< Deuteronomy 13:13 >

certain wicked fellows have gone out from among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
që njerëz të çoroditur kanë dalë nga gjiri juaj dhe kanë mashtruar banorët e qytetit të tyre duke thënë: “Shkojmë t’u shërbejmë perëndive të tjera”, që ju nuk i keni njohur kurrë,
قَدْ خَرَجَ أُنَاسٌ بَنُو لَئِيمٍ مِنْ وَسَطِكَ وَطَوَّحُوا سُكَّانَ مَدِينَتِهِمْ قَائِلِينَ: نَذْهَبُ وَنَعْبُدُ آلِهَةً أُخْرَى لَمْ تَعْرِفُوهَا.
أَنَّ بَعْضَ الْفَاسِقِينَ قَدْ خَرَجُوا مِنْ بَيْنِكُمْ وَضَلَّلُوا سُكَّانَ مَدِينَتِهِمْ قَائِلِينَ: لِنَذْهَبْ وَنَعْبُدْ آلِهَةً أُخْرَى غَرِيبَةً عَنْكُمْ
সেই ঠাইৰ ইস্রায়েলবাসীৰ মাজত কেইজনমান দুষ্টলোক ওলাই সেই ঠাইৰ নিবাসীসকলক এই বুলি কৈ বিপথে নিছে, “আহঁক, আমি গৈ ইতৰ দেৱতাক পূজা কৰোঁ যাৰ বিষয়ে আপোনালোকে নাজানে।”
sizin aranızdan yaramaz adamlar çıxıb “tanımadığınız yad allahların ardınca gedək və onlara sitayiş edək” deyərək şəhərlərində yaşayan xalqı azdırdıqlarını eşitsəniz,
dilia fi hamedei dunu eno da ogogole diasu afae fi dunu ilima ilia ogogosu ‘gode’ liligi musa: dilia hame dawa: i amoma fa: no bobogema: ne sia: i dagoi, amo nabasea,
কিছু খারাপ লোক তোমার মধ্যে থেকে বের হয়ে এই কথা বলে নিজের শহর নিবাসীদেরকে নষ্ট করেছে, এস, আমরা গিয়ে অন্য দেবতাদের সেবা করি, যাদেরকে তোমরা জানো না,
সেখানকার ইস্রায়েলীদের মধ্যে কিছু দুষ্টলোক উদিত হয়েছে যারা নগরবাসী লোকদের এই বলে বিপথে টেনে নিয়ে গিয়েছে, “চলো আমরা অন্য দেবতার আরাধনা করি” (যে দেবতাদের সম্বন্ধে তোমরা জানো না),
Някои подлеци, излезли изсред тебе, са отклонили жителите на града си, като са казали: Да идем да служим на други богове, които вие не сте знаели,
Ang pipila ka mga daotan mogula gikan kaninyo ug mopatipas sa mga lumulopyo sa ilang siyudad ug moingon, 'Mangadto kita ug mosimba sa ubang dios nga wala ninyo mailhi.'
May dautang mga tawo nanggula gikan sa taliwala nimo, ug nagpatipas sa mga pumoluyo sa ilang ciudad, nga nagaingon: Mangadto kita ug mag-alagad sa lain nga mga dios, nga wala ninyo hiilhi;
kwapezeka anthu ena oyipa pakati panu ndipo asocheretsa anthu ambiri mʼmizinda yanu, pomanena kuti, “Tiyeni tikapembedze milungu ina” (milungu imene simunayidziwe),
nangcae salakah kaom, kasae kaminawk mah caeh o moe, Na panoek o vai ai ih kalah sithawnawk bok hanah, caeh o si, tiah to vangpui kaminawk to kahoih ai loklam ah caeh haih ving boeh, tiah na thaih o nahaeloe,
namah khui lamkah hlang muen ca rhoek neh khopuei kah khosa rhoek aka heh loh thoo uh tih, “Cet uh sih lamtah na ming noek pawh pathen tloe taengah thothueng uh sih,” a ti uh te na yaak atah,
namah khui lamkah hlang muen ca rhoek neh khopuei kah khosa rhoek aka heh loh thoo uh tih, “Cet uh sih lamtah na ming noek pawh pathen tloe taengah thothueng uh sih,” a ti uh te na yaak atah,
nalah uva gaothusei hon nasopi hou henga hiti hin aseiyun alam kaiyuve, pathen dang houvin cheu hite atiuvin, hinlah hiche pathen ho khu imatih chana nahet khah louvu ahi.’
ahnimouh ni khocanaw a dum awh e hah, nange BAWIPA Cathut ni na o nahanelah na poe e kho buetbuet touh dawk kamthang na thai pawiteh, hote kong hah kamcengcalah na pacei han.
