< Joshua 2:19 >

It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
Por në rast se dikush del jashtë pragut të shtëpisë sate, gjaku i tij do të bjerë mbi krye të vet, dhe ne nuk do të kemi faj për këtë; por gjaku i kujtdo qoftë që do të jetë me ty në shtëpi do të bjerë mbi kokën tonë, në qoftë se dikush i prek me dorë.
فَيَكُونُ أَنَّ كُلَّ مَنْ يَخْرُجُ مِنْ أَبْوَابِ بَيْتِكِ إِلَى خَارِجٍ، فَدَمُهُ عَلَى رَأْسِهِ، وَنَحْنُ نَكُونُ بَرِيئَيْنِ. وَأَمَّا كُلُّ مَنْ يَكُونُ مَعَكِ فِي ٱلْبَيْتِ فَدَمُهُ عَلَى رَأْسِنَا إِذَا وَقَعَتْ عَلَيْهِ يَدٌ.
وَكُلُّ مَنْ يُغَادِرُ مَنْزِلَكِ يَكُونُ دَمُهُ عَلَى رَأْسِهِ وَنَحْنُ نَكُونُ بَرِيئَيْنِ، وَأَمَّا كُلُّ مَنْ يَكُونُ مَعَكِ فِي الْبَيْتِ فَدَمُهُ عَلَى رَأْسِنَا إِنْ أَصَابَتْهُ يَدٌ بِأَذىً.
তেতিয়া যি কোনোৱে তোমাৰ ঘৰৰ দুৱাৰৰ পৰা বাটলৈ ওলাব, তাৰ ৰক্তপাতৰ দোষ তাৰ মূৰৰ ওপৰতে পৰিব আৰু আমি নিৰ্দ্দোষী হ’ম; কিন্তু যি কোনোৱে তোমাৰ লগত ঘৰত থাকিব, তাৰ ওপৰত যদি কোনোৱে হাত দিয়ে, তেন্তে সেই ৰক্তপাতৰ দোষ আমাৰ মূৰৰ ওপৰত পৰিব।
Əgər sənin evinin qapısından kim bayıra çıxarsa, qanı öz başına dönəcək və biz buna günahkar olmayacağıq. Əgər səninlə birgə evində olan bir kimsəyə toxunularsa, qoy onun qanı bizim başımıza dönsün.
Be nowa da diasu gadili ahoasea, ea bogosu da hi hamoiba: le bogoi ba: mu - ninia hame. Be nowa da dia diasu ganodini sali ba: sea amo bogosea, amo bogoi da ninima dabe lamu agoai galebe.
তখন এইরূপ হবে, যে কেউ তোমার বাড়ি থেকে বের হয়ে রাস্তায় যাবে, তার রক্তপাতের দায়ী সে নিজেই হবে এবং আমরা নির্দোষ হব; কিন্তু যে কেউ তোমার সঙ্গে বাড়ির মধ্যে থাকবে, আর তাকে যদি কেউ হত্যা করে, তবে তার রক্তপাতের দায়ী আমরা হব।
যদি কেউ তোমার বাড়ির বাইরে পথে যায়, তার রক্তের দায় তারই মাথায় বর্তাবে; আমরা তার দায় নেব না। কিন্তু তোমার বাড়ির ভিতরে যারা থাকে, তাদের কারও উপরে আমাদের কেউ যদি হাত উঠায়, তার রক্তের দায় আমাদের মাথায় বর্তাবে।
Всеки, който би излязъл из вратата на къщата ти кръвта му ще бъде на главата му, а ние ще бъдем невинни; на всеки, който остане с тебе в къщи, неговата кръв ще бъде на нашата глава, ако се издигне ръка против него.
Si bisan kinsa nga mogawas sa mga pultahan sa inyong balay ngadto sa kadalanan, ang ilang dugo maana sa ilang kaugalingon nga mga ulo ug dili kami sad-an. Apan kung modapat ang kamot ni bisan kinsa nga kauban kanimo diha sa balay, ang iyang dugo maana sa among ulo.
Ug mahinabo nga bisan kinsa ang mogula sa pultahan sa imong balay ug moadto sa dalan, ang iyang dugo maanha sa iyang ulo, ug kami walay sala: ug bisan kinsa nga anaa uban kanimo sa balay, ang iyang dugo maania sa among ulo kong pagahilabtan siya.
Ngati wina aliyense adzatuluka mʼnyumbamo kuti azikayendayenda mu msewu, magazi ake adzakhala pamutu pake, ife sitidzapalamula kanthu. Koma wina aliyense wokhala mʼnyumba mwakomo akadzaphedwa, mlandu udzakhala wathu.
Mi kawbaktih doeh na imthung takoh hoi tacawt moe, loklam ah caeh kami loe, kaihnik nuiah zae nethaih om hmah nasoe; angmah ih athii to angmah lu nuiah krah nasoe; nangmah hoi na imthung ah kaom kaminawk nuiah, ban ka phok o nahaeloe, anih ih athii to kaihnik nuiah krah nasoe.
Te vaengah na im thohkhaih lamloh tollong la aka coe boeih te tah amah thii te amah lu dongla kap vetih kaimih tah ka ommongsitoe uh ni. Tedae im khuiah namah taengla aka om khat khat te ni kut a hlah thil oeh atah a thii te kaimih lu dongla tla saeh.
Te vaengah na im kah thohkhaih lamloh tollong la aka coe boeih te tah amah thii te amah lu dongla kap vetih kaimih tah ka ommongsitoe uh ni. Tedae im khuiah namah taengla aka om khat khat te ni kut a hlah thil oeh atah a thii te kaimih lu dongla tla saeh.
Ijemtia napotdoh’uva lamlen dunga nana chekhah uva nathikhah uva ahileh keiho thepmo hilouding ahi. Amavang hiche insunga hi naummuva khattouvin nasuhkhah uleh hitobanga thina nato-uleh keiho mopohna hiding ahi.
Na im dawk hoi alawilah ka tâcawt e tami teh dout pawiteh, a ma dawkvah khang naseh. Kaimouh teh yon dawk hoi ka hlout awh han. Na imthungkhunaw ka thet payon awh pawiteh kaimouh ni ka khang awh han.
凡出了你家門往街上去的,他的罪 必歸到自己的頭上,與我們無干了。凡在你家裏的,若有人下手害他,流他血的罪就歸到我們的頭上。
Tko god od vas stupi van preko praga tvoje kuće, krv njegova na glavu njegovu: nije krivnja na nama - sam je krivac svojoj smrti; a tko ostane s tobom u kući, krv njegova neka padne na glave naše - mi ćemo biti krivci ako ga se tko rukom dotakne.
Také kdo by vyšel ven ze dveří domu tvého, krev jeho bude na hlavu jeho, ale my budeme bez viny; a každého toho, kdož bude s tebou v domě, jestliže by se kdo rukou dotekl, krev jeho na hlavy naše připadni.
Také kdo by vyšel ven ze dveří domu tvého, krev jeho bude na hlavu jeho, ale my budeme bez viny; a každého toho, kdož bude s tebou v domě, jestliže by se kdo rukou dotekl, krev jeho na hlavy naše připadni.
