< 1-Samuel 9:23 >

Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’”
Pastaj Samueli i tha gjellëbërësit: “Sill pjesën që të dhashë dhe për të cilën të thashë: “Vëre mënjanë””.
وَقَالَ صَمُوئِيلُ لِلطَّبَّاخِ: «هَاتِ ٱلنَّصِيبَ ٱلَّذِي أَعْطَيْتُكَ إِيَّاهُ، ٱلَّذِي قُلْتُ لَكَ عَنْهُ ضَعْهُ عِنْدَكَ».
وَقَالَ لِلطَّبَّاخِ: «أَحْضِرْ قِطْعَةَ اللَّحْمِ الَّتِي أَعْطَيْتُكَ إِيَّاهَا وَطَلَبْتُ مِنْكَ أَنْ تَحْتَفِظَ بِها عِنْدَكَ».
চমূৱেলে ৰান্ধনীক ক’লে, “মই তোমাক যিখিনি ‘বেলেগে ৰাখিব দিছিলোঁ’ তোমাক দিয়া সেই ভাগটো লৈ আনা।’
Şamuel aşpaza dedi: «“Bir yana ayrı qoy” deyib sənə verdiyim payı bura gətir!»
Sa: miuele da ha: i manu gobesu dunuma amane sia: i, “Gebo hu a: i na dima hamega ligisiagama: ne iasi, amo gaguli misa.”
পরে শমূয়েল যে লোকটি রান্না করেছে তাকে বললেন, “যে মাংস আলাদা করে রাখবার জন্য তোমাকে দিয়েছিলাম সেটা নিয়ে এস।”
শমূয়েল রাঁধুনীকে বললেন, “মাংসের যে টুকরোটি আমি তোমায় সরিয়ে রাখতে বলেছিলাম, সেটি নিয়ে এসো।”
Тогава Самуил каза на готвача: Донеси дела, който ти дадох, за който ти рекох: Пази това при себе си.
Miingon si Samuel sa tigluto, “Dad-a ang bahin nga gihatag ko kanimo, nga akong gisulti kanimo, 'Ilahi kini.'”
Ug si Samuel miingon sa magluluto: Dad-a ang bahin nga akong gihatag kanimo, nga akong giingon kanimo: Ibutang kana tupad kanimo.
Tsono Samueli anati kwa wophika, “Bwera nayo nyama imene ndinakupatsa, imene ndinakuwuza kuti uyisunge pambali.”
Samuel mah buh thong kaminawk khaeah, Tapraek hanah, kang thuih ih, kai mah kang paek ih moi to, hae ah na sin ah, tiah a naa.
Te phoeiah Samuel loh imtawt taengah, “Nang taengah, 'Khueh dae,’ kan ti nah tih, “Namah kam paek maehvae te hang khuen,” a ti nah.
Te phoeiah Samuel loh imtawt taengah, “Nang taengah, ‘Khueh dae,’ kan ti nah tih, namah kam paek maehvae te hang khuen,” a ti nah.
Chuin Samuel in an-honpa jah’a, “Nahenga atumbeh in koijin tia kapeh sachan chu hin choitan,” ati.
Samuel ni bu kathawngkung koe nang koe aloukcalah hmoun e na poe e hno hah lat hottelah ati.
Zatim Samuel reče kuharu: “Donesi dio koji ti dadoh i za koji ti rekoh da ga staviš na stranu.”
I řekl Samuel kuchaři: Dej sem ten díl, kterýž jsem dal tobě, o kterémžť jsem řekl: Schovej jej obzvláštně.
I řekl Samuel kuchaři: Dej sem ten díl, kterýž jsem dal tobě, o kterémžť jsem řekl: Schovej jej obzvláštně.
og Samuel sagde til Kokken: "Ræk mig det Stykke, jeg gav dig og sagde, du skulde lægge til Side!"
Da sagde Samuel til Kokken: Giv hid det Stykke, som jeg gav dig, om hvilket jeg sagde til dig: Læg det hos dig.
og Samuel sagde til Kokken: »Ræk mig det Stykke, jeg gav dig og sagde, du skulde lægge til Side!«
Samuel ne onyiso jatedo niya, “Kel lemo mar ringʼo mane amiyi, mane anyisi ni iket tenge.”
Toen zeide Samuel tot den kok: Lang dat stuk, hetwelk Ik u gegeven heb, waarvan ik tot u zeide: Zet het bij u weg.
