< Judges 20:13 >

Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Prandaj na dorëzoni ata njerëz, ata kriminelë që janë në Gibeah, që t’i vrasim dhe të heqim të keqen nga Izraeli”. Por bijtë e Beniaminit nuk pranuan të dëgjojnë zërin e vëllezërve të tyre, të bijve të Izraelit.
فَٱلْآنَ سَلِّمُوا ٱلْقَوْمَ بَنِي بَلِيَّعَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ فِي جِبْعَةَ لِكَيْ نَقْتُلَهُمْ وَنَنْزِعَ ٱلشَّرَّ مِنْ إِسْرَائِيلَ». فَلَمْ يُرِدْ بَنُو بَنْيَامِينَ أَنْ يَسْمَعُوا لِصَوْتِ إِخْوَتِهِمْ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ.
لِذَلِكَ، سَلِّمُوا الأَوْغَادَ بَنِي بَلِيَّعَالَ الْمُقِيمِينَ فِي جِبْعَةَ لِكَي نَقْتُلَهُمْ وَنَسْتَأْصِلَ الشَّرَّ مِنْ إِسْرَائِيلَ». فَأَبَى الْبَنْيَامِينِيُّونَ الاسْتِجَابَةَ إِلَى طَلَبِ إِخْوَتِهِمْ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ.
এই কাৰণে তোমালোকে এই গিবিয়ানিবাসী পাষণ্ডবোৰক শোধাই দিয়া; আমি সিহঁতক বধ কৰি ইস্ৰায়েলৰ পৰা দুষ্টতা দূৰ কৰোঁ।” কিন্তু বিন্যামীনৰ সন্তানসকলে নিজ ভাই ইস্ৰায়েলৰ সন্তানসকলৰ কথা শুনিব নুখুজিলে,
İndi Giveada olan o yaramaz adamları bizə verin, onları öldürək və bununla İsraildən bu pisliyi təmizləyək». Lakin Binyamin övladları soydaşları olan İsrail övladlarının sözünə qulaq asmaq istəmədilər.
Wali amo Gibia wadela: i hamosu dunu ninima ima. Ninia da amo dunu medole legele, amo wadela: i hou amo Isala: ili fi ganodini gala fadegale fasimu.” Be Bediamini dunu da Isala: ili fi eno ilia sia: hame nabi.
তোমরা এখন ঐ লোকদেরকে, গিবিয়া-নিবাসী পাষণ্ডদেরকে, সমর্পণ কর, আমরা তাদেরকে হত্যা করে ইস্রায়েল থেকে দুষ্টাচার বন্ধ করব। কিন্তু বিন্যামীন নিজের ভাইদের অর্থাৎ ইস্রায়েলীয়দের কথা শুনতে রাজি হল না।
এখন গিবিয়ার সেইসব দুর্জন লোককে তোমরা আমাদের হাতে তুলে দাও যেন আমরা তাদের হত্যা করে ইস্রায়েল থেকে দুষ্টাচার লোপ করতে পারি।” কিন্তু বিন্যামীন গোষ্ঠীভুক্ত লোকেরা তাদের স্বজাতীয় ইস্রায়েলীদের কথা শুনতে চাইল না।
Сега, прочее, предайте човеците, ония развратници, които са в Гавая, за да ги избием, и да отмахнем това зло от Израиля. Но Вениамин отказа да послуша гласа на братята си израилтяните;
Busa, ihatag kanamo kadtong mga tawong daotan sa Gibea, aron amo silang patyon, aron nga mawala na sa hingpit kining pagkadaotan gikan sa Israel.” Apan wala maminaw ang mga Benjaminhon sa tingog sa ilang mga igsoon, ang katawhan sa Israel.
Busa karon, itugyan ang mga tawo, ang mga dautang tawo, nga anaa sa Gabaa, aron sila pagapatyon namo, ug ikapahalayo ang dautan sa Israel. Apan ang Benjamin wala mamati sa tingog sa ilang mga igsoon, ang mga anak sa Israel.
Tsono tikuti mutipatse anthu achabechabe a ku Gibeya kuti tiwaphe kuti tichotse chinthu choyipachi mʼdziko la Israeli.” Koma fuko la Benjamini silinafune kumvera zimene ananena Aisraeli anzawo.
To pongah Gibeah vangpui ah kaom kasae kaminawk to ka hum o moe, Israel prae thung hoiah to baktih kasae hmuen sakhaih oh han ai ah, kahoih ai kaminawk to kaicae ban ah na paek oh, tiah a naa o. Toe Benjamin kaminawk mah angmacae nawkamya Israel kaminawk ih lok to tiah doeh sah pae o ai.
Gibeah kah hlang muen ca rhoek te han tloeng laeh. Amih te ka duek sak uh daengah ni Israel khui lamkah boethae te ka khoe pueng eh,” a ti nah. Tedae a pacaboeina Israel ca rhoek kah ol te Benjamin ca rhoek loh hnatun ham huem uh pawh.
Gibeah kah hlang muen ca rhoek te han tloeng laeh. Amih te ka duek sak uh daengah ni Israel khui lamkah boethae te ka khoe pueng eh,” a ti nah. Tedae a pacaboeina Israel ca rhoek kah ol te Benjamin ca rhoek loh hnatun ham huem uh pawh.
Gibeah khoa konna hitobang mi engse miphalou hochu neihin pedoh un keihon amaho chu that uvingting Israel lah thilsehi suhthengna nei uvinge” atiuve. Ahinlah Benjamin ten anahsah pouvin ahi.
Gibeah e tami kaponaw thokhai awh. Hot patetlah Isarel ram e yon pâmen nahanelah, ka thei awh han titeh, tami a patoun awh. Hatei, Benjamin miphunnaw ni a hmaunawngha Isarelnaw ni a dei e hah ngai awh hoeh.
Sada izručite one opake ljude što su u Gibei da ih smaknemo te iskorijenimo zlo iz Izraela!” Ali Benjaminovci ne htjedoše poslušati svoje braće Izraelaca.
Nyní tedy vydejte ty muže bezbožné, kteříž jsou v Gabaa, ať je zbijeme a odejmeme zlé z Izraele. Ale nechtěli Beniaminští slyšeti hlasu bratří svých, synů Izraelských.
Nyní tedy vydejte ty muže bezbožné, kteříž jsou v Gabaa, ať je zbijeme a odejmeme zlé z Izraele. Ale nechtěli Beniaminští slyšeti hlasu bratří svých, synů Izraelských.
Udlever nu Mændene i Gibea, de Niddinger, for at vi kan dræbe dem og skaffe Misgerningen bort fra Israel!" Men Benjaminiterne vilde ikke høre deres Brødre Israelitternes Ord.
