< Ruth 4:7 >

Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.
Ky ishte zakoni në kohërat e kaluara në Izrael lidhur me të drejtën e shpengimit dhe të ndryshimit të pronësisë: personi hiqte sandalen dhe ja jepte tjetrit; kjo ishte mënyra e dëshmisë në Izrael.
وَهَذِهِ هِيَ ٱلْعَادَةُ سَابِقًا فِي إِسْرَائِيلَ فِي أَمْرِ ٱلْفِكَاكِ وَٱلْمُبَادَلَةِ، لِأَجْلِ إِثْبَاتِ كُلِّ أَمْرٍ. يَخْلَعُ ٱلرَّجُلُ نَعْلَهُ وَيُعْطِيهِ لِصَاحِبِهِ. فَهَذِهِ هِيَ ٱلْعَادَةُ فِي إِسْرَائِيلَ.
وَكَانَتِ الْعَادَةُ سَابِقاً فِي إِسْرَائِيلَ بِشَأْنِ الْفِكَاكِ وَالْمُبَادَلَةِ لأَجْلِ إِثْبَاتِ حَقِّ الأَمْرِ، أَنْ يَخْلَعَ الرَّجُلُ نَعْلَهُ وَيُعْطِيَهُ لِلشَّارِي، لإِضْفَاءِ صِفَةِ الشَّرْعِيَّةِ عَلَى عَقْدِ الْبَيْعِ أَوِ الْمُبَادَلَةِ.
ইস্ৰায়েলৰ মাজত মুক্ত কৰা আৰু সলোৱাৰ এনে ৰীতি-নীতি প্ৰচলিত আছিল, এই ৰীতি স্থিৰ কৰিবলৈ এজনে নিজৰ জোতা সোলোকাই আন জনক দিয়ে, এইদৰে ইস্ৰায়েলৰ মাজত সাক্ষীস্বৰূপ চৰ্ত আছিল।
Qədim zamanlarda İsraildə belə bir adət var idi: qəyyumluq vəzifəsini icra edərkən və mal dəyişərkən müqavilə bağlanmasına şəhadət olsun deyə biri öz çarığını çıxarıb başqasına verərdi. Bu, İsraildə qəbul olunan razılaşma üsulu idi.
Amo esoha ilia da hou agoane hamosu. Isala: ili ilia sia: sa: imusa: o bu afadenemusa: ilia amola da hou agoane hamosu. Dunu afae da ea emo salasu gisa: le, dunu eno igili iasu. Amo hou da Isala: ili fi dunu ilia hou. Ilia da bidi lasu hou ilegema: ne agoane hamosu.
মুক্তি ও বিনিময় বিষয়ের সব কথা স্থির করবার জন্য আগে ইস্রায়েলের মধ্যে এইরকম রীতি ছিল; লোকে নিজের জুতো খুলে প্রতিবেশীকে দিত; এটা ইস্রায়েলের মধ্যে সাক্ষ্যস্বরূপ হত।”
(প্রাচীনকালে ইস্রায়েল জাতির মধ্যে সম্পত্তি মুক্ত করার ও তার মালিকানা হস্তান্তর করে তা চূড়ান্ত করার জন্য এক পক্ষ তার পায়ের চটি খুলে তা অন্য পক্ষকে দিয়ে দিত। ইস্রায়েলে এই প্রথা বিনিময়ের ক্ষেত্রে বৈধতা পেত।)
А в старо време, за да се утвърди всяко дело по откупване и размяна в Израиля, ето що беше обичаят: човекът изуваше обувката си, та я даваше на ближния си: и така се свидетелствуваше в Израиля.
Karon mao kini ang nabatasan sa unang panahon sa Israel mahitungod sa paglukat ug pagbinayloay sa mga butang. Aron mapamatud-an ang tanang butang, huboon sa usa ka tawo ang iyang sandalyas ug ihatag kini ngadto sa iyang silingan; mao kini ang pamatasan sa paghimo sa mga hustong kasabotan sa Israel.
Karon kini mao ang batasan sa unang panahon sa Israel mahitungod sa paglukat, ug mahitungod sa pag-ilis, aron sa pagmatuod sa tanang butang: ang usa ka tawo mokuha sa iyang sapin, ug ihatag sa iyang silingan; ug kini mao ang paagi sa pagpamatuod dinhi sa Israel.
(Kale mu Israeli zinkatere ngati munthu afuna kuwombola kanthu kapena kusinthana kanthu ndi mnzake kuti chikhale chakechake. Iye ankavula nsapato imodzi namupatsa mnzakeyo. Imeneyo ndiyo inali njira yochitira umboni mu Israeli).
Canghniah Israel kaminawk mah, hmuen akranghaih hoi anglaihaih kawng pongah, hmuen boih caksak hanah, kami maeto mah angmah ih khokpanai to angkhring moe, kalah maeto khaeah paek: hae tiah Israel kaminawk salakah a sak o.
Hlamat vaengah tah Israel khuikah tlannah ham neh hnothung ham ol khat khat neh ana khueng thiluh. Te vaengah hlang pakhat loh a khokhom a dul tih a hui taengla a paek te Israel khuikah ciphuemyuhnah coeng ni.
Hlamat vaengah tah Israel khuikah tlannah ham neh hnothung ham he, ol khat khat neh ana khueng thil uh. Te vaengah hlang pakhat loh a khokhom a dul tih a hui taengla a paek te Israel khuikah ciphuemyuhnah coeng ni.
Tun hiche lai khanga chun Isrealte lah a chun che na daan khat anaum in mikhat touvin thil achoh nading athaneina chu mikhat komma apehdoh a ahileh akeng koh chu asutna ama pachu apehding ahi. Hitia chu mipi hetna kikhut lhehna chu kisudetji ahi.
Isarelnaw e singyoe patetlah ratangnae, hno kâthung e a kangning thai nahanlah buet touh ni amae khokkhawm a rading vaiteh buet touh koe ouk a hnawng. Hottelah, sak e lahoi, Isarel miphunnaw koe panuekhainae teh acak.
A bijaše od starine običaj u Izraelu: da se čemu potkrijepi valjanost otkupa ili zamjene, čovjek bi izuo sandalu i dao je drugome. To bijaše svjedočanstvo u Izraelu.
(Byl pak ten obyčej od starodávna v Izraeli při koupi a směnách, ku potvrzení všelijakého jednání, že szul jeden obuv svou, a dal ji druhému. A to bylo na svědectví té věci v Izraeli.)
(Byl pak ten obyčej od starodávna v Izraeli při koupi a směnách, ku potvrzení všelijakého jednání, že szul jeden obuv svou, a dal ji druhému. A to bylo na svědectví té věci v Izraeli.)
Nu havde man i gamle Dage i Israel den Skik til Stadfæstelse af Løsning og Byttehandel, at man trak sin Sko af og gav den anden Part den; således blev en Sag vidnefast i Israel.
Og dette var fordum Sædvane i Israel ved Løsning og ved Skiften til at stadfæste al Handel, at een drog sin Sko af og gav sin Næste; og det var Vidnesbyrdet i Israel.
Nu havde man i gamle Dage i Israel den Skik til Stadfæstelse af Løsning og Byttehandel, at man trak sin Sko af og gav den anden Part den; saaledes blev en Sag vidnefast i Israel.