Enhver, som så går uden for din Husdør, må selv tage Ansvaret for sit Liv, uden at der falder Skyld på os; men hvis der lægges Hånd på nogen af dem, som bliver i Huset hos dig, hviler Ansvaret på os.
og det skal ske, hver den, som gaar ud af dit Huses Døre udenfor, hans Blod skal være paa hans Hoved, og vi skulle være uskyldige; men hver den, som er med dig i Huset, hans Blod skal være paa vort Hoved, dersom der bliver lagt Haand paa ham.
Enhver, som saa gaar uden for din Husdør, maa selv tage Ansvaret for sit Liv, uden at der falder Skyld paa os; men hvis der lægges Haand paa nogen af dem, som bliver i Huset hos dig, hviler Ansvaret paa os.
Ka dipo ni ngʼato owuok e odi modhi e yore mag mier, rembe enobed e wiye owuon; ok enobed wachwa. To ne ngʼatno manobed kodi ei ot, rembe nobedi e wiwa ka dipo ni lwedo moro nomule.
Zo zal het geschieden, al wie uit de deuren van uw huis naar buiten gaan zal, zijn bloed zij op zijn hoofd, en wij zullen onschuldig zijn; maar al wie bij u in het huis zijn zal, diens bloed zij op ons hoofd, indien een hand tegen hem zijn zal!
Als dan iemand de deur van uw huis uitgaat, dan komt zijn bloed op zijn eigen hoofd neer, en zullen wij er geen schuld aan hebben; maar slaat men de hand aan iemand, die in uw huis is, dan komt zijn bloed op ons hoofd.
Zo zal het geschieden, al wie uit de deuren van uw huis naar buiten gaan zal, zijn bloed zij op zijn hoofd, en wij zullen onschuldig zijn; maar al wie bij u in het huis zijn zal, diens bloed zij op ons hoofd, indien een hand tegen hem zijn zal!
And it shall be, that whoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we shall be guiltless. And whoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head if any hand be upon him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we shall be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.
If anyone goes out the door of your house into the street, his blood will be on his own head, and we will be innocent. But if a hand is laid on anyone with you in the house, his blood will be on our heads.
Then if anyone goes out of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, we will not be responsible; but if any damage comes to anyone in the house, his blood will be on our heads.
And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall go outside the door of thy house, his guilt shall be upon him, and we shall be quit of this thine oath; and we will be responsible for all that shall be found with thee in thy house.
And it shall come to pass that whoever shall go outside the door of your house, his guilt shall be upon him, and we shall be quit of this your oath; and we will be responsible for all that shall be found with you in your house.
Whoever will have exited from the door of your house, his blood will be on his own head, and we will be uninvolved. But the blood of all who will be with you in the house shall fall back upon our own head, if anyone touches them.
and it shall be, that whoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, — his blood shall be upon his head, and we shall be innocent; but every one who shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be upon our head, if any hand be upon him.
Whosoever shall go out of the door of thy house, his blood shall be upon his own head, and we shall be quit. But the blood of all that shall be with thee in the house, shall light upon our head, if any man touch them.
If anyone leaves your house and is killed, that's their fault—we're not responsible for their death. But if anyone lays a hand on someone who is inside your house, we take full responsibility for their death.
And whosoeuer then doeth goe out at the doores of thine house into the streete, his blood shalbe vpon his head, and we will be giltlesse: but whosoeuer shall be with thee in the house, his blood shalbe on our head, if any hande touch him:
And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless; and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.
And it shall be, [that] whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood [shall be] upon his head, and we [will be] guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood [shall be] on our head, if [any] hand be upon him.
And it shall be, that whoever shall go out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood shall be on his head, and we will be guiltless: and whoever shall be with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be on him.
And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.
And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.
And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.
And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.
And it shall come to pass that whoever shall go outside the door of your house, his guilt shall be upon him, and we shall be quit of this your oath; and we will be responsible for all that shall be found with you in your house.
And it shall be, that whosoever will go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless; and whosoever will remain with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if a hand be laid upon him.
and it has been, anyone who goes out from the doors of your house outside, his blood [is] on his head, and we are innocent; and anyone who is with you in the house, his blood [is] on our head, if a hand is on him;
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
And it shall be, that whosoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.
And it shall be, whosoever shall go forth out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood, shall be on his own head and, we, shall be free, —but, whosoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood, shall be on our heads, if a, hand, be upon him.
And it will be every [one] who he will go out from [the] doors of house your - the outside towards blood his [will be] on own head his and we [will be] free and every [one] who he will be with you in the house blood his [will be] on head our if a hand it will be on him.
and to be all which to come out: come from door house: home your [the] outside [to] blood his in/on/with head his and we innocent and all which to be with you in/on/with house: home blood his in/on/with head our if hand: power to be in/on/with him
If anyone in your family goes outside this house into the street, [our soldiers] will kill them, and we will not be guilty [MTY] for doing that. But if anyone who is in this house with you is injured, we will be guilty for causing that.
Whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, their blood will be upon their own heads and we will be guiltless. But if a hand is laid upon any who is with you in the house, his blood will be on our head.
And it shall be, [that] whoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood [shall be] upon his head, and we [will be] guiltless: and whoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood [shall be] on our head, if [any] hand be upon him.
And it shall be, that whoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, his blood shall be upon his head, and we will be guiltless: and whoever shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand be upon him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
It shall be that whoever goes out of the doors of your house into the street, his blood will be on his head, and we will be guiltless. Whoever is with you in the house, his blood shall be on our head, if any hand is on him.
that goith out at the dore of thin hows, and we schulen be alien, that is, giltles; forsothe the blood of alle men that ben in the hows with thee, schal turne in to oure heed, if ony man touchith hem.
and it hath been, any one who goeth out from the doors of thy house without, his blood [is] on his head, and we are innocent; and any one who is with thee in the house, his blood [is] on our head, if a hand is on him;
kaj se iu eliros el la pordo de via domo eksteren, lia sango estos sur lia kapo, kaj ni estos senkulpaj; kaj pri ĉiu, kiu estos kun vi en la domo, lia sango estos sur nia kapo, se ies mano lin tuŝos.
Ne ame aɖe do go le wò aƒe me yi mɔtata dzi la, eƒe ʋu anɔ eya ŋutɔ ƒe ta dzi, menye míawoe wɔe o. Ke hena ame siwo anɔ wò aƒe me la, amea ƒe ʋu ava míaƒe ta dzi ne míeka asi eŋuti.
Mutta jos joku käy huonees ovesta ulos, hänen verensä olkoon oman päänsä päällä, ja me olemme viattomat; ja joka ikänä sinun kanssas huoneessa on, hänen verensä olkoon meidän päämme päällä, jos jonkun käsi häneen sattuu.
Ja kuka vain menee talosi ovesta ulos, sen veri tulkoon hänen oman päänsä päälle, ja me olemme vastuusta vapaat; mutta kuka vain on sinun kanssasi talossa, sen veri tulkoon meidän päämme päälle, jos kenen käsi sattuu häneen.
Si quelqu'un d'eux sort de la porte de ta maison pour aller dehors, son sang sera sur sa tête, et nous en seront innocents; mais si l'on met la main sur l'un de tous ceux qui seront avec toi dans la maison, son sang sera sur notre tête.
Quiconque sortira des portes de ta maison pour aller dans la rue aura son sang sur la tête, et nous serons innocents. Quiconque sera avec vous dans la maison, son sang retombera sur notre tête, s'il y a une main sur lui.
