< Numbers 31:23 >

everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that does not withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
çdo gjë që i reziston zjarrit, do ta kaloni nëpër zjarr dhe do të bëhet i pastër; por do të pastrohen edhe me ujin e pastrimit kundër papastërtisë; ndërsa tërë gjërat që nuk mund t’i rezistojnë zjarrit, do t’i trajtoni me ujë.
كُلُّ مَا يَدْخُلُ ٱلنَّارَ، تُجِيزُونَهُ فِي ٱلنَّارِ فَيَكُونُ طَاهِرًا، غَيْرَ أَنَّهُ يَتَطَهَّرُ بِمَاءِ ٱلنَّجَاسَةِ. وَأَمَّا كُلُّ مَا لَا يَدْخُلُ ٱلنَّارَ فَتُجِيزُونَهُ فِي ٱلْمَاءِ.
وَكُلُّ مَا يَتَحَمَّلُ حَرَارَةَ النَّارِ، أَجِيزُوهُ فِيهَا فَيُصْبِحَ طَاهِراً. وَلَكِنْ عَلَيْكُمْ أَيْضاً أَنْ تُطَهِّرُوهُ بِمَاءِ التَّطْهِيرِ، وَمَا لَا يَحْتَمِلُ النَّارَ طَهِّرُوهُ بِمَاءِ التَّطْهِيرِ فَقَطْ.
আৰু সীহ আদি যিবোৰ বস্তু জুইত নুপোৰে, সেই সকলোকে জুইৰ মাজেদি নিবা, তেতিয়া সেয়া শুচি হ’ব। তাৰ পাছত তোমালোকে তাক অশুচিতা-নাশক জলৰ দ্বাৰাই শুচি কৰিব লাগিব; কিন্তু যি যি বস্তু জুইত পোৰে, তাক প্রথমে তোমালোকে সেই পানীৰে শুচি কৰিবা।
oda davamlı hər şeyi alovdan keçirin ki, pak sayılsın. Lakin paklama suyu ilə də paklansın. Oda davamsız şeyləri isə sudan keçirin.
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এবং যে সমস্ত দ্রব্য আগুনে নষ্ট হয় না, সেই সব আগুনের মধ্যে দিয়ে নিয়ে যাবে, তাতে তা শুচি হবে। তারপর তা বিশুদ্ধ জলে পাপমুক্ত করতে হবে; কিন্তু যে যে জিনিস আগুনে নষ্ট হয়, তা তোমরা জলের মধ্যে দিয়ে নিয়ে যাবে।
এবং অন্য যে সমস্ত দ্রব্য আগুনের উত্তাপ সহ্য করতে পারে, তাদের আগুনের মধ্য দিয়ে পরিশোধন করতে হবে, তখন তা শুদ্ধ হবে। তা সত্ত্বেও, শুদ্ধকরণের জল দিয়ে সেসব পরিশোধন করতে হবে। যে কোনো দ্রব্য আগুনের উত্তাপ সহ্য করতে পারে না, সেগুলি জলে পরিশোধন করতে হবে।
всичко, което може да устои на огън, прекарайте през огън, и ще бъде чисто; обаче, трябва да се очисти и с очистителна вода; и всичко що не може да устои на огън прекарай през вода.
ug ang tanan nga dili masunog sa kalayo, kinahanglan nga ibutang ninyo kini agi sa kalayo, ug mahinlo na kini. Kinahanglan ninyong hinloan kadtong mga butanga pinaagi sa tubig nga panghinlo. Bisan unsang dili maagi sa kalayo kinahanglan ninyong hinloan pinaagig tubig.
Ang tanan nga butang nga makasukol sa kalayo pagapaagihon ninyo sa kalayo, ug mamahinlo kini bisan pa niana kini pagaulayon uban sa tubig tungod sa kahugawan: apan ang tanan nga dili makasukol sa kalayo pagapaagion ninyo sa tubig.
ndi china chilichonse chimene sichingapse ndi moto muchidutsitse pa moto, ndipo chidzayeretsedwa. Komanso chiyeretsedwe ndi madzi oyeretsa. Ndipo chilichonse chimene chingapse ndi moto muchidutsitse mʼmadzimo.
hmai kakaang thaih hmuennawk boih loe hmai hoiah qoeng ah, to tiah nahaeloe ciim tih; ciimsakhaih tui hoiah doeh pasae oh; hmai khaan thai ai hmuennawk loe tui hoiah pasae oh.
Hmai aka khoeng hno boeih tah hmai ah caeh sak uh lamtah caihcil bitni. Pumom tui neh cilpoe saeh lamtah hmai loh a khoeng pawt boeih tahtui dongah caeh sak uh.
Hmai aka khoeng hno boeih tah hmai ah caeh sak uh lamtah caihcil bitni. Pumom tui neh cilpoe saeh lamtah hmai loh a khoeng pawt boeih tah tui dongah caeh sak uh.
Thilkeu mei jin akah vam thei lou chengse bou chu meiya na leudiu chu teng athenga na sim bep diu ahiye. Chule thilkeu ho chu thil theng lou kisopna tui mangcha a na sop theng diu, meiya leuva atheng theilou jouse jong na soptheng tho cheh diu ahi.
bangpatete hnonaw pueng haiyah, hmai ni a kak thai hoeh e pueng, hmai dawk pou ceisak vaiteh a thoung han. Bangpatet nakunghai yah pâsu hoi thoungthainae tui hoi pâsu vaiteh thoungsak hanlah ao. Hahoi hmai dawk phum han kahawihoehnaw pueng teh, khohna hoi tui dawk pekpâsu hanelah ao.
sve što podnosi vatru - provucite kroz vatru i bit će očišćeno.' Ipak, neka se očisti i vodom očišćenja. A sve što ne podnosi vatru provucite kroz vodu.
A cožkoli trpí oheň, ohněm přepálíte, a přečištěno bude, však tak, když vodou očišťování obmyto bude; což pak nemůže ohně strpěti, to skrze vodu protáhnete.
