< Zechariah 4:12 >

I asked him the second time, “What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that pour the golden oil out of themselves?”
Për herë të dytë nisa t’i them: “Çfarë janë këto dy degë ulliri që janë përbri dy prurësve prej ari nga rrjedh vaji i praruar?”.
وَأَجَبْتُ ثَانِيَةً وَقُلْتُ لَهُ: «مَا فَرْعَا ٱلزَّيْتُونِ ٱللَّذَانِ بِجَانِبِ ٱلْأَنَابِيبِ مِنْ ذَهَبٍ، ٱلْمُفْرِغَانِ مِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمَا ٱلذَّهَبِيَّ؟»
وَمَا غُصْنَا الزَّيْتُونِ هَذَانِ الْمُنْتَصِبَانِ إِلَى جُوَارِ أُنْبُوبَتَيِ الذَّهَبِ، اللَّتَيْنِ تَصُبَّانِ الزَّيْتَ الذَّهَبِيَّ؟»
পাছত দ্বিতীয়বাৰ মই তেওঁক সুধিলো আৰু ক’লো, “যি দুডাল সোণোৱালী নলীয়ে নিজৰ নিজৰ পৰা সোণোৱালী তেল ঢালি দিয়ে, সেই নলী দুডালৰ ওচৰত থকা জিতগছৰ সেই ডালদুটা বা কি?”
Sonra yenə soruşdum: «İki qızıl borucuq vasitəsilə içindən qızıl rəngində yağ axan bu iki zeytun budağı nədir?»
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দ্বিতীয়বার তাঁকে জিজ্ঞাসা করলাম, “ঐ দুইটি জিতবৃক্ষের ডাল যা দুইটি সোনালী নলের পাশে আছে এবং যার মধ্যে দিয়ে সোনালী তেল বার হয়ে আসছে, ঐ ডালগুলোর অর্থ কি?”
আমি তাঁকে আবার জিজ্ঞাসা করলাম, “দুটো সোনার নল যেগুলি সোনার তেল ঢালে তার দুদিকে এই দুটো জলপাই ডাল কী?”
И втори път отговорих, като му казах: Какви са тия две маслинени клончета, които през двете златни цеви изпразват из себе си маслото като злато?
Nangutana ako pag-usab kaniya, “Unsa man kining duha ka mga sanga sa olibo nga anaa sa kilid sa duha ka bulawan nga mga tubo nga adunay lana nga gibubo?”
Ug ako mitubag sa ikaduha ka panahon, ug miingon kaniya: Unsa ba kining duruha ka mga sanga nga olivo, nga anaa sa kiliran sa duruha ka bulawang tubo nga nagaulbo sa tubig, nga nagapaagay sa lana nga bulawan gikan kanila?
Ndinamufunsanso kuti, “Kodi nthambi ziwiri za mtengo wa olivi zomwe zili pambali pa mipopi yodzera mafuta iwiri yagolide zikutanthauza chiyani?”
To pacoengah anih khaeah, Sui moithawk hmaitui paekhaih sui tuicawn hnetto taengah kaom Olive thing tanghang hnetto loe tih thuih koehhaih ih maw? tiah ka dueng let bae.
Te phoeiah a pabae la ka doo tih anih te, “A so lamloh sui a loei sui paitop rhoi khaep kah olive mo rhoi ta balae?” ka ti nah.
Te phoeiah a pabae la ka doo tih anih te, “A so lamloh sui a loei sui paitop rhoi khaep kah olive mo rhoi ta balae?” ka ti nah.
Thaotwi kisun lhah naji sana luong teni komma Olive thingbah teni khun ipi asatsat hin tem? kati.
Satui racinae sui tuilo kahni touh hoi amamae satui awinae olivekung kahni touh haiyah bangne telah ka pacei navah,
Progovorih opet i upitah ga: “Što su one dvije maslinove grančice koje kroz dvije zlatne cijevi dolijevaju ulje?”
Opět odpovídaje jemu, řekl jsem: Co ty dvě olivky, kteréž jsou mezi dvěma trubicemi zlatými, kteréž vylévají z sebe zlato?
Opět odpovídaje jemu, řekl jsem: Co ty dvě olivky, kteréž jsou mezi dvěma trubicemi zlatými, kteréž vylévají z sebe zlato?
Og videre spurgte jeg: "Hvad betyder de to Oliegrene ved Siden af de to Guldrør, som leder den gyldne Olie ned derfra?"
Og jeg svarede anden Gang og sagde til ham: Hvad betyde de tvende Oliegrene, som ligge ind i de to gyldne Render, der udgyde Guld af sig?
Og videre spurgte jeg: »Hvad betyder de to Oliegrene ved Siden af de to Guldrør, som leder den gyldne Olie ned derfra?«
Ne achako apenje niya, “Bede ariyo mag yadh zeituni manie bath hotogoro ariyo mag dhahabu ma olo mor dhahabu oko-gi, gin angʼo?”