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由你中間出來了一些壞人,勾引本城的居民說:「讓我們去事奉其他的神罷! 」而那神是你們素不相識的;
'Pojavile se ništarije iz tvoje sredine i zavedoše žitelje svoga grada kazujući: Hajde da služimo drugim bogovima! - kojih vi inače ne poznajete -
Vyšli muži, lidé nešlechetní z prostředku tvého, kteříž svedli spoluobyvatele své, řkouce: Poďme, služme bohům cizím, kterýchž neznáte:
Vyšli muži, lidé nešlechetní z prostředku tvého, kteříž svedli spoluobyvatele své, řkouce: Poďme, služme bohům cizím, kterýchž neznáte:
er optrådt Niddinger af din egen Midte, som har forført deres Bysbørn til at gå hen og dyrke fremmede Guder, som I ikke før kendte til,
Der er nogle Mænd, Belials Børn, udgangne af din Midte, og de forføre deres Stads Indbyggere og sige: Lader os gaa og tjene andre Guder, som I ikke kendte:
er optraadt Niddinger af din egen Midte, som har forført deres Bysbørn til at gaa hen og dyrke fremmede Guder, som I ikke før kendte til,
ni joma timbegi mono osedonjo e miechgi ma osewuondo ji mangʼeny kuondego kawachonegi niya, “Wadhiuru walam nyiseche mamoko” (ma gin nyiseche ma ok usengʼeyo),
Er zijn mannen, Belials-kinderen, uit het midden van u uitgegaan, en hebben de inwoners hunner stad aangedreven, zeggende: Laat ons gaan, en dienen andere goden, die gij niet gekend hebt;
Belialskinderen uit uw midden zijn opgestaan, die hun medeburgers verleiden, en zeggen: "Laat ons vreemde goden gaan dienen, die gij niet kent",
Er zijn mannen, Belials-kinderen, uit het midden van u uitgegaan, en hebben de inwoners hunner stad aangedreven, zeggende: Laat ons gaan, en dienen andere goden, die gij niet gekend hebt;
Certain base fellows have gone out from the midst of thee, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known,
certain wicked fellows have gone out from among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of thee, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
that wicked men have arisen from among you and have led the people of their city astray, saying, “Let us go and serve other gods” (which you have not known),
That good-for-nothing persons have gone out from among you, turning the people of their town from the right way and saying, Let us go and give worship to other gods, of whom you have no knowledge;
Evil men have gone out from you, and have caused all the inhabitants of their land to fall away, saying, Let us go and worship other gods, whom ye knew not,
Evil men have gone out from you, and have caused all the inhabitants of their land to fall away, saying, Let us go and worship other gods, whom you knew not,
‘The sons of Belial have departed from your midst, and they have persuaded the inhabitants of their city, and they have said: “Let us go, and serve strange gods,”’ which you have not known:
There are men, children of Belial, gone out from among you, and they have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, whom ye have not known;
Children of Belial are gone out of the midst of thee, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, and have said: Let us go, and serve strange gods which you know not:
that evil people have taken over in one of your towns and have led the people there astray, telling them, “Let's go and worship other gods” that you don't know.
Wicked men are gone out from among you, and haue drawen away the inhabitants of their citie, saying, Let vs go and serue other gods, which ye haue not knowen,
'Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of thee, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying: Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known';
[Certain] men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which you have not known;
Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other elohim, which ye have not known;
Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which all of you have not known;
Evil men have gone out from you, and have caused all the inhabitants of their land to fall away, saying, Let us go and worship other gods, whom you knew not,
There have gone forth men, children of worthlessness, from the midst of thee, and have misled the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known:
Men, sons of worthlessness, have gone out of your midst, and they force away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods (which you have not known),
Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of you, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods," which you have not known;
Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of you, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods," which you have not known;
Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of you, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods," which you have not known;
Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of you, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods," which you have not known;
Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of you, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods," which you have not known;
Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of you, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, "Let us go and serve other gods," which you have not known;
certain base fellows have gone out from among you, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let us go and abad ·serve· other deities,” which you have not known;
Certain base fellows are gone out from the midst of thee, and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
There have gone forth men sons of the Abandoned One, out of thy midst, and have seduced the inhabitants of their city, saying, —Let us go, and serve other gods which ye have not known;
They have gone out men sons of worthlessness from midst your and they have thrust aside [the] inhabitants of city their saying let us go and let us serve gods other which not you have known.
to come out: come human son: young animal Belial from entrails: among your and to banish [obj] to dwell city their to/for to say to go: went and to serve: minister God another which not to know
that some worthless people there among you [IDM] are deceiving the people of their town, saying, ‘Let’s go and worship other gods,’ but they are gods that you have never heard about before.
Some wicked fellows have gone out from among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city and said, 'Let us go and worship other gods that you have not known.'
