< 1-Samuel 25:18 >

Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Atëherë Abigaili mori me nxitim dyqind bukë, dy calikë verë, pesë dele të gatuara, pesë masa gruri të pjekur, njëqind vile rrush të thatë dhe dyqind bukë fiku dhe i ngarkoi mbi gomarë.
فَبَادَرَتْ أَبِيجَايِلُ وَأَخَذَتْ مِئَتَيْ رَغِيفِ خُبْزٍ، وَزِقَّيْ خَمْرٍ، وَخَمْسَةَ خِرْفَانٍ مُهَيَّأَةً، وَخَمْسَ كَيْلَاتٍ مِنَ ٱلْفَرِيكِ، وَمِئَتَيْ عُنْقُودٍ مِنَ ٱلزَّبِيبِ، وَمِئَتَيْ قُرْصٍ مِنَ ٱلتِّينِ، وَوَضَعَتْهَا عَلَى ٱلْحَمِيرِ.
فَأَسْرَعَتْ أَبِيجَايِلُ وَأَخَذَتْ مِئَتَيْ رَغِيفِ خُبْزٍ وَزِقَّيْ خَمْرٍ وَخَمْسَةَ خِرْفَانٍ مُجَهَّزَةٍ مُطَيَّبَةٍ وَخَمْسَ كَيْلاتٍ مِنَ الْفَرِيكِ وَمِئَتَيْ عُنْقُودِ زَبِيبٍ وَمِئَتَيْ قُرْصِ تِينٍ، وَحَمَّلَتْهَا عَلَى الْحَمِيرِ.
তাতে অবীগলে শীঘ্ৰে দুশ পিঠা, দুবটল দ্ৰাক্ষাৰস, পাঁচটা যুগুত কৰা মেৰ-ছাগ, পাঁচ চেয়া ভজা শস্য, এশ থোপা শুকান দ্ৰাক্ষাগুটি, আৰু দুশ লদা ডিমৰু গুটি লৈ গাধবোৰৰ পিঠিৰ ওপৰত বোজা দিলে।
Bundan sonra Aviqail cəld tərpənib, iki yüz kömbə çörək və iki tuluq şərab hazırladı. Beş qoyun cəmdəyi, beş ölçü qovurğa, yüz salxım quru üzüm və iki yüz parça basılmış əncir lavaşanası götürüb eşşəklərə yüklədi.
A: biga: ile da hedolowane agi ga: gi 200 amola bulamagau gadofoga hamoi daba waini hano nabai aduna, sibi houi biyale, gagoma egegei17 gilogala: me, waini fage gagabu fofogai 100 agoane amola figi ifa fage fofogai ga: gi 200 agoane amo lale, dougi da: iya lidili lelegesa lai.
তখন অবীগল তাড়াতাড়ি দুশো রুটি, দু কুপা আঙুরের রস, পাঁচটা তৈরী ভেড়া, পাঁচ কাঠা ভাজা দানাশস্য, একশো গোছা শুকনো আঙুরফল ও দুশো ডুমুর-চাক নিয়ে গাধার উপরে চাপাল৷
অবীগল দ্রুত ব্যবস্থা নিয়েছিলেন। তিনি 200 টুকরো রুটি, চামড়ার দুই থলি দ্রাক্ষারস, রান্নার জন্য কেটেকুটে প্রস্তুত করা পাঁচটি মেষ, পাঁচ কাঠা সেঁকা শস্যদানা, 100 তাল কিশমিশ ও 200 তাল নিংড়ানো ডুমুর নিয়ে সেগুলি গাধার পিঠে চাপিয়ে দিয়েছিলেন।
Тогава Авигея побърза та взе двеста хляба, два меха вино, пет сготвени овни, пет мери пържено жито, сто грозда сухо грозде и двеста низаници смокини, и ги натовари на осли.
Unya midali si Abigail ug nagkuha ug 200 ka buok tinapay, duha ka botilya sa bino, lima ka karnero nga naandam nang daan, lima ka bakid sa binulad nga lugas, 100 ka pungpong sa binulad nga ubas, ug 200 ka tinapay nga hinimo sa trigo, ug gikarga kini sa mga asno.