Saa giver nu de Mænd hid, de Belials Børn, som ere i Gibea, at vi kunne slaa dem ihjel og borttage det onde af Israel; men Benjamins Børn vilde ikke høre deres Brødres, Israels Børns, Bøst.
Udlever nu Mændene i Gibea, de Niddinger, for at vi kan dræbe dem og skaffe Misgerningen bort fra Israel!« Men Benjaminiterne vilde ikke høre deres Brødre Israeliternes Ord.
Koro chiwuru jo-Gibea ma timbegi monogo mondo mi waneg-gi kendo mondo wapwodh richoni e kind Israel.” To jo-Benjamin ne ok owinjo jowetegi ma jo-Israel.
Zo geeft nu die mannen, die kinderen Belials, die te Gibea zijn, dat wij hen doden, en het kwaad uit Israel wegdoen. Doch de kinderen van Benjamin wilden niet horen naar de stem van hun broederen, de kinderen Israels.
Lever ons de mannen van Giba uit, die Belialskinderen; dan brengen wij ze ter dood, en roeien zo het kwaad in Israël uit. Maar de Benjamieten wilden naar de Israëlieten, hun broeders, niet luisteren;
Zo geeft nu die mannen, die kinderen Belials, die te Gibea zijn, dat wij hen doden, en het kwaad uit Israel wegdoen. Doch de kinderen van Benjamin wilden niet horen naar de stem van hun broederen, de kinderen Israels.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the base fellows, who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brothers the sons of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the base fellows, that are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
Hand over the wicked men of Gibeah so we can put them to death and purge Israel of this evil.” But the Benjamites refused to heed the voice of their fellow Israelites.
Now give up those good-for-nothing persons in Gibeah so that we may put them to death, clearing away the evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not give ear to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now then give up the men the sons of transgressors that are in Gabaa, and we will put them to death, and purge out wickedness from Israel: but the children of Benjamin consented not to hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
Now then give up the men the sons of transgressors that are in Gabaa, and we will put them to death, and purge out wickedness from Israel: but the children of Benjamin consented not to listen to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
Deliver the men of Gibeah, who have perpetrated this deplorable act, so that they may die, and so that the evil may be taken away from Israel.” And they were not willing to listen to the command of their brothers, the sons of Israel.
And now give up the men, the sons of Belial, who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But [the children of] Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
Deliver up the men of Gabaa, that have committed this heinous crime, that they may die, and the evil may be taken away out of Israel. But they would not hearken to the proposition of their brethren the children of Israel:
Hand over these wicked men so we can execute them and get rid of this evil from Israel!” But the Benjamites refused to listen to what their fellow Israelites had to say.
Nowe therefore deliuer vs those wicked men which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away euill from Israel: but the children of Beniamin would not obey the voyce of their brethren the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the base fellows that are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel.' But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver [us] the men, the children of Belial, which [are] in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel:
Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel:
Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel:
Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel:
Now therefore deliver us the men, the children of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
Now then give up the men the sons of transgressors that are in Gabaa, and we will put them to death, and purge out wickedness from Israel: but the children of Benjamin consented not to listen to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, those worthless people, who are in Gib'ah, that we may put them to death, and remove evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
And now, give up the men—sons of worthlessness—which [are] in Gibeah, and we put them to death, and we put away evil from Israel.” And [the sons of] Benjamin have not been willing to listen to the voice of their brothers, the sons of Israel;
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked men who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel." But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked men who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel." But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked men who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel." But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked men who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel." But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked men who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel." But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked men who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel." But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the sons of Belial, which are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and put away evil from Israel. But Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel.
Now, therefore, deliver up the men—the sons of the Abandoned One—who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and vileness be consumed out of Israel. But [the sons of] Benjamin would not hearken unto the voice of their brethren, the sons of Israel.
And therefore give up the men sons of worthlessness who [are] in Gibeah so we may put to death them and let us remove evil from Israel and not (they were willing [the] descendants *Q(K)*) of Benjamin to listen to [the] voice of brothers their [the] people of Israel.
and now to give: give [obj] [the] human son: type of Belial which in/on/with Gibeah and to die them and to burn: purge distress: evil from Israel and not (be willing son: descendant/people *Q(K)*) Benjamin to/for to hear: hear in/on/with voice brother: compatriot their son: descendant/people Israel
Bring those wicked men to us, in order that we can execute them. [By doing that], we will be doing what should be done because of this evil thing that has happened in Israel.” But the [people of the] tribe of Benjamin did not pay attention to their fellow Israelis.
Therefore, give us those wicked men of Gibeah, so we may put them to death, and so we will completely remove this evil from Israel.” But the Benjamites would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the people of Israel.
Now therefore deliver [us] the men, the children of Belial, who [are] in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and banish evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren, the children of Israel:
Now therefore deliver us the men, the perverted men, who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death, and remove the evil from Israel. But the children of Benjamin would not hearken to the voice of their brethren the children of Israel:
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Now therefore deliver up the men, the wicked fellows who are in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and put away evil from Israel.” But Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the children of Israel.
Bitake ye the men of Gabaa, that diden this wickidnesse, that thei die, and yuel be doon awey fro Israel. `Whiche nolden here the comaundement of her britheren, the sones of Israel,
And now, give up the men — sons of worthlessness — which [are] in Gibeah, and we put them to death, and we put away evil from Israel.' And [the sons of] Benjamin have not been willing to hearken to the voice of their brethren, the sons of Israel;
Eligu do nun la kanajlajn homojn, kiuj estas en Gibea, kaj ni mortigos ilin kaj ekstermos la malbonon el Izrael. Sed la Benjamenidoj ne volis obei la voĉon de siaj fratoj, la Izraelidoj.
Miɖe asi le nu vɔ̃ sia wɔlawo ŋu ale be, míate ŋu awu wo eye míaɖe vɔ̃ ɖa le Israelnyigba dzi.” Ke Benyamin ƒe to la meɖo to wo o,
Antakaat siis nyt ne ilkiät miehet Gibeasta, meidän tappaaksemme ja ottaaksemme pahuutta Israelista pois. Mutta BenJaminin lapset ei tahtoneet kuulla veljeinsä Israelin lasten ääntä.
Luovuttakaa nyt ne Gibean kelvottomat miehet, surmataksemme heidät ja poistaaksemme pahan Israelista." Mutta benjaminilaiset eivät tahtoneet kuulla veljiänsä, israelilaisia.
Livrez maintenant les hommes pervers qui sont à Gabaa, afin que nous les fassions mourir et que nous ôtions le mal du milieu d'Israël. " Mais les Benjamites ne voulurent pas écouter la voix de leurs frères les enfants d'Israël.
Maintenant, livrez les hommes, les méchants qui sont à Guibea, afin que nous les fassions mourir et que nous fassions disparaître le mal d'Israël. » Mais Benjamin ne voulut pas écouter la voix de ses frères, les enfants d'Israël.
