< Daniel 6:4 >

Then the presidents and the local governors sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. There was not any error or fault found in him.
Atëherë prefektët dhe satrapët kërkuan të gjenin një pretekst kundër Danielit lidhur me administrimin e mbretërisë, por nuk mundën të gjejnë asnjë pretekst apo korruptim, sepse ai ishte besnik dhe nuk mundën të gjejnë tek ai asnjë gabim apo korruptim.
ثُمَّ إِنَّ ٱلْوُزَرَاءَ وَٱلْمَرَازِبَةَ كَانُوا يَطْلُبُونَ عِلَّةً يَجِدُونَهَا عَلَى دَانِيآلَ مِنْ جِهَةِ ٱلْمَمْلَكَةِ، فَلَمْ يَقْدِرُوا أَنْ يَجِدُوا عِلَّةً وَلَا ذَنْبًا، لِأَنَّهُ كَانَ أَمِينًا وَلَمْ يُوجَدْ فِيهِ خَطَأٌ وَلَا ذَنْبٌ.
فَشَرَعَ الْوُزَرَاءُ وَالْحُكَّامُ يَلْتَمِسُونَ عَلَيْهِ عِلَّةً اقْتَرَفَهَا بِحَقِّ الْمَمْلَكَةِ فَأَخْفَقُوا، لأَنَّهُ كَانَ أَمِيناً لَمْ يَرْتَكِبْ خَطَأً وَلا ذَنْباً.
তাৰ পাছত আন প্ৰধান বিষয়া আৰু প্রাদেশিক অধ্যক্ষসকলে, ৰাজ্যৰ বাবে কৰা কাৰ্যবোৰত দানিয়েলৰ ভুল বিচাৰিলে, কিন্তু তেওঁ বিশ্বাসী হোৱাৰ বাবে তেওঁৰ কাৰ্যত কোনো দুৰ্নীতি বা দোষ পোৱা নগ’ল; তেওঁত কোনো ভুল বা অৱহেলা পোৱা নগ’ল।
Belə olanda vəzirlər və canişinlər Danieli ölkənin idarə işlərində ittiham etmək üçün bir bəhanə axtarmağa başladılar, ancaq heç bir bəhanə və təqsir tapa bilmədilər, çünki Daniel etibarlı idi və onda heç bir səhv yaxud təqsir tapılmadı.
Amalalu, ouligisu dunu eno ilia da mudale ba: i. Ilia da Da: niele amo dafama: ne adoba: su logo hogolalu. Be amo fofada: su, amo ganodini da Da: niele ea giadofai afae hame ba: i. Amola Da: niele e da moloidafa dunuba: le, ea hawa: hamosu da noga: idafa ba: i. Amola e da afae hamedafa giadofasu.
তখন সেই সমস্ত অন্য পরিচালকেরা ও শাসনকর্তারা, রাজ্যর জন্য যে কাজ দানিয়েল করেছিলেন তার ভুল বের করতে তাঁরা চেষ্টা করলেন, কিন্তু তাঁরা তাঁর কাজের মধ্যে কোন ভ্রষ্টতা বা ব্যর্থতা খুঁজে পেলেন না, কারণ তিনি বিশ্বস্ত ছিলেন। কোন ভুল বা অবহেলা তাঁর মধ্যে পাওয়া যায় নি।
এতে শাসকেরা ও রাজ্যপালেরা রাজকার্যে দানিয়েলের ভুল ত্রুটি খুঁজতে লাগলেন কিন্তু তারা কোনো দোষই খুঁজে পেলেন না কেননা দানিয়েল ছিলেন বিশ্বস্ত; তিনি অসৎ বা অবহেলাকারী ছিলেন না।
Тогава председателите и сатрапите се стараеха да намерят причина против Даниила относно делата на царството; но не можаха да намерят никаква причина или вина, защото той бе верен, и в него не се намери никаква погрешка или вина.
Unya ang ubang pangulo nga tigdumala ug ang mga gobernador sa probinsya nangita ug sayop sa katungdanan nga ginabuhat ni Daniel alang sa gingharian, apan wala silay nakita nga daotan o sayop sa iyang katungdanan tungod kay matinud-anon siya. Walay sayop o pagpasagad nga nakaplagan kaniya.
Nan ang mga presidente ug ang mga principe nanagpangita sa higayon batok kang Daniel mahatungod sa gingharian; apan sila wala makakita sa higayon ni kalapasan, sanglit siya matinumanon man, ni may hikaplagan sila nga sayup kun kalapasan diha kaniya.
Chifukwa cha ichi, anzake ndi akalonga anayesa kupeza zifukwa zomutsutsira Danieli pa kayendetsedwe ka ntchito za dzikolo, koma sanapeze cholakwa chilichonse. Iwo sanapeze chinyengo mwa iye, chifukwa anali wokhulupirika ndipo sankachita chinyengo kapena kutayirira ntchito.
Prae ukhaih kawng pongah ukkungnawk hoi angraengnawk mah Daniel sakpazaehaih hnuk thai hanah pakrong o; toe kasae sakpazaehaih to hnu o thai ai; anih loe oepthoh moe, sakpazaehaih om ai pongah sethaih to hnu o thai ai.
Tedae taemrhaikung rhoek neh mangpa la aka om rhoek loh ram soehsalnah te Daniel taengah hmuh hamla a longim a tlap uh. Te cakhaw he kong dongah he anih tah a uepom dongah longim neh a tholh pakhat khaw a hmuh thai moenih. Dalrhanah neh a hong boeih he tah a pum dongah a tueng moenih.
Tedae taemrhaikung rhoek neh mangpa la aka om rhoek loh ram soehsalnah te Daniel taengah hmuh hamla a longim a tlap uh. Te cakhaw he kong dongah he anih tah a uepom dongah longim neh a tholh pakhat khaw a hmuh thai moenih. Dalrhanah neh a hong boeih he tah a pum dongah a tueng moenih.
Chuphat in, vaihom pipu mini toh gamvaipo ho chun, gamsung kivaihomna dol’a Daniel bolkhel themmo chansah nading aholuvin, ahivang in amudoh jou pouvin ahi. Ajeh chu, Daniel chu kitah tah leh thudihtah’a thilbol ahin, chuleh amopohna-a son umtah leh Pathen ging’a natong ahi.
Hat toteh, kahrawikungnaw hoi bawinaw ni Daniel dawk uknaeram hoi kâkuen e yonpen hane a tawng awh.
Tada pročelnici i satrapi stadoše tražiti povod, štogod oko državne uprave, zbog čega bi mogli optužiti Daniela; ali ne mogoše na njemu naći ništa takvo, ništa zbog čega bi ga prekorili, jer bijaše vjeran, na njemu ni nemara ni ogrešenja.
Tedy hejtmané a úředníci hledali příčiny proti Danielovi s strany království, a však žádné příčiny ani vady nemohli najíti; nebo věrný byl, aniž jaký omyl neb vada nalézala se při něm.
Tedy hejtmané a úředníci hledali příčiny proti Danielovi s strany království, a však žádné příčiny ani vady nemohli najíti; nebo věrný byl, aniž jaký omyl neb vada nalézala se při něm.
søgte Rigsråderne og Satraperne at finde en eller anden Brøde i hans Embedsførelse; men de kunde ikke finde nogen Brøde eller Brist, da han var tro og der ingen Efterladenhed eller Brist var at finde hos ham.
Da søgte de overordnede og Statholderne at finde Sag imod Daniel, hvad Regeringen angik; men de kunde ingen Sag eller slet Handling finde, fordi han var tro, og ingen Forseelse eller slet Handling fandtes hos ham.
søgte Rigsraaderne og Satraperne at finde en eller anden Brøde i hans Embedsførelse; men de kunde ikke finde nogen Brøde eller Brist, da han var tro og der ingen Efterladenhed eller Brist var at finde hos ham.