A cožkoli trpí oheň, ohněm přepálíte, a přečištěno bude, však tak, když vodou očišťování obmyto bude; což pak nemůže ohně strpěti, to skrze vodu protáhnete.
alt, hvad der kan tåle Ild, skal I lade gå gennem Ild, så bliver det rent; dog må det renses med Renselsesvand. Men alt, hvad der ikke kan tåle Ild, skal I lade gå gennem Vand.
al den Ting, som taaler Ilden, skulle I lade gaa igennem Ilden, saa er den ren; dog skal den renses for Synd ved Renselsesvandet; men alt det, som ikke taaler Ilden, skulle I lade gaa igennem Vandet.
alt, hvad der kan taale Ild, skal I lade gaa gennem Ild, saa bliver det rent; dog maa det renses med Renselsesvand. Men alt, hvad der ikke kan taale Ild, skal I lade gaa gennem Vand.
kod gimoro amora ma mach ok nyal wangʼo noleny e mach, eka enopwodhgi mi gibed maler. To bende nyaka luokgi gi pi mondo gibed maler. Omiyo gimoro amora ma mach ok nyal lenyo nyaka luok gi pigno.
Alle ding, dat het vuur lijdt, zult gij door het vuur laten doorgaan, dat het rein worde; evenwel zal het door het water der afzondering ontzondigd worden; maar al wat het vuur niet lijdt, zult gij door het water laten doorgaan.
al wat tegen vuur bestand is, moet ge door het vuur halen; dan zal het rein zijn, en behoeft alleen nog met reinigingswater te worden ontsmet. Maar al wat niet tegen vuur is bestand, moet ge door het water halen.
Alle ding, dat het vuur lijdt, zult gij door het vuur laten doorgaan, dat het rein worde; evenwel zal het door het water der afzondering ontzondigd worden; maar al wat het vuur niet lijdt, zult gij door het water laten doorgaan.
everything which may go into fire-ye shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean. Nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. And all that may not go into fire ye shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that does not withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may abide the fire, ye shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make to go through the water.
everything that can withstand the fire—must be put through the fire, and it will be clean. But it must still be purified with the water of purification. And everything that cannot withstand the fire must pass through the water.
And anything which may be heated, is to go through the fire and be made clean; but in addition it is to be put in the water of cleaning: and anything which may not go through the fire is to be put in the water.
every thing that shall pass through the fire shall so be clean, nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of sanctification; and whatsoever will not pass through the fire shall pass through water.
every thing that shall pass through the fire shall so be clean, nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of sanctification; and whatever will not pass through the fire shall pass through water.
and all that may be able to pass through fire, shall be purified by fire. But whatever is not able to sustain fire shall be sanctified with the waters of expiation.
everything that passeth through the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean; only it shall be purified with the water of separation; and everything that cannot pass through the fire ye shall make go through the water.
And all that may pass through the fire, shall be purified by fire, but whatsoever cannot abide the fire, shall be sanctified with the water of expiation:
anything that doesn't burn—must be put through fire to make it clean. But it still has to be purified using water of purification. Anything that burns must be put through the water.
Euen all that may abide the fire, yee shall make it goe through the fire, and it shalbe cleane: yet, it shalbe purified with the water of purification: and all that suffereth not the fire, yee shall cause to passe by the water.
every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of sprinkling; and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make to go through the water.
Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make [it] go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.
Every thing that may abide the fire, you shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that stays not the fire you shall make go through the water.
Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.
Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.
Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.
Every thing that may abide the fire, all of you shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abides not the fire all of you shall make go through the water.
every thing that shall pass through the fire shall so be clean, nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of sanctification; and whatever will not pass through the fire shall pass through water.
Every thing that cometh into the fire shall ye make go through the fire, and it shall be clean; only it shall be purified with the waters of sprinkling: and whatsoever doth not come into the fire shall ye cause to go through the water.
everything which may go into fire, you cause to pass over through fire, and it has been clean; it is surely cleansed with the water of separation; and all that may not go into fire, you cause to pass over through water;
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity: and all that doesn't withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity: and all that doesn't withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity: and all that doesn't withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity: and all that doesn't withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity: and all that doesn't withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity: and all that doesn't withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that does not withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make to go through the water.
whatsoever thing can go into fire, ye shall pass through fire and it shall be clean, only with the water of separation, shall ye cleanse it (from sin). But whatsoever cannot go into fire, ye shall pass through water.
Every thing which it will go in the fire you will make pass in the fire and it will be pure nevertheless by [the] water of impurity it will purify itself and all that not it will go in the fire you will make pass in the water.
all word: thing which to come (in): come in/on/with fire to pass in/on/with fire and be pure surely in/on/with water impurity to sin and all which not to come (in): come in/on/with fire to pass in/on/with water
Put everything that will not burn into the fire, and then they will be acceptable for you to use. But also sprinkle those things with the water that causes things and people to become acceptable to God. The things that would burn [if you put them] in a fire, sprinkle them with that water.
and everything that resists fire, you must put it through the fire, and it will become clean. You must then purify those things with the water of cleansing. Whatever cannot go through the fire you must cleanse with that water.
Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make [it] go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.
Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that doesn’t withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that doesn’t withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that doesn’t withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that doesn’t withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that doesn’t withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
everything that may withstand the fire, you shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water for impurity. All that doesn’t withstand the fire you shall make to go through the water.
sotheli what euer thing may not suffre fier, schal be halewid bi the watir of clensyng.
every thing which may go into fire, ye cause to pass over through fire, and it hath been clean; only, with the water of separation it is cleansed, and all that may not go into fire, ye cause to pass over through water;
ĉion, kio povas iri en fajron, trairigu tra fajro, kaj ĝi estos pura, tamen per puriga akvo oni ĝin pekpurigu; ĉion, kio ne povas iri en fajron, trairigu tra akvo.
woade wo dzo me ale be woakɔ wo ŋu. Emegbe la, woagakɔ wo ŋu kple tsi kɔkɔe. Ke woatsɔ tsi kɔkɔe ko akɔ nu siwo mate ŋu anɔ te ɖe dzoxɔxɔ nu o la ŋuti.’