Unya si Abigail midali, ug mikuha ug duruha ka gatus ka book tinapay, ug duruha ka botella nga vino, ug lima ka carnero nga linuto na ug lima ka takus nga sinanglag nga trigo, ug usa ka gatus ka hugpong nga parras, ug duruha ka gatus ka haon nga higuera, ug gitangkil kini sa mga asno.
Ndipo Abigayeli sanataye nthawi. Iye anatenga malofu a buledi 200, matumba a chikopa awiri a vinyo, nkhosa zisanu zowotcheratu, makilogalamu 17 a tirigu wokazinga, makeke a mphesa zowuma 100, ndiponso makeke a nkhuyu 200, ndipo anazisenzetsa abulu.
Abigail loe karangah caeh moe, takaw cumvai hnetto, misurtui pailang hnetto, thongh tangcae tuu pangato ih moi, haek ih kamtong takho pangato, misurthaih kazaek takho cumvai hnetto lak moe, thaiduet thaih hoi sak ih takaw cumvai hnetto, hrang a phawhsak.
Te dongah Abigal tah koe hlah uh tih vaidam hluem yakhat, misur khap nit, tu a sah la a sah tangtae pum nga, vairhum sum nga, misur rhae yakhat, thaidae yakhat a loh tih laak dongah a tloeng pah.
Te dongah Abigail tah koe hlah uh tih vaidam hluem yakhat, misur khap nit, tu a sah la a sah tangtae pum nga, vairhum sum nga, misur rhae yakhat, thaidae yakhat a loh tih laak dongah a tloeng pah.
Hichun Abigail gangtah in changlhah lhon jani akigot in, lengpitwi savun peng ni dimset agongin, honminsa kelngoi nga akigot in, changpoh kana atena dim nga agon, lengpithei changlhah boh jakhat toh, theichang changlhah a kisem jani, hciheng hi, amanun sangan chungah asem in,
Abigail ni karanglah vaiyei phen 200 touh, misurum kahni touh hoi thawng tangcoung e tu buem panga touh, tavai phen sum panga touh, misurpaw phen 100 touh, thaibunglung ka radip e 200 touh a sin teh, la a phu sak.
Abigajila brzo uze dvije stotine hljebova, dva mijeha vina, pet zgotovljenih ovaca, pet mjera pržena žita, sto grozdova suhoga grožđa, dvije stotine smokovih kolača i sve to natovari na magarce.
Tedy pospíšila Abigail, a vzala dvě stě chlebů, a dvě kožené láhvice vína, a pět ovcí připravených, a pět měr pražmy, a sto sušených hroznů, a dvě stě hrud fíků sušených, a vložila to na osly.
Tedy pospíšila Abigail, a vzala dvě stě chlebů, a dvě kožené láhvice vína, a pět ovcí připravených, a pět měr pražmy, a sto sušených hroznů, a dvě stě hrud fíků sušených, a vložila to na osly.
Så gik Abigajil straks hen og tog 200 Brød, to Dunke Vin, fem tillavede Får, fem Sea ristet Korn, 100 Rosinkager og 200 Figenkager, lagde det på Æslerne
Da skyndte Abigail sig og tog to Hundrede Brød og to Flasker Vin og fem tillavede Faar og fem Maal ristede Aks og hundrede Klaser Rosiner og to Hundrede Klumper Figen, og hun lagde det paa Asener.
Saa gik Abigajil straks hen og tog 200 Brød, to Dunke Vin, fem tillavede Faar, fem Sea ristet Korn, 100 Rosinkager og 200 Figenkager, lagde det paa Æslerne
Abigael ne ok oketho seche. Nokawo makati mia ariyo, ndede ariyo mar divai, rombe abich moyangʼ gi chamb aloda madirom kilo piero adek gabiriyo, olemb raisin mongʼin maromo mia achiel, gi olemb ngʼowu molos mopamore moromo mia ariyo, eka noketogi e punde.
Toen haastte zich Abigail, en nam tweehonderd broden, en twee lederzakken wijns, en vijf toebereide schapen, en vijf maten geroost koren, en honderd stukken rozijnen, en tweehonderd klompen vijgen, en leide die op ezelen.
