< Habakkuk 3:14 >

You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
Ti ke shpuar me shigjetat e tua kokën e fshatrave të tij; ata kishin ardhur si një uragan për t’i shpërndarë, duke lëshuar britma gëzimi, sikur po gllabëronin të mjerin në fshehtësi.
ثَقَبْتَ بِسِهَامِهِ رَأْسَ قَبَائِلِهِ. عَصَفُوا لِتَشْتِيتِي. ٱبْتِهَاجُهُمْ كَمَا لِأَكْلِ ٱلْمِسْكِينِ فِي ٱلْخُفْيَةِ.
طَعَنْتَ بِرِمَاحِهِ قَائِدَ جَيْشِهِمِ الْمُنْدَفِعِ كَإِعْصَارٍ لِيُشَتِّتَنَا بِابْتِهَاجِ مَنْ يَفْتَرِسُ الْمِسْكِينَ سِرّاً
আপুনি যুদ্ধাৰুসকলৰ সেনাপতিসকলক তেওঁলোকৰ নিজৰ কাঁড়েৰে মুৰবোৰ খুচিলে; তেওঁলোকে ধুমুহাৰ দৰে আমাক ছিন্ন-ভিন্ন কৰিবলৈ আহিছিল, তেওঁলোকে দুখীয়াক গুপুত স্থানত ৰখাৰ দৰে গ্ৰাস কৰিছিল।
Cəngavərləri fırtına tək Bizi dağıtmağa gələndə Onların başını öz nizələri ilə deşdin. Onlar gizlənən zavallıları Məhv edənlər kimi sevinərdi.
Wadela: i hamosu dunu ouligisu dunu ea dadi gagui wa: i da mulu agoane nini afagogolesimusa: manebe ba: i. Ilia da hidale, dunu amo da hame gagui dunu wamowane banenesisu defele, ninima osa: le heda: musa: manebe ba: i. Be amo dadi gagui wa: i ilia ouligisu dunu amo, Dia da Dia dadiga sone, fane sali dagoi.
যখন তার যোদ্ধারা আমাদের ছড়িয়ে দেবার জন্য ভীষণভাবে আক্রমণ করল, তখন তারা তাদের মতই আনন্দ করছিল যারা গোপনে তার দুঃখীদের গ্রাস করে আনন্দ পায়। তুমি তাদের নেতাকে তারই বর্শা দিয়ে বিঁধলে।
তুমি তার বর্শা দিয়ে তার নিজের মাথা বিদ্ধ করলে যখন তার যোদ্ধারা আমাদের ছিন্নভিন্ন করতে ঘূর্ণিবায়ুর মতো আক্রমণ করেছিল, গ্রাস করার অপেক্ষায় উল্লসিত ছিল হতভাগ্য যারা লুকিয়ে ছিল।
Пронизал си със собствените му копия главата на военните му, Които като вихрушка се устремиха да ме разбият, И чиято радост бе като че ли да ядят скришно сиромаха.
Gitusok nimo ang pangulo sa iyang mga manggugubat pinaagi sa kaugalingon niyang mga udyong sanglit miabot man (sila) sama sa unos aron sa pagpatibulaag kanamo, ang ilang pagpasigarbo sama sa tawo nga molamoy sa mga kabos diha sa tago nga dapit.
Gipalagbasan mo sa iyang kaugalingong mga bangkaw ang ulo sa iyang mga manggugubat: Ming-anhi (sila) ingon sa bagyo sa pagkatag kanako; Ang ilang panagmaya sama niadtong molamoy sa kabus sa tago nga dapit.
Ndi mkondo wake womwe munalasa mtsogoleri wake pamene ankhondo ake anabwera mwamphamvu kudzatibalalitsa, ankasangalala ngati kuti akudzawononga osauka amene akubisala.
Angmah ih kalii hoiah avang thungah kaom kaminawk zaehoikung to lu ah na thunh: nihcae loe kai amrosak hanah kamhae takhi baktiah ang zoh o; nihcae anghoehaih loe amtang kaminawk tamquta hoi amrosak han ih ni oh.
A pueng, a pueng kah lu tah a caitueng neh na toeh pah coeng. Amih tah a huephael ah mangdaeng a dolh uh bangla amamih kah kocuknah neh kai taekyak ham thikthuek uh.
A pueng, a pueng kah lu tah a caitueng neh na toeh pah coeng. Amih tah a huephael ah mangdaeng a dolh uh bangla amamih kah kocuknah neh kai taekyak ham thikthuek uh.
Huipi hungnung banga hung kitola, beilamtaha Israel bahgam dinga go chu, nangin ama galvon maman nasumang’e.
Ransabawinaw e a lû hah palanaw hoi pawkkayawng lah a ka pouh. Ahnimouh teh kaimouh palek sak hanelah tûilî kathout patetlah a tho awh. Mathoenaw kei hanelah a lunghawi awh.
你用敌人的戈矛刺透他战士的头; 他们来如旋风,要将我们分散。 他们所喜爱的是暗中吞吃贫民。
你用敵人的戈矛刺透他戰士的頭; 他們來如旋風,要將我們分散。 他們所喜愛的是暗中吞吃貧民。
Kopljima si izbo vođu ratnika njegovih, koji navališe da nas s radošću satru, kao da će potajice proždrijet' ubogoga.
Holemi jeho probodl jsi hlavu vsí jeho, když se bouřili jako vichřice k rozptýlení mému, plésali, jako by sežrati měli chudého v skrytě.
Holemi jeho probodl jsi hlavu vsí jeho, když se bouřili jako vichřice k rozptýlení mému, plésali, jako by sežrati měli chudého v skrytě.