Ja kaikki mikä tulen kärsii, pitää teidän tulessa käyttämän, ja ne ovat puhtaat; kuitenkin pitää ne puhdistusvedellä puhtaaksi tehtämän. Mutta kaikki se, mikä ei tulta kärsi, pitää teidän vedessä käyttämän.
kaikki, mikä tulta kestää, käyttäkää tulessa, niin se puhdistuu; puhdistettakoon se kuitenkin vielä puhdistusvedellä. Mutta mikä ei tulta kestä, käyttäkää se vedessä.
tout objet qui va au feu, vous le ferez passer par le feu, et il sera pur; toutefois il sera purifié encore par l'eau de purification. Tout ce qui ne va pas au feu, vous le ferez passer par l'eau.
tout ce qui peut résister au feu, vous le ferez passer par le feu, et il sera pur; néanmoins, il sera purifié avec l'eau pour être impur. Tout ce qui ne résistera pas au feu, vous le ferez passer dans l'eau.
tout ce qui peut supporter le feu, vous le ferez passer par le feu, et ce sera pur; seulement, on le purifiera avec l’eau de séparation; et tout ce qui ne peut pas supporter le feu, vous le ferez passer par l’eau.
Tout ce qui peut passer par le feu, vous le ferez passer par le feu, et il sera net; seulement on le purifiera avec l'eau d'aspersion; mais vous ferez passer par l'eau toutes les choses qui ne passent point par le feu.
Et tout ce qui peut passer par les flammes, sera purifié par le feu. Mais tout ce qui ne peut supporter le feu, sera sanctiflé par l’eau d’expiation;
tout objet qui peut aller au feu, vous le ferez passer par le feu pour le rendre pur. Mais c’est par l’eau de purification que sera purifié tout ce qui ne peut aller au feu; vous le ferez passer dans l’eau.
tout objet qui va au feu, vous le ferez passer par le feu, et il sera pur; toutefois il sera purifié encore par l’eau de purification. Tout ce qui ne va pas au feu, vous le ferez passer par l’eau.
Vous le ferez passer par le feu, et il sera pur; toutefois on le purifiera avec l'eau de purification. Mais tout ce qui ne va pas au feu, vous le ferez passer dans l'eau.
tout ce qui va au feu, vous le ferez passer par le feu, pour le rendre pur, et on en fera d'ailleurs l'expiation avec l'eau de purification; seulement tout ce qui ne va pas au feu, vous le passerez dans l'eau.
Tout ce qui résiste à la flamme sera purifié par le feu et non par l'eau de la purification; tout ce qui ne va pas au feu sera passé à l'eau.
tout ce qui supporte le feu, vous le passerez par le feu et il sera pur, après toutefois avoir été purifié par l’eau lustrale; et tout ce qui ne va pas au feu, vous le passerez par l’eau.
alles, was in das Feuer kommen kann, sollt ihr durchs Feuer gehen lassen! Dann ist es rein. Jedoch muß es mit Reinigungswasser entsündigt werden. Was aber nicht ins Feuer kommen kann, laßt durchs Wasser gehen!
alles, was das Feuer verträgt, sollt ihr durchs Feuer gehen lassen, und es wird rein sein; nur soll es mit dem Wasser der Reinigung [S. Kap. 19,9] entsündigt werden; und alles, was das Feuer nicht verträgt, sollt ihr durchs Wasser gehen lassen.
alles, was das Feuer verträgt, sollt ihr durchs Feuer gehen lassen, und es wird rein sein; nur soll es mit dem Wasser der Reinigung entsündigt werden; und alles, was das Feuer nicht verträgt, sollt ihr durchs Wasser gehen lassen.
alles, was das Feuer verträgt, - durch das Feuer gehen lassen, so wird es rein sein; nur, daß es mit Reinigungswasser entsündigt werden muß. Alles aber, was das Feuer nicht verträgt, müßt ihr durch das Wasser gehen lassen.
und alles, was das Feuer leidet, sollt ihr durchs Feuer lassen gehen und reinigen, daß es mit dem Sprengwasser entsündiget werde. Aber alles, was nicht Feuer leidet, sollt ihr durchs Wasser gehen lassen.
und alles was das Feuer leidet, sollt ihr durchs Feuer lassen gehen und reinigen; nur daß es mit dem Sprengwasser entsündigt werde. Aber alles, was das Feuer nicht leidet, sollt ihr durchs Wasser gehen lassen.
überhaupt alles, was das Feuer verträgt, müßt ihr durchs Feuer gehen lassen, dann wird es rein sein; jedoch muß es auch noch mit dem Reinigungswasser entsündigt werden. Alles aber, was kein Feuer verträgt, müßt ihr durchs Wasser gehen lassen.
was das Feuer aushält, sollt ihr durchs Feuer gehen lassen und reinigen; nur muß es mit dem Reinigungswasser entsündigt werden. Aber alles, was das Feuer nicht aushält, sollt ihr durchs Wasser gehen lassen.
Alles Ding, was ins Feuer kommt, sollt ihr durch das Feuer durchgehen lassen, daß es rein werde, nur soll es mit dem Ausscheidungswasser entsündigt werden, alles aber, das nicht ins Feuer kommen darf, sollt ihr durch das Wasser durchgehen lassen.
na kĩndũ o gĩothe kĩngĩhota gwĩtiiria mwaki, no nginya kĩhĩtũkagĩrio mwaki-inĩ nĩgeetha gĩthirwo nĩ thaahu. No rĩrĩ, no nginya gĩcooke gĩtherio na maaĩ marĩa ma kũniina thaahu. Nakĩo kĩndũ gĩothe gĩtangĩĩtiiria mwaki no nginya kĩhĩtũkĩrio maaĩ-inĩ macio.
