< 1-Samuel 9:20 >

As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them, for they have been found. For whom does all Israel desire? Is it not you and all your father’s house?”
Përsa u përket gomarëve të tu që të kanë humbur tri ditë më parë, mos u mërzit se i kanë gjetur. E kujt i drejtohet gjithë dëshira e Izraelit, veçse ty dhe tërë shtëpisë së atit tënd?”.
وَأَمَّا ٱلْأُتُنُ ٱلضَّالَّةُ لَكَ مُنْذُ ثَلَاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ فَلَا تَضَعْ قَلْبَكَ عَلَيْهَا لِأَنَّهَا قَدْ وُجِدَتْ. وَلِمَنْ كُلُّ شَهِيِّ إِسْرَائِيلَ؟ أَلَيْسَ لَكَ وَلِكُلِّ بَيْتِ أَبِيكَ؟»
أَمَّا الْحَمِيرُ الَّتِي ضَلَّتْ مُنْذُ ثَلاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ فَلا تَقْلَقْ بِشَأْنِهَا، لأَنَّهُ قَدْ تَمَّ الْعُثُورُ عَلَيْهَا. أَلَيْسَ كُلُّ نَفِيسٍ فِي إِسْرَائِيلَ، هُوَ لَكَ وَلِكُلِّ بَيْتِ أَبِيكَ؟»
আজি তিন দিন পূৰ্বে, তোমাৰ যি গাধবোৰ হেৰাইছিল, সেইবোৰৰ কাৰণে চিন্তা নকৰিবা; কিয়নো সেইবোৰ পোৱা যাব আৰু যাৰ কাৰণে ইস্ৰায়েলৰ সকলো ইচ্ছা জড়িত হৈ আছে; সেয়ে জানো তোমাৰ আৰু তোমাৰ সমূদায় পিতৃ-বংশৰ নহয়?”
Üç gün əvvəl itən eşşəklərinə gəlincə, onların fikrini çəkmə, artıq tapılıblar. Bütün İsrail nəyin həsrətindədir? Bu sənə və ata nəslinə aid deyilmi?»
Be dougi eso udianaga yolei galu, amo da mae dawa: ma, amo da ba: i dagoi. Be Isala: ili dunu ilia hanai bagadedafa amo da adila: ? Amo da di. Di amola dia ada ea sosogo fi.”
আজ তিন দিন হল, তোমার যে গাধীগুলো হারিয়ে গেছে, তাদের জন্য চিন্তা কোরো না; সেগুলো পাওয়া গেছে। আর ইস্রায়েল দেশের মধ্যে সমস্ত ভাল ভাল জিনিস কার জন্য? সে সমস্ত কি তোমার আর তোমার বাবার বংশের লোকদের নয়?”
তিন দিন আগে তোমাদের যে গাধিগুলি হারিয়ে গিয়েছিল, সেগুলির সম্বন্ধে দুশ্চিন্তা কোরো না; সেগুলির খোঁজ পাওয়া গিয়েছে। আর ইস্রায়েলের সব বাসনা কার দিকে ঘুরে গিয়েছে, সে কি তোমার ও তোমার সব পরিবার-পরিজনের দিকে নয়?”
А колкото за ослиците ти, които се изгубиха преди три дена, нямай грижа за тях, защото се намериха. И към кого е всичкото желание на Израиля? не е ли към тебе и към целия дом на баща ти?
Mahitungod sa imong mga asno nga nangawala tulo na kaadlaw, ayaw na kabalaka alang kanila, kay nahikaplagan na sila. Ug alang kang kinsa ba ang tanang mga tinguha sa Israel? Dili ba kini alang man kanimo ug sa tibuok panimalay sa imong amahan?”
Ug mahitungod sa imong mga asno nga nangawala sa may totolo na karon ka adlaw nga nangagi, ayaw pag-ibutang ang imong hunahuna niana; kay sila hingkaplagan na. Ug alang kang kinsa ba ang tanan nga pagatinguhaon sa Israel? Dili ba kana alang kanimo, ug sa tibook nga balay sa imong amahan?
Musadere nkhawa za abulu anu amene akhala akusowa masiku atatu apitawa, poti apezeka kale. Kodi Aisraeli onse akufunitsitsa ndani? Kodi si ndiwe ndi nyumba yonse ya abambo ako?”
Kalaem tangcae ni thumto naah, anghmaa laa hrang pongah, mawnhaih palung tawn hmah; hrang to hnuk o let boeh. Israel kaminawk mah mi maw koeh o? Nang hoi nam pa imthung takoh boih nuiah na ai maw koehhaih palung a suek o? tiah a naa.
Laak rhoek te khaw namah taeng lamkah loh khohnin hnin thum hma coeng dae na hmuh la om coeng dongah te na lungbuei ah mawn sak boeh. Israel pum kah a sahnaih te ulae? Nang taeng neh na capa imkhui boeih taengah moenih a?,” a ti nah.
Laak rhoek te khaw namah taeng lamkah loh khohnin hnin thum hma coeng dae na hmuh la om coeng dongah te na lungbuei ah mawn sak boeh. Israel pum kah a sahnaih te ulae? Nang taeng neh na capa imkhui boeih taengah moenih a?” a ti nah.
Chule nithum masang’a sanganho avah mang hojeh chun lung kham hih in, hiho chu akimusa ahitai, nagelkhoh le nahetdia kaseipeh nom chu ahile nang le na insung mite hi Israel pumpin angeh’uva avet jing u chu nahi,” ati.
Hnin thum touh kaloum tangcoung e nange na kong hah teh mueng pouk hanh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, a hmu awh toe. Isarelnaw han lentoenae teh api hane nama. Na pa hoi na pa im kaawm e pueng hane nahoehmaw telah atipouh.
至於三天以前你所失的母驢,不必擔心,都已找著了。此外,以色列所有的至寶是誰的呢﹖豈不是你和你父親全家的嗎! 」
A za magarice koje su ti se izgubile prije tri dana ne uznemiruj se jer su se našle. Uostalom, kome pripada sve što je najdragocjenije u Izraelu? Zar ne tebi i svemu domu tvoga oca?”
O oslice pak, kteréžť se ztratily dnes třetí den, nic se nestarej, nebo nalezeny jsou. Ale na koho žádost všeho Izraele? Zdali ne na tebe a na všecken dům otce tvého?
O oslice pak, kteréžť se ztratily dnes třetí den, nic se nestarej, nebo nalezeny jsou. Ale na koho žádost všeho Izraele? Zdali ne na tebe a na všecken dům otce tvého?
for Æslerne, som for tre Dage siden blev borte for dig, skal du ikke ængste dig; de et fundet. Men til hvem står alt Israels Begær uden til dig og hele dit Fædrenehus?"