En andermaal antwoordende, zo zeide ik tot Hem: Wat zijn die twee takjes der olijfbomen, welke in de twee gouden kruiken zijn, die goud van zich gieten?
En ik herhaalde: Wat betekenen die beide olijftakken, aan weerskanten van de twee gouden gootjes, die de olie in de gouden oliehouder laten vloeien?
En andermaal antwoordende, zo zeide ik tot Hem: Wat zijn die twee takjes der olijfbomen, welke in de twee gouden kruiken zijn, die goud van zich gieten?
And I answered the second time, and said to him, What are these two olive-branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that empty the golden oil out of themselves?
I asked him the second time, “What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that pour the golden oil out of themselves?”
And I answered the second time, and said unto him, What are these two olive-branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that empty the golden [oil] out of themselves?
And I questioned him further, “What are the two olive branches beside the two gold pipes from which the golden oil pours?”
And answering a second time, I said to him, What are these two olive branches, through whose gold pipes the oil is drained out?
And I asked the second time, and said to him, What are the two branches of the olive-trees that are by the side of the two golden pipes that pour into and communicate with the golden oil funnels?
And I asked the second time, and said to him, What are the two branches of the olive-trees that are by the side of the two golden pipes that pour into and communicate with the golden oil funnels?
And I responded a second time and said to him, “What are the two olive branches, which are next to the two golden ridges, in which are the pouring spouts of gold?”
And I answered the second time and said unto him, What are the two olive-branches which are beside the two golden tubes that empty the gold out of themselves?
And I answered again, and said to him: What are the two olive branches, that are by the two golden beaks, in which are the funnels of gold?
And I also asked him, “What are the two olive branches from which the golden oil pours out from through golden pipes?”
And I spake moreouer, and said vnto him, What bee these two oliue branches, which thorowe the two golden pipes emptie themselues into the golde?
And I answered the second time, and said unto him: 'What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that empty the golden oil out of themselves?'
And I answered again, and said unto him, What [be these] two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden [oil] out of themselves?
And I answered again, and said to him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
And I answered again, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
And I asked the second time, and said to him, What are the two branches of the olive-trees that are by the side of the two golden pipes that pour into and communicate with the golden oil funnels?
And I began a second time, and said unto him, What are these two olive-branches, which are close by the two golden pipes which empty out of themselves the gold-colored oil?
And I answer a second time, and say to him, “What [are] the two branches of the olive trees that, by means of the two golden pipes, are emptying out of themselves the oil?”
I asked him the second time, "What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that pour the golden oil out of themselves?"
I asked him the second time, "What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that pour the golden oil out of themselves?"
I asked him the second time, "What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that pour the golden oil out of themselves?"
I asked him the second time, "What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that pour the golden oil out of themselves?"
I asked him the second time, "What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that pour the golden oil out of themselves?"
I asked him the second time, "What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that pour the golden oil out of themselves?"
And I spake the second time, and said to him, What mean these two olive-branches, which are by the side of the two golden tubes which empty the golden oil out of themselves?
Again, ‘What are these two branches of the olive trees, which are pouring out the golden oil through the two golden pipes?’
Again, “What are these two branches of the olive trees, which are pouring out the golden oil through the two golden pipes?”
And I answered the second time, and said unto him, What be these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts, that empty the golden [oil] out of themselves?
And I responded a second time, and said unto him, —What are the two branches of the olive- trees which join the two golden tubes, which empty out of them the golden oil?
And I answered a second [time] and I said to him what? [are] [the] two [the] clusters of the olive trees which [are] at [the] hand of [the] two [the] pipes of gold which are pouring out from on them the gold.
and to answer second and to say to(wards) him what? two ear [the] olive which in/on/with hand: to two pipe [the] gold [the] to empty from upon them [the] gold
And what [the meaning of] the two olive branches, one alongside each of the gold pipes from which [olive] oil flows to the lamps?”
Once more I asked him, “What are these two olive branches beside the two gold pipes that have golden oil pouring out of them?”
And I answered again, and said to him, What [are these] two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden [oil] out of themselves?
And I answered again, and said to him, What are these two olive branches which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themselves?
I asked him the second time, “What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that pour the golden oil out of themselves?”
I asked him the second time, “What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that pour the golden oil out of themselves?”
I asked him the second time, “What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that pour the golden oil out of themselves?”
I asked him the second time, “What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that pour the golden oil out of themselves?”
I asked him the second time, “What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that pour the golden oil out of themselves?”
I asked him the second time, “What are these two olive branches, which are beside the two golden spouts that pour the golden oil out of themselves?”
And Y answeryde the secounde tyme, and seide to hym, What ben the tweyne eeris, ether ripe fruyt, of olyues, that ben bisidis the twei bilis of gold, in whiche ben oile vesselis of gold?
And I answer a second time, and say unto him, 'What [are] the two branches of the olive trees that, by means of the two golden pipes, are emptying out of themselves the oil?'
Kaj mi parolis ankoraŭ kaj diris al li: Kion signifas la du branĉoj de olivarboj, kiuj troviĝas apud la du oraj tubetoj, tra kiuj fluas oro?