[Certain] men, the children of Belial, have gone out from among you, and have withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
Certain men, corrupt men, have gone out from among you, and have seduced the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known;
certain wicked fellows have gone out from among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
certain wicked fellows have gone out from among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
certain wicked fellows have gone out from amongst you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
certain wicked fellows have gone out from amongst you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
certain wicked fellows have gone out from among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
certain wicked fellows have gone out from amongst you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, “Let’s go and serve other gods,” which you have not known,
The sones of Belial yeden out fro the myddis of thee, and turneden awei the dwelleris of the citee, and seiden, Go we, and serue alien goddis whiche ye knowen not,
Men, sons of worthlessness, have gone out of thy midst, and they force away the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known —
Eliris el inter vi homoj sentaŭgaj kaj forlogis la loĝantojn de sia urbo, dirante: Ni iru kaj servu al aliaj dioj, kiujn vi ne konis;
be yakame aɖewo tso miaƒe dukɔ me kplɔ miaƒe dumetɔ aɖewo trae be, ‘Woasubɔ mawu siwo miesubɔ kpɔ o’ la,
Muutamat Belialin lapset ovat lähteneet sinun seastas, ja kääntäneet kaupunkinsa asujat pois, ja sanoneet: käykäämme ja palvelkaamme muita jumalia, joita ette tunne,
sinun keskuudestasi on lähtenyt kelvottomia miehiä, jotka viettelevät kaupunkinsa asukkaita sanoen: 'Käykäämme palvelemaan muita jumalia', joita te ette tunne,
« Des gens pervers, sortis du milieu de toi, ont séduit les habitants de leur ville, en disant: “Allons et servons d'autres dieux”, — des dieux que vous ne connaissez pas! —
certains méchants sont sortis du milieu de toi et ont entraîné les habitants de leur ville, en disant: « Allons servir d'autres dieux », que tu n'as pas connus,
Des hommes, fils de Bélial, sont sortis du milieu de toi, et ont incité les habitants de leur ville, disant: Allons, et servons d’autres dieux, [des dieux] que vous n’avez pas connus;
Quelques méchants garnements sont sortis du milieu de toi, qui ont incité les habitants de leur ville, en disant: Allons et servons d'autres dieux, que vous n'avez point connus.
Des fils de Bélial sont sortis du milieu de toi, ils ont détourné les habitants de leur ville, et ont dit: Allons, et servons des dieux étrangers que vous ne connaissez pas:
Des gens pervers sont sortis du milieu de toi, et ont séduit les habitants de leur ville en disant: Allons, et servons d’autres dieux! Des dieux que tu ne connais point
« Des gens pervers, sortis du milieu de toi, ont séduit les habitants de leur ville, en disant: “Allons et servons d’autres dieux”, — des dieux que vous ne connaissez pas! —
Des gens pervers sont sortis du milieu de toi, et ont poussé les habitants de leur ville, en disant: Allons, et servons d'autres dieux que vous n'avez point connus;
Des hommes perdus, sortis du milieu de toi, ont séduit les habitants de leur ville en disant: Allons et servons d'autres dieux (que vous ne connaissez pas),
Des hommes d'iniquité se sont élevés parmi nous, et ils ont égaré ceux qui habitent notre territoire, et ils ont dit: Allons, et servons des dieux qui vous sont inconnus,
que des hommes pervers, nés dans ton sein, ont égaré les habitants de cette ville, en disant: "Allons, servons des dieux étrangers," que vous ne connaissez point,
Nichtswürdige Leute sind in deiner Mitte aufgekommen und haben die Insassen ihrer Stadt verführt mit den Worten: 'Laßt uns gehen und anderen Göttern dienen!', die ihr nicht kennt,
Es sind Männer, Söhne Belials, [d. h. ruchlose Männer] aus deiner Mitte ausgegangen und haben die Bewohner ihrer Stadt verleitet und gesprochen: Laßt uns gehen und anderen Göttern dienen [die ihr nicht gekannt habt],
Es sind Männer, Söhne Belials, aus deiner Mitte ausgegangen und haben die Bewohner ihrer Stadt verleitet und gesprochen: Laßt uns gehen und anderen Göttern dienen (die ihr nicht gekannt habt),
seien nichtswürdige Leute aus deiner Mitte aufgetreten und hätten die Bewohner ihrer Stadt abwendig gemacht, indem sie sprachen: Laßt uns doch hingehn und anderen Göttern dienen! - Göttern, die ihr nicht kennt -,
Es sind etliche Kinder Belials ausgegangen unter dir und haben die Bürger ihrer Stadt verführt und gesagt: Laßt uns gehen und andern Göttern dienen, die ihr nicht kennet,
Es sind etliche heillose Leute ausgegangen unter dir und haben die Bürger ihrer Stadt verführt und gesagt: Laßt uns gehen und andern Göttern dienen! -die ihr nicht kennt-
es seien dort nichtswürdige Leute aus deiner Mitte aufgetreten, die ihre Mitbürger mit der Aufforderung verführt hätten: ›Laßt uns hingehen und anderen Göttern dienen!‹ – solchen Göttern, die euch vorher unbekannt gewesen sind –,
Es sind etliche Männer, Kinder Belials, aus deiner Mitte hervorgegangen und haben die Bürger ihrer Stadt verführt und gesagt: «Lasset uns gehen und andern Göttern dienen, die ihr nicht kennt!»
Es sind Männer, Söhne Belials, ausgegangen aus deiner Mitte, und haben die Einwohner ihrer Stadt abgeführt und gesprochen: Kommt, lasset uns anderen Göttern dienen, die ihr nicht kennt;
atĩ andũ aaganu nĩmeyumĩrĩtie thĩinĩ wanyu na makahĩtithia andũ a itũũra rĩao njĩra, makameera atĩrĩ, “Nĩtũthiĩi tũkahooe ngai ingĩ” (ngai iria inyuĩ mũtooĩ),
άνθρωποι παράνομοι εξήλθον εκ μέσου σου και επλάνησαν τους κατοίκους της πόλεως αυτών, λέγοντες, Ας υπάγωμεν και ας λατρεύσωμεν άλλους θεούς, τους οποίους δεν εγνωρίσατε,
ἐξήλθοσαν ἄνδρες παράνομοι ἐξ ὑμῶν καὶ ἀπέστησαν πάντας τοὺς κατοικοῦντας τὴν πόλιν αὐτῶν λέγοντες πορευθῶμεν καὶ λατρεύσωμεν θεοῖς ἑτέροις οὓς οὐκ ᾔδειτε
કેટલાક બલિયાલપુત્રો તમારી મધ્યેથી નીકળી જઈને તેઓના નગરના લોકોને એમ કહીને ખેંચી લીધા છે કે ચાલો આપણે જઈને અન્ય દેવદેવીઓ કે જેઓને તમે જાણતા નથી તેમની સેવા કરીએ.”