Med dit Spyd gennemborer du hans Hoved, bans Høvdinger splittes.
Du gennemborer ved hans Spyd Hovederne paa hans Skarer, som storme frem for at adsprede mig, og hvis Glæde var som til at æde den elendige i Skjul.
Med dit Spyd gennemborer du hans Hoved, hans Høvdinger splittes.
Gi tonge owuon isechwoyo wiye, kane jolwenje omonjowa mondo gikewa, ka gin gi ilo ka gima gichiegni tieko joma onge gi nyalo kama ne giponde.
Gij doorboordet met zijn staven het hoofd zijner dorplieden; zij hebben gestormd, om mij te verstrooien; die zich verheugden, alsof zij de ellendigen in het verborgen zouden opeten.
Gij doorboort met uw lans het hoofd van zijn helden, Die aanstormen, om mij te verstrooien; Die al jubelen, Als hadden ze den ongelukkige in zijn schuilhoek verslonden.
Gij doorboordet met zijn staven het hoofd zijner dorplieden; zij hebben gestormd, om mij te verstrooien; die zich verheugden, alsof zij de ellendigen in het verborgen zouden opeten.
Thou pierced with his own staves the head of his warriors. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me. Their rejoicing was as to devour the poor man secretly.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
Thou didst pierce with his own staves the head of his warriors: They came as a whirlwind to scatter me; Their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly.
With his own spear You pierced his head, when his warriors stormed out to scatter us, gloating as though ready to secretly devour the weak.
You have put your spears through his head, his horsemen were sent in flight like dry stems; they had joy in driving away the poor, in making a meal of them secretly.
Thou didst cut asunder the heads of princes with amazement, they shall tremble in it; they shall burst their bridles, [they shall be] as a poor man devouring in secret.
You did cut asunder the heads of princes with amazement, they shall tremble in it; they shall burst their bridles, [they shall be] as a poor man devouring in secret.
You have cursed his scepters, the head of his warriors, those who approached like a whirlwind so as to scatter me. Their exultation was like one who devours the poor in secret.
Thou didst strike through with his own spears the head of his leaders: They came out as a whirlwind to scatter me, Whose exulting was as to devour the afflicted secretly.
Thou hast cursed his sceptres, the head of his warriors, them that came out as a whirlwind to scatter me. Their joy was like that of him that devoureth the poor man in secret.
With his own arrows you pierced the heads of his warriors, those who came like a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating like those who secretly abuse the poor.
Thou didest strike thorowe with his owne staues the heades of his villages: they came out as a whirle winde to scatter me: their reioycing was as to deuoure the poore secretly.
Thou hast stricken through with his own rods the head of his rulers, that come as a whirlwind to scatter me; whose rejoicing is as to devour the poor secretly.
Thou didst strike through with his staves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing [was] as to devour the poor secretly.
You did strike through with his staves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly.
Thou didst strike through with his staves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly.
Thou didst strike through with his staves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly.
Thou didst strike through with his staves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly.
You did strike through with his staves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly.
You did cut asunder the heads of princes with amazement, they shall tremble in it; they shall burst their bridles, [they shall be] as a poor man devouring in secret.
Thou didst strike through with his own spears the chiefs of his villages, who rushed out furiously to scatter me; who rejoiced greatly as though they were to devour the poor in secret.
You have pierced the head of his leaders with his own rods, They are tempestuous to scatter me, Their exultation [is] as to consume the poor in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
Thou piercest with his own spears the chief of his captains, Who rushed like a whirlwind to scatter us; Who exulted, as if they should devour the distressed in a hiding-place.
You pierced his head with his spears, as his champions storm out to scatter us, as they rejoice to devour the poor secretly.
You pierced his head with his spears, as his champions storm out to scatter us, as they rejoice to devour the poor secretly.
Thou didst pierce with his own staves the head of his warriors: they came as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly.
Thou hast pierced, with his own staves, the head of his chiefs, they storm along, to scatter me, —their exultant thought, is, in very deed, to devour the oppressed one, in a secret place!
You pierced with own arrows his [the] head of (warriors his *Q(K)*) they storm to scatter me exultation their [was] like to devour [the] afflicted in the secret place.
to pierce in/on/with tribe: arrow his head (warrior his *Q(K)*) to rage to/for to scatter me exultation their like to/for to eat afflicted in/on/with hiding
With his own spear you destroyed the leader of those soldiers who rushed like [SIM] a whirlwind to [attack and] scatter us, thinking that they could conquer us [Israelis] easily.
You have pierced the head of his warriors with his own arrows since they came like a storm to scatter us, their gloating was like one who devours the poor in a hiding place.
Thou didst strike through with his staffs the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing [was] as to devour the poor secretly.
Thou didst strike through with his staffs the head of his villages: they came out as a whirlwind to scatter me: their rejoicing was as to devour the poor secretly.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
You pierced the heads of his warriors with their own spears. They came as a whirlwind to scatter me, gloating as if to devour the wretched in secret.
Thou cursidist the ceptris, ether powers, of hym, the heed of hise fiyteris, to men comynge as whirlewynde for to scatere me; the ioiyng withoutforth of hem, as of hym that deuourith a pore man in hidlis.
Thou hast pierced with his staves the head of his leaders, They are tempestuous to scatter me, Their exultation [is] as to consume the poor in secret.
Vi trapikis per liaj lancoj la kapojn de liaj taĉmentestroj, Kiam ili sin ĵetis ventege, por dispeli min kun ĝojo, Kvazaŭ englutante mizerulon kaŝe.
Ètsɔ eya ŋutɔ ƒe akplɔ ŋɔ ta nɛ esi eƒe asrafowo dze mía dzi be yewoakaka mí. Wole gbe tem abe ɖe wodi be yewoavuvu nublanuitɔ siwo si be la ene.
