< Galatians 5:17 >

For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
sepse mishi ka dëshira kundër Frymës, dhe Fryma ka dëshira kundër mishit; dhe këto janë të kundërta me njëra-tjetrën, që ju të mos bëni ato që dëshironi.
Bara na kidowe din cinu ugang nin Ruhu, a unin u Ruhu cina ugang nin kidowo inughe naba din su ivira nin nati. Bara iwa su imon ilenge na idi nin sun sue.
لِأَنَّ ٱلْجَسَدَ يَشْتَهِي ضِدَّ ٱلرُّوحِ وَٱلرُّوحُ ضِدَّ ٱلْجَسَدِ، وَهَذَانِ يُقَاوِمُ أَحَدُهُمَا ٱلْآخَرَ، حَتَّى تَفْعَلُونَ مَا لَا تُرِيدُونَ.
فَإِنَّ الْجَسَدَ يَشْتَهِي بِعَكْسِ الرُّوحِ، وَالرُّوحُ بِعَكْسِ الْجَسَدِ؛ وَهَذَانِ يُقَاوِمُ أَحَدُهُمَا الآخَرَ حَتَّى إِنَّكُمْ لَا تَفْعَلُونَ مَا تَرْغَبُونَ فِيهِ.
ܒܤܪܐ ܓܝܪ ܪܐܓ ܡܕܡ ܕܢܟܐ ܠܪܘܚܐ ܘܪܘܚܐ ܪܓܐ ܡܕܡ ܕܢܟܐ ܠܒܤܪܐ ܘܬܪܝܗܘܢ ܤܩܘܒܠܐ ܐܢܘܢ ܚܕ ܕܚܕ ܕܠܐ ܡܕܡ ܕܨܒܝܬܘܢ ܬܗܘܘܢ ܥܒܕܝܢ
Որովհետեւ մարմինը կը ցանկայ Հոգիին հակառակ, ու Հոգին՝ մարմինին հակառակ. եւ ասոնք իրարու հակառակ են, որպէսզի չընէք ի՛նչ որ ուզէք:
কিয়নো মাংসই আত্মাৰ বিৰুদ্ধে আৰু আত্মাই মাংসৰ বিৰুদ্ধে অভিলাষ কৰে; কাৰণ আপোনালোকে যি কৰিবলৈ ইচ্ছা কৰে, তাক যেন আপোনালোকে নকৰে, তাৰ কাৰণে এই দুয়ো পৰস্পৰ বিৰুদ্ধা-বিৰুদ্ধী।
Çünki cismani təbiət Ruha zidd və Ruh cismani təbiətə zidd olanı arzulayır. Onlar bir-birinə qarşı durur ki, siz istədiyinizi etməyəsiniz.
wori dike bwiyo cwitiyeu makiyeti ka-nge dike yuwatangbeko cwitiyeu, dila dikero yuwatangbeko cwitiyeu ma kiyeti ka-nge dike bwiyo cwityeu.
Ecen haraguiac guthiciatzen du Spirituaren contrá, eta Spirituac haraguiaren contra: eta gauça hauc elkarren contra dirade: hala non nahi dituçuen gauça guciac ezpaitituçue eguiten.
Ninia da: i hodo hanai liligi da hisu. Amola A: silibu Ea hanai liligi da hisu. Amo hou aduna da hisu hisuba: le, ela da gegenana. Ela da ha lai hamoiba: le, dia hanai hou hahawane hamomu da hamedei galebe.
কারণ দেহ আত্মার বিরুদ্ধে এবং আত্মা দেহের বিরুদ্ধে অভিলাষ করে, কারণ এই দুইটি বিষয় একটি অন্যটির বিপরীত, তাই তোমরা যা ইচ্ছা কর, তা করতে পার না।
কারণ শারীরিক লালসা পবিত্র আত্মার অভিলাষের বিপরীত এবং পবিত্র আত্মা শারীরিক লালসার অভিলাষের বিপরীত। সেগুলি পরস্পরের বিরুদ্ধে সংঘর্ষ করে, যেন তোমরা যা চাও, তা করতে না পারো।
किजोकि जिसम पवित्र आत्मारे खलाफे, ते पवित्र आत्मा जिसमेरे खलाफ खुवैइश केरते, ते इना एक्की होरेरे दुश्मन आन; एल्हेरेलेइ ज़ैन तुस केरनू चातथ तैन न केरि बटथ।
क्योंकि सै कम्म जड़े साड़ा पापी सभाब सांझो ला करबाणा चांदा है, ऐ सेई चीजां न जड़ी पबित्र आत्मा नी चांहदी की असां नी करन, क्योंकि ऐ दोनों इक दुज्जे दे दुश्मण न; इस तांई हमेशा उना खरे कम्मा जो नी करी सकदे जड़े असां करबाणा चांदे न।
କାୟ୍‌ତାକ୍‌ବଃଲେକ୍‌ ଗଃଗାଳାର୍‌ ଇଚା ପବିତ୍ର ଆତ୍ମାର୍‌ ବିରଦ୍‌ ସେରଃକମ୍‌ ପବିତ୍ର ଆତ୍ମାର୍‌ ଇଚା ଗଃଗାଳାର୍‌ ଇଚାର୍‌ ବିରଦି ବଃଲେକ୍‌ ଇ ଜଳେକ୍‌ ନିଜାର୍‌ ନିଜାର୍‌ ସଃତ୍ରୁ, ତଃବେ ତୁମିମଃନ୍ ଜାୟ୍‌ଜାୟ୍‌ରି ଇଚା କଃରାସ୍‌, ସେସଃବୁ କଃରୁ ନଃହାରାସ୍‌ ।
Meets tewno shayiri tewnontotoniye b́ wed'eyiri, shayiri tewnonu meets tewnontoniye b́wed'eyri, mansh meetsonat shayiron boats atsewo bo wed'eyiri, eshe it geyirwo k'alo falratste.
Naki ikpa ani you shishi u gbengblen ni Ruhu ndindi, Ruhu ndindi me ani yo shishi ni kpa. Naki ma bina ya tie kpe wa bi son na.
Защото плътта силно желае противното на Духа, а Духът противното на плътта; понеже те се противят едно на друго, за да можете да правите това, което искате.
Kay ang unod adunay lig-on nga tinguha batok sa Espiritu, ug ang Espiritu adunay lig-on nga tinguha batok sa unod. Kay kini sukwahi sa matag usa. Ang sangpotanan niini dili ninyo mabuhat ang mga butang nga inyong gitinguha nga buhaton.
Kay ang mga pangibog sa unod kasupak sa Espiritu, ug ang mga tinguha sa Espiritu kasupak sa unod, kay kining duha nagakasinupakay man ang usa sa usa, aron kamo dili makahimo sa buot ninyong pagabuhaton.
Pakuti thupi lanu la uchimo limalakalaka zimene ndi zotsutsana ndi Mzimu, ndi Mzimu zimene ndi zotsutsana ndi thupi lanu la uchimo. Ziwirizi zimadana, kotero kuti simungachite zimene mukufuna.
Mi nghngicim ngneiksak naw Ngmüimkhya ngneisak ä ngja hlü se, Ngmüimkhya ngneiksak naw pi mi nghngicim ngneiksak ä ngja hlüki. Ahin xawi cun ye xawi ni. Acunakyase namäta ngjak hlü ä na bi theiki.
Taksa koehhaih mah Muithla to koeh ai, Muithla mah taksa to koeh ai: hae hmuen hnik loe maeto hoi maeto buenglueng tamlet ah oh hoi: to pongah na koeh ih hmuennawk to na sah o thai ai.
Pumsa ngaih loh mueihla te a koek tih Mueihla loh pumsa te a koek. Te tah khat neh khat kingkalh uh. Te dongah na ngaih pawt te na saii uh.
Pumsa ngaih loh mueihla te a koek tih Mueihla loh pumsa te a koek. Te tah khat neh khat kingkalh uh. Te dongah na ngaih pawt te na saii uh.
Pumsa ngaihnaak ing Myihla lam noeng thai nawh, Myihla ngaihnaak ingawm pumsa ve noeng thai ny; them sai ham naming cai am nami sai naak thai ham pumsa ingkaw Myihla ve kalh qu hy nih.
Banghangziam cile cilesa in Thaa langpan in thangai a, Thaa in zong cilesa langpan in thangai hi: taciang hi te sia khat le khat ki do uh hi: tua ahikom note deina nate na vawt thei bua uh hi.
Chonset nomna lungchang in thilse abolnomin, hichu Lhagaovin abolnom chuto kikala ahi. Chule Lhagao chun chonsetnomna lung ngaichat to kikal ngaichatna eipeh u ahitai. Hicheteni hi kidou jing jenga ahijeh a nangman nalunggot apha jong chu nabol theilou ahi.
Bangkongtetpawiteh takthai ngainae hoi Muitha ngainae teh a kâtaran. Muitha ni takthai hoi kâtaran e hno a doun. Hattelah dawk doeh ahnimouh teh buet touh hoi buet touh a kâtaran awh teh nangmouh ni sak han na ngai e na sak thai awh hoeh.
Pakuŵa tama simpagwilwe nasyo sikukanilana ni yakuisaka Mbumu jwa Akunnungu ni yakuisaka Mbumu jwa Akunnungu ikukanilana ni tama sya chiilu syangalumbana simpagwilwe nasyo. Yeleyo indu iŵili ikukanilana, kwa ligongo lyo ngankombolanga kupanganya inkusaka mwachinsyene.
