< San Mateo 15 >

1 AYO nae manmato gui as Jesus escriba yan Fariseo sija, guiya Jerusalem, ya ilegñija:
Then come to Jesus (those *k*) from Jerusalem Pharisees and scribes saying;
2 Jafa disipulomo na ti jaosgue y tradision y manbijo? sa ti jafagagase y canaeñija anae mañocho pan?
Because of why the disciples of You break the tradition of the elders? Not for they wash the hands of them when bread they may eat.
3 Ya güiya jaope sija ilegña: Jafa locue jamyo na ti inesgue y tinago Yuus pot tradisionmiyo?
And answering He said to them; Because of why also you yourselves break the commandment of God on account of the tradition of you?
4 Sa si Yuus manago, ilegña: Onra si tatamo, yan si nanamo; ya y mumatdise si tataña, pat si nanaña, magajet na umatae.
For God (commanded *N(k)O*) (saying: *k*) 'do honor the Father (of you *k*) and the mother’, and The [one] speaking evil of father or mother in death should end.’
5 Lao jamyo ilegmiyo: Jayeja y umalog ni tataña, pat si nanaña: Y ninae para si Yuus, ayo na probechonmiyo guiya guajo;
You yourselves however say; Who[ever] maybe may say to the father or the mother; [It is] a gift whatever if by me you shall be profited,
6 Ya ti guaelaye na ujaonra si tataña. Enaomina innataelaye y Sinangan Yuus pot y tradisionmiyo.
(and *k*) certainly not (he will honor *N(k)O*) the father of himself (or the mother of him *KO*) And you made void (the *N(k)O*) (word *N(K)O*) of God on account of the tradition of you!
7 Hipocritas! Cabales y sinangan nu jamyo as Isaias anae ilegña:
Hypocrites! Rightly prophesied concerning you Isaiah saying;
8 Este na taotao sija, nu y labiosñija jaonrayo; lao y corasonñija chago guiya guajo.
(draws near to me *K*) people this (with the mouth of them and *K*) with the lips Me it honors, the however heart of them far away is kept from Me.
9 Lao taesetbe y inadodorayo, manmamananagüe y finanagüenñija ni y sinangan taotao.
in vain then they worship Me teaching [as] doctrines [the] precepts of men.’
10 Ya jaagang y linajyan taotao, ya ilegña nu sija: Ecungog ya intingo.
And having called to [Him] the crowd He said to them; do hear and do understand:
11 Ti y jumajalom gui pachot, muna natataelaye y taotao; na ayo y jumujuyong gui pachot, ayo muna natataelaye y taotao.
Not what is entering into the mouth defiles the man, but that going forth out of the mouth, this defiles the man.
12 Ayo nae manmato y disipuluña sija, ya ilegnija nu güiya: Untungo na y Fariseo sija ninafandisgustao anae jajungog este na sinangan?
Then having come near the disciples (of him *ko*) (spoke *N(k)O*) to Him; Know You that the Pharisees having heard the saying were offended?
13 Lao güiya jaope sija ilegña: Todo tinanom ni y ti jatanom y Tatajo na gaegue gui langet, umajajleg.
And answering He said; Every plant that not has planted the Father of Mine Heavenly it will be rooted up.
14 Polo sija: y bachet ya uguia y bachet; yaguin y bachet uguia y bachet, sija na dos uchapodongja gui joyo.
do leave them! Blind they are guides of the blind. Blind now blind if they shall lead, both into a pit will fall.
15 Ya manope si Pedro, ilegña: Sanganejam nu este na acomparasion.
Answering then Peter said to Him; do explain to us parable this.
16 Ya si Jesus ilegña: Ada locue trabia jamyo ti intitingoja?
And (Jesus *k*) He said; Still also you yourselves without understanding are?
17 Ti intingo na todo y jumalom gui pachot, jumajanao para y tiyan, ya mayuyute gui lugat umatog.
(Surely *N(K)O*) understand you that everything which entering into the mouth into the stomach goes and into [the] sewer is cast out?
18 Lao todo y jumuyong gui pachot, estesija guine y corason, ya estesija muna natataelaye y taotao.
Things however going forth out of the mouth out of the heart come forth, and these and these defile the man.
19 Sa gui corason nae manjujuyong y taelaye na jinaso, manpegno taotao, adulterio, inabale, saque, ti manmagajet na testimonio, chatfino contra si Yuus.
Out of for the heart come forth thoughts evil, murders, adulteries, sexual immorality, thefts, false testimonies, slanders.
20 Estesija muna fanataelaye y taotao; lao y chumocho yan y ti mafagase canaeña, ti ninatataelaye y taotao.
These are those defiling the man; that which but with unwashed hands to eat not it defiles the man.
21 Ya jumanao si Jesus güije, malag y oriyan Tiro yan Sidon.
And having gone forth from there Jesus withdrew to the district of Tyre and Sidon.
22 Ya estagüe un palaoan, taotao Cananea, na jumanao gui ayo sija na oriya, ya umaagang, ilegña: Señot, Lajin David, gaemaase nu guajo; y jagajo ninachatsaga fefman ni anite.