Jospa sinä vielä kiroisit pään valtikkaa kylinensä! jotka tulevat niinkuin tuulispää minua hajoittamaan, ja iloitsevat niinkuin he olisivat köyhän syöneet salaisesti.
Sinä lävistät heidän omilla keihäillään pään heidän johtajiltansa, jotka hyökkäävät hajottamaan minua-se on heidän ilonsa-aivan kuin pääsisivät syömään kurjaa salassa.
Tu as percé de ses propres traits le chef de ses bandes, qui se précipitaient pour me disperser, en poussant des cris de joie, comme s'ils allaient dévorer le malheureux dans leur repaire.
Tu as percé la tête de ses guerriers avec leurs propres lances. Ils sont venus comme un tourbillon pour me disperser, jubilant comme pour dévorer les malheureux en secret.
Tu transperças de ses propres traits la tête de ses chefs: ils arrivaient comme un tourbillon pour me disperser, leur joie était comme de dévorer l’affligé en secret.
Tu perças avec ses bâtons le Chef de ses bourgs, quand ils venaient comme une tempête pour me dissiper; ils s'égayaient comme pour dévorer l'affligé dans sa retraite.
Vous avez maudit ses sceptres, le chef de ses guerriers qui venaient comme un tourbillon pour me mettre en déroute. Leur exultation était comme l’exultation de celui qui dévore le pauvre en secret.
Tu perces de tes traits la tête de ses chefs, Qui se précipitent comme la tempête pour me disperser, Poussant des cris de joie, Comme s’ils dévoraient déjà le malheureux dans leur repaire.
Tu as percé de ses propres traits le chef de ses bandes, qui se précipitaient pour me disperser, en poussant des cris de joie, comme s’ils allaient dévorer le malheureux dans leur repaire.
Tu perces de tes traits la tête de ses chefs, qui se précipitent comme la tempête pour nous disperser, et se réjouissent comme pour dévorer le malheureux dans leur repaire.
Tu perces de tes traits la tête de ses chefs qui s'élancent pour me disperser, se réjouissent comme pour dévorer le malheureux dans l'embuscade.
Tu as frappé de stupeur les bêtes des puissants; ils en trembleront; ils laisseront voir leur frein en ouvrant la bouche, comme un pauvre qui mange en se cachant.
Tu transperces avec leurs propres traits ses premiers dignitaires, qui s’élancent comme l’ouragan pour me perdre. Ils triomphent déjà, comptant dévorer le faible dans l’ombre.
Du schlägst dann seines Fürsten Haupt samt seinen Scharen nieder, die da herbeigestürmt, mich zu zerschmettern, die einen Siegesjubel angestimmt, als ob sie unbeachtet Wehrlose verzehren könnten.
Du durchbohrtest mit seinen eigenen Spießen die Häupter seiner Scharen, [O. das Haupt seiner Führer] welche heranstürmten, mich zu zerstäuben, deren Frohlocken war, den Elenden im Verborgenen zu verschlingen.
Du durchbohrtest mit seinen eigenen Spießen die Häupter seiner Scharen, welche heranstürmten, mich zu zerstäuben, deren Frohlocken war, den Elenden im Verborgenen zu verschlingen.
Du durchbohrst mit Geschossen das Haupt seiner Führer, die heranstürmen, um mich zu zerstreuen; ihr Freudengeschrei erschallt, als wollten sie den Elenden im Verstecke verzehren.
Du wolltest fluchen dem Zepter des Haupts samt seinen Flecken, die wie ein Wetter kommen, mich zu zerstreuen, und freuen sich, als fräßen sie den Elenden verborgen.
Du durchbohrtest mit seinen Speeren das Haupt seiner Scharen, die wie ein Wetter kamen, mich zu zerstreuen, und freuten sich, als fräßen sie die Elenden im Verborgenen.
Du durchbohrst mit deinen Geschossen das Haupt seiner Führer, die heranstürmen, um mich zu zerschmettern, die da ein Jubelgeschrei erheben, als wollten sie den Elenden im Verborgenen verschlingen.
Du durchbohrst mit ihren eigenen Speeren das Haupt seiner Horden; sie stürmten einher, um mich in die Flucht zu schlagen, und erhoben ihr Freudengeschrei, als wollten sie den Elenden im Verborgenen verzehren.
Mit seinen Stäben durchbrichst Du das Haupt seiner Ungläubigen. Sie stürmen daher, als wollten sie mich zerstreuen. Ihr Jauchzen ist, als würden sie den Elenden auffressen im Verborgenen.
Wamũtheecire mũtwe na itimũ rĩake mwene, rĩrĩa njamba ciake cia ita ciatũtharĩkĩire itũharaganie; cigakenagĩrĩra ta igũtambuura athĩĩni arĩa mehithĩte.
Διεπέρασας με τας λόγχας αυτού την κεφαλήν των στραταρχών αυτού· εφώρμησαν ως ανεμοστρόβιλος διά να μη διασκορπίσωσιν· η αγαλλίασις αυτών ήτο ως εάν έμελλον κρυφίως να καταφάγωσι τον πτωχόν.
διέκοψας ἐν ἐκστάσει κεφαλὰς δυναστῶν σεισθήσονται ἐν αὐτῇ διανοίξουσιν χαλινοὺς αὐτῶν ὡς ἔσθων πτωχὸς λάθρᾳ
તમે લડવૈયાઓના માથાં તેઓના પોતાના જ ભાલાઓથી વીંધી નાખો છો તેઓ વાવાઝોડાની જેમ અમને વેર વિખેર કરી નાખવા આવ્યા હતા. તેઓ ગરીબને ગુપ્ત રીતે ભસ્મ કરવામાં આનંદ માને છે.