Mano nomiyo jotend jorit pinje gi jodongo notemo mondo ondhog Daniel e tije mar rito piny, to ne otamogi yudo. Ne ok ginyal yudo ketho moro amora kuome, nikech ne en ja-adiera e yore duto, kendo ne oonge gi tim mar kawo malangʼ, kata mar jwangʼo tich.
Toen zochten de vorsten en de stadhouders gelegenheid te vinden, tegen Daniel vanwege het koninkrijk; maar zij konden geen gelegenheid noch misdaad vinden, dewijl hij getrouw was, en geen vergrijping noch misdaad in hem gevonden werd.
Daarom trachtten de ministers en landvoogden bij Daniël een reden tot aanklacht te vinden met betrekking tot zijn rijksbestuur. Maar ze konden geen enkele grond ontdekken, of iets wat verkeerd was; want hij was trouw, en er viel verzuim noch fout in hem te bespeuren.
Toen zochten de vorsten en de stadhouders gelegenheid te vinden, tegen Daniel vanwege het koninkrijk; maar zij konden geen gelegenheid noch misdaad vinden, dewijl hij getrouw was, en geen vergrijping noch misdaad in hem gevonden werd.
Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom, but they could find no occasion nor fault, inasmuch as he was faithful, nor was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the local governors sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. There was not any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault, forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Thus the administrators and satraps sought a charge against Daniel concerning the kingdom, but they could find no charge or corruption, because he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him.
Then the chief rulers and the captains were looking for some cause for putting Daniel in the wrong in connection with the kingdom, but they were unable to put forward any wrongdoing or error against him; because he was true, and no error or wrong was to be seen in him.
Then the governors and satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel; but they found against him no occasion, nor trespass, nor error, because he was faithful.
Then the governors and satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel; but they found against him no occasion, nor trespass, nor error, because he was faithful.
Furthermore, the king considered setting him over the entire kingdom; whereupon the leaders and the governors sought to find a complaint against Daniel and in favor of the king. And they could find no case, or even suspicion, because he was faithful, and no fault or suspicion was found in him.
Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find a pretext against Daniel with respect to the kingdom; but they could not find any pretext or fault; inasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
And the king thought to set him over all the kingdom: whereupon the princes, and the governors sought to find occasion against Daniel with regard to the king: and they could find no cause, nor suspicion, because he was faithful, and no fault, nor suspicion was found in him.
As a result the other chief ministers and provincial governors tried to find a pretext against Daniel as to the way he ran the kingdom. But they couldn't find any cause for complaint or any corruption, for he was trustworthy. They could not discover any evidence that Daniel was negligent or corrupt.
Wherefore the rulers and gouernours sought an occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdome: but they could finde none occasion nor fault: for he was so faithfull that there was no blame nor fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he [was] faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; for as much as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the governors and satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel; but they found against him no occasion, nor trespass, nor error, because he was faithful.
Then sought the presidents and lieutenants to find a pretext against Daniel on account of the management of the kingdom; but they were not able to find any pretext or fault, forasmuch as he was faithful, and no kind of error or fault was to be found on him.
Then the presidents and satraps have been seeking to find a cause of complaint against Daniel concerning the kingdom, and any cause of complaint and corruption they are not able to find, because that he [is] faithful, and any error and corruption have not been found in him.
Then the administrators and the satraps sought to find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful. Neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the administrators and the satraps sought to find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful. Neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the administrators and the satraps sought to find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful. Neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the administrators and the satraps sought to find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful. Neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the administrators and the satraps sought to find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful. Neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the administrators and the satraps sought to find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom; but they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful. Neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel in relation to the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault; because he was faithful, and no error nor fault was found in him.
Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then, the ministers and the satraps, began seeking to find, occasion, against Daniel, in respect of the kingdom, —but, no occasion nor wickedness, could they find, inasmuch as, faithful, was he, and, neither error nor wickedness, could be found against him.
Then overseers the and satraps the they were seeking an occasion to find to Daniel from [the] side of kingdom the and any occasion and corruption not [they were] able to find as to because that [was] trustworthy he and any negligence and corruption not it was found concerning him.
then chief [the] and satrap [the] to be to ask pretext to/for to find to/for Daniel from side kingdom [the] and all pretext and to corrupt not be able to/for to find like/as to/for before: because that to trust he/she/it and all neglect and to corrupt not to find since him
Then, the [other] administrators and the governors [became jealous. So they began to] try to find something that they could criticize about the way I was working for the king. But I always did my work faithfully and honestly, and was never lazy. So they could not find anything to criticize.
Then the other chief administrators and the provincial governors looked for mistakes in the work Daniel did for the kingdom, but they could find no corruption or failure in his duty because he was faithful. No mistakes or negligence was found in him.
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he [was] faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the local governors sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. There wasn’t any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the local governors sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. There wasn’t any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the local governors sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. There wasn’t any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the local governors sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. There wasn’t any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the local governors sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. There wasn’t any error or fault found in him.
Then the presidents and the local governors sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion or fault, because he was faithful. There wasn’t any error or fault found in him.
Certis the kyng thouyte to ordeyne hym on al the rewme. Wherfor princes and duikis souyten to fynde occasioun to Danyel, of the side of the kyng; and thei miyten fynde no cause and suspicioun, for he was feithful, and no blame and suspicioun was foundun in hym.
Then the presidents and satraps have been seeking to find a cause of complaint against Daniel concerning the kingdom, and any cause of complaint and corruption they are not able to find, because that he [is] faithful, and any error and corruption have not been found in him.
Tiam la ĉefaj estroj kaj la satrapoj komencis serĉi pretekston, por akuzi Danielon koncerne la aferojn de la regno. Sed ili povis trovi nenian pretekston nek kulpon; ĉar li estis fidela, kaj nenia kulpo nek krimo estis trovebla en li.
Esia ta amegãwo kple dziɖulawo di mɔnuwo be woatsɔ nya ɖe eŋu le eƒe dzikpɔdɔwo wɔwɔ me gake womete ŋui o. Womete ŋu kpɔ nu gbegblẽ aɖeke le eŋu o, eya ta enye ame si dzi woaka ɖo, elabena gbegblẽ menɔ eme o, eye megblẽa dɔ ɖi hã o.
Jonka tähden päämiehet ja maanvanhimmat etsivät syytä Danielia vastaan valtakunnan puolesta, vaan ei he taitaneet yhtään syytä eikä rikosta löytää, sillä hän oli uskollinen, ettei hänessä mitään vikaa eikä rikosta löytää taidettu.
Silloin toiset valtaherrat sekä satraapit etsivät Danielia vastaan syytä valtakunnan hallinnossa. Mutta he eivät voineet löytää mitään syytä eikä rikkomusta, sillä hän oli uskollinen, eikä hänestä laiminlyöntiä eikä rikkomusta löydetty.
Alors les ministres et les satrapes cherchèrent à trouver un sujet d'accusation contre Daniel touchant les affaires du royaume; mais ils ne purent trouver aucun sujet, ni rien à reprendre; car il était fidèle, et il ne se trouvait en lui rien de fautif, ni de répréhensible.
Alors les présidents et les gouverneurs locaux cherchèrent à trouver une occasion contre Daniel en ce qui concerne le royaume; mais ils ne purent trouver ni occasion ni faute, parce qu'il était fidèle. Ils ne trouvèrent ni erreur ni faute en lui.
Alors les présidents et les satrapes cherchèrent à trouver dans [l’administration du] royaume quelque sujet d’accusation contre Daniel; et ils ne pouvaient trouver aucun sujet d’accusation ni aucune faute, parce qu’il était fidèle; et aucun manquement ni aucune faute ne se trouva en lui.
Alors les Gouverneurs et les Satrapes cherchaient à trouver quelque occasion d'accuser Daniel touchant les affaires du Royaume; mais ils ne pouvaient trouver en lui aucune occasion ni aucun vice, parce qu'il était fidèle, et qu'il ne se trouvait en lui ni faute, ni vice.