Et il arrivera que quiconque sortira hors des portes de ta maison, son sang sera sur sa tête, et nous serons quittes; mais quiconque sera avec toi dans la maison, son sang sera sur notre tête, si on met la main sur lui.
Et quiconque sortira hors de la porte de ta maison, son sang sera sur sa tête, et nous en serons quittes; mais quiconque sera avec toi, dans la maison, son sang sera sur notre tête si quelqu'un met la main sur lui.
Celui qui sortira de la porte de ta maison, son sang sera sur sa tête, et nous, nous y serons étrangers; mais le sang de tous ceux qui seront avec toi dans ta maison retombera sur nous, si quelqu’un les touche.
Si quelqu’un d’eux sort de la porte de ta maison pour aller dehors, son sang retombera sur sa tête, et nous en serons innocents; mais si on met la main sur l’un quelconque de ceux qui seront avec toi dans la maison, son sang retombera sur notre tête.
Si quelqu’un d’eux sort de la porte de ta maison pour aller dehors, son sang sera sur sa tête, et nous en seront innocents; mais si l’on met la main sur l’un de tous ceux qui seront avec toi dans la maison, son sang sera sur notre tête.
Et si quelqu'un d'eux sort des portes de ta maison, son sang sera sur sa tête et nous en serons innocents; mais pour tous ceux qui seront avec toi dans la maison, leur sang sera sur notre tête, si l'on met la main sur quelqu'un d'eux.
et si quelqu'un d'eux passe la porte de ta maison et paraît dans la rue, c'est sur sa tête que retombera la faute de sa mort, et nous-mêmes nous en serons innocents; mais si on met la main sur aucun de ceux qui seront avec toi dans la maison, la faute de sa mort retombera sur notre tête.
Quiconque passera le seuil de ta maison, pour en sortir, sera coupable envers lui-même, et nous serons, à son égard, dégagés de notre serment, qui nous lie envers tous ceux qui resteront avec toi dans ta maison.
Dès lors, quiconque franchira les portes de ta maison pour aller au dehors sera responsable de sa perte, et nous en serons innocents; mais quiconque restera avec toi dans la maison, son sang retombera sur nos têtes, si l’on porte la main sur lui.
Wer dann vor die Tür deines Hauses auf die Straße geht, dessen Blut fällt auf sein Haupt. Wir aber sind schuldfrei. Legt aber jemand Hand an irgendeinen, der bei dir im Hause ist, dann fällt sein Blut auf unser Haupt.
und es soll geschehen, wer irgend aus der Tür deines Hauses auf die Straße gehen wird, dessen Blut sei auf seinem Haupte, und wir werden unseres Eides ledig sein. Jeder aber, der bei dir im Hause sein wird, dessen Blut sei auf unserem Haupte, wenn Hand an ihn gelegt wird.
und es soll geschehen, wer irgend aus der Tür deines Hauses auf die Straße gehen wird, dessen Blut sei auf seinem Haupte, und wir werden unseres Eides ledig sein. Jeder aber, der bei dir im Hause sein wird, dessen Blut sei auf unserem Haupte, wenn Hand an ihn gelegt wird.
jeder, der sich dann außerhalb des Thores deines Hauses begiebt, trägt selbst die Verantwortung, wenn er umgebracht wird, und wir sind frei von Schuld. Für jeden aber, der bei dir drinnen bleibt, für den sind wir verantwortlich, wenn ihn jemand antastet.
Und wer zur Tür deines Hauses herausgehet, des Blut sei auf seinem Haupte, und wir unschuldig; aber aller, die in deinem Hause sind, so eine Hand an sie gelegt wird, so soll ihr Blut auf unserm Haupte sein.
Und wer zu Tür deines Hauses herausgeht, des Blut sei auf seinem Haupt, und wir unschuldig; aber aller, die in deinem Hause sind, so eine Hand an sie gelegt wird, so soll ihr Blut auf unserm Haupt sein.
Jeder, der dann aus der Tür deines Hauses auf die Straße hinausgeht, ist selbst für sein Leben verantwortlich, während wir frei von Schuld sind; wer aber bei dir im Hause sein wird, für dessen Leben tragen wir die Verantwortung, wenn Hand an ihn gelegt wird.
Und wer zur Tür deines Hauses hinaus auf die Straße geht, desselben Blut sei auf seinem Haupt, wir aber unschuldig; wenn aber an jemand von denen, die bei dir im Hause sind, Hand gelegt wird, so soll ihr Blut auf unserm Haupte sein.
Und es geschehe, daß jeder, der aus der Tür deines Hauses hinaus auf die Gasse geht, dessen Blut sei auf seinem Haupt, und wir sind unschuldig. Jeder aber, der bei dir im Hause ist, dessen Blut komme auf unser Haupt, so eine Hand wider ihn sein wird.
Mũndũ o wothe ũkoima nja ya nyũmba yaku athiĩ na kũu barabara-inĩ-rĩ, thakame yake ĩkamũcookerera we mwene; no ithuĩ tũtigacookererwo nĩ ũũru nĩ ũndũ wake. No ũhoro wa mũndũ o wothe ũgaakorwo nyũmba hamwe nawe, thakame yake nĩĩgatũcookerera angĩgeekwo ũũru nĩ guoko kwa mũndũ o na ũrĩkũ.
και πας όστις εξέλθη εκ της θύρας της οικίας σου, το αίμα αυτού θέλει είσθαι επί της κεφαλής αυτού, ημείς δε θέλομεν είσθαι καθαροί· όστις δε μένη μετά σου εν τη οικία, το αίμα αυτού θέλει είσθαι επί της κεφαλής ημών, εάν τις βάλη χείρα επ' αυτόν·
καὶ ἔσται πᾶς ὃς ἂν ἐξέλθῃ τὴν θύραν τῆς οἰκίας σου ἔξω ἔνοχος ἑαυτῷ ἔσται ἡμεῖς δὲ ἀθῷοι τῷ ὅρκῳ σου τούτῳ καὶ ὅσοι ἐὰν γένωνται μετὰ σοῦ ἐν τῇ οἰκίᾳ σου ἡμεῖς ἔνοχοι ἐσόμεθα
એમ થશે કે જે કોઈ તારા ઘરના બારણાની બહાર નગરમાં જશે તેઓનું રક્ત તેઓના પોતાના માથે પણ અમે તે સંબંધી નિર્દોષ રહીશું. પણ જે કોઈ તારી સાથે તારા ઘરમાં હશે તેના પર જો કોઈનો હાથ પડે તો તેનું રક્ત અમારે માથે.
Lè sa a, nenpòt kilès ladan yo ki va soti lakay ou, sa ki rive l' se pa l'. Se p'ap fòt nou. Men, si anyen rive yon moun andedan lakay ou, se va fòt pa nou.
Li va rive ke nenpòt moun ki ale deyò pòt lakay ou pou antre nan lari a, san li va sou pwòp tèt li e nou va lib de sèman an. Men nenpòt moun ki avèk ou nan kay la, san pa li va sou tèt nou si yon moun men mete sou li.
In wani ya fita kan hanya, alhakin jininsa yă kasance a kansa; ba ruwanmu. Amma in aka taɓa wani da yake cikin gidanki tare da ke, alhakin jininsa yana kanmu.