E kinde machon e piny Israel, mondo ne gimoro owar ma mi ngʼat machielo, ne chuno ni ngʼato achiel kuom jogo nyaka lony wuochene kendo omi ngʼat machielo, mano ne miyo winjruogno ok nyal loki. Mano e yo mane igurogo gimoro amora mane iwilo gi chik e piny Israel.
Nu was dit van ouds een gewoonheid in Israel, bij de lossing en bij de verwisseling, om de ganse zaak te bevestigen, zo trok de man zijn schoen uit en gaf die aan zijn naaste; en dit was tot een getuigenis in Israel.
Nu was men oudtijds in Israël bij iedere lossing en ruil gewoon, om ter bekrachtiging van wat dan ook zijn schoen uit te trekken, en hem den ander over te reiken; in Israël was dit de manier, om iets zijn beslag te geven.
Nu was dit van ouds een gewoonheid in Israel, bij de lossing en bij de verwisseling, om de ganse zaak te bevestigen, zo trok de man zijn schoen uit en gaf die aan zijn naaste; en dit was tot een getuigenis in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: A man drew off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor. And this was the manner of attestation in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.
Now this was [the custom] in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man drew off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the [manner of] attestation in Israel.
Now in former times in Israel, concerning the redemption or exchange of property, to make any matter legally binding a man would remove his sandal and give it to the other party, and this was a confirmation in Israel.
Now, in earlier times this was the way in Israel when property was taken over by a near relation, or when there was a change of owner. To make the exchange certain one man took off his shoe and gave it to the other; and this was a witness in Israel.
And this [was] in former time the ordinance in Israel for redemption, and for a bargain, to confirm every word: A man loosed his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour that redeemed his right; and this was a testimony in Israel.
And this [was] in former time the ordinance in Israel for redemption, and for a bargain, to confirm every word: A man loosed his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour that redeemed his right; and this was a testimony in Israel.
Yet it was the custom between kinsmen in this former time in Israel, that if at any time one yielded his right to another, so as to confirm his permission, the man took off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor. This was a testimony of concession in Israel.
Now this [was the custom] in former time in Israel concerning redemption and concerning exchange, to confirm the whole matter: a man drew off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbour, and this was the [mode of] attestation in Israel.
Now this in former times was the manner in Israel between kinsmen, that if at any time one yielded his right to another: that the grant might be sure, the man put off his shoe, and gave it to his neighhour; this was a testimony of cession of right in Israel.
(Now during those times it was the custom in Israel to confirm the action of family redeemer, property transfer, or any similar legal matter by removing a sandal and handing it over. This was the way of validating a transaction in Israel.)
Now this was the maner beforetime in Israel, concerning redeeming and changing, for to stablish all things: a man did plucke off his shooe, and gaue it his neighbour, and this was a sure witnes in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man drew off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour; and this was the attestation in Israel. —
Now this [was the manner] in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave [it] to his neighbour: and this [was] a testimony in Israel.
Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor: and this was a testimony in Israel.
Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour: and this was a testimony in Israel.
Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour: and this was a testimony in Israel.
Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour: and this was a testimony in Israel.
Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, in order to confirm all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour: and this was a testimony in Israel.
And this [was] in former time the ordinance in Israel for redemption, and for a bargain, to confirm every word: A man loosed his shoe, and gave it to his neighbor that redeemed his right; and this was a testimony in Israel.
Now this was formerly the custom in Israel at a redeeming and at an exchanging, to confirm any thing, that a man pulled off his shoe, and gave it to the other; and this was the manner of testimony in Israel.
And this [is] formerly in Israel for redemption and for exchanging, to establish anything: a man has drawn off his sandal, and given [it] to his neighbor, and this [is] the Testimony in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of attestation in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of attestation in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of attestation in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of attestation in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of attestation in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of attestation in Israel.
Now this used to be the custom in Israel: to make valid anything relating to a matter of redemption or exchange, a man drew off his sandal and gave it to the other man; and this was the way contracts were attested in Israel.
Now this used to be the custom in Israel: to make valid anything relating to a matter of redemption or exchange, a man drew off his sandal and gave it to the other man; and this was the way contracts were attested in Israel.
Now this was [the custom] in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, for to confirm all things; a man drew off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour: and this was the [manner of] attestation in Israel.
Now, this aforetime, [was the way] in Israel, at a redeeming, and at an exchanging, to confirm every word: A man drew off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour, —yea, this, was the way of taking to witness, in Israel.
And this before [was] in Israel on the redemption and on the exchange to confirm every matter he took off anyone sandal his and he gave [it] to neighbor his and this [was] the attestation in Israel.
and this to/for face: before in/on/with Israel upon [the] redemption and upon [the] exchange to/for to arise: establish all word: case to draw man: anyone sandal his and to give: give to/for neighbor his and this [the] testimony in/on/with Israel
At that time, it was the custom in Israel, when a person bought property that belonged to another person, that the man who was selling the property would take off one of his sandals and give it to the one who was buying the property. That was the way they finalized sales in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former times in Israel concerning the redemption and exchange of goods. To confirm all things, a man took off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor; this was the manner of making legal agreements in Israel.
Now this [was the manner] in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for confirming all things; a man plucked off his shoe, and gave [it] to his neighbor: and this [was] a testimony in Israel.
Now this was the manner in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning changing, for confirming all things; a man took off his shoe, and gave it to his neighbour: and this was a testimony in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbour; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbour; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbor; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.
Now this was the custom in former time in Israel concerning redeeming and concerning exchanging, to confirm all things: a man took off his sandal, and gave it to his neighbour; and this was the way of formalizing transactions in Israel.
Forsothe this was the custom bi eld tyme in Israel among kynesmen, that if a man yaf his riyt to anothir man, that the grauntyng were stidefast, the man vnlaase his scho, and yaf to his kynesman; this was the witnessyng of the yift in Israel.
And this [is] formerly in Israel for redemption and for changing, to establish anything: a man hath drawn off his sandal, and given [it] to his neighbour, and this [is] the testimony in Israel.
Sed de la antikva tempo ekzistis kutimo en Izrael, pri elaĉetado kaj ŝanĝado, por firmigi ĉion: oni detiras sian ŝuon kaj donas ĝin al sia proksimulo; kaj tio estas la atesto en Izrael.
Enye kɔnu le Israel ɣe ma ɣi be ne ame aɖe di be yeatsɔ yeƒe ɖuƒe na ame bubu la, ekema aɖe eƒe afɔkpa le afɔ atsɔ na amea le ɖasefowo ƒe ŋkume. Nuwɔna sia nye kpeɖodzi na amewo be nua zu ame evelia tɔ.
Ja muinen oli Israelissa lunastamisessa ja perimisessä vahvistukseksi kaikkiin asioihin, että mies riisui kenkänsä ja antoi lähimmäisellensä: ja se oli todistus Israelissa.
Muinoin oli Israelissa lunastus-ja vaihtokauppoja vahvistettaessa tapa tällainen: riisuttiin kenkä ja annettiin toiselle; tätä käytettiin Israelissa todistuksena.
C'était autrefois la coutume en Israël, en cas de rachat et d'échange, pour valider toute affaire, que l'homme ôtât son soulier et le donnât à l'autre cela servait de témoignage en Israël.
