BC+]; ὀργῇ διδόναι τ. [NT+1st c.AD+]; δότε τ. τῇ ὀργῇ leave room for the wrath (of God), i.e. let God punish, [NT+2nd c.BC+]; τ. διδόναι τινί with infinitive, give occasion to, [LXX]
Noun Masculine
a spot (general in space, but limited by occupancy; whereas g5561 (χώρα) is a large but participle locality), i.e. location (as a position, home, tract, etc.); figuratively, condition, opportunity; specially, a scabbard; coast, licence, place, X plain, quarter, + rock, room, where; apparently a primary word

< मत्तय 24:7 >