Et maintenant, livrez-nous ces hommes, fils de Bélial, qui sont à Guibha, afin que nous les fassions mourir et que nous ôtions le mal du milieu d’Israël. Mais [les fils de] Benjamin ne voulurent pas écouter la voix de leurs frères, les fils d’Israël;
Maintenant donc livrez-nous ces méchants hommes qui sont à Guibha, afin que nous les fassions mourir, et que nous ôtions le mal du milieu d'Israël. Mais les Benjamites ne voulurent point écouter la voix de leurs frères les enfants d'Israël.
Livrez-nous les hommes de Gabaa qui ont commis cette infamie, afin qu’ils meurent et que le mal soit enlevé d’Israël. Les Benjamites ne voulurent point entendre l’ordre de leurs frères les enfants d’Israël;
Livrez maintenant les gens pervers qui sont à Guibea, afin que nous les fassions mourir et que nous ôtions le mal du milieu d’Israël. Mais les Benjamites ne voulurent point écouter la voix de leurs frères, les enfants d’Israël.
Livrez maintenant les hommes pervers qui sont à Gabaa, afin que nous les fassions mourir et que nous ôtions le mal du milieu d’Israël. » Mais les Benjamites ne voulurent pas écouter la voix de leurs frères les enfants d’Israël.
Livrez-nous maintenant ces hommes pervers qui sont à Guibea, afin que nous les fassions mourir, et que nous ôtions le mal du milieu d'Israël. Mais les Benjamites ne voulurent point écouter la voix de leurs frères, les enfants d'Israël.
Et maintenant livrez-nous les hommes dépravés de Gibea afin que nous les fassions mourir et que nous exterminions le crime du sein d'Israël. Mais les Benjaminites ne voulurent pas écouter la voix de leurs frères, les enfants d'Israël.
Maintenant, livrez-nous ces hommes, fils de pervers, qui se trouvent en Gabaa; nous les mettrons à mort, et nous purifierons Israël de ce crime. Mais, les fils de Benjamin ne voulurent point écouter la voix de leurs frères les fils d'Israël.
Maintenant livrez-nous ces hommes indignes qui sont à Ghibea, pour que nous les mettions à mort et fassions disparaître le mal du sein d’Israël." Mais les enfants de Benjamin ne voulurent pas céder à la voix des Israélites leurs frères,
Gebt die Männer heraus, die Teufelsbuben, in Gibea, daß wir sie töten und das Schlimme aus Israel tilgen!" Aber die Benjaminiten wollten nicht auf die Stimme ihrer israelitischen Brüder hören.
So gebet nun die Männer, die Söhne Belials, heraus, die in Gibea sind, daß wir sie töten und das Böse aus Israel hinwegschaffen! Aber die Kinder Benjamin wollten nicht auf die Stimme ihrer Brüder, der Kinder Israel, hören;
So gebet nun die Männer, die Söhne Belials, heraus, die in Gibea sind, daß wir sie töten und das Böse aus Israel hinwegschaffen! Aber die Kinder Benjamin wollten nicht auf die Stimme ihrer Brüder, der Kinder Israel, hören;
So gebt nun die nichtswürdigen Menschen in Gibea heraus, daß wir sie umbringen und das Böse aus Israel wegtilgen! Aber die Benjaminiten weigerten sich, dem Verlangen ihrer Volksgenossen, der Israeliten, Folge zu leisten.
So gebt nun her die Männer, die bösen Buben zu Gibea, daß wir sie töten und das Übel aus Israel tun! Aber die Kinder Benjamin wollten nicht gehorchen der Stimme ihrer Brüder, der Kinder Israel;
So gebt nun jetzt die Männer, die ruchlosen Buben, die sich in Gibea befinden, heraus, damit wir sie töten und das Böse aus Israel wegschaffen!« Aber die Benjaminiten wollten der Forderung ihrer Brüder, der Israeliten, nicht nachkommen,
So gebt nun die Männer heraus, die Kinder Belials zu Gibea, daß wir sie töten und das Böse aus Israel ausrotten! Aber die Kinder Benjamin wollten der Stimme ihrer Brüder, der Kinder Israel, nicht gehorchen;
Und nun gebet die Männer, die Belialssöhne zu Gibeah her, auf daß wir sie töten und das Böse aus Israel austilgen. Aber die Söhne Benjamins waren nicht willens, zu hören auf die Stimme ihrer Brüder, der Söhne Israels.
Na rĩrĩ, tũnengerei andũ acio aaganu a Gibea nĩgeetha tũmoorage tweherie ũũru ũcio thĩinĩ wa Isiraeli.” No andũ a Benjamini matiigana kũigua andũ acio angĩ a Isiraeli.
τώρα λοιπόν παραδώσατε τους άνθρώπους, τους παρανόμους εκείνους τους εν Γαβαά, διά να θανατώσωμεν αυτούς και να εξαλείψωμεν την κακίαν από του Ισραήλ. Αλλά δεν ηθέλησαν να ακούσωσιν οι υιοί Βενιαμίν την φωνήν των αδελφών αυτών, των υιών Ισραήλ.
καὶ νῦν δότε τοὺς ἄνδρας υἱοὺς παρανόμων τοὺς ἐν Γαβαα καὶ θανατώσομεν αὐτοὺς καὶ ἐκκαθαριοῦμεν πονηρίαν ἀπὸ Ισραηλ καὶ οὐκ εὐδόκησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Βενιαμιν ἀκοῦσαι τῆς φωνῆς τῶν ἀδελφῶν αὐτῶν υἱῶν Ισραηλ
તેથી હવે, જે બલિયાલ પુત્રો ગિબયામાં છે તેઓને અમારા હાથમાં સોંપી દે. અમે તેઓને મારી નાખીને ઇઝરાયલમાંથી ભ્રષ્ટાચારને દૂર કરીશું.” પણ બિન્યામીનીઓએ પોતાના ભાઈઓનું, ઇઝરાયલનું કહેવું માન્યું નહિ.
Koulye a ban nou moun sa yo, bann vòryen lavil Gibeya yo, pou nou ka touye yo, pou n' ka wete move bagay derespektan sa a nan peyi Izrayèl la. Men, moun Benjamen yo pa koute sa lòt moun pèp Izrayèl yo t'ap di yo. Yo rete sou sa yo te fè a.
Pou sa, livre bannou mesye sa yo, sanzave Guibea yo, pou nou kab mete yo a lanmò e retire mechanste sa an Israël.” Men fis Benjamin yo te refize koute vwa a frè yo, fis an Israël yo.
Yanzu fa sai ku fitar da waɗannan’yan iskan da suka aikata wannan abu na Gibeya don mu kashe su mu kawar da mugunta daga Isra’ila!” Amma mutanen Benyamin ba su saurari’yan’uwansu Isra’ilawa ba.
