< Deuteronomy 2:30 >

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
Por Sihoni, mbret i Heshbonit, nuk deshi të na linte të kalonim nëpër territorin e tij, sepse Zoti, Perëndia yt, i kishte ngurtësuar frymën dhe e kishte bërë kryeneç, për të ta dhënë në duart e tua, siç është pikërisht sot.
لَكِنْ لَمْ يَشَأْ سِيحُونُ مَلِكُ حَشْبُونَ أَنْ يَدَعَنَا نَمُرَّ بِهِ، لِأَنَّ ٱلرَّبَّ إِلَهَكَ قَسَّى رُوحَهُ، وَقَوَّى قَلْبَهُ لِكَيْ يَدْفَعَهُ إِلَى يَدِكَ كَمَا فِي هَذَا ٱلْيَوْمِ.
لَكِنَّ سِيحُونَ مَلِكَ حَشْبُونَ رَفَضَ أَنْ يَدَعَنَا نَجْتَازُ بِبِلادِهِ، لأَنَّ الرَّبَّ إِلَهَكُمْ قَسَّى رُوحَهُ وَأَغْلَظَ قَلْبَهُ لِكَيْ يَهْزِمَهُ عَلَى أَيْدِيكُمْ كَمَا فَعَلَ الآنَ.
কিন্তু হিচবোনৰ ৰজা চীহোনে নিজ দেশৰ মাজেদি যাবলৈ আমাক অনুমতি নিদিলে; কিয়নো আপোনালোকৰ ঈশ্বৰ যিহোৱাই তেওঁৰ মন কঠিন কৰি হৃদয় অটল কৰি ৰাখিছিল, যাতে তেওঁ আপোনালোকৰ হাতত পৰে। আজি এই সময়ত তেওঁ তাকেই কৰিছে।
Lakin Xeşbon padşahı Sixon bizi torpağından keçməyə qoymadı. Çünki bugünkü kimi Allahınız Rəbb sizə təslim etmək üçün onu inadkar və daşürəkli etdi.
Be hina bagade Saihone da ninia baligili masunu logo ga: i dagoi. Ninia da Saihone fane legele ea soge lamusa: Hina Gode da ea hou gasa fi agoane hamoi. Ninia da wali ea soge amogai fi diala.
কিন্তু হিষ্‌বোনের রাজা সীহোন তাঁর কাছ দিয়ে আমাদের যেতে দেননি, কারণ তোমার ঈশ্বর সদাপ্রভু তাঁর মন কঠিন করলেন ও তাঁর হৃদয় শক্ত করলেন, যেন তোমার হাতে তাঁকে পরাজিত করেন, যেটি তিনি আজ করেছেন।
হিষ্‌বোনের রাজা সীহোন কিন্তু আমাদের যেতে দিতে রাজি হলেন না। কারণ তোমাদের ঈশ্বর সদাপ্রভু তাঁর মন কঠিন ও তাঁর হৃদয় শক্ত করেছিলেন যেন তোমাদের হাতে তাঁকে সমর্পণ করেন, যেমন তিনি এখন করেছেন।
Обаче есевонският цар Сион не склони да заминем през земята му; понеже Господ твоят Бог закорави духа му и вкамени сърцето му, за да го предаде в ръцете ти, както е и до днес.
Apan si Sihon ang hari sa Heshbon, midumili sa pagpaagi kaniya; kay si Yahweh nga inyong Dios gipatig-a ang iyang hunahuna ug gipatig-a ang iyang kasingkasing, aron mabuntog niya siya pinaagi sa inyong kusog, nga diin iyang gibuhat karon.
Apan si Sihon nga hari sa Hesbon wala bumuot nga moagi kami sa kayutaan niya; kay si Jehova nga imong Dios nagpatig-a sa iyang espiritu, ug nagpatig-a sa iyang kasingkasing aron sa pagtugyan kaniya sa imong kamot ingon niining adlawa.
Koma Sihoni mfumu ya Hesiboni sanalole kuti tidutse. Popeza Yehova Mulungu wanu analimbitsa mzimu wake, nawumitsa mtima wake kuti amupereke mʼmanja mwanu monga wachitira lero lino.
Toe Heshbon siangpahrang Sihon mah caehsak han koeh ai; vaihniah amtueng baktih toengah, nangcae ih Angraeng Sithaw mah Sihon siangpahrang to nangcae ban ah paek han koeh pongah, a poekhaih palungthin to amtaksak moe, palung thahsak.
Te vaengah mamih lan sak ham te Heshbon manghai Sihon loh a kohuem pawh. Tedae tihnin kah bangla BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang kut dongah paek a ngaih dongah ni Sihon kah mueihla te a mangkhak sak tih a thinko khaw a ning sak.
“Te vaengah mamih lan sak ham te Heshbon manghai Sihon loh a kohuem pawh. Tedae tihnin kah bangla BOEIPA na Pathen loh nang kut dongah paek a ngaih dongah ni Sihon kah mueihla te a mangkhak sak tih a thinko khaw a ning sak.”
Hinlah Heshbon muna Sihon lengpan agamsung hopa ding chu anom tapoi, ajeh chu Pakai, Pathen in Sihon lengpa lungthim chu asutah in chuin Pakaiyin eiki thopi uvin ahileh galjona chu eipe tauve.
Kaimouh ka cei nahane Heshbon siangpahrang Sihon ni kâ na poe hoeh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, sahnin kamnue e patetlah nangmae Cathut ni hote siangpahrang nangmae kut dawk na poe hanelah, lung a tha o sak, lungpatanae lungthin a poe.
但希实本王西宏不容我们从他那里经过;因为耶和华—你的 神使他心中刚硬,性情顽梗,为要将他交在你手中,像今日一样。
Ali hešbonski kralj Sihon ne htjede nas pustiti preko svoga; jer Jahve, Bog tvoj, duh mu zaslijepi a srce otvrdnu, da ga preda u tvoje šake, gdje je i danas.
Ale nechtěl dopustiti Seon, král Ezebon, abychom prošli zemi jeho; nebo byl zatvrdil Hospodin Bůh tvůj ducha jeho, a ztužil srdce jeho, aby dal jej v ruce tvé, jakož se vidí podnes.
Ale nechtěl dopustiti Seon, král Ezebon, abychom prošli zemi jeho; nebo byl zatvrdil Hospodin Bůh tvůj ducha jeho, a ztužil srdce jeho, aby dal jej v ruce tvé, jakož se vidí podnes.
Men Kong Sihon i Hesjbon vilde ikke tillade os at drage igennem; thi HERREN din Gud forhærdede hans Ånd og gjorde hans Hjerte hårdt for at give ham i din Hånd, som det nu er sket.
Men Sihon, Kongen i Hesbon, vilde ikke lade os drage igennem hos sig; thi Herren din Gud forhærdede hans Aand og gjorde hans Hjerte stift, for at give ham i dine Hænder, som man ser paa denne Dag.