A o ka mea puka mawaho o ka puka o kou hale ma ke alanui, aia no kona koko maluna o kona poo iho, a e hala ole maua; a o na mea ma ou nei, maloko o ka hale, eia no kona koko maluna o ko maua poo, ke kau ka lima maluna ona.
והיה כל אשר יצא מדלתי ביתך החוצה דמו בראשו--ואנחנו נקים וכל אשר יהיה אתך בבית--דמו בראשנו אם יד תהיה בו
וְהָיָ֡ה כֹּ֣ל אֲשֶׁר־יֵצֵא֩ מִדַּלְתֵ֨י בֵיתֵ֧ךְ ׀ הַח֛וּצָה דָּמֹ֥ו בְרֹאשֹׁ֖ו וַאֲנַ֣חְנוּ נְקִיִּ֑ם וְ֠כֹל אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִֽהְיֶ֤ה אִתָּךְ֙ בַּבַּ֔יִת דָּמֹ֣ו בְרֹאשֵׁ֔נוּ אִם־יָ֖ד תִּֽהְיֶה־בֹּֽו׃
וְהָיָ֡ה כֹּ֣ל אֲשֶׁר־יֵצֵא֩ מִדַּלְתֵ֨י בֵיתֵ֧ךְ ׀ הַח֛וּצָה דָּמ֥וֹ בְרֹאשׁ֖וֹ וַאֲנַ֣חְנוּ נְקִיִּ֑ם וְ֠כֹל אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִֽהְיֶ֤ה אִתָּךְ֙ בַּבַּ֔יִת דָּמ֣וֹ בְרֹאשֵׁ֔נוּ אִם־יָ֖ד תִּֽהְיֶה־בּֽוֹ׃
וְהָיָה כֹּל אֲשֶׁר־יֵצֵא מִדַּלְתֵי בֵיתֵךְ ׀ הַחוּצָה דָּמוֹ בְרֹאשׁוֹ וַאֲנַחְנוּ נְקִיִּם וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר יִֽהְיֶה אִתָּךְ בַּבַּיִת דָּמוֹ בְרֹאשֵׁנוּ אִם־יָד תִּֽהְיֶה־בּֽוֹ׃
והיה כל אשר יצא מדלתי ביתך החוצה דמו בראשו ואנחנו נקים וכל אשר יהיה אתך בבית דמו בראשנו אם יד תהיה בו׃
וְהָיָה כֹּל אֲשֶׁר־יֵצֵא מִדַּלְתֵי בֵיתֵךְ ׀ הַחוּצָה דָּמוֹ בְרֹאשׁוֹ וַאֲנַחְנוּ נְקִיִּם וְכֹל אֲשֶׁר יִֽהְיֶה אִתָּךְ בַּבַּיִת דָּמוֹ בְרֹאשֵׁנוּ אִם־יָד תִּֽהְיֶה־בּֽוֹ׃
וְהָיָ֡ה כֹּ֣ל אֲשֶׁר־יֵצֵא֩ מִדַּלְתֵ֨י בֵיתֵ֧ךְ ׀ הַח֛וּצָה דָּמ֥וֹ בְרֹאשׁ֖וֹ וַאֲנַ֣חְנוּ נְקִיִּ֑ם וְ֠כֹל אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִֽהְיֶ֤ה אִתָּךְ֙ בַּבַּ֔יִת דָּמ֣וֹ בְרֹאשֵׁ֔נוּ אִם־יָ֖ד תִּֽהְיֶה־בּֽוֹ׃
तब जो कोई तेरे घर के द्वार से बाहर निकले, उसके खून का दोष उसी के सिर पड़ेगा, और हम निर्दोष ठहरेंगे: परन्तु यदि तेरे संग घर में रहते हुए किसी पर किसी का हाथ पड़े, तो उसके खून का दोष हमारे सिर पर पड़ेगा।
जो कोई घर से बाहर निकलेगा, उसकी मृत्यु का दोष उसी पर होगा, हम पर नहीं; किंतु जो कोई आपके साथ घर में होगा और यदि उसे मार दें तो, उसकी मृत्यु का दोष हम पर होगा.
És akkor, ha akárki kijön a te házadnak ajtain, annak vére az ő fején lesz, mi pedig ártatlanok leszünk; mindannak vére pedig, a ki te veled lesz a házban, a mi fejünkön legyen, ha valakinek keze lenne azon.
És lészen, bárki megy ki házad ajtóiból az utcára, vére a fejére száll, mi pedig mentek vagyunk; bárki azonban nálad lesz a házban, vére a fejünkre száll, ha kéz nyúl hozzá.
Ọ bụrụ na onye ọbụla esite nʼụlọ gị pụọ nʼezi, ọbara ya agaghị adị anyị nʼisi, anyị agaghị abụkwa ndị ikpe mara. Ma ikpe ọmụma dịrị anyị ma ọ bụrụ nʼihe ọbụla emee onye ọbụla gị na ya so nọdụ nʼime ụlọ.
Siasinoman a rumuar manipud kadagiti ruangan ti balaymo, addanto iti rabaw ti uloda iti darada ket awanto ti pakabasolanmi. Ngem no madangran ti siasinoman kadakayo iti uneg ti balay, ti darananto ket adda iti rabaw ti ulomi.
Jika salah seorang dari mereka keluar dari rumah ini dan mati terbunuh, kematiannya adalah kesalahannya sendiri; kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas hal itu. Tetapi kalau ada yang mendapat celaka dalam rumah ini, kamilah yang bertanggung jawab.
Setiap orang yang keluar nanti dari pintu rumahmu, harus sendiri menanggung akibatnya, kalau darahnya tertumpah, dan kami tidak bersalah; tetapi siapapun juga yang ada di dalam rumahmu, jika ada orang yang menciderainya, kamilah yang menanggung akibat pertumpahan darahnya.
Jika ada anggota keluargamu yang keluar dari rumah lalu terbunuh di jalanan, kami tidak bersalah atas kematiannya. Akan tetapi, kalau mereka diserang dan dibunuh di dalam rumahmu, kamilah yang menanggung hutang darah itu dengan nyawa kami sendiri.
E se alcuno esce fuor dell'uscio di casa tua, il suo sangue [sarà] sopra il suo capo, e noi non vi avremo colpa; ma il sangue di chiunque sarà teco in casa [sarà] sopra il nostro capo, se alcuno gli metterà la mano addosso.
Chiunque allora uscirà dalla porta di casa tua, il suo sangue ricadrà sulla sua testa e noi non ne avremo colpa; chiunque invece sarà con te in casa, il suo sangue ricada sulla nostra testa, se gli si metterà addosso una mano.
E se alcuno di questi uscirà in istrada dalla porta di casa tua, il suo sangue ricadrà sul suo capo, e noi non ne avrem colpa; ma il sangue di chiunque sarà teco in casa ricadrà sul nostro capo, se uno gli metterà le mani addosso.
Hagi naga'kafinti'ma magomo'ma kagri noma atreno, megi'a kumamofo kampima vano nehanige'zama ahe frisageno'a, e'i tagri hazenkeompage agri'a hazenke. Hianagi magomo'ma kagri nompi mani'nenige'za eme ahe frisageno'a, e'i tagri knaza megahie.