Or voici comment on procédait autrefois en Israël pour racheter et pour échanger, afin de confirmer toutes choses: un homme ôtait sa sandale et la donnait à son prochain; et c'était ainsi qu'on officialisait les transactions en Israël.
Or c’était jadis [une coutume] en Israël, en cas de rachat et d’échange, que, pour confirmer toute affaire, l’un ôtait sa sandale et la donnait à l’autre; c’était là une coutume en Israël.
Or c'était une ancienne coutume en Israël, qu'au cas de droit de retrait lignager et de subrogation, pour confirmer la chose l'homme déchaussait son soulier, et le donnait à son prochain, et c'était là un témoignage en Israël [qu'on cédait son droit].
Or, c’était une ancienne coutume en Israël entre les parents, que quand l’un cédait son droit à l’autre, afin que la cession fût valide, un homme déliait sa chaussure et la donnait à son parent. C’était là le témoignage de la cession en Israël.
Autrefois en Israël, pour valider une affaire quelconque relative à un rachat ou à un échange, l’un ôtait son soulier et le donnait à l’autre: cela servait de témoignage en Israël.
C’était autrefois la coutume en Israël, en cas de rachat et d’échange, pour valider toute affaire, que l’homme ôtât son soulier et le donnât à l’autre cela servait de témoignage en Israël.
(Or, autrefois en Israël, en cas de rachat et de subrogation, pour confirmer la chose, l'homme ôtait son soulier et le donnait à son parent; cela servait de témoignage en Israël. )
Or voici ce qui se pratiquait jadis en Israël, lors d'un retrait ou d'une mutation, pour ratifier toute transaction: l'une des parties ôtait sa sandale et la donnait à l'autre: telle était la coutume en Israël.
Or, dès longtemps en Israël cette règle existait concernant les rachats, et les marchés: pour confirmer toute parole, l'homme, détachait sa chaussure et la donnait à son proche, qui reprenait son droit de rachat. Tel était le témoignage en Israël.
Or, jadis en Israël, quand il s’agissait de rachat ou d’échange, tel était le procédé pour rendre définitif un contrat: l’un des contractants retirait sa sandale et la donnait à l’autre. Voilà quelle était la règle en Israël.
Nun war in Israel vor Zeiten folgendes Brauch bei einer Lösung, einem Tausch, um irgend etwas fest zu machen: Es zog da einer seinen Schuh ab und reichte ihn dem anderen. Das war in Israel die Form für die Bestätigung.
Dies aber geschah vordem in Israel bei einer Lösung und bei einem Tausche, um jede Sache zu bestätigen: der eine zog seinen Schuh aus und gab ihn dem anderen; und das war die Art der Bezeugung in Israel.
Dies aber geschah vordem in Israel bei einer Lösung und bei einem Tausche, um jede Sache zu bestätigen: Der eine zog seinen Schuh aus und gab ihn dem anderen; und das war die Art der Bezeugung in Israel.
Nun war vor Zeiten Folgendes in Israel Brauch bei der Lösung und dem Tausch, um irgend etwas festzumachen: Einer zog seinen Schuh aus und gab ihn dem andern - das diente als Bestätigung in Israel.
Es war aber von alters her eine solche Gewohnheit in Israel: Wenn einer ein Gut nicht beerben noch erkaufen wollte, auf daß allerlei Sache bestünde, so zog er seinen Schuh aus und gab ihn dem andern; das war das Zeugnis in Israel.
Und es war von alters her eine solche Gewohnheit in Israel: wenn einer ein Gut nicht beerben noch erkaufen wollte, auf daß eine Sache bestätigt würde, so zog er seinen Schuh aus und gab ihn dem andern; das war das Zeugnis in Israel.
Nun bestand ehemals in Israel beim Lösen wie beim Tauschen der Brauch, daß, wenn man irgendeinen Handel fest abmachen wollte, der eine seinen Schuh auszog und ihn dem andern gab; dies galt als Beglaubigung in Israel.
Es war aber von alters her Sitte in Israel, bei der Lösung und beim Verkauf die ganze Sache also gültig zu machen: es zog einer seinen Schuh aus und gab ihn dem andern. Das war die Bestätigung in Israel.
(Matukũ-inĩ ma tene thĩinĩ wa Isiraeli-rĩ, mũtugo wa gũkũũra kana gũkũũrania indo nĩguo maũndũ mothe marĩkio wega, mũndũ ũmwe wa eene ũhoro aarutaga kĩraatũ gĩake agakĩnengera mũndũ ũcio ũngĩ. Kũu Isiraeli ĩno nĩyo yarĩ njĩra ya gwĩkĩra ũira atĩ ũndũ ũrĩa mũiguanĩre nĩwarĩĩkĩrĩra wega biũ.)
Ούτος δε ήτο ο τρόπος το πάλαι εν τω Ισραήλ περί του δικαιώματος της συγγενείας και περί της απαλλοτριώσεως, διά να βεβαιούται πας λόγος· ο άνθρωπος λύων το υπόδημα αυτού, έδιδεν εις τον πλησίον αυτού· και τούτο ήτο μαρτυρία εν τω Ισραήλ.
καὶ τοῦτο τὸ δικαίωμα ἔμπροσθεν ἐν τῷ Ισραηλ ἐπὶ τὴν ἀγχιστείαν καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ ἀντάλλαγμα τοῦ στῆσαι πᾶν λόγον καὶ ὑπελύετο ὁ ἀνὴρ τὸ ὑπόδημα αὐτοῦ καὶ ἐδίδου τῷ πλησίον αὐτοῦ τῷ ἀγχιστεύοντι τὴν ἀγχιστείαν αὐτοῦ καὶ τοῦτο ἦν μαρτύριον ἐν Ισραηλ
હવે પ્રાચીન કાળમાં ઇઝરાયલમાં આવી રીતે છોડાવાનો તથા વેચવા સાટવાનો એવો રિવાજ હતો કે બધી બાબતોની ખાતરી કરવા, માણસ પોતાનું પગરખું કાઢીને તે પોતાના પડોશીને આપતો; અને ઇઝરાયલમાં કાયદાકીય કરાર કરવાની આ રીત હતી.
Nan tan sa a, nan peyi Izrayèl, lè yon moun pase dwa li genyen pou achte osinon pou twoke yon tè bay yon lòt moun, men sa yo te konn fè: Moun ki te gen dwa a wete yon grenn sapat nan pye l', li bay lòt moun lan li. Se konsa moun Izrayèl yo te konn fè tout moun konnen zafè a te regle nèt.
Alò sa se te koutim lontan an Israël pou ranson ak echanj tè pou vin an lòd avèk nenpòt afè. Yon nonm ta retire sapat li, te lonje li bay yon lòt. Se konsa pou te fè atestasyon an Israël.
(To, a kwanakin can a Isra’ila, domin a tabbatar da fansa da kuma musayar da mallaka, mutum zai cire takalminsa ya ba wa ɗayan. Wannan ita ce hanyar tabbatar da al’amarin a hukumance a cikin Isra’ila.)
