< Isaiah 14:4 >

that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
ti do të shqiptosh këtë sentencë mbi mbretin e Babilonisë dhe do të thuash: “Ashtu si mbaroi shtypësi, tagrambledhja e arit ka mbaruar.
أَنَّكَ تَنْطِقُ بِهَذَا ٱلْهَجْوِ عَلَى مَلِكِ بَابِلَ وَتَقُولُ: «كَيْفَ بَادَ ٱلظَّالِمُ، بَادَتِ ٱلْمُغَطْرِسَةُ؟
فَتَسْخَرُونَ مِنْ مَلِكِ بَابِلَ قَائِلِينَ: كَيْفَ اسْتَكَانَ الظَّالِمُ، وَكَيْفَ خَمَدَتْ غَضْبَتُهُ الْمُتَعَجْرِفَةُ؟
তোমালোকে বাবিলৰ ৰজাৰ বিৰুদ্ধে বিদ্রূপৰ গীত গাবা, উপদ্ৰৱ কৰা সকলৰ কেনেকৈ অন্ত হ’ল, গর্ব্বেৰে কৰা উত্তেজনাৰ অন্ত হ’ল!
Babil padşahına lağ edib belə deyəcəksən: «Zülmkarın sonu gör necə oldu! Zorakılığın axırı gör necə oldu!
Hina Gode da agoane hamosea, Isala: ili dunu da Ba: bilone hina bagade ema oufesega: ne amane sia: mu da defea, “Nimi bagade hame asigi hina bagade da dafai dagoi. E da dunu eno ilima se bu hame imunu.
তুমি ব্যাবিলনের রাজার বিরুদ্ধে এই বিদ্রূপের গান করবে, অত্যাচারী কেমন শেষ হয়েছে, অহঙ্কারীর উন্মত্ততা শেষ হয়েছে!
তোমরা ব্যাবিলনের রাজার বিরুদ্ধে এই ধিক্কারবাণী উচ্চারণ করবে: পীড়নকারীর শেষ সময় কেমন ঘনিয়ে এসেছে! কীভাবে তার ভয়ংকরতা সমাপ্ত হয়েছে!
Ще употребиш това иносказание против вавилонския цар, като речеш: Как престана насилникът! Престана скубачът на злото!
awiton nimo kining awit sa pagtamay batok sa hari sa Babilonia, “Nalaglag na ang tigdaugdaog, natapos na ang hilabihan nga pagkagarboso!
Nga imong gamiton kining sambingay batok sa hari sa Babilonia, ug moingon: Giunsa paghunong sa malupigon! ang bulawanong ciudad mihunong!
mudzayankhula monyogodola mfumu ya Babuloni kuti, Wopsinja uja watha! Ukali wake uja watha!
Babylon siangpahrang to pahnui thuih hanah, palungha kaminawk mah thuih ih lok baktih toengah, Kawbangmaw pacaekthlaekkung loe thazok sut moe, sui hoiah sak ih vangpui loe amro ving halat! tiah thui o tih boeh.
Te vaengah Babylon manghai taengah thuidoeknah he na khuen vetih, “Tueihno te metlam a paa tih thisanah a kangkuen mai.
Te vaengah Babylon manghai taengah thuidoeknah he na khuen vetih, “Tueihno te metlam a paa tih thinsanah a kangkuen mai. “Tueihno te metlam a paa tih thisanah a kangkuen mai.
Babylon lengpa douna a thu nasei ding, “Mi thahatpa akisumang tai. Henge, na kiletsahna chu akichai tai.
Hattoteh, nangmouh ni Babilon siangpahrang hanelah hettelah bangnuenae na dei awh han, talai ka rektap e teh hete tami nahoehmaw, a uknaeram teh a rawp bo toung vaw.
你必题这诗歌论巴比伦王说: 欺压人的何竟息灭? 强暴的何竟止息?
你必題這詩歌論巴比倫王說: 欺壓人的何竟熄滅? 強暴的何竟止息?
zapjevat ćeš ovu rugalicu kralju babilonskom: Kako nestade silnika? Kako nestade tlačenja?
Že uživeš přísloví tohoto o králi Babylonském, a řekneš: Aj, jak přestal násilník! Přestalo dychtění po zlatě.
Že uživeš přísloví tohoto o králi Babylonském, a řekneš: Aj, jak přestal násilník! Přestalo dychtění po zlatě.
skal du istemme denne Spottevise om Babels Konge: Hvor er dog Bødlen stille, Tvangshuset tyst!