Avèk flèch ou yo, ou pèse kòmandan an chèf lame yo a, lè yo t'ap vare sou nou tankou yon van tanpèt pou gaye nou. Je yo gran louvri ak kontantman tankou moun ki pral devore pòv malere yo kote yo kache a.
Ou te frennen tèt gèye li yo ak pwòp nepe yo. Yo te antre kon toubiyon pou gaye nou. Ak gwo lajwa yo te tankou (sila) ki devore malere an sekrè yo.
Da māshinsa ka soki kansa sa’ad da jarumawansa suka fito don su tarwatse mu, suna farin ciki sai ka ce masu shirin cinye matalautan da suke a ɓoye.
Ua o hou aku oe i ke poo o kona poe alii, me kana mau ihe, Holo mai lakou, me he ino la, e hoopuehu ia'u; O ko lakou olioli, ua like me ka olioli o ka luku ana i ka mea ilihune ma kahi malu.
נקבת במטיו ראש פרזו יסערו להפיצני עליצתם כמו לאכל עני במסתר
נָקַ֤בְתָּ בְמַטָּיו֙ רֹ֣אשׁ פְּרָזֹו (פְּרָזָ֔יו) יִסְעֲר֖וּ לַהֲפִיצֵ֑נִי עֲלִ֣יצֻתָ֔ם כְּמֹו־לֶאֱכֹ֥ל עָנִ֖י בַּמִּסְתָּֽר׃
נָקַ֤בְתָּ בְמַטָּיו֙ רֹ֣אשׁ פְּרָזָ֔יו יִסְעֲר֖וּ לַהֲפִיצֵ֑נִי עֲלִ֣יצֻתָ֔ם כְּמוֹ־לֶאֱכֹ֥ל עָנִ֖י בַּמִּסְתָּֽר׃
נָקַבְתָּ בְמַטָּיו רֹאשׁ פְּרָזָו יִסְעֲרוּ לַהֲפִיצֵנִי עֲלִיצֻתָם כְּמוֹ־לֶאֱכֹל עָנִי בַּמִּסְתָּֽר׃
נקבת במטיו ראש פרזו יסערו להפיצני עליצתם כמו לאכל עני במסתר׃
נָקַבְתָּ בְמַטָּיו רֹאשׁ פרזו פְּרָזָיו יִסְעֲרוּ לַהֲפִיצֵנִי עֲלִיצֻתָם כְּמוֹ־לֶאֱכֹל עָנִי בַּמִּסְתָּֽר׃
נָקַ֤בְתָּ בְמַטָּיו֙ רֹ֣אשׁ פרזו יִסְעֲר֖וּ לַהֲפִיצֵ֑נִי עֲלִ֣יצֻתָ֔ם כְּמוֹ־לֶאֱכֹ֥ל עָנִ֖י בַּמִּסְתָּֽר׃
तूने उसके योद्धाओं के सिरों को उसी की बर्छी से छेदा है, वे मुझ को तितर-बितर करने के लिये बवंडर की आँधी के समान आए, और दीन लोगों को घात लगाकर मार डालने की आशा से आनन्दित थे।
आपने उसी के भाले से उसके सिर को छेदा है, जब उसके योद्धा हमें तितर-बितर करने के लिये हम पर टूट पड़े, वे ऐसे घूर रहे थे मानो छिपे हुए दुष्ट लोगों को नष्ट करनेवाले हों.
Saját dárdájával vered át az ő vezéreinek fejét, a kik berohannak, hogy szétszórjanak engem; ujjonganak, hogy rejtekében emészthetik meg a szegényt.
Átszúrtad nyílvesszőivel vezéreinek fejét: viharként jönnek szétszórni engem; ujjongásuk olyan, mint mikor megeszik a szegényt alattomban.
Ọ bụ ùbe ya ka i ji mawaa ya isi, mgbe ndị dike nʼagha ya bịara dịka oke ifufe ịchụsa anyị, mgbe ha si nʼobi ụtọ ha chee na ha na-aga iripịa ndị ogbenye e wedara nʼala, bụ ndị na-ezo onwe ha.
Dinuyokmo ti ulo dagiti mannakigubatna babaen iti bukodna a pana agsipud ta immayda a kasla bagio a mangiwarawara kadakami, ti panagpasindayawda ket maiyarig iti maysa a mangal-alun-on iti nakurapay iti lugar a paglemmengan.
Panah-panah-Mu menembus pemimpin pasukan lawan waktu tentaranya datang sekuat topan, agar kami diceraiberaikan. Mereka tertawa dengan senang seperti orang yang dengan diam-diam menindas orang yang berkekurangan.
Engkau menusuk dengan anak panahnya sendiri kepala lasykarnya, yang mengamuk untuk menyerakkan aku dengan sorak-sorai, seolah-olah mereka menelan orang tertindas secara tersembunyi.
Tu trafiggesti, co' suoi dardi stessi, il capo delle villate di esso; Essi venivano a guisa di turbo, per dissiparmi; Il lor trionfo [era] come di [genti apparecchiate] a divorare il povero di nascosto.
Con i tuoi dardi hai trafitto il capo dei suoi guerrieri che irrompevano per disperdermi con la gioia di chi divora il povero di nascosto.
Tu trafiggi coi lor propri dardi la testa de’ suoi capi, che vengon come un uragano per disperdermi, mandando gridi di gioia, come se già divorassero il misero nei loro nascondigli.