En tot den kok zei Samuël: Dien het gerecht op, dat ik u gegeven heb, en dat ik u verzocht, apart te houden.
Toen zeide Samuel tot den kok: Lang dat stuk, hetwelk Ik u gegeven heb, waarvan ik tot u zeide: Zet het bij u weg.
And Samuel said to the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said to thee, Set it by thee.
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’”
And Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Set it by thee.
And Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion I gave you and told you to set aside.”
And Samuel said to the cook, Give me that part which I gave you orders to keep by you.
And Samuel said to the cook, Give me the portion which I gave thee, which I told thee to set by thee.
And Samuel said to the cook, Give me the portion which I gave you, which I told you to set by you.
And Samuel said to the cook, “Present the portion that I gave to you, and which I instructed you to set apart beside you.”
And Samuel said to the cook, Bring the portion that I gave thee, of which I said to thee, Set it by thee.
And Samuel said to the cook: Bring the portion, which I gave thee, and commanded thee to set it apart by thee.
Samuel told the cook, “Bring the special piece of meat I gave you and told you to keep to one side.”
And Samuel saide vnto the cooke, Bring foorth the portion which I gaue thee, and whereof I said vnto thee, Keepe it with thee.
And Samuel said unto the cook: 'Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee: Set it by thee.'
And Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Set it by thee.
And Samuel said to the cook, Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, Set it by you.
And Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Set it by thee.
And Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Set it by thee.
And Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Set it by thee.
And Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said unto you, Set it by you.
And Samuel said to the cook, Give me the portion which I gave you, which I told you to set by you.
And Samuel said unto the cook, Hand here the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Put it away by thee.
And Samuel says to the cook, “Give the portion which I gave to you, of which I said to you, Set it by you.”
And Samuel said to the cook, "Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I told you to set aside."
And Samuel said to the cook, "Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I told you to set aside."
And Samuel said to the cook, "Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I told you to set aside."
And Samuel said to the cook, "Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I told you to set aside."
And Samuel said to the cook, "Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I told you to set aside."
And Samuel said to the cook, "Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I told you to set aside."
And Samuel said unto the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said unto thee, Set it by thee.
And Samuel said to the cook, Set on the portion that I gave thee, —of which I said unto thee, Put it by thee.
And he said Samuel to the cook give! the portion which I gave to you which I said to you put it with you.
and to say Samuel to/for guard to give: give [emph?] [obj] [the] portion which to give: give to/for you which to say to(wards) you to set: put [obj] her with you
Then Samuel told the cook, “Bring to me the special piece [of meat] that I told you to set aside.”
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave to you, of which I said to you, 'Put it aside.'”
And Samuel said to the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said to thee, Set it by thee.
And Samuel said to the cook, Bring the portion which I gave thee, of which I said to thee, Set it by thee.
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’”
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’”
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’”
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’”
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’”
Samuel said to the cook, “Bring the portion which I gave you, of which I said to you, ‘Set it aside.’”
And Samuel seide to the cook, Yyue thou the part, which Y yaf to thee, and comaundide, that thou schuldist kepe bi it silf anentis thee.
And Samuel saith to the cook, 'Give the portion which I gave to thee, of which I said unto thee, 'Set it by thee?'
Kaj Samuel diris al la kuiristo: Donu tiun porcion, kiun mi donis al vi kaj pri kiu mi diris al vi, ke vi retenu ĝin ĉe vi.
Samuel gblɔ na nuɖuɖudzikpɔla la be, “Tsɔ lãkɔ damitɔ si mede asi na wò be nadzra ɖo nam la vɛ nam.”
Ja Samuel sanoi keittäjälle: tuo tänne se kappale, jonka minä sinulle annoin ja käskin tykönäs pitää.
Ja Samuel sanoi keittäjälle: "Tuo tänne se kappale, jonka minä sinulle annoin ja josta minä sinulle sanoin: 'Pane se syrjään'".
Samuel dit au cuisinier: « Sers la portion que je t'ai remise et dont je t'ai dit: mets-la à part. »
Samuel dit au cuisinier: « Apporte la portion que je t'ai donnée et dont je t'ai dit: « Mets-la de côté ».
Et Samuel dit au cuisinier: Donne la portion que je t’ai donnée, dont je t’ai dit: Serre-la par-devers toi.
Et Samuel dit au cuisinier: Apporte la portion que je t'ai donnée, [et] de laquelle je t'ai dit de la serrer par devers toi.
