< San Juan 1 >

1 Y tutujonña gaegue y Finijo, ya y Finijo güiya yan si Yuus; ya y Finijo güiya si Yuus.
In [the] beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word.
2 Güiya gaegue gui tutujonña yan si Yuus.
He was in [the] beginning with God.
3 Todo y güinaja sija manmafatinas pot güiya; yaguin ti pot güiya, taya ni esta mafatinas, nu y gaegue gui finatinas sija.
All things through Him came into being, and without Him came into being not even one [thing] that has come into being.
4 Y linâlâ gaegue guiya güiya, ya y linâlâ, güiya y candet y taotao sija.
In Him life was, and the life was the light of men,
5 Ya y candet gui jalom jomjom maniina, ya y jemjom ti matungo.
And the Light in the darkness shines, and the darkness it not grasped [it].
6 Y un taotao ni manafato guine as Yuus, y naanña si Juan.
There came a man sent from God, [the] name to Him [was] John.
7 Güiya mamaela para testimonio, para ufannae testimonio nu y candet, para ufanmanjonggue todo y taotao pot güiya.
He came as a witness that he may testify concerning the Light, that all may believe through him.
8 Güiya ti y candet, lao mamaela para ufannae testimonio nu y candet.
Not was He the Light, but that he may witness concerning the Light.
9 Ayo y magajet na candet ni maniina y todo taotao, na mamamaela güine gui tano.
Was the Light true who enlightens every man coming into the world.
10 Güiya gaegue gui tano, ya y tano mafatinas pot güiya, ya y tano ti matungo güe.
In the world He was, and the world through Him came into being, and the world Him not knew.
11 Güiya mato gui iyoña ya iyoña ti marisibe güe.
To [His] own He came, and [His] own Him not received.
12 Lao todo y rumesibe güe, güiya janae ninasiñanñija para ufamaguon Yuus; junggan, para todo ni y jumonggue y naanña.
As many as however received Him, He gave to them authority children of God to be, to those believing in the name of Him,
13 Sija manmalilis ti guinin y jâgâ, ya ti guinin y minagof y catne, ya ti guinin minagof y taotao, lao guinin as Yuus.
who not [born] of blood nor [born] of will of flesh nor [born] of will of man but of God were born.
14 Ya ayo na Finijo mamacatne ya sumaga guiya jita (ya talie y minalagña, ayo na minalag taegüije y linilisja gui tata), bula y grasia yan y minagajet.
And the Word flesh became and He dwelt among us, and we beheld the glory of Him, a glory as of an only begotten from [the] Father, full of grace and truth.
15 Si Juan manae testimonio nu güiya ya umagang ya ilegña: Güiya ayo y jusasangan: y mamaela gui tateco, güiya dangculoña qui guajo, sa güiya finenena qui guajo.
John witnesses concerning Him and he has cried out saying; This was He (of whom I was saying; *NK(o)*) The [One] after me coming precedence over me has, because before me He was.’
16 Gui binilaña manmañulijit todo, yan y grasia pot y grasia.
(For *N(K)O*) from the fullness of Him we ourselves all have received then grace for grace.
17 Sa y tinago sija pot si Moises esta manae, lao y grasia yan y minagajet, pot si Jesucristo namanmato.
For the law through Moses was given, grace and truth through Jesus Christ came.
18 Si Yuus, taya taotao lumie, taya na tiempo, ayo na Lajiña, y linilisja, na gaegue san jalom y pechon tata, güiya jafanue jit nu güiya.
God no [one] has seen ever yet; (the *ko*) only begotten (God *N(K)O*) who is being in the bosom of the Father, He has made [Him] known.
19 Ya este y testimonien Juan, anae y Judio sija manafanmato nu y mamale yan Lebita sija, guine Jerusalem, ni manmafasen: Jago, jaye jao?
And this is the testimony of John when sent (to him *no*) the Jews from Jerusalem priests and Levites that they may ask him; You yourself who are?
20 Güiya jaconfesatñaejon ya ti japune, lao jaconfesatñaejon, ilegña: Guajo ti Jesucristo yo.
And he confessed and not denied but confessed that I myself not am the Christ.