Da skal du istemme denne Sang imod Kongen af Babel og sige: Hvorledes er Undertrykkeren hørt op! hvorledes er Trykket hørt op!
skal du istemme denne Spottevise om Babels Konge: Hvor er dog Bødlen stille, Tvangshuset tyst!
unugo agoro ni ruodh Babulon ka uwacho niya: Neyeuru kaka giko mar jatend ji chalo, kendo kaka gerone orumo!
Dan zult gij deze spreuk opnemen tegen den koning van Babel, en zeggen: Hoe houdt de drijver op? Hoe houdt de goudene op?
Op die dag zult ge dit spotlied zingen Op den koning van Babel, en zeggen: Hoe, is het met den tyran nu gedaan, En neemt de verdrukking een einde?
Dan zult gij deze spreuk opnemen tegen den koning van Babel, en zeggen: Hoe houdt de drijver op? Hoe houdt de goudene op?
that thou shall take up this taunt against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the oppressor ceased, the golden city ceased!
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
that thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
you will sing this song of contempt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has ceased, and how his fury has ended!
That you will take up this bitter song against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the cruel overseer come to an end! He who was lifted up in pride is cut off;
And thou shalt take up this lamentation against the king of Babylon, How has the extortioner ceased, and the taskmaster ceased!
And you shall take up this lamentation against the king of Babylon, How has the extortioner ceased, and the taskmaster ceased!
you will accept this parable against the king of Babylon, and you will say: “How is it that the oppressor has ceased, along with his tribute?
that thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased, — the exactress of gold ceased!
Thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and shalt say: How is the oppressor come to nothing, the tribute hath ceased?
You will mock the king of Babylon, saying, “How your oppressive rule has been ended, and your insolence stopped!
Then shalt thou take vp this prouerbe against the King of Babel, and say, Howe hath the oppressor ceased? and the gold thirsty Babel rested?
that thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say: How hath the oppressor ceased! the exactress of gold ceased!
That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
That you shall take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
That you shall take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
And you shall take up this lamentation against the king of Babylon, How has the extortioner ceased, and the taskmaster ceased!
That thou wilt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath ceased the oppressor! ceased the exactress of gold!
That you have taken up this allegory Concerning the king of Babylon, and said, “How the exactor has ceased,
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased. How the attacker has ceased."
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased. How the attacker has ceased."
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased. How the attacker has ceased."
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased. How the attacker has ceased."
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased. How the attacker has ceased."
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased. How the attacker has ceased."
Then shall thou utter this song over the king of Babylon, and say, “How hath the tyrant fallen, The oppression ceased!
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon [Confusion], and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
that thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
that thou shalt take up this taunt over the king of Babylon, and shalt say: —How hath ceased the oppressor! Ceased the exactress!
And you will lift up the saying this on [the] king of Babylon and you will say how! he has ceased [the] oppressor it has ceased raging.
and to lift: loud [the] proverb [the] this upon king Babylon and to say how? to cease to oppress to cease insolence
When that happens, you will make fun of the King of Babylon by saying this: “You treated us cruelly, but that has ended! Your insolently causing others to suffer is finished!
you will sing this taunt song against the king of Babylon, “How the oppressor has come to an end, the proud fury ended!
That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, “How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!”
thou schalt take this parable ayens the kyng of Babiloyne, and thou schalt sei, Hou ceesside the wrongful axere, restide tribute?
That thou hast taken up this simile Concerning the king of Babylon, and said, How hath the exactor ceased,
vi eldiros ĉi tiun mokokanton pri la reĝo de Babel, kaj diros: Kiel kvietiĝis la premanto, ĉesiĝis la tributo!
ado hamelo sia na Babilonia fia be, Ale funyafunyawɔame la wu nue nye esi! Ale eƒe ŋutasesẽ hã wu nue nye esi!
Että sinun pitää puhuman näin Babelin kuningasta vastaan ja sanoman: kuinka vaivaaja on tullut perikatoon, ja veron laskemus on loppuun joutunut.
sinä virität tämän pilkkalaulun Baabelin kuninkaasta ja sanot: "Kuinka on käskijästä tullut loppu, tullut loppu ahdistuksesta!
tu entonneras cette satire contre le roi de Babylone, et tu diras: Comment a fini le tyran, a cessé l'oppression?
vous reprendrez cette parabole contre le roi de Babylone, et vous direz: « Comme l'oppresseur a disparu! La ville d'or a disparu! »
que tu prononceras ce cantique sentencieux sur le roi de Babylone, et tu diras: Comment l’oppresseur a-t-il cessé? comment l’exactrice a-t-elle cessé?
