< Psalms 104 >

1 [I tell] myself that I should praise Yahweh. Yahweh, my God, you are very great! Like a king has on his royal robes [MET], you have honor and majesty/greatness all around you!
¡Qué todo mi ser alabe al Señor! ¡Dios mío, eres tan grande, revestido en majestad y esplendor!
2 You [created/caused] light to be like your robe [MET]. You spread out the sky like [a man sets up] a tent.
Usas la luz como vestidura; tú extiendes el tejido de los cielos.
3 You made/put your home [in heaven], above the rain clouds in the sky, [like a man puts the] rafters of his house in place [MET]. You made/caused the clouds to be like chariots [to carry you].
Colocas las vigas de tu casa en las nubes de lluvia. Haces de las nubes de los cielos tus carruajes. Te montas sobre las alas del viento.
4 You caused the winds to be [like] your messengers [MET], and flames of fire to be [like] your servants.
Haces de los vientos tus ángeles, y a las llamas de fuego tus sirvientes.
5 You placed the world firmly on its foundation so that it can never be moved/shaken.
Tú pusiste la tierra sobre sus bases; y nunca será estremecida.
6 [Later], you covered the earth with a flood, like a blanket, with the water that covered the mountains.
Estaba cubierta con océanos profundos, las aguas cubrían las montañas—
7 [But] when you rebuked the water, the oceans receded; your voice spoke like thunder, and then the waters rushed away.
pero a tu orden las aguas huyeron; al sonido de tu trueno corren.
8 Mountains rose up [from the water], and the valleys sank down to the levels that you had determined for them.
Las montañas se levantaron y los valles se hundieron hasta donde tú habías determinado.
9 [Then] you set a boundary for the oceans, a boundary that they cannot cross; their water will never again cover the [whole] earth.
Pusiste un límite para los océanos, para que no regresaran y volvieran a cubrir la tierra.
10 You make/cause springs to pour [water] into ravines; their [water] flows down between the mountains.
Haces que los manantiales fluyan hacia los arroyos, bajando desde las montañas.
11 Those [streams] provide water for all the animals [to drink]; the wild donkeys [drink the water and] are no longer thirsty.
Proveen agua para todos los animales salvajes, para que los caballos salvajes aplaquen su sed.
12 Birds make their nests alongside [the streams], and they sing among the branches [of the trees].
Los pájaros construyen sus nidos entre los árboles al lado de las corrientes de agua, cantando entre el follaje.
13 From (your home in heaven/the sky) you send rain down on the mountains, and you fill the earth with many good things that you create.
Envías lluvias sobre las montañas desde tu hogar en lo más alto; llenas la tierra con cosas buenas.
14 You make/cause grass to grow for the cattle [to eat], and you make/cause plants to grow for people. In that way [animals and people] get their food from [what grows in] the soil.
Haces que la grama crezca para las vacas, y las plantas también para que la gente se alimente de ellas, cultivos de la tierra para servir como alimento,
15 We get [grapes to make] [MTY] wine to [drink and] make us cheerful, and we get [olives to make] [MTY] olive oil to [put on our] skin and cause it to shine, and we get [grain to make] [MTY] bread to give us strength.
y vino para hacerlos felices, aceite de oliva para hacer resplandecer sus rostros, y pan para hacerlos fuertes.
16 Yahweh, you [send plenty of rain to] water your trees, the cedar [trees] that you planted in Lebanon.
Los árboles del Señor están bien regados, los cedros del líbano que Él plantó.
17 Birds make their nests in those [trees]; even storks make their nests in pine/fir trees.
Los gorriones se anidan ahí; las garzas hacen sus nidos en los más altos árboles.
18 High up in the mountains the wild goats live, and hyraxes/badgers live in the crags/crevices in the rocks.
Las cabras salvajes viven en los picos de las montañas; y los damanes se esconden entre las rocas.
19 [Yahweh], you made the moon to indicate the times for our festivals, and you made the sun that knows when to go down.
Tú hiciste la luna para marcar los meses, y el sol sabe cuándo ponerse.
20 You bring darkness, and it becomes night, when all the animals in the forest prowl around, [looking for food].
Haces caer la oscuridad para que venga la noche, el momento en el que los animales del bosque salen a cazar.
21 At night the young lions roar as they seek their prey, [but] they depend on you to give them food.
Los jóvenes leones rugen mientras buscan a su presa, buscando la comida que Dios les proveyó.
22 At dawn, they go back to their dens and lie down.
Cuando el sol sale vuelven a sus guaridas para descansar.
23 And during the daytime, people go to their work; they work until it is evening.
Entonces las personas salen a hacer sus tareas, y trabajan hasta el ocaso.
24 Yahweh, you have made so many different kinds of things! You were [very] wise as you made them all. The earth is full of the creatures that you [made].
Señor, ¡Cuántas cosas has hecho, todas ellas sabiamente formadas! La tierra está llena de tus criaturas.
25 [We see] the ocean which is very large [DOU]! It is full of many kinds of living creatures, big ones and little ones.
Considera el mar, profundo y ancho, lleno de todos los tipos de seres vivientes, grandes y pequeños.
26 We see the ships which sail along! We see the huge sea monster, which you made to (splash around/play) in the sea.
Los barcos navegan allí, y el Leviatán, que creaste para que jugara en él.
27 All of those creatures depend on you to give them the food that they need.
Todas las criaturas te buscan para que les des comida en el momento correcto.
28 When you give them the food that they need, they gather it. You give them what you have in your hand, and they [eat it and] are satisfied.
Cuando se las provees, la recogen. Les repartes alimento a todos, y son saciados.
29 [But] if you refuse to give food to them, they become terrified. And when you cause them to stop breathing, they die; their bodies [decay and] become soil again.
Cuando te alejas de ellos, se aterrorizan; cuando retiras su aliento de vida, ellos mueren y regresan al polvo.
30 When you cause newborn creatures to begin to breathe, they start to live; you give new life to all the living creatures on the earth.
Mas cuando envías tu aliento, son creados, y la vida cubre la tierra una vez más.
31 I want the glory of Yahweh to last forever. I want him to rejoice about [all] the things that he has created.
¡Qué la gloria del Señor permanezca para siempre! El Señor se alegra con todo lo que ha hecho.
32 He causes the earth to shake [just] by looking at it! By [merely] touching the mountains he makes/causes them to pour out fire and smoke!
Solo tiene que mirar hacia la tierra y esta tiembla; las montañas dejan salir humo a su toque.
33 I will sing to Yahweh (as long as I live/throughout my entire life). I will praise my God until the day that I die.
Cantaré al Señor mientras viva; cantaré alabanzas a Dios toda mi vida.
34 I want Yahweh to be pleased by all those things that I have thought [about him], because I rejoice about [knowing] him.
Ojalá el Señor se plazca con mis pensamientos porque me alegro en el Señor.
35 [But] I desire that sinners will disappear from the earth, so that there will be no more wicked [people]! [But as for] me, I will praise Yahweh! (Praise him/Hallelujah)!
¡Sean destruidos los pecadores de la tierra; qué los malvados dejen de existir! ¡Todo mi ser alabe al Señor!

< Psalms 104 >