Og de Aseninder, som bleve borte for dig i Dag for tre Dage siden, dem skal du ikke lægge dig paa Hjerte, thi de ere fundne; og til hvem er al Israels Længsel? mon ikke til dig og din Faders ganske Hus?
for Æslerne, som for tre Dage siden blev borte for dig, skal du ikke ængste dig; de et fundet. Men til hvem staar alt Israels Begær uden til dig og hele dit Fædrenehus?«
Kor ka wach punde mane olal ndalo adek mokadho to owe chandi nimar oseyudgi. Koso en ngʼa ma chuny jo-Israel duto dwaro ka ok en in gi od wuonu?”
Want de ezelinnen aangaande, die gij heden den derden dag verloren hebt, zet uw hart daarop niet, want zij zijn gevonden; en wiens zal zijn al het gewenste, dat in Israel is? Is het niet van u, en van het ganse huis uws vaders?
Wat die ezelinnen betreft, die ge nu sinds drie dagen mist, heb daar geen zorg over; want ze zijn teruggevonden. Maar aan wien zal ten deel vallen, wat heel Israël zich wenst? Aan wien anders dan aan u en aan uw gehele familie?
Want de ezelinnen aangaande, die gij heden den derden dag verloren hebt, zet uw hart daarop niet, want zij zijn gevonden; en wiens zal zijn al het gewenste, dat in Israel is? Is het niet van u, en van het ganse huis uws vaders?
And as for thy donkeys that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them, for they are found. And for whom is all that is desirable in Israel? Is it not for thee, and for all thy father's house?
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them, for they have been found. For whom does all Israel desire? Is it not you and all your father’s house?”
And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And for whom is all that is desirable in Israel? Is it not for thee, and for all thy father’s house?
As for the donkeys you lost three days ago, do not worry about them, for they have been found. And upon whom is all the desire of Israel, if not upon you and all your father’s house?”
As for your asses which have been wandering for three days, give no thought to them, for they have come back. And for whom are all the desired things in Israel? are they not for you and your father's family?
And concerning thine asses that have been lost now these three days, care not for them, for they are found. And to whom does the excellency of Israel belong? does it not to thee and to thy father's house?
And concerning your asses that have been lost now these three days, care not for them, for they are found. And to whom does the excellency of Israel belong? does it not to you and to your father's house?
And concerning the donkeys, which were lost the day before yesterday, you should not be anxious, for they have been found. And all the best things of Israel, for whom should they be? Will they not be for you and for all your father’s house?”
And as for the asses that thou didst lose three days ago, set not thy heart on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel [set]? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father's house?
And as for the asses, which were lost three days ago, be not solicitous, because they are found. And for whom shall be all the best things of Israel? Shall they not be for thee and for all thy father’s house?
About the donkeys you lost three days ago—don't worry about them because they've been found. But now—doesn't the hope of all of Israel rest on you and your family line?”
And as for thine asses that were lost three dayes ago, care not for them: for they are founde. and on whom is set all the desire of Israel? is it not vpon thee and on all thy fathers house?
And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father's house?'
And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom [is] all the desire of Israel? [Is it] not on thee, and on all thy father’s house?
And as for your asses that were lost three days ago, set not your mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on you, and on all your father’s house?
And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father’s house?
And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father's house?
And as for thine donkeys that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father’s house?
And as for your asses that were lost three days ago, set not your mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on you, and on all your father's house?
And concerning your asses that have been lost now these three days, care not for them, for they are found. And to whom does the excellency of Israel belong? does it not to you and to your father's house?
And as for thy asses that were lost unto thee this day three days ago, do not set thy heart on them; for they have been found. And to whom belongeth all that is desirable in Israel? Is it not to thee, and to all thy father's house?
And as for the donkeys which are lost from you [for] three days as of today, do not set your heart to them, for they have been found; and to whom [is] all the desire of Israel? Is it not to you and to all your father’s house?”
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them; for they have been found. And for whom does all Israel desire? Is it not for you, and for the house of your father?"
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them; for they have been found. And for whom does all Israel desire? Is it not for you, and for the house of your father?"
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them; for they have been found. And for whom does all Israel desire? Is it not for you, and for the house of your father?"
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them; for they have been found. And for whom does all Israel desire? Is it not for you, and for the house of your father?"
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them; for they have been found. And for whom does all Israel desire? Is it not for you, and for the house of your father?"
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, do not set your mind on them; for they have been found. And for whom does all Israel desire? Is it not for you, and for the house of your father?"
And as for thine asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And for whom is all that is desirable in Israel? Is it not for thee, and for all thy father’s house?
And, as for the asses that went astray from thee three days ago, do not regard them, for they are found, —but to whom belongeth all that is desirable in Israel? is it not to thee, and to all the house of thy father?
And to the she-asses which were lost of you this day [the] three the days may not you set heart your to them for they have been found and [belongs] to whom? every desirable thing of Israel ¿ not to you and to all [the] house of father your.
and to/for she-ass [the] to perish to/for you [the] day three [the] day not to set: make [obj] heart your to/for them for to find and to/for who? all desire Israel not to/for you and to/for all house: household father your
Also, do not worry any more about those donkeys that wandered away three days ago. (Someone has found them/They have been found). But [what you need to know is that] it is you and your family that all the Israeli people are wanting!” [RHQ]
As for your donkeys that were lost three days ago, do not worry about them, for they have been found. Then on whom are all the desires of Israel set? Is it not on you and all your father's house?”
And as for thy asses that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom [is] all the desire of Israel? [Is it] not on thee, and on all thy father's house?
And as for thy donkeys that were lost three days ago, set not thy mind on them; for they are found. And on whom is all the desire of Israel? Is it not on thee, and on all thy father’s house?
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, don’t set your mind on them, for they have been found. For whom does all Israel desire? Is it not you and all your father’s house?”
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, don’t set your mind on them, for they have been found. For whom does all Israel desire? Is it not you and all your father’s house?”
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, don’t set your mind on them, for they have been found. For whom does all Israel desire? Is it not you and all your father’s house?”
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, don’t set your mind on them, for they have been found. For whom does all Israel desire? Is it not you and all your father’s house?”
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, don’t set your mind on them, for they have been found. For whom does all Israel desire? Is it not you and all your father’s house?”
As for your donkeys who were lost three days ago, don’t set your mind on them, for they have been found. For whom does all Israel desire? Is it not you and all your father’s house?”
And be thou not bisy of the femal assis, whiche thou lostist the thridde dai agoon, for tho ben foundun; and whose schulen be alle the beste thingis of Israel, whether not to thee, and to al the hows of thi fader?
