< テトスへの手紙 3 >

1 汝かれらに司と權威ある者とに服し、かつ從ひ、凡ての善き業をおこなふ備をなし、
Admonish them to be subordinate to the rulers and authorities, to obey their dictates, to be prepared for every good work,
2 人を謗らず、爭はず、寛容にし、常に柔和を凡ての人に顯すべきことを思ひ出させよ。
to speak evil of no one, not to be litigious, but to be reserved, displaying all meekness toward all men.
3 我らも前には愚なるもの、順はぬもの、迷へる者、さまざまの慾と快樂とに事ふるもの、惡意と嫉妬とをもて過すもの、憎むべき者、また互に憎み合ふ者なりき。
For, in times past, we ourselves were also unwise, unbelieving, erring, servants of various desires and pleasures, acting with malice and envy, being hateful and hating one another.
4 されど我らの救主なる神の仁慈と、人を愛したまふ愛との顯れしとき、
But then the kindness and humanity of God our Savior appeared.
5 我らの行ひし義の業にはよらで、唯その憐憫により、更生の洗と、我らの救主イエス・キリストをもて豐に注ぎたまふ聖 靈による維新とにて、我らを救ひ給へり。
And he saved us, not by works of justice that we had done, but, in accord with his mercy, by the washing of regeneration and by the renovation of the Holy Spirit,
6 我らの行ひし義の業にはよらで、唯その憐憫により、更生の洗と、我らの救主イエス・キリストをもて豐に注ぎたまふ聖 靈による維新とにて、我らを救ひ給へり。
whom he has poured out upon us in abundance, through Jesus Christ our Savior,
7 これ我らが其の恩惠によりて義とせられ、永遠の生命の望にしたがひて世嗣とならん爲なり。 (aiōnios g166)
so that, having been justified by his grace, we may become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
8 この言は信ずべきなれば、我なんぢが此 等につきて確證せんことを欲す。神を信じたる者をして愼みて善き業を務めしめん爲なり。かくするは善き事にして人に益あり。
This is a faithful saying. And I want you to confirm these things, so that those who believe in God may take care to excel in good works. These things are good and useful to men.
9 されど愚なる議論・系圖・爭鬪、また律法に就きての分爭を避けよ。これらは益なくして空しきものなり。
But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, as well as arguments against the law. For these are useless and empty.
10 異端の者をば一度もしくは二度、訓戒して後これを棄てよ。
Avoid a man who is a heretic, after the first and second correction,
11 かかる者は汝の知るごとく、邪曲にして自ら罪を認めつつ尚これを犯すなり。
knowing that one who is like this has been subverted, and that he offends; for he has been condemned by his own judgment.
12 我アルテマス或はテキコを汝に遣さん、その時なんぢ急ぎてニコポリなる我がもとに來れ。われ彼處にて冬を過さんと定めたり。
When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, hurry to return to me at Nicopolis. For I have decided to winter there.
13 教法師ゼナス及びアポロを懇ろに送りて、乏しき事なからしめよ。
Send Zenas the lawyer and Apollo ahead with care, and let nothing be lacking to them.
14 かくて我らの伴侶も善き業を務めて必要を資けんことを學ぶべし、これ果を結ばぬ事なからん爲なり。
But let our men also learn to excel in good works pertaining to the necessities of life, so that they may not be unfruitful.
15 我と偕に居る者みな汝に安否を問ふ。信仰に在りて我らを愛する者に安否を問へ。願はくは御惠、なんぢら凡ての者と偕にあらん事を。
All those who are with me greet you. Greet those who love us in the faith. May the grace of God be with you all. Amen.

< テトスへの手紙 3 >