Et il dit au cuisinier: Donne la portion, que je t’ai donnée, et que je t’ai commandé de mettre à part auprès de toi.
Samuel dit au cuisinier: Sers la portion que je t’ai donnée, en te disant: Mets-la à part.
Samuel dit au cuisinier: « Sers la portion que je t’ai remise et dont je t’ai dit: mets-la à part. »
Et Samuel dit au cuisinier: Donne la portion que je t'ai donnée, et que je t'ai dit de réserver.
Et Samuel dit au cuisinier: Donne le quartier que je t'ai remis, dont je t'ai dit: Réserve-le.
Et Samuel dit au cuisinier: Apporte-moi l'épaule que je t'ai donnée, et que je t'ai dit de garder chez toi.
Et Samuel dit au cuisinier: "Donne la portion que je t’avais remise, que je t’avais dit de garder par devers toi."
Und Samuel sagte zum Koch: "Gib das Stück her, das ich dir gegeben und wovon ich dir gesagt: 'Leg es beiseite!'"
Und Samuel sprach zu dem Koch: Gib das Stück her, das ich dir gegeben, von dem ich dir gesagt habe: Lege es bei dir zurück.
Und Samuel sprach zu dem Koch: Gib das Stück her, das ich dir gegeben, von dem ich dir gesagt habe: Lege es bei dir zurück.
Und Samuel gebot dem Koch: Gieb das Stück her, das ich dir übergeben habe, das, von dem ich dir sagte: Hebe es auf!
Und Samuel sprach zu dem Koch: Gib her das Stück, das ich dir gab und befahl, du solltest es bei dir behalten.
Und Samuel sprach zu dem Koch: Gib her das Stück, das ich dir gab und befahl, du solltest es bei dir behalten.
Hierauf sagte Samuel zu dem Koch: »Bringe das Stück her, das ich dir übergeben und von dem ich dir gesagt habe, du möchtest es beiseite legen.«
Und Samuel sprach zu dem Koch: Gib das Stück her, das ich dir gab, und von dem ich befahl, du solltest es beiseite legen!
Und zu dem Koch sprach Samuel: Gib her den Anteil, den ich dir gab, von dem ich zu dir sagte: Lege es hin bei dir.
Samũeli akĩĩra ũrĩa warugaga atĩrĩ, “Rehe gĩcunjĩ kĩa nyama kĩrĩa ngũnengerire, kĩrĩa ngwĩrire ũige handũ mwanya.”
Και είπεν ο Σαμουήλ προς τον μάγειρον, Φέρε το μερίδιον το οποίον σοι έδωκα, περί του οποίον σοι είπα, Φύλαττε τούτο πλησίον σου.
καὶ εἶπεν Σαμουηλ τῷ μαγείρῳ δός μοι τὴν μερίδα ἣν ἔδωκά σοι ἣν εἶπά σοι θεῖναι αὐτὴν παρὰ σοί
શમુએલે રસોઈયાને કહ્યું કે, “જે ભાગ મેં તને આપ્યો તે લાવ અને જે વિષે મેં તને કહ્યું હતું, ‘તે બાજુ પર મૂક.’
Epi Samyèl di chèf kizin lan: -Pote moso vyann mwen te ba ou mete apa pou mwen an.
Samuel te di chèf kwizin nan: “Mennen pòsyon ke m te di ou a, sila ke m te di ou a, Mete li akote.”
Sama’ila ya ce wa mai dahuwa, “Kawo naman da na ba ka, wannan da na ce ka ajiye dabam.”
Olelo aku la o Samuela i ke kahu ai, E lawe mai i kahi a'u i haawi aku ai ia oe, i ka mea a'u i olelo ai ia oe, E waiho ia me oe.