Terstond haalde Abigáil tweehonderd broden en twee zakken wijn, vijf toebereide schapen, vijf maten geroosterd graan, en honderd rozijnen-en tweehonderd vijgenkoeken.
Toen haastte zich Abigail, en nam tweehonderd broden, en twee lederzakken wijns, en vijf toebereide schapen, en vijf maten geroost koren, en honderd stukken rozijnen, en tweehonderd klompen vijgen, en legde die op ezelen.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched grain, and a hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched grain, and a hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five butchered sheep, five seahs of roasted grain, a hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs. She loaded them on donkeys
Then Abigail quickly took two hundred cakes of bread and two skins full of wine and five sheep ready for cooking and five measures of dry grain and a hundred parcels of dry grapes and two hundred cakes of figs, and put them on asses.
And Abigaia hasted, and took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five ephahs of fine flour, and one homer of dried grapes, and two hundred cakes of figs, and put them upon asses.
And Abigaia hasted, and took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five ephahs of fine flour, and one homer of dried grapes, and two hundred cakes of figs, and put them upon asses.
And so Abigail hurried, and she took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five cooked sheep, and five measures of cooked grain, and one hundred clusters of dried grapes, and two hundred masses of dried figs, and she set them upon donkeys.
And Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two skin-bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched [corn], and a hundred raisin-cakes, and two hundred fig-cakes, and laid them on asses.
Then Abigail made haste and took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and a hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of dry figs, and laid them upon asses:
Abigail quickly gathered together two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five sheep already slaughtered, five seahs of roasted grain, a hundred raisin cakes, and two hundred fig cakes, and then loaded everything on donkeys.
Then Abigail made haste, and tooke two hundreth cakes, and two bottels of wine, and fiue sheepe ready dressed, and fiue measures of parched corne, and an hundreth frailes of raisins, and two hundreth of figs, and laded them on asses.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and a hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched [corn], and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid [them] on asses.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two skins of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched grain, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
And Abigaia hasted, and took two hundred loaves, and two vessels of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five ephahs of fine flour, and one homer of dried grapes, and two hundred cakes of figs, and put them upon asses.
And Abigayil made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and a hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
And Abigail hurries, and takes two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep, prepared, and five measures of roasted grain, and one hundred bunches of raisins, and two hundred bunches of figs, and sets [them] on the donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two bottles of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five measures of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two bottles of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five measures of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two bottles of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five measures of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two bottles of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five measures of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two bottles of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five measures of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two bottles of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five measures of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched corn, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on asses.
Then Abigail hastened—and took two hundred loaves, and two skins of wine, and five sheep made ready, and five measures of parched corn, and a hundred cakes of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, —and put them on the asses.
And she made haste (Abigail *Q(k)*) and she took two hundred bread[s] and two jars of wine and five sheep (prepared *Q(k)*) and five seahs of roasted grain and a hundred bunches of raisins and two hundred fig cakes and she put [them] on the donkeys.
and to hasten (Abigail *Q(k)*) and to take: take hundred food: bread and two bag wine and five flock (to make *Q(k)*) and five seah roasted and hundred cluster and hundred fig cake and to set: put upon [the] donkey
[When] Abigail [heard that, she] very quickly gathered 200 loaves [of bread], and also got two leather bags full of wine, the meat from five sheep, a bushel of roasted grain, 100 packs of raisins, and 200 packs of dried figs. She put all those things on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves, two bottles of wine, five sheep already prepared, five measures of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of parched [corn], and a hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid [them] on asses.
Then Abigail made haste, and took two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep ready dressed, and five measures of roasted grain, and an hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Then Abigail hurried and took two hundred loaves of bread, two containers of wine, five sheep ready dressed, five seahs of parched grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid them on donkeys.
Therfor Abigail hastide, and took two hundrid looues, and two vessels of wyn, and fyue whetheris sodun, and seuene buyschelis and an half of flour, and an hundrid bundles of dried grape, and two hundrid gobetis of dried figus; and puttide on assis,
And Abigail hasteth, and taketh two hundred loaves, and two bottles of wine, and five sheep, prepared, and five measures of roasted corn, and a hundred bunches of raisins, and two hundred bunches of figs, and setteth [them] on the asses.