As to the asses which are lost to thee this day three days, set not thy heart to them, for they have been found; and to whom [is] all the desire of Israel?' is it not to thee and to all thy father's house?'
Kaj pri la azeninoj, kiuj perdiĝis ĉe vi antaŭ tri tagoj, ne zorgu, ĉar ili estas trovitaj. Kaj al kiu apartenos ĉio plej bona en Izrael? ĉu ne al vi kaj al la tuta domo de via patro?
Mègatsi dzi le tedzi siwo bu ŋkeke etɔ̃e nye esi la ŋu kura o elabena wokpɔ wo xoxo. Ke Israel ƒe kesinɔnuwo katã zu tɔwò azɔ!”
Ja aasintammoja, jotka ovat olleet sinulta kolme päivää poissa, älä silleen murehdi, sillä ne ovat löydetyt: ja kenen kaikki himoittava Israelissa pitää oleman? Eikö ne sinulle tule ja kaikelle isäs huoneelle?
Äläkä enää ole huolissasi aasintammoista, jotka ovat olleet sinulta kateissa kolme päivää, sillä ne ovat löytyneet. Ja kenen on kaikki, mitä kallisarvoisinta Israelissa on, jollei sinun ja kaiken sinun isäsi perheen?"
Quant aux ânesses que tu as perdues il y a trois jours, ne t'en inquiète pas, car elles sont retrouvées. Et à qui sera tout ce qu'il y a de précieux en Israël? N'est-ce pas à toi et à toute la maison de ton père? »
Quant à tes ânes qui se sont perdus il y a trois jours, ne t'y attarde pas, car ils ont été retrouvés. A qui tout Israël pense-t-il? N'est-ce pas toi et toute la maison de ton père? »
Et quant aux ânesses que tu as perdues, il y a aujourd’hui trois jours, n’en sois pas en peine, car elles sont trouvées. Et vers qui est [tourné] tout le désir d’Israël? N’est-ce pas vers toi et vers toute la maison de ton père?
Car quant aux ânesses que tu as perdues il y a aujourd'hui trois jours, ne t'en mets point en peine, parce qu'elles ont été trouvées. Et vers qui [tend] tout le désir d'Israël? n'est ce point vers toi, et vers toute la maison de ton père?
Et quant aux ânesses que tu as perdues, il y a trois jours, ne sois pas inquiet, parce qu’elles sont retrouvées. Et à qui seront toutes les meilleures choses d’Israël? N’est-ce pas à toi et à toute la maison de ton père?
Ne t’inquiète pas des ânesses que tu as perdues il y a trois jours, car elles sont retrouvées. Et pour qui est réservé tout ce qu’il y a de précieux en Israël? N’est-ce pas pour toi et pour toute la maison de ton père?
Quant aux ânesses que tu as perdues il y a trois jours, ne t’en inquiète pas, car elles sont retrouvées. Et à qui sera tout ce qu’il y a de précieux en Israël? N’est-ce pas à toi et à toute la maison de ton père? »
Mais quant aux ânesses que tu as perdues, il y a aujourd'hui trois jours, ne t'en mets point en peine, parce qu'elles ont été retrouvées. Et vers qui tend tout le désir d'Israël? N'est-ce point vers toi, et vers toute la maison de ton père?
Et quant aux ânesses perdues pour toi depuis trois jours, ne t'en inquiètes pas, car elles sont retrouvées. Et à qui sera tout ce qu'Israël a de cher, sinon à toi et à toute la maison de ton père?
Ne songe plus aux ânesses qui étaient perdues il y a trois jours; elles sont retrouvées. Et à qui donc seront les choses précieuses d'Israël, si ce n'est à toi et à la maison de ton père?
Quant aux ânesses que tu as perdues il y a trois jours, ne t’en mets point en peine, elles sont retrouvées. Et à qui est réservé tout ce qu’il y a de précieux en Israël, si ce n’est à toi et à toute ta famille?"
Um die Eselinnen, die dir heute vor drei Tagen verloren gingen, sorge dich nicht! Sie haben sich gefunden. Wem aber kommt zu, was Gesamtisrael wünscht? Nicht dir und deinem ganzen Vaterhause?"
Und was die Eselinnen betrifft, die dir heute vor drei Tagen irregegangen sind, richte nicht dein Herz auf sie, denn sie sind gefunden. Und nach wem steht alles Begehren Israels? Nicht nach dir und nach dem ganzen Hause deines Vaters? [O. Wem wird alles Begehrenswerte Israels gehören? nicht dir usw.]
Und was die Eselinnen betrifft, die dir heute vor drei Tagen irregegangen sind, richte nicht dein Herz auf sie, denn sie sind gefunden. Und nach wem steht alles Begehren Israels? Nicht nach dir und nach dem ganzen Hause deines Vaters?
Was aber die Eselinnen betrifft, die dir heute vor drei Tagen abhanden kamen, so sorge dich nicht um sie: sie haben sich gefunden. Wem aber gehört alles, was Wert hat in Israel? Nicht dir und deines Vaters ganzer Familie?
Und um die Eselinnen, die du vor dreien Tagen verloren hast, bekümmere dich jetzt nicht; sie sind gefunden. Und wes wird sein alles, was das Beste ist in Israel? Wird's nicht dein und deines Vaters ganzen Hauses sein?
Und um die Eselinnen, die du vor drei Tagen verloren hast, bekümmere dich jetzt nicht: sie sind gefunden. Und wes wird sein alles, was das Beste ist in Israel? Wird's nicht dein und deines Vaters ganzen Hauses sein?
Um die Eselinnen aber, die dir heute vor drei Tagen abhanden gekommen sind, brauchst du dir keine Gedanken zu machen; denn sie haben sich wiedergefunden. Und wem gehört alles, was es Wertvolles in Israel gibt? Doch wohl dir und deines Vaters ganzem Hause?«
Um die Eselinnen aber, die dir vor drei Tagen verlorengegangen sind, bekümmere dich nicht; denn sie sind gefunden! Und wem gehört alles Wünschenswerte in Israel? Nicht dir und deines Vaters ganzem Haus?
Und anlangend die Eselinnen, die du verloren vor heute drei Tagen, so nimm dir es nicht zu Herzen ihretwegen, denn sie sind gefunden; und wem gehört all das Begehrenswerte Israels, ist es nicht dein des ganzen Hauses deines Vaters?
Ha ũhoro wa ndigiri iria wateire mĩthenya ĩtatũ mĩhĩtũku-rĩ, ndũkamake nĩ ũndũ wacio; nĩirĩkĩtie kuoneka. Na nĩ kũrĩ ũ wendi wothe wa Isiraeli werekeirio, angĩkorwo ti kũrĩ wee na nyũmba ya thoguo yothe?”