Or le roi pensait à l’établir sur tout le royaume; d’où les princes et les satrapes cherchaient à trouver un moyen d’accusation contre Daniel du côté du roi; et ils ne purent découvrir aucune cause de suspicion, parce qu’il était fidèle, et qu’aucune faute et aucun soupçon ne se trouvaient en lui.
Alors les chefs et les satrapes cherchèrent une occasion d’accuser Daniel en ce qui concernait les affaires du royaume. Mais ils ne purent trouver aucune occasion, ni aucune chose à reprendre, parce qu’il était fidèle, et qu’on n’apercevait chez lui ni faute, ni rien de mauvais.
Alors les ministres et les satrapes cherchèrent à trouver un sujet d’accusation contre Daniel touchant les affaires du royaume; mais ils ne purent trouver aucun sujet, ni rien à reprendre; car il était fidèle, et il ne se trouvait en lui rien de fautif, ni de répréhensible.
Et les ministres et les satrapes cherchaient une occasion d'accuser Daniel, au sujet des affaires du royaume; mais ils ne purent trouver aucune occasion, ni aucune malversation, car il était fidèle; et il ne se trouvait en lui ni faute ni malversation.
Alors les princes et les satrapes cherchèrent à trouver contre Daniel un prétexte dans l'exercice de sa charge; mais ils ne purent trouver ni prétexte, ni malversation, parce qu'il était fidèle, et qu'on ne découvrit en lui ni délit, ni malversation.
Or les autres gouverneurs et les satrapes s'efforcèrent de trouver un sujet d'accusation contre Daniel, et ils ne purent trouver contre lui ni grief, ni délit, ni soupçon, parce qu'il était fidèle.
Alors les ministres et les préfets s’appliquèrent à trouver un grief contre Daniel, du chef de son gouvernement, mais ils ne purent découvrir ni grief, ni méfait, parce qu’il était loyal, de sorte que ni erreur ni faute ne purent être surprises chez lui.
Da suchten nun die Vorsteher und die Satrapen einen Anlaß, um gegen Daniel von seiten der Regierung etwas aufzubringen. Doch sie vermochten nichts zu finden, weil er zuverlässig war und weil an ihm sich kein Vergehen und kein verdächtig Zeichen fand.
Da suchten die Vorsteher und die Satrapen einen Anklagegrund gegen Daniel von seiten der Verwaltung [Eig. der Regierung] zu finden; aber sie konnten keinen Anklagegrund und keine schlechte Handlung finden, weil er treu war und kein Vergehen und keine schlechte Handlung an ihm gefunden wurden.
Da suchten die Vorsteher und die Satrapen einen Anklagegrund gegen Daniel von seiten der Verwaltung zu finden; aber sie konnten keinen Anklagegrund und keine schlechte Handlung finden, weil er treu war und kein Vergehen und keine schlechte Handlung an ihm gefunden wurden.
Da bemühten sich die Oberbeamten und Satrapen, irgend einen Vorwand gegen Daniel von seiten der Regierungsgeschäfte ausfindig zu machen. Aber sie vermochten keinerlei Vorwand, noch irgend etwas Schlimmes zu entdecken, weil er eben treu war, und keinerlei Nachlässigkeit noch irgend etwas Schlimmes an ihm zu entdecken war.
Derhalben trachteten die Fürsten und Landvögte danach, wie sie eine Sache zu Daniel fänden, die wider das Königreich wäre; aber sie konnten keine Sache noch Übeltat finden, denn er war treu, daß man keine Schuld noch Übeltat an ihm finden mochte.
Derhalben trachteten die Fürsten und Landvögte darnach, wie sie eine Sache an Daniel fänden, die wider das Königreich wäre. Aber sie konnten keine Sache noch Übeltat finden; denn er war treu, daß man ihm keine Schuld noch Übeltat an ihm finden mochte.
Da suchten die Minister und die Satrapen eine Anklage gegen Daniel auf Grund seiner Geschäftsführung ausfindig zu machen, konnten aber keinerlei Schuld und nichts Nachteiliges bei ihm entdecken, weil er treu war und ihm keinerlei Nachlässigkeit der Verfehlung nachzuweisen war.
Da suchten alsbald die Fürsten und Satrapen eine Anklage gegen Daniel zu finden auf Grund seiner Regierung; aber sie konnten keine Schuld noch irgend etwas Nachteiliges finden, weil er ganz treu und keine Vernachlässigung noch irgend ein Vergehen bei ihm zu finden war.
Deshalb suchten die Fürsten und die Satrapen eine Sache zu finden wider Daniel von seiten des Königreichs; aber sie vermochten keine Sache und keine Verdorbenheit zu finden, denn er war treu und kein Fehler und keine Verdorbenheit ward an ihm gefunden.
Nĩ ũndũ ũcio atongoria na anene acio angĩ magĩcaria ũndũ mangĩcuukĩra Danieli wĩra-inĩ wake wa gwathana, no makĩaga ihĩtia. Nĩmagire ũndũ mangĩmũcuukĩra, tondũ aarĩ mwĩhokeku, akaaga ũcuuke kana ihĩtia mĩthiĩre-inĩ yake.
Οι δε πρόεδροι και οι σατράπαι εζήτουν να εύρωσι πρόφασιν κατά του Δανιήλ εκ των υποθέσεων της βασιλείας· πλην δεν ηδύναντο να εύρωσιν ουδεμίαν πρόφασιν ουδέ αμάρτημα· διότι ήτο πιστός, και δεν ευρέθη εν αυτώ ουδέν σφάλμα ουδέ αμάρτημα.
ὅτε δὲ ἐβουλεύσατο ὁ βασιλεὺς καταστῆσαι τὸν Δανιηλ ἐπὶ πάσης τῆς βασιλείας αὐτοῦ τότε βουλὴν καὶ γνώμην ἐβουλεύσαντο ἐν ἑαυτοῖς οἱ δύο νεανίσκοι πρὸς ἀλλήλους λέγοντες ἐπεὶ οὐδεμίαν ἁμαρτίαν οὐδὲ ἄγνοιαν ηὕρισκον κατὰ τοῦ Δανιηλ περὶ ἧς κατηγορήσουσιν αὐτοῦ πρὸς τὸν βασιλέα
ત્યારે મુખ્ય વહીવટદારો તથા સૂબાઓ રાજ્ય માટે કરેલા કામમાં દાનિયેલની ભૂલ શોધવા લાગ્યા, પણ તેઓને તેના કાર્યમાં કોઈ ભ્રષ્ટાચાર કે નિષ્ફળતા મળી આવી નહિ, કેમ કે તે વિશ્વાસુ હતો. કોઈ ભૂલ કે બેદરકારી તેનામાં માલૂમ પડી નહિ.
Lè sa a, lòt gwo chèf yo ansanm ak prefè yo t'ap chache yon okazyon pou yo antrave Danyèl nan travay leta a. Men, yo pa t' ka jwenn anyen pou yo repwoche l' sitèlman Danyèl te yon nonm serye nan tou sa l'ap fè. Li pa t' pote ankenn neglijans ni pa t' gen ankenn mank nan travay li.
Konsa, chèf ak satrap yo te kòmanse chache pou twouve yon koz akizasyon kont Daniel nan zafè wayòm nan; men yo pa t ka jwenn okenn baz pou akize l, ni okenn koripsyon, akoz li te fidèl. Okenn neglijans ni koripsyon pa t ka twouve nan li.
A kan haka, shugabannin nan uku da muƙaddasan nan suka yi ƙoƙari su sami wani laifi a kan Daniyel a yadda yake tafiyar da aikin shugabancinsa, amma ba su samu ba. Ba su same shi da wani laifin cin hanci ba, domin shi amintacce ne kuma babu wani aibi a kansa ko rashin kula.