παν ό, τι δύναται να εμβή εις το πυρ, θέλετε περάσει διά του πυρός και θέλει είσθαι καθαρόν· πρέπει όμως να καθαρισθή και διά του ύδατος του καθαρισμού· και παν ό, τι δεν εμβαίνει εις το πυρ, θέλετε περάσει διά του ύδατος·
πᾶν πρᾶγμα ὃ διελεύσεται ἐν πυρί καὶ καθαρισθήσεται ἀλλ’ ἢ τῷ ὕδατι τοῦ ἁγνισμοῦ ἁγνισθήσεται καὶ πάντα ὅσα ἐὰν μὴ διαπορεύηται διὰ πυρός διελεύσεται δῑ ὕδατος
જે દરેક વસ્તુ અગ્નિનો સામનો કરી શકે, તે તમે અગ્નિમાં નાખો અને તે શુદ્ધ થશે. શુદ્ધિના પાણી વડે તે વસ્તુઓ શુદ્ધ કરવામાં આવે. જે કંઈ અગ્નિમાં ટકી ન શકે તેને તમે પાણીથી શુદ્ધ કરો.
tou sa ki pa ka boule nan dife, n'a pase yo nan dife pou yo ka nan kondisyon sèvi pou moun k'ap sèvi Bondye. Men tou sa ki ka boule nan dife, se nan dlo yo mete apa pou sa a n'a pase yo pou yo ka nan kondisyon sèvi pou moun k'ap sèvi Bondye.
tout sa ki kapab sipòte dife, nou va fè pase nan dife, e li va vin pwòp; men li va pirifye avèk dlo pirifikasyon an. Men nenpòt sa ki pa kab sipòte dife, nou va pase yo nan dlo.
da dukan abin da wuta ba ta iya ci, dole yă shiga wuta sa’an nan zai zama da tsabta. Amma dole a kuma tsarkake ta da ruwan tsarkakewa. Duk abin da wuta za tă iya ci, dole a shigar da ita a ruwan tsarkakewa.
O kela mea keia mea e pono ma ke ahi, oia ka oukou e hoohele mawaena o ke ahi, a e huikalaia oia; a e hoomaemaeia no nae ia i ka wai huikala: a o na mea a pau e pono ole ma ke ahi, oia ka oukou e hoohele mawaena o ka wai.
כל דבר אשר יבא באש תעבירו באש וטהר--אך במי נדה יתחטא וכל אשר לא יבא באש תעבירו במים
כָּל־דָּבָ֞ר אֲשֶׁר־יָבֹ֣א בָאֵ֗שׁ תַּעֲבִ֤ירוּ בָאֵשׁ֙ וְטָהֵ֔ר אַ֕ךְ בְּמֵ֥י נִדָּ֖ה יִתְחַטָּ֑א וְכֹ֨ל אֲשֶׁ֧ר לֹֽא־יָבֹ֛א בָּאֵ֖שׁ תַּעֲבִ֥ירוּ בַמָּֽיִם׃
כָּל־דָּבָ֞ר אֲשֶׁר־יָבֹ֣א בָאֵ֗שׁ תַּעֲבִ֤ירוּ בָאֵשׁ֙ וְטָהֵ֔ר אַ֕ךְ בְּמֵ֥י נִדָּ֖ה יִתְחַטָּ֑א וְכֹ֨ל אֲשֶׁ֧ר לֹֽא־יָבֹ֛א בָּאֵ֖שׁ תַּעֲבִ֥ירוּ בַמָּֽיִם׃
כׇּל־דָּבָר אֲשֶׁר־יָבֹא בָאֵשׁ תַּעֲבִירוּ בָאֵשׁ וְטָהֵר אַךְ בְּמֵי נִדָּה יִתְחַטָּא וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר לֹֽא־יָבֹא בָּאֵשׁ תַּעֲבִירוּ בַמָּֽיִם׃
כל דבר אשר יבא באש תעבירו באש וטהר אך במי נדה יתחטא וכל אשר לא יבא באש תעבירו במים׃
כָּל־דָּבָר אֲשֶׁר־יָבֹא בָאֵשׁ תַּעֲבִירוּ בָאֵשׁ וְטָהֵר אַךְ בְּמֵי נִדָּה יִתְחַטָּא וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר לֹֽא־יָבֹא בָּאֵשׁ תַּעֲבִירוּ בַמָּֽיִם׃
כָּל־דָּבָ֞ר אֲשֶׁר־יָבֹ֣א בָאֵ֗שׁ תַּעֲבִ֤ירוּ בָאֵשׁ֙ וְטָהֵ֔ר אַ֕ךְ בְּמֵ֥י נִדָּ֖ה יִתְחַטָּ֑א וְכֹ֨ל אֲשֶׁ֧ר לֹֽא־יָבֹ֛א בָּאֵ֖שׁ תַּעֲבִ֥ירוּ בַמָּֽיִם׃
जो कुछ आग में ठहर सके उसको आग में डालो, तब वह शुद्ध ठहरेगा; तो भी वह अशुद्धता से छुड़ानेवाले जल के द्वारा पावन किया जाए; परन्तु जो कुछ आग में न ठहर सके उसे जल में डुबाओ।
हर एक वस्तु, जिसे आग में से होकर निकाला जा सकता है, तुम आग में से निकालोगे कि वह शुद्ध हो जाए, किंतु जो वस्तु आग में से निकाली नहीं जा सकती, उनको पवित्र करने के लिए तुम इन्हें जल से शुद्ध करोगे.
Minden egyebet is, a mi állja a tüzet, vigyetek át a tűzön, és megtisztíttatik, de a tisztító vízzel is tisztíttassék meg; mindazt pedig, a mi nem állja a tűzet, vízen vigyétek át.
minden tárgyat, mely tűzbe jöhet, vigyetek át a tűzön és tiszta lesz, csakhogy tisztító vízzel tisztíttassék meg; mindazt pedig, ami tűzbe nem jöhet, vigyétek át a vízen.
na ihe ọ bụla ọzọ bụ nke ga-anagide ọkụ, ka a ga-eme ka ọ gabiga site nʼọkụ, mgbe ahụ ọ ga-adịkwa ọcha. Ma aghaghị ịga nʼihu ime ka ha dị ọcha site nʼịsacha ha nʼime mmiri nke nsacha. Ma ihe ọbụla nke na-agaghị anagide ọkụ ka a ga-eji mmiri sachaa, maka ido ya ọcha.
ken amin dagiti saan a mabalin a maipuor ket masapul nga ipuoryo ket agbalin daytoy a nadalus. Masapul a dalusanyo dagitoy a banbanag babaen iti danum a pangdalus. Aniaman a saan a mabalin a maipuor, masapul a dalusanyo babaen iti dayta a danum.