Tu te moqueras ainsi du Roi de Babylone, et tu diras; comment se repose l'exacteur? [comment] se repose celle qui était si avide de richesses?
Tu emploieras cette parabole contre le roi de Babylone, et tu diras: Comment a cessé l’exacteur, et a discontinué le tribut?
Alors tu prononceras ce chant sur le roi de Babylone, Et tu diras: Eh quoi! Le tyran n’est plus! L’oppression a cessé!
tu entonneras cette satire contre le roi de Babylone, et tu diras: Comment a fini le tyran, a cessé l’oppression?
Tu commenceras ce chant sur le roi de Babylone, et tu diras: Comment a fini le tyran, comment a fini l'oppression?
alors tu diras cette chanson sur le roi de Babel, en ces mots: « Comment a fini le tyran, a cessé l'oppression?
Et tu composeras cette lamentation sur le roi de Babylone: Comment est mort cet exacteur? Comment est mort ce maître impitoyable?
tu entonneras le chant que voici sur le roi de Babylone: "Comment a disparu l’oppresseur, cessé la tyrannie!
dann stimme auf den Babelkönig dieses Spottlied an und rufe: "Wie muß der Treiber feiern und feiern das Gelärme?
da wirst du diesen Spruch anheben über den König von Babel und sprechen: Wie hat aufgehört der Bedrücker, aufgehört die Erpressung! [And.: der Ort des Verschmachtens; der hebr. Ausdruck kommt nur hier vor]
da wirst du diesen Spruch anheben über den König von Babel und sprechen: Wie hat aufgehört der Bedrücker, aufgehört die Erpressung!
wirst du dieses Spottlied auf den König von Babel anstimmen und sprechen: Wie hat der Bedrücker geendet, geendet die Mißhandlung!
so wirst du ein solch Sprichwort führen wider den König zu Babel und sagen: Wie ist's mit dem Treiber so gar aus, und der Zins hat ein Ende!
so wirst du solch ein Lied anheben wider den König von Babel und sagen: Wie ist's mit dem Dränger so gar aus, und der Zins hat ein Ende!
sollst du dieses Spottlied auf den König von Babylon anstimmen und es so vortragen: O wie ist zur Ruhe gekommen der Zwingherr, zur Ruhe gekommen die Mißhandlung!
dann wirst du dieses Spottlied auf den König von Babel anstimmen: «Wie hat nun der Treiber ein Ende genommen, hat aufgehört die Erpressung!
Da wirst du diesen Spruch erheben über den König Babels und sprechen: Wie hört doch der Treiber auf, wie hört die Goldsucht auf!
nĩmũgookĩrĩra mũthamaki wa Babuloni na kĩnyũrũri, mũmwĩre atĩrĩ: Kaĩ mũhinyanĩrĩria nĩakinyĩte mũthia-ĩ! Kaĩ marakara make mahiũ nĩmathirĩte-ĩ!
θέλεις μεταχειρισθή την παροιμίαν ταύτην κατά του βασιλέως της Βαβυλώνος, λέγων, Πως επαύθη ο καταδυνάστης· πως επαύθη η φορολόγος του χρυσίου.
καὶ λήμψῃ τὸν θρῆνον τοῦτον ἐπὶ τὸν βασιλέα Βαβυλῶνος καὶ ἐρεῖς ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἐκείνῃ πῶς ἀναπέπαυται ὁ ἀπαιτῶν καὶ ἀναπέπαυται ὁ ἐπισπουδαστής
તે દિવસે તું બાબિલના રાજાને મહેણાં મારીને આ ગીત ગાશે, “જુલમીનો કેવો અંત આવ્યો છે, તેના ઉગ્ર ક્રોધનો કેવો અંત થયો છે!
Lè sa a, n'a chante pou nou pase wa lavil Babilòn lan nan betiz, n'a di: Gade ki jan moun ki t'ap maltrete nou an disparèt! Gade ki jan yo desann kòlèt li non!