Eia ko ka aoao kahiko o ka Iseraela ma ke kuai ana, a me ka hoonohonoho hou ana, i paa na mea a pau. Wehe ke kanaka i kona kamaa, a haawi ae la i kona hoalauna, i mea e hoike ai iwaena o ka Iseraela.
וזאת לפנים בישראל על הגאלה ועל התמורה לקים כל דבר שלף איש נעלו ונתן לרעהו וזאת התעודה בישראל
וְזֹאת֩ לְפָנִ֨ים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל עַל־הַגְּאוּלָּ֤ה וְעַל־הַתְּמוּרָה֙ לְקַיֵּ֣ם כָּל־דָּבָ֔ר שָׁלַ֥ף אִ֛ישׁ נַעֲלֹ֖ו וְנָתַ֣ן לְרֵעֵ֑הוּ וְזֹ֥את הַתְּעוּדָ֖ה בְּיִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
וְזֹאת֩ לְפָנִ֨ים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל עַל־הַגְּאוּלָּ֤ה וְעַל־הַתְּמוּרָה֙ לְקַיֵּ֣ם כָּל־דָּבָ֔ר שָׁלַ֥ף אִ֛ישׁ נַעֲל֖וֹ וְנָתַ֣ן לְרֵעֵ֑הוּ וְזֹ֥את הַתְּעוּדָ֖ה בְּיִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
וְזֹאת לְפָנִים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל עַל־הַגְּאֻלָּה וְעַל־הַתְּמוּרָה לְקַיֵּם כׇּל־דָּבָר שָׁלַף אִישׁ נַעֲלוֹ וְנָתַן לְרֵעֵהוּ וְזֹאת הַתְּעוּדָה בְּיִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
וזאת לפנים בישראל על הגאולה ועל התמורה לקים כל דבר שלף איש נעלו ונתן לרעהו וזאת התעודה בישראל׃
וְזֹאת לְפָנִים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל עַל־הַגְּאוּלָּה וְעַל־הַתְּמוּרָה לְקַיֵּם כָּל־דָּבָר שָׁלַף אִישׁ נַעֲלוֹ וְנָתַן לְרֵעֵהוּ וְזֹאת הַתְּעוּדָה בְּיִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
וְזֹאת֩ לְפָנִ֨ים בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֜ל עַל־הַגְּאוּלָּ֤ה וְעַל־הַתְּמוּרָה֙ לְקַיֵּ֣ם כָּל־דָּבָ֔ר שָׁלַ֥ף אִ֛ישׁ נַעֲל֖וֹ וְנָתַ֣ן לְרֵעֵ֑הוּ וְזֹ֥את הַתְּעוּדָ֖ה בְּיִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
पुराने समय में इस्राएल में छुड़ाने और बदलने के विषय में सब पक्का करने के लिये यह प्रथा थी, कि मनुष्य अपनी जूती उतार के दूसरे को देता था। इस्राएल में प्रमाणित इसी रीति से होता था।
(इस्राएल में पुराने समय से यह प्रथा चली आ रही थी, कि छुड़ाने की प्रक्रिया में लेनदेन को पक्का करने के प्रमाण के रूप में छुड़ाने वाला अपना जूता उतारकर दूसरे व्यक्ति को सौंप दिया करता था. इस्राएल देश में लेनदेन पक्का करने की यही विधि थी.)
Ez vala pedig a szokás régen Izráelben, a megváltás és cserélés alkalmával, minden dolognak megerősítésére: A férfi lehúzta az ő saruját és oda adta felebarátjának, és ez volt a bizonyság Izráelben.
Ez volt pedig azelőtt a szokás Izraélben a megváltásnál s a cserénél, bármily dolog megerősítésére: lehúzta egyik a saruját és odaadta a másikának; az volt a bizonyság Izraélben.
Na mgbe ochie nʼala Izrel, ime ka mgbapụta ihe na iwefe ihe site nʼaka baa nʼaka zuo oke, otu onye ga-eyipụ akpụkpọụkwụ ya were ya nye onye nke ọzọ. Otu a ka e si ekpebi okwu gbasara orire na ọzụzụ, na-ime ka ihe ndị ọzọ guzosie ike nʼala Izrel.
Ita, daytoy ti kaugalian idi un-unana a panawen iti Israel maipanggep iti panangsubbot ken panangisukat kadagiti sanikua. Tapno mapatalgedan ti amin a banag, uksoten ti lalaki ti sapatosna ket itedna daytoy iti kaarubana; daytoy iti gagangay a wagas iti pannakitulag ti Israel.
Pada masa itu kalau orang menjual atau menukar sesuatu miliknya, maka untuk mensahkan hal itu biasanya si penjual melepaskan sandalnya, lalu menyerahkannya kepada si pembeli. Demikianlah caranya orang-orang di Israel mensahkan sesuatu perkara jual beli tanah.
Beginilah kebiasaan dahulu di Israel dalam hal menebus dan menukar: setiap kali orang hendak menguatkan sesuatu perkara, maka yang seorang menanggalkan kasutnya sebelah dan memberikannya kepada yang lain. Demikianlah caranya orang mensahkan perkara di Israel.
(Merupakan adat istiadat di Israel pada masa itu, bagi siapa saja yang sepakat untuk mengalihkan haknya kepada orang lain, maka sebagai tanda kesepakatan tersebut, dia akan membuka dan menyerahkan salah satu alas kakinya kepada orang yang bersedia mengambil alih hak tersebut. Hal ini— secara umum, sudah mengesahkan suatu kesepakatan.)
Or ab antico v'era questa [usanza], che, in caso di riscatto per ragione di consanguinità, e di trasportamento di ragione, per fermar tutto l'affare, l'uomo si traeva la scarpa, e la dava al suo prossimo; e ciò serviva di testimonianza in Israele.
Una volta in Israele esisteva questa usanza relativa al diritto del riscatto o della permuta, per convalidare ogni atto: uno si toglieva il sandalo e lo dava all'altro; era questo il modo di attestare in Israele.
Or v’era in Israele quest’antica usanza, per render valido un contratto di riscatto o di cessione di proprietà; uno si cavava la scarpa e la dava all’altro; era il modo di attestazione in Israele.
昔イスラエルにて物を贖ひ或は交易んとする事につきて萬事を定めたる慣例は斯のごとし 即ち此人鞋を脱て彼人にわたせり 是イスラエルの中の證なりき
昔イスラエルにて物を贖ひ或は交易んとする事につきて萬事を定めたる慣例は斯のごとし 即ち此人鞋を脱ぎて彼人にわたせり 是イスラエルの中の證なりき
Hagi amanahu avu'avara, korapa knafi'na Israeli vahepi me'neane. Mago vahemo'ma mago'zama mizasekuro, azahukura, mago agia ano zafino mago'mofo nemia zane. Higeno amanahu antahi'zamo'a mani'zamofo kankamu erifore huno Israeli vahera aza nehia zane.
ಬಿಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವುದರಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಬದಲು ಮಾಡುವುದರಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಸಕಲ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳೂ ದೃಢವಾಗುವ ಹಾಗೆ ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ವಾಡಿಕೆಯಿತ್ತು. ಅದು ಕೊಡುವವನು ಕೊಳ್ಳುವವನಿಗೆ ತನ್ನ ಕೆರವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ತನ್ನ ನೆರೆಯವನಿಗೆ ಕೊಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದನು. ಇದು ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲಿನಲ್ಲಿ ವ್ಯವಹಾರವನ್ನು ಕಾನೂನು ಬದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸುವ ವಿಧಾನವಾಗಿತ್ತು.
