< Hosea 8:12 >

I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing.
Kam shkruar për të gjërat e mëdha të ligjit tim, por ato u konsideruan si një gjë e çudishme.
أَكْتُبُ لَهُ كَثْرَةَ شَرَائِعِي، فَهِيَ تُحْسَبُ أَجْنَبِيَّةً.
قَدْ كَتَبْتُ لَهُمْ بِكَثْرَةٍ شَرِيعَتِي لَكِنَّهُمْ حَسَبُوهَا غَرِيبَةً عَنْهُمْ.
মোৰ ব্যৱস্থাৰ অনেক কথাও যদি মই লিখোঁ, সেইবোৰ এক বিজতৰীয়া কোনো অদ্ভুত কথা বুলি গণ্য হ’ব।
Mən onlar üçün çoxlu qanun yazdım, Onlarsa bunları yad bir şey hesab etdi.
Na da Na fi dunuma olelema: ne, sia: bagohame dedesa. Be ilia da amo olelesu da ga fi ilia olelesu defele, higasa.
আমি তাদের জন্য আমার নিয়ম দশ হাজার বার লিখতে পারি, কিন্তু তারা এটা একটা অদ্ভুত বিষয় হিসাবে দেখবে।
আমি তাদের জন্য আমার বিধানে বহু বিষয় লিখেছিলাম, কিন্তু তারা সেগুলিকে বিজাতীয় বিষয় মনে করল।
Написах му десетте хиляди правила на закона си; Но те се счетоха като чуждо нещо.
Mahimo kong isulat sa 10, 000 ka higayon ang akong balaod alang kanila, apan lantawon nila kini nga daw katingalahan kanila.
Alang kaniya akong gisulat ang napulo ka libo ka mga butang sa akong Kasugoan; apan sila giisip ingon sa butang nga wala hiilhi.
Ndinawalembera zinthu zambiri za malamulo anga, koma iwo anaziyesa ngati zinthu zachilendo.
Anih han kalen parai ka paek ih lok to ka tarik pae boeh, toe nihcae mah hmuen kalah ah poek o.
Ka olkhueng cungkuem he anih ham thawngrha hil a daek khaw ka daek coeng dae kholong kah bangla a ngai.
Ka olkhueng cungkuem he anih ham thawngrha hil a daek khaw ka daek coeng dae kholong kah bangla a ngai.
Dan tamtah kapeh vang'in, hiche ho chu hepha lou bangin angaitoi.
Kaie kâlawk a lentoenae hah ahni hanelah ka thut pouh toe. Hatei, banglahai ngâi hoeh.
我为他写了律法万条, 他却以为与他毫无关涉。
我為他寫了律法萬條, 他卻以為與他毫無關涉。
Da mu i tisuću zakona svojih napišem, oni ih smatraju tuđima.
Vypsal jsem jemu znamenité věci v zákoně svém, ale neváží sobě rovně jako cizí věci.
Vypsal jsem jemu znamenité věci v zákoně svém, ale neváží sobě rovně jako cizí věci.
jeg skriver ham mange Love, han regner dem ikke.
Jeg skriver ham mine mangfoldige Love; de ere blevne agtede som noget fremmed.
jeg skriver ham mange Love, han regner dem ikke.
Ne andiko negi gik mangʼeny mag chikena, to ne gikawogi kaka gigo ma welo kuomgi.
Ik schrijf hem de voortreffelijkheden Mijner wet voor; maar die zijn geacht als wat vreemds.
Al schrijf Ik hem nog zoveel wetten voor, Ze gelden hem niets.
Ik schrijf hem de voortreffelijkheden Mijner wet voor; maar die zijn geacht als wat vreemds.
I wrote for him the multitude of my law, but they are counted as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the ten thousand things of my law; but they are counted as a strange thing.
Though I wrote for them the great things of My law, they regarded them as something strange.
Though I put my law in writing for him in ten thousand rules, they are to him as a strange thing.
I will write down a multitude [of commands] for him; but his statutes are accounted strange things, [even] the beloved altars.
I will write down a multitude [of commands] for him; but his statutes are accounted strange things, [even] the beloved altars.
I will write to him my intricate laws, which have been treated like strangers.
I have prescribed unto him the manifold things of my law: they are counted [as] a strange thing.