Ke ou va pran chante sa a kont wa Babylon nan epi di: “Gade kijan opresè a vin sispann! Gwo twoub la pa la ankò!”
za ku yi wa sarkin Babilon wannan ba’a. Mai danniya ya zo ga ƙarshe! Dubi yadda fushinsa ya ƙare!
Alaila oe e haku ai i keia mele no ke alii o Babulona, I ka i ana iho, Nani ka pau ana o ka mea nana i hookaumaha, Ka pau ana hoi o ka mea auhau i ke gula!
ונשאת המשל הזה על מלך בבל--ואמרת איך שבת נגש שבתה מדהבה
וְנָשָׂ֜אתָ הַמָּשָׁ֥ל הַזֶּ֛ה עַל־מֶ֥לֶךְ בָּבֶ֖ל וְאָמָ֑רְתָּ אֵ֚יךְ שָׁבַ֣ת נֹגֵ֔שׂ שָׁבְתָ֖ה מַדְהֵבָֽה׃
וְנָשָׂ֜אתָ הַמָּשָׁ֥ל הַזֶּ֛ה עַל־מֶ֥לֶךְ בָּבֶ֖ל וְאָמָ֑רְתָּ אֵ֚יךְ שָׁבַ֣ת נֹגֵ֔שׂ שָׁבְתָ֖ה מַדְהֵבָֽה׃
וְנָשָׂאתָ הַמָּשָׁל הַזֶּה עַל־מֶלֶךְ בָּבֶל וְאָמָרְתָּ אֵיךְ שָׁבַת נֹגֵשׂ שָׁבְתָה מַדְהֵבָֽה׃
ונשאת המשל הזה על מלך בבל ואמרת איך שבת נגש שבתה מדהבה׃
וְנָשָׂאתָ הַמָּשָׁל הַזֶּה עַל־מֶלֶךְ בָּבֶל וְאָמָרְתָּ אֵיךְ שָׁבַת נֹגֵשׂ שָׁבְתָה מַדְהֵבָֽה׃
וְנָשָׂ֜אתָ הַמָּשָׁ֥ל הַזֶּ֛ה עַל־מֶ֥לֶךְ בָּבֶ֖ל וְאָמָ֑רְתָּ אֵ֚יךְ שָׁבַ֣ת נֹגֵ֔שׂ שָׁבְתָ֖ה מַדְהֵבָֽה׃
उस दिन तू बाबेल के राजा पर ताना मारकर कहेगा, “परिश्रम करानेवाला कैसा नाश हो गया है, सुनहले मन्दिरों से भरी नगरी कैसी नाश हो गई है!
तब तुम बाबेल के राजा पर यह ताना मारोगे कि: सतानेवाले का कैसा अंत हुआ! उसका सुनहरा मंदिर से भरा नगर नाश हो गया!
E gúnydalt mondod Babilon királya felett, és szólsz: Miként lőn vége a nyomorgatónak, a szolgaság házának vége lőn!
akkor elmondod ezt a példázatot Bábel királyáról és szólsz: Mint szűnt meg a zsarnok, megszűnt a kényuralom!
unu ga-achị eze Babilọn ọchị sị ya, Leenụ gị. Ahaa, lee ka i si daa gị onye na-emegbu ndị mmadụ. Lee ka ịkpa ike gị si gwụsịa!
kantaemto daytoy a pananglais a kanta maibusor iti ari ti Babilonia, “Anian a panagpatingga ti mangparparigat, ti naulpit ket naggibusen!
Apabila TUHAN melakukan itu, mereka akan mengejek raja Babel begini, "Raja yang kejam sudah jatuh! Ia tak dapat menindas lagi.
maka engkau akan memperdengarkan ejekan ini tentang raja Babel, dan berkata: "Wah, sudah berakhir si penindas sudah berakhir orang lalim!
tu proverbierai così il re di Babilonia, e dirai: Come è restato l'esattore? [come] è cessato il tributo?
«Ah, come è finito l'aguzzino, è finita l'arroganza! Allora intonerai questa canzone sul re di Babilonia e dirai:
Come! l’oppressore ha finito? ha finito l’esattrice d’oro?
なんぢこの歌をとなへバビロン王をせめていはん虐ぐる者いかにして息みしや 金をはたる者いかにして息みしやと
Ana'ma hanigeta Babiloni kini ne'mofona zagamepinti amanage huta ki'za zokago kea huntegahaze, tazeri havizama hu'nea nera hago evuramianki keho. Hagi tagri'ma arimpama aheneranteno ha'ma renerantea zana amare eme vagareankino, mago'enena anara osugahie huta hugahaze.
ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ವಿಶ್ರಾಂತಿಗೊಳಿಸುವ ದಿನದಲ್ಲಿ ಬಾಬಿಲೋನಿನ ರಾಜನಿಗೆ ವಿರುದ್ಧವಾದ ಈ ಪದ್ಯವನ್ನು ನೀವು ಹೀಗೆ ಸ್ವರವೆತ್ತಿ ಹಾಡಬೇಕು: ಹೀಗೆ ದಬ್ಬಾಳಿಕೆಗಾರನು ಕೊನೆಗೊಂಡನು. ಅವನ ಕೋಪ ಹೀಗೆ ಮುಗಿಯಿತು.
ಬಾಬೆಲಿನ ರಾಜನಿಗೆ ವಿರುದ್ಧವಾದ ಈ ಪದ್ಯವನ್ನು ನೀವು ಹೀಗೆ ಸ್ವರವೆತ್ತಿ ಹಾಡಬೇಕು: “ಆಹಾ, ಹಿಂಸಕನು ಕೊನೆಗೊಂಡನು, ಕೋಪವು ನಿಂತು ಹೋಯಿತು!
너는 바벨론 왕에 대하여 이 노래를 지어 이르기를 학대하던 자가 어찌 그리 그쳤으며 강포한 성이 어찌 그리 폐하였는고
너는 바벨론 왕에 대하여 이 노래를 지어 이르기를 학대하던 자가 어찌 그리 그쳤으며 강포한 성이 어찌 그리 폐하였는고
Ke El ac oru ma inge El mu elos in aksruksrukye tokosra Babylon ac fahk: “Tokosra sulallal sac el ikori! El ac tia sifilpa akkeokye kutena mwet!
ئەم پەندە بەسەر پاشای بابلدا هەڵدەدەیت و دەڵێیت: زۆردار چۆن کۆتایی پێ هات! خۆبەزلزانەکە چۆن کۆتایی هات!
sumes parabolam istam contra regem Babylonis, et dices: Quomodo cessavit exactor; quievit tributum?
sumes parabolam istam contra regem Babylonis, et dices: Quomodo cessavit exactor, quievit tributum?
sumes parabolam istam contra regem Babylonis, et dices: Quomodo cessavit exactor, quievit tributum?
sumes parabolam istam contra regem Babylonis, et dices: Quomodo cessavit exactor; quievit tributum?
sumes parabolam istam contra regem Babylonis et dices quomodo cessavit exactor quievit tributum
sumes parabolam istam contra regem Babylonis, et dices: Quomodo cessavit exactor, quievit tributum?
Tad tu šo dziesmu dziedāsi pret Bābeles ķēniņu un sacīsi: Kā tas dzinējs pagalam! Kā tie spaidi pagalam!
okoyemba nzembo oyo mpo na kotiola mokonzi ya Babiloni; okoloba: « Ndenge nini monyokoli akomi na suka? Ndenge nini penza lolendo na ye esili?
oligera olugero luno ku kabaka w’e Babulooni n’oyogera nti: Omujoozi ng’agudde n’aggwaawo! Ekibuga ekya zaabu ekibadde kitutigomya nga tekikyaliwo!
dia hataonao izao oha-teny ny amin’ ny mpanjakan’ i Babylona izao: Hià! mitsahatra ilay mpampahory! Eny, tsy ao intsony ilay tanàna volamena!
t’ie ho ente’ areo amy mpanjaka’ i Baveley añe ty tafatoño toy, ami’ty hoe: akore te nijihetse i mpamorekekey! naho nipendreñe i fidabadoañey!
നീ ബാബേൽരാജാവിനെക്കുറിച്ച് ഈ പാട്ടുചൊല്ലും: പീഡിപ്പിക്കുന്നവൻ എങ്ങനെ ഇല്ലാതെയായി! സ്വർണ്ണനഗരം എങ്ങനെ മുടിഞ്ഞുപോയി!
നീ ബാബേൽരാജാവിനെക്കുറിച്ചു ഈ പാട്ടു ചൊല്ലും: പീഡിപ്പിക്കുന്നവൻ എങ്ങനെ ഇല്ലാതെയായി! സ്വൎണ്ണനഗരം എങ്ങനെ മുടിഞ്ഞുപോയി!