And behold a woman Canaanite from the region same having approached (was crying out *N(k)O*) (to him *k*) saying; do have mercy on me, Lord (Son *N(k)O*) of David. the daughter of mine badly is demonised.
23 Lao güiya ti jaope sinangan: Ayo nae manmato y disipuluña sija, ya magagao güe ilegñija: Tago güe ya ujanao, sa esta jame jaagang.
And not He answered to her a word. And having come to [him] the disciples of Him were imploring Him saying; do dismiss her, for she cries out after us!
24 Ya güiya jaope ilegña: Ti guajo matago na y manmalingo na quinilo gui guima Israel.
And answering He said; Not I was sent only except to the sheep the already perishing of [the] house of Israel.
25 Ayo nae y palaoan mato, ya jaadoro güe, ilegña: Señot, ayudayo.
And having come (she was worshiping *NK(o)*) Him saying; Lord, do help me!
26 Ya manope güi ilegña: Ti mauleg na tachule y pan y famaguon ya tayute y galago sija.
And answering He said; Not it is right to take the bread of the children and to cast [it] to the dogs.
27 Ya y palaoan manope: Magajet Señot; lao y galago sija, mañochochoja ni andesmorona ni mamopodong gui lamasan y amuñijo.
And she said; Yes Lord; even however the dogs eat of the crumbs those falling from the table of the masters of them.
28 Ayo nae manope si Jesus, ilegña: Palaoan! dangculo jinengguemo: umafatinas guiya jago jafa y malagomo. Ya jomlo y jagaña desde ayo na ora.
Then answering Jesus said to her; O woman, great [is] of you the faith! it should be [done] to you as you desire. And was healed the daughter of her from the hour that.
29 Ya si Jesus mapos güije, ya mato jijot gui tasen Galilea: ya cajulo gui jilo un finabeca, ya matachong güije.
And having departed from there Jesus went along the Sea of Galilee, and having gone up on the mountain He was sitting there.
30 Ya manmato guiya güiya linajyan taotao, na guaja guiya sija cojo, bachet, udo, mangco, yan palo sija megae na manmalango, ya manmapolo gui adeng Jesus; ya janafanjomlo.
And came to Him crowds great having with themselves lame blind crippled mute and others many and they placed them at the feet (of Him *N(k)O*) (Jesus; *k*) and He healed them
31 Pot este mina y linajyan taotao ninafanmanman, anae jalie na y udo manguentos, ya y mangco manjomlo, ya y cojo manmamocat, ya y bachet manmanlie; ya ninamaonra si Yuus Israel.
so that (the crowd *N(k)O*) to marvel seeing mute speaking, crippled restored, (and *no*) lame walking, and blind seeing. and they glorified the God of Israel.
32 Ya si Jesus jaagang y disipuluña sija, ilegña: Janamaaseyo y linajyan taotao, sa esta tres na jaane na manjame, ya taya nañija: ya mungayo munafanjanao sin ufañocho, sa no seaja ufanlalango gui chalan.
And Jesus having called to [him] the disciples of Him said; I am moved with compassion toward the crowd because already (days *N(k)O*) three they continue with Me and nothing they have that they may eat. and to send away them hungry not I am willing otherwise otherwise they may faint on the way.
33 Ayo nae y disipuluña sija ilegñija nu güiya: Amano nae uguaja megae na pan güine gui desierto para utanafanjaspog este y dangculo na linajyan taotao.
And say to Him the disciples (of him: *ko*) From where to us in a secluded place loaves so many as to satisfy a crowd so great?
34 Si Jesus ilegña nu sija: Cuanto na pan guajata? Ya sija ilegñija: Siete, yan didide güijan diquique.
And says to them Jesus; How many loaves have you? And they said; Seven and a few small fish.
35 Ya jatago y linajyan taotao na ufanmatachong gui jilo oda.
And (He having commanded to the crowd *N(k)O*) to sit down on the ground
36 Ya jachule y siete na pan yan y güijan sija, ya janae grasias, ya jaipe, ya janae y disipuluña sija, ya y disipuluña janae y linajyan taotao.
(and *k*) (having taken *N(k)O*) the seven loaves and the fish, (and *no*) having given thanks He broke [them] and (was giving *N(k)O*) to the disciples (of him *ko*) and the disciples (to the crowds. *N(k)O*)
37 Ya mañocho todos, ya manjaspog; ya anae majoca y pedaso sija na maipe ni y sebbla; bula siete na canastra.
And ate all and were satisfied, and that which is remaindering of the fragments they took up seven baskets full.
38 Ya y mañocho sija, cuatro mit, ti matufong y famalaoan yan y famaguon.
Those then eating were four thousand men besides women and children.
39 Ya anae jadespide y linajyan taotao, cajulo gui un batco, ya mato gui origan Magdala.
And having dismissed the crowds He climbed into the boat and came to the region (of Magadan. *N(k)O*)

< San Mateo 15 >