ಯಾವುದಾದರೊಂದು ವಸ್ತುವನ್ನು ಬಿಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವಾಗಲೂ, ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುವಾಗಲೂ, ಕೊಡುವಾಗಲೂ ಮಾತನ್ನು ದೃಢಪಡಿಸುವುದಕ್ಕೋಸ್ಕರ ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರಲ್ಲಿ ಪೂರ್ವಕಾಲದಿಂದ ಇದ್ದ ಪದ್ಧತಿ ಯಾವುದಂದರೆ, ಕೊಡುವವನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳುವವನಿಗೆ ತನ್ನ ಪಾದರಕ್ಷೆಯನ್ನು ಬಿಚ್ಚಿ ಕೊಡಬೇಕು; ಇದರಿಂದ ಮಾತು ದೃಢವಾಯಿತೆಂದು ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲ್ಯರು ತಿಳಿದುಕೊಳ್ಳುವರು.
옛적 이스라엘 중에 모든 것을 무르거나 교환하는 일을 확정하기 위하여 사람이 그 신을 벗어 그 이웃에게 주더니 이것이 이스라엘의 증명하는 전례가 된지라
옛적 이스라엘 중에 모든 것을 무르거나 교환하는 일을 확정하기 위하여 사람이 그신을 벗어 그 이웃에게 주더니 이것이 이스라엘의 증명하는 전례가 된지라
Ouinge ma orek in pacl sac ah, in orala ayaol ke acn ku in molela sie ipin acn, mwet se ma ac kitala acn uh enenu in sarukla fahluk lal uh ac sang nu sin mwet se ma ac molela acn sac uh. Ouiya se inge fin orekla, na mwet Israel uh ac etu lah oasr ma orekla ke ipin acn sacn.
وا باو بوو لە ئیسرائیلدا بۆ سەلماندنی ئەنجامدانی هەموو کارێکی مافی کڕینەوە و گواستنەوەی خاوەنداریێتی موڵک، کابرا پێڵاوەکەی دابکەنێت و بیداتە لایەنی بەرامبەر. ئیتر ئەمە ئەو نەریتە بوو کە لە ئیسرائیل دەگیرایەبەر.
Hic autem erat mos antiquitus in Israël inter propinquos, ut siquando alter alteri suo juri cedebat, ut esset firma concessio, solvebat homo calceamentum suum, et dabat proximo suo: hoc erat testimonium cessionis in Israël.
Hic autem erat mos antiquitus in Israel inter propinquos, ut si quando alter alteri suo iuri cedebat: ut esset firma concessio, solvebat homo calceamentum suum, et dabat proximo suo. Hoc erat testmonium cessionis in Israel.
Hic autem erat mos antiquitus in Israel inter propinquos, ut si quando alter alteri suo iuri cedebat: ut esset firma concessio, solvebat homo calceamentum suum, et dabat proximo suo. hoc erat testmonium cessionis in Israel.
Hic autem erat mos antiquitus in Israël inter propinquos, ut siquando alter alteri suo juri cedebat, ut esset firma concessio, solvebat homo calceamentum suum, et dabat proximo suo: hoc erat testimonium cessionis in Israël.
hic autem erat mos antiquitus in Israhel inter propinquos et si quando alter alteri suo iure cedebat ut esset firma concessio solvebat homo calciamentum suum et dabat proximo suo hoc erat testimonium cessionis in Israhel
Hic autem erat mos antiquitus in Israel inter propinquos, ut si quando alter alteri suo iuri cedebat: ut esset firma concessio, solvebat homo calceamentum suum, et dabat proximo suo. hoc erat testimonium cessionis in Israel.
Nu tas vecos laikos bija tiesa iekš Israēla pie pirkšanas un pie mīšanas, apstiprināt ikkatru līgumu: vīrs novilka savu kurpi un to deva savam tuvākam, un tas bija par liecību iekš Israēla.
Nzokande, na tango ya kala kati na Isalaele, mpo na kosikola mpe kopesa libula, moto moko azalaki kolongola sapatu na ye mpe kopesa yango epai ya moto mosusu. Sapatu yango ezalaki lokola elembo ya litatoli kati na Isalaele.
(Edda mu Isirayiri, empisa ey’okununula n’okuwaanyisa, yali nga bw’eti: omuntu omu yaggyangamu engatto ye, n’agiwa munne. Eno ye yali ng’enkola entuufu mu Isirayiri).
Ary ny amin’ ny fanavotana sy ny fanakalozana teo amin’ ny Isiraely fahiny hahamafy ny teny rehetra dia izao: nesorin’ ny lehilahy ny kirarony ka nomeny ho an’ ny namany; dia vavolombelona teo amin’ ny Isiraely izany.
Zao ty nililitse taolo e Israele ao t’ie nanao fijebañañe ndra fanakaloañe, hañatò ze he’e: Afaha’ t’indaty ty hana’e vaho atolo’e am’ondatio; izay ty fitaliliañe e Israele ao.
എന്നാൽ വീണ്ടെടുപ്പും കൈമാറ്റവും സംബന്ധിച്ചുള്ള കാര്യത്തിന്റെ ഉറപ്പിനായി ഒരുവൻ തന്റെ കാലിലെ ചെരിപ്പൂരി മറ്റേയാൾക്ക് കൊടുക്കുന്നത് യിസ്രായേലിലെ പഴയ ആചാരം ആയിരുന്നു; ഇത് ഉറപ്പിനു വേണ്ടി യിസ്രായേലിൽ ചെയ്തിരുന്നു.
എന്നാൽ വീണ്ടെടുപ്പും കൈമാറ്റവും സംബന്ധിച്ചുള്ള കാൎയ്യം ഉറപ്പാക്കുവാൻ ഒരുത്തൻ തന്റെ ചെരിപ്പൂരി മറ്റേവന്നു കൊടുക്കുന്നതു യിസ്രായേലിൽ പണ്ടു നടപ്പായിരുന്നു; ഇതായിരുന്നു യിസ്രായേലിൽ ഉറപ്പാക്കുന്നവിധം.
എന്നാൽ വീണ്ടെടുപ്പും കൈമാറ്റവും സംബന്ധിച്ചുള്ള കാര്യം ഉറപ്പാക്കുവാൻ ഒരുത്തൻ തന്റെ ചെരിപ്പൂരി മറ്റേവന്നു കൊടുക്കുന്നതു യിസ്രായേലിൽ പണ്ടു നടപ്പായിരുന്നു; ഇതായിരുന്നു യിസ്രായേലിൽ ഉറപ്പാക്കുന്നവിധം.
(മുൻകാലങ്ങളിൽ ഇസ്രായേലിൽ, വീണ്ടെടുപ്പും സ്ഥലകൈമാറ്റവും ഉറപ്പിക്കാൻ ഒരാൾ തന്റെ ചെരിപ്പൂരി മറ്റേയാൾക്ക് കൊടുത്തിരുന്നു. ഇങ്ങനെയായിരുന്നു ഇസ്രായേലിൽ കൈമാറ്റങ്ങൾക്ക് നിയമസാധുത വരുത്തിയിരുന്നത്.)