ϯⲥⲁⲣⲝ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲥⲉⲣ⳿ⲉⲡⲓⲑⲩⲙⲓⲛ ⲟⲩⲃⲉ ⲡⲓⲡ͞ⲛⲁ̅ ⲡⲓⲡ͞ⲛⲁ̅ ⲇⲉ ⲟⲩⲃⲉ ϯⲥⲁⲣⲝ ⲛⲁⲓ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲥⲉϯ ⳿ⲉϧⲟⲩⲛ ⳿ⲉ⳿ϩⲣⲉⲛ ⳿ⲛⲟⲩⲉⲣⲏⲟⲩ ϩⲓⲛⲁ ⲛⲏⲉⲧⲉⲧⲉⲛⲟⲩⲁϣⲟⲩ ⲛⲁⲓ ⳿ⲛⲧⲉⲧⲉⲛ⳿ϣⲧⲉⲙⲁⲓⲧⲟⲩ.
ⲧⲥⲁⲣⲝ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲉⲡⲓⲑⲩⲙⲉⲓ ⲟⲩⲃⲉ ⲡⲉⲡⲛⲁ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲡⲉⲡⲛⲁ ⲟⲩⲃⲉ ⲧⲥⲁⲣⲝ ⲛⲁⲓ ϭⲉ ⲥⲉϯ ⲟⲩⲃⲉ ⲛⲉⲩⲉⲣⲏⲩ ϫⲉⲕⲁⲥ ⲛⲉⲧⲉⲧⲛⲟⲩⲁϣⲟⲩ ⲛⲛⲉⲧⲛⲁⲁⲩ
ⲧⲥⲁⲣⲝ̅ ⲅⲁⲣ ⲉⲡⲓⲑⲩⲙⲉⲓ ⲟⲩⲃⲉⲡⲉⲡ̅ⲛ̅ⲁ̅. ⲁⲩⲱ ⲡⲉⲡ̅ⲛ̅ⲁ̅ ⲟⲩⲃⲉⲧⲥⲁⲣⲝ̅. ⲛⲁⲓ̈ ϭⲉ ⲥⲉϯ ⲟⲩⲃⲉⲛⲉⲩⲉⲣⲏⲩ. ϫⲉⲕⲁⲁⲥ ⲛⲉⲧⲉⲧⲛ̅ⲟⲩⲁϣⲟⲩ ⲛ̅ⲛⲉⲧⲛ̅ⲁⲁⲩ.
Jer tijelo žudi protiv Duha, a Duh protiv tijela. Doista, to se jedno drugomu protivi da ne činite što hoćete.
Nebo tělo žádá proti Duchu, a Duch proti tělu. Ty pak věci jsou sobě vespolek odporné, tak abyste ne, což byste chtěli, to činili.
Nebo tělo žádá proti Duchu, a Duch proti tělu. Ty pak věci jsou sobě vespolek odporné, tak abyste ne hned, což byste chtěli, to činili.
Přirozená lidská vůle se vzpírá Božímu Duchu a Boží Duch se nemůže shodnout s naším sobeckým chtěním. Tyto dvě síly svádějí nepřetržitý boj o vládu nad námi a my podléháme buď jedné, nebo druhé z nich.
Thi Kødet begærer imod Ånden, og Ånden imod Kødet; disse stå nemlig hinanden imod, for at I ikke skulle gøre, hvad I have Lyst til.
Thi Kødet begærer imod Aanden, og Aanden imod Kødet; disse staa nemlig hinanden imod, for at I ikke skulle gøre, hvad I have Lyst til.
Thi Kødet begærer imod Aanden, og Aanden imod Kødet; disse staa nemlig hinanden imod, for at I ikke skulle gøre, hvad I have Lyst til.
ଲକର୍‌ ଚଲନ୍‌ ସୁକଲ୍‌ଆତ୍‌ମାର୍‌ ବିରଦି । ସେନ୍ତି ସେ ସୁକଲ୍‌ଆତ୍‌ମା ମନ୍‍ କର୍‍ବାଟା, ଲକର୍‌ ଚଲନର୍‍ ବିରଦି । ଏମନ୍‌ ଗଟେକ୍‌ ଲକ୍‌ ଆରି ଗଟେକ୍‌ ଲକର୍‌ ସତ୍‌ରୁ । ସେଟାର୍‌ ପାଇ ତମେ କାଇଟା କର୍‌ବାକେ ମନ୍‍ କଲାସ୍‌ନି ସେଟା କରି ନାପାରାସ୍‌ ।
Nikech ringruok osiko ka dwaro timo mana gik ma Roho ok dwar, to Roho bende dwaro chopo gik ma ringruok ok dwar. Gik moko ariyogi osiko ok winjre kendo mano ema miyo ok utim gik mabeyo mugombo timo.
Nkaambo ziyandisyo zyenyama zilalwana aMuya, alimwi ziyandisyo zyaMuya zilalwana anyama. Nkaambo ezi zilalwana chimwi achimwi, kuti mutachiti chintu nchimuyanda.
Want het vlees begeert tegen den Geest, en de Geest tegen het vlees; en deze staan tegen elkander, alzo dat gij niet doet, hetgeen gij wildet.
Want het vlees begeert tegen de geest, en de geest tegen het vlees; ze staan vijandig tegenover elkaar, zodat gij niet doet, wat gij zoudt willen.
Want het vlees begeert tegen den Geest, en de Geest tegen het vlees; en deze staan tegen elkander, alzo dat gij niet doet, hetgeen gij wildet.
For the flesh desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit is against the flesh. For these are hostile to each other, so that whatever these things are ye may want, ye may not do.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary the one to the other; that ye may not do the things that ye would.
For the desire of the flesh is against the Spirit, and the desire of the Spirit is against flesh; and these are opposed, the one to the other, so that you can not do what you would.
For the flesh craves what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are opposed to each other, so that you do not do what you want.
For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; because these are opposite the one to the other; so that you may not do the things which you have a mind to do.
For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is contrary to the flesh. These are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the very things you want to do.
For the flesh desires against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh. And since these are against one another, you may not do whatever you want.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these things are opposed one to the other, that ye should not do those things which ye desire;
For the flesh lusteth against the spirit: and the spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary one to another: so that you do not the things that you would.
Because the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh; they oppose each other; it follows that you may not do the things that you wish.
For the desires of the sinful nature are opposed to the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are opposed to the sinful nature. They fight one another, so you don't do what you want to do.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary one to another, so that ye can not doe the same things that ye would.
For carnality wars against the Spirit, and the Spirit against carnality; for these are antagonistical to one another; so that you may not do the things which you may wish.
For the flesh hath appetites contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit contrary to the flesh, and these act in opposition the one to the other: so that ye do not the things which ye would.
for the flesh desireth things contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit things contrary to the flesh: and these are opposite to each other; so that ye do not those things which ye would.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, (pneuma) and the Spirit (pneuma) against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that all of you cannot do the things that all of you would.
for the flesh desires contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit contrary to the flesh, and these are opposed to one another, that the things that you may will—these you may not do;
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things you would.
For the desire of the flesh is against that of the Spirit, and the desire of the Spirit is against that of the flesh, for they two are antagonistic, so that you may not do those things that you wish.
For the flesh lusts against the Rukha, and the Rukha against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Ruach, and the Ruach against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh hath desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these oppose one another, that ye may not do the things that ye would.
For these cravings of our earthly nature conflict with the Spirit, and the Spirit with our earthly nature – they are two contrary principles – so that you cannot do what you wish.
For these cravings of our earthly nature conflict with the Spirit, and the Spirit with our earthly nature – they are two contrary principles – so that you cannot do what you wish.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are contrary the one to the other; that ye may not do the things that ye would.
For, the flesh, coveted against the Spirit, but, the Spirit, against the flesh, —for, these, unto one another, are opposed, lest, whatsoever things ye chance to desire, these, ye should be doing!
The for flesh desires against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; these (for *N(k)O*) to one another are opposed in order not that (maybe *N(k)O*) you shall wish those things you shall do.
the/this/who for flesh to long for according to the/this/who spirit/breath: spirit the/this/who then spirit/breath: spirit according to the/this/who flesh this/he/she/it (for *N(k)O*) one another be an opponent in order that/to not which (if *N(k)O*) to will/desire this/he/she/it to do/make: do
For the flesh desireth that which is repugnant to the Spirit, and the Spirit desireth that which is repugnant to the flesh; and the two are adverse one to the other, that not any thing that you will you may do.
For the flesh craveth that which is repugnant to the Spirit; and the Spirit craveth that which is repugnant to the flesh: and the two are the opposites of each other, so that ye do not that which ye desire.
Your self-directed nature (opposes [God’s] Spirit/does not [want you to do what] God’s Spirit [wants you to do]), but also his Spirit opposes your self-directed nature. These two are always (fighting with/opposing) each other. The result is that you do not [constantly] do the [good] deeds that you truly desire [to do].
For these cravings of our earthly nature conflict with the Spirit, and the Spirit with our earthly nature — they are two contrary principles — so that you cannot do what you wish.
For the desires of the sinful nature are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the sinful nature. For these are in conflict with each other, so that you cannot do the things you want.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.
For the cravings of the lower nature are opposed to those of the Spirit, and the cravings of the Spirit are opposed to those of the lower nature; because these are antagonistic to each other, so that you cannot do everything to which you are inclined.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, that you may not do the things that you desire.
For the fleisch coueitith ayens the spirit, and the spirit ayen the fleisch; for these ben aduersaries togidere, that ye don not alle thingis that ye wolen.
for the flesh doth desire contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit contrary to the flesh, and these are opposed one to another, that the things that ye may will — these ye may not do;
Ĉar la karno deziregas kontraŭ la Spirito, kaj la Spirito kontraŭ la karno; ĉar ĉi ĉiuj interbatalas reciproke, por ke vi ne faru tion, kion vi volas.
Elabena ŋutilã la ƒe nudzodzrowo tsi tsitre ɖe Gbɔgbɔ la ŋu, eye Gbɔgbɔ la ƒe nudzodzrowo tsi tsitre ɖe ŋutilã la ŋu. Wole avu wɔm kple wo nɔewo, ale be miate ŋu awɔ nu si miedi be miawɔ la o.
Sillä liha himoitsee Henkeä vastaan, ja Henki lihaa vastaan: nämät ovat vastaan toinen toistansa, niin ettette tee, mitä te tahdotte.