Tiam Abigail rapide prenis ducent panojn kaj du felsakojn da vino kaj kvin pretigitajn ŝafojn kaj kvin mezurojn da rostitaj grajnoj kaj cent kukojn sekvinberajn kaj ducent kukojn figajn, kaj metis ĉion sur azenojn.
Abigail ɖe abla enumake, tsɔ abolo alafa eve, wain atigo eve, alẽ atɔ̃ siwo wowu la ƒe lã, bli tɔtɔ agba eve, abolo alafa ɖeka si wowɔ kple waintsetse ƒuƒu kple abolo alafa eve siwo wowɔ kple gbotsetse. Etsɔ nu siawo ɖo tedziwo dzi.
Niin Abigail kiiruhti ja otti kaksisataa leipää, ja kaksi leiliä viinaa, ja viisi keitettyä lammasta, ja viisi vakkaista tuletettuja jauhoja, ja sata rusinarypälettä, ja kaksisataa rypälettä fikunia, ja pani aasein päälle,
Niin Abigail otti joutuin kaksisataa leipää, kaksi leiliä viiniä, viisi lampaanpaistia, viisi sea-mittaa paahdettuja jyviä, sata rusinakakkua ja kaksisataa viikunakakkua ja pani ne aasien selkään.
Aussitôt Abigaïl prit deux cents pains, deux outres de vin, cinq moutons apprêtés, cinq mesures de grain rôti, cent masses de raisin sec et deux cents de figues sèches et, les ayant mis sur des ânes,
Alors Abigaïl se hâta de prendre deux cents pains, deux récipients de vin, cinq moutons apprêtés, cinq seahs de grains secs, cent grappes de raisins secs et deux cents gâteaux de figues, et les fit monter sur des ânes.
Et Abigaïl se hâta, et prit 200 pains, et deux outres de vin, et cinq moutons tout apprêtés, et cinq mesures de grain rôti, et 100 gâteaux de raisins secs, et 200 gâteaux de figues sèches, et les mit sur des ânes;
Abigaïl donc se hâta, et prit deux cents pains, et deux outres de vin, et cinq moutons tout prêts, et cinq mesures de grain rôti, et cent paquets de raisins secs, et deux cents cabas de figues sèches, et les mit sur des ânes.
Abigaïl donc se hâta, et elle prit deux cents pains, deux outres de vin, cinq béliers cuits, cinq mesures de grains rôtis, cent grappes de raisins secs et deux cents panerées de figues sèches: elle les plaça sur les ânes;
Abigaïl prit aussitôt deux cents pains, deux outres de vin, cinq pièces de bétail apprêtées, cinq mesures de grain rôti, cent masses de raisins secs, et deux cents de figues sèches. Elle les mit sur des ânes,
Aussitôt Abigaïl prit deux cents pains, deux outres de vin, cinq moutons apprêtés, cinq mesures de grain rôti, cent masses de raisin sec et deux cents de figues sèches et, les ayant mis sur des ânes,
Alors Abigaïl se hâta, et prit deux cents pains, deux outres de vin, cinq moutons tout apprêtés, cinq mesures de grain rôti, cent paquets de raisins secs, et deux cents cabas de figues sèches; et elle les mit sur des ânes.
Alors Abigaïl fit diligence, et elle prit deux cents pains et deux outres de vin et cinq moutons apprêtés et cinq mesures de grain rôti et cent gâteaux de raisins secs et deux cents bols de figues, qu'elle chargea sur les ânes;
Et Abigaïl se hâta; elle prit deux cents pains, deux vases pleins de vin, cinq brebis apprêtées, cinq éphi de fleur de farine, un gomor de raisins secs, deux cents cabas de figues, et elle les chargea sur des ânes.
AbigaïI, en toute hâte, prit deux cents pains, deux outres de vin, cinq brebis tout accommodées, cinq mesures de froment grillé, cent gâteaux de raisins secs et deux cents gâteaux de figues, qu’elle fit charger sur des ânes,
Da nahm Abigail eilends zweihundert Brote, zwei Schläuche Wein, fünf zubereitete Schafe und fünf Maß geröstetes Getreide, hundert Dörrtrauben und zweihundert Feigenkuchen und lud alles auf Esel.