Megabia be, “Nu kawoe nye amiti ƒe alɔdze eve siwo le sika ƒe alɔ siwo me sikami dona tsona?”
Ja minä vastasin toisen kerran ja sanoin hänelle: mitä nämät kaksi öljypuun oksaa, jotka ovat kahden kultaisen piipun keskellä, joista kultainen öljy vuotaa?
Sitten minä toistamiseen lausuin ja sanoin hänelle: "Mitä ovat nuo kaksi öljypuun terttua kahden kultaisen putken kohdalla, jotka vuodattavat sisästänsä öljynkultaa?"
Je repris une seconde fois la parole et lui dis: " Que sont ces deux grappes d'olivier qui se trouvent auprès des deux entonnoirs d'or d'où l'or découle? "
Je lui demandai une seconde fois: « Que sont ces deux branches d'olivier, qui sont à côté des deux becs d'or qui versent l'huile d'or d'eux-mêmes? »
Et je répondis une seconde fois et lui dis: Que sont les deux branches des oliviers qui, à côté des deux conduits d’or, déversent l’or d’elles-mêmes?
Et je pris la parole pour la seconde fois, et lui dis: Que [signifient] ces deux branches d'olivier qui sont auprès des deux becs d'or, desquels l'or découle?
Et je repris une seconde fois, et je lui dis: Que sont ces deux branches d’oliviers qui sont auprès de deux becs d’or dans lesquels sont les canaux d’or par où coule l’huile?
Je pris une seconde fois la parole, et je lui dis: Que signifient les deux rameaux d’olivier, qui sont près des deux conduits d’or d’où découle l’or?
Je repris une seconde fois la parole et lui dis: « Que sont ces deux grappes d’olivier qui se trouvent auprès des deux entonnoirs d’or d’où l’or découle? »
Je pris la parole une seconde fois, et lui dis: Que signifient ces deux grappes d'olives qui sont à côté des deux conduits d'or, d'où découle l'or?
Et reprenant une seconde fois la parole je lui dis: Que sont ces deux rameaux d'olivier qui touchent aux deux conduits d'or d'où découle la liqueur dorée.
Je pris une seconde fois la parole et je lui dis: Que sont ces deux rameaux d'olivier, à côté des deux becs de lampe où coule l'huile des sept burettes d'or?
Je repris pour la seconde fois et lui dis: "Qu’est-ce que ces deux branches d’olivier à côté des deux tuyaux d’or qui laissent couler le liquide doré?"
Zum zweiten Male hob ich an und sprach zu ihm: "Was sollen diese beiden jungen Ölbäume, die neben jenen goldnen Röhren sind, die goldnes Öl durchfließen lassen?"
Und ich hob zum zweiten Male an und sprach zu ihm: Was sind die beiden Zweige [Eig. Zweigspitzen [W. Ähren]] der Olivenbäume, welche neben den zwei goldenen Röhren sind, die das Gold von sich aus ergießen?
Und ich hob zum zweiten Male an und sprach zu ihm: Was sind die beiden Zweige der Olivenbäume, welche neben den zwei goldenen Röhren sind, die das Gold von sich aus ergießen?
Und ich hob abermals an und sprach zu ihm: Was haben die beiden an den Ölbäumen befindlichen Büschel zu bedeuten, die neben den beiden goldenen Trichtern sind, die das Goldöl von oben herabgleiten lassen?
Und ich antwortete zum andernmal und sprach zu ihm: Was sind die zween Zweige der Ölbäume, welche stehen bei den zwo güldenen Schneuzen des güldenen Leuchters, damit man abbricht oben von dem güldenen Leuchter?
Und ich antwortete zum andernmal und sprach zu ihm: Was sind die zwei Zweige der Ölbäume, welche stehen bei den zwei goldenen Rinnen, daraus das goldene Öl herabfließt?
Und noch eine andere Frage richtete ich an ihn, nämlich: »Was haben die beiden Olivenzweige zu bedeuten, die sich neben den beiden goldenen Röhren befinden, welche das Gold(öl) von oben herableiten?«
Und ich hob abermals an und sprach zu ihm: Was bedeuten die zwei Olivenbüschel zur Seite der beiden goldenen Röhren, aus denen das goldene Öl fließt?
Und ich hob zum zweitenmal an und sprach zu ihm: Was sind die zwei Beeren der Ölbäume, die zur Seite der zwei goldenen Röhren sind und aus sich das Gold leeren?
Ningĩ ngĩmũũria atĩrĩ, “Honge ici igĩrĩ cia mĩtamaiyũ irũgamanĩte na mĩberethi ĩno ya thahabu iraita maguta mahaana ta thahabu nĩ ndũũ?”
