< Isaiah 64 >

1 I wolde that thou brakist heuenes, and camest doun, that hillis fletiden awei fro thi face,
願你裂天而降; 願山在你面前震動-
2 and failiden as brennyng of fier, and brente in fier; that thi name were made knowun to thin enemyes, and folkis weren disturblid of thi face.
好像火燒乾柴, 又像火將水燒開, 使你敵人知道你的名, 使列國在你面前發顫!
3 Whanne thou schalt do merueils, we schulen not abide. Thou camest doun, and hillis fletiden awei fro thi face.
你曾行我們不能逆料可畏的事。 那時你降臨,山嶺在你面前震動。
4 Fro the world thei herden not, nethir perseyueden with eeris; God, non iye siy, withouten thee, what thingis thou hast maad redi to hem that abiden thee.
從古以來,人未曾聽見、未曾耳聞、未曾眼見 在你以外有甚麼神為等候他的人行事。
5 Thou mettist hym that is glad, and doith riytfulnesse; in thi weies thei schulen bithenke on thee. Lo! thou art wrooth, and we synneden; in tho synnes we weren euere, and we schulen be saued.
你迎接那歡喜行義、記念你道的人; 你曾發怒,我們仍犯罪; 這景況已久,我們還能得救嗎?
6 And alle we ben maad as an vncleene man; alle oure riytfulnessis ben as the cloth of a womman in vncleene blood; and alle we fellen doun as a leef, and our wickidnessis as wynd han take awei vs.
我們都像不潔淨的人; 所有的義都像污穢的衣服。 我們都像葉子漸漸枯乾; 我們的罪孽好像風把我們吹去。
7 Noon is, that clepith thi name to help, that risith, and holdith thee; thou hast hid thi face fro vs, and thou hast hurtlid doun vs in the hond of oure wickidnesse.
並且無人求告你的名; 無人奮力抓住你。 原來你掩面不顧我們, 使我們因罪孽消化。
8 And now, Lord, thou art oure fadir; forsothe we ben cley, and thou art oure maker, and alle we ben the werkis of thin hondis.
耶和華啊,現在你仍是我們的父! 我們是泥,你是窯匠; 我們都是你手的工作。
9 Lord, be thou not wrooth ynow, and haue thou no more mynde on oure wickidnesse. Lo! Lord, biholde thou, alle we ben thi puple.
耶和華啊,求你不要大發震怒, 也不要永遠記念罪孽。 求你垂顧我們, 我們都是你的百姓。
10 The citee of thi seyntuarie is forsakun, Sion is maad deseert, Jerusalem is desolat;
你的聖邑變為曠野。 錫安變為曠野; 耶路撒冷成為荒場。
11 the hous of oure halewyng and of oure glorie, where oure fadris herieden thee, is maad in to brennyng of fier; and alle oure desirable thingis ben turned in to fallyngis.
我們聖潔華美的殿- 就是我們列祖讚美你的所在被火焚燒; 我們所羨慕的美地盡都荒廢。
12 Lord, whether on these thingis thou schalt witholde thee? schalt thou be stille, and schalt thou turmente vs greetli?
耶和華啊,有這些事,你還忍得住嗎? 你仍靜默使我們深受苦難嗎?

< Isaiah 64 >