< Job 26 >

1 Then Job responded by saying:
Toda Job je odgovoril in rekel:
2 Whose assistant are you? Is he weak-minded? And do you sustain the arm of him that is not strong?
»Kako si pomagal tistemu, ki je brez moči? Kako rešuješ laket, ki nima moči?
3 To whom have you given advice? Perhaps it is to him that has no wisdom or prudence that you have revealed your many ideas.
Kako si svetoval tistemu, ki nima modrosti? Kako si obilno oznanil stvar, kakor je ta?
4 Who is it that you wanted to teach? Was it not him that created the breath of life?
Komu si izrekal besede? Čigav duh je prišel od tebe?
5 Behold, giant things groan under the waters, and they dwell with them.
Mrtve stvari so oblikovane pod vodami in njihovi prebivalci.
6 The underworld is naked before him, and there is no covering for perdition. (Sheol h7585)
Pekel je nag pred njim in uničenje nima pokrivala. (Sheol h7585)
7 He stretched out the North over emptiness, and he suspended the land over nothing.
Sever izteguje nad praznim krajem in zemljo obeša na nič.
8 He secures the waters in his clouds, so that they do not burst forth downward all at once.
Vode povezuje v svoje debele oblake in pod njimi se oblak ne pretrga.
9 He holds back the face of his throne, and he stretches his cloud over it.
Zadržuje obličje svojega prestola in svoj oblak razprostira nad njim.
10 He has set limits around the waters, until light and darkness shall reach their limit.
Vode je obdal z vezmi, dokler dan in noč ne prideta do konca.
11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are frightened at his nod.
Stebri nebes trepetajo in so osupli ob njegovem opominu.
12 By his strength, the seas suddenly gather together, and his foresight has struck the arrogant.
On s svojo močjo razdeljuje morje in s svojim razumevanjem udarja po ponosnih.
13 His spirit has adorned the heavens, and his birthing hand has brought forth the winding serpent.
S svojim duhom je okrasil nebo; njegova roka je oblikovala sprijeno kačo.
14 Behold, these things have been said about his ways in part, and, since we barely have heard a small drop of his word, who will be able to gaze upon the thunder of his greatness?
Glej! To so delčki njegovih poti. Toda kako majhen delček je slišati o njem? Toda kdo lahko razume grom njegove moči?«

< Job 26 >