Sillä liha himoitsee Henkeä vastaan, ja Henki lihaa vastaan; nämä ovat nimittäin toisiansa vastaan, niin että te ette tee sitä, mitä tahdotte.
Want het vleesch is belust tegen den geest, doch de geest tegen het vleesch. Want die strijden tegen malkander, opdat gij niet zoudt doen datgene wat gij wilt.
Car la chair a des désirs contraires à ceux de l'esprit, et l'esprit en a de contraires à ceux de la chair; ils sont opposés l'un à l'autre, de telle sorte que vous ne faites pas ce que vous voulez.
Car la chair a des désirs contraires à ceux de l'Esprit, et l'Esprit à ceux de la chair; et ces désirs sont contraires les uns aux autres, afin que vous ne fassiez pas ce que vous voulez.
Car la chair convoite contre l’Esprit, et l’Esprit contre la chair; et ces choses sont opposées l’une à l’autre, afin que vous ne pratiquiez pas les choses que vous voudriez.
Car la chair convoite contre l'esprit, et l'esprit contre la chair; et ces choses sont opposées l'une à l'autre; tellement que vous ne faites point les choses que vous voudriez.
Car la chair convoite contre l’esprit, et l’esprit contre la chair: en effet, ils sont opposés l’un à l’autre, de sorte que vous ne faites pas tout ce que vous voulez.
Car la chair a des désirs contraires à ceux de l’Esprit, et l’Esprit en a de contraires à ceux de la chair; ils sont opposés entre eux, afin que vous ne fassiez point ce que vous voudriez.
Car la chair a des désirs contraires à ceux de l’esprit, et l’esprit en a de contraires à ceux de la chair; ils sont opposés l’un à l’autre, de telle sorte que vous ne faites pas ce que vous voulez.
La chair, en effet, a des désirs contraires à ceux de l'esprit, et l'esprit en a de contraires à ceux de la chair; ils se contrecarrent, afin que vous ne réalisiez pas ce dont vous auriez le vouloir.
Car la chair a des désirs contraires à l'Esprit, et l'Esprit en a de contraires à la chair, et ces deux choses sont opposées l'une à l'autre; de telle sorte que vous ne faites point les choses que vous voudriez.
en effet la chair convoite contre l'esprit, et l'esprit contre la chair, car ils sont opposés l'un à l'autre, afin que vous ne fassiez pas ce que vous voudriez.
La chair, en effet, conspire contre l'Esprit, et l'Esprit contre la chair; tous deux sont en lutte pour que vous ne fassiez pas ce que vous voudriez faire.
Car la chair a des désirs contraires à ceux de l'Esprit, et l'Esprit en a de contraires à ceux de la chair; il y a entre eux une telle opposition, que vous ne faites pas ce que vous voudriez.
Ashoy ayanay koyontazi amotes ayanayka ashoy koyontaz amotes. Heyti isay isara ba garisan shocetiza (Ayetiza) gish inte inte koyda mala othekista. (hanekista)
Denn das Fleisch mit seinem Begehren tritt dem Geist feindlich entgegen und ebenso der Geist dem Fleisch. Beide liegen im Kampf miteinander und dulden nicht, daß ihr nach euerm eigenen Willen handelt.
Das Fleisch gelüstet es ja gegen den Geist, des Geistes Begehren widerspricht dem Fleische; sie liegen in Streit miteinander, so daß ihr das nicht tut, was ihr möchtet.
Denn das Fleisch gelüstet wider den Geist, der Geist aber wider das Fleisch; diese aber sind einander entgegengesetzt, auf daß ihr nicht das tuet, was ihr wollt.
Denn das Fleisch gelüstet wider den Geist, der Geist aber wider das Fleisch; diese aber sind einander entgegengesetzt, auf daß ihr nicht das tuet, was ihr wollt.
Denn das Fleisch gelüstet wider den Geist, den Geist aber wider das Fleisch. Sie sind wider einander, auf daß ihr nicht das thut, was ihr wollt.
Denn das Fleisch gelüstet wider den Geist und den Geist wider das Fleisch. Dieselbigen sind wider einander, daß ihr nicht tut, was ihr wollt.
Denn das Fleisch gelüstet wider den Geist, und der Geist wider das Fleisch; dieselben sind widereinander, daß ihr nicht tut, was ihr wollt.
Denn das Fleisch widerstrebt mit seinem Begehren dem Geist und ebenso der Geist dem Fleisch; denn diese beiden liegen im Streit miteinander (und dulden nicht), daß ihr das tut, was ihr tun möchtet.
Denn das Fleisch gelüstet wider den Geist und den Geist wider das Fleisch; diese widerstreben einander, so daß ihr nicht tut, was ihr wollt.
Denn das Fleisch gelüstet wider den Geist, und der Geist wider das Fleisch; dieselben streiten wider einander, daß ihr nicht tut, was ihr wollt.
Nĩgũkorwo mwĩrĩ nĩwĩriragĩria maũndũ marĩa matangĩendwo nĩ Roho, nake Roho nĩareganaga na maũndũ marĩa meriragĩrio nĩ mwĩrĩ. Nĩ ũndũ ũcio Roho na mwĩrĩ itũũraga irũaga, na nĩkĩo mũtahotaga gwĩka ũrĩa mwendaga gwĩka.
Asho amoy Ayyaana amuwaara morkke; qassi Ayyaana amoykka asho amuwaara morkke. Entti issoy issuwara ixettiya gisho hintte dosiyabaa oothanaw dandda7ekketa.
Kelima o nisaalo gbannandi n bua yaala nia leni U Tienu Fuoma n bua yaala, U Tienu Fuoma n bua yaala mo nia leni o nisaalo gbannandi n bua yaala. Li bonliedila yeni koani leni biyaba, ki teni ke yii fidi ki tiendi yin bua ki tieni yaala.
Kelima, o nufosaalo gbannandi n niani yaala ki tuo mi Foŋanma po. Mi Foŋanma mɔ n niani yaala ki tuo o nufosaalo gbannandi po. Lan bonliedla kɔni leni biyaba, ke yin da tuuni yi buama.
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοις ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
Διότι η σαρξ επιθυμεί εναντία του Πνεύματος, το δε Πνεύμα εναντία της σαρκός· ταύτα δε αντίκεινται προς άλληλα, ώστε εκείνα, τα οποία θέλετε, να μη πράττητε.
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοις ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματοσ το δε πνευμα κατα τησ σαρκοσ ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοισ ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
ἡ γὰρ σὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ Πνεύματος, τὸ δὲ Πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός· ταῦτα δὲ ἀντίκειται ἀλλήλοις, ἵνα μὴ ἃ ἂν θέλητε ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
ἡ γὰρ σὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ Πνεύματος, τὸ δὲ Πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός, ταῦτα γὰρ ἀλλήλοις ἀντίκειται, ἵνα μὴ ἃ ἐὰν θέλητε ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
ἡ γὰρσὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός, ταῦτα ⸀γὰρ ⸂ἀλλήλοις ἀντίκειται, ἵνα μὴ ἃ ⸀ἐὰνθέλητε ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
ἡ γὰρ σὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός· ταῦτα (γὰρ *N(k)O*) ἀλλήλοις ἀντίκειται, ἵνα μὴ ἃ (ἐὰν *N(k)O*) θέλητε, ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοις ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
Ἡ γὰρ σὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ ˚Πνεύματος, τὸ δὲ ˚Πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός, ταῦτα γὰρ ἀλλήλοις ἀντίκειται, ἵνα μὴ ἃ ἐὰν θέλητε, ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοις ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
Ἡ γὰρ σὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός· ταῦτα δὲ ἀντίκειται ἀλλήλοις, ἵνα μὴ ἃ ἂν θέλητε, ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοις ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
Ἡ γὰρ σὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός· ταῦτα δὲ ἀντίκειται ἀλλήλοις, ἵνα μὴ ἃ ἂν θέλητε, ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοις ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοις ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
ἡ γὰρ σὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός· ταῦτα γὰρ ἀλλήλοις ἀντίκειται, ἵνα μὴ ἃ ἐὰν θέλητε, ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα γαρ αλληλοις αντικειται ινα μη α εαν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
η γαρ σαρξ επιθυμει κατα του πνευματος το δε πνευμα κατα της σαρκος ταυτα δε αντικειται αλληλοις ινα μη α αν θελητε ταυτα ποιητε
ἡ γὰρ σὰρξ ἐπιθυμεῖ κατὰ τοῦ πνεύματος, τὸ δὲ πνεῦμα κατὰ τῆς σαρκός· ταῦτα γὰρ ἀλλήλοις ἀντίκειται, ἵνα μὴ ἃ ἐὰν θέλητε ταῦτα ποιῆτε.
ରେମୁଆଁ ବେବ‍ଆର୍‌ ପବିତ୍ର ଆତ୍ମାନେ ଇକ୍‌ଚାନେ ବିରଦି । ଦେତ୍‍ରକମ୍‍ ପବିତ୍ର ଆତ୍ମାନେ ଇକ୍‌ଚା ରେମୁଆଁନେ ବାଃଲିର୍‌ବାଃତାକେ ବିରଦି ଡିଙ୍ଗ୍‍ଏ । ତେସା କିମେଇଂ ମ୍ୱାୟାନେ ବିରଦ୍‍ରେ । ତେସା ପେ ମେଁ ଡିଙ୍ଗ୍‍ନେ ଇକ୍‌ଚା ଡିଙ୍ଗ୍‍ପେଡିଙ୍ଗ୍‍ ଆତେନ୍‌‍ ଡିଙ୍ଗ୍‍ପେୟା ଣ୍ଡୁ ।
કેમ કે દેહ આત્માની વિરુદ્ધ ઇચ્છા કરે છે અને આત્મા દેહની વિરુદ્ધ; કારણ કે તેઓ પરસ્પર વિરુદ્ધ છે; અને તેથી જે તમે ઇચ્છો તે તમે કરતા નથી.