I shall write to him my manifold laws, which have been accounted as foreign.
I wrote down for them the many aspects of my law, but they looked on them as foreign.
I haue written to them the great things of my Lawe: but they were counted as a strange thing.
Though I write for him never so many things of My Law, they are accounted as a stranger's.
I have written to him the great things of my law, [but] they were counted as a strange thing.
I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.
I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.
I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.
I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.
I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.
I will write down a multitude [of commands] for him; but his statutes are accounted strange things, [even] the beloved altars.
I ever wrote down for him the great things of my law; but as a strange thing are they accounted.
I write for him numerous things of My law, As a strange thing they have been reckoned.
I wrote for him the many things of my law; but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law; but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law; but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law; but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law; but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law; but they were regarded as a strange thing.
Though I write for him many laws, They are accounted as a strange thing;
were I to write for him ever so many instructions, they would be regarded as from a stranger.
were I to write for him ever so many instructions, they would be regarded as from a stranger.
Though I write for him my law in ten thousand [precepts], they are counted as a strange thing.
I have been wont to write for him the myriad things of my law, —Like something alien, have they been accounted.
(I wrote *Q(k)*) for him ([the] numerous things of *Q(K)*) law my like a strange [thing] they are regarded.
(to write *Q(k)*) to/for to write (abundance *Q(K)*) instruction my like be a stranger to devise: count
I wrote many laws for them, but they disregarded them, saying that [they did not have to obey them because] they were different from laws that they had known previously.
I could write down my law for them ten thousand times, but they would view it as something strange to them.
I have written to him the great things of my law, [but] they were counted as a strange thing.
I have written to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing.
I wrote for him the many things of my law, but they were regarded as a strange thing.
Y schal write to hem my many fold lawis, that ben arettid as alien lawis.
I write for him numerous things of My law, As a strange thing they have been reckoned.
Mi skribis por li la multon de Miaj leĝoj; sed li rigardas ilin kiel fremdaĵon.
Ne mede se akpe ewo nɛ hã la, ɖeko wòagblɔ be menye yee wode seawo na o, ke boŋ ame bubuwoe wode wo na.
Vaikka minä paljon heille minun laistani kirjoitan; niin he lukevat sen kuitenkin muukalaiseksi opiksi.
Kirjoitinpa minä hänelle lakejani vaikka kymmentuhansin, muukalaisina niitä pidetään.
Que j'écrive pour lui mille articles de ma loi, ils sont regardés comme une chose étrangère.
J'ai écrit pour lui les nombreuses choses de ma loi, mais ils étaient considérés comme une chose étrange.
J’ai écrit pour lui les grandes choses de ma loi; elles sont estimées comme une chose étrange.
Je lui ai écrit les grandes choses de ma Loi, [mais] elles sont estimées comme des lois étrangères.
J’écrirai pour lui mes nombreuses lois qui ont été considérées comme étrangères.
Que j’écrive pour lui toutes les ordonnances de ma loi, Elles sont regardées comme quelque chose d’étranger.
Que j’écrive pour lui mille articles de ma loi, ils sont regardés comme une chose étrangère.
Que je lui multiplie mes enseignements par écrit, ils sont regardés comme une chose étrangère.
J'avais écrit pour lui mes lois par milliers; elles sont estimées comme choses étrangères.
J'avais écrit pour lui une multitude de préceptes; mais ces lois ont été réputés par lui comme étrangères, même les autels qu'il aime.
Lui mettrai-je par écrit les principes de mon enseignement? Ils seraient considérés par lui comme venant d’un étranger.
"Und habe ich ihm vielmals meine Lehre vorgeschrieben, sie achten sie wie fremde Lehre.
Ich schreibe ihm zehntausend [Nach and. Les.: Mengen] Satzungen meines Gesetzes vor: wie Fremdes werden sie geachtet.
Ich schreibe ihm zehntausend Satzungen meines Gesetzes vor: wie Fremdes werden sie geachtet.
Mag ich ihm auch meine Weisungen in Mengen aufzeichnen, so werden sie wie die eines Fremden angesehen.
Wenn ich ihm gleich viel von meinem Gesetz schreibe, so wird's geachtet wie eine fremde Lehre.
Wenn ich ihm gleich viel tausend Gebote meines Gesetzes schreibe, so wird's geachtet wie eine Fremde Lehre.