περί δε των όνων, τας οποίας έχασας ήδη τρεις ημέρας, μη φρόντιζε περί αυτών, διότι ευρέθησαν· και προς τίνα είναι πάσα η επιθυμία του Ισραήλ; δεν είναι προς σε, και προς πάντα τον οίκον του πατρός σου;
καὶ περὶ τῶν ὄνων σου τῶν ἀπολωλυιῶν σήμερον τριταίων μὴ θῇς τὴν καρδίαν σου αὐταῖς ὅτι εὕρηνται καὶ τίνι τὰ ὡραῖα τοῦ Ισραηλ οὐ σοὶ καὶ τῷ οἴκῳ τοῦ πατρός σου
વળી તારાં ગધેડાં જે ત્રણ દિવસ પહેલાં ખોવાઈ ગયાં હતાં, તેની ચિંતા કરીશ નહિ, કેમ કે તે મળ્યાં છે. અને ઇઝરાયલની સઘળી આશા કોના પર છે? શું તે તારા પર અને તારા પિતાના ઘરના સર્વ પર નથી?”
Kanta manman bourik ou te pèdi depi twa jou yo, ou pa bezwen bat kò ou, paske yo jwenn yo deja. Men, ki moun pèp Izrayèl la ap chache li menm? Se pa ou menm ak tout fanmi papa ou yo?
Pou afè bourik ou yo ki te pèdi twa jou pase yo, pa okipe yo, paske yo gen tan twouve. Epi se kilès ke tout Israël pito? Èske se pa ou ak pou tout lakay papa ou?”
Game da jakunan da suka ɓace kwana uku kuwa, kada ka damu, an same su. Ga wane ne Isra’ila ta sa dukan zuciya, in ba ga kai da kuma dukan iyalin mahaifinka ba?”
A no kau mau hoki i nalowale i na la ekolu ae nei, mai manao oe ia lakou, no ka mea, ua loaa lakou. Maluna owai anei ka makemake a pau o ka Iseraela? Aole anei maluna ou, a me ko ka hale a pau o kou makuakane?
ולאתנות האבדות לך היום שלשת הימים--אל תשם את לבך להם כי נמצאו ולמי כל חמדת ישראל--הלוא לך ולכל בית אביך
וְלָאֲתֹנֹ֞ות הָאֹבְדֹ֣ות לְךָ֗ הַיֹּום֙ שְׁלֹ֣שֶׁת הַיָּמִ֔ים אַל־תָּ֧שֶׂם אֶֽת־לִבְּךָ֛ לָהֶ֖ם כִּ֣י נִמְצָ֑אוּ וּלְמִי֙ כָּל־חֶמְדַּ֣ת יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל הֲלֹ֣וא לְךָ֔ וּלְכֹ֖ל בֵּ֥ית אָבִֽיךָ׃ ס
וְלָאֲתֹנ֞וֹת הָאֹבְד֣וֹת לְךָ֗ הַיּוֹם֙ שְׁלֹ֣שֶׁת הַיָּמִ֔ים אַל־תָּ֧שֶׂם אֶֽת־לִבְּךָ֛ לָהֶ֖ם כִּ֣י נִמְצָ֑אוּ וּלְמִי֙ כָּל־חֶמְדַּ֣ת יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל הֲל֣וֹא לְךָ֔ וּלְכֹ֖ל בֵּ֥ית אָבִֽיךָ׃ ס
וְלָאֲתֹנוֹת הָאֹבְדוֹת לְךָ הַיּוֹם שְׁלֹשֶׁת הַיָּמִים אַל־תָּשֶׂם אֶֽת־לִבְּךָ לָהֶם כִּי נִמְצָאוּ וּלְמִי כׇּל־חֶמְדַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל הֲלוֹא לְךָ וּלְכֹל בֵּית אָבִֽיךָ׃
ולאתנות האבדות לך היום שלשת הימים אל תשם את לבך להם כי נמצאו ולמי כל חמדת ישראל הלוא לך ולכל בית אביך׃
וְלָאֲתֹנוֹת הָאֹבְדוֹת לְךָ הַיּוֹם שְׁלֹשֶׁת הַיָּמִים אַל־תָּשֶׂם אֶֽת־לִבְּךָ לָהֶם כִּי נִמְצָאוּ וּלְמִי כָּל־חֶמְדַּת יִשְׂרָאֵל הֲלוֹא לְךָ וּלְכֹל בֵּית אָבִֽיךָ׃
וְלָאֲתֹנ֞וֹת הָאֹבְד֣וֹת לְךָ֗ הַיּוֹם֙ שְׁלֹ֣שֶׁת הַיָּמִ֔ים אַל־תָּ֧שֶׂם אֶֽת־לִבְּךָ֛ לָהֶ֖ם כִּ֣י נִמְצָ֑אוּ וּלְמִי֙ כָּל־חֶמְדַּ֣ת יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל הֲל֣וֹא לְךָ֔ וּלְכֹ֖ל בֵּ֥ית אָבִֽיךָ׃ ס
और तेरी गदहियाँ जो तीन दिन हुए खो गई थीं उनकी कुछ भी चिन्ता न कर, क्योंकि वे मिल गई है। और इस्राएल में जो कुछ मनभाऊ है वह किसका है? क्या वह तेरा और तेरे पिता के सारे घराने का नहीं है?”
गधों की चिंता छोड़ दो, जो तीन दिन पूर्व खो गए थे—वे मिल गए हैं. सारे इस्राएल राष्ट्र में जो कुछ हो सकता है, वह किसके लिए है? क्या तुम्हारे तथा तुम्हारे सारा परिवार ही के लिए नहीं?”
A szamarak miatt pedig, melyek tőled ezelőtt három nappal elvesztek, ne aggódjál, mert megtaláltattak. És kié leend mind az, a mi Izráelben becses? Avagy nem a tiéd és a te atyádnak egész házáé?
A szamarakra pedig, melyek elvesztek ma harmadnapja ne fordítsd rájuk szívedet, mert megtaláltattak; kié is Izrael minden gyönyörűsége, nemde tiéd és atyád egész házáé?
Enyela obi gị nsogbu maka ịnyịnya ibu ndị ahụ furu efu nʼabalị atọ gara aga, nʼihi na a chọtala ha. Ma, onye ka mmadụ ahụ bụ, onye ndị Izrel niile na-achọsi ike? Ọ bụghị gị na ezinaụlọ nna gị.”
No maipapan kadagiti asnoyo a napukaw, tallo nga aldawen ti napalabas, saanyo ida a pakadanagan, ta nasapulanen dagitoy. Ket siasino koma ngay ti sabali a kayat ti Israel? Saan kadi a sika ken iti amin a sangkabalayan ti amam?”