Verse not available
segala yang tahan api, haruslah kamu lakukan dari api, supaya menjadi tahir; tetapi semuanya itu haruslah juga disucikan dengan air penyuci; dan segala yang tidak tahan api haruslah kamu lalukan dari air.
e in somma tutto ciò che può portare il fuoco; e così sarà netto; ma pure ancora sia purificato con l'acqua di purificazione; e tutto ciò che non può portare il fuoco, fatelo passar per l'acqua.
quanto può sopportare il fuoco, lo farete passare per il fuoco e sarà reso puro; ma sarà purificato anche con l'acqua della purificazione; quanto non può sopportare il fuoco, lo farete passare per l'acqua.
tutto ciò, insomma, che può reggere al fuoco, lo farete passare per il fuoco e sarà reso puro; nondimeno, sarà purificato anche con l’acqua di purificazione; e tutto ciò che non può reggere al fuoco, lo farete passare per l’acqua.
tro'ma hu'nesaza zantamine, tevemo'ma tegama osune'nia aeniraminena miko tevefi kreta azeri agru hugahaze. Ana huteta ete timpi mago'ane sesehuta zamazeri agru hugahaze. Hianagi tevemo'ma te fanenema hugazantamina, tinteti sesehuta zamazeri agru hugahaze.
ನೀವು ಬೆಂಕಿಯಿಂದ ದಾಟಿಸಬೇಕು. ಆಗ ಅವು ಶುದ್ಧವಾಗುವುವು. ಶುದ್ಧೀಕರಣದ ನೀರಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಅದ್ದಿ ಶುದ್ಧಮಾಡಬೇಕು. ಆಗ ಅವು ಶುದ್ಧವಾಗುವುವು. ಆದರೆ ಬೆಂಕಿ ತಾಳದ ಸಮಸ್ತವನ್ನು ನೀವು ನೀರಿನಿಂದ ತೊಳೆಯಬೇಕು.
ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಲೆ ಹೋಗಲಾಡಿಸುವ ನೀರಿನಿಂದಲೂ ಶುದ್ಧಮಾಡಬೇಕು. ಬೆಂಕಿಯಿಂದ ಸುಡಲಾರದ ವಸ್ತುಗಳನ್ನು ನೀರಿನಿಂದ ತೊಳೆದು ಶುದ್ಧಮಾಡಬೇಕು.
무릇 불에 견딜 만한 물건은 불을 지나게 하라 그리하면 깨끗하려니와 오히려 정결케 하는 물로 그것을 깨끗케 할 것이며 무릇 불에 견디지 못할 모든 것은 물을 지나게 할 것이니라
무릇 불에 견딜 만한 물건은 불을 지나게 하라 그리하면 깨끗하려니와 오히려 정결케 하는 물로 그것을 깨끗케 할 것이며 무릇 불에 견디지 못할 모든 것은 물을 지나게 할 것이니라
ma nukewa ma tia motok e, ac fah aknasnasyeyuk in e uh. Tusruktu enenu pac in aknasnasyeyuk ke kof in aknasnas. Ac kutena ma su motok e, ac fah isosyang nu in kof sac.
هەموو ئەو شتانەی بەرگەی ئاگر دەگرێت، بەناو ئاگردا تێپەڕی دەکەن و پاشان بە ئاوی پاککردنەوە خاوێن دەبێتەوە. هەموو ئەو شتانەش کە بەرگەی ئاگر ناگرێت، ئەوا بەناو ئاودا تێپەڕی دەکەن.
et omne, quod potest transire per flammas, igne purgabitur: quidquid autem ignem non potest sustinere, aqua expiationis sanctificabitur:
et omne, quod potest transire per flammas, igne purgabitur. Quidquid autem ignem non potest sustinere, aqua expiationis sanctificabitur:
et omne, quod potest transire per flammas, igne purgabitur. quidquid autem ignem non potest sustinere, aqua expiationis sanctificabitur:
et omne, quod potest transire per flammas, igne purgabitur: quidquid autem ignem non potest sustinere, aqua expiationis sanctificabitur:
et omne quod potest transire per flammas igne purgabitur quicquid autem ignem non potest sustinere aqua expiationis sanctificabitur
et omne, quod potest transire per flammas, igne purgabitur. quidquid autem ignem non potest sustinere, aqua expiationis sanctificabitur:
Visu, kas panes uguni, to jums būs laist caur uguni, ka top šķīsts, bet turklāt ar slacinājamu ūdeni tam būs tapt šķīstītam; bet viss, kas uguni nepanes, to jums būs laist caur ūdeni.
mpe biloko nyonso oyo ezikaka na moto te nde bokolekisa na moto mpo na kopetola yango; bokopetola yango lisusu na mayi ya bopetolami. Kasi bokopetola na mayi biloko nyonso oyo ezikaka na moto.
n’ekirala kyonna ekigumira omuliro mukiyise mu muliro kiryoke kibeere ekirongoofu. Naye era kisaana okulongoosebwa n’amazzi agalongoosa. Ebyo byonna ebitaasobole kuyita mu muliro biyisibwe mu mazzi ago.
dia ny zavatra rehetra izay maharitra afo, dia ataovy ao amin’ ny afo, dia hadio, kanefa hodiovina amin’ ny rano fanadiovana koa izy; ary izay rehetra tsy maharitra afo kosa dia ataovy ao amin’ ny rano ihany.
ze raha mete asitrik’ añ’afo avao—ro hampisorohe’ areo añ’afo, le halio, f’ie mbe heferañe an-dranom-pañeferañe. Le ze raha tsy mahaleo afo ro hampisoroheñe rano.
വെള്ളീയം, കാരീയം, മുതലായ തീയിൽ നശിച്ചുപോകാത്ത സാധനങ്ങളെല്ലാം തീയിൽ ഇട്ടെടുക്കണം; എന്നാൽ അത് ശുദ്ധമാകും; എങ്കിലും ശുദ്ധീകരണജലത്താലും അത് ശുദ്ധീകരിക്കണം. തീയിൽ നശിച്ചുപോകുന്നതെല്ലാം നിങ്ങൾ വെള്ളത്തിൽ മുക്കിയെടുക്കണം.