Και απεκρίθην εκ δευτέρου και είπα προς αυτόν, Τι είναι οι δύο κλάδοι των ελαιών, οίτινες διά των δύο χρυσών σωλήνων εκκενόνουσιν εξ εαυτών το έλαιον εις την χρυσήν λυχνίαν;
καὶ ἐπηρώτησα ἐκ δευτέρου καὶ εἶπα πρὸς αὐτόν τί οἱ δύο κλάδοι τῶν ἐλαιῶν οἱ ἐν ταῖς χερσὶν τῶν δύο μυξωτήρων τῶν χρυσῶν τῶν ἐπιχεόντων καὶ ἐπαναγόντων τὰς ἐπαρυστρίδας τὰς χρυσᾶς
વળી મેં ફરીથી તેની સાથે વાત કરીને કહ્યું, “જૈતૂન વૃક્ષની આ બે ડાળીઓ કે જે સોનાની બે દિવેટો છે. તેમાંથી તેલનો પ્રવાહ વહે છે તેઓ શું છે?”
De branch oliv sou kote de ti tiyo an lò kote lwil ap koule a, kisa yo vle di?
Mwen te mande l yon dezyèm fwa. Mwen te di li: “Se kisa de branch doliv sila yo ki sou kote de tij an lò k ap vide lwil an lò k ap soti nan yo a?”
Na sāke tambaye shi na ce, “Mene ne waɗannan rassa biyun nan na zaitun a gefen bututu biyu na zinariya da suke zuba man zinariya?”
Ninau hou aku la au, i aku la ia ia, Heaha kela mau lala oliva elua e pili ana me na ohe gula, e hookahe ana i ka aila gula mailoko mai o laua?
ואען שנית ואמר אליו מה שתי שבלי הזיתים אשר ביד שני צנתרות הזהב המריקים מעליהם הזהב
וָאַ֣עַן שֵׁנִ֔ית וָאֹמַ֖ר אֵלָ֑יו מַה־שְׁתֵּ֞י שִׁבֲּלֵ֣י הַזֵּיתִ֗ים אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּיַ֗ד שְׁנֵי֙ צַנְתְּרֹ֣ות הַזָּהָ֔ב הַֽמְרִיקִ֥ים מֵעֲלֵיהֶ֖ם הַזָּהָֽב׃
וָאַ֣עַן שֵׁנִ֔ית וָאֹמַ֖ר אֵלָ֑יו מַה־שְׁתֵּ֞י שִׁבֲּלֵ֣י הַזֵּיתִ֗ים אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּיַ֗ד שְׁנֵי֙ צַנְתְּר֣וֹת הַזָּהָ֔ב הַֽמְרִיקִ֥ים מֵעֲלֵיהֶ֖ם הַזָּהָֽב׃
וָאַעַן שֵׁנִית וָאֹמַר אֵלָיו מַה־שְׁתֵּי שִׁבְּלֵי הַזֵּיתִים אֲשֶׁר בְּיַד שְׁנֵי צַנְתְּרוֹת הַזָּהָב הַֽמְרִיקִים מֵעֲלֵיהֶם הַזָּהָֽב׃
ואען שנית ואמר אליו מה שתי שבלי הזיתים אשר ביד שני צנתרות הזהב המריקים מעליהם הזהב׃
וָאַעַן שֵׁנִית וָאֹמַר אֵלָיו מַה־שְׁתֵּי שִׁבֲּלֵי הַזֵּיתִים אֲשֶׁר בְּיַד שְׁנֵי צַנְתְּרוֹת הַזָּהָב הַֽמְרִיקִים מֵעֲלֵיהֶם הַזָּהָֽב׃
וָאַ֣עַן שֵׁנִ֔ית וָאֹמַ֖ר אֵלָ֑יו מַה־שְׁתֵּ֞י שִׁבֲּלֵ֣י הַזֵּיתִ֗ים אֲשֶׁר֙ בְּיַ֗ד שְׁנֵי֙ צַנְתְּר֣וֹת הַזָּהָ֔ב הַֽמְרִיקִ֥ים מֵעֲלֵיהֶ֖ם הַזָּהָֽב׃
फिर मैंने दूसरी बार उससे पूछा, “जैतून की दोनों डालियाँ क्या हैं जो सोने की दोनों नालियों के द्वारा अपने में से सुनहरा तेल उण्डेलती हैं?”
मैंने उससे फिर पूछा, “दो सोने के नलियों के बाजू में जैतून की ये दो शाखायें क्या हैं जो सुनहरा तेल उंडेलती हैं?”
És másodszor is felelék, és mondám néki: Micsoda az olajfának az a két ága, a melyek a két arany cső mellett vannak, és öntik magukból az aranyat?
És megszólaltam másodszor és szóltam hozzá: Mi az a két olajfa-csokor, mely a két aranycsatorna oldalán van, amelyek öntik magukból az aranyat?
A sịkwara m ya nke ugboro abụọ, “Gịnị bụ alaka osisi oliv abụọ ndị a dị nʼakụkụ okporo ọlaedo abụọ ahụ, nke e si na ha na-awụpụta mmanụ ọlaedo?”
Sinaludsodko pay kenkuana iti maminsan, “Ania dagitoy a dua a sanga ti olibo iti abay dagiti dua a balitok a tubo a pagay-ayusan ti maris balitok a lana?
