< Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija 26 >

1 AYONAE si Agripa ilegña as Pablo: Jupetmite jao na uncuentos pot jago namaesa. Ayonae si Pablo jaestira mona y canaeña ya manope pot güiya namaesa.
Agrippa then to Paul was saying; It is permitted you (for *N(k)O*) yourself to speak. Then Paul having stretched out the hand was presenting a defense:
2 Magofyo ray, Agripa, sa jufanope pot guajo gui menamo pago na jaane, pot todo y mafaaelajo ni y Judio sija.
Concerning all of which I am accused by [the] Jews, King Agrippa, I have esteemed myself fortunate before you being about today to present a defense;
3 Yan pot y jutungo na jago untungo todo y costumbre yan y finaesen gui entre y Judios; pot enaomina jutayuyut jao na con pasensiamo umaecungogyo.
Especially acquainted being you with all the of [the] Jews (customs *NK(o)*) and also controversies. therefore I implore (you *k*) patiently to hear me.
4 Y jaanejo desde y pinatgonjo, ni y finenana gui entre y nasionjo yan guiya Jerusalem, todo y Judios tumungo.
The indeed then manner of life of mine which [is] from youth from [its] beginning having been among the nation of mine in (also *no*) Jerusalem know all the Jews
5 Matungojayo desde y tutujonña, yaguin manmalago masangan, na taemanoja y mas tunas na secta y religionta, jumajanaoyo taegüije y Fariseo.
knowing me from the first, if they may be willing to testify that according to the strictest sect of our own religion I lived [as] a Pharisee;
6 Ya pago, tumotojgueyo ya majus gayo pot y ninanggan y promesa ni y jafatinas si Yuus gui mañaenata.
And now for [the] hope of the (to *N(k)O*) the fathers of us promise having been made by God I have stood being judged,
7 Ni y manmaprometa y dose tribus, masestbeja si Yuus jaane yan puenge, mananangga na ufato. Ya pot ayo na ninangga ray Agripa, na mafaaelayo ni y Judio sija.
to which the twelve tribes of us in earnestness night and day serving they hope to attain, concerning which hope I am accused (Agrippa *K*) by (the *k*) Jews, O king,
8 Jaftaemano majusga y tijongguiyon entre jamyo, na si Yuus janacajulo y manmatae?
Why incredible is it judged by you if God [the] dead raises?
9 Guajo magajet na jujaso gui jinalomjo, na nesesitayo jufatinas megae contra y naan Jesus Nasareno.
I myself indeed therefore thought in myself to the name of Jesus of Nazareth needing many things contrary to do,
10 Ya jufatinas este locue guiya Jerusalem; ya megae na mañantos jupreso, anae manresibeyo ninasiña guinin y magas mamale; ya anae para ufanmapuno, junae vosso contra sija.
which also I did in Jerusalem and many (also *no*) of the saints I myself (in *no*) prisons locked up the from the chief priests authority having received, when were being executed then they I cast against [them] a vote;
11 Ya jucastiga sija gui sinagoga, ya juprocura na junafanman chatfino contra si Yuus; ya pot gogoslalaloyo contra sija, jupetsigue sija achogja asta otro siuda sija.
And in all the synagogues often punishing them I was compelling [them] to blaspheme, Excessively then being furious against them I was persecuting [them] as far as even to foreign cities.
12 Ya anae jumajanaoyo para Damasco yan y ninasiña guinin y magas mamale sija,
during which (and *k*) journeying to Damascus with [the] authority and commission which [is] (from *k*) the chief priests
13 Y taloane, O ray, julie gui chalan y candet guinin y langet, na malagña qui y ininan y atdao, ya manina gui oriyajo yan ayo y mangachochongjo manjanao.
At day mid on the road I saw, O king, from heaven above the brightness of the sun having shone around me a light and those with me myself journeying.
14 Ya anae mamodongjam todo gui jilo oda, jujungog y inagang na jacuentuseyo gui fino Hebreo, ilegña: Saulo, Saulo, jafa na unpetsisigueyo? mapot para jago y unfamateg contra y títuca.
All (and *N(k)O*) when were falling down we to the ground I heard a voice (saying *N(k)O*) to me (and saying *k*) in the Hebrew language; Saul Saul, why Me persecute you? [It is] hard for you against [the] goads to kick.
15 Ya ilegco: Jaye jao Señot? ya ilegña: Guajo si Jesus ni y unpetsisigue.
I myself then said; Who are You Lord? And (the Lord *no*) said; I myself am Jesus whom you yourself are persecuting.