汝は彼の鎗をもてその將帥の首を刺とほし給ふ 彼らは我を散さんとて大風のごとくに進みきたる 彼らは貧き者を密に呑ほろぼす事をもてその樂とす
汝は彼の鎗をもてその將帥の首を刺とほし給ふ 彼らは我を散さんとて大風のごとくに進みきたる 彼らは貧き者を密に呑ほろぼす事をもてその樂とす
Kagigagi zahomo'ma hiaza hu'za tahe panani hunaku'ma erintaguma hu'za aza harfa sondia vahe'mokizmi kva nera, agri kevereti asenifina rerapone'nane. Zamagra muse nehu'za zamunte omane nagara mago vahe'mo'a zamaza osanigeta zamahe hana hugahune nehaza vahera zamagri kevereti nezmahane.
ನಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಚದುರಿಸಲು ಅವನ ಯುದ್ಧವೀರರು ಮುತ್ತಿಗೆ ಹಾಕಿದಾಗ, ಅವನ ಸ್ವಂತ ಭರ್ಜಿಯಿಂದಲೇ ಅವನ ತಲೆಯನ್ನು ತಿವಿದಿ. ಅವರು ಅಡಗಿಕೊಂಡಿರುವ ಬಡವರನ್ನು ನುಂಗಲು ಬಂದವರೋ ಎಂಬಂತೆ ಬಂದಿದ್ದರಲ್ಲವೇ?
ದಿಕ್ಕಿಲ್ಲದವರನ್ನು ಮರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ನುಂಗಲು ಹೆಚ್ಚಳಪಡುವವರಾಗಿ ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಚದುರಿಸಬೇಕೆಂದು ನನ್ನ ಮೇಲೆ ಬಿರುಗಾಳಿಯಂತೆ ನುಗ್ಗಿದ ಅವನ ಭಟರ ತಲೆಯನ್ನು ಅವನ ದೊಣ್ಣೆಗಳಿಂದಲೇ ಒಡೆದಿದ್ದೀ
그들이 회리바람처럼 이르러 나를 흩으려 하며 가만히 가난한 자 삼키기를 즐거워하나 오직 주께서 그들의 전사의 머리를 그들의 창으로 찌르셨나이다
그들이 회리바람처럼 이르러 나를 흩으려 하며 가만히 가난한 자 삼키기를 즐거워하나 오직 주께서 그들의 전사의 머리를 그들의 창으로 찌르셨나이다
Mwe pisr nutum fakisya ac sasla ke mwet kol fulat lun un mwet mweun Ke elos tuku oana sie paka in liskutelik. Elos engnu oana mwet su akkeokye mwet sukasrup in lukma.
بە تیرەکانی خۆی سەری سەرکردەکانی ئەوت کونت کرد، کاتێک هێرشیان هێنا بۆ پەرتەوازەکردنمان، خۆشیان ئامادە کرد بۆ ڕاوکردنی ئەو کڵۆڵەی خۆی ماتداوە.
Maledixisti sceptris ejus, capiti bellatorum ejus, venientibus ut turbo ad dispergendum me: exsultatio eorum, sicut ejus qui devorat pauperem in abscondito.
Maledixisti sceptris eius, capiti bellatorum eius, venientibus ut turbo ad dispergendum me. Exultatio eorum sicut eius, qui devorat pauperem in abscondito.
Maledixisti sceptris eius, capiti bellatorum eius, venientibus ut turbo ad dispergendum me. Exultatio eorum sicut eius, qui devorat pauperem in abscondito.
Maledixisti sceptris ejus, capiti bellatorum ejus, venientibus ut turbo ad dispergendum me: exsultatio eorum, sicut ejus qui devorat pauperem in abscondito.
maledixisti sceptris eius capiti bellatorum eius venientibus ut turbo ad dispergendum me exultatio eorum sicut eius qui devorat pauperem in abscondito
Maledixisti sceptris eius, capiti bellatorum eius, venientibus ut turbo ad dispergendum me. Exultatio eorum sicut eius, qui devorat pauperem in abscondito.
Ar viņa paša šķēpiem Tu satrieci viņa karavīru galvu, kas kā vētra nāk, mani izkaisīt, kam prieks, nabagu aprīt slepenībā.
Otobolaki ye moto na nzela ya likonga na ye moko, tango basoda na ye bazalaki koya na elulu lokola mopepe mpo na kopanza biso. Bazalaki kosepela na elikya ete bakoboma biso na nkuku.
Wafumita omutwe gwe n’effumu lye ye, abalwanyi be bwe baavaayo okutugoba, nga bali ng’abanaatumalawo, ffe abaali baweddemu essuubi nga twekwese.
Ny lefony ihany no anaboroahanao ny lohan’ ireo miaramilany betsaka, Izay avy toy ny tadio hanely ahy, Sady mifaly handany mangingina ny ory izy.
Trinofa’o amo kobai’eo avao ty loha’ o mpifehe’eo, o mpivovo amako hoe tangololahio; ie miankahake hampibotseke o mahaferenaiñeo añ’etake ao.
അങ്ങ് അവന്റെ കുന്തങ്ങൾകൊണ്ട് അവന്റെ യോദ്ധാക്കളുടെ നായകന്മാരുടെ തല കുത്തിത്തുളക്കുന്നു; എന്നെ ചിതറിക്കേണ്ടതിന് അവർ ചുഴലിക്കാറ്റുപോലെ വരുന്നു; എളിയവനെ മറവിൽവച്ച് വിഴുങ്ങുവാൻ പോകുന്നതുപോലെ അവർ ഉല്ലസിക്കുന്നു.