Apa pula arti kedua cabang zaitun di samping kedua pipa emas yang menyalurkan minyak zaitun itu?"
Untuk kedua kalinya berbicaralah aku kepadanya: "Apakah arti kedua dahan pohon zaitun yang di samping kedua pipa emas yang menyalurkan cairan emas dari atasnya itu?"
E presi di nuovo a dirgli: Che [voglion dire] questi due ramoscelli d'ulivo, che [sono] allato a' due doccioni d'oro, che versano in giù l'oro?
E quelle due ciocche d'olivo che stillano oro dentro i due canaletti d'oro?».
E per la seconda volta io presi a dire: “Che significano questi due ramoscelli d’ulivo che stanno allato ai due condotti d’oro per cui scorre l’olio dorato?”
Nehu'na mago'ane amanage hu'na antahige'noe. Kanti kamama mena'a olivi zafamofo azanku'namoke'ma golire tafentrempima goli masavema tagimanevazi'ana, e'i na'ane.
ಪುನಃ ನಾನು ಅವನಿಗೆ, “ಎರಡು ಚಿನ್ನದ ನಾಳಗಳಿಂದ ಚಿನ್ನದ ಎಣ್ಣೆಯನ್ನು ತಮ್ಮೊಳಗಿಂದ ಸುರಿಸುವ, ಈ ಎರಡು ಹಿಪ್ಪೆಕೊಂಬೆಗಳು ಏನು?” ಎಂದೆನು.
ಮತ್ತೆ ನಾನು ಅವನಿಗೆ, ತಮ್ಮೊಳಗಿಂದ ಚಿನ್ನದಂಥ ಎಣ್ಣೆಯನ್ನು ಪಾತ್ರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ತುಂಬಿಸುವ ಎರಡು ಬಂಗಾರದ ನಾಳಗಳಿವೆಯಲ್ಲಾ. ಆ ನಾಳಗಳ ಬಾಯಿಗೆ ಸೇರಿರುವ ಎರಡು ಎಣ್ಣೆಕಾಯಿಗುತ್ತಿಗಳು ಏನು? ಎಂದು ಕೇಳಿದೆ.
다시 그에게 물어 가로되 금 기름을 흘려내는 두 금관 옆에 있는 이 감람나무 두 가지는 무슨 뜻이니이까
다시 그에게 물어 가로되 금 기름을 흘려내는 두 금관 옆에 있는 이 감람나무 두 가지는 무슨 뜻이니이까?
Ac mea kalmen lesak olive luo sisken paip gold lukwa ma oil in olive uh soror kac uh?”
دووبارە لێم پرسی: «ئەو دوو لقە زەیتوونە چین لەلای ئەو لقە زێڕینانە، کە زەیتی زێڕین دەچۆڕێننە ناویان؟»
Et respondi secundo, et dixi ad eum: Quid sunt duæ spicæ olivarum quæ sunt juxta duo rostra aurea in quibus sunt suffusoria ex auro?
Et respondi secundo, et dixi ad eum: Quid sunt duæ spicæ olivarum, quæ sunt iuxta duo rostra aurea, in quibus sunt suffusoria ex auro?
Et respondi secundo, et dixi ad eum: Quid sunt duæ spicæ olivarum, quæ sunt iuxta duo rostra aurea, in quibus sunt suffusoria ex auro?
Et respondi secundo, et dixi ad eum: Quid sunt duæ spicæ olivarum quæ sunt juxta duo rostra aurea in quibus sunt suffusoria ex auro?
et respondi secundo et dixi ad eum quid sunt duae spicae olivarum quae sunt iuxta duo rostra aurea in quibus sunt suffusoria ex auro
Et respondi secundo, et dixi ad eum: Quid sunt duae spicae olivarum, quae sunt iuxta duo rostra aurea, in quibus sunt suffusoria ex auro?
Un es atkal atbildēju un uz viņu sacīju: kas tie tādi divi eļļas koka zari, kas sānis tiem diviem zelta kausiem, kas zeltu izlej
Natunaki ye lisusu: — Bitape mibale ya nzete ya olive, oyo ezali pembeni ya batio mibale ya wolo oyo ebimisaka mafuta oyo engalaka elakisi nini?
Ne nnyongera okumubuuza nti, “Gano amatabi abiri ag’emizeeyituuni agaliraanye emidumu gya zaabu ge gayitamu amafuta aga zaabu?”
Ary namaly koa aho ka nanao taminy hoe: Inona moa ireo sampahon’ oliva roa eo amin’ ny fantsona volamena izay mampijononoka ny diloilo volamena avy ao aminy ireo?
Tinovoko fañindroe’e, ty hoe: Ino o singan’ olive roe añ’ila’ i toiò volamena roe rey, mañiliñe menake volamena boak’ ama’eo?
