< Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija 28 +

1 YA anae manescapa esta, ayonae matungo na y isla naanña Melita.
And having been saved then (we found out *N(K)O*) that Malta the island is called;
2 Ya y taotao ti mangilisyano, jafamaulegjam: sa manmanotne guafe ya jaresibejam cada uno, sa pot y ichan, yan y manenggeng.
(And *N(k)O*) the natives were showing not [just] the ordinary kindness to us; (Having kindled *N(k)O*) for a fire they received all of us because of the rain which already coming on and because of the cold.
3 Ya anae janafandaña si Pablo y palitun jayo, ya jamanojo ya japolo gui jilo y guate, jumuyong un vibora guinin y maipe, ya cheton gui canaeña.
When having gathered now Paul of sticks (some *no*) quantity and having laid [them] on the fire a viper (out from *N(k)O*) the heat having come fastened on the hand of him.
4 Ya anae malie ni y taotao ti mangilisyano y beneno na gâgâ na umacalaye gui canaeña, manasangane ilegñija: Este na taotao pegno, masqueseaja umescapa gui tase; lao ti upinelo ni y inenog na ulâlâ.
When then saw the natives hanging the beast from the hand of him, to one another they were saying: By all means a murderer is man this, whom having been saved from the sea Justice to live not has permitted.
5 Ya jasacude y gâgâ guato gui jalom guafe, ya ti ninalamen.
The [one] indeed then (having shaken off *NK(o)*) the creature into the fire he suffered no [thing] injurious.
6 Ya mataaatanja cao uninapogpog, pat upodong enseguidas ya umatae; lao anae esta laapmam na maatan, ya malie na ti ninalamen, jatulaeca y jinasoñija, ya ilegñija na yuus güe.
But they were expecting him to be about to become inflamed or to fall down suddenly dead; A while great however when they are waiting and seeing nothing amiss to him happening (having changed their opinion *N(k)O*) they were declaringing him to be a god.
7 Ayo na lugat, guaja fangualuanña sija y magas y isla, na y naanña si Publio; ni y rumesibejam, ya janafañagajam tres na jaane.
In now the [parts] around the place that [one] were lands [belonging] to the chief of the island, named Publius, who having received us three days hospitably entertained [us].
8 Ya y tatan Publio estaba na umaason sa malango calentura, yan jinaga: ya jumalom si Pablo, ya anae munjayan manaetae, japolo y canaeña gui jilo y malango, ya janajomlo.
It came to pass then the father of Publius with fevers and (with dysentery *N(k)O*) oppressed [was] lying; to whom Paul having entered and having prayed, having laid the hands on him, healed him.
9 Ya anae munjayan este, y palo locue gui isla ni y guaja chetnotñija, manmato ya uninafanjomlo.
Of this (then *N(k)O*) having taken place also the rest in the island having infirmities were coming and were healed;
10 Ya gosmegae manmatunanmame; ya anae majanaojam, manmacatgayejam ni ayo sija y innesesita,
who also with many honors honored us, and on setting sail they laid on [us] the [things] for (the needs. *N(k)O*)
11 Ya anae malofan tres meses, manjanaojam gui un batco Alejandrina, ni y estaba gui isla na mannanangga na ufalofan y tiempon manenggeng, na y señatña Castor yan Polux.
After then three months (we set out *NK(o)*) in a ship having wintered in the island, Alexandrian, with a figurehead of [the] Dioscuri;
12 Ya anae manmatojam Siracusa, mañagajam güije tres na jaane.
And having put in at Syracuse we stayed days three,
13 Ya desde ayo manoriyajam, ya manmatojam guiya Regio; ya anae malofan un jaane na manguaefe y manglo sanjaya, manmatojam guiya Puteoli gui inagpaña.
from where (having taken off *N(K)O*) we arrived at Rhegium And after one day when was comong on a south wind on the second day we came to Puteoli;
14 Ya manmañodajam mañelumame güije, ya manmalago na infañaga ya infanjame siete na jaane; ya ayonae infanmalag Roma.
where having found [some] brothers we were entreated (with *N(k)O*) them to remain days seven; And so to Rome we came.
15 Ya desde ayo, anae manmajungogjam ni y mañelunmame, manmato para ujatagamjam, asta y Metcadon Appio, yan y Tres Taberna; ni y anae jalie si Pablo, janae grasia si Yuus, ya jaangoco.
And from there And from there the brothers having heard the [things] concerning us (they came out *N(k)O*) to meet us as far as of Appius [the] market and [the] Three Taverns, whom having seen Paul having given thanks to God took courage.
16 Ya anae manmatojam Roma, y senturuon jaentrega y preso sija gui magas y guatdia: lao si Pablo mapolo na usaga namaesa yan un sendalo ni y umadadaje güe.
When now (we came *N(k)O*) to Rome, (the centurion delivered prisoners to the commanders *K*) was allowed (Now *k*) Paul to stay by himself with who is guarding him soldier.