Men Kong Sihon i Hesjbon vilde ikke tillade os at drage igennem; thi HERREN din Gud forhærdede hans Aand og gjorde hans Hjerte haardt for at give ham i din Haand, som det nu er sket.
To Sihon ruodh Heshbon ne otamowa kadho e pinygi nimar Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachwa nosemiye wich teko, kendo chunye odoko matek mondo ochiwe e lwetu mana kaka osetimo.
Maar Sihon, de koning van Hesbon, wilde ons door hetzelve niet laten doortrekken; want de HEERE, uw God, verhardde zijn geest, en verstokte zijn hart, opdat Hij hem in uw hand gave, gelijk het is te dezen dage.
Maar Sichon, de koning van Chesjbon, wilde ons niet door zijn land laten trekken; want Jahweh, uw God, had zijn gemoed verstompt en zijn hart versteend, om hem in uw hand te leveren, zoals thans het geval is.
Maar Sihon, de koning van Hesbon, wilde ons door hetzelve niet laten doortrekken; want de HEERE, uw God, verhardde zijn geest, en verstokte zijn hart, opdat Hij hem in uw hand gave, gelijk het is te dezen dage.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for Jehovah thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for Jehovah thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass through, for the LORD your God had made his spirit stubborn and his heart obstinate, that He might deliver him into your hand, as is the case this day.
But Sihon, king of Heshbon, would not let us go through; for the Lord your God made his spirit hard and his heart strong, so that he might give him up into your hands as at this day.
And Seon king of Esebon would not that we should pass by him, because the Lord our God hardened his spirit, and made his heart stubborn, that he might be delivered into thy hands, as on this day.
And Seon king of Esebon would not that we should pass by him, because the Lord our God hardened his spirit, and made his heart stubborn, that he might be delivered into your hands, as on this day.
And Sihon, the king of Heshbon, was not willing to grant passage to us. For the Lord your God had hardened his spirit, and had fastened his heart, so that he would be delivered into your hands, just as you now see.
But Sihon the king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for Jehovah thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obdurate, that he might give him into thy hand, as it is this day.
And Sehon the king of Hesebon would not let us pass: because the Lord thy God had hardened his spirit, and fixed his heart, that he might be delivered into thy hands, as now thou seest.
But Sihon king of Heshbon refused to let us pass through, for the Lord your God gave him a stubborn spirit and an obstinate attitude, so the Lord could hand him over to you, as he has now done.
But Sihon the King of Heshbon would not let vs passe by him: for the Lord thy God had hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, because hee would deliuer him into thine hand, as appeareth this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that He might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as [appeareth] this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as appears this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the Lord thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for YHWH thy Elohim hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for Yhwh thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as appears this day.
And Seon king of Esebon would not that we should pass by him, because the Lord our God hardened his spirit, and made his heart stubborn, that he might be delivered into your hands, as on this day.
But Sichon, the king of Cheshbon, would not suffer our passing by him; for the Lord thy God had hardened his spirit, and had made obstinate his heart, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as [hath happened] this day.
And Sihon king of Heshbon has not been willing to let us pass over by him, for your God YHWH has hardened his spirit and strengthened his heart, so as to give him into your hand as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for the LORD your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for Jehovah your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for the LORD your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for the LORD your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for YHWH your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for the LORD your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for Adonai your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as at this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon, was not willing, to let us pass along through it, —for Yahweh thy God had suffered him to make his spirit harsh and his heart bold, that he might give him into thy hand—(as [appeareth] this day).
And not he was willing Sihon [the] king of Heshbon to let pass us in him for he had made stubborn Yahweh God your spirit his and he had made obstinate heart his so as to give him in hand your as the day this.
and not be willing Sihon king Heshbon to pass us in/on/with him for to harden LORD God your [obj] spirit his and to strengthen [obj] heart his because to give: give him in/on/with hand: power your like/as day: today [the] this
But King Sihon would not allow us to go through his country. That was because Yahweh our God caused him to be stubborn [IDM]. The result was that Yahweh enabled us to defeat his army and take his land [IDM], which we still live in.
But Sihon, king of Heshbon, would not let us pass by him; for Yahweh your God had hardened his mind and made his heart obstinate, that he might defeat him by your might, which he has now done today.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as [appeareth] this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for Yahweh your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is today.
And Seon, kyng of Esebon, nolde yyue passage `to vs; for thi Lord God made hard his spirit, and made sad in yuel `the herte of hym, that he schulde be bitakun in to thin hondis, as thou seest now.
'And Sihon king of Heshbon hath not been willing to let us pass over by him, for Jehovah thy God hath hardened his spirit, and strengthened his heart, so as to give him into thy hand as at this day.
Sed ne volis Siĥon, la reĝo de Ĥeŝbon, tralasi nin, ĉar la Eternulo, via Dio, obstinigis lian spiriton kaj malcedemigis lian koron, por transdoni lin en vian manon, kiel nun.
Ke Hesbon fia Sixɔn melɔ̃ be mía egbɔ ayi o, elabena Yehowa, miaƒe Mawu la na wòsẽ dzi me, ale be wòate ŋu aɖe asi le Sixɔn ŋu na mi abe ale si wòwɔe fifia ene.
Vaan ei Sihon Hesbonin kuningas tahtonut meidän antaa vaeltaa sen lävitse; sillä Herra sinun Jumalas kovetti hänen mielensä ja paadutti hänen sydämensä, että Herra tahtoi antaa hänen sinun käsiis, niinkuin tänäpäivänä on.
Mutta Siihon, Hesbonin kuningas, ei tahtonut antaa meidän kulkea maansa kautta, sillä Herra, sinun Jumalasi, paadutti hänen mielensä ja kovensi hänen sydämensä, antaakseen hänet sinun käsiisi, niinkuin nyt onkin tapahtunut.
Mais Séhon, roi de Hésebon, ne voulut pas nous laisser passer chez lui, car Yahweh, ton Dieu, avait endurci son esprit et rendu son cœur inflexible, afin de le livrer entre tes mains, comme tu le vois aujourd'hui.
Mais Sihon, roi de Heshbon, ne voulut pas nous laisser passer devant lui, car Yahvé ton Dieu avait endurci son esprit et rendu son cœur obstiné, afin de le livrer entre tes mains, comme c'est le cas aujourd'hui.
Et Sihon, roi de Hesbon, ne voulut pas nous laisser passer par son [pays]; car l’Éternel, ton Dieu, avait endurci son esprit et roidi son cœur, afin de le livrer en ta main, comme [il paraît] aujourd’hui.
Mais Sihon, Roi de Hesbon, ne voulut point nous laisser passer par son pays, car l'Eternel ton Dieu avait endurci son esprit, et roidi son cœur, afin de le livrer entre tes mains, comme [il paraît] aujourd'hui.