वतन खंडणी भरून सोडविण्याची व त्याची अदलाबदल करून करार पक्के करण्याची पूर्वी इस्राएलात अशी पद्धत होती की मनुष्य आपल्या चपला काढून दुसऱ्याला देत असे.
ထို​စဉ်​အ​ခါ​က အ​ရောင်း​အ​ဝယ်​ပြု​လုပ်​သည့် အ​ခါ​၌​သော်​လည်း​ကောင်း၊ ပစ္စည်း​ချင်း​လဲ​လှယ် သည့်​အ​ခါ​၌​သော်​လည်း​ကောင်း ရောင်း​သူ​သည် မိ​မိ​ဖိ​နပ်​ကို​ချွတ်​၍ ဝယ်​သူ​အား​ပေး​ရ​သည့် ဋ္ဌ​လေ့​ထုံး​စံ​ရှိ​ပေ​သည်။ ဤ​နည်း​အား​ဖြင့် ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​အ​မျိုး​သား​တို့​သည် အ​ရောင်း အ​ဝယ်​ပြီး​ပြတ်​သည့်​အ​ထိမ်း​အ​မှတ်​ကို ပြု​ကြ​၏။
ဣသရေလရှေးထုံးစံ ဟူမူကား၊ ရွေးခြင်းအမှု၊ ဥစ္စာလဲခြင်းအမှုကိုမြဲမြံစေခြင်းငှါ တယောက်သောသူသည် မိမိ ခြေနင်းကိုချွတ်၍ တယောက်သောသူအားအပ်လေ့ရှိ၏။ ထိုသို့ပြုသောအားဖြင့် ဣသရေလအမျိုးသားတို့တွင် သက်သေတည်ရ၏။
ဣသရေလ ရှေး ထုံးစံဟူမူကား ၊ ရွေး ခြင်းအမှု၊ ဥစ္စာ လဲခြင်းအမှုကို မြဲမြံ စေခြင်းငှါ တယောက် သောသူသည် မိမိ ခြေနင်း ကိုချွတ် ၍ တယောက် သောသူအား အပ် လေ့ရှိ၏။ ထိုသို့ပြုသောအားဖြင့် ဣသရေလ အမျိုးသားတို့တွင် သက်သေ တည်ရ၏။
Na, i mua ko te tikanga tenei i roto i a Iharaira mo nga hoko mai ano, mo nga whakawhiti, hei whakau mo nga mea katoa; unuhia ai e tetahi tona hu a ka hoatu ki tona hoa: a hei kaiwhakaatu tena i roto i a Iharaira.
(Ngalezonsuku zakuqala ko-Israyeli, ukuze umkhuba wokuhlenga impahla zisuka komunye zisiya komunye uphelele, oyedwa wayekhupha inyathela lakhe aliphe omunye. Le yayiyindlela yokuqinisa isivumelwano ko-Israyeli.)
Lokhu-ke kwakukhona mandulo koIsrayeli mayelana lokuhlenga lokuntshintsha, ukuqinisa lonke udaba: umuntu akhiphe inyathela lakhe, alinike umakhelwane wakhe; lokhu-ke kwakuyibufakazi koIsrayeli.
छुट्कारा र मालसामानको सट्टापट्टा सम्बन्धि इस्राएलको पहिलेको समयमा यस्तो चलन थियो । यी सबै कुराहरूको पुष्‍टि गर्न एक जनाले आफ्नो जुत्ता फुकाल्थ्यो र त्यो आफ्नो छिमेकीलाई दिन्थ्यो; यो नै इस्राएलमा वैधानिक सम्झौता गर्ने शैली थियो ।
I gamle dager var det skikk i Israel ved innløsning og bytte at den ene part til stadfestelse av saken drog sin sko av og gav den til den andre; dette gjaldt som bekreftelse i Israel.
Det var gamall sed i Israel når ein mann skulde stadfesta ei løysing eller eit avtala byte, då drog han av seg skoen og gav honom til den andre, og dette gjaldt som ein vitnesburd i Israel.
ମୁକ୍ତି ଓ ପାଲଟ ବିଷୟକ ସବୁ କଥା ସ୍ଥିର କରିବା ପାଇଁ ପୂର୍ବକାଳରେ ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ ବଂଶର ଏହିରୂପ ରୀତି ଥିଲା ଯେ, ଜଣେ ନିଜ ପାଦୁକା କାଢ଼ି ଅନ୍ୟ ଜଣକୁ ଦେଲା, ଆଉ ଏହା ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ସାକ୍ଷ୍ୟ ସ୍ୱରୂପ ହେଲା।
Bara durii biyya Israaʼeliitti dhaalaa fi qabeenya walitti dabarsuun gareen tokko kophee isaa of irraa baasee garee kaaniif kennuudhaan mirkaneeffama ture. Israaʼel keessatti bituu fi gurguruun haaluma kanaan mirkaneeffama ture.
ਪਹਿਲੇ ਸਮੇਂ ਇਸਰਾਏਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਛੁਡਾਉਣ ਅਤੇ ਵਟਾਉਣ ਦੇ ਵੇਲੇ ਸਾਰੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪੱਕਾ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਇਹ ਰੀਤ ਹੁੰਦੀ ਸੀ ਕਿ ਇੱਕ ਜਣਾ ਆਪਣੀ ਜੁੱਤੀ ਲਾਹ ਕੇ ਆਪਣੀ ਗੁਆਂਢੀ ਨੂੰ ਦੇ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਸੀ, ਇਸਰਾਏਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਬੂਤ ਦੇਣ ਦੀ ਇਹੋ ਰੀਤ ਸੀ।
و رسم انفکاک و مبادلت در ایام قدیم دراسرائیل به جهت اثبات هر امر این بود که شخص کفش خود را بیرون کرده، به همسایه خود می‌داد. و این در اسرائیل قانون شده است.
(در آن روزگار در اسرائیل مرسوم بود که هرگاه شخصی می‌خواست حق خرید ملکی را به دیگری واگذار کند، کفشش را از پا درمی‌آورد و به او می‌داد. این عمل، معامله را در نظر مردم معتبر می‌ساخت.)
(A był to starodawny zwyczaj w Izraelu przy wykupie, i przy zamianie, aby warowniejsza była każda sprawa, tedy zzuwał jeden z nich trzewik swój, i dawał go bliźniemu swojemu; a toć było na świadectwo ustępowania dóbr w Izraelu.)
A taki był dawniej zwyczaj w Izraelu co do prawa wykupu i co do zamiany dla zatwierdzenia każdej sprawy: człowiek zdejmował swój but i dawał [go] swojemu bliźniemu. Było to poświadczeniem w Izraelu.
Havia já de longo tempo este costume em Israel na remissão ou contrato, que para a confirmação de qualquer negócio, o um se tirava o sapato e o dava a seu companheiro: e este era o testemunho em Israel.
Havia, pois, já de muito tempo este costume em Israel, emquanto a remissão e contracto, para confirmar todo o negocio, que o homem descalçava o sapato e o dava ao seu proximo: e isto era por testemunho em Israel.