Tentang keledai-keledaimu yang hilang tiga hari yang lalu itu, jangan khawatir, karena sudah ditemukan. Lagipula, yang paling berharga di seluruh Israel akan diberikan kepadamu dan keluarga ayahmu."
Adapun keledai-keledaimu, yang telah hilang tiga hari lamanya sampai sekarang, janganlah engkau kuatir, sebab telah diketemukan. Tetapi siapakah yang memiliki segala yang diingini orang Israel? Bukankah itu ada padamu dan pada seluruh kaum keluargamu?"
Jangan kuatir tentang keledai-keledaimu yang hilang tiga hari yang lalu, karena mereka sudah ditemukan. Tetapi kamu dan keluargamu adalah inti dari harapan seluruh bangsa Israel!”
E intorno alle asine, che ti si smarrirono, oggi ha tre dì, non istarne in pensiero; perciocchè si son trovate. Ma inverso cui [è] tutto il desiderio d'Israele? non è egli inverso te, e inverso tutta la casa di tuo padre?
riguardo poi alle tue asine smarrite tre giorni fa, non stare in pensiero, perché sono state ritrovate. A chi del resto appartiene il meglio d'Israele, se non a te e a tutta la casa di tuo padre?».
E quanto alle asine smarrite tre giorni fa, non dartene pensiero, perché son trovate. E per chi è tutto quello che v’è di desiderabile in Israele? Non è esso per te e per tutta la casa di tuo padre?”
Hagi donkima fananema higeno 3'a knama evu'nea zankura kagesa ontahio, ko hake'za erifore hu'naze. Hagi menina Israeli vahe'mo'za kagri'ene negafa nagaku'ene amuhara nehaze.
ಇಂದಿಗೆ ಮೂರನೆಯ ದಿವಸದಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣದೆ ಹೋದ ನಿನ್ನ ಕತ್ತೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಚಿಂತೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಡ. ಏಕೆಂದರೆ ಅವು ದೊರಕಿದವು. ಇದಲ್ಲದೆ ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲಿನ ಅಭಿಲಾಷೆಯೆಲ್ಲಾ ಯಾರ ಮೇಲೆ ಇರುವುದು? ಅದು ನಿನ್ನ ಮೇಲೆಯೇ ಅಲ್ಲವೋ,” ಎಂದನು.
ಮೂರು ದಿನಗಳ ಹಿಂದೆ ತಪ್ಪಿಸಿಕೊಂಡ ನಿನ್ನ ಕತ್ತೆಗಳಿಗೋಸ್ಕರ ಚಿಂತೆಮಾಡಬೇಡ; ಅವು ಸಿಕ್ಕಿವೆ. ಇಸ್ರಾಯೇಲರ ಅಭಿಲಾಷೆಯೆಲ್ಲಾ ಯಾರ ಮೇಲೆ ಇರುವುದು, ನಿನ್ನ ಮತ್ತು ನಿನ್ನ ತಂದೆಯ ಕುಟುಂಬದವರಿಗೂ ಸಲ್ಲುವುದು” ಎಂದು ಹೇಳಿದನು.
사흘 전에 잃은 네 암나귀들을 염려하지 말라 찾았느니라 온 이스라엘의 사모하는 자가 누구냐 너와 네 아비의 온 집이 아니냐
사흘 전에 잃은 네 암나귀들을 염려하지 말라 찾았느니라 온 이스라엘의 사모하는 자가 누구냐? 너와 네 아비의 온 집이 아니냐?'
A funu nu ke donkey nutumtal ma tuhlac len tolu somla, nimet komtal nunku kac, tuh koneyukyak tari. Tusruktu, acnu su mwet se mwet Israel elos soano ac kena liye uh? Kom pa mwet sac! Kom, ac sou lun papa tomom an.”
ئەو ماکەرانەش کە سێ ڕۆژە لێت بزر بوون، دڵت لەلایان نەبێت، چونکە دۆزراونەتەوە. ئەی هەموو خواستی ئیسرائیل بۆ کێیە؟ ئایا بۆ تۆ و بۆ هەموو ماڵی باوکت نییە؟»
Et de asinis quas nudiustertius perdidisti, ne sollicitus sis, quia inventæ sunt. Et cujus erunt optima quæque Israël? nonne tibi et omni domui patris tui?
Et de asinis, quas nudiustertius perdidisti, ne solicitus sis, quia inventæ sunt. Et cuius erunt optima quæque Israel? Nonne tibi et omni domui patris tui?
Et de asinis, quas nudiustertius perdidisti, ne solicitus sis, quia inventæ sunt. Et cuius erunt optima quæque Israel? nonne tibi et omni domui patris tui?
Et de asinis quas nudiustertius perdidisti, ne sollicitus sis, quia inventæ sunt. Et cujus erunt optima quæque Israël? nonne tibi et omni domui patris tui?
et de asinis quas perdidisti nudius tertius ne sollicitus sis quia inventae sunt et cuius erunt optima quaeque Israhel nonne tibi et omni domui patris tui
Et de asinis, quas nudiustertius perdidisti, ne solicitus sis, quia inventae sunt. Et cuius erunt optima quaeque Israel? nonne tibi et omni domui patris tui?
Un par tām ēzeļu mātēm, kas tev aizvakar zudušas, par tām nebēdājies vairs, jo tās ir atrastas. Un kam tad būs nu viss Israēla labums? Vai tas nebūs tev un visam tava tēva namam?
Komitungisa na yo te na tina na ba-ane na yo, oyo ebungaki wuta mikolo misato, pamba te esili komonana. Bongo nani nkolo biloko nyonso ya motuya oyo ezali kati na Isalaele? Ezali biloko na yo mpe libota mobimba ya tata na yo.
Naye ebifa ku ndogoyi zo ezimaze ennaku essatu nga zibuze, tobyeraliikirira, kubanga zaazuuliddwa. Okwegomba kwa Isirayiri yonna kunaaba kw’ani, bwe kutaabe ku ggwe n’ennyumba ya kitaawo yonna?”
Ary aza malahelo ny amin’ ny borikinao izay efa very hateloana, fa efa hita ireny; ary ho an’ iza ny zavatra irina rehetra eo amin’ ny Isiraely? Tsy ho anao sy ny ankohonan-drainao va?
Le i borì’o ni-motso telo andro zay, ko vetsevetse’o; fa nirendreke. Aa vaho ama’ ia ty fisalala’ Israele iaby? Tsy ama’o hao naho amy anjomban-drae’oy?