ഞാൻ രണ്ടാം പ്രാവശ്യം അവനോട്: “പൊന്നുകൊണ്ടുള്ള രണ്ടു നാളത്തിനരികിൽ പൊൻനിറമായ എണ്ണ ഒഴുക്കുന്ന രണ്ട് ഒലിവുശിഖരം എന്ത്?” എന്നു ചോദിച്ചു.
ഞാൻ രണ്ടാം പ്രാവശ്യം അവനോടു: പൊന്നുകൊണ്ടുള്ള രണ്ടു നാളത്തിന്നരികെ പൊൻനിറമായ എണ്ണ ഒഴുക്കുന്ന രണ്ടു ഒലിവുകൊമ്പു എന്തു എന്നു ചോദിച്ചു.
ഞാൻ രണ്ടാം പ്രാവശ്യം അവനോടു: പൊന്നുകൊണ്ടുള്ള രണ്ടു നാളത്തിന്നരികെ പൊൻനിറമായ എണ്ണ ഒഴുക്കുന്ന രണ്ടു ഒലിവുകൊമ്പു എന്തു എന്നു ചോദിച്ചു.
ഞാൻ വീണ്ടും ചോദിച്ചു, “തങ്കനിറമുള്ള എണ്ണപകരുന്ന തങ്കനിർമിതമായ രണ്ടു കുഴലുകൾക്കരികെ കാണുന്ന രണ്ട് ഒലിവുശാഖകൾ എന്ത്?”
मी त्याच्यासोबत पुन्हा बोललो व म्हणालो, मला जैतूनाच्या दोन शाखांना सोन्याच्या नळ्या जोडलेल्या दिसल्या. त्यातून तेल वाहात होते. ह्याचा अर्थ काय?
သံ​လွင်​ဆီ​များ​ကျ​ဆင်း​ရာ​ရွှေ​ပြွန်​နှစ်​လုံး ၏​နံ​ဘေး​တွင်​ရှိ​သော​သံ​လွင်​ခက်​နှစ်​ခု​၏ အ​နက်​အ​ဋ္ဌိပ္ပါယ်​မှာ​လည်း​အ​ဘယ်​နည်း'' ဟု မေး​၏။
ဆီညှစ်ရာရွှေစက်နှစ်ခုအားဖြင့်၊ မိမိတို့ဆီကို သွန်းလောင်းသော ထိုသံလွင်ကိုင်းနှစ်ကိုင်းကား အဘယ် သို့နည်းဟူ၍၎င်း မေးလျှောက်သော်၊
ဆီညှစ်ရာရွှေ စက်နှစ် ခုအားဖြင့်၊ မိမိ တို့ဆီကို သွန်းလောင်း သော ထို သံလွင် ကိုင်း နှစ် ကိုင်းကား အဘယ် သို့ နည်းဟူ၍၎င်း မေးလျှောက် သော် ၊
I whakahoki atu ano ahau, he tuarua, ka mea ki a ia, He aha enei manga oriwa e rua, e rua nga korere koura i piri atu ai raua, i rere atu ai te hinu koura i roto i aua korere ra?
Ngayibuza futhi ngathi, “Amahlumela la amabili omʼoliva eceleni kwezinti ezimbili zegolide okumpompoza kuzo amafutha aligolide zona ziyini?”
Ngasengiphendula ngokwesibili, ngathi kuyo: Ziyini lezizingatsha ezimbili zezihlahla zomhlwathi ezithi ngempompi ezimbili zegolide zithulule igolide liphume kizo?
मैले फेरि तिनलाई सोधें, “सुनको तेल बगरहने यी दुइ सुनका नलीहरूका छेउमा भएका जैतूनका यी दुइ हाँगाहरू के हुन्?”
Og jeg tok annen gang til orde og sa til ham: Hvad er de to oljegrener tett ved de to gullrenner som gullet strømmer ut av?
Og eg tok atter til ords og spurde honom: «Kva skal dei tyda desse tvo oljegreinerne tett attved dei tvo gullrøyrerne som det renn gull ned ifrå?»
ପୁଣି, ମୁଁ ଦ୍ୱିତୀୟ ଥର ତାଙ୍କୁ ଉତ୍ତର କରି କହିଲି, “ସୁବର୍ଣ୍ଣମୟ ଯେଉଁ ଦୁଇ ନଳ ଆପଣା ଆପଣା ମଧ୍ୟରୁ ସୁବର୍ଣ୍ଣମୟ ତୈଳ ନିର୍ଗତ କରେ, ତହିଁର ପାର୍ଶ୍ୱରେ ଜୀତବୃକ୍ଷର ଯେଉଁ ଦୁଇ ଶାଖା ଅଛି, ତାହା କʼଣ?”
Ammas ani, “Dameen muka ejersaa lamaan ujummoo warqee lamaan biraa kanneen zayitii warqee gad dhangalaasan kunneen maali!” jedheen isa gaafadhe.
