< Ezekiel 19 >

1 And thou, sone of man, take weiling on the princes of Israel;
2 and thou schalt seie, Whi thi modir, a lionesse, lai among liouns? In the myddis of litle liouns sche nurschide hir whelpis,
說: 你的母親是甚麼呢? 是個母獅子,蹲伏在獅子中間, 在少壯獅子中養育小獅子。
3 and ledde out oon of hir litle liouns; he was maad a lioun, and he lernyde to take prei, and to ete men.
在牠小獅子中養大一個, 成了少壯獅子, 學會抓食而吃人。
4 And hethene men herden of hym, and token hym not withouten her woundis; and thei brouyten hym in chaynes in to the lond of Egipt.
列國聽見了就把牠捉在他們的坑中, 用鉤子拉到埃及地去。
5 Which modir whanne sche hadde seyn, that sche was sijk, and the abiding of hym perischide, took oon of her litle liouns, and made hym a lioun.
母獅見自己等候失了指望, 就從牠小獅子中又將一個養為少壯獅子。
6 Which yede among liouns, and was maad a lioun;
牠在眾獅子中走來走去, 成了少壯獅子, 學會抓食而吃人。
7 and lernede to take prey, and to deuoure men. He lernyde to make widewis, and to brynge the citees of men in to desert; and the lond and the fulnesse therof was maad desolat, of the vois of his roryng.
牠知道列國的宮殿, 又使他們的城邑變為荒場; 因牠咆哮的聲音, 遍地和其中所有的就都荒廢。
8 And hethene men camen togidere ayens hym on ech side fro prouynces, and spredden on hym her net; he was takun in the woundis of tho hethene men.
於是四圍邦國各省的人來攻擊牠, 將網撒在牠身上, 捉在他們的坑中。
9 And thei senten hym in to a caue in chaines, and brouyten hym to the kyng of Babiloyne; and thei senten hym in to prisoun, that his vois were no more herd on the hillis of Israel.
他們用鉤子鉤住牠,將牠放在籠中, 帶到巴比倫王那裏, 將牠放入堅固之所, 使牠的聲音在以色列山上不再聽見。
10 Thi modir as a vyner in thi blood was plauntid on watre; the fruitis therof and the boowis therof encreessiden of many watris.
你的母親先前如葡萄樹, 極其茂盛,栽於水旁。 因為水多, 就多結果子,滿生枝子;
11 And sadde yerdis weren maad to it in to septris of lordis, and the stature therof was enhaunsid among boowis; and it siy his hiynesse in the multitude of hise siouns.
生出堅固的枝幹,可作掌權者的杖。 這枝幹高舉在茂密的枝中, 而且它生長高大,枝子繁多, 遠遠可見。
12 And it was drawun out in wraththe, and was cast forth in to erthe; and a brennynge wynd dryede the fruyt therof, and the yerdis of strengthe therof welewiden, and weren maad drie, and fier eet it.
但這葡萄樹因忿怒被拔出摔在地上; 東風吹乾其上的果子, 堅固的枝幹折斷枯乾, 被火燒毀了;
13 And now it is plauntid ouer in desert, in a lond with out weie, and thristi.
14 And fier yede out of the yerde of the braunchis therof, that eet the fruyt therof. And a stronge yerde, the ceptre of lordis, was not in it. It is weilyng, and it schal be in to weilyng.
火也從它枝幹中發出, 燒滅果子, 以致沒有堅固的枝幹可做掌權者的杖。 這是哀歌,也必用以作哀歌。

< Ezekiel 19 >