ויאמר שמואל לטבח תנה את המנה אשר נתתי לך--אשר אמרתי אליך שים אתה עמך
וַיֹּ֤אמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל֙ לַטַּבָּ֔ח תְּנָה֙ אֶת־הַמָּנָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר נָתַ֖תִּי לָ֑ךְ אֲשֶׁר֙ אָמַ֣רְתִּי אֵלֶ֔יךָ שִׂ֥ים אֹתָ֖הּ עִמָּֽךְ׃
וַיֹּ֤אמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל֙ לַטַּבָּ֔ח תְּנָה֙ אֶת־הַמָּנָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר נָתַ֖תִּי לָ֑ךְ אֲשֶׁר֙ אָמַ֣רְתִּי אֵלֶ֔יךָ שִׂ֥ים אֹתָ֖הּ עִמָּֽךְ׃
וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל לַטַּבָּח תְּנָה אֶת־הַמָּנָה אֲשֶׁר נָתַתִּי לָךְ אֲשֶׁר אָמַרְתִּי אֵלֶיךָ שִׂים אֹתָהּ עִמָּֽךְ׃
ויאמר שמואל לטבח תנה את המנה אשר נתתי לך אשר אמרתי אליך שים אתה עמך׃
וַיֹּאמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל לַטַּבָּח תְּנָה אֶת־הַמָּנָה אֲשֶׁר נָתַתִּי לָךְ אֲשֶׁר אָמַרְתִּי אֵלֶיךָ שִׂים אֹתָהּ עִמָּֽךְ׃
וַיֹּ֤אמֶר שְׁמוּאֵל֙ לַטַּבָּ֔ח תְּנָה֙ אֶת־הַמָּנָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֥ר נָתַ֖תִּי לָ֑ךְ אֲשֶׁר֙ אָמַ֣רְתִּי אֵלֶ֔יךָ שִׂ֥ים אֹתָ֖הּ עִמָּֽךְ׃
फिर शमूएल ने रसोइये से कहा, “जो टुकड़ा मैंने तुझे देकर, अपने पास रख छोड़ने को कहा था, उसे ले आ।”
और फिर शमुएल ने रसोइए को आदेश दिया, “व्यंजन का वह विशेष अंश, जिसे मैंने तुम्हें अलग रखने का आदेश दिया था, यहां ले आओ.”
És monda Sámuel a szakácsnak: Hozd elő azt a darabot, melyet odaadtam néked, és a melyről azt mondám, hogy tartsd magadnál.
És mondta Sámuel a szakácsnak: Add ide azt a részt, melyet adtam neked, melyről szóltam hozzád: tedd azt el magadnál.
Samuel gwara onyeisi ndị na-esi nri okwu sị, “Weta anụ ahụ m nyere gị, nke ahụ m sị gị ka ị debe iche.”
Kinuna ni Samuel iti kusinero, “Iyegmo ti paset nga intedko kenka, nga imbagak kenka, 'Ilasinmo daytoy.'”
Selanjutnya Samuel berkata kepada juru masak, "Hidangkanlah daging yang tadi kutitipkan kepadamu itu."
Berkatalah Samuel kepada juru masak: "Berikanlah sekarang bagian yang kuberikan kepadamu tadi, dengan pesan: Simpanlah ini dahulu."
Kata Samuel kepada juru masak, “Berikanlah kepadanya bagian daging terbaik yang saya minta kamu sisihkan untuk tamu terhormat.”
E Samuele disse al cuoco: Reca qua quella parte, la quale io ti diedi, della quale io ti dissi: Riponila appresso di te.
Quindi Samuele disse al cuoco: «Portami la porzione che ti avevo dato dicendoti: Conservala presso di te».
E Samuele disse al cuoco: “Porta qua la porzione che t’ho data, e della quale t’ho detto: Tienla in serbo presso di te”.
Hagi Samueli'a ne'zama negrea nera asamino, rure antese huo hu'nama kasami'noa afu ame'a erinka eme namio.
ಹೆಚ್ಚು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮೂವತ್ತು ಜನರಿದ್ದರು. ಸಮುಯೇಲನು ಅಡಿಗೆಯವನಿಗೆ, “ನಾನು ನಿನ್ನ ಕೈಯಲ್ಲಿ ಕೊಟ್ಟು ಇಡಬೇಕೆಂದು ಹೇಳಿದ ಪಾಲನ್ನು ತಂದಿಡು,” ಎಂದನು.
“ನಾನು ನಿನಗೆ ಹೇಳಿ ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕವಾಗಿ ಇಡಿಸಿದ್ದ ಮಾಂಸಭಾಗವನ್ನು ತಂದಿಡು” ಅಂದನು.
사무엘이 요리인에게 이르되 내가 네게 주며 네게 두라고 말한 그 부분을 가져오라
사무엘이 요리인에게 이르되 `내가 네게 주며 네게 두라고 말한 그 부분을 가져오라'
Samuel el fahk nu sin mwet orek mongo uh, “Use ipin ikwa se ma nga tuh sot nu sum ac fahk mu kom in srela ah.”