Mais Séhon, roi d’Hésébon, ne voulut point nous donner le passage, parce que le Seigneur ton Dieu avait endurci son esprit et fermé son cœur, afin qu’il fût livré en tes mains, comme tu vois maintenant.
Mais Sihon, roi de Hesbon, ne voulut point nous laisser passer chez lui; car l’Éternel, ton Dieu, rendit son esprit inflexible et endurcit son cœur, afin de le livrer entre tes mains, comme tu le vois aujourd’hui.
Mais Séhon, roi de Hésebon, ne voulut pas nous laisser passer chez lui, car Yahweh, ton Dieu, avait endurci son esprit et rendu son cœur inflexible, afin de le livrer entre tes mains, comme tu le vois aujourd’hui.
Mais Sihon, roi de Hesbon, ne voulut point nous laisser passer chez lui; car l'Éternel ton Dieu avait endurci son esprit et roidi son cœur, afin de le livrer entre tes mains, comme tu le vois aujourd'hui.
Mais Sihon, Roi de Hesbon, ne voulut pas nous laisser passer chez lui; car l'Éternel, ton Dieu, avait roidi son esprit et endurci son cœur pour le livrer entre tes mains, comme [on le voit] aujourd'hui.
Et Sehon, roi d'Esebon, ne nous permit pas de passer sur son territoire; car le Seigneur avait obscurci son esprit et endurci son cœur, afin qu'il tombât entre tes mains, comme il advint en ce jour.
Mais Sihôn, roi de Hesbon, ne voulut pas nous livrer passage; car l’Éternel, ton Dieu, avait raidi son esprit et endurci son cœur, pour le faire tomber en ton pouvoir, comme aujourd’hui.
Doch Chesbons König, Sichon, wollte uns nicht durchziehen lassen; denn der Herr, dein Gott, hatte seinen Sinn verhärtet und sein Herz verstockt, um ihn in deine Hand zu geben, wie es jetzt ist.
Aber Sihon, der König von Hesbon, wollte uns nicht bei sich durchziehen lassen; denn Jehova, dein Gott, hatte seinen Geist verhärtet und sein Herz verstockt, auf daß er ihn in deine Hand gäbe, wie es an diesem Tage ist.
Aber Sihon, der König von Hesbon, wollte uns nicht bei sich durchziehen lassen; denn Jehova, dein Gott, hatte seinen Geist verhärtet und sein Herz verstockt, auf daß er ihn in deine Hand gäbe, wie es an diesem Tage ist.
Aber Sihon, der König zu Hesbon, weigerte sich, uns den Durchzug zu gestatten, weil Jahwe, dein Gott, seinen Sinn unbeugsam und sein Herz verstockt gemacht hatte, damit er ihn in deine Gewalt gebe, wie es jetzt gekommen ist.
Aber Sihon, der König zu Hesbon, wollte uns nicht durchziehen lassen; denn der HERR, dein Gott, verhärtete seinen Mut und verstockte ihm sein Herz, auf daß er ihn in deine Hände gäbe, wie es jetzt ist am Tage.
Aber Sihon, der König zu Hesbon, wollte uns nicht durchziehen lassen; denn der HERR, dein Gott, verhärtete seinen Mut und verstockte ihm sein Herz, auf daß er ihn in deine Hände gäbe, wie es heutigestages ist.
Aber Sihon, der König von Hesbon, wollte uns den Durchzug durch sein Land nicht gestatten; denn der HERR, dein Gott, hatte seinen Sinn hart und sein Herz trotzig gemacht, um ihn in deine Gewalt zu geben, wie der heutige Tag es klar zeigt.
Aber Sihon, der König zu Hesbon, wollte uns nicht durch sein Land ziehen lassen; denn der HERR, dein Gott, hatte seinen Geist hartnäckig gemacht und sein Herz verbittert, daß er ihn in deine Hand gebe, wie es heute der Fall ist.
Und Sichon, Cheschbons König, war nicht willens, uns da durchziehen zu lassen, weil Jehovah, dein Gott, seinen Geist verhärtete und sein Herz verstockte, auf daß Er ihn in deine Hand gebe, wie es heutzutage ist.
No Sihoni mũthamaki wa Heshiboni nĩaregire tũtuĩkanĩrie kuo. Nĩgũkorwo Jehova Ngai wanyu nĩatũmire roho wake ũngʼathie, na akĩũmia ngoro yake, nĩgeetha amũneane moko-inĩ manyu, o ta ũrĩa ekĩte rĩu.
Και δεν ηθέλησεν ο Σηών βασιλεύς της Εσεβών να περάσωμεν διά της γης αυτού· επειδή Κύριος ο Θεός σου εσκλήρυνε το πνεύμα αυτού και απελίθωσε την καρδίαν αυτού, διά να παραδώση αυτόν εις τας χείρας σου, καθώς την ημέραν ταύτην.
καὶ οὐκ ἠθέλησεν Σηων βασιλεὺς Εσεβων παρελθεῖν ἡμᾶς δῑ αὐτοῦ ὅτι ἐσκλήρυνεν κύριος ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν τὸ πνεῦμα αὐτοῦ καὶ κατίσχυσεν τὴν καρδίαν αὐτοῦ ἵνα παραδοθῇ εἰς τὰς χεῖράς σου ὡς ἐν τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ταύτῃ
પરંતુ હેશ્બોનના રાજા સીહોને આપણને પોતાના દેશમાં થઈને જવા દેવાની ના પાડી; કેમ કે ઈશ્વર તમારા યહોવાહ તેનું મન કઠણ અને હૃદય હઠીલું કર્યું હતું કે તે તેને તારા હાથમાં સોંપે, જેમ આજે છે તેમ.
Men, Siyon, wa Esbon an, pa t' dakò pou l' te kite nou pase nan pèyi l' la. Seyè a, Bondye nou an, fè l' kenbe tèt ak nou, li fè l' refize chanje lide malgre tou sa nou fè, pou l' sa lage l' nan men nou ansanm ak tout peyi a, jan sa ye jouk koulye a.
“Men Sihon, wa Hesbon an, pa t dakò kite nou pase nan peyi pa li a; paske SENYÈ a te fè lespri li rèd e kè li di, pou l ta kapab livre li nan men nou, jan ke li ye la jodi a.
Amma Sihon sarkin Heshbon ya ƙi yă bar mu mu wuce a ciki. Gama Ubangiji Allahnku ya sa ruhunsa ya taurare don yă ba da shi a hannuwanku kamar yadda ya yi yanzu.
Aka, aole i ae mai o Sihona, ke alii o Hesebona, e hele kakou ma o na la; no ka mea, hoopaakiki mai la o Iehova kou Akua i kona naau, a hooku e oia i kona manao, i hoolilo ai oia ia ia iloko o kou lima, e like me ia i keia la.