No ia mea, imi na luna me na'lii i ka hewa iloko o Daniela ma na mea o ke aupuni: aole nae i loaa ka hala a me ka hewa; no ka mea, ua kupono kana, aole i loaa iloko ona kekahi mea kekee a me ka hewa.
אדין סרכיא ואחשדרפניא הוו בעין עלה להשכחה לדניאל--מצד מלכותא וכל עלה ושחיתה לא יכלין להשכחה כל קבל די מהימן הוא וכל שלו ושחיתה לא השתכחת עלוהי
אֱדַ֨יִן סָֽרְכַיָּ֜א וַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּ֗א הֲוֹ֨ו בָעַ֧יִן עִלָּ֛ה לְהַשְׁכָּחָ֥ה לְדָנִיֵּ֖אל מִצַּ֣ד מַלְכוּתָ֑א וְכָל־עִלָּ֨ה וּשְׁחִיתָ֜ה לָא־יָכְלִ֣ין לְהַשְׁכָּחָ֗ה כָּל־קֳבֵל֙ דִּֽי־מְהֵימַ֣ן ה֔וּא וְכָל־שָׁלוּ֙ וּשְׁחִיתָ֔ה לָ֥א הִשְׁתְּכַ֖חַת עֲלֹֽוהִי׃
אֱדַ֨יִן סָֽרְכַיָּ֜א וַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּ֗א הֲו֨וֹ בָעַ֧יִן עִלָּ֛ה לְהַשְׁכָּחָ֥ה לְדָנִיֵּ֖אל מִצַּ֣ד מַלְכוּתָ֑א וְכָל־עִלָּ֨ה וּשְׁחִיתָ֜ה לָא־יָכְלִ֣ין לְהַשְׁכָּחָ֗ה כָּל־קֳבֵל֙ דִּֽי־מְהֵימַ֣ן ה֔וּא וְכָל־שָׁלוּ֙ וּשְׁחִיתָ֔ה לָ֥א הִשְׁתְּכַ֖חַת עֲלֽוֹהִי׃
אֱדַיִן סָֽרְכַיָּא וַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּא הֲווֹ בָעַיִן עִלָּה לְהַשְׁכָּחָה לְדָנִיֵּאל מִצַּד מַלְכוּתָא וְכׇל־עִלָּה וּשְׁחִיתָה לָא־יָכְלִין לְהַשְׁכָּחָה כׇּל־קֳבֵל דִּֽי־מְהֵימַן הוּא וְכׇל־שָׁלוּ וּשְׁחִיתָה לָא הִשְׁתְּכַחַת עֲלֽוֹהִי׃
אדין סרכיא ואחשדרפניא הוו בעין עלה להשכחה לדניאל מצד מלכותא וכל עלה ושחיתה לא יכלין להשכחה כל קבל די מהימן הוא וכל שלו ושחיתה לא השתכחת עלוהי׃
אֱדַיִן סָֽרְכַיָּא וַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּא הֲווֹ בָעַיִן עִלָּה לְהַשְׁכָּחָה לְדָנִיֵּאל מִצַּד מַלְכוּתָא וְכָל־עִלָּה וּשְׁחִיתָה לָא־יָכְלִין לְהַשְׁכָּחָה כָּל־קֳבֵל דִּֽי־מְהֵימַן הוּא וְכָל־שָׁלוּ וּשְׁחִיתָה לָא הִשְׁתְּכַחַת עֲלֽוֹהִי׃
אֱדַ֨יִן סָֽרְכַיָּ֜א וַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּ֗א הֲו֨וֹ בָעַ֧יִן עִלָּ֛ה לְהַשְׁכָּחָ֥ה לְדָנִיֵּ֖אל מִצַּ֣ד מַלְכוּתָ֑א וְכָל־עִלָּ֨ה וּשְׁחִיתָ֜ה לָא־יָכְלִ֣ין לְהַשְׁכָּחָ֗ה כָּל־קֳבֵל֙ דִּֽי־מְהֵימַ֣ן ה֔וּא וְכָל־שָׁלוּ֙ וּשְׁחִיתָ֔ה לָ֥א הִשְׁתְּכַ֖חַת עֲלֽוֹהִי׃
तब अध्यक्ष और अधिपति राजकार्य के विषय में दानिय्येल के विरुद्ध दोष ढूँढ़ने लगे; परन्तु वह विश्वासयोग्य था, और उसके काम में कोई भूल या दोष न निकला, और वे ऐसा कोई अपराध या दोष न पा सके।
इस पर, प्रशासक और प्रधान सरकारी कार्यों में दानिएल के क्रियाकलापों के विरुद्ध दोष लगाने का आधार खोजने लगे, पर वे ऐसा न कर सके. उन्हें उसमें कोई भ्रष्टाचार की बात न मिली, क्योंकि दानिएल विश्वासयोग्य था और वह न तो भ्रष्टाचारी था और न ही वह किसी बात में असावधानी बरतता था.
Akkor az igazgatók és tiszttartók igyekvének okot találni Dániel ellen a birodalom dolgai miatt; de semmi okot vagy vétket nem találhatának; mert hűséges volt, és semmi fogyatkozás, sem vétek nem találtaték benne.
Ekkor a főkormányzók és szatrapák ürügyet akartak találni Dániél ellen a királyság részéről, de semmi ürügyet és hibát nem tudtak találni, mivelhogy hüséges volt és semmi hanyagság és hiba nem találtatott rajta.
Nʼihi nke a, ndịisi ọkwa ha dị elu na ndịisi ndị ọzọ bidoro chọwa mkpesa ha ga-enye iji megide Daniel nʼihe gbasara ọchịchị. Ma ọ dịghị ihe ebubo ọbụla maọbụ omume ọjọọ ọbụla ha chọpụtara, nʼihi na ọ kwesiri ntụkwasị obi. Ọ dịghịkwa omume ọjọọ maọbụ nke aghụghọ ọbụla a chọpụtara nʼọrụ ya.
Ket nangsapul dagiti dadduma a kangatoan nga administrador ken dagiti gobernador iti probinsia iti biddut iti trabaho nga inaramid ni Daniel para iti pagarian, ngem awan iti masarakanda a kinakillo wenno pagkurangan iti trabahona gapu ta napudno isuna. Awan iti biddut wenno panangbaybay-an a masarakan kenkuana.
Tetapi para gubernur dan pengawas-pengawas itu berusaha mencari kesalahan-kesalahan Daniel dalam tugas pemerintahan, namun mereka tidak berhasil, karena Daniel setia dan jujur serta tidak melakukan kelalaian atau kesalahan apa pun.
Kemudian para pejabat tinggi dan wakil raja itu mencari alasan dakwaan terhadap Daniel dalam hal pemerintahan, tetapi mereka tidak mendapat alasan apapun atau sesuatu kesalahan, sebab ia setia dan tidak ada didapati sesuatu kelalaian atau sesuatu kesalahan padanya.
Perciò, i presidenti, e i satrapi, cercavano il modo di trovar qualche cagione contro a Daniele, intorno agli affari del regno; ma non potevano trovare alcuna cagione, nè misfatto; perciocchè egli [era] fedele, e non si trovava in lui alcun fallo, nè misfatto.
Perciò tanto i governatori che i sàtrapi cercavano il modo di trovar qualche pretesto contro Daniele nell'amministrazione del regno. Ma non potendo trovare nessun motivo di accusa né colpa, perché egli era fedele e non aveva niente da farsi rimproverare,
Allora i capi e i satrapi cercarono di trovare un’occasione d’accusar Daniele circa l’amministrazione del regno; ma non potevano trovare alcuna occasione, né alcun motivo di riprensione, perch’egli era fedele, e non c’era da trovare il lui alcunché di male o da riprendere.
Hagi anama huhampri zamante'nea kva vahe'mo'za, Danieli'ma kamani eri'zama eri haviza hanige'za nege'zama kini ne'ma ome asamisnaza kankamunku hake'nazanagi, onketfa hu'naze. Na'ankure Danieli'a fatgo nekino, eri'zama eri'neana tamage kazigatike e'nerino, mago zana eri havizana osu'ne.