Da eilte Abigail und nahm zweihundert Brote und zwei Schläuche Wein und fünf zubereitete Schafe und fünf Maß geröstete Körner und hundert Rosinenkuchen und zweihundert Feigenkuchen, und lud sie auf Esel;
Da eilte Abigail und nahm zweihundert Brote und zwei Schläuche Wein und fünf zubereitete Schafe und fünf Maß geröstete Körner und hundert Rosinenkuchen und zweihundert Feigenkuchen, und lud sie auf Esel;
Da nahm Abigail schleunigst zweihundert Brote, zwei Schläuche mit Wein, fünf fertig zubereitete Schafe, fünf Sea geröstetes Getreide, hundert Rosinentrauben und zweihundert Feigenkuchen, packte sie auf Esel
Da eilete Abigail und nahm zweihundert Brote und zwei Legel Weins und fünf gekochte Schafe und fünf Scheffel Mehl und hundert Stück Rosinen und zweihundert Stück Feigen und lud es auf Esel.
Da eilte Abigail und nahm zweihundert Brote und zwei Krüge Wein und fünf gekochte Schafe und fünf Scheffel Mehl und hundert Rosinenkuchen und zweihundert Feigenkuchen und lud's auf Esel
Da nahm Abigail in aller Eile zweihundert Brote und zwei Schläuche Wein, fünf zubereitete Schafe, fünf Scheffel geröstetes Getreide, hundert Rosinentrauben und zweihundert Feigenkuchen, lud alles auf Esel
Da eilte Abigail und nahm zweihundert Brote und zwei Schläuche Wein und fünf zubereitete Schafe und fünf Scheffel gedörrtes Korn und hundert Rosinenkuchen und zweihundert Feigenkuchen und lud sie auf Esel
Und Abigail eilte und nahm zweihundert Brote und zwei Schläuche Wein und fünf zubereitete Schafe und fünf Seah geröstetes Korn und hundert Traubenkuchen und zweihundert Feigenkuchen und legte sie auf die Esel.
Abigaili ndaateire ihinda. Akĩoya mĩgate magana meerĩ, na mondo igĩrĩ cia ndibei, na ngʼondu ithano ĩrĩ thĩnje, na ibaba ithano cia ngano hĩhie, na imanjĩka igana cia thabibũ nyũmũ, na ikũmba magana meerĩ cia ngũyũ, agĩciigĩrĩra ndigiri igũrũ.
Τότε έσπευσεν η Αβιγαία, και έλαβε διακοσίους άρτους, και δύο αγγεία οίνου, και πέντε πρόβατα ητοιμασμένα, και πέντε μέτρα σίτου πεφρυγανισμένου, και εκατόν δέσμας σταφίδος, και διακοσίας πήττας σύκων, και έθεσεν αυτά επί όνων.
καὶ ἔσπευσεν Αβιγαια καὶ ἔλαβεν διακοσίους ἄρτους καὶ δύο ἀγγεῖα οἴνου καὶ πέντε πρόβατα πεποιημένα καὶ πέντε οιφι ἀλφίτου καὶ γομορ ἓν σταφίδος καὶ διακοσίας παλάθας καὶ ἔθετο ἐπὶ τοὺς ὄνους
પછી અબિગાઈલ ઉતાવળથી બસો રોટલી, દ્રાક્ષારસની બે મશકો, રાંધીને તૈયાર કરેલ પાંચ ઘેટાંનું માંસ, પાંચ માપ પોંક, દ્રાક્ષાની સો લૂમ તથા અંજીરનાં બસો ચકતાં ગધેડાં પર મૂક્યાં.
Abigayèl prese pran desan (200) pen, de gwo veso an po bèt plen diven, senk mouton tou kwit, de barik grenn griye, san mamit rezen chèch, desan (200) gato fèt ak figfrans chèch, li chaje tou sa sou bourik.