gen kèk moun, kèk vòryen, moun menm ras ak nou ki te pran tèt moun k'ap viv nan lavil sa a pou fè yo al sèvi lòt bondye nou pa janm konnen,
ke kèk sanzave te sòti pami nou pou te sedwi abitan a vil pa yo, e te di: ‘Annou ale sèvi lòt dye’ (ke nou pa t janm konnen yo),
cewa mugaye sun taso a cikinku, suna rikitar da mutane a birni, suna cewa, “Mu je mu yi wa waɗansu alloli sujada” (allolin da ba ku sani ba),
Ua hele na kanaka, he poe hewa mai ou aku la, a ua koi aku lakou i na kanaka o ko lakou kulanakauhale, e i aku ana, Ina kakou e hele, a e malama aku i na akua e a oukou i ike ole ai:
יצאו אנשים בני בליעל מקרבך וידיחו את ישבי עירם לאמר נלכה ונעבדה אלהים אחרים--אשר לא ידעתם
יָצְא֞וּ אֲנָשִׁ֤ים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּ֙עַל֙ מִקִּרְבֶּ֔ךָ וַיַּדִּ֛יחוּ אֶת־יֹשְׁבֵ֥י עִירָ֖ם לֵאמֹ֑ר נֵלְכָ֗ה וְנַעַבְדָ֛ה אֱלֹהִ֥ים אֲחֵרִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־יְדַעְתֶּֽם׃
יָצְא֞וּ אֲנָשִׁ֤ים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּ֙עַל֙ מִקִּרְבֶּ֔ךָ וַיַּדִּ֛יחוּ אֶת־יֹשְׁבֵ֥י עִירָ֖ם לֵאמֹ֑ר נֵלְכָ֗ה וְנַעַבְדָ֛ה אֱלֹהִ֥ים אֲחֵרִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־יְדַעְתֶּֽם׃
יָצְאוּ אֲנָשִׁים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּעַל מִקִּרְבֶּךָ וַיַּדִּיחוּ אֶת־יֹשְׁבֵי עִירָם לֵאמֹר נֵלְכָה וְנַעַבְדָה אֱלֹהִים אֲחֵרִים אֲשֶׁר לֹא־יְדַעְתֶּֽם׃
יצאו אנשים בני בליעל מקרבך וידיחו את ישבי עירם לאמר נלכה ונעבדה אלהים אחרים אשר לא ידעתם׃
יָצְאוּ אֲנָשִׁים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּעַל מִקִּרְבֶּךָ וַיַּדִּיחוּ אֶת־יֹשְׁבֵי עִירָם לֵאמֹר נֵלְכָה וְנַעַבְדָה אֱלֹהִים אֲחֵרִים אֲשֶׁר לֹא־יְדַעְתֶּֽם׃
יָצְא֞וּ אֲנָשִׁ֤ים בְּנֵֽי־בְלִיַּ֙עַל֙ מִקִּרְבֶּ֔ךָ וַיַּדִּ֛יחוּ אֶת־יֹשְׁבֵ֥י עִירָ֖ם לֵאמֹ֑ר נֵלְכָ֗ה וְנַעַבְדָ֛ה אֱלֹהִ֥ים אֲחֵרִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר לֹא־יְדַעְתֶּֽם׃
कि कुछ अधर्मी पुरुषों ने तेरे ही बीच में से निकलकर अपने नगर के निवासियों को यह कहकर बहका दिया है, ‘आओ हम अन्य देवताओं की जिनसे अब तक अनजान रहे उपासना करें,’
तुम्हारे ही बीच में से कुछ निकम्मे व्यक्तियों ने जाकर उस नगर के निवासियों को यह कहकर भटका दिया है, “चलो हम इन देवताओं की वंदना करें,” (जिन्हें तुम जानते ही नहीं),
Emberek jöttek ki közüled, istentelenségnek fiai, és elfordítják városuk lakosait, mondván: Nosza, menjünk és tiszteljünk idegen isteneket, a kiket nem ismertetek:
Kijöttek alávaló emberek közepedből és eltántorították városuk lakóit, mondván: Menjünk és szolgáljunk más isteneket, melyeket ti nem ismertek;
na ụfọdụ ndị mmadụ jọgburu onwe ha eduhiela ndị obodo ha, na-asị, “Ka anyị gaa fee chi ndị ọzọ ofufe” (bụ chi ndị ị na-amaghị na mbụ),
Pimmanaw ti sumagmamano kadagiti nadangkes a kakaduayo ken iyaw-awanda dagiti agnanaed iti siudadda ken kunada, 'Mapantayo ket agdaydayaw kadagiti sabali a dios a saanyo pay nga am-ammo.'
bahwa beberapa orang jahat dari bangsamu telah menyesatkan penduduk kota untuk menyembah ilah-ilah yang tidak kamu kenal.