Kò a gen egzijans ki pa dakò ak egzijans Lespri Bondye a. Konsa tou, Lespri Bondye a gen egzijans ki pa dakò ak egzijans kò a. Se de bagay ki pa mache ansanm menm. Se sak fè nou pa kapab fè sa nou vle.
Paske lachè mete dezi li yo kont Lespri a, e Lespri a kont lachè. Sila yo opoze a youn lòt, pou nou pa ta fè tout sa ke nou pito.
देह की बुरी लालसा पवित्र आत्मा के बिरोध म्ह, अर पवित्र आत्मा देह की बुरी लालसा के बिरोध म्ह लड़दी रहवै सै। इस कारण जो भले काम थम करणा चाह्वो सों वो न्ही कर पान्दे।
Gama mutuntaka yana son abin da Ruhu yake ƙi, Ruhu kuma yana son abin da mutuntaka yake ƙi. Waɗannan biyu kuwa gāba suke da juna, har ku kāsa yin abin da kuke so.
Domin jiki yana gaba mai karfi da Ruhu, Ruhu kuma yana gaba da jiki. Domin wadannan akasin juna suke. Sakamakon shine ba za ku iya yin abin da kuke so ba.
No ka mea, ua ku e ke kuko o ke kino i ko ka Uhane, a o ko ku Uhane i ko ke kino; a ua ku e ia mau mea i kekahi i kekahi, i hiki ole ai ia oukou ke hana i na mea n oukou i makemake ai.
לכולנו יש נטייה טבעית לעשות את הרע, שהוא היפוכו הגמור של מה שרוח הקודש אומר לנו לעשות. וכאשר רוח הקודש פועל בנו ומביא אותנו לכך שנרצה לעשות את הטוב, הרי שזה היפוכן הגמור של נטיותינו הטבעיות. שני כוחות אלה, הבשר שלנו ורוח הקודש, נאבקים בתוכנו כשזה רוצה לנצח את זה, ואיננו יכולים לעשות כל מה שאנו רוצים.
כי הבשר מתאוה הפך מן הרוח והרוח הפך מן הבשר ושניהם מתקוממים זה לזה עד שלא תוכלו לעשות את אשר תחפצו׃
क्योंकि शरीर आत्मा के विरोध में और आत्मा शरीर के विरोध में लालसा करता है, और ये एक दूसरे के विरोधी हैं; इसलिए कि जो तुम करना चाहते हो वह न करने पाओ।
शरीर आत्मा के विरुद्ध और आत्मा शरीर के विरुद्ध लालसा करता है. ये आपस में विरोधी हैं कि तुम वह न कर सको, जो तुम करना चाहते हो.
Mert a test a lélek ellen törekedik, a lélek pedig a test ellen; ezek pedig egymással ellenkeznek, hogy ne azokat cselekedjétek, amiket akartok.
Mert a test a lélek ellen törekedik, a lélek pedig a test ellen; ezek pedig egymással ellenkeznek, hogy ne azokat cselekedjétek, a miket akartok.
Það er í eðli okkar að gera hið illa, einmitt það sem heilagur andi segir okkur að láta ógert. Sama er að segja um hið góða sem heilagur andi kemur til leiðar, þegar hann fær rúm í lífi okkar, það stendur í gegn okkar illa eðli. Þessi tvö öfl innra með okkur eiga í stöðugri baráttu um yfirráð yfir okkur og þau munu aldrei láta okkur afskiptalaus.
Nʼihi na ihe anụ ahụ chọrọ dị iche nʼihe Mmụọ Nsọ chọrọ. Ihe Mmụọ Nsọ chọrọ dịkwa iche nʼihe anụ ahụ chọrọ. Ịgba mgba dị nʼetiti ha na-eme ka ị hapụ inwe ike mee ihe ị chọrọ ime.
Ta addaan kadagiti napigsa a tarigagay ti lasag a maibusor iti Espiritu ken addaan met kadagiti napigsa a tarigagay iti Espiritu a maibusor iti lasag. Ta kagura dagitoy ti tunggal maysa. Ti pagbanaganna dayta ket saanyo nga aramiden dagiti banbanag a tartarigagayanyo nga aramiden.
Sebab keinginan manusia bertentangan dengan keinginan Roh Allah, dan keinginan Roh Allah bertentangan dengan keinginan manusia. Kedua-duanya saling berlawanan, sehingga kalian tidak dapat melakukan apa yang kalian inginkan.
Sebab keinginan Roh berlawanan dengan keinginan Roh dan keinginan Roh berlawanan dengan sifat berdosa. Mereka bertarung satu sama lain, jadi kalian tidak melakukan apa yang ingin kalian lakukan.
Sebab keinginan daging berlawanan dengan keinginan Roh dan keinginan Roh berlawanan dengan keinginan daging--karena keduanya bertentangan--sehingga kamu setiap kali tidak melakukan apa yang kamu kehendaki.
Karena keinginan jasmani kita selalu berlawanan dengan keinginan Roh Kudus, dan keinginan Roh berlawanan dengan keinginan jasmani kita. Keduanya saling bertentangan, dan keduanya ada dalam diri kita masing-masing, sehingga kita tidak bisa hidup sesuka hati.
Kunsoko u muili ukete nsula nkulu kung'wa ng'wau ung'welu, nu ng'wau ng'welu ukete nsula nkulu kikilya nu muili. Izi yuki kunyuma kila ing'wi nu muya, mapumilo i nge kina shanga mukituma iintu ni mukete insula ku ituma.
Poichè la carne appetisce contro allo Spirito, e lo Spirito contro alla carne; e queste cose son ripugnanti l'una all'altra; acciocchè non facciate qualunque cosa volete.
la carne infatti ha desideri contrari allo Spirito e lo Spirito ha desideri contrari alla carne; queste cose si oppongono a vicenda, sicché voi non fate quello che vorreste.
Perché la carne ha desideri contrari allo Spirito, e lo Spirito ha desideri contrari alla carne; sono cose opposte fra loro; in guisa che non potete fare quel che vorreste.
Barki nipum niwuzematare nan be bibe Asere, bibe Asere me ma wuze ishina nan nipum baki anime timumu tiginome ini ubuni idai nine barki anime wadaki waze imum ihuma ba.
肉の望むところは御靈にさからひ、御靈の望むところは肉にさからひて互に相 戻ればなり。これ汝らの欲する所をなし得ざらしめん爲なり。
ଡଅଙ୍‌ଡାଗୋ ଆ ସନାୟ୍‌ସାୟ୍‌ ମଡ଼ିର୍‌ ପୁରାଡ଼ାନ୍‌ ସଙ୍ଗତ୍ତାତେ, ମଡ଼ିର୍‌ ପୁରାଡ଼ାନ୍‌ ଆ ସନାୟ୍‌ସାୟ୍‌ ଡଅଙ୍‌ଡାଗୋ ଆ ସନାୟ୍‌ସାୟ୍‌ ସଙ୍ଗତ୍ତାତେ; କେନ୍‌ ବାଗୁଞ୍ଜି ତର୍ଡମ୍‌ ବନେରା, ତିଆସନ୍‌ ଆମ୍ୱେଞ୍ଜି ଇନିଜି ଲୁମ୍‌ଲୁମନ୍‌ ଆସନ୍‌ ଲଡୟ୍‌ତବେନ୍‌, ତିଆତେଜି ଅଡ଼୍‌କୋନ୍‌ ଲୁମ୍‌ଲେ ଏଃର୍ରପ୍ତିଏ ।
Jeriꞌ rumal ri kurayij ri Uxlabꞌal man junam ta rukꞌ ri kurayij ri tyoꞌjal, we kebꞌ chuqꞌabꞌ riꞌ kakiqꞌatela taq kibꞌ rech man kibꞌan ix ri kiwaj.
Na'ankure avufgamofo avesizamo'a, Avamumofo avesizanena ha'rentegeno, Avamumofo avesi'zamo'a avufgamofo avesi'zana ha'renenteankino, amu'nozanifina ha' orente arente'za me'neankita, nazano hunaku'ma hanaza zana osugahaze.
ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಮಾಂಸಭಾವವು ಆತ್ಮನಿಗೆ ವಿರುದ್ಧವಾಗಿಯೂ ಆತ್ಮನು ಮಾಂಸಭಾವಕ್ಕೆ ವಿರುದ್ಧವಾಗಿಯೂ ಆಶಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ನೀವು ಮಾಡಬಯಸುವುದನ್ನು ಮಾಡದಂತೆ ಇವು ಒಂದಕ್ಕೊಂದು ವಿರೋಧವಾಗಿವೆ.
ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಶರೀರಾಭಿಲಾಷೆಯೂ ಆತ್ಮನಿಗೆ ವಿರುದ್ಧವಾಗಿದೆ, ಆತ್ಮನ ಅಭಿಲಾಷೆಯು ಶರೀರಭಾವಕ್ಕೆ ವಿರುದ್ಧವಾಗಿದೆ. ನೀವು ಮಾಡಲಿಚ್ಚಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ಮಾಡದಂತೆ ಇವು ಒಂದಕ್ಕೊಂದು ಹೋರಾಡುತ್ತವೆ.
Kwo kubha omubhili oguligila nigulwana no Mwoyo, no Mwoyo okuligila nigulwana no mubhili. Okubha ebhyo ebhilwana bhuli umwi no undi. Omusingwa okukola bhinu omwenda.
Ulwakhuva umbele kule nu uvonogwe vuvaha ulemehana ne numbula, ne numbula yele nuvonogwe vuvaha ukhulemehana nu mbele. Inchi chilemehana eyenge ne nine. Pu yehomile ukhuta samuvomba ifinu ifyo mwinogwa ukhuvivomba.
