< Psalms 102 >

1 The prayer of the pauper, when he was anxious, and so he poured out his petition in the sight of the Lord. O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my outcry reach you.
Usliši mojo molitev, oh Gospod in moje vpitje naj pride do tebe.
2 Do not turn your face away from me. In whatever day that I am in trouble, incline your ear to me. In whatever day that I will call upon you, heed me quickly.
Svojega obraza ne skrivaj pred menoj na dan, ko sem v stiski; nagni k meni svoje uho. Na dan, ko kličem, mi naglo odgovori.
3 For my days have faded away like smoke, and my bones have dried out like firewood.
Kajti moji dnevi so použiti kakor dim in moje kosti so sežgane kakor ognjišče.
4 I have been cut down like hay, and my heart has withered, for I had forgotten to eat my bread.
Moje srce je prizadeto in ovenelo kakor trava, tako da pozabljam jesti svoj kruh.
5 Before the voice of my groaning, my bone has adhered to my flesh.
Zaradi glasu mojega stokanja se moje kosti lepijo na mojo kožo.
6 I have become like a pelican in solitude. I have become like a night raven in a house.
Podoben sem pelikanu iz divjine; podoben sem sovi v puščavi.
7 I have kept vigil, and I have become like a solitary sparrow on a roof.
Bedim in sem kakor vrabec sam na strehi.
8 All day long my enemies reproached me, and those who praised me swore oaths against me.
Moji sovražniki me ves dan grajajo in tisti, ki so besni name, prisegajo zoper mene.
9 For I chewed on ashes like bread, and I mixed weeping into my drink.
Kajti pepel sem jedel kakor kruh in svojo pijačo sem mešal z jokom,
10 By the face of your anger and indignation, you lifted me up and threw me down.
zaradi tvojega ogorčenja in tvojega besa, kajti vzdignil si me in me vrgel dol.
11 My days have declined like a shadow, and I have dried out like hay.
Moji dnevi so kakor senca, ki se zmanjšuje in izsušen sem kakor trava.
12 But you, O Lord, endure for eternity, and your memorial is from generation to generation.
Toda ti, oh Gospod, boš ostal na veke in tvoj spomin vsem rodovom.
13 You will rise up and take pity on Zion, for it is time for its mercy, for the time has come.
Vstal boš in imel usmiljenje do Siona, kajti čas, da mu [izkažeš] naklonjenost, da, določeni čas je prišel.
14 For its stones have pleased your servants, and they will take pity on its land.
Kajti tvoji služabniki uživajo v njegovih kamnih in so naklonjeni njegovemu prahu.
15 And the Gentiles will fear your name, O Lord, and all the kings of the earth your glory.
Tako se bodo pogani bali Gospodovega imena in vsi kralji zemlje tvoje slave.
16 For the Lord has built up Zion, and he will be seen in his glory.
Ko bo Gospod zgradil Sion, se bo prikazal v svoji slavi.
17 He has noticed the prayer of the humble, and he has not despised their petition.
Upošteval bo molitev revežev in ne bo preziral njihove molitve.
18 Let these things be written in another generation, and the people who will be created will praise the Lord.
To bo zapisano za prihajajoči rod; in ljudstvo, ki bo ustvarjeno, bo hvalilo Gospoda.
19 For he has gazed from his high sanctuary. From heaven, the Lord has beheld the earth.
Kajti on je pogledal dol iz višine svojega svetišča, z nebes je Gospod pogledal zemljo,
20 So may he hear the groans of those in shackles, in order that he may release the sons of the slain.
da usliši stokanje jetnika, da osvobodi tiste, ki so določeni za smrt,
21 So may they announce the name of the Lord in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem:
da oznani Gospodovo ime na Sionu in njegovo hvalo v Jeruzalemu,
22 while the people convene, along with kings, in order that they may serve the Lord.
ko se zberejo skupaj ljudstva in kraljestva, da služijo Gospodu.
23 He responded to him in the way of his virtue: Declare to me the brevity of my days.
Oslabil je mojo moč na poti, skrajšal je moje dneve.
24 Do not call me back in the middle of my days: your years are from generation to generation.
Rekel sem: »Oh moj Bog, ne odstrani me v sredi mojih dni; tvoja leta so skozi vse rodove.«
25 In the beginning, O Lord, you founded the earth. And the heavens are the work of your hands.
Od davnine si položil temelj zemlji in nebo je delo tvojih rok.
26 They will perish, but you remain. And all will grow old like a garment. And, like a blanket, you will change them, and they will be changed.
Ta [dva] bosta izginila, toda ti boš ostal. Da, vsa se bosta postarala kakor obleka; zamenjal ju boš kakor suknjo in bosta zamenjani,
27 Yet you are ever yourself, and your years will not decline.
toda ti si isti in tvoja leta ne bodo imela konca.
28 The sons of your servants will live, and their offspring will be guided aright in every age.
Otroci tvojih služabnikov bodo nadaljevali in njihovo seme bo utrjeno pred teboj.

< Psalms 102 >