മൂന്ന് ദിവസം മുമ്പെ കാണാതെപോയ കഴുതകളെക്കുറിച്ച് വിഷമിക്കണ്ട; അവയെ കണ്ടുകിട്ടിയിരിക്കുന്നു. എന്നാൽ യിസ്രായേൽ ജനത്തിന്റെ ആഗ്രഹമൊക്കെയും ആരുടെമേൽ? നിന്റെമേലും നിന്റെ പിതാവിന്റെ ഭവനത്തിന്മേലും അല്ലയോ” എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
മൂന്നു ദിവസം മുമ്പെ കാണാതെപോയ കഴുതകളെക്കുറിച്ചു ചിന്തിക്കേണ്ടാ; അവയെ കണ്ടുകിട്ടിയിരിക്കുന്നു. എന്നാൽ യിസ്രായേലിന്റെ ആഗ്രഹമൊക്കെയും ആരുടെമേൽ? നിന്റെമേലും നിന്റെ സൎവ്വപിതൃഭവനത്തിന്മേലും അല്ലയോ എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
മൂന്നു ദിവസം മുമ്പെ കാണാതെപോയ കഴുതകളെക്കുറിച്ചു ചിന്തിക്കേണ്ടാ; അവയെ കണ്ടുകിട്ടിയിരിക്കുന്നു. എന്നാൽ യിസ്രായേലിന്റെ ആഗ്രഹമൊക്കെയും ആരുടെമേൽ? നിന്റെമേലും നിന്റെ സർവ്വപിതൃഭവനത്തിന്മേലും അല്ലയോ എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു.
മൂന്നുദിവസംമുമ്പ് നിങ്ങൾക്കു നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട കഴുതകളുടെ കാര്യത്തിൽ വ്യാകുലചിത്തരാകേണ്ട. അവ കണ്ടുകിട്ടിയിരിക്കുന്നു. ഇസ്രായേലിന്റെ ആഗ്രഹമെല്ലാം ആരുടെമേൽ? താങ്കളുടെമേലും താങ്കളുടെ പിതൃഭവനത്തിന്മേലും അല്ലയോ?”
आणि तुझी जी गाढवे तीन दिवसांपूर्वी हरवली होती त्यांची तू काळजी करू नको, कारण ती सांपडली आहेत. आणि इस्राएलाच्या सर्व अभिलाषा कोणाकडे आहेत? तुझ्याकडे व तुझ्या वडिलाच्या सर्व घराण्याकडे की नाही?”
လွန်​ခဲ့​သော​သုံး​ရက်​က​ပျောက်​ဆုံး​ခဲ့​သည့် မြည်း​များ​အ​တွက် ကို​မူ​မ​စိုး​ရိမ်​နှင့်။ ယင်း တို့​ကို​ပြန်​၍​တွေ့​ရှိ​ပြီး​ဖြစ်​၏။ သို့​ရာ​တွင် ဣ​သ​ရေ​လ​အ​မျိုး​သား​တို့ လွန်​စွာ​လို​လား တောင့်​တ​နေ​သူ​ကား​အ​ဘယ်​သူ​နည်း။ သင် နှင့်​သင့်​အ​ဖ​၏​အိမ်​ထောင်​စု​ပင်​မ​ဟုတ် လော'' ဟု​ပြန်​ပြော​၏။
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တမြန် နေ့က ပျောက် သောသင် ၏ မြည်း တို့ကို မ အောက်မေ့နှင့် တွေ့ လျက်ရှိပြီ။ ဣသရေလ အမျိုး သည် အဘယ်သူ ကို အလို ရှိသနည်း။ သင် နှင့် သင် ၏ အဆွေအမျိုး အပေါင်း ကို အလိုရှိသည် မ ဟုတ် လောဟု ရှောလု အား ပြော ဆို၏။
A ko au kaihe, ka toru nei nga ra e ngaro ana, kaua tou ngakau e whai ki era; kua kitea hoki. Kei a wai koia te hiahia katoa o Iharaira? he teka ianei kei a koe, kei te whare katoa ano hoki o tou papa?
Obabhemi abalahlekileyo ensukwini ezintathu ezedluleyo, ungakhathazeki ngabo; sebebonakele. Njalo kungubani izifiso zonke zika-Israyeli ezikhangele kuye nxa kungasuwe lendlu yonke kayihlo na?”
Lamayelana labobabhemikazi bakho asebelensuku ezintathu belahlekile, ungafaki inhliziyo yakho kubo, ngoba sebetholiwe. Kodwa zikubani iziloyiso zonke zikaIsrayeli? Kazikho kuwe yini lendlini yonke kayihlo?
तिन दिनअघि हराएका तपाईंका गधाहरूको बारेमा, तिनको बारेमा चिन्ता नगर्नुहोस्, किनकि ती भेट्टाइएका छन् । अनि इस्राएलको सबै इच्‍छाहरू कसमाथि छ? के तपाईं र तपाईंका बुबाको घरानामाथि होइन?”
Og aseninnene som kom bort for dig idag for tre dager siden, dem skal du ikke være urolig for; de er funnet. Og hvem tilhører alt det beste i Israel om ikke dig og hele din fars hus?
Asnorne som kom burt i dag tri dagar sidan, tarv du ikkje vera rædd for; dei er attfunne. Kven er det elles som eig alle eignaluter i Israel, anna du og farsætti di?»
ପୁଣି, ତିନି ଦିନ ହେଲା ତୁମ୍ଭର ଯେଉଁସବୁ ଗଧ ହଜିଛନ୍ତି; ସେମାନଙ୍କଠାରେ ମନ ଦିଅ ନାହିଁ; କାରଣ ସେମାନେ ମିଳିଲେଣି। ପୁଣି, ଇସ୍ରାଏଲ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ସମସ୍ତ ବାଞ୍ଛନୀୟ ବିଷୟ କାହା ପାଇଁ? ତାହା କି ତୁମ୍ଭ ନିମନ୍ତେ ଓ ତୁମ୍ଭର ସମସ୍ତ ପିତୃଗୃହ ନିମନ୍ତେ ନୁହେଁ?”
Waaʼee harroota guyyaa sadiin dura badan sanaa hin yaaddaʼin; isaan argamaniiru. Hawwiin Israaʼel hundi eenyuufii? Siʼii fi mana abbaa keetiitiif mitii?”
ਅਤੇ ਤੇਰੀਆਂ ਗਧੀਆਂ ਜਿਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਗਵਾਚਿਆਂ ਤਿੰਨ ਦਿਨ ਹੋ ਗਏ ਹਨ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਦੀ ਚਿੰਤਾ ਨਾ ਕਰ ਕਿਉਂ ਜੋ ਉਹ ਲੱਭ ਗਈਆਂ ਹਨ ਅਤੇ ਇਸਰਾਏਲ ਕਿਸ ਦੇ ਮੂੰਹ ਵੱਲ ਵੇਖਦਾ ਹੈ? ਭਲਾ, ਤੇਰੇ ਅਤੇ ਤੇਰੇ ਪਿਤਾ ਦੇ ਸਾਰੇ ਟੱਬਰ ਵੱਲ ਨਹੀਂ?