Kwa ndabha mbhele uye ni tamaa kusidi kiroho. Ni Roho iyele ni tamaa ibhaa kuzidi mbhele, e'se sipenga na kila mmonga ni yhenge. Matokeo kuwa mwiketa lepi fhenu ya filondeka kuketa.
육체의 소욕은 성령을 거스리고 성령의 소욕은 육체를 거스리나니 이 둘이 서로 대적함으로 너희의 원하는 것을 하지 못하게 하려 함이니라
육체의 소욕은 성령을 거스리고 성령의 소욕은 육체를 거스리나니 이 둘이 서로 대적함으로 너희의 원하는 것을 하지 못하게 하려 함이니라
Tuh lungse lun ikwa uh lain lungse lun Ngun, ac ma Ngun uh lungse, lain lungse lun ikwa. Ma luo inge lain sie sin sie, na kalmac pa kowos tia ku in oru oana ma lungse lowos sifacna.
Chokuti inyama ine ntakazo nkando yi lwisa Luhuho, mi Luhuho lwine ntakazo nkando kuhite nyama. Chokuti inzi zi lwisanisa izo ziine. Inkalabo yi chokuti ka muwoli kutenda chintu chi mulakaza kutenda.
چونکە ئارەزووی سروشتی دنیایی لە دژی ڕۆحەکەیە، ڕۆحەکەش لە دژی سروشتی دنیاییە. هەریەکەیان بەربەرەکانێی ئەوی دیکە دەکات، تاکو ئەوە نەکەن کە دەتانەوێت.
ମାଣ୍‌ସିତି ମାଣ୍‌କି ସୁଦୁଜୀୱୁ ଅ଼ପେଏ । ଏଲେକିହିଁଏ ସୁଦୁଜୀୱୁ ମାଣ୍‌ସିତି ମାଣ୍‌କିତି ଅ଼ପେଏ । ଏ଼ୱି ରିଣ୍ତି ସାତ୍ରୁ ଲେହେଁ । ଇଚିହିଁ ମୀରୁ ଏ଼ନାଆଁ କିୟାଲି ଅଣ୍‌ପିଦେରି ଏ଼ଦାଆଁ କିୟାଲି ଆ଼ଡଅତେରି ।
Caro enim concupiscit adversus spiritum, spiritus autem adversus carnem: hæc enim sibi invicem adversantur, ut non quæcumque vultis, illa faciatis.
Caro enim concupiscit adversus spiritum: spiritus autem adversus carnem: hæc enim sibi invicem adversantur: ut non quæcumque vultis, illa faciatis.
Caro enim concupiscit adversus spiritum: spiritus autem adversus carnem: hæc enim sibi invicem adversantur: ut non quæcumque vultis, illa faciatis.
Caro enim concupiscit adversus spiritum, spiritus autem adversus carnem: hæc enim sibi invicem adversantur, ut non quæcumque vultis, illa faciatis.
caro enim concupiscit adversus spiritum spiritus autem adversus carnem haec enim invicem adversantur ut non quaecumque vultis illa faciatis
Caro enim concupiscit adversus spiritum: spiritus autem adversus carnem: haec enim sibi invicem adversantur: ut non quaecumque vultis, illa faciatis.
Jo miesai gribās pret garu un garam pret miesu, un tie stāv viens otram pretī, ka jūs nedarāt, ko gribat.
Pamba te baposa ya bomoto ebundisaka baposa ya Molimo, mpe baposa ya Molimo ebundisaka baposa ya bomoto. Nyonso mibale ebundisanaka mpo ete bolonga te kosala makambo oyo bolingi kosala.
कहालीकि शरीर आत्मा को विरोध म अऊर आत्मा शरीर को विरोध म लालसा करय हय, अऊर यो एक दूसरों को विरोधी हंय, येकोलायी कि जो तुम करनो चाहवय हय ऊ नहीं कर पावय।
Kubanga okwegomba kw’omubiri kulwanagana n’Omwoyo, n’Omwoyo n’alwanagana n’omubiri; kubanga bino byombi bikontana, mulemenga okukola bye mwagala.
कऊँकि शरीरो रा पापी सबाओ आत्मा रे बिरोदो रे इच्छा करोआ और यो एकी-दूजे रे बिरोदी ए, ताकि जो कुछ तुसे करना चाओए, से करी नि सको।
Fa ny nofo manohitra ny Fanahy, ary ny Fanahy manohitra ny nofo; ary mifanohitra izy roroa, mba tsy hahazoanaroeo manao izay zavatra tianareo.
Mpandietse i Arofoy i nofotsey, naho i nofotsey i trokey; mifandietse iereo soa tsy hanoe’ areo ze satri’areo,
ജഡമോഹങ്ങൾ പരിശുദ്ധാത്മാവിനും പരിശുദ്ധാത്മാവിന്‍റെ പ്രവർത്തികൾ ജഡത്തിനും വിരോധമായിരിക്കുന്നു. നിങ്ങൾ ഇച്ഛിക്കുന്നത് ചെയ്യാതവണ്ണം അവ തമ്മിൽ പ്രതികൂലമല്ലോ.
ജഡാഭിലാഷം ആത്മാവിന്നും ആത്മാഭിലാഷം ജഡത്തിന്നും വിരോധമായിരിക്കുന്നു. നിങ്ങൾ ഇച്ഛിക്കുന്നതു ചെയ്യാതവണ്ണം അവ തമ്മിൽ പ്രതികൂലമല്ലോ.
ജഡാഭിലാഷം ആത്മാവിന്നും ആത്മാഭിലാഷം ജഡത്തിന്നും വിരോധമായിരിക്കുന്നു. നിങ്ങൾ ഇച്ഛിക്കുന്നതു ചെയ്യാതവണ്ണം അവ തമ്മിൽ പ്രതികൂലമല്ലോ.
പാപാസക്തി ദൈവാത്മാഭിലാഷത്തിനും ദൈവാത്മാഭിലാഷം പാപാസക്തിക്കും വിരുദ്ധമാണ്. ഇവ പരസ്പരം ശത്രുക്കളാണ്; അതുകൊണ്ട് നിങ്ങൾ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നതെല്ലാം പ്രവർത്തിക്കാൻ നിങ്ങൾക്ക് കഴിയുന്നുമില്ല.
Maramdi hakchanggi apamba aduna thawaigi apamsing adugi maiyokta lei, aduga thawaigi apamba aduna hakchanggi oiba adugi maiyokta lei. Nakhoigi apamba adu nakhoina toudananaba makhoina amaga amaga yetnei.
कारण देहवासना देवाच्या आत्म्याविरुद्ध आहे आणि आत्मा देहवासनेविरुद्ध आहे; हे परस्परांस विरूद्ध आहेत, यासाठी की जे काही तुम्ही इच्छिता ते तुम्ही करू नये.
ମାନୱାରାଃ ସଭାବ୍‌ ପାବିତାର୍‌ ଆତ୍ମାରାଃ ବିରୁଧ୍‌ ତାନାଃ, ଏନ୍‌ ଲେକାଗି ପାବିତାର୍‌ ଆତ୍ମାରେୟାଃ ଇଛା ମାନୱାରାଃ ବିରୁଧ୍‌ ତାନାଃ । ନେ ବାରାନ୍‌କିନ୍‌ ମିହୁଡ଼୍‌ ଆଡଃମିହୁଡ଼୍‌ରାଃ ବାଇରି ତାନ୍‌କିନ୍‌ । ଏନାତେ ଆପେ ଅକ୍‌ନାଃ ରିକା ନାଗେନ୍ତେ ସାନାଙ୍ଗ୍‌ତାନାପେ, ଏନା କାପେ ରିକା ଦାଡ଼ିୟା ।
Pabha ilokoli ya shiilu inakanana naka Mbumu jwa a Nnungu, najwalakwe Mbumu anakanana na ilokoli ya shiilu, pabha yenei inakanana, nikuntendanga nnakombolanje tenda inkupinganga.
အ​ဘယ်​ကြောင့်​ဆို​သော်​လူ့​ဇာ​တိ​အ​လို​သည် ဝိ​ညာဉ်​တော်​အ​လို​နှင့်​ဆန့်​ကျင်​လျက်​နေ​၍ ဝိ​ညာဉ်​တော်​အ​လို​သည်​လည်း လူ့​ဇာ​တိ​အ​လို နှင့်​ဆန့်​ကျင်​လျက်​နေ​သော​ကြောင့်​ဖြစ်​၏။ လူ့ ဇာ​တိ​သ​ဘော​နှင့်​ဝိ​ညာဉ်​တော်​သည်​ရန်​သူ များ​ဖြစ်​ကြ​၏။ သို့​ဖြစ်​၍​သင်​တို့​သည်​မိ​မိ တို့​အ​လို​ဆန္ဒ​ရှိ​သည်​အ​တိုင်း​မ​ပြု​နိုင်​ကြ။-
အကြောင်းမူကား၊ ဇာတိပကတိနှင့် ဝိညာဉ် ပကတိသည် တပါးနှင့်တပါးဆန့်ကျင်သော အလိုရှိကြ၏။ တပါးနှင့်တပါး ဆန့်ကျင်ဘက်ဖြစ်၍၊ သင်တို့သည် ကျင့်ချင်သော အကျင့်ကို မကျင့်နိုင်ကြ။
အကြောင်းမူကား ၊ ဇာတိ ပကတိနှင့် ဝိညာဉ် ပကတိသည် တပါးနှင့်တပါးဆန့်ကျင် သော အလိုရှိ ကြ၏။ တပါး နှင့်တပါး ဆန့်ကျင်ဘက် ဖြစ်၍၊ သင်တို့သည် ကျင့်ချင် သော အကျင့် ကို မ ကျင့် နိုင်ကြ။
E hiahia ana hoki te kikokiko tika ke i te Wairua, me te Wairua tika ke i te kikokiko: e whawhai ana hoki enei tetahi ki tetahi: te taea nga mea i hiahia ai koutou.