Ada orang-orang dursila tampil dari tengah-tengahmu, yang telah menyesatkan penduduk kota mereka dengan berkata: Mari kita berbakti kepada allah lain yang tidak kamu kenal,
ada orang-orang durhaka yang sudah menyesatkan para penduduknya, dengan mengajak mereka menyembah dewa-dewa yang belum pernah disembah oleh bangsa kita,
che alcuni uomini scellerati sono usciti del mezzo di te, e hanno incitati gli abitanti della lor città, dicendo: Andiamo, e serviamo ad altri dii, i quali voi non avete conosciuti
che uomini iniqui sono usciti in mezzo a te e hanno sedotto gli abitanti della loro città dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo altri dei, che voi non avete mai conosciuti,
“Degli uomini perversi sono usciti di mezzo a te e hanno sedotto gli abitanti della loro città dicendo: Andiamo, serviamo ad altri dèi” (che voi non avete mai conosciuti),
Hagi mago'a hazenke vahe'mo'za tamagri amu'nompinti oti'za ruga'a kumapi vu'za, enketa vuta ru anumzantami keta antahitama osu'nesaza anumzante monora ome huzmantamneno hu'za antahintahitamia tamazeri savari hugahaze.
ದುಷ್ಟಜನರು ಎದ್ದು ತಮ್ಮ ಪಟ್ಟಣದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಜನರನ್ನು, “ನೀವು ತಿಳಿಯದಿರುವ ಇತರ ದೇವರುಗಳನ್ನು ಪೂಜಿಸೋಣ ಬನ್ನಿರಿ,” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಿ ದುರ್ಮಾಗಕ್ಕೆ ಎಳೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ ಎಂಬ ಸುದ್ದಿ ನಿಮಗೆ ತಿಳಿಸಿದರೆ,
ಅಲ್ಲಿ ವಾಸವಾಗಿರುವ ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಲವು ಜನ ದುಷ್ಟರು ನಿಮಗೆ ಗೊತ್ತಿಲ್ಲದ ಇತರ ದೇವರುಗಳನ್ನು ತಮ್ಮ ಊರಿನವರಿಗೆ ತೋರಿಸಿ, “ಆ ದೇವರುಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇವಿಸೋಣ ಬನ್ನಿರಿ” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಿ ಅವರನ್ನು ಸನ್ಮಾರ್ಗದಿಂದ ತಪ್ಪಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆಂಬ ಸುದ್ದಿಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಕೇಳಿದರೆ,
너희 중 어떤 잡류가 일어나서 그 성읍 거민을 유혹하여 이르기를 너희가 알지 못하던 다른 신들을 우리가 가서 섬기자 한다 하거든
너희 중 어떤 잡류가 일어나서 그 성읍 거민을 유혹하여 이르기를 너희가 알지 못하던 다른 신들을 우리가 가서 섬기자 한다 하거든
lah kutu sin mwet lusrongten in mutunfacl suwos uh aktafongyela mwet in siti selos tuh elos in alu nu sin god su kowos soenna alu nu se meet.
کە خەڵکانێکی بەدکار لەنێوتاندا سەریان هەڵداوە و دانیشتووانی شارۆچکەیان گومڕا کردووە و دەڵێن، «دەچین و خودای دیکە دەپەرستین،» ئەو خوداوەندانەی کە نەتانناسیون،
Egressi sunt filii Belial de medio tui, et averterunt habitatores urbis suæ, atque dixerunt: Eamus, et serviamus diis alienis quos ignoratis:
Egressi sunt filii Belial de medio tui, et averterunt habitatores urbis suæ, atque dixerunt: Eamus, et serviamus diis alienis quos ignoratis:
Egressi sunt filii Belial de medio tui, et averterunt habitatores urbis suæ, atque dixerunt: Eamus, et serviamus diis alienis quos ignoratis:
Egressi sunt filii Belial de medio tui, et averterunt habitatores urbis suæ, atque dixerunt: Eamus, et serviamus diis alienis quos ignoratis:
egressi sunt filii Belial de medio tui et averterunt habitatores urbis tuae atque dixerunt eamus et serviamus diis alienis quos ignoratis
Egressi sunt filii Belial de medio tui, et averterunt habitatores urbis suae, atque dixerunt: Eamus, et serviamus diis alienis quos ignoratis:
Vīri, Beliala bērni (ļauni un nelietīgi), no tava vidus ir izgājuši un pārrunājuši savas pilsētas iedzīvotājus sacīdami: ejam kalposim citiem dieviem! Ko jūs nepazīstat, -
ete bato mabe bamonani kati na yango, batindiki bato ya engumba na bango mpe balobi na bango: « Tika ete tokende kogumbamela banzambe mosusu, » banzambe oyo oyebaki te,
nga mulimu abantu abali mu mmwe abasituse ne basikiriza abantu b’omu kibuga kyabwe ekyo nga babagamba nti, “Ka tugende tusinze bakatonda abalala,” bakatonda be mutamanyangako,
Nisy olona tena ratsy fanahy nivoaka avy teo aminao ka nitaona ny mponina ao an-tanànany nanao hoe: Andeha isika hanompo andriamani-kafa (izay tsy fantatrareo).