ಯಾವನಾದರೂ ನಿನ್ನ ಮನೆಯ ಬಾಗಿಲಿನಿಂದ ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೊರಟು ಬೀದಿಗೆ ಬಂದರೆ, ಅವನ ರಕ್ತವು ಅವನ ತಲೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಇರುವುದು. ನಾವು ನಿರಪರಾಧಿಗಳಾಗಿರುವೆವು. ಆದರೆ ನಿನ್ನ ಸಂಗಡ ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುವ ಯಾವನ ಮೇಲಾದರೂ ಕೈ ಮಾಡಿದರೆ, ಅವನ ರಕ್ತ ಅಪರಾಧವು ನಮ್ಮ ತಲೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಇರುವುದು.
ಅವರಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾರಾದರೂ ಮನೆಬಿಟ್ಟು ಬೀದಿಗೆ ಬಂದರೆ ಅವರ ಮರಣಕ್ಕೆ ಅವರೇ ಕಾರಣರು; ಅದಕ್ಕೆ ನಾವು ಹೊಣೆಗಾರರಲ್ಲ. ಆದರೆ ನಿನ್ನೊಡನೆ ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲಿದ್ದವರ ಮೇಲೆ ಯಾರಾದರೂ ಕೈ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಾದರೆ ಆ ರಕ್ತಾಪರಾಧವು ನಮ್ಮ ತಲೆಯ ಮೇಲೆ ಇರುವುದು.
누구든지 네 집 문을 나서 거리로 가면 그 피가 그의 머리로 돌아갈 것이요 우리는 허물이 없으리라 그러나 누구든지 너와 함께 집에 있는 자에게 누가 손을 대면 그 피는 우리의 머리로 돌아오려니와
누구든지 네 집 문을 나서 거리로 가면 그 피가 그의 머리로 돌아갈 것이요 우리는 허물이 없으리라 그러나 누구든지 너와 함께 집에 있는 자에게 누가 손을 대면 그 피는 우리의 머리로 돌아오려니와
Kutena mwet fin illa liki lohm uh ac misa likinum uh, mwata ac fah oan facl sifacna ac wangin ip lasr kac. Tuh fin oasr mwet sun ongoiya ke elos mutana yurum lohm uh, oasr ip lasr kac, ac mwata ac fah oan facsr.
ئەگەر هەرکەسێک لە دەرگاکانی ماڵەکەی تۆوە بچێتە دەرەوە خوێنی خۆی لەسەر خۆی دەبێت و ئێمە بێتاوان دەبین، بەڵام هەر یەکێک لەگەڵ تۆ لە ماڵەکەتدا بێت، ئەگەر دەستدرێژییەکی کرایە سەر ئەوا خوێنی لەسەر ئێمە دەبێت.
Qui ostium domus tuæ egressus fuerit, sanguis ipsius erit in caput ejus, et nos erimus alieni. Cunctorum autem sanguis, qui tecum in domo fuerint, redundabit in caput nostrum, si eos aliquis tetigerit.
Qui ostium domus tuæ egressus fuerit, sanguis ipsius erit in caput eius, et nos erimus alieni. Cunctorum autem sanguis, qui tecum in domo fuerint, redundabit in caput nostrum, si eos aliquis tetigerit.
Qui ostium domus tuæ egressus fuerit, sanguis ipsius erit in caput eius, et nos erimus alieni. Cunctorum autem sanguis, qui tecum in domo fuerint, redundabit in caput nostrum, si eos aliquis tetigerit.
Qui ostium domus tuæ egressus fuerit, sanguis ipsius erit in caput ejus, et nos erimus alieni. Cunctorum autem sanguis, qui tecum in domo fuerint, redundabit in caput nostrum, si eos aliquis tetigerit.
qui ostium domus tuae egressus fuerit sanguis ipsius erit in caput eius et nos erimus alieni cunctorum autem sanguis qui tecum fuerint in domo redundabit in caput nostrum si eos aliquis tetigerit
Qui ostium domus tuae egressus fuerit, sanguis ipsius erit in caput eius, et nos erimus alieni. Cunctorum autem sanguis, qui tecum in domo fuerint, redundabit in caput nostrum, si eos aliquis tetigerit.
Un ikviens, kas pa tava nama durvīm izies ārā, tā asinis lai paliek uz viņa galvas, un mēs būsim nevainīgi. Bet ikviens, kas pie tevis būs namā, tā asinis lai paliek uz mūsu galvas, ja kas savu roku pie viņa pieliks.
Soki moto moko abimi libanda ya ndako na yo mpe akei na balabala, makila na ye ekotangama na moto na ye moko; ekozala ngambo na biso te. Kasi soki babomi moto moko kati na bato oyo bakozala kati na ndako na yo, wana makila na ye ekotangama na mito na biso.
Gwe kalitanda n’afuluma mu nju yo n’atambulatambula mu nguudo, ekirimutuukako kyonna y’alimanya. Kyokka alituukibwako akabi konna mu nju yo, ogwo guliba musango gwaffe.
ary izay rehetra mivoaka eo am-baravaran’ ny tranonao ho eny ivelany, dia ho eo an-dohany ihany ny ràny, ary izahay tsy hanan-tsiny; fa izay rehetra mitoetra ao aminao ao an-trano, dia ho eo an-dohanay kosa ny ràny, raha tàhiny misy olona maninona azy akory;
Ie amy zao, ze hiakatse o lalan’ anjomba’oo mb’ an-damoke mb’eo, le ho an-doha’e ty lio’e, vaho ho afa-kakeo zahay; f’ie hitraok’ ama’o amy akibay ao, le ho an-doha’ay ty lio ze paohem-pitàñe.
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ നീ ഞങ്ങളെക്കൊണ്ട് ചെയ്യിച്ച സത്യത്തിൽനിന്ന് ഞങ്ങൾ ഒഴിവുള്ളവരാകും. ആരെങ്കിലും വീട്ടുവാതിലിന് പുറത്തിറങ്ങിയാൽ അവന്റെ മരണത്തിന് അവൻ കുറ്റക്കാരനായിരിക്കും; ഞങ്ങൾ കുറ്റമില്ലാത്തവർ ആകും; നിന്നോടുകൂടെ വീട്ടിൽ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോൾ ആരെങ്കിലും അവന്റെമേൽ കൈവച്ചാൽ ഞങ്ങൾ ഉത്തരവാദികളായിരിക്കും
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ നീ ഞങ്ങളെക്കൊണ്ടു ചെയ്യിച്ച സത്യത്തിൽനിന്നു ഞങ്ങൾ ഒഴിവുള്ളവരാകും. ആരെങ്കിലും വീട്ടുവാതിലിന്നു പുറത്തിറങ്ങിയാൽ അവന്റെ രക്തം അവന്റെ തലമേൽ ഇരിക്കും; ഞങ്ങൾ കുറ്റമില്ലാത്തവർ ആകും; നിന്നോടുകൂടെ വീട്ടിൽ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോൾ വല്ലവനും അവന്റെ മേൽ കൈവെച്ചാൽ അവന്റെ രക്തം ഞങ്ങളുടെ തലമേൽ ഇരിക്കും.
