< Jeremiah 15 >

1 And the Lord seide to me, Thouy Moises and Samuel stoden bifore me, my soule is not to this puple; caste thou hem out fro my face, and go thei out.
2 That if thei seien to thee, Whidur schulen we go out? thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord seith these thingis, Thei that to deth, to deth, and thei that to swerd, to swerd, and thei that to hungur, to hungur, and thei that to caitiftee, to caitifte.
他們問你說:『我們往哪裏去呢?』你便告訴他們,耶和華如此說: 定為死亡的,必致死亡; 定為刀殺的,必交刀殺; 定為饑荒的,必遭饑荒; 定為擄掠的,必被擄掠。」
3 Y schal visite on hem foure spices, seith the Lord; a swerd to sleeynge, and doggis for to reende, and volatilis of the eir, and beestis of the erthe to deuoure and to distrie.
4 And Y schal yyue hem in to feruour to alle rewmes of erthe, for Manasses, the sone of Ezechie, king of Juda, on alle thingis whiche he dide in Jerusalem.
5 For whi who schal haue merci on thee, Jerusalem, ethir who schal be sori for thee, ether who schal go to preie for thi pees?
耶路撒冷啊,誰可憐你呢? 誰為你悲傷呢? 誰轉身問你的安呢?
6 Thou hast forsake me, seith the Lord, thou hast go abac; and Y schal stretche forth myn hond on thee, and Y schal sle thee; Y trauelide preiyng.
耶和華說:你棄絕了我, 轉身退後; 因此我伸手攻擊你,毀壞你。 我後悔甚不耐煩。
7 And Y schal scatere hem with a wyndewynge instrument in the yatis of erthe; Y killide, and loste my puple, and netheles thei turneden not ayen fro her weies.
我在境內各城門口, 用簸箕簸了我的百姓, 使他們喪掉兒女。 我毀滅他們, 他們仍不轉離所行的道。
8 The widewis therof ben multiplied to me aboue the grauel of the see; and Y brouyte in to hem a distriere in myddai on the modir of a yonge man, Y sente drede sudeynli on citees.
他們的寡婦在我面前比海沙更多; 我使滅命的午間來, 攻擊少年人的母親, 使痛苦驚嚇忽然臨到她身上。
9 Sche was sijk that childide seuene, hir soule failide; the sunne yede doun to hir, whanne dai was yit. Sche was schent, and was aschamed; and Y schal yyue the residue therof in to swerd in the siyt of her enemyes, seith the Lord.
生過七子的婦人力衰氣絕; 尚在白晝,日頭忽落; 她抱愧蒙羞。 其餘的人, 我必在他們敵人跟前,交與刀劍。 這是耶和華說的。
10 Mi modir, wo to me; whi gendridist thou me a man of chidyng, a man of discord in al the lond? Y lente not, nether ony man lente to me; alle men cursen me, the Lord seith.
11 No man bileue to me, if thi remenauntis be not in to good, if Y ranne not to thee in the tyme of turment, and in the tyme of tribulacioun and of anguysch, ayens the enemye.
12 Whether yrun and metal schal be ioyned bi pees to irun fro the north?
13 And Y schal yyue freli thi ritchessis and thi tresouris in to rauyschyng, for alle thi synnes, and in alle thin endis.
14 And Y schal brynge thin enemyes fro the lond which thou knowist not; for fier is kyndlid in my strong veniaunce, and it schal brenne on you.
15 Lord, thou knowist, haue thou mynde on me, and visite me, and delyuere me fro hem that pursuen me; nyle thou take me in thi pacience, knowe thou, that Y suffride schenschipe for thee.
耶和華啊,你是知道的; 求你記念我,眷顧我, 向逼迫我的人為我報仇; 不要向他們忍怒取我的命, 要知道我為你的緣故受了凌辱。
16 Thi wordis ben foundun, and Y eet tho; and thi word was maad to me in to ioye, and in to gladnesse of myn herte; for thi name, Lord God of oostis, is clepid to help on me.
耶和華-萬軍之上帝啊, 我得着你的言語就當食物吃了; 你的言語是我心中的歡喜快樂, 因我是稱為你名下的人。
17 Y sat not in the counsel of pleieris, and Y hadde glorie for the face of thin hond; Y sat aloone, for thou fillidist me with bittirnesse.
我沒有坐在宴樂人的會中, 也沒有歡樂; 我因你的感動獨自靜坐, 因你使我滿心憤恨。
18 Whi is my sorewe maad euerlastinge, and my wounde dispeirid forsook to be curid? it is maad to me, as a leesyng of vnfeithful watris.
我的痛苦為何長久不止呢? 我的傷痕為何無法醫治、不能痊癒呢? 難道你待我有詭詐,像流乾的河道嗎?
19 For this thing the Lord seith these thingis, If thou turnest, Y schal turne thee, and thou schalt stonde bifore my face; and if thou departist preciouse thing fro vijl thing, thou schalt be as my mouth; thei schulen be turned to thee, and thou schalt not be turned to hem.
耶和華如此說:你若歸回, 我就將你再帶來, 使你站在我面前; 你若將寶貴的和下賤的分別出來, 你就可以當作我的口。 他們必歸向你, 你卻不可歸向他們。
20 And Y schal yyue thee in to a brasun wal and strong to this puple, and thei schulen fiyte ayens thee, and schulen not haue the victorie; for Y am with thee, to saue thee, and to delyuere thee, seith the Lord.
我必使你向這百姓成為堅固的銅牆; 他們必攻擊你,卻不能勝你; 因我與你同在,要拯救你,搭救你。 這是耶和華說的。
21 And Y schal delyuere thee fro the hond of the worste men, and Y schal ayenbie thee fro the hond of stronge men.
我必搭救你脫離惡人的手, 救贖你脫離強暴人的手。

< Jeremiah 15 >