Niakatse boak’ ama’ areo ao ze o ana’ i Beliale zao nitaoñe ty mpimone’ i rova’ iareoy, ami’ty hoe: Antao hitoroñe ndrahare ila’e, ze tsy nifohi’ areo.
നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ നിനക്ക് പാർപ്പാൻ തന്നിട്ടുള്ള ഏതെങ്കിലും ഒരു പട്ടണത്തെക്കുറിച്ച് കേട്ടാൽ
നിങ്ങൾ അറിഞ്ഞിട്ടില്ലാത്ത അന്യദൈവങ്ങളെ നാം ചെന്നു സേവിക്കേണമെന്നു പറയുന്ന നീചന്മാർ നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇടയിൽനിന്നു പുറപ്പെട്ടു തങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടണത്തിലെ നിവാസികളെ വശീകരിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു എന്നു
നിന്റെ ദൈവമായ യഹോവ നിനക്കു പാർപ്പാൻ തന്നിട്ടുള്ള നിന്റെ പട്ടണങ്ങളിൽ ഒന്നിനെക്കുറിച്ചു കേട്ടാൽ
ദുഷ്ടത പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നവർ എഴുന്നേറ്റ്, “അന്യദേവന്മാരെ നമുക്കു സേവിക്കാം” എന്നു നിങ്ങൾ അറിഞ്ഞിട്ടില്ലാത്ത ദേവന്മാരെക്കുറിച്ച് പറഞ്ഞ് നഗരവാസികളെ വശീകരിക്കുന്നു എന്നു കേട്ടാൽ
तुमच्यापैकीच काही नीच माणसे आपल्यापैकी काही जणांना कुमार्गाला लावत आहेत. आपण अन्य दैवतांची सेवा करु या, असे म्हणून त्यांनी नगरातील लोकांस बहकावले आहेत. (ही दैवते तुम्हास अपरीचीत असतील.)
အ​ခြေ​မ​ရှိ​သူ​အ​ချို့​က​တစ်​မြို့​သား​ချင်း တို့​အား ယ​ခင်​က​သူ​တို့​ဝတ်​မ​ပြု​မ​ကိုး ကွယ်​ဘူး​သော ဘု​ရား​များ​ကို​ဝတ်​ပြု​ကိုး ကွယ်​ရန်​သွေး​ဆောင်​သည့်​သ​တင်း​ကို​ကြား မိ​လျှင်၊-
အခြားတပါးသော ဘုရားထံသို့ သွား၍ ဝတ်ပြု ကြစို့ဟု ပြောဆိုလျက်၊ သူတို့မြို့သူ မြို့သားတို့ကို သွေး ဆောင်ကြောင်းကို၊ သင်၏ဘုရားသခင် ထာဝရဘုရား သည် သင့်နေစရာဘို့ ပေးတော်မူသော မြို့တစုံတမြို့၌ သင်သည် သိတင်းကြားလျှင်၊ ထိုအမှုကို စေ့စေ့မေးမြန်း စစ်ကြောရမည်။
အခြား တပါးသော ဘုရား ထံသို့ သွား ၍ ဝတ်ပြု ကြစို့ဟု ပြောဆို လျက် ၊ သူ တို့မြို့သူ မြို့သားတို့ကို သွေးဆောင် ကြောင်းကို၊ သင် ၏ဘုရားသခင် ထာဝရဘုရား သည် သင့် နေ စရာဘို့ ပေး တော်မူသောမြို့ တစုံ တမြို့၌ သင်သည် သိတင်းကြား လျှင် ၊ ထို အမှုကို စေ့စေ့မေးမြန်း စစ်ကြောရမည်။
Kua haere atu etahi, he tama na Periara, i roto i a koe, kua whakapeau ke hoki i nga tangata o to ratou pa, kua mea, Tatou ka haere, ka mahi atu ki nga atua ke, kihai nei i mohiotia e koutou;
kulamadoda aphakathi kwenu asedukise abantu balawo madolobho, esithi, ‘Asihambeni siyokhonza abanye onkulunkulu’ (onkulunkulu elingakaze libazi),
Kuphumile amadoda, abantwana bakaBheliyali, phakathi kwakho, afuqa aphambula abakhileyo bomuzi wawo esithi: Asihambe siyekhonza abanye onkulunkulu elingabazanga;
केही दुष्‍ट मित्रहरू तिमीहरूबाट तर्केर गई तिमीहरूको सहरका बासिन्दाहरूलाई 'तिमीहरूले नचिनेका अन्य देवताहरूको पुजा गरौँ' भनेको तिमीहरूले सुन्यौ भने
Det er stått frem ugudelige menn av din midte, og de har forført innbyggerne i sin by og sagt: La oss gå bort og dyrke andre guder - sådanne som I ikke kjenner -
og fenge folket i byen til å dyrka andre gudar, som de ikkje kjenner,
ଯେ କେତେକ ଦୁଷ୍ଟ ଲୋକ ତୁମ୍ଭ ମଧ୍ୟରୁ ବାହାରି, “ଚାଲ, ଆମ୍ଭେମାନେ ଅନ୍ୟ ଦେବତାଗଣର ସେବା କରୁ,” ତୁମ୍ଭମାନଙ୍କ ଅଜ୍ଞାତ ଦେବତାଗଣ ବିଷୟରେ ଏହା କହି ସେମାନଙ୍କ ନଗର ନିବାସୀମାନଙ୍କୁ ଭୁଲାଇ ନେଇଅଛନ୍ତି;
yoo namoonni hamoon isin gidduudhaa kaʼanii, “Kottaa waaqota biraa kanneen isin hin beekne waaqeffannaa” jedhanii saba magaalaa isaanii dogoggorsu taʼe,
ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਕਈ ਦੁਸ਼ਟ ਮਨੁੱਖ ਨਿੱਕਲੇ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਸ਼ਹਿਰ ਦੇ ਵਾਸੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਆਖ ਕੇ ਕੁਰਾਹੇ ਪਾਇਆ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਆਓ ਚੱਲੀਏ ਅਤੇ ਦੂਜੇ ਦੇਵਤਿਆਂ ਦੀ ਪੂਜਾ ਕਰੀਏ, ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਣਦੇ,
که بعضی پسران بلیعال از میان تو بیرون رفته، ساکنان شهر خود را منحرف ساخته، گفته اندبرویم و خدایان غیر را که نشناخته‌اید، عبادت نماییم،
Verse not available
Wyszli niektórzy ludzie przewrotni z pośrodku ciebie, a podwiedli obywatele miasta swego mówiąc: Pójdźmy, a służmy bogom obcym, których nie znacie:
Wyszli [pewni] ludzie Beliala spośród ciebie i uwodzą mieszkańców miasta, mówiąc: Pójdźmy i służmy innym bogom, których nie poznaliście;
Homens, filhos de impiedade, saíram do meio de ti, que instigaram aos moradores de sua cidade, dizendo: Vamos e sirvamos a deuses alheios, que vós não conhecestes;
Uns homens, filhos de Belial, sairam do meio de ti, que incitaram os moradores da sua cidade, dizendo: Vamos, e sirvamos a outros deuses que não conhecestes;
Uns homens, filhos de Belial, sairam do meio de ti, que incitaram os moradores da sua cidade, dizendo: Vamos, e sirvamos a outros deuses que não conhecestes;
certos malvados saíram do meio de vocês e afastaram os habitantes de sua cidade, dizendo: “Vamos e sirvamos outros deuses”, que você não conheceu,
‘Ниште оамень рэй ау ешит дин мижлокул тэу ши ау амэӂит пе локуиторий дин четатя лор зикынд: «Хайдем ши сэ служим алтор думнезей!»’ – думнезей пе каре ту ну-й куношть –,
Anumiţi oameni, copiii lui Belial, au ieşit din mijlocul vostru şi au atras pe locuitorii cetăţii lor, spunând: Să mergem şi să servim altor dumnezei, pe care nu i-aţi cunoscut;
что появились в нем нечестивые люди из среды тебя и соблазнили жителей города их, говоря: “пойдем и будем служить богам иным, которых вы не знали”, -
Изиђоше људи неваљали између тебе и отпадише све који живе у граду њиховом, говорећи: Хајде да служимо другим боговима, којих не познајете,
Izidoše ljudi nevaljali izmeðu tebe i otpadiše sve koji žive u gradu njihovu, govoreæi: hajde da služimo drugim bogovima, kojih ne poznajete,
kuti vanhu vakaipa vamuka pakati penyu uye vatsausa vanhu vomuguta ravo, vachiti, “Handei tindonamata vamwe vamwari,” (vamwari vausina kumboziva),
изыдоша мужи беззаконнии от вас и отвратиша вся живущыя во граде их, глаголюще: идем, да послужим богом иным, ихже не весте,
› Neki možje, Beliáovi otroci, so odšli ven izmed vas in zavedli prebivalce svojega mesta, rekoč: ›Pojdimo in služimo drugim bogovom, ‹ ki jih niste poznali.‹
iyadoo la leeyahay, Dad waxmatarayaal ah baa dhexdiinna ka baxay oo waxay jiiteen dadkii magaaladooda degganaa, iyagoo leh, Ina keena oo aynu u adeegno ilaahyo kale, kuwaasoo aydaan aqoon,
Hombres, hijos de impiedad, han salido de en medio de ti, que han instigado a los moradores de su ciudad, diciendo: Vamos y sirvamos a dioses ajenos, que vosotros no conocisteis;
que gente malvada se ha apoderado de una de tus ciudades y ha desviado a la gente de allí, diciéndoles: “Vamos a adorar a otros dioses” que tú no conoces.