ולא אבה סיחן מלך חשבון העברנו בו כי הקשה יהוה אלהיך את רוחו ואמץ את לבבו למען תתו בידך כיום הזה
וְלֹ֣א אָבָ֗ה סִיחֹן֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ חֶשְׁבֹּ֔ון הַעֲבִרֵ֖נוּ בֹּ֑ו כִּֽי־הִקְשָׁה֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ אֶת־רוּחֹ֗ו וְאִמֵּץ֙ אֶת־לְבָבֹ֔ו לְמַ֛עַן תִּתֹּ֥ו בְיָדְךָ֖ כַּיֹּ֥ום הַזֶּֽה׃ ס
וְלֹ֣א אָבָ֗ה סִיחֹן֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ חֶשְׁבּ֔וֹן הַעֲבִרֵ֖נוּ בּ֑וֹ כִּֽי־הִקְשָׁה֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ אֶת־רוּח֗וֹ וְאִמֵּץ֙ אֶת־לְבָב֔וֹ לְמַ֛עַן תִּתּ֥וֹ בְיָדְךָ֖ כַּיּ֥וֹם הַזֶּֽה׃ ס
וְלֹא אָבָה סִיחֹן מֶלֶךְ חֶשְׁבּוֹן הַעֲבִרֵנוּ בּוֹ כִּֽי־הִקְשָׁה יְהֹוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ אֶת־רוּחוֹ וְאִמֵּץ אֶת־לְבָבוֹ לְמַעַן תִּתּוֹ בְיָדְךָ כַּיּוֹם הַזֶּֽה׃
ולא אבה סיחן מלך חשבון העברנו בו כי הקשה יהוה אלהיך את רוחו ואמץ את לבבו למען תתו בידך כיום הזה׃
וְלֹא אָבָה סִיחֹן מֶלֶךְ חֶשְׁבּוֹן הַעֲבִרֵנוּ בּוֹ כִּֽי־הִקְשָׁה יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ אֶת־רוּחוֹ וְאִמֵּץ אֶת־לְבָבוֹ לְמַעַן תִּתּוֹ בְיָדְךָ כַּיּוֹם הַזֶּֽה׃
וְלֹ֣א אָבָ֗ה סִיחֹן֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ חֶשְׁבּ֔וֹן הַעֲבִרֵ֖נוּ בּ֑וֹ כִּֽי־הִקְשָׁה֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ אֶת־רוּח֗וֹ וְאִמֵּץ֙ אֶת־לְבָב֔וֹ לְמַ֛עַן תִּתּ֥וֹ בְיָדְךָ֖ כַּיּ֥וֹם הַזֶּֽה׃ ס
परन्तु हेशबोन के राजा सीहोन ने हमको अपने देश में से होकर चलने न दिया; क्योंकि तुम्हारे परमेश्वर यहोवा ने उसका चित्त कठोर और उसका मन हठीला कर दिया था, इसलिए कि उसको तुम्हारे हाथ में कर दे, जैसा कि आज प्रगट है।
मगर हेशबोन का राजा सीहोन हमें अपने देश में से होकर निकल जाने देने के बारे में राज़ी न हुआ; क्योंकि याहवेह, तुम्हारे परमेश्वर ने उसकी आत्मा को कठोर बनाकर उसके हृदय को इस उद्देश्य से हठीला बना दिया था, कि उसे तुम्हारे अधीन कर दें; जैसा वह आज भी है.
De nem akarta Szihon, Hesbon királya, hogy átmenjünk ő rajta, mert megkeményítette volt az Úr, a te Istened az ő lelkét, és engedetlenné tette az Ő szívét, hogy a te kezedbe adja őt, a mint nyilván van e mai napon.
De nem akarta Szichón, Chesbón királya, hogy átvonultasson minket, mert megkeményítette az Örökkévaló, a te Istened a lelkét és makaccsá tette a szívét, hogy kezedbe adja, mint a mai nap van.
Ma Saịhọn, eze Heshbọn, ekweghị ka anyị si nʼala ya gafee. Nʼihi na Onyenwe anyị Chineke unu mere ka mmụọ ya sie ike, meekwa ka o mesie obi ya ike, ka o si otu a nyefee ya nʼaka unu dịka ọ mere ugbu a.
Ngem saannatayo a pinalubosan a lumabas ni Sihon nga ari ti Hesbon; ta pinatangken ni Yahweh a Diosmo ti panunot ken pusona, tapno maparmekna isuna babaen iti bilegmo, nga isu ti inaramidna ita nga aldaw.
Tetapi Raja Sihon tidak mengizinkan kita melalui negerinya itu. TUHAN Allahmu membuat dia keras kepala dan nekat supaya kita dapat mengalahkan dia. Daerahnya masih kita duduki sampai sekarang.
Tetapi Sihon, raja Hesybon, tidak mau memberi kita berjalan melalui daerahnya, sebab TUHAN, Allahmu, membuat dia keras kepala dan tegar hati, dengan maksud menyerahkan dia ke dalam tanganmu, seperti yang terjadi sekarang ini.
Tetapi Raja Sihon tidak mengizinkan kita untuk berjalan melewati negerinya. TUHAN Allah kita sengaja membuat raja itu keras kepala sehingga menolak pesan kita, karena TUHAN hendak menyerahkan dia dan negerinya kepada kita. Itulah sebabnya hari ini kita menduduki daerah Sihon.
Ma Sihon, re di Hesbon, non volle lasciarci passar per lo suo paese; perciocchè il Signore Iddio tuo gli avea indurato lo spirito, e ostinato il cuore, per dartelo nelle mani, come oggi [appare].
Ma Sicon, re di Chesbon, non ci volle lasciar passare nel suo paese, perché il Signore tuo Dio gli aveva reso inflessibile lo spirito e ostinato il cuore, per mettertelo nelle mani, come appunto è oggi.
Ma Sihon, re di Heshbon, non ci volle lasciar passare per il suo paese, perché l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, gli aveva indurato lo spirito e reso ostinato il cuore, per dartelo nelle mani, come difatti oggi si vede.
Hianagi Hesboni kini ne' Sihoni'a mopa'afima rugitagitama vuzankura i'o huno hurante'ne. Na'ankure Ra Anumzana tamagri Anumzamo'a menima tazampima avrentesigeta ha' hugateresunku antahintahi'a eri hanaveti'ne.
ಆದರೆ ಹೆಷ್ಬೋನಿನ ಅರಸನಾದ ಸೀಹೋನನು ನಮ್ಮನ್ನು ತನ್ನ ಬಳಿಯಿಂದ ದಾಟಿಹೋಗಲು ಸಮ್ಮತಿಸಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅವನನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕೈಯಲ್ಲಿ ಒಪ್ಪಿಸುವ ಹಾಗೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇವರಾದ ಯೆಹೋವ ದೇವರು ಅವನ ಬುದ್ಧಿಯನ್ನು ಮಂಕುಮಾಡಿ, ಹೃದಯವನ್ನು ಕಠಿಣಪಡಿಸಿದರು. ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ಅದು ನೆರವೇರಿದೆ.