ساموئێل بە چێشتلێنەرەکەی گوت: «ئەو بەشە بهێنە کە پێم دایت و پێم گوتی، لەلای خۆت هەڵیبگرە.»
Dixitque Samuel coco: Da partem quam dedi tibi, et præcepi ut reponeres seorsum apud te.
Dixitque Samuel coco: Da partem, quam dedi tibi, et præcepi ut reponeres seorsum apud te.
Dixitque Samuel coco: Da partem, quam dedi tibi, et præcepi ut reponeres seorsum apud te.
Dixitque Samuel coco: Da partem quam dedi tibi, et præcepi ut reponeres seorsum apud te.
dixitque Samuhel coco da partem quam dedi tibi et praecepi ut reponeres seorsum apud te
Dixitque Samuel coco: Da partem, quam dedi tibi, et praecepi ut reponeres seorsum apud te.
Tad Samuēls sacīja uz to pavāru: dod šurp to gabalu, ko es tev devu, sacīdams: paglabā to pie sevis.
Samuele alobaki na moto oyo azalaki kolamba: « Yaka na ndambo ya biloko oyo nayebisaki yo ete otia yango pembeni. »
Samwiri n’agamba omufumbi nti, “Leeta ekifi ky’ennyama, kye nakuteresezza, kye nakugambye oteeke wabbali.”
Ary hoy Samoela tamin’ ny mpanao nahandro: Ento ilay anjara nomeko anao, izay efa nolazaiko taminao hoe. Tehirizo ity.
Le hoe t’i Samoele amy mpanokoñey, Azotsò i fate-kena natoloko azoy, i nataoko ty hoe: Apoho añ’ila’o.
ശമൂവേൽ പാചകക്കാരനോട്: “നിന്റെ അടുക്കൽ പ്രത്യേകം മാറ്റിവയ്ക്കാൻ പറഞ്ഞിരുന്ന ഭാഗം കൊണ്ടുവരുക” എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
ശമൂവേൽ വെപ്പുകാരനോടു: നിന്റെ പക്കൽ വെച്ചുകൊൾക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു ഞാൻ തന്നിട്ടുള്ള ഓഹരി കൊണ്ടുവരിക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
ശമൂവേൽ വെപ്പുകാരനോടു: നിന്റെ പക്കൽ വെച്ചുകൊൾക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു ഞാൻ തന്നിട്ടുള്ള ഓഹരി കൊണ്ടുവരിക എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
ശമുവേൽ പാചകക്കാരനോട്, “പ്രത്യേകം മാറ്റിവെക്കാനായി ഞാൻ പറഞ്ഞേൽപ്പിച്ചിരുന്ന ഓഹരി കൊണ്ടുവരിക” എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
तेव्हा शमुवेल आचाऱ्याला म्हणाला, “जो वाटा मी तुला दिला होता व ज्याविषयी मी तुला म्हटले होते की, हा तू आपल्याजवळ वेगळा ठेव, तो आण.”
ရှ​မွေ​လ​က​စား​တော်​ကဲ​အား``သင့်​အား​သီး သန့်​ထား​ရှိ​ရန် ငါ​မှာ​ကြား​ထား​သည့်​အ​မဲ သား​တုံး​ကို​ယူ​ခဲ့​လော့'' ဟု​ဆို​၏။-
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ပွဲသူကြီး ကို လည်းခေါ်ပြီးလျှင်၊ သင် ၌ ငါအပ် ပေး၍ အခြားစီထား စေခြင်းငှါ ၊ ငါမှာ ခဲ့သော အဘို့ ကို ယူ ခဲ့တော့ဟု ဆို သည်အတိုင်း၊
Na ka mea a Hamuera ki te tuari, Homai te wahi i hoatu e ahau ki a koe, tera i kiia atu ra e ahau ki a koe, Kia takoto tena ki a koe.
USamuyeli wasesithi kumpheki wakhe, “Letha iqatha lenyama engikuphe lona, leliyana engithe uligcine.”
USamuweli wasesithi kumpheki: Letha isabelo engikunike sona, engithe kuwe ngaso: Sibeke ngakuwe.
शमूएलले भान्सेलाई भने, “'अलग्गै राख' भनी मैले तिमीलाई भनेको भाग ल्‍याऊ ।”
Og Samuel sa til den mann som kokte maten: Kom hit med det stykke jeg gav dig og sa du skulde gjemme!
