< Job 22 >

1 Then Eliphaz the Thaemanite answered and said,
Potem je Elifáz Temánec odgovoril in rekel:
2 Is it not the Lord that teaches understanding and knowledge?
»Je lahko človek koristen Bogu kakor, je tisti, ki je moder, koristen samemu sebi?
3 For what matters it to the Lord, if you were blameless in [your] works? or is it profitable that you should perfect your way?
Mar je kakršenkoli užitek za Vsemogočnega, da si ti pravičen? Ali je to zanj dobiček, da delaš svoje poti popolne?
4 Will you maintain and plead your own cause? and will he enter into judgement with you?
Ali te bo grajal zaradi strahu pred teboj? Ali bo vstopil s teboj na sodbo?
5 Is not your wickedness abundant, and your sins innumerable?
Mar ni tvoja zlobnost velika? In tvoje krivičnosti neskončne?
6 And you have taken security of your brethren for nothing, and have taken away the clothing of the naked.
Kajti zaman si vzel jamstvo od svojega brata in nagim slekel njihova oblačila.
7 Neither have you given water to the thirsty to drink, but have taken away the morsel of the hungry.
Nisi dal vode izmučenemu, da pije in pred lačnim si zadržal kruh.
8 And you have accepted the persons of some; and you have established those [that were already settled] on the earth.
Toda kar se tiče mogočnega človeka. Imel je deželo in častitljiv človek je prebival v njej.
9 But you have sent widows away empty, and has afflicted orphans.
Vdove si odposlal prazne in lakti osirotelih so bili zlomljeni.
10 Therefore snares have compassed you, and disastrous war has troubled you.
Zato so zanke naokoli tebe in nenaden strah te nadleguje,
11 The light has proved darkness to you, and water has covered you on your lying down.
ali tema, ki je ne moreš videti in pokriva te obilje vodá.
12 Does not he that dwells in the high places observe? and has he not brought down the proud?
Mar ni Bog na nebeški višavi? Glej višino zvezd, kako visoko so!
13 And you has said, What does the Mighty One know? does he judge in the dark?
In ti praviš: ›Kako Bog vé? Mar lahko sodi skozi temen oblak?‹
14 A cloud is his hiding-place, and he shall not be seen; and he passes through the circle of heaven.
Debeli oblaki so mu pokrivalo, da ne vidi in on hodi v nebeškem krogu.
15 Will you [not] mark the old way, which righteous men have trodden?
Si označil staro pot, ki so jo pomendrali zlobneži?
16 who were seized before their time: their foundations [are as] an overflowing stream.
Ki so bili posekani izven časa, katerih temelj je bil preplavljen s poplavo;
17 Who say, What will the Lord do to us? or what will the Almighty bring upon us?
ki so Bogu rekli: ›Odidi od nas.‹ Kaj lahko stori zanje Vsemogočni?
18 Yet he filled their houses with good things: but the counsel for the wicked is far from him.
Vendar je njihove hiše napolnil z dobrimi stvarmi, toda nasvet zlobnega je daleč od mene.
19 The righteous have seen [it], and laughed, and the blameless one has derided [them].
Pravični to vidijo in so veseli in nedolžni se jim smejijo do norčevanja,
20 Verily their substance has been utterly destroyed, and the fire shall devour what is left of their [property].
[rekoč]: »Glej, naše imetje ni uničeno, toda njihov ostanek použiva ogenj.«
21 Be firm, I pray you, if you can endure; then your fruit shall prosper.
Seznani se torej z njim in bodi miren in tako bo k tebi prišlo dobro.
22 And receive a declaration from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.
Sprejmi, prosim te, postavo iz njegovih ust in njegove besede položi v svoje srce.
23 And if you shall turn and humble yourself before the Lord, you have [thus] removed unrighteousness far from your habitation.
Če se vrneš k Vsemogočnemu, boš izgrajen, krivičnost boš odstranil daleč od svojih šotorov.
24 You shall lay up for yourself [treasure] in a heap on the rock; and Sophir [shall be] as the rock of the torrent.
Potem boš kopičil zlato kakor prah in ofírsko zlato kakor kamne iz potokov.
25 So the Almighty shall be your helper from enemies, and he shall bring you forth pure as silver that has been tried by fire.
Da, Vsemogočni bo tvoja obramba in imel boš obilico srebra.
26 Then shall you have boldness before the Lord, looking up cheerfully to heaven.
Kajti takrat boš imel svoje zadovoljstvo v Vsemogočnem in svoj obraz boš dvignil k Bogu.
27 And he shall hear you when you pray to him, and he shall grant you [power] to pay your vows.
Svojo molitev boš naredil k njemu in on te bo slišal in izpolnil boš svoje zaobljube.
28 And he shall establish to you again a habitation of righteousness and there shall be light upon your paths.
Ti boš tudi odredil stvar in ta ti bo utrjena in svetloba bo sijala nad tvojimi potmi.
29 Because you have humbled yourself; and you shall say, [Man] has behaved proudly, but he shall save him that is of lowly eyes.
Kadar so možje ponižani, potem boš rekel: › Tam je povzdigovanje, ‹ in on bo rešil ponižno osebo.
30 He shall deliver the innocent, and do you save yourself by your pure hands.
Osvobodil bo otok nedolžnega in ta je osvobojen s čistostjo tvojih rok.«

< Job 22 >