21 Ya mafaesen: Jafa nae? Jago si Elias? Ya ilegña: Ti guajo yo. Jago ayo na profeta? Ya manope: Aje.
And they asked him; What then? You yourself Elijah are And he says; Not I am. The prophet are you yourself? And he answered; No.
22 Enaomina ilegñija nu güiya: Jaye jao? para siñajam infanmanope ni y tumago jam. Jafa ilelegmo nu jago namaesa?
They said therefore to him; Who are you? That an answer we may give to those having sent us; what say you about yourself?
23 Ylegña: Guajo inagang yo nu y umaagang gui desierto; natunas y chalan señot, taegüije ilegña si Esaias profeta.
He was saying; I myself [am] a voice crying in the wilderness; do make straight the way of [the] Lord; even as said Isaiah the prophet.
24 Ya ayo sija ni namanmato ni y guinin Fariseo sija.
And (those *k*) sent were out from the Pharisees
25 Ya mafafaesen güe ya ilegñija nu güiya: Sajafa na managpangejao, yaguin ti jago si Jesucristo, ni si Elias, ni y ayo na profeta?
And they asked him and they said to him; Why then baptize you if you yourself not are the Christ (nor *N(k)O*) Elijah (nor *N(k)O*) the prophet?
26 Si Juan manope ilelegña: Guajo managpagpange an janom; mas y entalo miyo, guaja uno na ti intingo.
Answered them John saying; I myself baptize with water; [in the] midst (now *k*) of you (he has stood *NK(o)*) whom you yourselves not know,
27 Este uje y mamaela gui tateco, y mas dangculo qui guajo, ya guajo ti dignoyo na jupula ni y coreas y sapatosña.
(he himself is *k*) the [One] after me coming, (who before me has been; *K*) of whom not am I myself worthy that I may untie of Him the strap of the sandal.
28 Este sija finatinas guiya Betania y otra banda gui Jordan, anae managpagpange si Juan.
These things in (Bethany *N(k)O*) took place across the Jordan where was (*no*) John baptizing.
29 Y siguiente na jaane jalie si Juan si Jesus na mamaela para iya güiya ya ilegña: Estagüe y corderon Yuus na janajanao y isao gui tano.
On the next day he sees (John *k*) Jesus coming to him and says; Behold the Lamb of God, who is taking away the sin of the world.
30 Este yuje ileo, na y tateco mamamaela un laje y dangculoña qui guajo, sa güiya finenena qui guajo.
He it is (concerning *N(k)O*) whom I myself said; After me comes a man who precedence over me has because before me He was.
31 Ya guajo ti jutungo; lao para umafanue y Israel nu güiya, enao mina mato yo yan managpagpange yo an janom.
And I myself And I myself not knew Him, but that He may be revealed to Israel, because of this came I myself with (*k*) water baptizing.
32 Si Juan manae testiomonio ilegña: Julie y Espiritu ni tumutunog guinin y langet, taegüije y paluma ya sumaga gui jiloña.
And bore witness John saying that I have beheld the Spirit descending (as *N(k)O*) a dove out of heaven, and it remained upon Him.
33 Ya guajo ti jutungo güe, lao y munamamaela yo para ufanagpange an janom, ayo sumangane yo: Sobre ayo na unlie na tumunog y Espiritu ya sumaga guiya güiya, este uje y managpagpange ni Espiritu Santo.
And I myself And I myself not knew Him, but the [One] having sent me to baptize with water, He to me said; Upon whom maybe you may see the Spirit descending and abiding on Him, He is the [One] baptizing with [the] Spirit Holy.
34 Ya guajo julie ya manae yo testimonio nu y güiya y Lajin Yuus.
And I myself And I myself have seen and have borne witness that this is the (Son *NK(O)*) of God.
35 Y siguiente na jaane tumalo manmatojgue si Juan yan dos gui disipuluña.
On the next day again had stood John and of the disciples of him two.
36 Ya Jaatan si Jesus ni mamomocat güije, ya ilegña: Estagüe y Corderon Yuus.
And having looked at Jesus walking he says; Behold the Lamb of God!
37 Ya majungog ni dos na disipuluña comequentosña yan madalalag si Jesus.
And heard the two disciples of Him [Him] speaking and they followed Jesus.