നീ അവന്റെ കുന്തങ്ങൾകൊണ്ടു അവന്റെ യോദ്ധാക്കളുടെ തല കുത്തിത്തുളെക്കുന്നു; എന്നെ ചിതറിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു അവർ ചുഴലിക്കാറ്റുപോലെ വരുന്നു; എളിയവനെ മറവിൽവെച്ചു വിഴുങ്ങുവാൻ പോകുന്നതുപോലെ അവർ ഉല്ലസിക്കുന്നു.
നീ അവന്റെ കുന്തങ്ങൾകൊണ്ടു അവന്റെ യോദ്ധാക്കളുടെ തല കുത്തിത്തുളെക്കുന്നു; എന്നെ ചിതറിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു അവർ ചുഴലിക്കാറ്റുപോലെ വരുന്നു; എളിയവനെ മറവിൽവെച്ചു വിഴുങ്ങുവാൻ പോകുന്നതുപോലെ അവർ ഉല്ലസിക്കുന്നു.
ഞങ്ങളെ ചിതറിക്കാൻ അവന്റെ ശൂരന്മാർ പാഞ്ഞടുത്തപ്പോൾ, ഒളിച്ചിരിക്കുന്ന അരിഷ്ടന്മാരെ വിഴുങ്ങാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുന്നതുപോലെ അവർ ആനന്ദിച്ചപ്പോൾ, അവന്റെ കുന്തംകൊണ്ടുതന്നെ അങ്ങ് അവന്റെ തല തുളച്ചു.
ते प्रचंड वादळाप्रमाणे आम्हास पांगवण्यास आले असता, तू त्यांचेच भाले त्यांच्या सैनिकांच्या डोक्यात भोसकले, गरीब मनुष्यास एकांतात खाऊन टाकावे, ह्यामध्ये त्यांची तृप्तता होती.
Verse not available
ဗိုလ်မင်းတို့၏ ဦးခေါင်းကို မြှားတော်တို့နှင့် ထုတ်ချင်းခပ်ထိုးတော်မူ၏။ ထိုသူတို့သည် အကျွန်ုပ်တို့ကို လွင့်စေခြင်းငှါ လေပြင်းမုန်တိုင်းကဲ့သို့ တိုက်ကြပါ၏။ ဆင်းရဲသားတို့ကို အမှတ်တမဲ့ ကိုက်စားမည့်အကြံရှိသကဲ့ သို့ ဝမ်းမြောက်ကြပါ၏။
ဗိုလ် မင်းတို့၏ ဦးခေါင်း ကို မြှား တော်တို့နှင့် ထုတ်ချင်းခပ် ထိုးတော်မူ၏။ ထိုသူတို့သည် အကျွန်ုပ် တို့ကို လွင့် စေခြင်းငှါ လေပြင်း မုန်တိုင်းကဲ့သို့တိုက်ကြပါ၏။ ဆင်းရဲသား တို့ကို အမှတ်တမဲ့ ကိုက်စား မည့်အကြံရှိသကဲ့သို့ ဝမ်းမြောက် ကြပါ၏။
Werohia ana e koe te upoko o ona ariki ki ana tokotoko ano: ano he paroro ratou e aki mai ana ki te titaritari i ahau; ko to ratou koanga ngakau he kai puku i te rawakore.
Umhlabe ikhanda ngomkhonto wakhe lapho amabutho akhe ephume ngesiqubu ukuba asihlakaze, ethokoza kungani asezakudla abahluphekayo abebecatshile.
Wahlaba ngemikhonto yakhe inhloko yamadoda akhe empi; baba njengesivunguzane ukungihlakaza; ukuthokoza kwabo kwakunjengokudla abayanga ngasese.
तपाईंले त्यसका लडाकुहरूका शिरलाई तिनीहरूकै तिरले छेडिदिनुभयो किनभने तिनीहरू हामीलाई तितरबितर गर्न आँधीझैँ आए, शरणस्थानमा दरिद्रहरूलाई भस्म पार्नेको झैँ तिनीहरूको नजर थियो ।
Du gjennemborer med hans eget spyd hodene på hans skarer, som stormer frem for å sprede mig og gleder sig likesom de skulde til å opete en arming i lønndom.
Med hans eigne spjot sting du gjenom hovudet på hovdingarne hans som stormar fram, vil spreida meg, som gleder seg som det galdt i løynd å eta ein arming upp.
ତୁମ୍ଭେ ତାହାର ନିଜ ଯଷ୍ଟି ଦ୍ୱାରା ତାହାର ଯୋଦ୍ଧାମାନଙ୍କର ମସ୍ତକ ବିଦ୍ଧ କଲ: ସେମାନେ ମୋତେ ଛିନ୍ନଭିନ୍ନ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଘୂର୍ଣ୍ଣବାୟୁର ନ୍ୟାୟ ଆସିଲେ; ଦରିଦ୍ରକୁ ଗୋପନରେ ଗ୍ରାସ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ସେମାନଙ୍କର ଆନନ୍ଦ ଥିଲା।
Yeroo loltoonni isaa nu bittinneessuuf kaʼanii, akkuma waan rakkattoota dhokatanii jiran fixuu gaʼaniitti gammadanitti, ati eeboo ofii isaatiin mataa isaa waraante.
ਤੂੰ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਸੂਰਮਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਸਿਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀਆਂ ਆਪਣੀਆਂ ਬਰਛੀਆਂ ਨਾਲ ਹੀ ਵਿੰਨ੍ਹ ਦਿੱਤਾ, ਉਹ ਤੂਫ਼ਾਨ ਵਾਂਗੂੰ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਉਡਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਆਏ, ਅਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਅਨੰਦ ਹੋਏ ਜਿਹੜੇ ਚੁੱਪ-ਚੁਪੀਤੇ ਦੀਨ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਨਾਸ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਘਾਤ ਲਗਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ।
سر سرداران ایشان را به عصای خودشان مجروح ساختی، حینی که مثل گردباد آمدند تامرا پراکنده سازند. خوشی ایشان در این بود که مسکینان را در خفیه ببلعند.