അല്ലെങ്കിൽ നീ ഞങ്ങളെക്കൊണ്ടു ചെയ്യിച്ച സത്യത്തിൽനിന്നു ഞങ്ങൾ ഒഴിവുള്ളവരാകും. ആരെങ്കിലും വീട്ടുവാതിലിന്നു പുറത്തിറങ്ങിയാൽ അവന്റെ രക്തം അവന്റെ തലമേൽ ഇരിക്കും; ഞങ്ങൾ കുറ്റമില്ലാത്തവർ ആകും; നിന്നോടുകൂടെ വീട്ടിൽ ഇരിക്കുമ്പോൾ വല്ലവനും അവന്റെ മേൽ കൈവെച്ചാൽ അവന്റെ രക്തം ഞങ്ങളുടെ തലമേൽ ഇരിക്കും.
ആരെങ്കിലും വീടിനുപുറത്ത്, തെരുവിലേക്കിറങ്ങിയാൽ അവരുടെ രക്തം അവരുടെ തലമേൽ ഇരിക്കും; ഞങ്ങൾ ഉത്തരവാദികളായിരിക്കുകയില്ല. നിന്നോടുകൂടെ വീട്ടിൽ ഇരിക്കുന്ന ആരുടെയെങ്കിലുംമേൽ ആരെങ്കിലും കൈവെച്ചാൽ, അവരുടെ രക്തം ഞങ്ങളുടെ തലമേൽ ഇരിക്കും.
कोणी तुझ्या घराबाहेर रस्त्यावर गेला तर त्याच्या रक्तपाताचा दोष त्याच्याच माथी राहील, आमच्यावर त्याचा दोष येणार नाही; पण घरात तुझ्याबरोबर जो असेल त्याच्यावर कोणी हात टाकला तर त्याच्या रक्तपाताचा दोष आमच्या माथी राहील.
သင့်​အိမ်​ထဲ​မှ​တစ်​စုံ​တစ်​ယောက်​သည်​လမ်း ပေါ်​သို့​ထွက်​သ​ဖြင့် အ​သတ်​ခံ​ရ​လျှင်​ငါ​တို့ ၏​တာ​ဝန်​မ​ဟုတ်။ သင့်​အိမ်​ထဲ​တွင်​ရှိ​သော​သူ တစ်​စုံ​တစ်​ယောက်​ထိ​ခိုက်​လျှင်​ငါ​တို့​တာ​ဝန် ယူ​မည်။-
ထိုအခါ သင့်အိမ်ထဲက လမ်းသို့ထွက်သွားသော သူမည်သည်ကား၊ သေလျှင်သေပြစ်ကို ကိုယ်တိုင်ခံစေ၊ ငါတို့သည် အပြစ်လွတ်စေ။ သင့်အိမ်၌ ရှိသောသူမည် သည်ကို အသေသတ်လျှင် သေပြစ်ကို ငါတို့သည် ခံစေ။
ထိုအခါ သင့် အိမ် ထဲက လမ်း သို့ ထွက်သွား သော သူ မည်သည်ကား၊ သေလျှင်သေ ပြစ်ကို ကိုယ်တိုင် ခံ စေ၊ ငါ တို့သည် အပြစ် လွတ်စေ။ သင့် အိမ် ၌ ရှိ သောသူ မည်သည်ကို အသေ သတ်လျှင် သေ ပြစ်ကို ငါ တို့သည် ခံ စေ။
Na ahakoa ko wai te tangata e puta atu ana ki waho o nga tatau o tou whare, hei runga ano i tona mahunga ona toto, ko maua ia ka harakore; tena ko nga tangata katoa i roto tahi koutou i te whare, hei o maua mahunga ona toto, ki te pa atu tetahi ringa ki a ia.
Nxa umuntu angaphuma phandle kwendlu yakho abesesiya esitaladeni, igazi lakhe lizakuba sekhanda lakhe: kawusoze ube ngumlandu wethu. Kuye wonke oyabe ephakathi kwendlu kanye lawe, igazi lakhe lizakuba sekhanda lethu nxa angavele athintwe.
Kuzakuthi-ke, loba ngubani ophumela phandle kweminyango yendlu yakho, igazi lakhe lizakuba phezu kwekhanda lakhe, thina-ke sizakuba singelacala. Njalo loba ngubani ozakuba lawe endlini, igazi lakhe lizakuba sekhanda lethu, uba isandla sisiba phezu kwakhe.
तिम्रो घरबाहिर बाटोतिर जानेहरूको रगत तिनीहरूको शिरमाथि पर्ने छ र हामी दोषरहित हुने छौँ । तर घरमा तिमीसँगै रहने कुनै माथि हात लगाइयो भने, त्यसको रगत हाम्रो शिरमा पर्ने छ ।
Enhver som går ut av din husdør, hans blod komme over hans eget hode, og vi er skyldfri; men enhver som er hos dig i huset, hans blod komme over vårt hode, dersom der blir lagt hånd på ham.
Gjeng då nokon ut or husdøri di, so er det hans eigi skuld um han vert drepen, og me er skuldlause; men vert det lagt hand på nokon av deim som er i huset hjå deg, so skal me svara for livet hans.
ତହିଁରେ ଯେକେହି ତୁମ୍ଭ ଗୃହଦ୍ୱାରରୁ ବାହାରି ଦାଣ୍ଡକୁ ଯିବ, ତାହାର ରକ୍ତପାତ ଅପରାଧ ତାହାର ନିଜ ମସ୍ତକରେ ବର୍ତ୍ତିବ, ଆଉ ଆମ୍ଭେମାନେ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦୋଷ ହେବୁ; ମାତ୍ର ଯେକେହି ତୁମ୍ଭ ସଙ୍ଗେ ଗୃହ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ଥାଏ, ତାହା ଉପରେ ଯଦି କେହି ହାତ ଦିଏ, ତେବେ ତାହାର ରକ୍ତପାତ ଅପରାଧ ଆମ୍ଭମାନଙ୍କ ମସ୍ତକରେ ବର୍ତ୍ତିବ।
Namni tokko iyyuu yoo mana kee keessaa gara daandii alaatti gad baʼe, dhiigni isaa matuma isaatti deebiʼa; nu itti hin gaafatamnu. Nama si wajjin mana kee keessa jiru immoo yoo harki tokko iyyuu isa tuqe, dhiigni isaa mataa keenyatti deebiʼa.
ਤਦ ਇਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ ਕਿ ਜੋ ਕੋਈ ਤੇਰੇ ਘਰ ਦੇ ਬੂਹੇ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਗਲੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਿੱਕਲ ਕੇ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ ਉਸ ਦਾ ਖੂਨ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਸਿਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਬੇਦੋਸ਼ ਹੋਵਾਂਗੇ ਅਤੇ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੋਲ ਘਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਉੱਤੇ ਜੇ ਕਿਸੇ ਦਾ ਹੱਥ ਉੱਠੇਗਾ ਤਾਂ ਉਸ ਦਾ ਖੂਨ ਸਾਡੇ ਸਿਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ।
و چنین خواهد شد که هر کسی‌که از در خانه تو به کوچه بیرون رود، خونش برسرش خواهد بود و ما مبرا خواهیم بود، و هر‌که نزد تو در خانه باشد، اگر کسی بر او دست بگذارد، خونش بر سر ما خواهد بود.