ਫੇਰ ਦੂਜੀ ਵਾਰ ਮੈਂ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਹਾ ਕਿ ਜ਼ੈਤੂਨ ਦੀਆਂ ਇਹ ਦੋ ਟਹਿਣੀਆਂ ਕੀ ਹਨ, ਜਿਹੜੀਆਂ ਸੋਨੇ ਦੀਆਂ ਦੋਹਾਂ ਨਾਲੀਆਂ ਦੇ ਬਰਾਬਰ ਤੇ ਹਨ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੇ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਸੁਨਹਿਲਾ ਤੇਲ ਨਿੱਕਲਦਾ ਹੈ?
و بار دیگر او را خطاب کرده، گفتم که «این دو شاخه زیتون به پهلوی دو لوله زرینی که روغن طلا را از خود می‌ریزد چیستند؟»
و آن دو شاخهٔ زیتون کنار دو لولهٔ طلا که از آنها روغن می‌ریزد، چه هستند؟»
Znowu odpowiadając rzekłem mu: Cóż są te dwie oliwki, które są między dwoma rurkami złotemi, które z siebie złoto wylewają?
I ponownie odezwałem się, i zapytałem go: Co [oznaczają te] dwie gałęzie oliwne, które dwiema złotymi rurkami wypuszczają z siebie złocistą oliwę?
E também lhe perguntei: O que são aqueles dois ramos de oliveiras que estão de lado dos dois tubos de ouro que derramam [azeite] dourado?
E, respondendo-lhe outra vez, disse: Que são aquelles dois raminhos das oliveiras, que estão junto aos dois tubos d'oiro, e que vertem de si oiro?
E, respondendo-lhe outra vez, disse: Que são aqueles dois raminhos das oliveiras, que estão junto aos dois tubos de ouro, e que vertem de si ouro?
Perguntei-lhe pela segunda vez: “O que são esses dois ramos de oliveira, que estão ao lado dos dois bicos dourados que derramam o óleo dourado de si mesmos?
Ам луат а доуа оарэ кувынтул ши й-ам зис: „Че ынсямнэ челе доуэ рамурь де мэслин каре сунт лынгэ челе доуэ цевь де аур прин каре курӂе улеюл ауриу дин ел?”
Şi am răspuns din nou şi i-am zis: Ce sunt aceste două ramuri de măslin, care prin cele două ţevi de aur golesc untdelemnul de aur din ele însele?
Вторично стал я говорить и сказал ему: что значат две масличные ветви, которые через две золотые трубочки изливают из себя золото?
И опет проговорих и рекох му: Шта су оне две гранчице маслинове, што су међу два левка златна, који точе злато?
I opet progovorih i rekoh mu: što su one dvije granèice maslinove, što su meðu dva lijevka zlatna, koji toèe zlato?
Uyezve ndakamubvunza kuti, “Ko, matavi aya maviri omuorivhi parutivi pembombi mbiri dzegoridhe dzinodurura mafuta egoridhe ndeei?”
И вопросих вторицею и рех к нему: что суть две ветви масличны, яже в руку двух усекалниц златых возливающих и возношающих чашицы златыя?
Ponovno sem odgovoril in mu rekel: »Kaj sta ti dve oljkovi mladiki, ki skozi dve zlati cevki praznita zlato olje iz njiju.«
Oo haddana mar labaad baan jawaabay oo waxaan ku idhi, Waa maxay labadan laamood oo saytuunka ah oo ku ag yaal labada tuubbo oo dahabka ah oo saliidda dahabka ah iska madhiya?
Y hablé la segunda vez, y le dije: ¿Qué significan las dos ramas de olivas que por medio de dos tubos de oro vierten de sí aceite como oro?
Y también le pregunté: “¿Que significan las dos ramas de olvido de las cuales sale el aceite dorado a través de las boquillas doradas?”
Le pregunté por segunda vez: “¿Qué son estas dos ramas de olivo que están al lado de los dos surtidores de oro que vierten de sí mismos el aceite de oro?”
Volví a hablar otra vez y pregunté: ¿Qué simbolizan las dos ramas de olivo que están al lado de los dos canales de oro, que vierten de ellas el [aceite] dorado?
Y pregunté de nuevo y dije: «¿Qué significan las dos ramas de olivo que por medio de los dos tubos de oro vierten de sí el dorado aceite?»
Y hablé la segunda vez, y le dije: ¿Qué significan las dos ramas de olivas que están en los vasos de oro, que revierten de sí oro?
Hablé aún de nuevo, y díjele: ¿Qué [significan] las dos ramas de olivas que por medio de dos tubos de oro vierten de sí [aceite como] oro?
Y respondiendo por segunda vez, le dije: ¿Qué son estas dos ramas de olivo, a través de cuyos tubos de oro se drena el aceite?
Nikauliza kwa mara nyingine tena, “Haya matawi mawili ya mizeituni kando ya mirija miwili ya dhahabu iliyo na mafuta ya dhahabu yanatiririka kutoka ndani yake?
Tena nikamuuliza, “Haya matawi mawili ya mizeituni karibu na hiyo mirija miwili ya dhahabu inayomimina mafuta ya dhahabu ni nini?”