Og Samuel sagde til kokken: «Kom hit med det stykket eg gav deg og bad deg gøyma vel!»
ଏଉତ୍ତାରେ ଶାମୁୟେଲ ପାଚକକୁ କହିଲେ, “ମୁଁ ତୁମ୍ଭକୁ ଯେଉଁ ଅଂଶ ଦେଇ ଆପଣା ନିକଟରେ ରଖିଥାଅ ବୋଲି କହିଥିଲି, ତାହା ଆଣ।”
Saamuʼeel namicha nyaata qopheessuun, “Gumaa foonii isa ani kophaa kaaʼi siin jedhe sana fidi” jedhe.
ਸਮੂਏਲ ਨੇ ਲਾਂਗਰੀ ਨੂੰ ਆਖਿਆ, ਉਹ ਟੁੱਕੜਾ ਜੋ ਮੈਂ ਤੈਨੂੰ ਆਖਿਆ ਸੀ, ਰੱਖ ਛੱਡੀਂ, ਉਸ ਨੂੰ ਲੈ ਆ।
و سموئیل به طباخ گفت: «قسمتی را که به تودادم و درباره‌اش به تو گفتم که پیش خودنگاهدار، بیاور.»
آنگاه سموئیل به آشپز گفت: «آن قسمت از گوشتی را که به تو گفتم نزد خود نگاه داری، بیاور.»
I rzekł Samuel kucharzowi: Daj sam tę cząstkę, którąm ci dał, i o którejm ci rzekł: Schowaj ją u siebie,
Wtedy Samuel powiedział do kucharza: Podaj tę część, którą ci dałem i o której ci mówiłem: Zatrzymaj ją u siebie;
E disse Samuel ao cozinheiro: Traze aqui a porção que te dei, a qual te disse que guardasses à parte.
Então disse Samuel ao cozinheiro: Dá cá a porção que te dei, de que te disse: Pôe-n'a á parte comtigo.
Então disse Samuel ao cozinheiro: Dá cá a porção que te dei, de que te disse: põe-na à parte contigo.
Samuel disse ao cozinheiro: “Traga a porção que eu lhe dei, da qual eu lhe disse: 'Ponha-a de lado'”.
Самуел а зис букэтарулуй: „Аду порция пе каре ць-ам дат-о кынд ць-ам зис: ‘Пуне-о деопарте.’”
Și Samuel a spus bucătarului: Adu porția pe care ți-am dat-o, despre care ți-am spus: Pune-o lângă tine.
И сказал Самуил повару: подай ту часть, которую я дал тебе и о которой я сказал тебе: “отложи ее у себя”.
И Самуило рече кувару: Донеси део који ти дадох и за који ти рекох: Остави га код себе.
I Samuilo reèe kuharu: donesi dio koji ti dadoh i za koji ti rekoh: ostavi ga kod sebe.
Samueri akati kumubiki, “Uya nechidimbu chenyama chandakakupa, chiya chandakuudza kuti uise parutivi.”
И рече Самуил повару: даждь ми часть, юже дах ти, и о нейже рех ти положити ю у себе.
Samuel je rekel kuharju: »Prinesi delež, ki sem ti ga dal, od katerega sem ti rekel: ›Postavi to poleg sebe.‹«
Markaasaa Samuu'eel wuxuu cuntokariyihii ku yidhi, Qaybtii aan kuu dhiibay ee aan kugu idhi, Adigu ii hay, bal la kaalay.
Y dijo Samuel al cocinero: Trae acá la porción que te di, la cual te dije que guardases aparte.
Entonces Samuel le dijo al cocinero: “Trae el trozo de carne especial que te di y que te dije que reservaras”.
Samuel dijo al cocinero: “Trae la porción que te di, de la que te dije: “Apártala””.
Samuel dijo al cocinero: Trae la porción que te di, de la cual te dije: Ponla aparte.
Y dijo Samuel al cocinero: “Dame la porción que te di, de la cual te dije: Guárdala contigo.”
Y dijo Samuel al cocinero: Da acá la porción que te dí, la cual te dije que guardases aparte.
Y dijo Samuel al cocinero: Trae acá la porción que te dí, la cual te dije que guardases aparte.
Entonces Samuel dijo al cocinero: Dame la porción que te di para que apartaras.