algunos malvados han salido de entre vosotros y han arrastrado a los habitantes de su ciudad, diciendo: “Vamos a servir a otros dioses”, que vosotros no has conocisteis,
que salieron de en medio de ti hombres perversos que instigaron a los habitantes de tu ciudad, y dicen: Vamos y sirvamos a otros ʼelohim que ustedes no conocieron,
Hijos de Belial han salido de en medio de ti y han seducido a los vecinos de su ciudad, diciendo: ‘Vamos y sirvamos a otros dioses’ —que no conocéis vosotros—
Hombres, hijos de impiedad, han salido de en medio de ti, que impelieron a los moradores de su ciudad, diciendo: Vamos y sirvamos a dioses ajenos, que vosotros no conocisteis;
Hombres, hijos de impiedad, han salido de en medio de ti, que han instigado á los moradores de su ciudad, diciendo: Vamos y sirvamos á dioses ajenos, que vosotros no conocisteis;
Hombres, hijos de Belial han salido de entre ustedes, descarriando a la gente de su pueblo de la manera correcta y diciendo: Vamos y adoremos a otros dioses, de los cuales no tienen conocimiento;
Baadhi ya wenzuni waovu wamewaacha miongoni mwenu na kuacha kwa mbali wakazi wa miji yao na kusema, “Acha tuende na kuabudu miungu mingine ambayo hamjaijua.
kuna wanaume waovu wameinuka miongoni mwenu na wamewapotosha watu wa mji, wakisema, “Twendeni tukaabudu miungu mingine” (miungu ambayo hamkuifahamu),
att män hava uppstått bland dig, onda män som förföra invånarna i sin stad, i det att de säga: "Låt oss gå åstad och tjäna andra gudar, som I icke kännen",
Någre Belials barn äro utgångne ibland dig, och hafva förfört deras stads inbyggare, och sagt: Låt oss gå, och tjena andra gudar, som I intet kännen;
att män hava uppstått bland dig, onda män som förföra invånarna i sin stad, i det att de säga: »Låt oss gå åstad och tjäna andra gudar, som I icke kännen»,
Ilang hamak na tao ay nagsialis sa gitna mo, at iniligaw ang mga nananahan sa kanilang bayan, na sinasabi, Tayo'y yumaon at maglingkod sa ibang mga dios, na hindi ninyo nangakilala;
Ang ilan sa masamang mga kasamahan ay umalis mula sa inyo at lumayo ang naninirahan sa kanilang lungsod at sinabing, 'Tayo na at sumamba sa ibang mga diyus-diyosan na hindi ninyo kilala.'
நீங்கள் அறியாத வேறே தெய்வங்களை வணங்குவதற்குப் போவோம் வாருங்கள் என்று தங்கள் பட்டணத்தின் குடிமக்களைத் தூண்டினார்கள் என்கிற செய்தியைக் கேள்விப்படும்போது,
அதாவது, உங்கள் மத்தியில் கொடிய மனிதர் எழும்பி, “நாம் போய் வேறு தெய்வங்களை வழிபடுவோம்” என்று நீங்கள் அறிந்திராத வேறு தெய்வங்களைப் பற்றிச்சொல்லி, தங்கள் பட்டணத்து மக்களை வழிதவறப்பண்ணலாம்.
దుష్టులైన కొందరు మీరు ఎరుగని ఇతర దేవుళ్ళను పూజిద్దాం రండని తమ పట్టణ ప్రజలను ప్రేరేపించారని వింటే, మీరు ఆ సంగతిని బాగా పరీక్షించి విచారించాలి.
Ko e kau tangata niʻihi, ko e fānau ʻae kovi, kuo ʻalu ʻiate kimoutolu, pea kuo nau fakahēʻi ʻae kakai ʻo ʻenau kolo, ʻo pehē, ‘Ke tau ō ʻo tauhi ʻae ngaahi ʻotua kehe,’ ʻaia naʻe ʻikai te mou ʻilo;
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nnipa bɔnefo bi asɔre wɔ wɔn mu adi nnipa a wɔwɔ kurow no mu anim de wɔn akosi bɔne mu aka se, “Momma yɛnkɔsom anyame afoforo,” anyame a munhuu bi da a,
nnipa bɔnefoɔ bi asɔre wɔ wɔn mu adi nnipa a wɔwɔ kuro no mu anim de wɔn akɔsi bɔne mu aka sɛ, “Momma yɛnkɔsom anyame foforɔ,” anyame a monhunuu bi da a,
вийшли люди, сини велійяа́лові, з-поміж тебе, і звели́ з правдивої дороги ме́шканців свого міста, кажучи: „Ходімо ж, і служім іншим бога́м“, яких ви не знали,
कुछ ख़बीस आदमियों ने तेरे ही बीच में से निकलकर अपने शहर के लोगों को ये कहकर गुमराह कर दिया है, कि चलो, हम और मा'बूदो की जिनसे तू वाक़िफ़ नहीं पूजा करें;
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rằng có những kẻ gian tà từ giữa mình ra dụ dỗ dân thành đó, mà rằng: Ta hãy đi hầu việc các thần khác mà các ngươi không hề biết,
rằng có những kẻ gian tà từ giữa mình ra dụ dỗ dân thành đó, mà rằng: Ta hãy đi hầu việc các thần khác mà các ngươi không hề biết,
có những người gian ác, dụ dỗ dân trong thành đi thờ thần lạ,
pé àwọn ènìyàn búburú, ti farahàn láàrín yín, tí ó sì ti mú kí àwọn ènìyàn ìlú wọn ṣìnà lọ, tí wọ́n wí pé, “Ẹ jẹ́ kí a lọ sin ọlọ́run mìíràn.” (àwọn ọlọ́run tí ẹ kò mọ̀.)
Verse Count = 205

< Deuteronomy 13:13 >