Mag ich ihm auch meine Weisungen tausendmal vorschreiben – sie werden von ihm als etwas Unbekanntes angesehen.
Schreibe ich ihm mein Gesetz zehntausendmal vor, so erachten sie es doch als etwas Unbekanntes!
Schrieb Ich ihm viele Meiner Gesetze, wie fremd wurden sie geachtet.
Ndaamandĩkĩire maũndũ maingĩ watho-inĩ wakwa, no makĩmatua taarĩ maũndũ mageni.
Έγραψα προς αυτόν τα μεγαλεία του νόμου μου· πλην ελογίσθησαν ως αλλότριον πράγμα.
καταγράψω αὐτῷ πλῆθος καὶ τὰ νόμιμα αὐτοῦ εἰς ἀλλότρια ἐλογίσθησαν θυσιαστήρια τὰ ἠγαπημένα
મે તેઓને માટે મારા નિયમમાં દશ હજાર વિધિઓ લખ્યા હોય, પણ તે તેઓના માટે વિચિત્ર લાગે છે.
Atout m' ekri pou yo anpil regleman sou lalwa mwen ba yo a, yo pran regleman yo pou bagay ki pa pou yo.
Malgre sa Mwen te ekri pou li règleman san fen de Lalwa Mwen yo, men yo gade yo tankou yon bagay ki dwòl.
Na rubuta musu abubuwa masu yawa na dokata, amma suka ɗauke su tamƙar wani baƙon abu ne.
Ua kakau aku au nona i na mea nui o kuu kanawai, Aka, ua manaoia ua mau mea la, me he mea e la.
אכתוב (אכתב) לו--רבו (רבי) תורתי כמו זר נחשבו
אֶכתֹוב־ (אֶ֨כְתָּב)־לֹ֔ו רִבֹּו (רֻבֵּ֖י) תֹּֽורָתִ֑י כְּמֹו־זָ֖ר נֶחְשָֽׁבוּ׃
אֶ֨כְתָּב ל֔וֹ רֻבֵּ֖י תּֽוֹרָתִ֑י כְּמוֹ־זָ֖ר נֶחְשָֽׁבוּ׃
(אכתוב) [אֶכְתׇּב־]לוֹ (רבו) [רֻבֵּי] תּוֹרָתִי כְּמוֹ־זָר נֶחְשָֽׁבוּ׃
אכתוב לו רבו תורתי כמו זר נחשבו׃
אכתוב־אֶכְתָּב־לוֹ רבו רֻבֵּי תּֽוֹרָתִי כְּמוֹ־זָר נֶחְשָֽׁבוּ׃
אכתוב ־ל֔וֹ רבו תּֽוֹרָתִ֑י כְּמוֹ־זָ֖ר נֶחְשָֽׁבוּ׃
मैं तो उनके लिये अपनी व्यवस्था की लाखों बातें लिखकर दिए, परन्तु वे उन्हें पराया समझते हैं।
मैंने उनके लिये अपने कानून से संबंधित बहुत सी बातें लिखी, पर उन्होंने उन बातों को बाहर का समझा.
Ha tízezer törvényt írnék is elébe, idegennek tekintenék azokat.
Fölírnám neki tanaim sokaságát, mint idegen valami tekintetnek.
E depụtaara m ha ọtụtụ ihe banyere iwu m, ma ha were ya dịka ihe e si na mba ọzọ webata.
Maisuratko ti lintegko para kadakuada iti maminsangapulo a ribu a daras, ngem ibilangda daytoy a kas iti maysa a banag a karkarna kadakuada.
Aku menulis banyak sekali ajaran bagi mereka, tapi semua itu mereka tolak karena menganggap tidak ada sangkut pautnya dengan mereka.
Sekalipun Kutuliskan baginya banyak pengajaran-Ku, itu akan dianggap mereka sebagai sesuatu yang asing.
Io gli avea scritte le cose grandi della mia Legge; [ma] sono state reputate come cosa strana.
Ho scritto numerose leggi per lui, ma esse son considerate come una cosa straniera.
Scrivessi pur per lui le mie leggi a miriadi, sarebbero considerate come cosa che non lo concerne.
Hagi Nagra rama'a kasege krezami'noanagi, zamagra ana kasegea kazageno amanezankna hige'za, tagri'zana omane'ne nehu'za, ana kasegeni'a amagera onte'naze.