Samweli akamwambia mpishi, “Lete sehemu niliyokupatia, sehemu ambayo nilikwambia hivi, “Itenge.”'
Samweli akamwambia mpishi, “Leta ile sehemu ya nyama niliyokupa, ile niliyokuambia iweke kando.”
Och Samuel sade till kocken: "Giv hit det stycke som jag gav dig, och som jag sade att du skulle förvara hos dig."
Och Samuel sade till kocken: Få hit det stycket, som jag fick dig, och befallde att du skulle behålla det när dig.
Och Samuel sade till kocken: »Giv hit det stycke som jag gav dig, och som jag sade att du skulle förvara hos dig.»
At sinabi ni Samuel sa tagapagluto, Dalhin mo rito ang bahagi na ibinigay ko sa iyo, na siyang aking sinabi sa iyo, Ilagay mo ito sa iyo.
Sinabi ni Samuel sa tagapagluto, “Dalhin mo ang bahaging ibinigay ko sa iyo, kung alin sinabi sa iyong, 'Itabi mo ito.'”
பின்பு சாமுவேல் சமையற்காரனைப் பார்த்து: நான் உன்னுடைய கையிலே ஒரு பங்கைக் கொடுத்துவைத்தேனே, அதைக் கொண்டுவந்து வை என்றான்.
மேலும் சாமுயேல் சமையற்காரனிடம், “வேறாக எடுத்து வைக்கும்படி சொல்லி நான் உன்னிடம் கொடுத்த அந்த இறைச்சித் துண்டைக் கொண்டுவா” என்றான்.
వంటవాణ్ణి చూసి “నేను ఉంచమని చెప్పి నీ చేతికి ఇచ్చిన దాన్ని తీసుకురా” అని చెప్పినప్పుడు,
Pea naʻe pehē ʻe Samuela ki he ngaohi kai, “ʻOmi ʻae tufakanga naʻaku ʻatu kiate koe, ʻaia naʻaku lea ki ai kiate koe, Tuku pe ia ʻo tauhi.”
Şamuelee otxhuniy ha'ang'uk'le eyhen: – Zı vasqa curayda gixhxheva quvuyn çuru qale!
Sonra aşçıya, “Sana verdiğim ve bir kenara ayırmanı söylediğim payı getir” dedi.
Samuel ka kyerɛɛ osoodoni no se, “Fa nam sin a mede maa wo no bra, nea wɔde asie ama nea wɔrehyɛ no anuonyam no.”
Samuel ka kyerɛɛ osoodoni no sɛ, “Fa ɛnam sini a mede maa wo no bra, deɛ wɔde asie ama deɛ wɔrehyɛ no animuonyam no.”
І сказав Самуїл до ку́харя: „Дай же ту ча́стку, що дав я тобі, що про неї я сказав тобі: Відклади її в себе!“
और समुएल ने बावर्ची से कहा “कि वह टुकड़ा जो मैंने तुझे दिया, जिसके बारे में तुझ से कहा, था कि उसे अपने पास रख छोड़ना, लेआ।”
سامۇئىل ئاشپەزگە: ــ مەن ساقلاپ قويغىن دەپ، ساڭا تاپشۇرغان ھېلىقى تائامنى ئېلىپ كەلگىن، دېدى.
Самуил ашпәзгә: — Мән сақлап қойғин дәп, саңа тапшурған һелиқи таамни елип кәлгин, деди.
Samuil ashpezge: — Men saqlap qoyghin dep, sanga tapshurghan héliqi taamni élip kelgin, dédi.
Samuil axpǝzgǝ: — Mǝn saⱪlap ⱪoyƣin dǝp, sanga tapxurƣan ⱨeliⱪi taamni elip kǝlgin, dedi.
Bấy giờ, Sa-mu-ên nói cùng đầu bếp rằng: Hãy bưng phần ta đã trao cho ngươi, và ta đã dặn để riêng ra.
Bấy giờ, Sa-mu-ên nói cùng đầu bếp rằng: Hãy bưng phần ta đã trao cho ngươi, và ta đã dặn để riêng ra.
Sa-mu-ên bảo người đầu bếp: “Dọn ra đây phần tôi đã đưa và dặn anh để riêng.”
Samuẹli sọ fún alásè pé, “Mú ìpín ẹran tí mo fún ọ wá, èyí tí mo sọ fún ọ pé kí o yà sọ́tọ̀.”
Verse Count = 212

< 1-Samuel 9:23 >