Nolaila ea, e haawi mai oukou ia poe kanaka i na kanaka hewa hoi ma Gibea, i pepehi aku makou ia lakou, a hoopau aku i ka hewa, mai Iseraela aku. Aole i hoolohe mai ka Beniamina i ka leo o ko lakou poe hoahanau, na mamo a Iseraela.
ועתה תנו את האנשים בני בליעל אשר בגבעה ונמיתם ונבערה רעה מישראל ולא אבו (בני) בנימן לשמע בקול אחיהם בני ישראל
וְעַתָּ֡ה תְּנוּ֩ אֶת־הָאֲנָשִׁ֨ים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּ֜עַל אֲשֶׁ֤ר בַּגִּבְעָה֙ וּנְמִיתֵ֔ם וּנְבַעֲרָ֥ה רָעָ֖ה מִיִּשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וְלֹ֤א אָבוּ֙ (בְּנֵ֣י) בִּנְיָמִ֔ן לִשְׁמֹ֕עַ בְּקֹ֖ול אֲחֵיהֶ֥ם בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
וְעַתָּ֡ה תְּנוּ֩ אֶת־הָאֲנָשִׁ֨ים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּ֜עַל אֲשֶׁ֤ר בַּגִּבְעָה֙ וּנְמִיתֵ֔ם וּנְבַעֲרָ֥ה רָעָ֖ה מִיִּשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וְלֹ֤א אָבוּ֙בְּנֵ֣י בִּנְיָמִ֔ן לִשְׁמֹ֕עַ בְּק֖וֹל אֲחֵיהֶ֥ם בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
וְעַתָּה תְּנוּ אֶת־הָאֲנָשִׁים בְּנֵי־בְלִיַּעַל אֲשֶׁר בַּגִּבְעָה וּנְמִיתֵם וּנְבַעֲרָה רָעָה מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל וְלֹא אָבוּ [בְּנֵי] בִנְיָמִן לִשְׁמֹעַ בְּקוֹל אֲחֵיהֶם בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
ועתה תנו את האנשים בני בליעל אשר בגבעה ונמיתם ונבערה רעה מישראל ולא אבו בנימן לשמע בקול אחיהם בני ישראל׃
וְעַתָּה תְּנוּ אֶת־הָאֲנָשִׁים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּעַל אֲשֶׁר בַּגִּבְעָה וּנְמִיתֵם וּנְבַעֲרָה רָעָה מִיִּשְׂרָאֵל וְלֹא אָבוּ בְּנֵי בִּנְיָמִן לִשְׁמֹעַ בְּקוֹל אֲחֵיהֶם בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
וְעַתָּ֡ה תְּנוּ֩ אֶת־הָאֲנָשִׁ֨ים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּ֜עַל אֲשֶׁ֤ר בַּגִּבְעָה֙ וּנְמִיתֵ֔ם וּנְבַעֲרָ֥ה רָעָ֖ה מִיִּשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וְלֹ֤א אָבוּ֙ בִּנְיָמִ֔ן לִשְׁמֹ֕עַ בְּק֖וֹל אֲחֵיהֶ֥ם בְּנֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
अब उन गिबावासी लुच्चों को हमारे हाथ कर दो, कि हम उनको जान से मार के इस्राएल में से बुराई का नाश करें।” परन्तु बिन्यामीनियों ने अपने भाई इस्राएलियों की मानने से इन्कार किया।
गिबियाह में रह रहे उन निकम्मे व्यक्तियों को हमें सौंप दो, कि हम उन्हें मृत्यु दंड दें, और इस्राएल में हुई इस दुष्टता को मिटा डाले.” मगर बिन्यामिन वंशजों ने अपने इस्राएली भाइयों की एक न सुनी.
Most adjátok ki azokat a férfiakat, a Béliál fiait, a kik Gibeában vannak, hogy megöljük őket, és kitisztítsuk a gonoszt Izráelből. De a Benjámin fiai nem akartak hallgatni testvéreiknek, az Izráel fiainak szavára,
Most tehát adjátok ki azokat az alávaló embereket, a kik Gibeában vannak, hogy megöljük őket és kipusztítsuk a gonoszságot Izraélből. De nem akartak Benjámin fiai hallgatni testvéreik, Izraél fiainak szavára.
Ugbu a, kpọpụtara anyị ndị ikom ọjọọ dị a si nʼobodo Gibea ka anyị gbuo ha. Anyị ga-esikwa otu a hichapụ ihe ọjọọ a site nʼIzrel.” Ma ụmụ Benjamin egeghị ndị Izrel ibe ha ntị.
Iyawatyo ngarud kadakami dagidiay a nadangkes a lallaki ti Gabaa, tapno mapapataymi ida, ken tapno naan-anay a maikkatmi daytoy a kinadakes iti Israel.” Ngem saan a dimngeg dagiti Benjaminita iti timek dagiti kakabsatda a tattao ti Israel.
Serahkanlah orang-orang bejat dari Gibea itu kepada kami supaya kami bunuh mereka dan dengan demikian kami membasmi kejahatan itu dari tengah-tengah Israel." Tetapi orang Benyamin tidak menghiraukan perkataan orang-orang Israel yang lainnya itu.
Maka sekarang, serahkanlah orang-orang itu, yakni orang-orang dursila yang di Gibea itu, supaya kami menghukum mati mereka dan dengan demikian menghapuskan yang jahat itu dari antara orang Israel." Tetapi bani Benyamin tidak mau mendengarkan perkataan saudara-saudaranya, orang Israel itu.
Serahkanlah orang-orang bejat di Gibea itu untuk kita hukum mati, agar kejahatan ini terhapus dari Israel.” Akan tetapi, suku Benyamin tidak mau mendengarkan saudara-saudara mereka, yaitu umat Israel dari suku-suku lain.
Ora dunque, dateci quegli uomini scellerati che [sono] in Ghibea, e noi li faremo morire, e torremo via il male d'Israele. Ma i figliuoli di Beniamino non vollero attendere alla voce de' figliuoli d'Israele, lor fratelli.
Dunque consegnateci quegli uomini iniqui di Gàbaa, perché li uccidiamo e cancelliamo il male da Israele». Ma i figli di Beniamino non vollero ascoltare la voce dei loro fratelli, gli Israeliti.
Or dunque consegnateci quegli uomini, quegli scellerati di Ghibea, perché li mettiamo a morte, e togliam via il male da Israele”. Ma i figliuoli di Beniamino non vollero dare ascolto alla voce dei loro fratelli, i figliuoli d’Israele.
E'ina hazenke vahetmina Gibea kumapintira avre taminketa zamahe frisunkeno, Israeli mopamo'a agru hino. Hianagi zamafuhe'zama Israeli vahe'mo'za hazankea Benjamen naga'mo'za ontahi'naze.
ಗಿಬೆಯದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ದುಷ್ಟ ಮನುಷ್ಯರನ್ನು ನಾವು ಕೊಂದು, ಕೆಟ್ಟತನವನ್ನು ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲಿನಿಂದ ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕುವ ಹಾಗೆ, ಅವರನ್ನು ಒಪ್ಪಿಸಿಕೊಡಿರಿ,” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿದರು. ಆದರೆ ಬೆನ್ಯಾಮೀನ್ಯರು ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರಾದ ತಮ್ಮ ಸಹೋದರರ ಮಾತನ್ನು ಕೇಳುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಮನಸ್ಸಿಲ್ಲದೆ,
ಈಗ ಗಿಬೆಯ ಊರಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಆ ದುಷ್ಟರನ್ನು ನಮಗೆ ಒಪ್ಪಿಸಿರಿ; ನಾವು ಅವರನ್ನು ಕೊಂದು ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರ ಮಧ್ಯದಿಂದ ಇಂಥ ದುಷ್ಟತನವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕುತ್ತೇವೆ” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಿದರು.
그런즉 이제 기브아 사람 곧 그 비류를 우리에게 붙여서 우리로 죽여 이스라엘 중에 악을 제하여 버리게 하라 하나 베냐민 자손이 그 형제 이스라엘 자손의 말을 듣지 아니하고
그런즉 이제 기브아 사람 곧 그 비류를 우리에게 붙여서 우리로 죽여 이스라엘 중에 악을 제하여 버리게 하라' 하나 베냐민 자손이 그 형제 이스라엘 자손의 말을 듣지 아니하고
Fuhlema mwet ma oru ma koluk se in acn Gibeah inge nu sesr tuh kut in onelosla, tuh ma koluk se inge in wanginla liki acn Israel.” Tusruktu mwet in sruf lal Benjamin elos tiana lohang nu ke mwet Israel wialos.
جا ئێستا ئەو پیاوە بەدڕەوشتانەی کە لە گیڤعادان بیاندەنە دەستمان بۆ ئەوەی بیانکوژین و خراپە لە ئیسرائیلدا ڕیشەکێش بکەین.» بەڵام نەوەی بنیامین نەیانویست گوێ لە براکانیان و لە نەوەی ئیسرائیل بگرن.
Tradite homines de Gabaa, qui hoc flagitium perpetrarunt, ut moriantur, et auferatur malum de Israël. Qui noluerunt fratrum suorum filiorum Israël audire mandatum:
Tradite homines de Gabaa, qui hoc flagitium perpetrarunt, ut moriantur, et auferatur malum de Israel. Qui noluerunt fratrum suorum filiorum Israel audire mandatum:
Tradite homines de Gabaa, qui hoc flagitium perpetrarunt, ut moriantur, et auferatur malum de Israel. Qui noluerunt fratrum suorum filiorum Israel audire mandatum:
Tradite homines de Gabaa, qui hoc flagitium perpetrarunt, ut moriantur, et auferatur malum de Israël. Qui noluerunt fratrum suorum filiorum Israël audire mandatum:
tradite homines de Gabaa qui hoc flagitium perpetrarunt ut moriantur et auferatur malum de Israhel qui noluerunt fratrum suorum filiorum Israhel audire mandatum
Tradite homines de Gabaa, qui hoc flagitium perpetrarunt, ut moriantur, et auferatur malum de Israel. Qui noluerunt fratrum suorum filiorum Israel audire mandatum:
Tad nu izdodiet tos vīrus, tos bezdievīgos, kas Ģibejā, ka mēs tos nokaujam un to ļaunumu no Israēla nogriežam. Bet Benjamina (bērni) negribēja klausīt savu brāļu, Israēla bērnu, balsi.
Sik’oyo, botindela biso bato mabe wana ya Gibea mpo ete toboma bango mpe tolongola mabe kati na Isalaele. » Kasi bato ya Benjame baboyaki koyokela baninga na bango, bana ya Isalaele.
Kale kaakano muweeyo abasajja abaana b’ebikolwa ebitali bya butuukirivu abali mu Gibea tubatte, tuggyewo ekibi mu Isirayiri.” Naye abaana ba Benyamini ne bagaana okuwuliriza eddoboozi ly’abaana ba Isirayiri.
Koa ankehitriny atolory anay ireo olona tena ratsy fanahy avy any Gibea ireo, mba hataonay maty izy, ka hesorinay tsy ho eo amin’ ny Isiraely ny ratsy. Fa ny taranak’ i Benjamina tsy nety nihaino ny feon’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely rahalahiny.
Ie amy zao akaro indaty rey, o tsivokatse e Gebào, hañohofa’ay loza, hañaria’ay amy Israele o haloloañe zao. F’ie tsy hinao’ i Beniamine ty fiarañanaña’ o longo’e ana’ Israeleo.
ഗിബെയയിലെ ആ വഷളന്മാരെ ഞങ്ങൾ കൊന്ന് യിസ്രായേലിൽനിന്ന് ദോഷം നീക്കിക്കളയേണ്ടതിന് അവരെ ഏല്പിച്ചു തരുവിൻ” എന്ന് പറയിച്ചു. ബെന്യാമീന്യരോ, യിസ്രായേൽ മക്കളായ തങ്ങളുടെ സഹോദരന്മാരുടെ വാക്ക് കേട്ടനുസരിപ്പാൻ മനസ്സില്ലാതെ യിസ്രായേൽ മക്കളോട്
ഗിബെയയിലെ ആ നീചന്മാരെ ഞങ്ങൾ കൊന്നു യിസ്രായേലിൽനിന്നു ദോഷം നീക്കിക്കളയേണ്ടതിന്നു അവരെ ഏല്പിച്ചു തരുവിൻ എന്നു പറയിച്ചു. ബെന്യാമീന്യരോ യിസ്രായേൽമക്കളായ തങ്ങളുടെ സഹോദരന്മാരുടെ വാക്കു കേട്ടനുസരിപ്പാൻ മനസ്സില്ലാതെ യിസ്രായേൽമക്കളോടു
ഗിബെയയിലെ ആ നീചന്മാരെ ഞങ്ങൾ കൊന്നു യിസ്രായേലിൽനിന്നു ദോഷം നീക്കിക്കളയേണ്ടതിന്നു അവരെ ഏല്പിച്ചു തരുവിൻ എന്നു പറയിച്ചു. ബെന്യാമീന്യരോ യിസ്രായേൽമക്കളായ തങ്ങളുടെ സഹോദരന്മാരുടെ വാക്കു കേട്ടനുസരിപ്പാൻ മനസ്സില്ലാതെ യിസ്രായേൽമക്കളോടു
അതുകൊണ്ട് ഗിബെയയിലെ നീചന്മാരായ ആ ആളുകളെ കൊന്ന് ഇസ്രായേലിൽനിന്ന് ദോഷം നീക്കംചെയ്യേണ്ടതിന് അവരെ ഞങ്ങൾക്ക് ഏൽപ്പിച്ചുതരിക.” എന്നാൽ ബെന്യാമീന്യർ ഇസ്രായേൽമക്കളായ തങ്ങളുടെ സഹോദരന്മാരുടെ വാക്ക് കേട്ടില്ല.