ನಾನು ನನ್ನ ನಿಯಮದ ಅನೇಕ ಸಂಗತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಅವನಿಗೆ ಬರೆದಿದ್ದೇನೆ. ಆದರೆ ಅವನು ಅವುಗಳನ್ನು ಅನ್ಯವಾದವುಗಳೆಂದು ಪರಿಗಣಿಸಿದನು.
ನಾನು ನನ್ನ ಧರ್ಮವನ್ನು ಲಕ್ಷಾಂತರ ವಿಧಿಗಳ ರೂಪವಾಗಿ ಅದಕ್ಕೆ ಬರೆಯಿಸಿಕೊಟ್ಟರೂ, ಅವುಗಳು ತನಗೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಪಟ್ಟವುಗಳಲ್ಲ ಎಂದು ಅದು ಭಾವಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.
내가 저를 위하여 내 율법을 만가지로 기록하였으나 저희가 관계없는 것으로 여기도다
내가 저를 위하여 내 율법을 만가지로 기록하였으나 저희가 관계없는 것으로 여기도다
Puslana mwe luti nga simusla nu sin mwet uh, tuh elos pilesru — oana ma sasu nu selos ac elos supah kac.
شتی زۆری بۆ دەنووسم کە پەیوەستە بە فێرکردنەکانم، بەڵام ئەو بە نامۆیان دادەنێت.
Scribam ei multiplices leges meas, quæ velut alienæ computatæ sunt.
Scribam ei multiplices leges meas, quæ velut alienæ computatæ sunt.
Scribam ei multiplices leges meas, quæ velut alienæ computatæ sunt.
Scribam ei multiplices leges meas, quæ velut alienæ computatæ sunt.
scribam ei multiplices leges meas quae velut alienae conputatae sunt
Scribam ei multiplices leges meas, quae velut alienae computatae sunt.
Es tam uzrakstīju lielu pulku savu baušļu, bet tie tapa turēti kā sveša lieta.
Nakomelaki bango makambo ebele ya Mobeko na Ngai, kasi bamonaki yango lokola eloko moko ya mopaya.
Nabawandiikira ebintu bingi mu mateeka gange, naye ne babifuula ekintu ekigwira.
Na dia soratako ho azy ny teny betsaka amin’ ny lalàko aza, dia ataony ho toy ny zavatra tsy izy izany.
Sinokiko ama’e ty raha maro amy Fanoroakoy fe natao’e ho raha ankafaankafa.
ഞാൻ എന്റെ ന്യായപ്രമാണം അവന് പതിനായിരം കല്പനയായി എഴുതിക്കൊടുത്താലും അവ അപൂർവ്വകാര്യമായി എണ്ണപ്പെടുന്നു.
ഞാൻ എന്റെ ന്യായപ്രമാണം അവന്നു പതിനായിരം കല്പനയായി എഴുതിക്കൊടുത്താലും അവ അപൂൎവ്വകാൎയ്യമായി എണ്ണപ്പെടുന്നു.
ഞാൻ എന്റെ ന്യായപ്രമാണം അവന്നു പതിനായിരം കല്പനയായി എഴുതിക്കൊടുത്താലും അവ അപൂർവ്വകാര്യമായി എണ്ണപ്പെടുന്നു.
ഞാൻ അവർക്കുവേണ്ടി, എന്റെ ന്യായപ്രമാണത്തിലുള്ള അനേകം സംഗതികൾ എഴുതി, പക്ഷേ, അവർ അതിനെ വൈദേശികമായി ചിന്തിച്ചുകളഞ്ഞു.
मी असंख्य वेळा माझे नियमशास्त्र त्यांच्यासाठी लिहीले, पण ते त्याकडे अनोळख्या सारखे पाहतात.