നീ ബാബേൽരാജാവിനെക്കുറിച്ചു ഈ പാട്ടു ചൊല്ലും: പീഡിപ്പിക്കുന്നവൻ എങ്ങനെ ഇല്ലാതെയായി! സ്വർണ്ണനഗരം എങ്ങനെ മുടിഞ്ഞുപോയി!
ബാബേൽരാജാവിനെപ്പറ്റി ഈ പരിഹാസഗാനം നിങ്ങൾ ആലപിക്കും: “പീഡകൻ എങ്ങനെ ഇല്ലാതെയായി! അവന്റെ ക്രോധം എങ്ങനെ നിലച്ചു?”
बाबेलाच्या राजा विरूद्धचे हे टोचणारे गाणे तू म्हणशील, “जाचणाऱ्याचा कसा नाश झाला आहे, गर्विष्ठाचा त्वेष संपला.
ဤ​သို့​ကိုယ်​တော်​ပြု​တော်​မူ​သော​အ​ခါ​၌ သူ​တို့​သည်​ဗာ​ဗု​လုန်​ဘု​ရင်​အား​ပြက်​ရယ် ပြု​ကာ၊ ``ရက်​စက်​ကြမ်း​ကြုတ်​သော​မင်း​သည်​ကျ​ဆုံး လေ​ပြီ။ သူ​သည်​နောက်​တစ်​ဖန်​အ​ဘယ်​သူ​ကို မျှ​ဖိ​နှိပ်​ချုပ်​ချယ်​ရ​တော့​မည်​မ​ဟုတ်။-
သင်သည် ဗာဗုလုန် ရှင်ဘုရင်ကို ရည်ဆောင်၍၊ ပုံစကားကို ဤသို့မြွက်ဆိုလိမ့်မည်။ အစိုးတရပြုသော သူသည် ဆုံးလေပြီတကား။ ရွှေမြို့တော်သည် ဆုံးလေ ပြီကား။
သင်သည် ဗာဗုလုန် ရှင်ဘုရင် ကို ရည်ဆောင်၍ ၊ ပုံ စကားကို ဤ သို့မြွက် ဆိုလိမ့်မည်။ အစိုး တရပြုသောသူသည် ဆုံး လေပြီတကား။ ရွှေမြို့တော်သည် ဆုံးလေ ပြီတကား။
Ko reira maranga ai tenei pepeha au mo te kingi o Papurona, ka mea hoki koe, Anana! mutu pu ta te kaitukino, mutu pu ta te pa koura!
lizakutsho la amazwi okukloloda enkosini yaseBhabhiloni lithi: Umncindezeli usefikile ekucineni, ukuthukuthela kwakhe sekuphelile!
lizaphakamisa lesisaga ngenkosi yeBhabhiloni lithi: Uphele njani umcindezeli! Owegolide usuphelile!
तब तिमीहरूले बेबिलोनको राजाको विरुद्ध यो गिल्लाको गीत गाउनेछौ, “अत्याचारीको अन्त्‍य कसरी भएको छ, घमण्डी क्रोधको अन्त्‍य भयो!
da skal du istemme denne spottesang over Babels konge og si: Se, hvad ende det har tatt med voldsherren, med trengselsstedet!
då skal du syngja denne spottevisa um kongen i Babel og kveda: «Kor hev ikkje valdsherren vorte still og pinestaden tagall!
ସେହି ଦିନ ତୁମ୍ଭେ ବାବିଲ ରାଜା ବିରୁଦ୍ଧରେ ଏହି ଦୃଷ୍ଟାନ୍ତ କଥା ନେଇ କହିବ, ଯଥା, “ଉପଦ୍ରବକାରୀ କିପରି ଶେଷ ହୋଇଅଛି! ସୁବର୍ଣ୍ଣ ନଗରୀ କିପରି ଶେଷ ହୋଇଅଛି!
akkana jettee mootii Baabilonitti ni qoosta: Cunqursichi akkamitti bade! Aariin isaas akkamitti isa irraa gale!
ਤਾਂ ਤੂੰ ਬਾਬਲ ਦੇ ਰਾਜੇ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ ਇਹ ਬੋਲੀ ਮਾਰੀਂ ਅਤੇ ਆਖੀਂ - ਦੁੱਖ ਦੇਣ ਵਾਲਾ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਮੁੱਕ ਗਿਆ, ਅਤੇ ਸੁਨਹਿਰਾ ਸਥਾਨ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਨਖੁੱਟ ਗਿਆ!