Alò, Abigaïl te kouri pran de-san mòso pen ak de veso diven, avèk senk mouton deja prepare, senk mezi sereyal boukannen avèk san grap rezen, de-san gato fig etranje e te chaje yo sou bourik yo.
Abigiyel ba tă ɓata lokaci ba. Ta ɗauki burodi guda ɗari biyu, da salkar ruwan inabi biyu da tumaki biyar da aka gyara, da soyayyen hatsi mudu biyar, da waina guda ɗari na’ya’yan inabi, da masa ɗari biyu na kauɗar ɓaure ta labta wa jakuna.
Alaila lalelale ae la o Abigaila, a lawe aku la i elua haneri pai berena, a i elua hue waina, a me na hipa elima i hoomakaukauia, a me na ipu hua palaoa elima i pulehuia, a i hookahi haneri paihuawaina maloo, a i elua haneri pai huafiku maloo, a kau ae la maluna o na hoki.
ותמהר אבוגיל (אביגיל) ותקח מאתים לחם ושנים נבלי יין וחמש צאן עשוות (עשויות) וחמש סאים קלי ומאה צמקים ומאתים דבלים ותשם על החמרים
וַתְּמַהֵ֣ר אֲבֹוגַיִל (אֲבִיגַ֡יִל) וַתִּקַּח֩ מָאתַ֨יִם לֶ֜חֶם וּשְׁנַ֣יִם נִבְלֵי־יַ֗יִן וְחָמֵ֨שׁ צֹ֤אן עֲשָׂוֹות (עֲשׂוּיֹת֙) וְחָמֵ֤שׁ סְאִים֙ קָלִ֔י וּמֵאָ֥ה צִמֻּקִ֖ים וּמָאתַ֣יִם דְּבֵלִ֑ים וַתָּ֖שֶׂם עַל־הַחֲמֹרִֽים׃
וַתְּמַהֵ֣ר אֲבִיגַ֡יִל וַתִּקַּח֩ מָאתַ֨יִם לֶ֜חֶם וּשְׁנַ֣יִם נִבְלֵי־יַ֗יִן וְחָמֵ֨שׁ צֹ֤אן עֲשׂוּיֹת֙ וְחָמֵ֤שׁ סְאִים֙ קָלִ֔י וּמֵאָ֥ה צִמֻּקִ֖ים וּמָאתַ֣יִם דְּבֵלִ֑ים וַתָּ֖שֶׂם עַל־הַחֲמֹרִֽים׃
וַתְּמַהֵר (אבוגיל) [אֲבִיגַיִל] וַתִּקַּח מָאתַיִם לֶחֶם וּשְׁנַיִם נִבְלֵי־יַיִן וְחָמֵשׁ צֹאן (עשוות) [עֲשׂוּיוֹת] וְחָמֵשׁ סְאִים קָלִי וּמֵאָה צִמֻּקִים וּמָאתַיִם דְּבֵלִים וַתָּשֶׂם עַל־הַחֲמֹרִֽים׃
ותמהר אבוגיל ותקח מאתים לחם ושנים נבלי יין וחמש צאן עשוות וחמש סאים קלי ומאה צמקים ומאתים דבלים ותשם על החמרים׃
וַתְּמַהֵר אבוגיל אֲבִיגַיִל וַתִּקַּח מָאתַיִם לֶחֶם וּשְׁנַיִם נִבְלֵי־יַיִן וְחָמֵשׁ צֹאן עשוות עֲשׂוּיֹת וְחָמֵשׁ סְאִים קָלִי וּמֵאָה צִמֻּקִים וּמָאתַיִם דְּבֵלִים וַתָּשֶׂם עַל־הַחֲמֹרִֽים׃
וַתְּמַהֵ֣ר אבוגיל וַתִּקַּח֩ מָאתַ֨יִם לֶ֜חֶם וּשְׁנַ֣יִם נִבְלֵי־יַ֗יִן וְחָמֵ֨שׁ צֹ֤אן עשוות וְחָמֵ֤שׁ סְאִים֙ קָלִ֔י וּמֵאָ֥ה צִמֻּקִ֖ים וּמָאתַ֣יִם דְּבֵלִ֑ים וַתָּ֖שֶׂם עַל־הַחֲמֹרִֽים׃
तब अबीगैल ने फुर्ती से दो सौ रोटी, और दो कुप्पी दाखमधु, और पाँच भेड़ों का माँस, और पाँच सआ भूना हुआ अनाज, और एक सौ गुच्छे किशमिश, और अंजीरों की दो सौ टिकियाँ लेकर गदहों पर लदवाई।
यह सुनते ही अबीगइल ने तत्काल दो सौ रोटियां, दो छागलें द्राक्षारस, पांच भेड़ें, जो पकाई जा चुकी थी, पांच माप भुना हुआ अन्‍न, किशमिश के सौ पिंड तथा दो सौ पिंड अंजीरों को लेकर गधों पर लाद दिया.