Havia, pois, já de muito tempo este costume em Israel, enquanto a remissão e contrato, para confirmar todo o negócio, que o homem descalçava o sapato e o dava ao seu próximo: e isto era por testemunho em Israel.
Agora, este era o costume no passado em Israel no que diz respeito à redenção e à troca, para confirmar tudo: um homem tirou sua sandália e a deu ao seu vizinho; e esta era a forma de formalizar as transações em Israel.
(Андэ пхурани время кай э израильтянуря сас обычаё, кала пэрэдэнас по чячё витинимос, соб тэ састярэн о допхэнимос, о мануш излэлас пар пэстэ э сандали и отдэлас аврэсти. Кадя э израильтянуря састярнас о допхэнимос.)
(Андэ пураны врама андо Израиль, тэ кинэс вай тэ дэс кавэрэскэ э пхув, екх анда лэ бикинэтора лэлас па пунро сандалия ай дэлас ла кавэрэскэ. Касаво цокаши сас андо Израиль, тэ авэл о бикиныпэ андо законо.)
(Англал ды Израили сля упхэнимо: кала пэрэдэнас вытинимо тай парувэнас, соб ды калэ тэ авэл зор, мануш слэлас пэстар цэрюли тай отдэлас аврэсти. Кади ды Израили састярэнас упхэнимо.)
Одиниоарэ ын Исраел, пентру ынтэриря уней рэскумпэрэрь сау а унуй скимб, омул ышь скотя ынкэлцэминтя ши о дэдя челуйлалт: ачаста служя ка мэртурие ын Исраел.
Acum, acesta era obiceiul în acel timp în Israel, referitor la răscumpărare şi schimb, pentru a confirma toate lucrurile: un bărbat îşi scotea sandala şi o dădea vecinului său şi aceasta era o mărturie în Israel.
Прежде такой был обычай у Израиля при выкупе и при мене для подтверждения какого-либо дела: один снимал сапог свой и давал другому, и это было свидетельством у Израиля.
А беше од старине обичај у Израиљу о откупљивању и промењивању, да би свака ствар била тврда, да један изује обућу своју и да другом, и то беше сведоџба у Израиљу.
A bijaše od starine obièaj u Izrailju o otkupljivanju i promijenjivanju, da bi svaka stvar bila tvrda, da jedan izuje obuæu svoju i da drugomu, i to bijaše svedodžba u Izrailju.
(Zvino pamazuva akare muIsraeri, pakutenga nokutsinhana midziyo uye kuti zvisimbiswe, mumwe aibvisa shangu yake oipa kuno mumwe. Iyi ndiyo yaiva nzira yokuita chibvumirano zviri pamutemo muIsraeri.)
И сие управление бысть прежде во Израили о ужичествовании и о пременении, еже укрепити всякое слово: и иззуваше муж сапог свой, и даяше подругу своему ужичествующу ужичество его: и сие бяше свидетелство во Израили.
Torej to je bil običaj v prejšnjem času v Izraelu, glede odkupitve in glede zamenjave, za potrditev vseh stvari. Človek je sezul svoj čevelj in tega dal svojemu bližnjemu in to je bilo pričevanje v Izraelu.
Oo haddaba waagii hore reer binu Israa'iil dhexdooda caadadii ku saabsanayd kala iibsashada iyo kala beddelashada waxay ahayd in nin kabtiisa iska siibo oo uu deriskiisa u dhiibo in wax walba la sii adkeeyo aawadeed. Taasu waxay reer binu Israa'iil u ahayd sida loo markhaati furo.
Había ya de largo tiempo esta costumbre en Israel en la redención o contrato, que para la confirmación de cualquier negocio, el uno se quitaba el zapato y lo daba a su compañero; y éste era el testimonio en Israel.
(Ahora bien, en aquellos tiempos era costumbre en Israel confirmar la acción del redentor familiar, el traspaso de la propiedad o cualquier asunto legal similar, quitándose una sandalia y entregándola. Esta era la forma de validar una transacción en Israel).
Esta era la costumbre de antaño en Israel en cuanto al rescate y al intercambio, para confirmar todas las cosas: un hombre se quitaba la sandalia y se la daba a su vecino; y esta era la manera de formalizar las transacciones en Israel.
Desde antaño había una tradición en Israel con respecto a la redención y al contrato para confirmar cualquier asunto. Uno se quitaba su sandalia y la daba al otro, y esto servía de testimonio en Israel.
Era costumbre antigua en Israel, en casos de levirato y cambios, que para dar validez a todo acto, el uno se quitaba el zapato y lo daba al otro. Esto servía de testimonio en Israel.
Y había ya de luengo tiempo esta costumbre en Israel en la redención o contrato, que para la confirmación de cualquier negocio el uno quitaba su zapato, y lo daba a su compañero. Y éste era el testimonio en Israel.
Había ya de largo tiempo esta costumbre en Israel en la redención ó contrato, que para la confirmación de cualquier negocio, el uno se quitaba el zapato y lo daba á su compañero: y este era el testimonio en Israel.
Ahora, en tiempos anteriores este era la costumbre en Israel cuando las propiedades eran tomadas por un pariente cercano, o cuando había un cambio de propietario. Para hacer el intercambio, un hombre se quitó el zapato y se lo dio al otro; Y este fue un testigo en Israel.
Hii ilikuwa ni desturi ya zamani ya Israeli kuhusu ukombozi na kubadilishana mazuri. Kudhibitisha mambo haya yote, mtu huyu alivua kiatu chake na kumpatia jirani yake; hii ilikuwa ni namna ya kufanya makubaliano ya kisheria katika Israeli.
(Basi katika siku za kale huko Israeli, ili kukamilisha tendo la kukomboa na kukabidhiana mali, mmoja huvua kiatu chake na kumpatia mwingine. Hii ilikuwa ni njia ya kuhalalisha mabadilishano katika Israeli.)
Men när någon bördade något eller avtalade ett byte, var det fordom sed i Israel att han, till stadfästelse av ett sådant avtal, drog av sig sin sko och gav den åt den andre; och detta gällde såsom ett vittnesbörd i Israel.
Och det var en gammal sedvänja i Israel, när en någon ting icke ärfva eller köpa ville, till att all ting skulle fast blifva, så drog han sin sko utaf, ock fick dem andra; det var då till ett vittnesbörd i Israel.
Men när någon bördade något eller avtalade ett byte, var det fordom sed i Israel att han, till stadfästelse av ett sådant avtal, drog av sig sin sko och gav den åt den andre; och detta gällde såsom ett vittnesbörd i Israel.
Ito nga ang kaugalian ng unang panahon sa Israel tungkol sa pagtubos at tungkol sa pagpapalit, upang patotohanan ang lahat ng mga bagay; hinuhubad ng isa ang kaniyang pangyapak, at ibinibigay sa kaniyang kapuwa: at ito ang paraan ng pagpapatotoo sa Israel.
Ngayon ito ang kaugalian sa Israel sa mga naunang panahon patungkol sa pagtubos at pagpalit ng mga ari-arian. Para patunayan ang lahat ng mga bagay, hinuhubad ng isang tao ang kaniyang sapatos at ibinibigay ito sa kaniyang kapitbahay; ito ang paraan sa paggawa ng ayon sa batas na mga kasunduan sa Israel.