ಆದರೆ ಯೆಹೋವನು ಅವನಿಗೆ ಮೂರ್ಖಬುದ್ಧಿಯನ್ನು ಕೊಟ್ಟು ಹಟವನ್ನು ಹುಟ್ಟಿಸಿದ್ದರಿಂದ ಅವನು ಸಮ್ಮತಿಸಲಿಲ್ಲ. ಅವನು ನಿಮ್ಮಿಂದ ಸೋತುಹೋಗಬೇಕೆಂಬುದೇ ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇವರಾದ ಯೆಹೋವನ ಸಂಕಲ್ಪವಾಗಿತ್ತು; ಅದು ಈಗಾಗಲೇ ನೆರವೇರಿತಲ್ಲಾ.
헤스본 왕 시혼이 우리의 통과하기를 허락지 아니하였으니 이는 너의 하나님 여호와께서 그를 네 손에 붙이시려고 그 성품을 완강케 하셨고 그 마음을 강퍅케 하셨음이라 오늘날과 같으니라
헤스본 왕 시혼이 우리의 통과하기를 허락지 아니하였으니 이는 너의 하나님 여호와께서 그를 네 손에 붙이시려고 그 성품을 완강케 하셨고 그 마음을 강퍅케 하셨음이라 오늘날과 같으니라
Tusruktu Tokosra Sihon el tia lela kut in fahsr sasla fin facl sel. LEUM GOD lowos El akupaye insial in lain kowos, kut in mau ku in kutangulla ac eisla facl sel, su kut srakna muta fac nwe misenge.
بەڵام سیحۆنی پاشای حەشبۆن ڕازی نەبوو ڕێگامان بدات پێیدا بڕۆین، چونکە یەزدانی پەروەردگارتان وای لێکرد کەللەڕەق بێت و دڵی توند کرد تاکو بیداتە دەستتان، هەروەک چۆن ئەمڕۆ بووە.
Noluitque Sehon rex Hesebon dare nobis transitum: quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum ejus, et obfirmaverat cor illius, ut traderetur in manus tuas, sicut nunc vides.
Noluitque Sehon rex Hesebon dare nobis transitum: quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum eius, et obfirmaverat cor illius, ut traderetur in manus tuas, sicut nunc vides.
Noluitque Sehon rex Hesebon dare nobis transitum: quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum eius, et obfirmaverat cor illius, ut traderetur in manus tuas, sicut nunc vides.
Noluitque Sehon rex Hesebon dare nobis transitum: quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum ejus, et obfirmaverat cor illius, ut traderetur in manus tuas, sicut nunc vides.
noluitque Seon rex Esebon dare nobis transitum quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum eius et obfirmaverat cor illius ut traderetur in manus tuas sicut nunc vides
Noluitque Sehon rex Hesebon dare nobis transitum: quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum eius, et obfirmaverat cor illius, ut traderetur in manus tuas, sicut nunc vides.
Bet Sihons, Hešbonas ķēniņš, mums negribēja ļaut iet cauri, jo Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, viņa prātu apcietināja un viņa sirdi drošināja, lai Viņš to nodotu tavā rokā, itin kā tas šodien ir.
Kasi Sikoni, mokonzi ya Eshiboni, aboyaki kopesa biso nzela ya kolekela na mokili na ye, pamba te Yawe, Nzambe na bino, akomisaki moto na ye makasi mpe motema na ye libanga, mpo na kokaba ye na maboko na bino ndenge asali lelo.
Naye Sikoni Kabaka wa Kesuboni n’atatukkiriza kuyitawo. Kubanga Mukama Katonda wammwe yali akakanyazizza omwoyo gwe era ng’awaganyazizza omutima gwe, alyoke amugabule mu mukono gwammwe nga bwe kiri leero.
Fa Sihona, mpanjakan’ i Hesbona, tsy nety namela antsika handeha hamaky ny taniny; fa Jehovah Andriamanitrao nanamafy ny fony sy nampahaditra ny fanahiny, mba hanolorany azy eo an-tananao tahaka ny amin’ izao anio izao.
Fe tsy nimete hampiranga an-tika t’i Sihone Mpanjaka nte-Khesbone fa nampigan-troke aze t’Iehovà Andrianañahare’ areo vaho nampitokie’e ty arofo’e hanolora’e aze am-pità’ areo, le ie henaneo.
എന്നാൽ നാം തന്റെ ദേശത്തുകൂടി കടന്നുപോകുവാൻ ഹെശ്ബോനിലെ രാജാവായ സീഹോൻ സമ്മതിച്ചില്ല; ഇന്ന് കാണുന്നതുപോലെ നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ അവനെ നിന്റെ കയ്യിൽ ഏല്പിക്കേണ്ടതിന് അവന്റെ മനസ്സും ഹൃദയവും കഠിനമാക്കി.
എന്നാൽ നാം തന്റെ ദേശത്തുകൂടി കടന്നുപോകുവാൻ ഹെശ്ബോനിലെ രാജാവായ സീഹോൻ സമ്മതിച്ചില്ല; ഇന്നു കാണുന്നതുപോലെ നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ അവനെ നിന്റെ കയ്യിൽ ഏല്പിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു അവന്റെ മനസ്സു കടുപ്പിച്ചു അവന്റെ ഹൃദയം കഠിനമാക്കി.
എന്നാൽ നാം തന്റെ ദേശത്തുകൂടി കടന്നുപോകുവാൻ ഹെശ്ബോനിലെ രാജാവായ സീഹോൻ സമ്മതിച്ചില്ല; ഇന്നു കാണുന്നതുപോലെ നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ അവനെ നിന്റെ കയ്യിൽ ഏല്പിക്കേണ്ടതിന്നു അവന്റെ മനസ്സു കടുപ്പിച്ചു അവന്റെ ഹൃദയം കഠിനമാക്കി.
എന്നാൽ ഹെശ്ബോനിലെ രാജാവായ സീഹോൻ തന്റെ ദേശത്തുകൂടി കടന്നുപോകാൻ നമ്മെ അനുവദിച്ചില്ല. ഇന്നു കാണുന്നതുപോലെ അവനെ നിങ്ങളുടെ കൈയിൽ ഏൽപ്പിക്കേണ്ടതിന് നിങ്ങളുടെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ അവന്റെ മനസ്സും ഹൃദയവും കഠിനമാക്കി.
पण हेशबोनचा राजा सीहोन आपल्या देशातून जाऊ देईना. आपण त्यास पराभूत करावे म्हणूनच तुमचा देव परमेश्वर ह्याने त्यास कठोर केले. त्याचे मन कठीण केले. आज तुम्ही पाहातच आहात की तो देश आपल्या हाती आहे.