വെള്ളീയും, കാരീയം, മുതലായി തീയിൽ നശിച്ചുപോകാത്ത സാധനമൊക്കെയും തീയിൽ ഇട്ടെടുക്കേണം; എന്നാൽ അതു ശുദ്ധമാകും; എങ്കിലും ശുദ്ധീകരണജലത്താലും അതു ശുദ്ധീകരിക്കേണം. തീയിൽ നശിച്ചുപോകുന്നതെല്ലാം നിങ്ങൾ വെള്ളത്തിൽ മുക്കിയെടുക്കേണം.
വെള്ളീയും, കാരീയം, മുതലായി തീയിൽ നശിച്ചുപോകാത്ത സാധനമൊക്കെയും തീയിൽ ഇട്ടെടുക്കേണം; എന്നാൽ അതു ശുദ്ധമാകും; എങ്കിലും ശുദ്ധീകരണജലത്താലും അതു ശുദ്ധീകരിക്കേണം. തീയിൽ നശിച്ചുപോകുന്നതെല്ലാം നിങ്ങൾ വെള്ളത്തിൽ മുക്കിയെടുക്കേണം.
തീയാൽ നശിക്കാത്ത മറ്റെന്തും തീയിലിട്ട് എടുക്കണം. അപ്പോൾ അവ ശുദ്ധമാകും. എന്നാൽ അവ ശുദ്ധീകരണജലത്താലും ശുദ്ധമാക്കപ്പെടണം. അഗ്നിയെ അതിജീവിക്കാൻ കഴിയാത്ത വസ്തു ഒക്കെയും ആ ജലത്തിലിട്ട് എടുക്കണം.
जे काही अग्नीत टिकेल ते तुम्ही अग्नीत घालून काढा ते शुद्ध होईल: तरी अशुद्धी दूर करण्याच्या पाण्याने ते शुद्ध करावे आणि जे काही अग्नीत टिकणार नाही ते पाण्याने धुवावे.
Verse not available
မီးကိုခံနိုင်သောအရာရှိသမျှတို့ကို မီးအလယ် ၌ သွားစေ သဖြင့် စင်ကြယ်စေရမည်။ သို့ရာတွင် စင်ကြယ်စေသောရေ ဖြင့်လည်း စင်ကြယ်စေရမည်။ မီးမခံနိုင်သောအရာ ရှိသမျှတို့ကို ရေအလယ်၌ သွားစေရမည်။
မီး ကိုခံနိုင် သော အရာ ရှိသမျှ တို့ကို မီး အလယ် ၌ သွား စေ သဖြင့် စင်ကြယ် စေရမည်။ သို့ရာတွင် စင်ကြယ် စေသောရေ ဖြင့် လည်း စင်ကြယ် စေရမည်။ မီး မ ခံနိုင် သော အရာရှိသမျှ တို့ ကို ရေ အလယ် ၌ သွား စေရမည်။
Ko nga mea katoa e puta i te ahi, me tuku na roto i te ahi, a ka kore te poke: otiia me pure ano ki te wai o te wehenga: a, ko nga mea katoa e kore e puta i te ahi, me tuku na roto i te wai.
kanye lakho konke okunye okungatshi kutshabalale emlilweni kumele kudlule emlilweni, ngalokho kuzabe sekuhlambulukile. Kodwa kumele njalo kube sekuhlanjululiwe ngamanzi okuhlambulula. Kanti njalo kuthi lakuphi okungeke kwamelana lomlilo kumele kudluliswe kulawomanzi.
yonke into engahlala emlilweni lizayidlulisa emlilweni, ihlambuluke; loba kunjalo izahlanjululwa ngamanzi okwehlukanisa. Lakho konke okungahlali emlilweni lizakudlulisa emanzini.
र आगोले नजल्ने सबै थोकलाई तिमीहरूले आगोमा पोल्नुपर्छ र यो शुद्ध हुने छ । त्यसपछि तिमीहरूले यिनीहरूलाई शुद्ध पार्ने पानीले शुद्ध पार्नुपर्छ । जुन कुरालाई आगोमा जलाउन मिल्दैन, त्यसलाई तिमीहरूले पानीले शुद्ध पार्नुपर्छ ।
alt som tåler ild, skal I la gå gjennem ilden, så blir det rent; men det skal også renses med renselsesvannet. Men alt som ikke tåler ild, skal I la gå gjennem vann.
alt som toler eld, skal de hava i elden, so vert det reint; de lyt berre etterpå skira det med vigslevatn; men alt som ikkje toler eld, skal de hava i vatn.
ଯେଉଁ ସମସ୍ତ ଦ୍ରବ୍ୟ ଅଗ୍ନି ସହିପାରେ, ସେସବୁକୁ ଅଗ୍ନିରେ ପକାଇବ, ତହିଁରେ ତାହା ଶୁଚି ହେବ; ତେବେ ହେଁ ତାହା ପାପାର୍ଥକ ଜଳରେ ପରିଷ୍କୃତ କରାଯିବ; ପୁଣି, ଯେଉଁସବୁ ଦ୍ରବ୍ୟ ଅଗ୍ନି ସହେ ନାହିଁ, ତାହା ତୁମ୍ଭେମାନେ ଜଳରେ ପକାଇବ।
wanni ibidda irraa hafuu dandaʼu kam iyyuu ibidda keessa dabarfamee qulqullaaʼuu qaba. Garuu wanni sun bishaan qulqullaaʼummaatiinis qulqulleeffamuu qaba. Wanni ibidda irra hafuu hin dandeenye kam iyyuu bishaan sanaan qulqulleeffama.
ਅਰਥਾਤ ਹਰ ਇੱਕ ਚੀਜ਼, ਜਿਹੜੀ ਅੱਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਪੈ ਸਕੇ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਅੱਗ ਦੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੀ ਲੰਘਾਓ, ਤਾਂ ਉਹ ਸ਼ੁੱਧ ਹੋਵੇਗੀ ਪਰ ਫਿਰ ਵੀ ਉਹ ਅਸ਼ੁੱਧਤਾਈ ਨੂੰ ਦੂਰ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਲੇ ਜਲ ਨਾਲ ਪਵਿੱਤਰ ਕੀਤੀ ਜਾਵੇ ਅਤੇ ਜੋ ਕੁਝ ਅੱਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾ ਪੈ ਸਕੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਪਾਣੀ ਦੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੀ ਲੰਘਾਓ।
یعنی هر‌چه متحمل آتش بشود، آن را از آتش بگذرانید و طاهر خواهد شد، و به آب تنزیه نیز آن را طاهرسازند و هر‌چه متحمل آتش نشود، آن را از آب بگذرانید.