ಹೀಗಿರಲು ಉಪರಾಜರೂ, ದೇಶಾಧಿಪತಿಗಳೂ ರಾಜ್ಯಭಾರದ ವಿಷಯವಾಗಿ ದಾನಿಯೇಲನ ವಿರೋಧವಾಗಿ ತಪ್ಪು ಹೊರಿಸುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂದರ್ಭ ಹುಡುಕುತ್ತಿದ್ದರು. ಆದರೆ ಅವನು ನಂಬಿಗಸ್ತನಾಗಿದ್ದು ಅವನಲ್ಲಿ ತಪ್ಪು ನಿರ್ಲಕ್ಷ್ಯತೆ ಇಲ್ಲದಿರುವುದರಿಂದ ಅವರಿಗೆ ಯಾವ ತಪ್ಪೂ ಸಿಗಲಾರದೆ ಹೋಯಿತು.
ಹೀಗಿರಲು ಮುಖ್ಯಾಧಿಕಾರಿಗಳೂ, ದೇಶಾಧಿಪತಿಗಳೂ ಅಸೂಯೆಯಿಂದ ರಾಜ್ಯಭಾರದ ವಿಷಯವಾಗಿ ದಾನಿಯೇಲನ ಮೇಲೆ ತಪ್ಪುಹೊರಿಸುವುದಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂದರ್ಭ ಹುಡುಕುತ್ತಿದ್ದರು. ಆದರೆ ತಪ್ಪುಹೊರಿಸುವ ಯಾವ ಸಂದರ್ಭವನ್ನೂ, ಯಾವ ತಪ್ಪನ್ನೂ ಕಾಣಲಾರದೆ ಹೋದರು. ಅವನು ನಂಬಿಗಸ್ತನೇ ಆಗಿದ್ದನು, ಅವನಲ್ಲಿ ಆಲಸ್ಯವಾಗಲಿ, ಅಕ್ರಮವಾಗಲಿ ಸಿಕ್ಕಲಿಲ್ಲ.
이에 총리들과 방백들이 국사에 대하여 다니엘을 고소할 틈을 얻고자 하였으나 능히 아무 틈, 아무 허물을 얻지 못하였으니 이는 그가 충성되어 아무 그릇함도 없고 아무 허물도 없음이었더라
이에 총리들과 방백들이 국사에 대하여 다니엘을 고소할 틈을 얻고자 하였으나 능히 아무 틈, 아무 허물을 얻지 못하였으니 이는 그가 충성되어 아무 그릇함도 없고 아무 허물도 없음이었더라
Na mwet kol wial, ac governor uh, elos srike in suk mwatal ke ouiyen orekma kunal nu ke tokosrai uh, tusruktu elos tiana konauk kutena sripa ma elos ku in akkolukyal kac, mweyen Daniel el arulana pwaye ac suwohs in orekma lal, ac el tia orala kutena ma sufal ku sesuwos.
لەبەر ئەوە وەزیر و میرەکان هەوڵیان دا هۆیەک ببیننەوە بۆ سکاڵاکردن لە دژی دانیال سەبارەت بە بەڕێوەبردنی کاروباری پاشایەتییەکە، بەڵام نەیانتوانی هیچ گەندەڵییەک لە دانیال ببیننەوە، چونکە دەستپاک بوو و گەندەڵی و کەمتەرخەمی تێدا نەبوو.
Porro rex cogitabat constituere eum super omne regnum: unde principes, et satrapæ quærebant occasionem ut invenirent Danieli ex latere regis: nullamque causam, et suspicionem reperire potuerunt, eo quod fidelis esset, et omnis culpa, et suspicio non inveniretur in eo.
Porro rex cogitabat constituere eum super omne regnum: unde principes, et satrapæ quærebant occasionem ut invenirent Danieli ex latere regis: nullamque causam, et suspicionem reperire potuerunt, eo quod fidelis esset, et omnis culpa, et suspicio non inveniretur in eo.
Porro rex cogitabat constituere eum super omne regnum: unde principes, et satrapæ quærebant occasionem ut invenirent Danieli ex latere regis: nullamque causam, et suspicionem reperire potuerunt, eo quod fidelis esset, et omnis culpa, et suspicio non inveniretur in eo.
Porro rex cogitabat constituere eum super omne regnum: unde principes, et satrapæ quærebant occasionem ut invenirent Danieli ex latere regis: nullamque causam, et suspicionem reperire potuerunt, eo quod fidelis esset, et omnis culpa, et suspicio non inveniretur in eo.
Porro rex cogitabat constituere eum super omne regnum unde principes et satrapae quaerebant occasionem ut invenirent Danieli ex latere regis nullamque causam et suspicionem reperire potuerunt eo quod fidelis esset et omnis culpa et suspicio non inveniretur in eo
Porro rex cogitabat constituere eum super omne regnum: unde principes, et satrapae quaerebant occasionem ut invenirent Danieli ex latere regis: nullamque causam, et suspicionem reperire potuerunt, eo quod fidelis esset, et omnis culpa, et suspicio non inveniretur in eo.
Tad tie virsnieki un valdnieki meklēja iemeslus pret Daniēli tās valdības dēļ. Bet tie nekādu iemeslu nedz vainu nevarēja atrast, jo viņš bija uzticīgs, ka nekādu noziegumu nedz vainu pie viņa neatrada.
Bakalaka ya lokumu mpe bayangeli oyo mokonzi atiaki na bituka bazalaki koluka likambo ya kofundela Daniele na ndenge na ye ya kotambolisa makambo ya bokonzi. Kasi balongaki te kozwa ata likambo moko to mbeba ya kofundela Daniele, mpo ete azalaki sembo mpe mpo ete, kati na ye, bazalaki komona ata libunga te to mbeba moko te ya kofundela ye.
Olwawulira ebyo, abakungu abalala ababiri n’abaamasaza ne basala amagezi okunoonya ensonga ku Danyeri ku nzirukanya ye ey’ebyemirimu egy’obwakabaka, naye ne batayinza kulaba nsonga nkyamu newaakubadde akabi konna, kubanga yali musajja mwesigwa ataalina kwonoona okw’engeri yonna newaakubadde obulagajjavu.
Koa ny komandy lehibe sy ny solo-mpanjaka dia nitady izay hiampangany an’ i Daniela ny amin’ ny fanjakana, nefa tsy nahita izay hiampangany azy na izay tsininy akory ireo, satria marina izy, ka tsy nisy kilema na tsiny hita taminy.
Aa le pinai’ o mpifelekeo naho o mpifeheo ty hampitsikapy i Daniele am-pitoloña’e amy fifeheañey, fe tsy nahatendreke ty hikiniàñe aze ndra ze lila’e ty amy figahiña’ey, vaho tsy naharendrehan-kila ndra tahiñe.
ആകയാൽ അദ്ധ്യക്ഷന്മാരും പ്രധാന ദേശാധിപന്മാരും രാജ്യം സംബന്ധിച്ച് ദാനീയേലിനു വിരോധമായി എന്തെങ്കിലും കുറ്റം കണ്ടെത്തുവാൻ അന്വേഷിച്ചു; എന്നാൽ യാതൊരു കുറ്റവും കണ്ടെത്തുവാൻ അവർക്ക് കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല; അവൻ വിശ്വസ്തനായിരുന്നതുകൊണ്ട് ഒരു തെറ്റും കുറ്റവും അവനിൽ കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല.
ആകയാൽ അദ്ധ്യക്ഷന്മാരും പ്രധാന ദേശാധിപന്മാരും രാജ്യം സംബന്ധിച്ചു ദാനീയേലിന്നു വിരോധമായി കാരണം കണ്ടെത്തുവാൻ അന്വേഷിച്ചു; എന്നാൽ യാതൊരു കാരണവും കുറ്റവും കണ്ടെത്തുവാൻ അവൎക്കു കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല; അവൻ വിശ്വസ്തനായിരുന്നതുകൊണ്ടു ഒരു തെറ്റും കുറ്റുവും അവനിൽ കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല.