و اما الاغهایت که سه روز قبل ازاین گم شده است، درباره آنها فکر مکن زیرا پیداشده است، و آرزوی تمامی اسرائیل بر کیست؟ آیا بر تو و بر تمامی خاندان پدر تو نیست؟»
برای الاغهایی که سه روز پیش گم شده‌اند نگران نباش، چون پیدا شده‌اند. در ضمن، بدان که امید تمام قوم اسرائیل بر تو و بر خاندان پدرت است.»
A o oślice, któreć zginęły dziś trzeci dzień, nie frasuj się, boć się znalazły. I czyjeż wszystko co najlepszego w Izraelu? izali nie twoje, i nie wszystkiego domu ojca twego?
A co do oślic, które ci zaginęły trzy dni temu, nie martw się, bo już się znalazły. I na kogo jest zwrócone wszelkie pragnienie Izraela? Czy nie na ciebie i na cały dom twego ojca?
E das asnas que se te perderam hoje há três dias, deixa de se preocupar com elas, porque se acharam. Mas a quem é todo o desejo de Israel, se não a ti e a toda a casa de teu pai?
E quanto ás jumentas que ha tres dias se te perderam, não occupes o teu coração com ellas, porque já se acharam. E para quem é todo o desejo de Israel? porventura não é para ti, e para toda a casa de teu pae
E quanto às jumentas que há três dias se te perderam, não ocupes o teu coração com elas, porque já se acharam. E para quem é todo o desejo de Israel? porventura não é para ti, e para toda a casa de teu pai
Quanto aos seus burros que se perderam há três dias, não se preocupe com eles, pois eles foram encontrados. Para quem todo Israel deseja? Não é você e toda a casa de seu pai?”.
Ну те нелиништи де мэгэрицеле пе каре ле-ай пердут акум трей зиле, кэч с-ау гэсит. Ши пентру чине есте пэстрат тот че есте май де прец ын Исраел? Оаре ну пентру тине ши пентру тоатэ каса татэлуй тэу?”
Și cât despre măgărițele care s-au pierdut cu trei zile în urmă, nu te mai gândi la ele, pentru că s-au găsit. Și asupra cui este toată dorința lui Israel? Nu este asupra ta și asupra întregii case a tatălui tău?
а об ослицах, которые у тебя пропали уже три дня, не заботься; они нашлись. И кому все вожделенное в Израиле? Не тебе ли и всему дому отца твоего?
А за магарице, којих ти је нестало пре три дана, не брини се; јер су се нашле. И чије ће бити све што је најбоље у Израиљу? Еда ли не твоје и свега дома оца твог?
A za magarice, kojih ti je nestalo prije tri dana, ne brini se; jer su se našle. I èije æe biti sve što je najbolje u Izrailju? eda li ne tvoje i svega doma oca tvojega?
Kana zviri zvembongoro dzawakarasa mazuva matatu apfuura, usafunganya pamusoro padzo, dzakawanikwa. Zvino zvido zvose zveIsraeri zvatarira kuna ani kana kusiri kwauri iwe nemhuri yose yababa vako?”
и о ослятех твоих заблудивших днесь третий день, не помышляй в сердцы своем о них, ибо обретошася: и кому красная Израилева? Не тебе ли и дому отца твоего?
Glede oslic, ki so bile izgubljene pred tremi dnevi, ne naravnaj svojih misli nanje, kajti najdene so. Na kom je vse hrepenenje Izraela? Ali ni na tebi in na vsej hiši tvojega očeta?«
Oo dameerahaaga saddex maalmood hortood kaa lumayna ha ka fikirin innaba, waayo, waa la helay. Bal yaa reer binu Israa'iil dhexdooda laga wada jeclaadaa? Sow ma aha adiga iyo reerka aabbahaa oo dhanba?
Y de las asnas que se te perdieron hoy hace tres días, pierde cuidado de ellas, porque se han hallado. Mas ¿por quién es todo el deseo de Israel, sino por ti y por toda la casa de tu padre?
En cuanto a los burros que perdiste hace tres días, no te preocupes por ellos porque los han encontrado. Pero ahora, la esperanza de todo Israel descansa en ti y en tu linaje”
En cuanto a tus asnos que se perdieron hace tres días, no te preocupes por ellos, pues han sido encontrados. ¿Por quién desea todo Israel? ¿No eres tú y toda la casa de tu padre?”
En cuanto a las asnas que se te perdieron hace tres días, no te preocupes por ellas, porque fueron halladas. Además, ¿para quién es todo lo deseable de Israel sino para ti y para toda la casa de tu padre?
Por las asnas que se te perdieron tres días ha, no te preocupes; han sido halladas. ¿Y para quién será lo más precioso en Israel? ¿No será para ti y para toda la casa de tu padre?”
Y de las asnas que se te perdieron hoy ha tres días, pierde cuidado de ellas, porque ya son halladas. ¿Mas cuyo es todo el deseo de Israel, sino tuyo, y de toda la casa de tu padre?
Y de las asnas que se te perdieron hoy ha tres días, pierde cuidado de ellas, porque se han hallado. Mas ¿por quién es todo el deseo de Israel, sino por ti y por toda la casa de tu padre?
En cuanto a tus asnos que han estado vagando durante tres días, no los busques, porque han regresado. ¿Y para quién son todas las cosas deseadas en Israel? ¿No son para ti y para la familia de tu padre?
Kama punda wenu waliopotea siku tatu zilizopita, msihofu kuhusu hao punda, kwa kuwa wamekwishapatikana. Na yote yaliyotamanika kwa ajili ya Israeli yanamwangukia nani? Siyo kwako na nyumba ya baba yako yote?”
Kuhusu wale punda uliowapoteza siku tatu zilizopita, usifadhaike kwa habari yao; wamepatikana. Ni kwa nani ambaye shauku yote ya Israeli imeelekea, kama si kwako na jamaa yote ya baba yako?”
Och vad angår åsninnorna, som nu i tre dagar hava varit borta för dig, skall du icke bekymra dig för dem, ty de äro återfunna. Vem tillhör för övrigt allt vad härligt är i Israel, om icke dig och hela din faders hus?"
Och om åsninnorna, som du för tre dagar sedan borttappade, var nu intet bekymrad, ty de äro funna; och hvem hörer allt det goda till i Israel? Blifver det icke ditt, och hela dins faders hus?