तर आता तुम्ही गिब्यांतली जे दुष्ट लोक आहेत ते आम्हांला काढून द्या, म्हणजे आम्ही त्यांना जीवे मारू आणि इस्राएलातून दुष्टाई पूर्णपणे काढून टाकू.” परंतु बन्यामिनी लोकांनी आपले भाऊबंद इस्राएली लोक यांचे ऐकले नाही.
ဂိ​ဗာ​မြို့​၌​ရှိ​သော​အ​ဋ္ဌမ္မ​လူ​တို့​ကို​ငါ​တို့ သတ်​၍​ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​လူ​မျိုး​မှ ဤ​ဆိုး​ညစ်​မှု ကို​ဖယ်​ရှား​ပစ်​နိုင်​ရန်​ယ​ခု​ငါ​တို့​လက်​သို့ ပေး​အပ်​ကြ​လော့'' ဟု​ပြော​ကြား​စေ​၏။ သို့ ရာ​တွင်​ဗင်္ယာ​မိန်​အ​နွယ်​ဝင်​တို့​သည်​အ​ခြား ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​အ​မျိုး​သား​တို့​၏​စ​ကား​ကို ဂ​ရု​မ​စိုက်​ဘဲ၊-
ယခုမှာ ဂီဗာမြို့၌ရှိသော ထိုအဓမ္မလူတို့ကို ငါတို့ယူ၍ သတ်သဖြင့် ဣသရေလအမျိုးထဲက ဒုစရိုက် အပြစ်ကို ပယ်ရှားမည်အကြောင်း ထိုလူတို့ကိုအပ်ကြပါဟု မှာလိုက်ကြ၏။ သို့ရာတွင် ဗင်္ယာမိန် အမျိုးသားတို့သည်၊ ညီအစ်ကို ဣသရေလအမျိုးသားတို့စကားကို နားမထောင်ဘဲ၊
ယခု မှာ ဂီဗာ မြို့၌ ရှိသော ထိုအဓမ္မ လူ တို့ကို ငါတို့ယူ၍ သတ် သဖြင့် ဣသရေလ အမျိုးထဲက ဒုစရိုက် အပြစ်ကို ပယ်ရှား မည်အကြောင်းထိုလူတို့ကိုအပ် ကြပါဟု မှာ လိုက်ကြ၏။ သို့ရာတွင် ဗင်္ယာမိန် အမျိုးသားတို့သည်၊ ညီအစ်ကို ဣသရေလ အမျိုးသားတို့စကား ကို နား မ ထောင်ဘဲ၊
Na homai aianei aua tangata, nga tama a Periara i Kipea, kia whakamatea e matou, kia whakakorea ai te kino i roto i a Iharaira. Otiia kihai a Pineamine i pai ki te whakarongo ki te reo o o ratou tuakana, o nga tamariki a Iharaira.
Khathesi-ke, banikeleni labobantu baseGibhiya abagangileyo ukuze sibabulale siqede ububi ko-Israyeli.” Kodwa abakoBhenjamini kababalalelanga abafowabo bako-Israyeli.
Ngakho-ke anikeleni lawomadoda, abantwana bakaBheliyali, abaseGibeya ukuze siwabulale, sisuse ububi koIsrayeli. Kodwa abakoBhenjamini kabafunanga ukulalela ilizwi labafowabo, abantwana bakoIsrayeli.
यसकारण, गिबाका ती दुष्‍ट मानिसहरूलाई हामीलाई सुम्‍पिदेओ, ताकि हामी तिनीहरूलाई मार्नेछौं र यसरी इस्राएलबाट हामी यो दुष्‍टता पूर्ण रूपमा हटाउनेछौं ।” तर बेन्यामीनीहरूले आफ्ना दाजुभाइ, अर्थात् इस्राएलका मानिसहरूको कुरा सुनेनन् ।
Utlever nu de ugudelige menn i Gibea, så vi kan slå dem ihjel og rydde ut det onde av Israel! Men Benjamin vilde ikke høre på sine brødres, Israels barns ord.
Send ut til oss dei ukjurorne i Gibea, so me kann slå deim i hel og rydja det vonde ut or Israel!» Men Benjamins-sønerne vilde ikkje høyra på Israels-sønerne, brørne sine.
ଏବେ ତୁମ୍ଭେମାନେ ସେହି ଗିବୀୟାର ଦୁଷ୍ଟ ଲୋକମାନଙ୍କୁ ସମର୍ପଣ କର, ତହିଁରେ ଆମ୍ଭେମାନେ ସେମାନଙ୍କୁ ବଧ କରି ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ ମଧ୍ୟରୁ ଦୁଷ୍ଟତା ଦୂର କରିବା।” ମାତ୍ର ବିନ୍ୟାମୀନ୍ ଆପଣା ଭ୍ରାତା ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ-ସନ୍ତାନଗଣର ରବ ଶୁଣିବାକୁ ସମ୍ମତ ହେଲେ ନାହିଁ।
Ammas akka nu isaan barbadeessinee Israaʼel keessaa hammina balleessinuuf namoota Gibeʼaa hamoo sana dabarsaa nutti kennaa.” Beniyaamonni garuu Israaʼeloota firoota isaanii dhagaʼuu didan.
ਹੁਣ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਮਨੁੱਖਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਅਰਥਾਤ ਬਲਿਆਲ ਵੰਸ਼ੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਜੋ ਗਿਬਆਹ ਵਿੱਚ ਹਨ, ਸਾਡੇ ਹੱਥ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੌਂਪ ਦਿਉ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਅਸੀਂ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਮਾਰ ਕੇ ਇਸਰਾਏਲ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਬੁਰਿਆਈ ਦਾ ਨਾਸ ਕਰ ਦੇਈਏ।” ਪਰ ਬਿਨਯਾਮੀਨੀਆਂ ਨੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਇਸਰਾਏਲੀ ਭਰਾਵਾਂ ਦੀ ਗੱਲ ਨਾ ਮੰਨੀ
پس الان آن مردان بنی بلیعال را که در جبعه هستند، تسلیم نمایید تاآنها را به قتل رسانیم، و بدی را از اسرائیل دورکنیم.» اما بنیامینیان نخواستند که سخن برادران خود بنی‌اسرائیل را بشنوند.