ആകയാൽ അദ്ധ്യക്ഷന്മാരും പ്രധാന ദേശാധിപന്മാരും രാജ്യം സംബന്ധിച്ചു ദാനീയേലിന്നു വിരോധമായി കാരണം കണ്ടെത്തുവാൻ അന്വേഷിച്ചു; എന്നാൽ യാതൊരു കാരണവും കുറ്റവും കണ്ടെത്തുവാൻ അവർക്കു കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല; അവൻ വിശ്വസ്തനായിരുന്നതുകൊണ്ടു ഒരു തെറ്റും കുറ്റുവും അവനിൽ കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല.
അപ്പോൾ രാജ്യകാര്യസംബന്ധമായി ദാനീയേലിൽ എന്തെങ്കിലും കുറ്റം കണ്ടുപിടിക്കാൻ ഭരണാധിപന്മാരും രാജപ്രതിനിധികളും തക്കംനോക്കി നിന്നിരുന്നു. എന്നാൽ, ദാനീയേൽ വിശ്വസ്തനായിരുന്നതിനാൽ യാതൊരു കൃത്യവിലോപവും അനീതിയും അദ്ദേഹത്തിൽ കണ്ടെത്താൻ അവർക്കു കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല. ഒരുതെറ്റും കുറവും അദ്ദേഹത്തിൽ കണ്ടില്ല.
असे असताना इतर मुख्य प्रशासक आणि प्रांतिधिकारी हे दानीएलात चूक शोधण्याचा प्रयत्न करत होते. पण तो विश्वासू असल्याने त्यांना त्याच्यात काहीच चूक सापडली नाही.
ထို​အ​ခါ​အ​ခြား​ကြီး​ကြပ်​ရေး​အ​ဖွဲ့​ဝင် များ​နှင့်​ဘု​ရင်​ခံ​တို့​သည် ဒံ​ယေ​လ​၏​စီ​မံ အုပ်​ချုပ်​မှု​၌​အ​မှား​ကို​ရှာ​ကြ​လေ​သည်။ သို့​ရာ​တွင်​မည်​သည့်​အ​မှား​ကို​မျှ​မ​တွေ့ မ​ရှိ​နိုင်​ကြ။ အ​ဘယ်​ကြောင့်​ဆို​သော်​ဒံ​ယေ​လ သည်​သစ္စာ​ရှိ​သူ​ဖြစ်​သ​ဖြင့်​မည်​သည့်​အ​မှား၊ မည်​သည့်​မ​ရိုး​မ​ဖြောင့်​မှု​ကို​မျှ​မ​ပြု သော​ကြောင့်​ဖြစ်​၏။-
ထိုအခါ ဝန်ကြီးနှင့်မြို့ဝန်တို့သည် ဒံယေလ၌ အပြစ်တင်ခွင့်ကို ရှာ၍၊ နိုင်ငံတော်အမှုအရေးများကို စစ်ကြောကြ၏။ ဒံယေလသည် သစ္စာနှင့် ပြည့်စုံ၍ အပြစ်တစုံတခုမျှမရှိသောကြောင့်၊ အပြစ်တင်ခွင့်ကို ရှာ၍မတွေ့ကြသည်ရှိသော်၊
ထိုအခါ ဝန်ကြီး နှင့် မြို့ဝန် တို့သည် ဒံယေလ ၌ အပြစ်တင်ခွင့် ကို ရှာ၍၊ နိုင်ငံ တော်အမှုအရေးများကို စစ်ကြော ကြ၏။ ဒံယေလသည် သစ္စာ နှင့် ပြည့်စုံ၍ အပြစ် တစုံတခုမျှမရှိသောကြောင့်၊ အပြစ်တင်ခွင့် ကို ရှာ ၍မ တွေ့ကြသည်ရှိသော်၊
Katahi nga rangatira nunui ratou ko nga ariki ka rapu take mo Raniera i roto i nga mea o te kingitanga; heoi kihai i kitea tetahi take, tetahi he; he mahi pono hoki tana, kahore ona kino, ona he.
Ngenxa yalokho omongameli lababusi bezigaba badinga amabhada okumangalela uDanyeli ngendlela ayeqhuba ngayo kwezombuso, kodwa behluleka. Kabafumananga kungcola kuye ngoba wayethembekile futhi engasihaga lemali njalo engayekethisi lutho.
Lapho ababonisi leziphathamandla badinga ukuthola ithuba bemelene loDaniyeli mayelana lombuso; kodwa bengelakho ukuthola ithuba kumbe insolo; ngoba wayethembekile, futhi kungelampambaniso kumbe insolo okwatholakala kuye.
अनि अरू प्रमुख प्रशासकहरू र प्रान्‍तिय गभर्नरहरूले त्यस राज्यको निम्ति दानिएलले गर्ने काममा त्रुटी खोज्न थाले, तर तिनीहरूले उनको काममा कुनै पनि भ्रष्‍टचार वा उनको जिम्मेवारीमा असफलता भेट्टाउन सकेनन्, किनभने उनी विश्‍वासयोग्य थिए । उनमा कुनै त्रुटी वा हेलचेक्र्याइँ भेट्टाइएन ।
Da søkte riksrådene og satrapene å finne skyld hos Daniel vedkommende rikets styrelse, men de kunde ikke finne nogen skyld eller nogen urett, eftersom han var tro, og det ikke fantes nogen forseelse eller nogen urett hos ham.
Då søkte dei andre riksrådarne og satraparne å finna ei sak imot Daniel i det som kom riksstyringi ved. Men dei kunde ingi sovore sak finna, eller noko som var rangt, med di han var trugen i tenesta si; ingi misferd og inkje rangt var å finna hjå honom.
ଏଥିରେ ଅଧ୍ୟକ୍ଷ ଓ କ୍ଷିତିପାଳମାନେ ରାଜକର୍ମ ବିଷୟରେ ଦାନିୟେଲଙ୍କର ଦୋଷ ଅନୁସନ୍ଧାନ କଲେ; ମାତ୍ର ସେମାନେ କୌଣସି ଦୋଷ ଅବା ଅପରାଧ ପାଇ ପାରିଲେ ନାହିଁ, କାରଣ ସେ ବିଶ୍ୱସ୍ତ ଥିଲେ ଓ ତାଙ୍କର କୌଣସି ଭ୍ରାନ୍ତି ଅବା ଅପରାଧ ଦେଖାଗଲା ନାହିଁ।
Sababii kanaaf bulchitoonni ol aantonnii fi ilmaan moototaa waan hojii mootummaa ilaaluun Daaniʼelin himachuuf karaa barbaadan; garuu akkas gochuu hin dandeenye. Daaniʼel amanamaa, of eeggataa fi nama mudaa hin qabne waan taʼeef isaan isa irratti dogoggora tokko iyyuu argachuu hin dandeenye.
ਤਦ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਰਾਜਪਾਲਾਂ ਤੇ ਪਰਧਾਨਾਂ ਨੇ ਚਾਹਿਆ ਕਿ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਨਾ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਦਾਨੀਏਲ ਦੇ ਕੰਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਕਮੀ ਲੱਭੀਏ ਅਤੇ ਉਸ ਉੱਤੇ ਕੋਈ ਦੋਸ਼ ਲਾਈਏ ਪਰ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਕੋਈ ਦੋਸ਼ ਜਾਂ ਕੋਈ ਖੋਟ ਨਾ ਲੱਭਾ ਕਿਉਂ ਜੋ ਓਹ ਵਫ਼ਾਦਾਰ ਸੀ।
پس وزیران و والیان بهانه می‌جستند تا شکایتی در امور سلطنت بر دانیال بیاورند اما نتوانستند که هیچ علتی یا تقصیری بیابند، چونکه او امین بود و خطایی یا تقصیری دراو هرگز یافت نشد.