Och vad angår åsninnorna, som nu i tre dagar hava varit borta för dig, skall du icke bekymra dig för dem, ty de äro återfunna. Vem tillhör för övrigt allt vad härligt är i Israel, om icke dig och hela din faders hus?»
At tungkol sa iyong mga asno na may tatlong araw ng nawawala ay huwag mong alalahanin; sapagka't nasumpungan na. At kanino ang buong pagnanasa sa Israel? Hindi ba sa iyo, at sa buong sangbahayan ng iyong ama?
Para sa iyong mga asnong nawala tatlong araw na ang nakalipas, huwag mabahala tungkol sa mga iyon, dahil natagpuan na ang mga iyon. At para kanino nakatuon ang lahat ng naisin ng Israel? Hindi ba sa iyo at sa buong bahay ng iyong ama?”
மூன்று நாளைக்கு முன்னே காணாமல்போன கழுதைகளைப்பற்றிக் கவலைப்படவேண்டாம்; அவைகள் கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டது; இதைத் தவிர எல்லா இஸ்ரவேலின் விருப்பம் யாரை நாடுகிறது? உன்னையும் உன்னுடைய வீட்டார்கள் அனைவரையும் அல்லவா? என்றான்.
மூன்று நாட்களுக்குமுன் காணாமற்போன உங்கள் கழுதைகளைப்பற்றி கவலைப்பட வேண்டாம். ஏனெனில் அவை கண்டுபிடிக்கப்பட்டது. உன்னையும், உன் தகப்பன் குடும்பத்தினர் எல்லோரையும்விட வேறு யாரை இஸ்ரயேலர் விரும்பியிருக்கிறார்கள்” என்றான்.
మూడు రోజుల క్రితం తప్పిపోయిన నీ గాడిదలను గూర్చి విచారించవద్దు, అవి దొరికాయి. ఇశ్రాయేలీయుల ఇష్టం ఎవరి పైన ఉంది? నీపైనా, నీ తండ్రి సంతానం పైనే కదా” అన్నాడు.
Pea ko e meʻa ʻi he fanga ʻasi ʻaia naʻe hē ʻi he ʻaho ʻe tolu kuo hili, ʻoua naʻa tokanga ho loto ki ai; he kuo ʻilo ʻakinautolu. Pea ʻoku tau kia hai ʻae holi ʻa ʻIsileli kotoa pē? ʻIkai ʻoku ʻiate koe, pea ki he fale kotoa pē ʻo hoʻo tamai?”
Xhebılle yiğna ögee aguyne əməleeşinab hımaa'a, manbı aveykı vod. İzrailyne milletıncad yik'bı şavulqayiy sak'ı? Nya'a, valqayiy yiğne dekkıne xizanılqa dişeene?
Üç gün önce kaybolan eşeklerin için kaygılanma. Onlar bulundu. İsrail'in özlemi kime yönelik? Sana ve babanın ailesine değil mi?”
Na mfurum a wɔyeraa nnɛnnansa no, mma wɔn ho asɛm nhaw wo koraa, efisɛ wɔahu wɔn. Na mepɛ sɛ meka kyerɛ wo se, Israel anidaso nyinaa yɛ wo ne wo fifo.”
Na mfunumu a wɔyeraeɛ nnansa ne ɛnnɛ no, mma wɔn ho asɛm nha wo koraa, ɛfiri sɛ, wɔahunu wɔn. Na mepɛ sɛ meka kyerɛ wo sɛ, Israel anidasoɔ nyinaa yɛ wo ne wo fiefoɔ.”
А щодо осли́ць, що пропа́ли тобі, — сьогодні вже три дні, — не журися за них, бо знайшлися вони. Та для кого все пожада́не в Ізраїлі? Хіба ж не для те́бе та для всього дому батька твого?“
और तेरे गधे जिनको खोए हुए तीन दिन हुए, उनका ख़्याल मत कर, क्यूँकि वह मिल गए और इस्राईलियों में जो कुछ दिलकश हैं वह किसके लिए हैं, क्या वह तेरे और तेरे बाप के सारे घराने के लिए नहीं?
ئەمما ئۈچ كۈن بۇرۇن يىتىپ كەتكەن ئېشەكلەردىن بولسا، ئەندىشە قىلمىغىن؛ ئۇلار تېپىلدى. ئەمدى ئىسرائىلنىڭ ھەممە ئارزۇسى كىمگە مايىل؟ ساڭا ۋە ئاتاڭنىڭ پۈتكۈل جەمەتىگە ئەمەسمۇ؟ ــ دېدى.
Амма үч күн бурун жүтүп кәткән ешәкләрдин болса, әндишә қилмиғин; улар тепилди. Әнди Исраилниң һәммә арзуси кимгә майил? Саңа вә атаңниң пүткүл җәмәтигә әмәсму? — деди.
Emma üch kün burun yitip ketken ésheklerdin bolsa, endishe qilmighin; ular tépildi. Emdi Israilning hemme arzusi kimge mayil? Sanga we atangning pütkül jemetige emesmu? — dédi.
Əmma üq kün burun yitip kǝtkǝn exǝklǝrdin bolsa, ǝndixǝ ⱪilmiƣin; ular tepildi. Əmdi Israilning ⱨǝmmǝ arzusi kimgǝ mayil? Sanga wǝ atangning pütkül jǝmǝtigǝ ǝmǝsmu? — dedi.
Còn những lừa cái mà ngươi đã mất ba ngày nay, chớ lo lắng về chúng nó; vì đã kiếm được rồi. Vả lại, mọi vật quí trọng hơn hết trong Y-sơ-ra-ên đã dành cho ai? Há chẳng phải cho ngươi và cho cả nhà của cha ngươi sao?
Còn những lừa cái mà ngươi đã mất ba ngày nay, chớ lo lắng về chúng nó; vì đã kiếm được rồi. Vả lại, mọi vật quí trọng hơn hết trong Y-sơ-ra-ên đã dành cho ai? Há chẳng phải cho ngươi và cho cả nhà của cha ngươi sao?
Ông đừng lo lắng về mấy con lừa mất ba hôm trước, vì đã tìm được chúng rồi. Tuy nhiên, mọi của cải được người ta quý chuộng nhất sẽ thuộc về ông và đại gia đình ông.”
Fún ti kẹ́tẹ́kẹ́tẹ́ tí ó sọnù fún ọjọ́ mẹ́ta sẹ́yìn, má ṣe dààmú nípa wọ́n: a ti rí wọn. Sí ta ni gbogbo ìfẹ́ Israẹli wà? Bí kì í ṣe sí ìwọ àti sí gbogbo ilé baba à rẹ.”
Verse Count = 212

< 1-Samuel 9:20 >