آنها مثل گردباد بیرون آمده، خیال کردند اسرائیل به آسانی به چنگشان می‌افتد، ولی تو با سلاحهای خودشان آنها را نابود کردی.
Potłukłeś kijmi jego głowę wsi jego, gdy się burzyli jako wicher, aby mię rozproszyli; weselili się, jakoby pożreć mieli ubogiego w skrytości.
Jego oszczepami przebiłeś głowę jego wsi; burzyli się jak wicher, aby mnie rozproszyć; cieszyli się, jakby mieli potajemnie pożreć ubogiego.
Perfuraste com suas próprias lanças os líderes de suas tropas, que vieram impetuosamente para me dispersarem. A alegria deles era como a de devorarem os pobres às escondidas.
Tu furaste com os teus cajados a cabeça das suas aldeias; elles me accommetteram tempestuosos para me espalharem: alegravam-se, como se estivessem para devorar o pobre em segredo.
Tu furaste com os teus cajados a cabeça das suas aldeias; eles me acometeram tempestuosos para me espalharem: alegravam-se, como se estivessem para devorar o pobre em segredo.
Você furou as cabeças de seus guerreiros com suas próprias lanças. Eles vieram como um redemoinho para me dispersar, se gabando como se devorasse os infelizes em segredo.
Стрэпунӂь ку сэӂециле Тале капул кэпетениилор луй, каре се нэпустеск песте мине ка фуртуна, сэ мэ пунэ пе фугэ, скоцынд стригэте де букурие, ка ши кум ар фи ши мынкат пе чел ненорочит ын кулкуш.
Cu bâtele lui, ai străpuns capul satelor sale; ei au ieșit ca un vârtej de vânt să mă împrăștie; bucuria lor era să mistuie pe sărac în ascuns.
Ты пронзаешь копьями его главу вождей его, когда они как вихрь ринулись разбить меня, в радости, как бы думая поглотить бедного скрытно.
Његовим копљима пробио си главу селима његовим кад наваљиваху као вихор да ме разаспу, радоваху се као да ће прождрети сиромаха у потаји.
Njegovijem kopljima probio si glavu selima njegovijem kad navaljivahu kao vihor da me razaspu, radovahu se kao da æe proždrijeti siromaha u potaji.
Nepfumo rake chairo makabaya musoro wake, pakauya varwi vake sechamupupuri kuzotiparadzira, vachifara savanoda kuparadza vanotambudzika vakanga vakavanda.
разсекл еси во изступлении главы сильных, сотрясутся в ней: разверзут узды своя яко снедаяй нищий тай.
Z njegovimi kopji si prebodel poglavarja njegovih vasi. Ven so prišli kakor vrtinčast veter, da me razkropijo. Njihovo razveseljevanje je bilo kakor, da bi na skrivaj požrli ubogega.
Madaxii dagaalyahanyadiisa waxaad ku mudday ulihiisii, Waxay u yimaadeen sidii dabayl cirwareen ah inay i kala firdhiyaan daraaddeed. Rayrayntoodu waxay ahayd inay masaakiinta qarsoodi u dhammeeyaan.
Horadaste con sus báculos las cabezas de sus villas, que como tempestad acometieron para derramarme; su orgullo era como para devorar al pobre encubiertamente.
Con sus propias flechas atravesaste las cabezas de sus guerreros, los que vinieron en medio de un torbellino para dispersarme, y que se regocijaban como los que abusan de los pobres en secreto.
Atravesaste las cabezas de sus guerreros con sus propias lanzas. Vinieron como un torbellino a dispersarme, regodeándose como si fuera a devorar a los desdichados en secreto.
Con tus propias flechas Traspasas a los jefes de sus nobles, Que como tempestad acometen para dispersarme. Su regocijo es como el del que devora en secreto al pobre.
Horadas con sus propios dardos al jefe de sus guerreros, que se precipitan para dispersarme, y saltan de gozo, como para devorar al pobre ocultamente.
Horadaste con sus báculos las cabezas de sus villas, que como tempestad acometieron para derramarme: su orgullo era como para tragar pobre encubiertamente.
Horadaste con sus báculos las cabezas de sus villas, que como tempestad acometieron para derramarme: su orgullo era como para devorar al pobre encubiertamente.
Le pasaste las lanzas por la cabeza con sus propias lanzas, enviaron a sus jinetes en vuelo como tempestad para dispersar; tenían alegría como cuando se devora al pobre en secreto.
Umekichoma kichwa cha wapiganaji wake kwa mshale wake mwenyewe sababu walikuja kama upepo kututawanya sisi, wivu wao ulikuwa kama mtu ambaye anamteketeza masikini katika mahali pamaficho.
Kwa mkuki wake mwenyewe ulitoboa kichwa chake wakati mashujaa wake walifurika nje kwa kishindo kututawanya, wakifurahi kama walio karibu kutafuna wale wanyonge waliokuwa mafichoni.
Du genomborrar deras styresmans huvud med hans egna pilar, när de storma fram till att förskingra oss, under fröjd, såsom gällde det att i lönndom äta upp en betryckt.
O! att du ville banna hufvudens spiror, samt med dess byar, hvilke, såsom ett väder, komma till att förströ mig, och glädja sig, lika som de uppslukte de elända hemliga.
Du genomborrar deras styresmans huvud med hans egna pilar, när de storma fram till att förskingra oss, under fröjd, såsom gällde det att i lönndom äta upp en betryckt.