17 Ya susede anae malofan tres na jaane, jaagang si Pablo y manmagas y Judio sija; ya anae manmato ya mandaña, ilegña nu sija: Guajo mañelujo lalaje, achogja taya finatinaso contra y taotao sija, ni contra y costumbren y mañaenata jumaentrega preso desde Jerusalem asta y canae y taotao Roma:
It came to pass then after days three calling together (*k*) (he *N(K)O*) those being of the Jews leaders; When they were assembling then they he was saying to them; I myself, men brothers no [thing] against having done the people or against the customs of our fathers, a prisoner from Jerusalem was delivered into the hands of the Romans,
18 Ni y para yaguin munjayan maegsaminayo, manmalago na jumasotta, sa taya jafa finatinaso para jumapuno.
who having examined me they were wanting to let [me] go on account of not one cause of death existing in me myself;
19 Lao anae macontra ni y Judio sija, nesesitayo na jugagao jinisga gui as Sesat; ti pot para jufaaela y nasionjo.
When were objecting however the Jews I was compelled to appeal to Caesar not as if the nation of mine having anything (to lay against. *N(k)O*)
20 Ya pot este rason juagang jamyo, para julie jamyo, yan para utafanguentos: sa pot y ninanggan Israel na magodeyo ni este na cadena.
For this therefore cause I have called you to see and to speak to [you]; because of for the hope of Israel chain this I have around [me].
21 Ya ilegñija nu güiya: Jame taya rinesibenmame carta guiya Judea pot jago, ni uno gui mañelo ni y manmato, cumuentos pat manmañangane jafa pot jago.
And to him they said; We ourselves neither letters concerning you received from Judea, nor having arrived any of the brothers reported or he said anything concerning you evil.
22 Lao manmalagojam na injingog jao, jafa jinasosomo; sa este na secta, intingoja na masqueseaja mano guato masangan contra.
We deem it worthy however from you to hear what you think; concerning truly for sect this known to us it is that everywhere it is spoken against.
23 Ya anae esta matanchue un jaane, manmato megae guiya güiya, gui sagaña; ya jasangane yan janamatungo y raenon Yuus: janafanmañaña sija pot si Jesus, yan pot y tinago Moises, yan pot y profeta sija; desde y egaan asta y pupuenge.
Having appointed then to him a day (came *N(k)O*) to him to the lodging many, to whom he was expounding fully testifying to the kingdom of God, persuading then them (*k*) concerning Jesus from both the law of Moses and the Prophets from morning to evening.
24 Ya palo, manmanjonggue ni y sinangan, palo ti manmanjonggue.
And some indeed were persuaded by the [things] he is speaking, some however were disbelieving.
25 Ya anae ti unoja corasonñija, manjanao anae munjayan jasangan si Pablo un sinangan: Mauleg sinanganña y Espiritu Santo pot y profeta Isaias gui mañaenata,
Discordant then being with one another they were leaving when was speaking Paul declaration one that Rightly the Spirit Holy spoke through Isaiah the prophet to the fathers (of you *N(K)O*)
26 Ilegña: Janao fanmalag este sija na taotao, ya inalog, Inecungog, ya injingog, ya ti incomprende; ya y inquelie, inlie, ya ti intingo.
(he is saying: *N(k)O*) do go to people this and do say; In hearing you will hear and certainly not may understand, and in looking you will look and certainly not may perceive;
27 Sa y corason este sija na taotao, manmajetog, ya y talanganñija mapot manmanjungog, ya jajuchom y atadogñija; sa noseaja ufanmanlie ni y atadogñija, yan ufanmanjungog ni y talanganñija, yan ujatungo ni y corasonñija, ya ufanmañotsot, ya janafanjomlo sija.
Has grown dull for the heart of the people this, and with the ears barely they hear and the eyes of them they have closed; otherwise otherwise they may see with the eyes and with the ears they may hear and with the heart they may understand and may turn and (I will heal *N(k)O*) them.’
28 Enaomina tingo na y este satbasion gui as Yuus manajanao para y Gentiles sija; ya sija ujajungog.
Known therefore it should be to you that to the Gentiles has been sent (this *no*) salvation of God, they themselves then will listen!
29 (Ya anae munjayan jasangan este sija na sinangan, manjanao y Judio sija, ya gueguesmanafaesen entre sija; )
(and these things of him saying they went away the Jews much having in themselves discussion. *K*)
30 Ya si Pablo sumaga dos años gui inatquilaña na guma; ya jaresibe todo ayo sija y manmato guiya güiya,
(He abided *N(k)O*) then (Paul *k*) two years whole in his own rented house and was welcoming all those coming unto him
31 Japredidica y raenon Yuus, yan mamananagüe ni ayo sija y pot y Señot Jesucristo, contodo y linibriña, ya taya ni un taotao chumoma.
proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching the [things] concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness unhinderedly.

< Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija 28 +