آن افراد شریر را که در جِبعه هستند به ما تحویل دهید تا ایشان را اعدام کنیم و اسرائیل را از این شرارت پاک سازیم.» اما مردم قبیلهٔ بنیامین نه فقط به خواستهٔ ایشان توجهی ننمودند،
Przetoż teraz wydajcie męże niepobożne, którzy są w Gabaa, abyśmy je pozabijali, a uprzątnęli złe z Izraela; ale nie chcieli synowie Benjaminowi słuchać głosu braci swych, synów Izraelskich.
Wydajcie więc teraz tych mężczyzn, synów Beliala, którzy są w Gibea, abyśmy ich pozabijali i usunęli zło z Izraela. Lecz synowie Beniamina nie chcieli słuchać głosu swoich braci, synów Izraela.
Entregai, pois, agora aqueles homens, malignos, que estão em Gibeá, para que os matemos, e varramos o mal de Israel. Mas os de Benjamim não quiseram ouvir a voz de seus irmãos os filhos de Israel;
Dae-nos pois agora aquelles homens, filhos de Belial, que estão em Gibeah, para que os matemos, e tiremos d'Israel o mal: porém os filhos de Benjamin não quizeram ouvir a voz de seus irmãos, os filhos d'Israel.
Dai-nos pois agora aqueles homens, filhos de Belial, que estão em Gibeah, para que os matemos, e tiremos de Israel o mal: porém os filhos de Benjamin não quizeram ouvir a voz de seus irmãos, os filhos de Israel.
Portanto, agora entreguem os homens, os malvados que estão em Gibeá, para que os matemos e afastemos de Israel o mal”. Mas Benjamin não quis ouvir a voz de seus irmãos, os filhos de Israel.
Скоатець афарэ акум пе оамений ачея стрикаць дин Гибея ка сэ-й оморым ши сэ курэцэм рэул дин мижлокул луй Исраел.” Дар бениамиций н-ау врут сэ аскулте гласул фрацилор лор, копиий луй Исраел.
Și acum, dați-ne pe bărbații aceia, pe copiii lui Belial, care sunt în Ghibea, ca să îi dăm la moarte și să îndepărtăm răul din Israel. Dar copiii lui Beniamin au refuzat să dea ascultare vocii fraților lor, copiii lui Israel.
Выдайте развращенных оных людей, которые в Гиве; мы умертвим их и искореним зло из Израиля. Но сыны Вениаминовы не хотели послушать голоса братьев своих, сынов Израилевых;
Сада дајте те безаконике што су у Гаваји, да их погубимо и извадимо зло из Израиља. Али не хтеше синови Венијаминови послушати браћу своју, синове Израиљеве.
Sada dajte te bezakonike što su u Gavaji, da ih pogubimo i izvadimo zlo iz Izrailja. Ali ne htješe sinovi Venijaminovi poslušati braæe svoje, sinova Izrailjevijeh.
Zvino tipei varume avo vakaipa veGibhea kuti tivauraye tigobvisa chakaipa muIsraeri.” Asi vaBhenjamini havana kuda kuteerera hama dzavo vaIsraeri.
И ныне дадите мужей беззаконных, иже в Гаваи, сынов велиаловых, и умертвим их, и очистим зло от Израиля. И не изволиша сынове Вениамини послушати гласа братии своея сынов Израилевых.
Zdaj nam torej izročite može, Beliálove otroke, ki so v Gíbei, da jih lahko usmrtimo in iz Izraela odstranimo zlo.« Toda Benjaminovi otroci niso hoteli prisluhniti glasu njihovih bratov, Izraelovih otrok,
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed nimanka xunxun ee Gibecaah jooga noo soo bixiya, aannu dilnee, oo aannu reer binu Israa'iil sharka ka dhex fogaynee. Laakiinse reer Benyaamiin ma ay doonaynin inay dhegaystaan codkii reer binu Israa'iil oo walaalahood ahaa.
Entregad, pues, ahora aquellos hombres, hijos de Belial, que están en Gabaa, para que los matemos, y barramos el mal de Israel. Mas los de Benjamín no quisieron oír la voz de sus hermanos los hijos de Israel;
¡Entreguen a estos malvados para que podamos ejecutarlos y deshacernos de este mal de Israel!” Pero los benjamitas se negaron a escuchar lo que sus compañeros israelitas tenían que decir.
Entregad, pues, ahora a los hombres, a los malvados que están en Gabaa, para que los matemos y eliminemos el mal de Israel.” Pero Benjamín no quiso escuchar la voz de sus hermanos, los hijos de Israel.
Ahora pues, entreguen a los hombres, aquellos perversos que están en Gabaa, para que los matemos y quitemos esta infamia de Israel. Pero los hijos de Benjamín no quisieron escuchar la voz de sus hermanos, los hijos de Israel.
Entregad ahora a aquellos hijos de Belial, que están en Gabaá, para que les demos muerte y así extirpemos el mal de en medio de Israel.” Pero los hijos de Benjamín no quisieron escuchar la voz de sus hermanos, los hijos de Israel;
Entregád pues ahora aquellos hombres hijos de Belial, que están en Gabaa, para que les matemos, y barramos el mal de Israel. Mas los de Ben-jamín no quisieron oír la voz de sus hermanos los hijos de Israel.
Entregad pues ahora aquellos hombres, hijos de Belial, que están en Gabaa, para que los matemos, y barramos el mal de Israel. Mas los de Benjamín no quisieron oir la voz de sus hermanos los hijos de Israel;
Ahora, entreganos a esos perversos en Guibeá para que podamos darles muerte, limpiando el mal de Israel. Pero los hijos de Benjamín no escucharon la voz de sus hermanos, los hijos de Israel.
Kwa hiyo, tupeni watu hao waovu wa Gibea, tupate kuwaua, na hivyo tutaondoa kabisa uovu huu kutoka kwa Israeli.” Lakini Wabenyamini hawakusikiliza sauti ya ndugu zao, watu wa Israeli,
Basi watoeni hao watu waovu kabisa walioko Gibea, ili tupate kuwaua na kuondoa uovu katika Israeli.” Lakini Wabenyamini hawakuwasikia ndugu zao, Waisraeli.
Lämnen nu ut de onda män som bo i Gibea, så att vi få döda dem och skaffa bort ifrån Israel vad ont är." Men benjaminiterna ville icke lyssna till sina bröders, de övriga israeliternas, ord.
Så får oss nu ut de män, Belials barn i Gibea, att vi måge dräpa dem, och låta det onda komma ifrån Israel. Men BenJamins barn ville icke lyda sina bröders Israels barnas röst;
Lämnen nu ut de onda män som bo i Gibea, så att vi få döda dem och skaffa bort ifrån Israel vad ont är.» Men benjaminiterna ville icke lyssna till sina bröders, de övriga israeliternas, ord.