Kelemane beya kaam laga itcha khan Pobitro Atma logote namile, aru Pobitro Atma laga kaam khan paap laga kaam ke bhirodh kore. Kelemane etu duita ekjon-ekjon logote namile, etu pora apuni ki kori bole mon jai etu kori bole napare.
Mamah liidih marah seng sak ih jamha erah Chiiala ih tajamka, eno marah Chiiala ih jamha erah seng sak ih tajamka. Arah nyi abah tara nyuika, eno arah baat ha ah langla marah nooklu erah tami re kako.
Ngoba imvelo yesono ikhanuka okuphambene loMoya, loMoya ufuna okuphambene lemvelo yesono. Kuyaphikisana ukuze lingenzi elikuthandayo.
Ngoba inyama ikhanuka okuphambene loMoya, loMoya okuphambene lenyama; njalo lezizinto ziphambene, ukuze lingenzi izinto elizifunayo.
kwakuwa yega inatama koro zadi ya moyo na moyo inatama konu zida yega.
किनकि शरीरका अभिलाषाहरू आत्माको विरुद्धमा हुन्छन्, र आत्माको इच्छा शरीरको विरुद्धमा हुन्छ । किनकि यी एक अर्काका विपरीत हुन्छन् । यसको परिणामचाहिँ यही हो, कि तिमीहरूले गर्न चाहेका कुराहरू तिमीहरूले गर्दैनौ ।
Muni mnogo uhakau wipingana na maganu ga Mpungu Msopi, na maganu ga Mpungu Msopi wa Chapanga. Mambu gavili genago giwanangana lepi, ndava ya yeniyo nakuhotola kuhenga gala gemkugagana mwavene.
For kjødet begjærer imot Ånden, og Ånden imot kjødet; de står hverandre imot, så I ikke skal gjøre det I vil.
Deres menneskelige natur vil få dere til å gjøre det som er ondt, mens Guds Ånd vil få dere til å gjøre det som er godt. Det er en strid som stadig pågår i dere, og som hindrer dere i å gjøre det dere vil.
For kjøtet er huga tvert imot Anden, men Anden imot kjøtet; for desse stend imot kvarandre, so de ikkje skal gjera det som de vil.
କାରଣ ଶରୀରର ଅଭିଳାଷ ଆତ୍ମାଙ୍କ ପ୍ରତିକୂଳ, ଆଉ ଆତ୍ମାଙ୍କ ଅଭିଳାଷ ଶରୀରର ପ୍ରତିକୂଳ, ଯେଣୁ ଏହି ଦୁଇ ପରସ୍ପରର ବିପରୀତ; ଫଳତଃ ତୁମ୍ଭେମାନେ ଯାହା ଯାହା ଇଚ୍ଛା କର, ସେହିସବୁ କରିପାର ନାହିଁ।
Foon Hafuuraan ni mormaatii; Hafuurris fooniin ni morma. Isaan akka isin waan hojjechuu barbaaddan hin hojjenneef wal mormu.
ਕਿਉਂ ਜੋ ਸਰੀਰ ਆਤਮਾ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ, ਅਤੇ ਆਤਮਾ ਸਰੀਰ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ ਹੈ ਕਿਉਂ ਜੋ ਇਹ ਇੱਕ ਦੂਜੇ ਦੇ ਵਿਰੁੱਧ ਹਨ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜੋ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ ਨਾ ਕਰ ਸਕੋ।
ମାନାୟ୍‌ ଅବ୍ୟାସ୍‌ ପୁଇପୁୟା ଜିବୁନ୍‌ନି ଇଚାନି ବିରୁଦ୍‌ । ହେ ଲାକେ ପୁଇପୁୟା ଜିବୁନ୍‌ତି ଇଚା, ମାନାୟ୍‌ ଅବ୍ୟାସ୍‌ ବିରୁଦ୍‌ । ଇୱାଙ୍ଗ୍‌ ହାରି ସତ୍ରୁ । ଲାଗିଂ ଏପେଙ୍ଗ୍‌ ଇନାକା କିଦେଙ୍ଗ୍‌ ଇଚା କିନାଦେର୍‌, ହେଦାଂ କିଦେଙ୍ଗ୍‌ ରାଜି ଆକାୟ୍‌ ।
زیرا خواهش جسم به خلاف روح است و خواهش روح به خلاف جسم و این دو با یکدیگر منازعه می‌کنندبطوری که آنچه می‌خواهید نمی کنید.
تمایلات طبیعت نفسانی برخلاف تمایلات روح خدا است. و روح خدا به ما تمایلاتی می‌بخشد که برخلاف طبیعت نفسانی است. این دو نیرو، دائماً با یکدیگر در حال جنگند. در نتیجه، هر کاری بخواهیم انجام دهیم، از تأثیر این نیروها عاری نیست.
Toziya lumatamata zya vidoda vyaviwera mngati mwenu zisingana na nfiru za Rohu Mnanagala, na nfiru zya Rohu Mnanagala zisingana na lumatamata lwa vidoda vyaviwera mngati mwenu. Avi visingana su namtenda vintu vyamfira kuvitenda.
Pwe uduk kin inong iong me toror sang Ngen, a Ngen kin kotin inong iong me toror sang uduk, a ira parongarong pena, iei me komail sota wia kida, me komail kin men wia.
Pwe uduk kin inon ion me toror jan Nen, a Nen kin kotin inon ion toror jan uduk, a ira paronaron pena, iei me komail jota wia kida, me komail kin men wia.
Albowiem ciało pożąda przeciwko duchowi, a duch przeciwko ciału; a te rzeczy są sobie przeciwne, abyście nie to, co chcecie, czynili.
Pomiędzy Duchem a ludzkimi grzesznymi pragnieniami istnieje bowiem konflikt. Siły te są sobie przeciwne, dlatego nie możecie żyć tak, jak czujecie, że powinniście.
Ciało bowiem pożąda na przekór Duchowi, a Duch na przekór ciału; są one sobie przeciwne, tak że nie możecie czynić tego, co chcecie.
Pois a carne deseja contra o Espírito, e o Espírito contra a carne; pois estes se opõem mutuamente, para que não façais o que quereis.
Porque a carne cobiça contra o Espirito, e o Espirito contra a carne; e estes oppõem-se um ao outro: para que não façaes o que quereis.
Porque a carne cobiça contra o espírito, e o espírito contra a carne; e estes opõem-se um ao outro: para que não façais o que quereis.
Sua natureza egocêntrica se opõe ao Espírito [de Deus], mas de forma semelhante o Espírito dele se opõe à natureza egocêntrica de vocês. Estes dois combatem entre si [constantemente]. O resultado é que vocês não fazem constantemente as [boas ]obras que realmente desejam [fazer].
Pois os desejos dessa natureza vão contra o Espírito, e os desejos do Espírito são contrários à natureza do pecado. Eles lutam uns com os outros; então, vocês não fazem o que querem fazer.
Pois a luxúria da carne é contra o Espírito, e o Espírito contra a carne; e estas são contrárias umas às outras, para que não façais as coisas que desejais.
Кэч фиря пэмынтяскэ пофтеште ымпотрива Духулуй, ши Духул, ымпотрива фирий пэмынтешть; сунт лукрурь потривниче унеле алтора, аша кэ ну путець фаче тот че воиць.
Căci carnea poftește împotriva Duhului, și Duhul împotriva cărnii; și acestea sunt potrivnice unele altora, așa încât nu puteți face cele ce ați voi.
Căci carnea poftește împotriva Duhului, și Duhul împotriva cărnii; și acestea se împotrivesc una alteia, ca să nu faceți ceea ce doriți.
Te atahori hihii-nanaun nda tungga Dula-dꞌaleꞌ a hihii-nanaun sa. Ma dula-dꞌaleꞌ a hihii-nanaun o nda tungga atahori hihii-nanaun sa boe. Huu ruꞌa se balabꞌan na! Naa de ama afiꞌ sudi tao tungga hihii-nanau mara fai.
ибо плоть желает противного духу, а дух - противного плоти: они друг другу противятся, так что вы не то делаете, что хотели бы.
Nkashile ambele guli enyonyo engosi ahwe njelele hapepo no mpepo ali neyoyo ngosi ahwenjele le mbele ezi zikhomana kila muno wamwene. Gaga pamiye aje semu bhomba evitu vya muhwa za abhombe.
Ei miriem nina mulungbôk hah ratha mulungbôkin a doi ngâia, ratha mulungbôk khom miriem nina mulungbôkin adoi ngâi. Ma ngei inik hah râl an ni. Masikin nin sin tho nuomngei hah nin tho theiloina ani.