Iyong mga pinalagpasan ng kaniyang sariling mga sibat ang ulo ng kaniyang mga mangdidigma: Sila'y nagsiparitong parang ipoipo upang pangalatin ako; Ang kanilang kagalakan ay sakmaling lihim ang dukha.
Tinusok mo ang ulo ng kaniyang mga mandirigma sa pamamagitan ng kaniyang sariling mga palaso yamang pumarito (sila) gaya ng isang bagyo upang ikalat kami, ang kanilang kasiyahan ay gaya ng isang taong sinasakmal ang mahihirap sa isang taguan.
என்னைச் சிதறடிப்பதற்குப் பெருங்காற்றைப்போல் வந்தார்கள்; சிறுமையானவனை மறைவிடத்திலே அழிப்பது அவர்களுக்குச் சந்தோஷமாயிருந்தது; நீர் அவனுடைய ஈட்டிகளினாலேயே அவனுடைய சேனைகளின் அதிபதிகளை உருவக் குத்தினீர்.
மறைவிடத்தில் பதுங்கியிருக்கும் நிர்கதியானவர்களை விழுங்க வருவதுபோல, அவனுடைய இராணுவவீரர் எங்களைச் சிதறடிக்கும்படி புயலைப்போல் வந்தார்கள். அப்பொழுது நீர் அவனுடைய சொந்த ஈட்டியினாலேயே அவனுடைய சேனைகளின் அதிபதிகளை உருவக் குத்தினீர்.
పేదలను రహస్యంగా మింగివేయాలని ఉప్పొంగుతూ తుఫానులాగా వస్తున్న యోధుల తలల్లో వారి ఈటెలే నాటుతున్నావు.
Naʻa ke hokaʻi ʻae ʻulu ʻo ʻene kautau, mei hono ngaahi faʻahinga: naʻe haʻu ʻakinautolu ʻo hangē ko e ʻahiohio ke fakamovete au: ko ʻenau fiefiaʻanga ia, ke keina ʻae masiva ʻi he fufū.
Başını kendi mızrağıyla deldin. Askerleri fırtına gibi gelmişti bizi dağıtmaya, Saklanan düşkünleri yok etmiş gibi seviniyorlardı.
Wode nʼankasa peaw hwirew ne ti mu, bere a nʼakofo bɔɔ yerɛdɛ sɛ wɔrebɛhwete yɛn mu. Wɔpɛɛ sɛ wɔbɛtɔre mmɔborɔfo a wɔakɔ agua no ase koraa.
Wode ɔno ankasa pea hweree ne tiri mu, ɛberɛ a nʼakofoɔ bɔɔ yerɛdɛ sɛ wɔrebɛhwete yɛn mu. Wɔpɛɛ sɛ wɔbɛtɔre mmɔborɔfoɔ a wɔakɔ atɛ no ase koraa.
Ти пробив його спи́сами го́лову кня́зя його́, як вони підняли́сь, щоб мене розпоро́шити; вони ті́шилися, немов мали поже́рти тає́мно убогого.
तूने उसी की लाठी से उसके बहादुरों के सिर फोड़े; वह मुझे बिखेरने को हवा के झोके की तरह आए, वह ग़रीबों को तन्हाई में निगल जाने पर ख़ुश थे।
سەن ئۇنىڭ نەيزىلىرى بىلەن سەردارلىرىنىڭ بېشىغا سانجىدىڭ؛ ئۇلار دەھشەتلىك قارا قۇيۇندەك مېنى تارقىتىۋېتىشكە چىقتى، ئۇلارنىڭ خۇشاللىقى ئاجىز مۆمىنلەرنى يوشۇرۇن جايدا يالماپ يۇتۇشتىن ئىبارەتتۇر!
Сән униң нәйзилири билән сәрдарлириниң бешиға санҗидиң; Улар дәһшәтлик қара қуюндәк мени тарқитиветишкә чиқти, Уларниң хошаллиғи аҗиз мөминләрни йошурун җайда ялмап жутуштин ибарәттур!
Sen uning neyziliri bilen serdarlirining béshigha sanjiding; Ular dehshetlik qara quyundek méni tarqitiwétishke chiqti, Ularning xushalliqi ajiz möminlerni yoshurun jayda yalmap yutushtin ibarettur!
Sǝn uning nǝyziliri bilǝn sǝrdarlirining bexiƣa sanjiding; Ular dǝⱨxǝtlik ⱪara ⱪuyundǝk meni tarⱪitiwetixkǝ qiⱪti, Ularning huxalliⱪi ajiz mɵminlǝrni yoxurun jayda yalmap yutuxtin ibarǝttur!
Ngài lấy giáo nó đâm đầu lính chiến nó, Chúng nó đến như trận bão đặng làm tan tác tôi; Chúng nó vui thích như nuốt kẻ bần cùng cách kín giấu.
Ngài lấy giáo nó đâu đầu lính chiến nó, Chúng nó đến như trận bão đặng làm tan tác tôi; Chúng nó vui thích như nuốt kẻ bần cùng cách kín giấu.
Chúa lấy giáo quân thù đâm đầu các chiến sĩ nó, chúng kéo đến như giông bão để đánh tôi tan tác, niềm vui của chúng là ăn nuốt người hiền lành trong nơi bí mật.
Pẹ̀lú ọ̀kọ̀ rẹ̀ kí ó fi gún orí rẹ nígbà tí àwọn jagunjagun rẹ̀ jáde láti tú wá ká, ayọ̀ wọn sì ni láti jẹ tálákà run ní ìkọ̀kọ̀.
Verse Count = 214

< Habakkuk 3:14 >