``သို့​သော်​လည်း​ရှိ​ဟုန်​ဘု​ရင်​သည် ငါ​တို့​အား သူ​၏​ပြည်​ကို​ဖြတ်​သန်း​ခွင့်​မ​ပေး။ သင်​တို့​၏ ဘု​ရား​သ​ခင်​ထာ​ဝ​ရ​ဘု​ရား​သည် ထို​မင်း ကို​ခေါင်း​မာ​စေ​တော်​မူ​သ​ဖြင့် ငါ​တို့​သည်​သူ့ ကို​တိုက်​ခိုက်​အောင်​မြင်​၍ သူ​၏​ပြည်​ကို​သိမ်း ပိုက်​ကာ​ယ​နေ့​တိုင်​နေ​ထိုင်​လျက်​ရှိ​ကြ​သည်။''
ကျွန်ုပ်တို့ ရှောက်သွားရသော အခွင့်ကို ဟေရှဘုန်ရှင်ဘုရင် ရှိဟုန်မင်းသည် မပေး။ အကြောင်း မူကား၊ ယနေ့ ထင်ရှားသည်အတိုင်း၊ သင်တို့၏ ဘုရားသခင် ထာဝရဘုရားသည် ထိုမင်းကို သင်တို့ လက်၌ အပ်ခြင်းငှါ၊ ခက်ထန်သော စိတ်သဘော၊ ခိုင်မာသောနှလုံးကို သူ၌ ပေးသွင်းတော်မူ၏။
ကျွန်ုပ် တို့ ရှောက်သွား ရသောအခွင့် ကို ဟေရှဘုန် ရှင်ဘုရင် ရှိဟုန် မင်းသည် မ ပေး။ အကြောင်း မူကား၊ ယနေ့ ထင်ရှားသည်အတိုင်း၊ သင် တို့၏ ဘုရား သခင်ထာဝရဘုရား သည် ထိုမင်း ကို သင် တို့လက် ၌ အပ် ခြင်းငှါ ၊ ခက်ထန် သောစိတ် သဘော၊ ခိုင်မာ သောနှလုံးကို သူ ၌ ပေးသွင်းတော်မူ၏။
Heoi kihai a Hihona kingi o Hehepona i pai kia haere atu tatou na tona kainga: na Ihowa hoki, na tou Atua i whakapakeke tona wairua, i whakamaia hoki tona ngakau, kia homai ai ia ki tou ringa; koia ano tenei inaianei.
Kodwa uSihoni inkosi yaseHeshibhoni yala ukuthi sedlule. Ngoba uThixo uNkulunkulu wenu wayeyenze umoya wakhe waba lobuqholo lenhliziyo yakhe yaba lukhuni ukuze amnikele ezandleni zenu, njengoba esekwenzile khathesi.
Kodwa uSihoni inkosi yeHeshiboni kasivumelanga ukuthi sidlule kuye; ngoba iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho yenza umoya wakhe waba lukhuni, yenza lenhliziyo yakhe yaba lenkani, ukuze imnikele esandleni sakho, njengalamuhla.
तर हेश्बोनका राजा सीहोनले हाम्रो कुरा सुनेनन् र हामीलाई तिनको बाटो भएर जान दिएनन् । किनकि परमप्रभु तिमीहरूका परमेश्‍वरले तिनको मन कठोर बनाइदिनुभएको थियो र तिनको हृदय हठी बनाइदिनुभएको थियो ताकि तिमीहरूको शक्तिद्वारा उहाँले तिनलाई पराजित गर्नुभएको होस् जस्तो उहाँले आजको दिनसम्म गर्नुभएको छ ।
Men Sihon, kongen i Hesbon, vilde ikke la oss dra gjennem sitt land; for Herren din Gud hadde forherdet hans sinn og gjort hans hjerte hårdt for å gi ham i din hånd, som det kan sees på denne dag.
Men Sihon, kongen i Hesbon, vilde ikkje lata oss fara gjenom landet sitt. For Herren, din Gud, hadde gjort hugen hans strid og hjarta hans hardt, av di han vilde gjeva honom i dine hender, som han longe hev gjort.
ମାତ୍ର ହିଷ୍‍ବୋନର ରାଜା ସୀହୋନ ଆପଣା ଦେଶ ମଧ୍ୟଦେଇ ଯିବା ପାଇଁ ଆମ୍ଭମାନଙ୍କୁ ଅନୁମତି ଦେଲା ନାହିଁ, କାରଣ ସଦାପ୍ରଭୁ ତୁମ୍ଭର ପରମେଶ୍ୱର ତୁମ୍ଭ ହସ୍ତରେ ଆଜିର ନ୍ୟାୟ ତାହାକୁ ସମର୍ପଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ତାହାର ମନ କଠିନ କଲେ ଓ ତାହାର ହୃଦୟ ଶକ୍ତ କଲେ।
Sihoon mootiin Heshboon garuu akka nu dabarru nuuf eeyyamuu dide. Waaqayyo Waaqni keessan akkuma amma godhe kana dabarsee harka keessanitti isa kennuuf mataa fi garaa isaa jabeessee tureetii.
ਪਰ ਹਸ਼ਬੋਨ ਦੇ ਰਾਜੇ ਸੀਹੋਨ ਨੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਦੇਸ਼ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਹੋ ਕੇ ਪਾਰ ਲੰਘਣ ਨਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਕਿਉਂ ਜੋ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਪਰਮੇਸ਼ੁਰ ਯਹੋਵਾਹ ਨੇ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਆਤਮਾ ਨੂੰ ਕਠੋਰ ਅਤੇ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਮਨ ਨੂੰ ਸਖ਼ਤ ਹੋਣ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਤਾਂ ਜੋ ਉਹ ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਤੇਰੇ ਹੱਥ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੇ ਦੇਵੇ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਅੱਜ ਦੇ ਦਿਨ ਹੈ।
اماسیحون ملک حشبون نخواست که ما را از سرحدخود راه بدهد، زیرا که یهوه خدای تو روح او رابه قساوت و دل او را به سختی واگذاشت، تا او راچنانکه امروز شده است، به‌دست تو تسلیم نماید.
ولی سیحون پادشاه حِشبون موافقت نکرد، زیرا خداوند، خدای شما او را سختدل گردانید تا او را به دست اسرائیل نابود کند، همچنانکه الان شده است.
Ale nie chciał Sehon, król Heseboński, pozwolić nam przejścia przez ziemię swoję: bo był zatwardził Pan, Bóg twój, ducha jego, i stwierdził serce jego, aby go podał w ręce twoje, jako to dziś widzisz.