yataH zArIrikAbhilASa Atmano viparItaH, AtmikAbhilASazca zarIrasya viparItaH, anayorubhayoH parasparaM virodho vidyate tena yuSmAbhi ryad abhilaSyate tanna karttavyaM|
যতঃ শাৰীৰিকাভিলাষ আত্মনো ৱিপৰীতঃ, আত্মিকাভিলাষশ্চ শৰীৰস্য ৱিপৰীতঃ, অনযোৰুভযোঃ পৰস্পৰং ৱিৰোধো ৱিদ্যতে তেন যুষ্মাভি ৰ্যদ্ অভিলষ্যতে তন্ন কৰ্ত্তৱ্যং|
যতঃ শারীরিকাভিলাষ আত্মনো ৱিপরীতঃ, আত্মিকাভিলাষশ্চ শরীরস্য ৱিপরীতঃ, অনযোরুভযোঃ পরস্পরং ৱিরোধো ৱিদ্যতে তেন যুষ্মাভি র্যদ্ অভিলষ্যতে তন্ন কর্ত্তৱ্যং|
ယတး ၑာရီရိကာဘိလာၐ အာတ္မနော ဝိပရီတး, အာတ္မိကာဘိလာၐၑ္စ ၑရီရသျ ဝိပရီတး, အနယောရုဘယေား ပရသ္ပရံ ဝိရောဓော ဝိဒျတေ တေန ယုၐ္မာဘိ ရျဒ် အဘိလၐျတေ တန္န ကရ္တ္တဝျံ၊
yataH zArIrikAbhilASa AtmanO viparItaH, AtmikAbhilASazca zarIrasya viparItaH, anayOrubhayOH parasparaM virOdhO vidyatE tEna yuSmAbhi ryad abhilaSyatE tanna karttavyaM|
यतः शारीरिकाभिलाष आत्मनो विपरीतः, आत्मिकाभिलाषश्च शरीरस्य विपरीतः, अनयोरुभयोः परस्परं विरोधो विद्यते तेन युष्माभि र्यद् अभिलष्यते तन्न कर्त्तव्यं।
યતઃ શારીરિકાભિલાષ આત્મનો વિપરીતઃ, આત્મિકાભિલાષશ્ચ શરીરસ્ય વિપરીતઃ, અનયોરુભયોઃ પરસ્પરં વિરોધો વિદ્યતે તેન યુષ્માભિ ર્યદ્ અભિલષ્યતે તન્ન કર્ત્તવ્યં|
yataḥ śārīrikābhilāṣa ātmano viparītaḥ, ātmikābhilāṣaśca śarīrasya viparītaḥ, anayorubhayoḥ parasparaṁ virodho vidyate tena yuṣmābhi ryad abhilaṣyate tanna karttavyaṁ|
yataḥ śārīrikābhilāṣa ātmanō viparītaḥ, ātmikābhilāṣaśca śarīrasya viparītaḥ, anayōrubhayōḥ parasparaṁ virōdhō vidyatē tēna yuṣmābhi ryad abhilaṣyatē tanna karttavyaṁ|
yataH shArIrikAbhilASha Atmano viparItaH, AtmikAbhilAShashcha sharIrasya viparItaH, anayorubhayoH parasparaM virodho vidyate tena yuShmAbhi ryad abhilaShyate tanna karttavyaM|
ಯತಃ ಶಾರೀರಿಕಾಭಿಲಾಷ ಆತ್ಮನೋ ವಿಪರೀತಃ, ಆತ್ಮಿಕಾಭಿಲಾಷಶ್ಚ ಶರೀರಸ್ಯ ವಿಪರೀತಃ, ಅನಯೋರುಭಯೋಃ ಪರಸ್ಪರಂ ವಿರೋಧೋ ವಿದ್ಯತೇ ತೇನ ಯುಷ್ಮಾಭಿ ರ್ಯದ್ ಅಭಿಲಷ್ಯತೇ ತನ್ನ ಕರ್ತ್ತವ್ಯಂ|
យតះ ឝារីរិកាភិលាឞ អាត្មនោ វិបរីតះ, អាត្មិកាភិលាឞឝ្ច ឝរីរស្យ វិបរីតះ, អនយោរុភយោះ បរស្បរំ វិរោធោ វិទ្យតេ តេន យុឞ្មាភិ រ្យទ៑ អភិលឞ្យតេ តន្ន កត៌្តវ្យំ។
യതഃ ശാരീരികാഭിലാഷ ആത്മനോ വിപരീതഃ, ആത്മികാഭിലാഷശ്ച ശരീരസ്യ വിപരീതഃ, അനയോരുഭയോഃ പരസ്പരം വിരോധോ വിദ്യതേ തേന യുഷ്മാഭി ര്യദ് അഭിലഷ്യതേ തന്ന കർത്തവ്യം|
ଯତଃ ଶାରୀରିକାଭିଲାଷ ଆତ୍ମନୋ ୱିପରୀତଃ, ଆତ୍ମିକାଭିଲାଷଶ୍ଚ ଶରୀରସ୍ୟ ୱିପରୀତଃ, ଅନଯୋରୁଭଯୋଃ ପରସ୍ପରଂ ୱିରୋଧୋ ୱିଦ୍ୟତେ ତେନ ଯୁଷ୍ମାଭି ର୍ୟଦ୍ ଅଭିଲଷ୍ୟତେ ତନ୍ନ କର୍ତ୍ତୱ୍ୟଂ|
ਯਤਃ ਸ਼ਾਰੀਰਿਕਾਭਿਲਾਸ਼਼ ਆਤ੍ਮਨੋ ਵਿਪਰੀਤਃ, ਆਤ੍ਮਿਕਾਭਿਲਾਸ਼਼ਸ਼੍ਚ ਸ਼ਰੀਰਸ੍ਯ ਵਿਪਰੀਤਃ, ਅਨਯੋਰੁਭਯੋਃ ਪਰਸ੍ਪਰੰ ਵਿਰੋਧੋ ਵਿਦ੍ਯਤੇ ਤੇਨ ਯੁਸ਼਼੍ਮਾਭਿ ਰ੍ਯਦ੍ ਅਭਿਲਸ਼਼੍ਯਤੇ ਤੰਨ ਕਰ੍ੱਤਵ੍ਯੰ|
යතඃ ශාරීරිකාභිලාෂ ආත්මනෝ විපරීතඃ, ආත්මිකාභිලාෂශ්ච ශරීරස්‍ය විපරීතඃ, අනයෝරුභයෝඃ පරස්පරං විරෝධෝ විද්‍යතේ තේන යුෂ්මාභි ර‍්‍යද් අභිලෂ්‍යතේ තන්න කර්ත්තව්‍යං|
யத​: ஸா²ரீரிகாபி⁴லாஷ ஆத்மநோ விபரீத​: , ஆத்மிகாபி⁴லாஷஸ்²ச ஸ²ரீரஸ்ய விபரீத​: , அநயோருப⁴யோ​: பரஸ்பரம்’ விரோதோ⁴ வித்³யதே தேந யுஷ்மாபி⁴ ர்யத்³ அபி⁴லஷ்யதே தந்ந கர்த்தவ்யம்’|
యతః శారీరికాభిలాష ఆత్మనో విపరీతః, ఆత్మికాభిలాషశ్చ శరీరస్య విపరీతః, అనయోరుభయోః పరస్పరం విరోధో విద్యతే తేన యుష్మాభి ర్యద్ అభిలష్యతే తన్న కర్త్తవ్యం|
ยต: ศารีริกาภิลาษ อาตฺมโน วิปรีต: , อาตฺมิกาภิลาษศฺจ ศรีรสฺย วิปรีต: , อนโยรุภโย: ปรสฺปรํ วิโรโธ วิทฺยเต เตน ยุษฺมาภิ รฺยทฺ อภิลษฺยเต ตนฺน กรฺตฺตวฺยํฯ
ཡཏཿ ཤཱརཱིརིཀཱབྷིལཱཥ ཨཱཏྨནོ ཝིཔརཱིཏཿ, ཨཱཏྨིཀཱབྷིལཱཥཤྩ ཤརཱིརསྱ ཝིཔརཱིཏཿ, ཨནཡོརུབྷཡོཿ པརསྤརཾ ཝིརོདྷོ ཝིདྱཏེ ཏེན ཡུཥྨཱབྷི ཪྻད྄ ཨབྷིལཥྱཏེ ཏནྣ ཀརྟྟཝྱཾ།
یَتَح شارِیرِکابھِلاشَ آتْمَنو وِپَرِیتَح، آتْمِکابھِلاشَشْچَ شَرِیرَسْیَ وِپَرِیتَح، اَنَیورُبھَیوح پَرَسْپَرَں وِرودھو وِدْیَتے تینَ یُشْمابھِ رْیَدْ اَبھِلَشْیَتے تَنَّ کَرْتَّوْیَں۔
yata. h "saariirikaabhilaa. sa aatmano vipariita. h, aatmikaabhilaa. sa"sca "sariirasya vipariita. h, anayorubhayo. h paraspara. m virodho vidyate tena yu. smaabhi ryad abhila. syate tanna karttavya. m|
Јер тело жели против духа, а дух против тела; а ово се противи једно другом, да не чините оно шта хоћете.
Jer tijelo želi protiv duha, a duh protiv tijela; a ovo se protivi jedno drugome, da ne èinite ono šta hoæete.
Gonne ka tlholego re rata go dira dilo tse di bosula tse e leng gore ke dilo di sele fela mo dilong tse Mowa O O Boitshepo o re bolelelang gore re di dire; mme dilo tse di molemo tse re batlang go di dira fa Mowa O O Boitshepo o re kaela tsela ke dilo di sele mo dithatong tsa rona tsa tlholego. Dinonofo tse pedi tse, tse di mo go rona, di tsweletse ka go lwela go re laola, mme dikeletso tsa rona ga di a gololesega mo dikgatelelong tsa tsone.
Nokuti nyama inochiva zvinopesana neMweya, neMweya zvinopesana nenyama; uye izvi zvinopesana; kuti musaita zvinhu zvamunoda.
Nokuti nyama inoshuva zvinopesana noMweya, uye Mweya anopesanawo nezvinoshuviwa nenyama. Izvi zvinorwisana pachazvo, kuti murege kuita zvamunoda.
плоть бо похотствует на духа, дух же на плоть: сия же друг другу противятся, да не яже хощете, сия творите.
Kajti meso hrepeni zoper Duha, Duh pa zoper meso; in ta dva sta drug drugemu nasprotna, tako da ne morete delati stvari, ki bi jih želeli.
Kajti meso želi proti duhu, a duh proti mesu, to se pa upira eno drugemu, da ne delate, kar hočete.
Pakwinga bwikalo bwaipa bwa kusemwa nabo bukute kuyanda bintu Mushimu Uswepa mbyotasuni, kayi mbyosuni Mushimu Uswepa, bwikalo bwaipa bwakusemwa nabo nkaubisuni. Ibi bintu bibili byapelana cakwinseti nkamwela kwinsa bintu mbyomulandanga.
Waayo, damaca jidhku waa ka gees Ruuxa, Ruuxuna waa ka gees jidhka, maxaa yeelay, kuwanu waa kala gees, si aydnaan u samayn waxyaalahaad doonaysaan.