این امر باعث شد که سایر وزیران و حاکمان به دانیال حسادت کنند. ایشان سعی کردند در کار او ایراد و اشتباهی پیدا کنند، ولی موفق نشدند؛ زیرا دانیال در ادارهٔ امور مملکت درستکار بود و هیچ خطا و اشتباهی از او سر نمی‌زد.
Tedy książęta i starostowie szukali, aby znaleźli przyczynę przeciwko Danijelowi z strony królestwa; wszakże żadnej przyczyny ani wady znaleść nie mogli, ponieważ on był wiernym, ani żadna wina ani wada nie znajdowała się w nim.
Wtedy zwierzchnicy i satrapowie usiłowali znaleźć przeciwko Danielowi powód [oskarżenia] dotyczący królestwa; nie mogli jednak znaleźć żadnego pretekstu ani wady, ponieważ był on wierny i żadnej winy ani wady nie można było w nim znaleźć.
Então os supervisores e governadores procuravam achar alguma acusação contra Daniel a respeito do reino; mas não conseguiram achar acusação ou falta alguma, porque ele era fiel, e nenhum erro nem falta foi achada nele.
Então os principes e os presidentes procuravam achar occasião contra Daniel a respeito do reino; mas não podiam achar occasião ou culpa alguma; porque elle era fiel, e não se achava n'elle nenhum vicio nem culpa.
Então os príncipes e os presidentes procuravam achar ocasião contra Daniel a respeito do reino; mas não podiam achar ocasião ou culpa alguma; porque ele era fiel, e não se achava nele nenhum vício nem culpa.
Então os presidentes e os governadores locais procuraram encontrar ocasião contra Daniel como tocando o reino; mas não conseguiram encontrar ocasião ou falha, porque ele era fiel. Não foi encontrado nenhum erro ou falha nele.
Атунч, кэпетенииле ши дрегэторий ау кэутат сэ афле чева асупра луй Даниел, ка сэ-л пыраскэ ын че привя требуриле ымпэрэцией. Дар н-ау путут сэ гэсяскэ нимик, ничун лукру вредник де мустраре, пентру кэ ел ера крединчос ши ну се гэся ничо грешялэ ла ел ши ничун лукру рэу.
Atunci președinții și prinții au căutat să găsească ocazie împotriva lui Daniel referitor la împărăție; dar nu au putut afla nici ocazie, nici vină; întrucât [era] credincios, nu s-a aflat în el nici eroare nici greșeală.
Тогда князья и сатрапы начали искать предлога к обвинению Даниила по управлению царством; но никакого предлога и погрешностей не могли найти, потому что он был верен, и никакой погрешности или вины не оказывалось в нем.
Тада старешине и управитељи гледаху како би нашли шта да замере Данилу ради царства; али не могаху наћи забаве ни погрешке, јер беше веран, и не налажаше се у њега погрешке ни мане.
Tada starješine i upravitelji gledahu kako bi našli što da zabave Danilu radi carstva; ali ne mogahu naæi zabave ni pogrješke, jer bješe vjeran, i ne nalažaše se u njega pogrješke ni mane.
Ipapo, vakuru namachinda vakaedza kutsvaka mhosva yavangapomera Dhanieri pamusoro pokufambisa kwake mabasa ehurumende, asi havana chavakagona kuwana. Havana kuwana uori maari, nokuti akanga akatendeka uye pasina uori kana kushaya hanya maari.
Чиновницы же и князи искаху вины обрести на Даниила: и всякия вины и соблазна и греха не обретоша на него, яко верен бяше.
Potem so predstojniki in princi iskali, da najdejo povod zoper Daniela glede kraljestva, toda niso mogli najti nobenega povoda niti krivde, ker je bil zvest niti ni bilo na njem najti nobene napake ali krivde.
Markaasaa taliyayaashii iyo amiirradii waxay doondooneen sabab ay Daanyeel ku dacweeyaan oo xagga boqortooyada ku saabsan; laakiinse way waayeen sabab iyo xumaan toona; maxaa yeelay, isagu wuxuu ahaa aamin, oo qalad iyo xumaan toona lagama helin.
Entonces los presidentes y gobernadores buscaban ocasiones contra Daniel por parte del reino; mas no podían hallar alguna ocasión o falta, porque él era fiel, y ningún vicio ni falta fue en él hallado.
Como resultado, los otros ministros principales y gobernadores provinciales trataron de encontrar un pretexto contra Daniel en cuanto a la forma en que dirigía el reino. Pero no pudieron encontrar ningún motivo de queja ni de corrupción, pues él era digno de confianza. No pudieron descubrir ninguna prueba de que Daniel fuera negligente o corrupto.
Entonces los presidentes y los gobernadores locales trataron de encontrar ocasión contra Daniel en lo que respecta al reino; pero no pudieron encontrar ocasión ni falta, porque era fiel. No se encontró en él ningún error o falta.
Por lo cual los gobernadores y sátrapas buscaban ocasión contra Daniel en lo relacionado con el reino, pero no podían hallar alguna acusación o falta, porque él era fiel. Ninguna negligencia o corrupción fue hallada en él.
Entonces los presidentes y los sátrapas iban buscando algún pretexto contra Daniel en lo tocante a (la administración) del reino; mas no pudieron hallar ningún pretexto ni falta, porque era fiel, y no se hallaba en él ninguna negligencia ni falta.
Entonces los presidentes, y gobernadores buscaban ocasiones contra Daniel por parte del reino: mas no podían hallar alguna ocasión o falta, porque él era fiel, y ningún vicio ni falta fue hallado en él.
Entonces los presidentes y gobernadores buscaban ocasiones contra Daniel por parte del reino; mas no podían hallar alguna ocasión ó falta, porque él era fiel, y ningún vicio ni falta fué en él hallado.
Entonces los principales gobernantes y los capitanes estaban buscando alguna causa para poner a Daniel en el mal en relación con el reino, pero no pudieron presentar ninguna mala acción o error en su contra; porque era fiel, y no se veía ningún error o falta en él.
Basi watawala wakuu wengine na magavana wa majimbo walitafuta makosa katika kazi ambazo Danieli alizifanya kwa ufalme, lakini hawakuweza kuona ufisadi au kushindwa katika majukumu yake kwasababu alikuwa mwaminifu. Hakuna kosa au uzembe uliopatikana ndani yake.
Walipofahamu hilo, wakuu na wasimamizi wakajaribu kutafuta sababu za kumshtaki Danieli kuhusu usimamizi wake wa shughuli za serikali, lakini hawakuweza kufanikiwa. Hawakuweza kupata kosa kwake, kwa sababu alikuwa mwaminifu, wala hakupatikana na upotovu au uzembe.
Då sökte de andra furstarna och satraperna att finna någon sak mot Daniel i det som angick riket. Men de kunde icke finna någon sådan sak eller något som var orätt, eftersom han var trogen i sin tjänst; ingen försummelse och intet orätt var att finna hos honom.
Fördenskull foro de Förstar och landshöfdingar derefter, huru de kunde finna en sak med Daniel, den emot riket vore; men de kunde ingen sak eller missgerning finna; ty han var trogen, så att man ingen skuld eller ogerning med honom finna kunde.
Då sökte de andra furstarna och satraperna att finna någon sak mot Daniel i det som angick riket. Men de kunde icke finna någon sådan sak eller något som var orätt, eftersom han var trogen i sin tjänst; ingen försummelse och intet orätt var att finna hos honom.
Nang magkagayo'y ang mga pangulo at ang mga satrapa ay nagsihanap ng maisusumbong laban kay Daniel, tungkol sa kaharian; nguni't hindi sila nangakasumpong ng anomang kadahilanan, ni kakulangan man, palibhasa'y tapat siya, walang anomang kamalian ni kakulangan nasumpungan sa kaniya.