ငါ​သည်​သူ​တို့​အ​တွက်​များ​စွာ​သော​ပ​ညတ် များ​ကို​ရေး​ချ​ပေး​သော်​လည်း​သူ​တို့​က ထို​ပ​ညတ်​များ​သည်​သူ​တို့​နှင့်​မ​ဆိုင်၊ ထူး ဆန်း​သည်​ဟူ​၍​ပစ်​ပယ်​ကြ​၏။-
ငါ့တရား၏ ထူးဆန်းသောအရာတို့ကို သူ့အဘို့ ငါရေးထားပြီ။ သို့သော်လည်း၊ ရိုင်းသော အရာဟူ၍ သူသည် မှတ်လေပြီတကား။
ငါ့ တရား ၏ ထူးဆန်း သောအရာတို့ကို သူ့ အဘို့ ငါရေး ထားပြီ။ သို့သော်လည်း၊ ရိုင်း သော အရာဟူ၍ သူသည် မှတ် လေပြီတကား။
Ahakoa tuhituhia e ahau mana taku ture kia tekau mano nga tikanga, kei te kiia aua mea he mea rere ke.
Ngabalobela izinto ezinengi zomthetho wami kodwa bona bazithatha njengento engaziwayo.
Ngimbhalele izinto ezinkulu zomlayo wami kodwa zabalwa njengento yemzini.
तिनीहरूका निम्ति मैले आफ्‍नो व्यवस्थालाई दस हजारपल्‍ट लेखे पनि, तिनीहरूले त्यसलाई कुनै नयाँ कुराजस्‍तो गरी हेर्छन् ।
Om jeg enn skriver ham mine lover i tusentall, så blir de allikevel aktet for noget fremmed.
Um eg skriv lover åt han i titusundtal, so reknar han deim berre som framande lover.
ଆମ୍ଭେ ଦଶ ସହସ୍ର ବିଧିରେ ଆମ୍ଭର ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା ତାହା ପାଇଁ ଲେଖିଲେ ମଧ୍ୟ ସେହି ସବୁ ବିଦେଶୀୟ କଥା ତୁଲ୍ୟ ଗଣିତ ହୁଏ।
Ani waaʼee seera koo waan baayʼee isaaniif barreesseera; isaan garuu akkuma waan alaa dhufe tokkootti ilaalu.
ਮੈਂ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਲਈ ਆਪਣੀ ਬਿਵਸਥਾ ਤੋਂ ਹਜ਼ਾਰਾਂ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਲਿਖੀਆਂ, ਪਰ ਉਹ ਓਪਰੀਆਂ ਜਿਹੀਆਂ ਸਮਝੀਆਂ ਗਈਆਂ।
احکام بسیار شریعت خود را برای او نوشتم اما آنها را مثل چیز غریب شمردند.
هزاران حکم از شریعت خود به ایشان دادم، اما آنها را چیزی غریب دانستند.
Spisałem mu wielkie rzeczy w zakonie moim; ale tak je sobie waży jako co obcego.
Wypisałem mu wielkie rzeczy z mojego Prawa, [ale] on je uważał za coś obcego.
Eu lhe escrevi as grandezas de minha lei, mas foram consideradas coisa estranha.
Escrevi-lhe as grandezas da minha lei, porém essas são estimadas como coisa estranha.
Escrevi-lhe as grandezas da minha lei, porém essas são estimadas como coisa estranha.
I escreveu para ele as muitas coisas da minha lei, mas eles eram considerados como uma coisa estranha.
Кяр дакэ-й скриу тоате порунчиле Леӂий Меле, тотушь еле сунт привите ка чева стрэин.
I-am scris lucrurile măreţe ale legii mele, dar erau socotite ca un lucru străin.
Написал Я ему важные законы Мои, но они сочтены им как бы чужие.
Написах му велике ствари у закону свом; али му се чине као нешто туђе.
Napisah mu velike stvari u zakonu svom; ali mu se èine kao nešto tuðe.
Ndakavanyorera zvinhu zvakawanda zvomurayiro wangu, asi vakazvitora sezvinhu zvisinei navo.
Впишу ему множество, и законная его в чуждая вменишася требища возлюбленная.
Njemu sem napisal velike stvari iz svoje postave, vendar so bile štete kakor čudna stvar.«
In kastoo aan iyaga u qoraa kumanyaalka amar ee sharcigayga, haddana waxaa lagu tiriyaa sida wax qalaad oo kale.
Le escribí las grandezas de mi ley, y fueron tenidas por cosas ajenas.
Yo les escribe muchos aspectos de mi ley, pero la consideraron como si fueran extranjeros.
Le escribí las muchas cosas de mi ley, pero fueron considerados como algo extraño.
Le escribí las grandezas de mi Ley. Fueron recibidas como cosa extraña.