Porque la carne codicia contra el Espíritu, y el Espíritu contra la carne; y estas cosas se oponen la una a la otra, para que no hagáis lo que quisierais.
Porque los deseos de la naturaleza pecaminosa son contrarios al Espíritu, y los deseos del Espíritu son opuestos a la naturaleza pecaminosa. Se pelean entre sí, de modo que ustedes no hacen lo que quieren hacer.
Porque la carne desea contra el Espíritu, y el Espíritu contra la carne; y éstos se oponen entre sí, para que no hagáis lo que deseáis.
Porque [la ]naturaleza humana desea contra el Espíritu, y el Espíritu contra la naturaleza humana, porque éstos se oponen entre sí para que no hagan las cosas que quieran.
Porque la carne desea en contra del espíritu, y el espíritu en contra de la carne, siendo cosas opuestas entre sí, a fin de que no hagáis cuanto querríais.
Porque el deseo de la carne es contrario al deseo del Espíritu, y el deseo del Espíritu es contrario al deseo de la carne; y estas cosas se oponen la una a la otra, de manera que no podáis hacer lo que quisiereis.
Porque la carne codicia contra el Espíritu, y el Espíritu contra la carne: y estas cosas se oponen la una á la otra, para que no hagáis lo que quisiereis.
Porque la carne codicia contra el Espíritu, y el Espíritu contra la carne: y estas cosas se oponen la una á la otra, para que no hagais lo que quisiereis.
Porque la carne tiene deseos contra el Espíritu, y el Espíritu contra la carne; porque estos son opuestos el uno al otro; para que no hagas las cosas que tienes que hacer.
Kwa kuwa mwili una tamaa kubwa dhidi ya Roho, na Roho ina tamaa kubwa dhidi ya mwili. Hizi zinapingana kila moja na nyingine. Matokeo ni kwamba hamfanyi vitu mnavyotamani kuvifanya.
Maana, tamaa za kidunia hupingana na matakwa ya Roho; na matakwa ya Roho hupingana na tamaa za kidunia. Mambo hayo mawili hayaafikiani; kwa sababu hiyo hamwezi kufanya yale mnayotaka ninyi wenyewe.
Kwa maana mwili hutamani yale yaliyo kinyume na Roho, naye Roho hutamani yale yaliyo kinyume na mwili. Roho na mwili hupingana na kwa sababu hiyo hamwezi kufanya mnayotaka.
Ty köttet har begärelse mot Anden, och Anden mot köttet; de två ligga ju i strid med varandra, för att hindra eder att göra vad I viljen.
Ty köttet hafver begärelse emot Andan, och Andan emot köttet; de samma äro emot hvartannat, så att I icke gören hvad I viljen.
Ty köttet har begärelse mot Anden, och Anden mot köttet; de två ligga ju i strid med varandra, för att hindra eder att göra vad I viljen.
Sapagka't ang laman ay nagnanasa ng laban sa Espiritu, at ang Espiritu ay laban sa laman; sapagka't ang mga ito ay nagkakalaban; upang huwag ninyong gawin ang bagay na inyong ibigin.
Sapagkat malakas ang nasa ng laman laban sa Espiritu, at ang Espiritu ay may malakas na nasa laban sa laman. Sapagkat ang mga ito ay laban sa isa't isa. Ang kinahinatnan ay hindi ninyo ginawa ang mga bagay ninais ninyong gawin.
Holvgabv nyia mvngdung lo ogugo mvngdudw vv yalu lo ogugo mvngdudw um kaanwng minsu mabv ridu, okv Yaluv ogugo mvngdudw um nyia mvngdung ngv kaanwng minsu madu. So anyi si nyimak bv rimi sidu, okv svbv rinam si no ogugo riso mvngjvka rila madu.
சரீர இச்சை ஆவியானவருக்கு எதிராக செயல்படுகிறது. ஆவியானவர் சரீர இச்சைக்கு எதிராக செயல்படுகிறார்; நீங்கள் செய்யவேண்டியவைகளைச் செய்யாதபடி, இவைகள் ஒன்றுக்கொன்று எதிராக இருக்கிறது.
ஏனெனில் மாம்ச இயல்பு, பரிசுத்த ஆவியானவரின் வழிநடத்துதலுக்கு முரண்பாடான ஆசைகளைத் தூண்டுகிறது. பரிசுத்த ஆவியானவரோ, மாம்ச இயல்புக்கு முரண்பட்ட விதத்திலேயே வழிநடத்துகிறார். அவை இரண்டுமே ஒன்றுக்கொன்று முரண்பாடாய் இருக்கின்றன. இதனாலேயே நீங்கள் விரும்புவதை உங்களால் செய்ய முடியாதிருக்கிறது.
శరీర స్వభావం ఆశించేవి ఆత్మకు విరోధంగా ఉంటాయి, ఆత్మ ఆశించేవి శరీరానికి విరోధంగా పని చేస్తాయి. ఇవి ఒకదాని కొకటి వ్యతిరేకంగా ఉన్నాయి. కాబట్టి మీరు ఏవి చేయాలని ఇష్టపడతారో వాటిని చేయరు.
He ʻoku holi tuʻu ʻae kakano ki he Laumālie, mo e Laumālie ki he kakano: pea ʻoku fai kehekehe ʻakinaua ni, ko e taha ki he taha: ko ia ʻoku ʻikai ai te mou faʻa fai ʻaia ʻoku mou loto ki ai.
Çünkü benlik Ruh'a, Ruh da benliğe aykırı olanı arzular. Bunlar birbirine karşıttır; sonuç olarak, istediğinizi yapamıyorsunuz.
Efisɛ nea ɔhonam pɛ no tia nea Honhom no pɛ; saa ara nso na nea Honhom no pɛ no, ɔhonam no tia. Nʼabien no bɔ abira, enti ɛnsɛ sɛ moyɛ nea mopɛ.
Ɛfiri sɛ, deɛ honam pɛ no tia deɛ Honhom no pɛ; saa ara nso na deɛ Honhom no pɛ no, honam no tia. Ne mmienu no bɔ abira, enti ɛnsɛ sɛ moyɛ deɛ mopɛ.
Бо воно бажає того, що суперечить Духові, а Дух – того, що суперечить [гріховним] бажанням тіла. Вони ворогують одне з одним, так що ви не робите того, що хочете.
бо тіло бажає противного Духові, а Дух противного тілу, і супротивні вони один о́дному, щоб ви чинили не те, чого хочете.
Бо тіло бажає (того що) проти духа, а дух, (що) проти тїла; се ж одно другому противить ся, щоб не, що хочете, те робили.
क्यूँकि जिस्म रूह के ख़िलाफ़ ख़्वाहिश करता है और रूह जिस्म के ख़िलाफ़ है, और ये एक दूसरे के मुख़ालिफ़ हैं, ताकि जो तुम चाहो वो न करो।
چۈنكى ئەت روھقا زىت بولغان ئىشلارنى ئارزۇ قىلىدۇ، ۋە روھ ئەتكە زىت بولغان ئىشلارنى ئارزۇ قىلىدۇ. ئۇلار ئىككىسى بىر-بىرىگە قارىمۇقارشىدۇر؛ نەتىجىدە، ئۆزۈڭلار ئارزۇ قىلغان ئىشلارنى قىلالمايسىلەر.
Чүнки әт Роһқа зит болған ишларни арзу қилиду, вә Роһ әткә зит болған ишларни арзу қилиду. Улар иккиси бир-биригә қаримуқаршидур; нәтиҗидә, өзүңлар арзу қилған ишларни қилалмайсиләр.
Chünki et Rohqa zit bolghan ishlarni arzu qilidu, we Roh etke zit bolghan ishlarni arzu qilidu. Ular ikkisi bir-birige qarimuqarshidur; netijide, özünglar arzu qilghan ishlarni qilalmaysiler.
Qünki ǝt Roⱨⱪa zit bolƣan ixlarni arzu ⱪilidu, wǝ Roⱨ ǝtkǝ zit bolƣan ixlarni arzu ⱪilidu. Ular ikkisi bir-birigǝ ⱪarimuⱪarxidur; nǝtijidǝ, ɵzünglar arzu ⱪilƣan ixlarni ⱪilalmaysilǝr.
Vì xác thịt có những điều ưa muốn trái với những điều của Thánh Linh, Thánh Linh có những điều ưa muốn trái với của xác thịt; hai bên trái nhau dường ấy, nên anh em không làm được điều mình muốn làm.
Vì xác thịt có những điều ưa muốn trái với của Thánh Linh, Thánh Linh có những điều ưa muốn trái với của xác thịt; hai bên trái nhau dường ấy, nên anh em không làm được điều mình muốn làm.
Bản tính cũ thích làm những điều nghịch với Chúa Thánh Linh, trong khi Chúa Thánh Linh muốn anh chị em làm những việc trái với bản tính cũ. Hai bên luôn luôn tranh đấu, nên anh chị em không thể làm điều mình muốn.
ulwakuva um'bili ghuli ni noghelua ing'ome kukila inumbula, ni numbula jili ni noghelua in'gome kukila um'bili. isi ssoni sipingana, amahumile ghake kwe kuuti namuvomba ifinu fino munoghelua kuvomba.
Bila zinzinunu zi nsuni zidi ziviakana ayi zinzinunu zi Pheve. Ziozi zinzinunu zi Pheve zidi ziviakana ayi ziozi zi nsuni. Zinzinunu beni ziazi zidi bumbeni, ziawu na ziawu, mu diambu lubika vanga mambu momo lutidi.
Nítorí ti ara ń ṣe ìfẹ́kúfẹ̀ẹ́ lòdì sí Ẹ̀mí, àti Ẹ̀mí lòdì sí ara, àwọn wọ̀nyí sì lòdì sí ara wọn; kí ẹ má ba à lè ṣe ohun tí ẹ̀yin ń fẹ́.
Verse Count = 335

< Galatians 5:17 >