Akkor Abigail sietve vőn kétszáz kenyeret, két tömlő bort, öt juhot elkészítve, öt mérték pergelt búzát, száz kötés aszúszőlőt és kétszáz kötés száraz fügét, és a szamarakra rakta.
Ekkor sietett Abígájil és vett kétszáz kenyeret, két tömlő bort, öt elkészített juhot, öt mérték pörkölt gabonaszemet, száz aszuszőlőlepényt és kétszáz fügelepényt, és rátette a szamarakra.
Abigel mere ngwangwa chịkọta narị ogbe achịcha abụọ, karama akpụkpọ mmanya abụọ, atụrụ ise e doziri edozi, otu bushel ọka e ghere eghe, otu narị ụyọkọ mkpụrụ vaịnị a mịkpọrọ amịkpọ na narị achịcha fiig abụọ, bukwasị ihe ndị a niile nʼelu ịnyịnya ibu.
Nagdardaras ngarud ni Abigail ket nangala iti dua gasut a tinapay, dua a pagkargaan a lalat a naglaon iti arak, lima a napartin a karnero, lima a sukat nga iniruban a trigo, sangagasut a raay ti pasas, ken dua gasut a bibingka a naaramid iti igos, ket inkargana dagitoy kadagiti asno.
Lalu segera Abigail mengambil dua ratus roti, dan dua kantong kulit penuh berisi air anggur, lima domba panggang, tujuh belas kilogram gandum panggang, seratus rangkai buah anggur kering dan dua ratus kue ara. Semuanya itu dimuat di atas keledai-keledainya.
Lalu segeralah Abigail mengambil dua ratus roti, dua buyung anggur, lima domba yang telah diolah, lima sukat bertih gandum, seratus buah kue kismis dan dua ratus kue ara, dimuatnyalah semuanya ke atas keledai,
Maka Abigail bergegas menyuruh para budaknya mengambil dua ratus potong roti, dua kantong anggur, lima ekor domba yang sudah disembelih, tiga puluh liter gandum bakar, seratus bungkus kismis, dan dua ratus kue ara. Mereka membungkus barang-barang itu, dan menaikkannya ke atas keledai-keledai.
Allora Abigail prese prestamente dugento pani, e due barili di vino, e cinque castroni apparecchiati, e cinque moggi di grano arrostito, e cento mazzuoli d'uva secca, e dugento fiscelle di fichi secchi, e mise [tutto ciò] sopra degli asini.
Abigail allora prese in fretta duecento pani, due otri di vino, cinque arieti preparati, cinque misure di grano tostato, cento grappoli di uva passa e duecento schiacciate di fichi secchi e li caricò sugli asini.
Allora Abigail prese in fretta duecento pani, due otri di vino, cinque montoni allestiti, cinque misure di grano arrostito, cento picce d’uva secca e duecento masse di fichi, e caricò ogni cosa su degli asini.
Hagi Abigeli'a ana nanekema nentahino'a, ame huno 200'a bretigi, meme akrute tro hu'naza tafentrempi wainia tagino e'nerino, 5fu'a krente'naza sipisipi afuki, 20 kilo kre hagege hunte witigi, 100'a waini araga antehagege hu'za regripe ante'nazanki, 200'a fiki araga regripe ante'nazana donki afutamimofo agumpi erinte'ne.