Yo le prescribí muchas leyes, mas son reputadas como cosa extraña.
Escribíle las grandezas de mi ley, fueron tenidas por cosas ajenas.
Escribíle las grandezas de mi ley, [y] fueron tenidas por cosas ajenas.
Aunque pongo mi ley por escrito para él en diez mil reglas, son consideradas como algo extraño.
Niliweza kuandika sheria yangu kwao mara elfu kumi, lakini wangeiona kama kitu cha ajabu kwao.
Nimeandika kwa ajili yao mambo mengi kuhusu sheria yangu, lakini wameziangalia kama kitu cha kigeni.
Om jag än skriver mina lagar för honom i tiotusental, så räknas de ju dock för en främlings lagar.
Om jag än mycket predikar dem om min lag, så kalla de det kätteri.
Om jag än skriver mina lagar för honom i tiotusental, så räknas de ju dock för en främlings lagar.
Sinulat ko para sa kaniya ang sangpung libong bagay ng aking kautusan; kanilang inaring parang katuwang bagay.
Maaari kong isulat ng sampung libong beses ang aking kautusan para sa kanila, ngunit titingnan lang nila ito tulad ng isang bagay na kakaiba sa kanila.
என் வேதத்தின் மகத்துவங்களை அவர்களுக்கு எழுதிக்கொடுத்தேன்; அவைகளை அந்நிய காரியமாக எண்ணினார்கள்.
நான் அவர்களின் நலத்திற்காக எனது சட்டத்தைப்பற்றிய அநேக காரியங்களை அவர்களுக்கு எழுதிக் கொடுத்தேன்; ஆனால் அவர்கள் அவற்றை ஒரு அந்நியமான காரியமாக மதித்தார்கள்.
నేను పదివేల సార్లు అతని కోసం నా ధర్మశాస్త్రాన్ని రాయించి నియమించినా, అయినా దాన్ని ఎప్పుడూ చూడనట్టుగా అతడు ఉంటాడు.
Kuo u tohi kiate ia ʻae ngaahi meʻa lahi ʻa ʻeku fono, ka naʻe lau ia hangē ha meʻa kehe.
Yasamdaki pek çok şeyi onlar için yazdım, Ne var ki garipsediler bunları.
Mekyerɛw me mmara a ɛfa nneɛma bebree ho maa wɔn, nanso wɔfaa no sɛ ananafo ade.
Metwerɛɛ me mmara a ɛfa nneɛma bebree ho maa wɔn, nanso wɔfaa no sɛ ananafoɔ adeɛ.
Я можу йому написати Зако́н Свій хоч тисячу разі́в, — як чуже порахо́ване буде!
अगरचे मैंने अपनी शरी'अत के अहकाम को उनके लिए हज़ारों बार लिखा, लेकिन वह उनको अजनबी ख़्याल करते हैं।
مەن ئۇنىڭ ئۈچۈن تەۋرات-قانۇنۇمدا كۆپ تەرەپلىمە نەرسىلەرنى يازغان بولساممۇ، ئۇلار يات بىر نەرسە دەپ ھېسابلانماقتا.
Мән униң үчүн Тәврат-қанунумда көп тәрәплимә нәрсиләрни язған болсамму, Улар ят бир нәрсә дәп һесапланмақта.
Men uning üchün Tewrat-qanunumda köp tereplime nersilerni yazghan bolsammu, Ular yat bir nerse dep hésablanmaqta.
Mǝn uning üqün Tǝwrat-ⱪanunumda kɵp tǝrǝplimǝ nǝrsilǝrni yazƣan bolsammu, Ular yat bir nǝrsǝ dǝp ⱨesablanmaⱪta.
Ta đã chép lệ luật ta cho nó một vạn điều, nhưng nó coi như chẳng can gì đến mình.
Ta đã chép lệ luật ta cho nó một vạn điều, nhưng nó coi những chẳng can gì đến mình.
Dù Ta ban cho chúng tất cả luật pháp Ta, chúng cũng chẳng thèm để ý quan tâm.
Mo kọ ọ̀pọ̀lọpọ̀ ohun tí ó jẹ́ òfin mi fún wọn, ṣùgbọ́n wọn kà á sí ohun àjèjì.
Verse Count = 215

< Hosea 8:12 >