Kaya ang ibang punong tagapamahala at ang mga gobernador ng lalawigan ay naghahanap ng mga kamalian sa trabaho ni Daniel sa kaharian, ngunit wala silang makitang katiwalian o kakulangan sa kaniyang trabaho dahil matapat siya. Walang pagkakamali o kapabayaang natagpuan sa kaniya.
அப்பொழுது அதிகாரிகளும் தேசாதிபதிகளும் ராஜ்ஜியத்தின் விசாரிப்பிலே தானியேலைக் குற்றப்படுத்தும்படி காரணத்தைத் தேடினார்கள்; ஆனாலும் ஒரு காரணத்தையும் குற்றத்தையும் கண்டுபிடிக்க அவர்களால் முடியாமலிருந்தது; அவன் உண்மையுள்ளவனாக இருந்ததால் அவன்மேல் சுமத்த எந்தவொரு குற்றமும் குறைவும் காணப்படவில்லை.
இதையறிந்த மற்றைய நிர்வாகிகளும், சிற்றரசர்களும், தானியேலின் அரசியல் விவகாரங்களில் தானியேலின் நடத்தைக்கு எதிராகக் குற்றம் சாட்டுவதற்கான காரணங்களைக் கண்டுபிடிக்க முயற்சித்தார்கள். ஆனால் அவர்களால் அப்படிச் செய்ய முடியவில்லை. அவன் நம்பிக்கைக்குரியவனும், ஊழலும் கடமையில் அலட்சியமும் இல்லாதவனுமாய் இருந்தபடியால், அவனில் எந்தவித குற்றத்தையும் அவர்களால் கண்டுபிடிக்க முடியவில்லை.
అందువల్ల ప్రధానమంత్రులు, అధికారులు రాజ్య పరిపాలన వ్యవహారాల్లో దానియేలుపై ఏదైనా ఒక నేరం ఆరోపించడానికి ఏదైనా కారణం కోసం వెదుకుతూ ఉన్నారు. దానియేలు ఎలాంటి తప్పు, పొరపాటు చేయకుండా రాజ్య పరిపాలన విషయంలో నమ్మకంగా పనిచేస్తూ ఉండడంవల్ల అతనిలో ఎలాంటి దోషం కనిపెట్టలేకపోయారు.
Pea naʻe toki kumi ʻe he kau pule mo e houʻeiki ke nau ʻilo ha meʻa kia Taniela ʻi he puleʻanga; ka naʻe ʻikai te nau ʻilo ha meʻa pe ha kovi; he naʻa ne angatonu, pea naʻe ʻikai ke ʻilo ha kovi pe ha fai hala ʻiate ia.
Manke vaziraaşısiy ç'ak'ınbışis Daniyalne gardanaqa taxsir gixhxhes ıkkiykan. Daniyal qorkuna, yı'q' qizarasda, yugba iş haa'ana insan ıxha. Mang'vee paççahıs horbı ha'anbı deşdiy.
Bunun üzerine öbür bakanlarla satraplar Daniel'i ülke yönetimi konusunda suçlamak için fırsat kollamaya başladılar. Ancak ne suçlanacak bir yanını, ne de bir yanlışını buldular. Çünkü Daniel güvenilir biriydi. Kendisinde hiçbir eksiklik ya da yanlışlık bulamadılar.
Ɛyɛɛ saa maa mpanyimfo no ne ahenemma no hwehwɛɛ sɛ wobenya Daniel ho asɛm wɔ nʼamammui no fam, nanso wɔannya nʼadwumayɛ no ho mfomso biara, efisɛ ɔyɛ ɔnokwafo.
Ɛyɛɛ saa maa sohwɛfoɔ ne ahenemma no hwehwɛɛ sɛ wɔbɛnya Daniel ho asɛm wɔ nʼamammuo no fam, nanso wɔannya nʼadwumayɛ no ho mfomsoɔ biara, ɛfiri sɛ ɔyɛ nokwafoɔ.
Тоді найвищі урядники та сатра́пи стали шукати причини оска́ржити Даниїла в справі царства, але жодної причини чи ва́ди знайти не могли́, бо той був вірний, і жодна по́милка чи вада не була зна́йдена на нього.
तब उन वज़ीरों और नाज़िमों ने चाहा कि हाकिमदारी में दानीएल पर कु़सूर साबित करें, लेकिन वह कोई मौक़ा' या कु़सूर न पा सके, क्यूँकि वह ईमानदार था और उसमें कोई ख़ता या बुराई न थी।
شۇنىڭ بىلەن باشقا نازارەتچى ۋە ۋەزىرلەر ئۇنىڭ پادىشاھلىقتىكى مەمۇرىي ئىشلىرىدىن سەۋەنلىك ئىزدىدى. لېكىن ئۇلار ئەرز قىلغۇدەك ھېچقانداق باھانە-سەۋەب ياكى سەۋەنلىك تاپالمىدى. چۈنكى دانىيال دىيانەتلىك ۋە ئىشەنچلىك بولۇپ، ئۇنىڭدىن قىلچە كەمچىلىك ياكى سەۋەنلىك چىقىرالمىغانىدى.
Шуниң билән башқа назарәтчи вә вәзирләр униң падишалиқтики мәмурий ишлиридин сәһвәнлик издиди. Лекин улар әрз қилғидәк һеч қандақ банә-сәвәп яки сәһвәнлик тапалмиди. Чүнки Даниял диянәтлик вә ишәшлик болуп, униңдин қилчә кәмчилик яки сәһвәнлик чиқиралмиған еди.
Shuning bilen bashqa nazaretchi we wezirler uning padishahliqtiki memuriy ishliridin sewenlik izdidi. Lékin ular erz qilghudek héchqandaq bahane-seweb yaki sewenlik tapalmidi. Chünki Daniyal diyanetlik we ishenchlik bolup, uningdin qilche kemchilik yaki sewenlik chiqiralmighanidi.
Xuning bilǝn baxⱪa nazarǝtqi wǝ wǝzirlǝr uning padixaⱨliⱪtiki mǝmuriy ixliridin sǝwǝnlik izdidi. Lekin ular ǝrz ⱪilƣudǝk ⱨeqⱪandaⱪ baⱨanǝ-sǝwǝb yaki sǝwǝnlik tapalmidi. Qünki Daniyal diyanǝtlik wǝ ixǝnqlik bolup, uningdin ⱪilqǝ kǝmqilik yaki sǝwǝnlik qiⱪiralmiƣanidi.
Các quan thượng thơ và trấn thủ bèn tìm cớ kiện Đa-ni-ên về việc nước; nhưng họ không thể tìm được một cớ nào, hay một sự xấu nào của người, bởi người là trung thành, trong người chẳng có điều lỗi và cũng chẳng có sự xấu.
Các quan thượng thơ và trấn thủ bèn tìm cớ kiện Ða-ni-ên về việc nước; nhưng họ không thể tìm được một cớ nào, hay một sự xấu nào của người, bởi người là trung thành, trong người chẳng có điều lỗi và cũng chẳng có sự xấu.
Các quần thần và thượng thư cố tìm cách để tố cáo Đa-ni-ên về việc nước, nhưng không tìm thấy một lỗi lầm nào vì Đa-ni-ên liêm khiết và trung tín, không bao giờ phạm lỗi.
Nítorí èyí, gbogbo àwọn alákòóso àti àwọn baálẹ̀ ń gbèrò láti wá ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ kà sí Daniẹli lọ́rùn nínú ètò ìṣèjọba rẹ̀, ṣùgbọ́n wọn kò rí ẹ̀ṣẹ̀ kankan kà sí i lọ́rùn, wọn kò rí ìwà ìbàjẹ́ kankan tí ó ṣe, nítorí ó jẹ́ olóòtítọ́ kò sì ní ìwà ìjáfara.
Verse Count = 214

< Daniel 6:4 >