Ngayon nga'y ibigay ninyo ang mga lalake, ang mga hamak na tao, na nasa Gabaa, upang aming patayin sila, at alisin ang kasamaan sa Israel. Nguni't hindi dininig ng mga anak ni Benjamin ang tinig ng kanilang mga kapatid na mga anak ni Israel.
Kaya, ibigay sa amin ang masamang kalalakihan ng Gibea, para maaari namin silang patayin, at para ganap naming matatanggal itong kasamaan mula sa Israel. Pero ang mga Benjamita ay hindi nakikinig sa tinig ng kanilang mga kapatid, ang mga tao ng Israel.
இப்பொழுது கிபியாவில் இருக்கிற துன்மார்க்க மக்களாகிய அந்த மனிதர்களை நாங்கள் கொன்று, தீமையை இஸ்ரவேலைவிட்டு விலக்கும்படி, அவர்களை ஒப்புக்கொடுங்கள் என்று சொல்லச் சொன்னார்கள்; பென்யமீனியர்கள் இஸ்ரவேல் மக்களாகிய தங்கள் சகோதரர்களின் சொல்லைக் கேட்க மனமில்லாமல்,
கிபியாவிலிருக்கும் கொடுமையான இந்தச் செயலைச் செய்த எல்லா மனிதர்களையும் எங்களிடம் ஒப்படையுங்கள். நாங்கள் அவர்களைக் கொலைசெய்து இஸ்ரயேலிலிருந்து இந்தத் தீமையை நீக்குவோம்” எனச் சொல்லும்படி சொன்னார்கள். ஆனால் பென்யமீனியர் தங்கள் சகோதர இஸ்ரயேலருக்குச் செவிகொடுக்கவில்லை.
గిబియాలో ఉన్న ఆ దుర్మార్గులను మాకు అప్పగించండి. ఇశ్రాయేలీయులపై ఈ దోషాన్ని సంపూర్ణంగా తొలగించడానికై మేము వారిని చంపుతాం” అని చెప్పించారు. కాని బెన్యామీను గోత్రం వాళ్ళు తమకు సోదరులైన ఇశ్రాయేలీయుల హెచ్చరికను పెడచెవిన పెట్టారు.
Pea ko eni, tuku mai kiate kimautolu ʻae kau tangata, ʻae fānau ʻoe kovi, ʻaia ʻoku ʻi Kipea, koeʻuhi ke mau tāmateʻi ʻakinautolu, kae fakangata ʻae kovi mei ʻIsileli.” Ka naʻe ʻikai tokanga ʻe he fānau ʻa Penisimani ki he lea ʻa honau kāinga ko e fānau ʻa ʻIsileli.
“Giva'daki o serserileri bize hemen teslim edin. Onları öldürüp İsrail'deki kötülüğün kökünü kazıyalım.” Ama Benyaminoğulları İsrailli kardeşlerini dinlemediler.
Munyi saa amumɔyɛfo a wofi Gibea no mmra, na yenkum wɔn na yentu saa awurukasɛm yi ase mfi Israel.” Nanso Benyaminfo no antie.
Monyi saa amumuyɛfoɔ a wɔfiri Gibea no mmra, na yɛnkum wɔn na yɛntu saa awurukasɛm yi ase mfiri Israel.” Nanso, Benyaminfoɔ no antie.
А тепер давайте тих людей, розпусних синів, що в Ґів'ї, — і ми повбиваємо їх, та й ви́губимо зло з Ізраїля“. Та не хотіли Веніяминові сини слухати голосу своїх братів, Ізраїлевих синів.
इसलिए अब उन आदमियों या'नी उन ख़बीसों को जो जिब'आ में हैं हमारे हवाले करो, कि हम उनको क़त्ल करें और इस्राईल में से बुराई को दूर कर डालें। लेकिन बनी बिनयमीन ने अपने भाइयों बनी इस्राईल का कहना न माना।
ئەمدى گىبېئاھدىكى بۇ لۈكچەكلەرنى بىزگە تۇتۇپ بېرىڭلار. شۇنىڭ بىلەن بىز ئۇلارنى ئۆلۈمگە مەھكۇم قىلىپ، ئىسرائىلدىن رەزىللىكنى يوق قىلايلى، ــ دېدى. لېكىن بىنيامىنلار ئۆز قېرىنداشلىرى بولغان ئىسرائىللارنىڭ سۆزىنى تىڭشىمىدى،
Әнди Гибеаһдики бу лүкчәкләрни бизгә тутуп бериңлар. Шуниң билән биз уларни өлүмгә мәһкүм қилип, Исраилдин рәзилликни йоқ қилайли, — деди. Лекин Биняминлар өз қериндашлири болған Исраилларниң сөзини тиңшимиди,
Emdi Gibéahdiki bu lükcheklerni bizge tutup béringlar. Shuning bilen biz ularni ölümge mehkum qilip, Israildin rezillikni yoq qilayli, — dédi. Lékin Binyaminlar öz qérindashliri bolghan Israillarning sözini tingshimidi,
Əmdi Gibeaⱨdiki bu lükqǝklǝrni bizgǝ tutup beringlar. Xuning bilǝn biz ularni ɵlümgǝ mǝⱨkum ⱪilip, Israildin rǝzillikni yoⱪ ⱪilayli, — dedi. Lekin Binyaminlar ɵz ⱪerindaxliri bolƣan Israillarning sɵzini tingximidi,
Bây giờ, hãy nộp cho chúng ta những người gian tà của Ghi-bê-a, để chúng ta xử tử chúng nó, và diệt điều ác khỏi giữa Y-sơ-ra-ên. Nhưng người Bên-gia-min không khứng nghe tiếng của anh em mình, là dân Y-sơ-ra-ên,
Bây giờ, hãy nộp cho chúng ta những người gian tà của Ghi-bê-a, để chúng ta xử tử chúng nó, và diệt điều ác khỏi giữa Y-sơ-ra-ên. Nhưng người Bên-gia-min không khứng nghe tiếng của anh em mình, là dân Y-sơ-ra-ên,
Vậy, chỉ yêu cầu giao nạp những người đồi bại ở Ghi-bê-a cho chúng tôi giết đi để giải tội cho Ít-ra-ên.” Nhưng người Bên-gia-min không chịu nghe lời.
Nítorí náà ẹ mú àwọn ẹni ibi ti Gibeah yìí wá fún wa, kí àwa lé pa, kí a sì fọ ìṣe búburú yìí mọ́ kúrò ní Israẹli.” Ṣùgbọ́n àwọn ẹ̀yà Benjamini kò fetí sí ti àwọn arákùnrin wọn ọmọ Israẹli.
Verse Count = 212

< Judges 20:13 >