Och ytterligare frågade jag och sade till honom: "Vad betyda de två olivkvistar som sträcka sig intill de två gyllene rännor genom vilka den gyllene oljan ledes ditned?"
Och jag svarade annan gång, och sade till honom: Hvad äro de två grenarna af oljoträn, som stå vid de två gyldene ljusa näporna, der man med af tager?
Och ytterligare frågade jag och sade till honom: »Vad betyda de två olivkvistar som sträcka sig intill de två gyllene rännor genom vilka den gyllene oljan ledes ditned?»
At ako'y sumagot na ikalawa, at nagsabi sa kaniya: Ano ang dalawang sangang olibong ito na nasa siping ng dalawang gintong padaluyan, na dinadaluyan ng langis na ginintuan?
Muli ko siyang tinanong, “Ano ang dalawang sanga ng olibo na ito sa tabi ng dalawang gintong tubo na may gintong langis na bumubuhos mula sa mga ito?
மறுபடியும் நான் அவரை நோக்கி: இரண்டு பொற்குழாய்களின் வழியாகத் தொங்கி, பொன்னிறமான எண்ணெயைத் தங்களிலிருந்து இறங்கச்செய்கிறவைகளாகிய ஒலிவமரங்களின் இரண்டு கிளைகள் என்னவென்று கேட்டேன்.
திரும்பவும் நான் அவனிடம், “தங்க நிறமான எண்ணெயை வடியவிடும் தங்கக் குழாய்கள் இரண்டினுடைய அருகில் காணப்படும் ஒலிவமரக் கிளைகள் இரண்டும் எதைக் குறிக்கின்றன?” என்றும் கேட்டேன்.
“రెండు బంగారపు కొమ్ముల్లో నుండి బంగారు నూనె కుమ్మరించే ఒలీవ చెట్లకున్న రెండు కొమ్మల భావం ఏమిటి?” అని అడిగాను.
Pea naʻaku toe pehēange ki ai, “Ko e hā ʻae ongo vaʻa ʻolive ʻena, ʻaia ʻoku lilingi atu mei ai ʻae lolo, ʻi hono tafeʻanga koula ʻe ua?”
“Altın gibi yağ akıtan iki altın oluğun yanındaki bu iki zeytin dalı nedir?”
Na mibisaa no bio se, “Ngodua mman abien a ehwie ngo a ani yɛ akokɔsrade fa sikakɔkɔɔ dorobɛn abien no mu no yɛ dɛn?”
Na mebisaa no bio sɛ, “Ngodua mman mmienu a ɛhwie ngo a ani yɛ akokɔsradeɛ fa sikakɔkɔɔ dorobɛn mmienu no mu no yɛ ɛdeɛn?”
І заговорив я вдруге, та й до нього сказав: „Що це за дві галу́зки оливок, що через дві золоті ру́рки виливають з себе золото?
और मैंने दोबारा उससे पूछा, कि “ज़ैतून की यह दो शाख़ क्या हैं, जो सोने की दो नलियों के मुत्तसिल हैं, जिनकी राह से सुन्हेला तेल निकला चला जाता है?”
ۋە ئىككىنچى قېتىم سوئالنى قويۇپ ئۇنىڭدىن: «ئۇلارنىڭ يېنىدىكى ئىككى ئالتۇن نەيچە ئارقىلىق ئۆزلىكىدىن «ئالتۇن» قۇيۇۋاتقان شۇ ئىككى زەيتۇن شېخى نېمە؟» دەپ سورىدىم.
вә иккинчи қетим соални қоюп униңдин: «Уларниң йенидики икки алтун нәйчә арқилиқ өзлигидин «алтун» қуюватқан шу икки зәйтун шехи немә?» дәп соридим.
we ikkinchi qétim soalni qoyup uningdin: «Ularning yénidiki ikki altun neyche arqiliq özlikidin «altun» quyuwatqan shu ikki zeytun shéxi néme?» dep soridim.
wǝ ikkinqi ⱪetim soalni ⱪoyup uningdin: «Ularning yenidiki ikki altun nǝyqǝ arⱪiliⱪ ɵzlikidin «altun» ⱪuyuwatⱪan xu ikki zǝytun xehi nemǝ?» dǝp soridim.
Ta lại cất tiếng nói cùng người lần thứ hai mà rằng: Hai nhánh ô-li-ve ở kề bên hai ống vòi vàng, có dầu vàng chảy ra, là gì?
Ta lại cất tiếng nói cùng người lần thứ hai mà rằng: Hai nhánh ô-li-ve ở kề bên hai ống vòi vàng, có dầu vàng chảy ra, là gì?
và về hai cành ô-liu đổ dầu vào bình vàng qua hai ống dẫn bằng vàng có ý nghĩa gì?”
Mo sì tún dáhùn, mo sì sọ fún un pé, “Kí ni àwọn ẹ̀ka méjì igi olifi wọ̀nyí jásí, tí ń tú òróró wúrà jáde nínú ara wọn láti ẹnu ọ̀pá oníhò wúrà méjì.”
Verse Count = 214

< Zechariah 4:12 >