Verse not available
I każdą rzecz, która znieść może ogień, wyprawicie przez ogień, a będzie oczyszczona, wszakże pierwej wodą oczyszczenia będzie oczyszczona; ale wszystko, co nie może znieść ognia, wodą oczyścicie.
Wszystko, co może znieść ogień, przeprowadzicie przez ogień i będzie czyste; jednak [najpierw] będzie oczyszczone wodą oczyszczenia. Wszystko zaś, co nie może znieść ognia, oczyścicie wodą.
Tudo o que resiste ao fogo, por fogo o fareis passar, e será limpo, ainda que nas águas de purificação haverá de purificar-se: mas fareis passar por água tudo o que não aguenta o fogo.
Toda a cousa que pode supportar o fogo, para que fique limpo: todavia se expiará com a agua da separação: mas tudo que não pode supportar o fogo, o fareis passar pela agua.
Toda a cousa que pode suportar o fogo, para que fique limpo: todavia se expiará com a água da separação: mas tudo que não pode suportar o fogo, o fareis passar pela água.
tudo o que possa resistir ao fogo, você fará para atravessar o fogo, e ele será limpo; no entanto, será purificado com a água para a impureza. Tudo o que não resistir ao fogo, você deverá fazer para atravessar a água.
орьче лукру каре поате суфери фокул, сэ-л тречець прин фок ка сэ се курэцяскэ. Дар тот че ну поате суфери фокул сэ фие курэцит ку апа де курэцире; сэ-л тречець прин апэ.
Fiecare lucru care suportă focul, să îl treceți prin foc și va fi curat, cu toate acestea va fi purificat cu apa separării; și tot ce nu suportă focul să îl treceți prin apă.
и все, что проходит через огонь, проведите через огонь, чтоб оно очистилось, а кроме того и очистительною водою должно очистить; все же, что не проходит через огонь, проведите через воду;
Шта год подноси ватру, пропустите кроз ватру, и очистиће се, али пошто се очисти водом очишћења; а шта год не подноси ватру, пропустите кроз воду.
Što god podnosi vatru, propustite kroz vatru, i oèistiæe se, ali pošto se oèisti vodom oèišæenja; a što god ne podnosi vatre, propustite kroz vodu.
nezvimwewo zvisingaparadzwi nomoto; zvinofanira kuiswa mumoto, ipapo zvichava zvakanaka. Asi zvinofanirawo kucheneswa nemvura yokunatsa. Uye zvose zvisingagoni kukunda moto zvinofanira kupinzwa nomumvura imomo.
всяка вещь, яже пройдет сквозе огнь, и (огнем) очистится, но и водою очищения очистится: и вся, елика аще не пройдут сквозе огнь, да пройдут сквозе воду:
vsako stvar, ki lahko prenese ogenj, jo boste pripravili iti skozi ogenj in ta bo čista. Kljub temu bo ta očiščena z vodo oddvojitve. Vse, kar pa ne prenese ognja, boste vlekli skozi vodo.
iyo wax kasta oo dab u adkaysta waa inaad dab dhex marisaan, oo markaas nadiif bay ahaan doonaan; hase ahaatee waa in lagu daahiriyaa biyaha nijaasta daahiriya, oo wixii aan dabka u adkaysanna waa inaad biyaha dhex marisaan.
todo lo que resiste el fuego, por fuego lo haréis pasar, y será limpio, bien que en las aguas de expiación habrá de purificarse; mas haréis pasar por agua todo lo que no aguanta el fuego.
todo lo que no se queme, debe ser puesto al fuego para que quede limpio. Pero todavía tiene que ser purificado usando agua de purificación. Todo lo que se quema debe ser pasado por el agua.
todo lo que pueda resistir el fuego, lo haréis pasar por el fuego, y quedará limpio; no obstante, será purificado con el agua para la impureza. Todo lo que no resista el fuego lo harás pasar por el agua.
todo lo que resiste el fuego, lo harán pasar por fuego y será puro. Sin embargo será purificado con las aguas para limpiar la impureza. Todo lo que no resista el fuego, lo harán pasar por el agua.
en fin, todo objeto que resiste al fuego, lo pasaréis por el fuego, y así quedará puro, con tal que sea purificado con el agua lustral. Mas todo lo que no resiste al fuego, lo pasaréis por el agua.
Todo lo que entra en fuego haréis pasar por fuego, y será limpio; empero en las aguas de la expiación se alimpiará: mas todo lo que no entra en fuego, haréis pasar por agua.
Todo lo que resiste el fuego, por fuego [lo] haréis pasar, y será limpio, bien que en las aguas de purificación habrá de purificarse: mas haréis pasar por agua todo lo que no aguanta el fuego.
Y cualquier cosa que pueda ser calentada, es pasar por el fuego y ser limpiada; pero además se debe poner en el agua de la purificación, y cualquier cosa que no pase por el fuego se debe poner en el agua.
na kila kitu knaweza kuhhimili moto, mtakiweka katka moto, navyo vitakuwa safi. Nakisha mtavitakasa vitu hivyo na maji ya farakano. Na vitu vyote ambavyo haviwezi kupita katika moto, mtavitakasa kwa maji hayo.
na kitu kingine chochote ambacho kinaweza kuhimili moto lazima mkipitishe kwenye moto, kisha kitakuwa safi. Lakini ni lazima pia kitakaswe kwa maji ya utakaso. Kitu chochote kisichoweza kuhimili moto lazima kipitishwe kwenye yale maji ya utakaso.
allt sådant som tål eld, skolen I låta gå genom eld, så bliver det rent; dock bör det tillika renas med stänkelsevatten. Men allt som icke tål eld skolen I låta gå genom vatten.