اگر کسی از خانه بیرون برود، خونش به گردن خودش است و ما مسئول مرگش نخواهیم بود. ما قسم می‌خوریم کسانی که در این خانه بمانند کشته نشوند و به ایشان کوچکترین آسیبی نرسد.
Albowiem ktobykolwiek wyszedł ze drzwi domu twego, krew jego będzie na głowę jego, a my będziemy bez winy; ale każdego, ktokolwiek będzie z tobą w domu, krew jego obróci się na głowę naszę, jeźli się go kto rękę dotknie.
Ktokolwiek bowiem wyjdzie poza drzwi twego domu, jego krew [spadnie] mu na głowę, a my [będziemy] bez winy. Lecz krew każdego, kto będzie z tobą w domu, [spadnie] na naszą głowę, jeśli czyjaś ręka go dotknie.
Qualquer um que sair fora das portas de tua casa, seu sangue será sobre sua cabeça, e nós sem culpa. Mas qualquer um que estiver em casa contigo, seu sangue será sobre nossa cabeça, se mão o tocar.
Será pois que qualquer que sair fóra da porta da tua casa o seu sangue será sobre a sua cabeça, e nós seremos sem culpa; mas qualquer que estiver comtigo em casa o seu sangue seja sobre a nossa cabeça, se n'elle se puzer mão.
Será pois que qualquer que sair fora da porta da tua casa o seu sangue será sobre a sua cabeça, e nós seremos sem culpa; mas qualquer que estiver contigo em casa o seu sangue seja sobre a nossa cabeça, se nele se puser mão.
Será que quem sair das portas de sua casa para a rua, seu sangue estará sobre sua cabeça, e nós estaremos sem culpa. Quem quer que esteja com você na casa, seu sangue estará sobre a nossa cabeça, se alguma mão estiver sobre ele.
Дакэ вреунул дин ей ва еши пе поарта касей тале, ка сэ мяргэ афарэ пе улицэ, сынӂеле луй ва кэдя асупра капулуй луй ши ной вом фи невиноваць, дар, дакэ ва пуне чинева мына пе вреунул дин чей че вор фи ку тине ын касэ, сынӂеле луй ва кэдя асупра капулуй ностру.
Și va fi, că oricine va ieși pe ușile casei tale în stradă, sângele său va fi asupra capului său și noi vom fi nevinovați; și oricine va fi cu tine în casă, sângele său va fi asupra capului nostru, dacă cineva pune mâna pe el.
и если кто-нибудь выйдет из дверей твоего дома вон, того кровь на голове его, а мы свободны будем от сей клятвы твоей; а кто будет с тобою в твоем доме, того кровь на голове нашей, если чья рука коснется его;
И ко би год изашао из твоје куће, крв његова нека буде на његову главу, а ми да нисмо криви; а ко год буде с тобом у кући, крв његова нека дође на наше главе, ако га се ко руком дотакне.
I ko bi god izašao iz tvoje kuæe, krv njegova neka bude na njegovu glavu, a mi da nijesmo krivi; a ko god bude s tobom u kuæi, krv njegova neka doðe na naše glave, ako ga se ko rukom dotakne.
Ani naani anobuda mumba mako achienda panze, ropa rake richava pamusoro wake, isu hatizova nemhosva. Asi wose anenge ari mumba pamwe chete newe, ropa rake richava pamisoro yedu kana pakangowana anomubata chete.
и будет всяк, иже аще изыдет из дверий дому твоего вон, сам себе повинен будет, мы же неповинни (будем) клятве твоей сей: и елицы аще с тобою будут в дому твоем, мы будем повинни, аще рука прикоснется их:
In zgodilo se bo, da kdorkoli bo šel ven skozi vrata tvoje hiše na ulico, bo njegova kri na njegovi glavi, midva pa bova brez krivde. In kdorkoli bo s teboj v hiši, njegova kri bo na najini glavi, če bo katerakoli roka nad njim.
Oo waxay ahaan doontaa, in ku alla kii ka baxa albaabbada gurigaaga oo jidka maraba, uu dhiiggiisu ahaan doono dushiisa, oo annana aannan eed ku yeelanaynin, iyo in ku alla kii guriga kugula jira haddii far la saaro, uu dhiiggiisu dushayada ahaan doono.
Cualquiera que saliere fuera de las puertas de tu casa, su sangre será sobre su cabeza, y nosotros sin culpa. Mas cualquiera que se estuviere en casa contigo, su sangre será sobre nuestra cabeza, si mano le tocare.
Si alguien sale de tu casa y es asesinado, es su culpa y no somos responsables de su muerte. Pero si alguien pone una mano sobre alguien que está dentro de su casa, asumimos toda la responsabilidad de su muerte.
El que salga de las puertas de tu casa a la calle, su sangre estará sobre su cabeza, y nosotros seremos inocentes. El que esté contigo en la casa, su sangre será sobre nuestra cabeza, si alguna mano lo toca.
pues acontecerá que la sangre de todo aquel que salga fuera de las puertas de tu casa, caerá sobre su propia cabeza, y nosotros estaremos sin culpa. Pero la sangre de cualquiera que esté contigo en la casa caerá sobre nuestra cabeza, si lo toca alguna mano.
Si alguno sale fuera de la puerta de tu casa, su sangre recaerá sobre su propia cabeza, y nosotros quedaremos sin culpa; pero si mano alguna toca a los que estén contigo dentro de la casa, su sangre recaerá sobre nuestra cabeza.
Cualquiera que saliere fuera de las puertas de tu casa, su sangre será sobre su cabeza y nosotros seremos sin culpa. Mas cualquiera que se estuviere en casa contigo, su sangre será sobre nuestra cabeza si mano le tocare.
Cualquiera que saliere fuera de las puertas de tu casa, su sangre será sobre su cabeza, y nosotros sin culpa. Mas cualquiera que se estuviere en casa contigo, su sangre será sobre nuestra cabeza, si mano le tocare.
Entonces, si alguien sale de tu casa a la calle, su sangre estará sobre su cabeza, no seremos responsables; pero si algún daño llega a alguien en la casa, su sangre estará en nuestras cabezas.
Na yeyote aendaye mtaani nje ya milango ya nyumba yako, damu yao itakuwa juu ya vichwa vyao na hatutakuwa na hatia yoyote. Lakini kama mkono utanyoshwa juu ya mtu yeyote aliye pamoja nawe katika nyumba, damu yake itakuwa juu ya vichwa vyetu.
Ikiwa mtu yeyote atatoka nje ya nyumba yako akaenda mtaani, damu yake itakuwa juu ya kichwa chake mwenyewe, hatutawajibika. Lakini yule ambaye atakuwa ndani pamoja nawe, kama mkono wa mtu yeyote ukiwa juu yake damu yake itakuwa juu ya vichwa vyetu.
Dock, om någon går åstad, utom dörrarna till ditt hus, så komme hans blod över hans huvud, och vi äro utan skuld; om däremot någons hand kommer vid en av dem som äro inne i ditt hus, så må dennes blod komma över vårt huvud.
Och hvilken som går utom dörrena af ditt hus, hans blod vare öfver hans hufvud, och vi oskyldige; men alle de som i dino huse äro, om en hand kommer vid dem, så skall deras blod vara öfver vårt hufvud.