Lecz Sichon, król Cheszbonu, nie pozwolił nam przejść przez swoją [ziemię], gdyż PAN, twój Bóg, zatwardził jego ducha i uczynił jego serce uparte, aby go wydać w twoje ręce, jak to dzisiaj widzisz.
Mas Seom rei de Hesbom não quis que passássemos pelo território seu; porque o SENHOR teu Deus havia endurecido seu espírito, e obstinado seu coração para entregá-lo em tua mão, como hoje.
Mas Sehon, rei de Hesbon, não nos quiz deixar passar por si, porquanto o Senhor teu Deus endurecera o seu espirito, e fizera obstinado o seu coração, por t'o dar na tua mão, como n'este dia se vê.
Mas Sehon, rei de Hesbon, não nos quis deixar passar por si, porquanto o Senhor teu Deus endurecera o seu espírito, e fizera obstinado o seu coração, por to dar na tua mão, como neste dia se vê.
Mas Sihon, rei de Hesbon, não nos deixou passar por ele, pois Yahweh seu Deus endureceu seu espírito e fez seu coração obstinado, para que ele o entregasse em suas mãos, como é hoje.
Дар Сихон, ымпэратул Хесбонулуй, н-а врут сэ не ласе сэ тречем пе ла ел, кэч Домнул Думнезеул тэу й-а фэкут духул неындуплекат ши й-а ымпетрит инима, ка сэ-л дя ын мыниле тале, кум везь азь.
Dar Sihon, împăratul Hesbonului, nu a voit să ne lase să trecem pe la el; fiindcă DOMNUL Dumnezeul tău i-a împietrit duhul şi i-a înăsprit inima, ca să îl dea în mâna ta, ca în ziua aceasta.
Но Сигон, царь Есевонский, не согласился позволить пройти нам через свою землю, потому что Господь, Бог твой, ожесточил дух его и сердце его сделал упорным, чтобы предать его в руку твою, как это видно ныне.
Али не хте Сион, цар есевонски пустити да прођемо кроз његову земљу, јер Господ Бог твој учини те отврдну дух његов и срце његово поста упорно, да би га предао у твоје руке, као што се види данас.
Ali ne htje Sion car Esevonski pustiti da proðemo kroz njegovu zemlju, jer Gospod Bog tvoj uèini te otvrdnu duh njegov i srce njegovo posta uporno, da bi ga predao u tvoje ruke, kao što se vidi danas.
Asi Sihoni mambo weHeshibhoni akaramba kutitendera kuti tipfuure nomo. Nokuti Jehovha Mwari wenyu akanga aomesa mweya wake uye akanga arambidza mwoyo wake, kuti agomuisa mumaoko enyu, sezvaaita iye zvino.
И не восхоте Сион цар Есевонь, да пройдем сквозе его, яко ожесточи Господь Бог наш дух его и укрепи сердце его, да предастся в руце твои якоже во днешний день.
Toda Sihón, kralj v Hešbónu, nam ni dovolil iti mimo njega, kajti Gospod, tvoj Bog, je zakrknil njegovega duha in njegovo srce naredil trdovratno, da bi ga lahko izročil v tvojo roko, kakor se kaže ta dan.
Laakiinse Siixon oo ahaa boqorkii Xeshboon inooma dayn inaan dalkiisa marno, waayo, Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah ayaa ruuxiisa qallafiyey oo qalbigiisana wuxuu ka dhigay wax adag, si uu isaga u soo geliyo gacantaada siday maanta tahay.
Mas Sehón rey de Hesbón no quiso que pasásemos por él; porque el SEÑOR tu Dios había endurecido su espíritu, y obstinado su corazón para entregarlo en tu mano, como hasta hoy.
Pero Sehón, rey de Hesbón, se negó a dejarnos pasar, porque el Señor su Dios le dio un espíritu terco y una actitud obstinada, para entonces entregárnoslo, como lo ha hecho ahora.
Pero Sehón, rey de Hesbón, no nos dejó pasar, porque el Señor, tu Dios, endureció su espíritu e hizo que su corazón se obstinara, para entregarlo en tu mano, como sucede hoy.
Pero Sehón, rey de Hesbón, no quiso que pasáramos por su territorio, porque Yavé el ʼElohim de ustedes endureció su espíritu y obstinó su corazón, a fin de entregarlo en su mano, como se ve hoy.
Mas Sehón, rey de Hesbón, no quiso dejarnos pasar por su territorio, porque Yahvé, tu Dios, endureció su espíritu e hizo obstinado su corazón, para entregarle en tu mano, como hoy se ve.
Y Sejón rey de Jesebón no quiso que pasásemos por él, porque Jehová tu Dios había endurecido su espíritu, y obstinado su corazón, para darle en tu mano, como hoy parece.
Mas Sehón rey de Hesbón no quiso que pasásemos por el [territorio suyo]; porque Jehová tu Dios había endurecido su espíritu, y obstinado su corazón para entregarlo en tu mano, como hoy.
Pero Sehón, rey de Hesbón, no nos dejaría pasar; porque Él Señor su Dios endureció su espíritu y su corazón, para que lo entregue en sus manos como en este día.
Lakini Sihon, mfalme wa Heshbon, asingeturuhusu kupitia kwake; kwa kuwa Yahwe Mungu wenu ameifanya ngumu akili yake na kufanya moyo wake kuwa ukaidi, ili kwamba aweze kumshinda kwa nguvu zake, ambayo amekwisha kufanya leo.
Lakini Sihoni mfalme wa Heshboni alikataa kuturuhusu kupita. Kwa kuwa Bwana Mungu wako alikuwa ameifanya roho yake kuwa ngumu na moyo wake kuwa mkaidi ili amweke kwenye mikono yenu, kama alivyofanya sasa.
Men Sihon, konungen i Hesbon, ville icke låta oss tåga genom sitt land, ty HERREN, din Gud, förhärdade hans sinne och förstockade hans hjärta, för att han skulle giva honom i din hand, såsom ock nu har skett.
Men Sihon, Konungen i Hesbon, ville icke att vi skulle draga derigenom; ty Herren din Gud förhärde hans sinne, och förstockade hans hjerta, på det han skulle gifva honom i dina händer, såsom du nu ser.
Men Sihon, konungen i Hesbon, ville icke låta oss tåga genom sitt land, ty HERREN, din Gud, förhärdade hans sinne och förstockade hans hjärta, för att han skulle giva honom i din hand, såsom ock nu har skett.
Nguni't ayaw tayong paraanin ni Sehon na hari sa Hesbon sa lupa niya; sapagka't pinapagmatigas ng Panginoon mong Dios ang kaniyang diwa, at pinapagmatigas ang kaniyang puso, upang maibigay siya sa iyong kamay gaya sa araw na ito.