38 Ya jabira güe si Jesus ya jalie na madadalalag güe nu sija ya ilegña nu sija: Jafa inaliligao? Ya sija ilegñija: Rabi (este finijo comequeilegña, gui chamorro, Maestro) manu sagamo?
Having turned then Jesus and having beheld them following He says to them; What seek you? And they said to Him; Rabbi which is to say (meaning *N(k)O*) Teacher — where are You staying?
39 Ylegña: mamaela ya unlie. Manmamaela ya jalie manu nae sumaga ya mañagaja yan güiya, güije na jaane, sa jijut y ora y mina dies.
He says to them; do come and (you will behold. *N(k)O*) They went (therefore *NO*) and saw where He abides, and with Him they stayed the day that; [The] hour (now *k*) was about [the] tenth.
40 Si Andres y chelun Simon Pedro, güiya uno gui dos y jumungog umadingan an Juan, yan madalalag güe.
Was Andrew the brother of Simon Peter one of the two which having heard from John and having followed Him.
41 Güiya jasoda finena y cheluña as Simon, ya ilegña nu güiya: Tasoda y Mesias (ni y cumequeilegña: güiya si Cristo).
Finds he (first *N(k)O*) the brother [his] own Simon and he says to him; We have found the Messiah, which is being translated (*k*) Christ.
42 Ya macone guato as Jesus; anae inatan as Jesus ilegña: Jago Simon, patgon Jonas: jago mafanaan Sefas (cumequeilegña: acho).
(and *k*) He led him to Jesus. Having looked at (now *k*) him Jesus said; You yourself are Simon the son (of John; *N(K)O*) You yourself will be called Cephas which means Peter.
43 Y siguiente na jaane, malago si Jesus malag Galilea, ya jasoda si Felipe,
On the next day He desired to go forth into Galilee And He finds Philip And says to him Jesus; do follow Me.
44 taotao Betsaida, gui siudan Andres yan Pedro.
Was now Philip from Bethsaida, from the city of Andrew and Peter.
45 Si Felipe jasoda si Nataniel ya ilegña nu güiya: Esta tasoda ayo y jatugue si Moises gui tinago yan y profeta, Jesus, taotao Nasaret y patgon José.
Finds Philip Nathanael and says to him; [Him] whom wrote of Moses in the Law also the prophets, we have found, Jesus (*ko*) son of Joseph of Nazareth.
46 Ya ilegña si Nataniel: Guinin Nasaret siña jumuyong minauleg? Ylegña si Felipe: maela ya unlie.
And said to him Nathanael; Out of Nazareth is able any good thing to be? Says to him (*no*) Philip; do come and do see.
47 Si Jesus jalie mamaela para iya güiya, si Nataniel, ya ilegña nu güiya: Estagüe senmagajet iyon Israel, na taya finababa guiya güiya.
Saw Jesus Nathanael coming to Him and He says concerning him; Behold truly an Israelite in whom deceit not there is.
48 Ylegña nu güiya si Nataniel: Guine manu na untungo yo? Manope si Jesus ya ilegña nu güiya: Antes di si Felipe uninagang, na gaegue jao gui papa y ygos, guajo julie jao.
Says to Him Nathanael; From where me know You? Answered (*k*) Jesus and said to him; Before you Philip calling being under the fig tree I saw you.
49 Manope si Nataniel ya ilegña: Rabi, jago uje y lajin Yuus, jago uje y ray guiya Israel.
Answered to him Nathanael (and says: *k*) Rabbi, You yourself are the Son of God, You yourself (*k*) King are of Israel.
50 Manope si Jesus ya ilegña nu güiya: Sa jusangane jao, na julie jao gui papa y ygos, ya unjonggue? Jago unlie mandangculoña na güinaja qui este.
Answered Jesus and said to him; Because I said to you (that *no*) I saw you under the fig tree, believe you? Greater things than these You will see.
51 Ylegña nu güiya: Magajet ya magajet jusangane jao, y mamaela na tiempo nae unlie y langet mababa ya y angjet sija guine as Yuus mangajujulo yan manututunog gui jilo y Lajin taotao.
And He says to him; Amen Amen I say to all of you (from now *K*) you will behold the heaven having opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.

< San Juan 1 >