Dock, om någon går åstad, utom dörrarna till ditt hus, så komme hans blod över hans huvud, och vi äro utan skuld; om däremot någons hand kommer vid en av dem som äro inne i ditt hus, så må dennes blod komma över vårt huvud.
At mangyayari, na sinomang lalabas sa mga pintuan ng iyong bahay sa lansangan, ay mabububo sa kaniyang ulo ang kaniyang dugo at hindi namin magiging kasalanan: at sinomang kasama mo sa bahay ay mahuhulog sa aming ulo ang dugo niya, kung may magbuhat sa kaniya ng kamay.
Sinuman ang lalabas sa mga pintuan ng iyong bahay patungo sa lansangan, ang kanilang dugo ay nasa kanilang sariling mga ulo at wala kaming pananagutan. Pero kung may isang kamay na manakit sa sinumang kasama mo sa bahay, ang kaniyang dugo ay nasa aming mga ulo.
எவனாகிலும் உன் வீட்டு வாசல்களிலிருந்து வெளியே புறப்பட்டால், அவனுடைய இரத்தப்பழி அவனுடைய தலையின்மேல் இருக்கும்; எங்கள்மேல் குற்றம் இல்லை; உன்னோடு வீட்டில் இருக்கிற எவன்மீதாவது கைபோடப்பட்டதானால், அவனுடைய இரத்தப்பழி எங்கள் தலையின்மேல் இருக்கும்.
எவராவது உன் வீட்டைவிட்டு வெளியேறி, வீதிக்கு வந்தால் அவனுடைய இரத்தப்பழி அவன் தலைமேல் இருக்கும். நாங்கள் அதற்குப் பொறுப்பாளிகள் அல்ல. ஆனால் உன்னுடன் வீட்டில் இருக்கும் எவராயினும் தாக்கப்பட்டால் அவர்களுடைய இரத்தப்பழி எங்கள்மேல் இருக்கும்.
నీ ఇంట్లోనుండి ఎవరన్నా బయటికి వస్తే మాత్రం తన ప్రాణానికి తానే బాధ్యుడు, మేము నిర్దోషులం. అయితే నీ దగ్గర నీ ఇంట్లో ఉన్న వాళ్ళల్లో ఎవరికైనా ఏ అపాయమైనా కలిగితే దానికి మేమే జవాబుదారులం.
Pea ʻe pehē, ʻilonga ʻaia ʻe hū kituʻa ʻi he matapā ʻo ho fale ki he hala, ʻe ʻi hono ʻulu pē ʻa hono toto, pea ʻe taʻehala ʻakimaua: pea ʻilonga ʻaia ʻe ʻiate koe ʻi he fale, ʻe ʻi homa ʻulu hono toto, ʻo kapau ʻe ala ʻe ha nima kiate ia.”
Evinin kapısından dışarıya çıkan, kendi kanından sorumlu olacak; böyle biri için sorumluluk kabul etmeyiz. Ama seninle birlikte evinde olan herhangi birine gelecek zarardan biz sorumluyuz.
Sɛ wopue si abɔnten a, wobekum wɔn nyinaa na obi ntumi mmɔ yɛn sobo sɛ yɛabu yɛn ntam so. Na yɛka ntam sɛ, obiara a ɔhyɛ ofi yi mu no, wɔrenkum no. Obiara nso renteɛ ne nsa wɔ wɔn so.
Sɛ wɔpue si abɔntene a, wɔbɛkum wɔn nyinaa na obi rentumi mmɔ yɛn soboɔ sɛ yɛabu yɛn ntam so. Na yɛka ntam sɛ, obiara a ɔhyɛ efie yi mu no, wɔrenkum no. Obiara nso rentene ne nsa wɔ wɔn so.
І буде, — усі, хто вийде а дверей твого дому назо́вні, кров його на голові його, а ми чисті. А всі, хто буде в домі з тобою, кров його на голові нашій, якщо наша рука буде на ньому.
फिर जो कोई तेरे घर के दरवाज़ों से निकल कर गली में जाये, उस का ख़ून उसी के सर पर होगा और हम बे गुनाह ठहरेंगे; और जो कोई तेरे साथ घर में होगा उस पर अगर किसी का हाथ चले, तो उसका ख़ून हमारे सर पर होगा।
شۇنداق بولىدۇكى، ئۆيۈڭنىڭ ئىشىكلىرىدىن تاشقىرىغا چىققان ھەركىمىنىڭ قېنى ئۆز بېشىدا بولىدۇ؛ بىز ئۇنىڭغا مەسئۇل ئەمەسمىز؛ لېكىن بىراۋ ئۆيۈڭدە سەن بىلەن بىللە بولغان بىرسىنىڭ ئۈستىگە قول سالسا، ئۇنداقتا ئۇنىڭ قېنى بىزنىڭ بېشىمىزغا چۈشكەي!
Шундақ болидуки, өйүңниң ишиклиридин ташқириға чиққан һәр киминиң қени өз бешида болиду; биз униңға мәсъул әмәсмиз; лекин бирәв өйүңдә сән билән биллә болған бирисиниң үстигә қол салса, ундақта униң қени бизниң бешимизға чүшкәй!
Shundaq boliduki, öyüngning ishikliridin tashqirigha chiqqan herkimining qéni öz béshida bolidu; biz uninggha mes’ul emesmiz; lékin biraw öyüngde sen bilen bille bolghan birsining üstige qol salsa, undaqta uning qéni bizning béshimizgha chüshkey!
Xundaⱪ boliduki, ɵyüngning ixikliridin taxⱪiriƣa qiⱪⱪan ⱨǝrkimining ⱪeni ɵz bexida bolidu; biz uningƣa mǝs’ul ǝmǝsmiz; lekin biraw ɵyüngdǝ sǝn bilǝn billǝ bolƣan birsining üstigǝ ⱪol salsa, undaⱪta uning ⱪeni bizning beximizƣa qüxkǝy!
Phàm ai trong các người đó đi ra ngoài cửa nhà nàng, thì huyết người ấy sẽ đổ lại trên đầu người, và chúng ta vô tội; nhưng nếu ai tra tay vào người nào ở cùng nàng trong nhà, thì huyết của người đó sẽ đổ lại trên đầu chúng ta.
Phàm ai trong các người đó đi ra ngoài cửa nhà nàng, thì huyết người ấy sẽ đổ lại trên đầu người, và chúng ta vô tội; nhưng nếu ai tra tay vào người nào ở cùng nàng trong nhà, thì huyết của người đó sẽ đổ lại trên đầu chúng ta.
Chúng tôi chỉ bảo đảm an ninh cho những ai ở trong nhà này mà thôi. Ai ra khỏi nhà, chúng tôi không chịu trách nhiệm.
Bí ẹnikẹ́ni bá jáde sí ìta láti inú ilé è rẹ sí inú ìgboro ìlú, ẹ̀jẹ̀ rẹ̀ yóò sì wà ní orí ara rẹ̀; ẹ̀bi rẹ̀ yóò sì wà lórí i rẹ̀. Fún ẹnikẹ́ni tí ó bá wà nínú ilé pẹ̀lú rẹ, ẹ̀jẹ̀ rẹ̀ yóò wà ní orí i wa bí ẹnikẹ́ni bá fi ọwọ́ kàn án.
Verse Count = 212

< Joshua 2:19 >