Pero si Sihon, ang hari ng Hesbon, ay hindi kami hinayaang makalagpas sa kaniya; dahil si Yahweh na inyong Diyos ay pinatigas ang kaniyang isipan at ginawang matigas ang kaniyang puso, na maaari niyang matalo sila sa pamamagitan ng inyong lakas, na ginawa niya sa araw na ito.
ஆனாலும் தன் தேசத்தைக் கடந்துபோவதற்கு, எஸ்போனின் ராஜாவாகிய சீகோன் நமக்கு அனுமதி கொடுக்கவில்லை; இந்நாளில் இருக்கிறதுபோல, உன் தேவனாகிய யெகோவா அவனை உன் கையில் ஒப்புக்கொடுப்பதற்காக, அவனுடைய மனதையும், இருதயத்தையும் கடினப்படுத்தியிருந்தார்.
ஆனால் எஸ்போனின் அரசனாகிய சீகோன் தன் நாட்டைக் கடந்துசெல்ல நமக்கு அனுமதி கொடுக்க மறுத்துவிட்டான். ஏனென்றால் உங்கள் இறைவனாகிய யெகோவா இப்பொழுது செய்திருக்கிறதுபோல், அவனை உங்கள் கைகளில் கொடுக்கும்படி அவனுடைய மனதைப் பிடிவாதமாகவும், அவனுடைய இருதயத்தைக் கடினமாகவும் ஆக்கினார்.
అయితే హెష్బోను రాజు సీహోను మనం తన దేశం గుండా వెళ్లడానికి ఒప్పుకోలేదు. ఎందుకంటే ఈ రోజు జరిగినట్టుగా మన చేతికి అతణ్ణి అప్పగించడం కోసం మీ యెహోవా దేవుడు అతని మనస్సును కఠినపరచి అతని హృదయాన్ని బండబారిపోయేలా చేశాడు.
“Ka naʻe ʻikai tuku ʻakitautolu ʻe Sihoni ko e tuʻi ʻo Hesiponi, ketau ʻalu ofi kiate ia; he naʻe fakafefeka hono laumālie ʻe Sihova ko ho ʻOtua, ʻo ngaohi hono loto ke talangataʻa, koeʻuhi ke ne tukuange ia ki ho nima, ʻo hangē ko ia kuo hā he ʻaho ni.
Ne var ki, Heşbon Kralı Sihon ülkesinden geçmemize izin vermek istemedi. Tanrınız RAB, şimdi olduğu gibi, Sihon'u elinize teslim etmek için yüreğini duygusuzlaştırıp onu inatçı yaptı.
Nanso Hesbonhene Sihon amma yɛantwa mu wɔ hɔ. Efisɛ na Awurade, mo Nyankopɔn, ayɛ ne honhom sisirii, apirim ne koma sɛnea ɔnam so de no bɛhyɛ mo nsam, sɛnea wayɛ no nnɛ yi.
Nanso, Hesbonhene Sihon amma yɛamfa nʼasase so antwam. Ɛfiri sɛ, Awurade yɛɛ ne honhom sisirii, pirim nʼakoma sɛdeɛ ɔnam so de no bɛhyɛ wo nsam nam so adi wɔn so nkonim sɛdeɛ wayɛ no ɛnnɛ yi.
Та не хотів Сигон, цар хешбонський, дати нам перейти через свою землю, бо Господь, Бог твій, зробив запеклим дух його, та ожорсто́чив його серце, щоб дати його в руку твою, як сьогодні це ви́дко.
लेकिन हस्बोन के बादशाह सीहोन ने हमको अपने हाँ से गुज़रने न दिया; क्यूँकि ख़ुदावन्द तेरे ख़ुदा ने उसका मिज़ाज कड़ा और उसका दिल सख़्त कर दिया ताकि उसे तेरे हाथ में हवाले कर दे, जैसा आज ज़ाहिर है।
لېكىن ھەشبوننىڭ پادىشاھى سىھوننىڭ بىزنىڭ ئۇ يەردىن ئۆتۈشىمىزگە يول قويغۇسى يوق ئىدى؛ چۈنكى پەرۋەردىگار خۇدايىڭلار ئۇنى سىلەرنىڭ قولۇڭلارغا تاپشۇرۇش ئۈچۈن ئۇنىڭ روھ-قەلبىنى قاتتىق، كۆڭلىنى جاھىل قىلىۋەتكەن (بۈگۈنكى ئەھۋال دەرۋەقە شۇنداق).
Лекин Һәшбонниң падишаси Сиһонниң бизниң у йәрдин өтүшимизгә йол қойғуси йоқ еди; чүнки Пәрвәрдигар Худайиңлар уни силәрниң қолуңларға тапшуруш үчүн униң роһ-қәлбини қаттиқ, көңлини җаһил қиливәткән (бүгүнки әһвал дәрвәқә шундақ).
Lékin Heshbonning padishahi Sihonning bizning u yerdin ötüshimizge yol qoyghusi yoq idi; chünki Perwerdigar Xudayinglar uni silerning qolunglargha tapshurush üchün uning roh-qelbini qattiq, könglini jahil qiliwetken (bügünki ehwal derweqe shundaq).
Lekin Ⱨǝxbonning padixaⱨi Siⱨonning bizning u yǝrdin ɵtüximizgǝ yol ⱪoyƣusi yoⱪ idi; qünki Pǝrwǝrdigar Hudayinglar uni silǝrning ⱪolunglarƣa tapxurux üqün uning roⱨ-ⱪǝlbini ⱪattiⱪ, kɵnglini jaⱨil ⱪiliwǝtkǝn (bügünki ǝⱨwal dǝrwǝⱪǝ xundaⱪ).
Nhưng Si-hôn, vua Hết-bôn, không khứng chúng ta đi ngang qua địa phận người; vì Giê-hô-va Đức Chúa Trời ngươi đã khiến cho tánh người ương ngạnh, lòng người cứng cỏi, để phó người vào tay ngươi, y như điều đã xảy đến ngày nay.
Nhưng Si-hôn, vua Hết-bôn, không khứng chúng ta đi ngang qua địa phận người; vì Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi đã khiến cho tánh người ngoan ngạch, lòng người cứng cỏi, để phó người vào tay ngươi, y như điều đã xảy đến ngày nay.
Nhưng Vua Si-hôn của Hết-bôn từ chối, vì Chúa Hằng Hữu, Đức Chúa Trời của chúng ta, đã làm cho vua ấy trở nên ương ngạnh, để giao họ cho chúng ta trừng phạt. Đó là việc đã xảy ra.
Ṣùgbọ́n Sihoni ọba Heṣboni kò gbà fún wa láti kọjá. Torí pé Olúwa Ọlọ́run yín ti mú ọkàn rẹ̀ yigbì, àyà rẹ̀ sì kún fún agídí kí ó ba à le fi lé e yín lọ́wọ́, bí ó ti ṣe báyìí.
Verse Count = 213

< Deuteronomy 2:30 >