மீட்கிறதிலும் மாற்றுகிறதிலும் எல்லாக் காரியத்தையும் உறுதிப்படுத்தும்படிக்கு, இஸ்ரவேலிலே பூர்வகால வழக்கம் என்னவென்றால், ஒருவன் தன்னுடைய காலணியைக் கழற்றி, மற்றவனுக்குக் கொடுப்பான், இது இஸ்ரவேலிலே வழக்கமாக இருந்த உறுதிப்பாடு.
இஸ்ரயேலில் முற்காலத்திலிருந்து வரும் வழக்கப்படி, மீட்கிறதிலும், சொத்துரிமையை மாற்றுகிறதிலும் அதை உறுதிப்படுத்துவதற்கு அடையாளமாக ஒருவன் தன் செருப்பைக் கழற்றி மற்றவனுக்குக் கொடுப்பான். இதுவே இஸ்ரயேலில் சொத்து மாற்றங்களைச் சட்டபூர்வமாக்கும் முறைமையாயிருந்தது.
ఆ రోజుల్లో ఇశ్రాయేలీయులో ఒక కట్టుబాటు ఉంది. బంధు ధర్మానికీ, క్రయ విక్రయాలకూ ఏదైనా విషయాన్ని ఖరారు చేయడానికీ ఒక సంప్రదాయం ఉంది. ఆ సంప్రదాయం ఏమిటంటే ఒక వ్యక్తి తన చెప్పు తీసి అవతలి వాడికివ్వడమే. ఈ పనిని ఇశ్రాయేలీయుల్లో ప్రమాణంగా ఎంచారు.
Pea ko eni hono anga ʻi muʻa ʻi ʻIsileli ʻoe huhuʻi, pea ki he fetongi, ke fakamoʻoni ʻae ngaahi meʻa kotoa pē; naʻe vete ʻe he tangata hono topuvaʻe, pea ʻatu ia ki hono kaungāʻapi: pea ko e meʻa fakamoʻoni ia ʻi ʻIsileli.
Avaala İzrailil sa kar alişşu-massa huvuynemee, sa kar badal hı'iynemee, insanee g'elilin g'ellin g'ayşu mansang'usqa qele ıxha. Man ədat, şi iş yəqqı'lqa gyuvxhunava eyhen ıxha.
Eskiden İsrail'de akrabalık görevinin yerine getirildiğini ve mülk alım satımının onaylandığını göstermek için taraflardan biri çarığını çıkarıp ötekine verirdi. Alışverişi yasallaştırmanın yolu buydu.
Saa bere no, na ɛyɛ Israel amanne sɛ, sɛ obiara redan nʼade bi a watɔ no ɔkwan pa so ama obi foforo a, ɔworɔw ne mpaboa de ma nea ɔtɔ no. Wɔyɛ saa wɔ bagua mu de hyɛ adetɔ no mu den.
Saa ɛberɛ no, na ɛyɛ Israel amanneɛ sɛ, sɛ obiara redane nʼadeɛ bi a watɔ no ɛkwan pa so ama obi foforɔ a, ɔworɔ ne mpaboa de ma ɔtɔfoɔ no. Wɔyɛ saa wɔ badwa mu de hyɛ adetɔ no mu den.
А оце було колись серед Ізраїля на викуп, і на заміну, і на ствердження кожної справи: чоловік здіймав санда́лю свою, і давав своєму ближньому, і це було свідо́цтвом серед Ізраїля.
और अगले ज़माने में इस्राईल में मु'आमिला पक्का करने के लिए छुड़ाने और बदलने के बारे में यह मा'मूल था कि आदमी अपनी जूती उतार कर अपने पड़ोसी को दे देता था। इस्राईल में तस्दीक़ करने का यही तरीक़ा था
قەدىمكى ۋاقىتلاردا ئىسرائىلدا ھەمجەمەتلىك ھوقۇقىغا ياكى ئالماشتۇرۇش-تېگىشىش ئىشىغا مۇناسىۋەتلىك مۇنداق بىر رەسىم-قائىدە بار ئىدى: ــ ئىشنى كەسمەك ئۈچۈن بىر تەرەپ ئۆز كەشىنى سېلىپ، ئىككىنچى تەرەپكە بېرەتتى. ئىسرائىلدا سودا-سېتىقنى بېكىتىشتە مانا مۇشۇنداق بىر ئۇسۇل بار ئىدى.
Қедимки вақитларда Исраилда һәмҗәмәтлик һоқуқиға яки алмаштуруш-тегишиш ишиға мунасивәтлик мундақ бир рәсим-қаидә бар еди: — ишни кәсмәк үчүн бир тәрәп өз кәшини селип, иккинчи тәрәпкә берәтти. Исраилда сода-сетиқни бекитиштә мана мошундақ бир усул бар еди.
Qedimki waqitlarda Israilda hemjemetlik hoquqigha yaki almashturush-tégishish ishigha munasiwetlik mundaq bir resim-qaide bar idi: — ishni kesmek üchün bir terep öz keshini sélip, ikkinchi terepke béretti. Israilda soda-sétiqni békitishte mana mushundaq bir usul bar idi.
Ⱪǝdimki waⱪitlarda Israilda ⱨǝmjǝmǝtlik ⱨoⱪuⱪiƣa yaki almaxturux-tegixix ixiƣa munasiwǝtlik mundaⱪ bir rǝsim-ⱪaidǝ bar idi: — ixni kǝsmǝk üqün bir tǝrǝp ɵz kǝxini selip, ikkinqi tǝrǝpkǝ berǝtti. Israilda soda-setiⱪni bekitixtǝ mana muxundaⱪ bir usul bar idi.
Vả, xưa trong Y-sơ-ra-ên khi chuộc lại hay là đổi nhau, muốn làm cho chắc lời giao kết, thì người này phải cổi giầy mình mà trao cho người kia. Nơi Y-sơ-ra-ên, ấy là cách ưng chịu một tờ giao ước.
Vả, xưa trong Y-sơ-ra-ên khi chuộc lại hay là đổi nhau, muốn làm cho chắc lời giao kết, thì người này phải cổi giầy mình mà trao cho người kia. Nơi Y-sơ-ra-ên, ấy là cách ưng chịu một tờ giao ước.
Trong thời ấy, người Ít-ra-ên theo tục lệ cổ truyền, khi một người muốn chuyển nhượng quyền gì cho người khác, như quyền chuộc đất chẳng hạn, người này chỉ việc cởi giày mình trao cho người kia để xác nhận quyền chuyển nhượng.
Ní ayé ìgbàanì, kí a tó le sọ wí pé ohun ìràpadà tàbí pàṣípàrọ̀ ohun ìní fi ìdí múlẹ̀ ní ilẹ̀ Israẹli, ẹnìkan ni láti yọ bàtà rẹ̀ kúrò ní ẹsẹ̀ rẹ̀ kí ó sì fi fún ẹnìkejì, ó jẹ́ òfin fún ẹni tí ó fẹ́ rà á. Nípa ṣíṣe èyí, àwọn ará Israẹli fihàn wí pé ọ̀rọ̀ náà ti fìdímúlẹ̀.
Verse Count = 218

< Ruth 4:7 >