که این مثل رابر پادشاه بابل زده، خواهی گفت: چگونه آن ستمکار تمام شد و آن جور پیشه چگونه فانی گردید.
آنگاه ایشان با ریشخند به پادشاه بابِل چنین خواهند گفت: «ای پادشاه ظالم سرانجام نابود شدی و ستمکاریهایت پایان گرفت
Weźmiesz tę przypowieść przeciw królowi Babilońskiemu, i rzeczesz: O jako ustał poborca, ustał podatek złota!
Podejmiesz tę przypowieść przeciw królowi Babilonu i powiesz: O jakże ustał ciemięzca! Jakże ustało złote miasto!
Então levantarás estas palavras de escárnio contra o rei da Babilônia, e dirás: [Vede] como foi o fim do opressor, como a cidade dourada se acabou!
Então levantarás este dito contra o rei de Babylonia, e dirás: Como já cessou o oppressor? como já cessou a cidade dourada?
Então levantarás este dito contra o rei de Babilônia, e dirás: Como já cessou o opressor? como já cessou a cidade dourada?
que você vai retomar esta parábola contra o rei da Babilônia e dizer: “Como o opressor cessou! A cidade dourada cessou!”
атунч вей кынта кынтаря ачаста асупра ымпэратулуй Бабилонулуй ши вей зиче: „Ятэ, асуприторул ну май есте, асуприря а ынчетат,
Că vei duce acest proverb împotriva împăratului Babilonului şi vei spune: Cum a încetat opresorul! Oraşul de aur s-a sfârşit!
ты произнесешь победную песнь на царя Вавилонского и скажешь: как не стало мучителя, пресеклось грабительство!
Тада ћеш изводити ову причу о цару вавилонском и рећи ћеш: Како неста настојника, неста данка?
Tada æeš izvoditi ovu prièu o caru Vavilonskom i reæi æeš: kako nesta nastojnika, nesta danka?
uchasveeredza mambo weBhabhironi uchiti: Haiwa, mumanikidzi apera sei! Haiwa, hasha dzake dzapera sei!
И приимеши плачь сей на царя Вавилонска и речеши в той день: како преста истязуяй и преста понуждаяй?
da boš vzel ta pregovor zoper babilonskega kralja in rekel: »Kako je zatiralec končal! Zlato mesto je končalo!
ayaad boqorka Baabuloon ku soo maadsan doontaa, oo waxaad ka odhan doontaa, Kii wax dulmi jiray sidee buu u dhammaaday! Magaalada gabbaro qaadan jirtay sidee bay u idlaatay!
entonces levantarás esta parábola sobre el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: ¡Cómo cesó el opresor, cómo cesó la ciudad codiciosa del oro!
Se burlarán del rey de Babilonia, diciendo: “¡Cómo se ha acabado tu dominio opresor y se ha detenido tu insolencia!
que tomarás esta parábola contra el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: “¡Cómo ha cesado el opresor! La ciudad de oro ha cesado!”
Entonces se mofarán del rey de Babilonia: ¡Cómo terminó el opresor y cesó la furia!
cantarás este canto sobre el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: “¡Cómo se acabó el opresor! ¡Cómo terminó la opresión!
Entonces levantarás esta parábola sobre el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: ¿Cómo cesó el exactor, reposó la codiciosa del oro?
Que levantarás esta parábola sobre el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: ¡Cómo paró el exactor, [cómo] cesó la ciudad codiciosa del oro!
Que recitarás esta amarga canción contra el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: ¡Cómo ha terminado el cruel tirano! Como cesó la ciudad de oro;
mtaimba hii kauli wimbo juu ya mfalme wa Babeli, ''Ni kwa jinsi gani wayanyasaji wamefika mwisho, kiburi cha hasira kimekwisha!
utaichukua dhihaka hii dhidi ya mfalme wa Babeli: Tazama jinsi mtesi alivyofikia mwisho! Tazama jinsi ghadhabu yake kali ilivyokoma!
då skall du stämma upp denna visa över konungen i Babel, du skall säga: "Vilken ände har icke plågaren fått, vilken ände pinoorten!
Så skall du föra ett sådant ordspråk emot Konungen af Babel, och säga: Huru är det nu ute med plågarenom, och beskattningen hafver en ända?
då skall du stämma upp denna visa över konungen i Babel, du skall säga: »Vilken ände har icke plågaren fått, vilken ände pinoorten!