Och allt det som eld lider, skolen I gå låta genom eld, och rena det, att det med stänkevattnena skärt varder; men allt det som icke lider eld, skolen I låta gå genom vatten;
allt sådant som tål eld, skolen I låta gå genom eld, så bliver det rent; dock bör det tillika renas med stänkelsevatten. Men allt som icke tål eld skolen I låta gå genom vatten.
Bawa't bagay na hindi naaano sa apoy, ay inyong pararaanin sa apoy, at magiging malinis; gayon ma'y inyong lilinisin ng tubig para sa karumihan: at ang lahat na hindi nakatatagal sa apoy, ay inyong pararaanin sa tubig.
at lahat ng bagay na hindi nasusunog sa apoy, dapat ninyong padaanin sa apoy, at magiging mailinis ito. Dapat ninyong gawing dalisay ang mga ito sa tubig na panlinis. Anumang hindi makakaraan sa apoy ay dapat ninyong linisin sa pamamagitan ng tubig na iyon.
அவைகளை அக்கினியிலே போட்டு எடுக்கவேண்டும்; தீட்டுக்கழிக்கும் தண்ணீராலும் அவைகள் சுத்திகரிக்கப்படவேண்டும்; அக்கினிக்கு நிற்கத் தகாதவைகள் எல்லாம் தண்ணீரினால் சுத்தம் செய்யவேண்டும்.
நெருப்பினால் எரிந்துபோகாத வேறு எதையும் நெருப்பிலே போடவேண்டும். அப்பொழுது அது சுத்தமாகும். ஆனால் சுத்திகரிக்கும் தண்ணீரினாலும் அது சுத்திகரிக்கப்பட வேண்டும். அத்துடன் நெருப்பினால் எரியக்கூடிய எதையும் அந்த நீரினால் சுத்திகரிக்கவேண்டும்.
మంటల్లో వేసి తీయడం ద్వారా శుద్ధి చేయాలి. వాటిని పాపపరిహార జలంతో కూడా శుద్ధి చేయాలి. అగ్నితో చెడిపోయే ప్రతి వస్తువును నీళ్లలో వేసి తీయాలి.
Ko e meʻa kotoa pē ʻoku ne kātaki ʻae afi te mou ʻave ia ki he afi, pea ʻe maʻa ai ia: ka ʻe fakamaʻa ia ʻaki ʻae vai ʻoe fakamavahe: pea mo ia kotoa pē ʻe ʻikai kātaki ʻae afi, te mou ʻave ia ki he vai.
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ne biribiara a etumi etumi gyina ogya ano no ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde fa ogya mu sɛnea ɛho bɛtew. Eyi akyi, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde ahodwira nsu dwira ho ma ɛtew ho. Nanso, biribiara a ɛrentumi nnyina ogya ano no de, wɔmfa nsu nnwira ho.
ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde ka ogya sɛdeɛ ɛho bɛte. Yei akyi, ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde ahodwira nsuo dwira ho ma ɛho te. Nanso, biribiara a ɛrentumi nnyina ogya ano no deɛ, wɔmfa nsuo nnwira ho.
кожну річ, що видержить в огні, перепрова́дите через огонь, — і стане чиста, тільки перше очища́льною водою очи́ститься; а все, що не виде́ржує огню, перепрова́дите через воду.
ग़रज़ जो कुछ आग में ठहर सके वह सब तुम आग में डालना तब वह साफ़ होगा, तो भी नापाकी दूर करने के पानी से उसे पाक करना पड़ेगा; और जो कुछ आग में न ठहर सके उसे तुम पानी में डालना।
ئوتقا چىداملىق نەرسىلەرنىڭ ھەممىسىنى ئوتتىن ئۆتكۈزۈڭلار، شۇنداق قىلساڭلار پاك ھېسابلىنىدۇ؛ شۇنداقتىمۇ، يەنىلا «ناپاكلىقنى چىقارغۇچى سۇ» بىلەن پاكىزلاڭلار؛ ئوتقا چىدامسىز نەرسىلەرنى شۇ سۇدىن ئۆتكۈزۈڭلار.
отқа чидамлиқ нәрсиләрниң һәммисини оттин өткүзүңлар, шундақ қилсаңлар пак һесаплиниду; шундақтиму, йәнила «напаклиқни чиқарғучи су» билән пакизлаңлар; отқа чидамсиз нәрсиләрни шу судин өткүзүңлар.
otqa chidamliq nersilerning hemmisini ottin ötküzünglar, shundaq qilsanglar pak hésablinidu; shundaqtimu, yenila «napakliqni chiqarghuchi su» bilen pakizlanglar; otqa chidamsiz nersilerni shu sudin ötküzünglar.
otⱪa qidamliⱪ nǝrsilǝrning ⱨǝmmisini ottin ɵtküzünglar, xundaⱪ ⱪilsanglar pak ⱨesablinidu; xundaⱪtimu, yǝnila «napakliⱪni qiⱪarƣuqi su» bilǝn pakizlanglar; otⱪa qidamsiz nǝrsilǝrni xu sudin ɵtküzünglar.
tức là mọi vật đưa vào lửa được, thì các ngươi phải đưa ngang qua lửa đặng luyện nó; nhưng người ta cũng phải dùng nước tẩy uế mà làm cho nó được sạch nữa. Còn mọi vật chi không đưa qua lửa được, thì phải ngâm nó trong nước.
tức là mọi vật đưa vào lửa được, thì các ngươi phải đưa ngang qua lửa đặng luyện nó; nhưng người ta cũng phải dùng nước tẩy uế mà làm cho nó được sạch nữa. Còn mọi vật chi không đưa qua lửa được, thì phải ngâm nó trong nước.
thì phải đưa vào lửa đốt cho sạch. Sau đó, cũng phải dùng nước tẩy uế mà tẩy sạch nữa. Còn vật gì không chịu được lửa, thì dùng nước tẩy uế mà thôi.
Ohunkóhun tí ó lè la iná ni kí ẹ̀yin ó mú la iná, nígbà náà ni yóò jẹ́ mímọ́. Ṣùgbọ́n ẹ yóò fi omi ìyàsímímọ́ sọ ọ́ di mímọ́. Àti gbogbo ohun tí kò lè la iná kọjá ni kí a mú la inú omi.
Verse Count = 207

< Numbers 31:23 >