16 Lao, cajulo ya untojgue; sa jufatoigüe jao pot este na jinaso, para junaministro jao yan untestigo ni este sija na güinaja y liniimo, yan ayo sija y pot y jufatoigüe jao;
But do rise up and do stand on the feet of you; to this [purpose] for I have appeared to you to appoint you a servant and a witness of that which both you have seen (of Me *NO*) of the things in which then I will appear to you,
17 Junalibre jao gui pueblo yan y Gentiles, ya pago junajanao jao para iya sija,
delivering you out from the people and (from *no*) the Gentiles, to whom (I myself *N(K)O*) am sending you
18 Para unbaba y atadogñija, yan unbira sija gui jemjom para y manana, yan y ninasiñan Satanas para as Yuus, ya ujaresibe y inasiin y isaoñija, yan erensia gui entalo ayo sija y manafangasgas pot y jinenggue ni y gaegue guiya guajo.
to open eyes of them, that (to turn *NK(o)*) from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, [that] to receive they forgiveness of sins and [an] inheritance among those sanctified by faith which [is] in Me myself.
19 Ya pot ayo, ti chatmatagoyo, O ray Agripa, para y vision y langet:
So then, O king Agrippa, not I was disobedient to the heavenly vision,
20 Lao jusangane finenana ayo sija y mangaegue Damasco, yan iya Jerusalem, yan todo y tano Judea, yan y Gentiles, na ufanmañotsot ya ujabira sija para as Yuus, yan ufanmachocho y chechoñija ni y para mañotsot.
but to those in Damascus first (both *no*) also in Jerusalem (into *k*) all both the region of Judea, and to the Gentiles (I was declaring *N(k)O*) to repent and to turn to God worthy of repentance works doing.
21 Sa pot este sija na maconeyo ni y Judios gui guimayuus para jumapuno.
On account of these things me (the *k*) Jews having seized (being *n*) in the temple they were attempting to kill.
22 Lao jatacayo y inayudan Yuus, ya jusisigueja asta pago na jaane, mannanaeyo testimonio parejoja y diquique yan y dangculo; taya jusasangan na ayo y ufato ni y sinangan Moises yan y proteta sija;
Help therefore having obtained (from *N(k)O*) God unto day this I have stood (bearing witness *N(k)O*) to small both and to great, no [thing] other saying than what both the prophets said was about to happen and Moses,
23 Na si Cristo, nesesitagüe ufamadese, ya güiya ufinenana, pot ucajulo guinin y manmatae, ufannae candet gui pueblo yan y Gentiles.
that would suffer the Christ, as first through resurrection from [the] dead light He is about to preach (to both *no*) our people and to the Gentiles.
24 Ya anae cumuecuentos, umagang si Festo ni y dangculo na inagangña, ilegña: Caduco jao Pablo: megae na tiningo ninacaduco jao.
These things now when he is presenting a defense Festus in a loud voice (said; *N(k)O*) You are insane Paul! The great of you learning to insanity turns [you]!
25 Lao si Pablo ilegña: Ti caducoyo Festo; lao jusasangan y sinangan ni y magajet yan y tinas.
But (Paul; *no*) Not I am insane says most excellent Festus, but of truth and sobriety declarations I utter.
26 Sa y ray jatungoja estesija, cumuentosyoja gui menaña locue libre; sa seguroyo na taya güine sija na güinaja umanaatog guiya güiya; sa estesija, ti manmafatinas gui rincon.
Understands for concerning these things the king to whom also using boldness I speak; Hiding for him any of these things not I am persuaded no [thing]; not for is in a corner done of these things.
27 Ray Agripa, unjonggue y profeta sija? jutungo na unjonggue.
Believe you, King Agrippa, in the prophets? I know that you believe.
28 Ayonae si Agripa ilegña as Pablo, Canaja unnamamañañayo para juquilisyano.
Then Agrippa to Paul (was saying: *k*) Within so little [time] me you [seek to] persuade a Christian (to become! *N(k)O*)
29 Ya si Pablo ilegña. Malagoyo as Yuus, na ti jagoja, lao todo ayo sija y jumungogyo pago na jaane, ufantaegüine iya guajo, fuera di y mapresujo.
And Paul (said; *k*) I would wish may God both in a little and in (much *N(k)O*) not only you but also all those hearing me this day to become such as also I myself am except chains these.
30 Ya anae munjayan jasangan este, cumajulo y ray yan y magalaje, yan Bernise, yan ayo sija y mangachongñiñija manmatachong.
(and these things when was speaking he *K*) rose up (then *no*) the king and the governor and Bernice and those sitting with them;
31 Ya anae mañuja, manguentos uno yan y otro, ilegñija: Taya finatinasña este na taotao, na jamerese y finatae, pat umapreso.
and having withdrawn they were speaking to one another saying that No [thing] of death or of chains worthy (any *NO*) is doing man this.
32 Ayonae ilegña si Agripa as Festo: Este na taotao, umanalibre, yaguin ti jagagao jinisgaña gui as Sesat.
Agrippa then to Festus was saying; to have been released was able man this, only unless he had appealed to Caesar.

< Y Checho Y Apostoles Sija 26 >