Na iyong gagamitin ang talinghagang ito laban sa hari sa Babilonia, at iyong sasabihin, Kung paano ang mamimighati ay naglikat! ang bayang ginto ay naglikat!
aawit kayo ng awiting panghamak laban sa hari ng Babilonia, “Paano natapos ang nang-aapi, ang pagmamataas nila ay tapos na!
நீ பாபிலோன் ராஜாவின்மேல் சொல்லும் வாக்கியமாவது: ஒடுக்கினவன் ஒழிந்துபோனானே! தங்க நகரம் ஒழிந்துபோனதே!
நீங்கள் பாபிலோனிய அரசனுக்கு விரோதமாக இவ்வாறு கேலி செய்வீர்கள்: ஒடுக்கினவன் எவ்வாறு ஒழிந்துபோனான்; அவன் கோபம் என்ன ஆனது?
ఆ రోజున నువ్వు బబులోను రాజు గూర్చి ఎగతాళి పాట ఎత్తి ఇలా పాడతావు. “బాధించిన వాళ్లకు అంతం ఎలా వచ్చిందో చూడు. గర్వించిన రౌద్రం ఎలా అంతమయ్యిందో చూడు!
Te ke toʻo hake ʻae lea mamafa ni ki he tuʻi ʻo Papilone, ʻo pehē, “Hono ʻikai kuo siʻaki ʻaia naʻe pule fakamālohi! hono ʻikai kuo siʻaki ʻae kolo naʻe faʻa kumi koula!
Babil Kralı'nı alaya alarak, “Halkı ezenin nasıl da sonu geldi!” diyecekler, “Zorbalığı nasıl da sona erdi!”
mubedi Babiloniahene ho fɛw se: hwɛ sɛnea sohyɛfo no aba nʼawie! ne sɛnea nʼabufuw nso to atwa!
mobɛdi Babiloniahene ho fɛ sɛ: hwɛ sɛdeɛ ɔhyɛsofoɔ no aba nʼawieeɛ! Ne sɛdeɛ nʼabufuo nso to atwa!
то ти заспіваєш оцю пісню глумли́ву про царя Вавилону та й скажеш: Як гноби́тель минувся, — минулося гно́блення!
तब तू शाह — ए — बाबुल के ख़िलाफ़ यह मसल लाएगा और कहेगा, कि 'ज़ालिम कैसा हलाक हो गया, और ग़ासिब कैसा हलाक हुआ।
سىلەر بابىل پادىشاھى توغرىسىدا مۇنداق ماقال-تەمسىلنى ئېيتىسىلەر: ــ «قارا، بۇ جازانىخور قانداق ھالاك بولدى، تالان-تاراج قىلىپ ئالتۇن توپلىغۇچى قانداق يوقالدى!
Силәр Бабил падишаси тоғрисида мундақ мақал-тәмсилни ейтисиләр: — «Қара, бу җазанихор қандақ һалак болди, Талан-тараҗ қилип алтун топлиғучи қандақ йоқалди!
Siler Babil padishahi toghrisida mundaq maqal-temsilni éytisiler: — «Qara, bu jazanixor qandaq halak boldi, Talan-taraj qilip altun toplighuchi qandaq yoqaldi!
Silǝr Babil padixaⱨi toƣrisida mundaⱪ maⱪal-tǝmsilni eytisilǝr: — «Ⱪara, bu jazanihor ⱪandaⱪ ⱨalak boldi, Talan-taraj ⱪilip altun topliƣuqi ⱪandaⱪ yoⱪaldi!
thì ngươi sẽ dùng lời thí dụ nầy nói về vua Ba-by-lôn rằng: Sao kẻ bạo ngược đã tiệt đi, thành ức hiếp đã dứt đi!
thì ngươi sẽ dùng lời thí dụ nầy nói về vua Ba-by-lôn rằng: Sao kẻ bạo ngược đã tiệt đi, thành ức hiếp đã dứt đi!
các con sẽ hát bài ca này về vua Ba-by-lôn: “Người quyền lực sẽ bị hủy diệt. Phải, sự bạo ngược của ngươi sẽ chấm dứt.
ẹ ó sì fi ọ̀rọ̀ àbùkù yìí kan ọba Babeli pé, báwo ni amúnisìn ṣe wá sí òpin! Báwo ni ìbínú rẹ̀ ṣe parí!
Verse Count = 214

< Isaiah 14:4 >