ಆಗ ಅಬೀಗೈಲಳು ತೀವ್ರವಾಗಿ ಇನ್ನೂರು ರೊಟ್ಟಿಗಳನ್ನೂ ಎರಡು ಬುದ್ದಲಿ ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಾರಸವನ್ನೂ ಬೇಯಿಸಿದ ಐದು ಕುರಿಗಳ ಮಾಂಸವನ್ನೂ ಐವತ್ತು ಸೇರು ಹುರಿದ ಧಾನ್ಯವನ್ನೂ ಒಣಗಿದ ನೂರು ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ ಗೊನೆಗಳನ್ನೂ ಒಣಗಿದ ಇನ್ನೂರು ಅಂಜೂರದ ಉಂಡೆಗಳನ್ನೂ ಕತ್ತೆಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಹೇರಿಸಿಕೊಂಡು,
ಆಗ ಅಬೀಗೈಲಳು ಶೀಘ್ರವಾಗಿ ಇನ್ನೂರು ರೊಟ್ಟಿ, ಎರಡು ಬುದ್ದಲಿ ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಾರಸ, ಸಿದ್ಧಮಾಡಿದ ಐದು ಕುರಿಗಳ ಮಾಂಸ, ಐವತ್ತು ಸೇರು ಹುರಿಗಾಳು, ಒಣಗಿದ ನೂರು ದ್ರಾಕ್ಷಿ ಗೊಂಚಲುಗಳು, ಅಂಜೂರ ಹಣ್ಣುಗಳು, ಇನ್ನೂರು ಉಂಡೆಗಳು ಇವುಗಳನ್ನು ಕತ್ತೆಗಳ ಮೇಲೆ ಹೇರಿಸಿ,
아비가일이 급히 떡 이백 덩이와 포도주 두 가죽 부대와 잡아 준비한 양 다섯과 볶은 곡식 다섯 세아와 건포도 백 송이와 무화과 뭉치 이백을 취하여 나귀들에게 싣고
아비가일이 급히 떡 이백 덩이와 포도주 두 가죽 부대와 잡아 준비한 양 다섯과 볶은 곡식 다섯 세아와 건포도 백송이와 무화과뭉치 이백을 취하여 나귀들에게 싣고
Na Abigail el sulaklak na orani lof in bread luofoko, ac pak in wain luo nwanala, sheep lumko manman tari, foto luo in wheat manman, tun in grape pao siofok, ac cake fig luofoko, ac el sang ma inge nukewa nu fin donkey ekasr.
ئەبیگایلیش بە پەلە دوو سەد نان و دوو مەشکە شەراب و پێنج مەڕی کەوڵکراو و پێنج پێوانە دانەوێڵەی برژاو و سەد هێشووە کشمیش و دوو سەد نانە هەنجیری برد و لە گوێدرێژەکانی بارکرد،
Festinavit igitur Abigail, et tulit ducentos panes, et duos utres vini, et quinque arietes coctos, et quinque sata polentæ, et centum ligaturas uvæ passæ, et ducentas massas caricarum, et posuit super asinos:
Festinavit igitur Abigail, et tulit ducentos panes, et duos utres vini, et quinque arietes coctos, et quinque sata polentæ, et centum ligaturas uvæ passæ, et ducentas massas caricarum, et posuit super asinos:
Festinavit igitur Abigail, et tulit ducentos panes, et duos utres vini, et quinque arietes coctos, et quinque sata polentæ, et centum ligaturas uvæ passæ, et ducentas massas caricarum, et posuit super asinos:
Festinavit igitur Abigail, et tulit ducentos panes, et duos utres vini, et quinque arietes coctos, et quinque sata polentæ, et centum ligaturas uvæ passæ, et ducentas massas caricarum, et posuit super asinos:
festinavit igitur Abigail et tulit ducentos panes et duos utres vini et quinque arietes coctos et quinque sata pulentae et centum ligaturas uvae passae et ducentas massas caricarum et inposuit super asinos
Festinavit igitur Abigail, et tulit ducentos panes, et duos utres vini, et quinque arietes coctos, et quinque sata polentae, et centum ligaturas uvae passae, et ducentas massas caricarum, et posuit super asinos:
Tad Abigaīle steidzās un ņēma divsimt maizes un divus ādas traukus ar vīnu un piecas kautas avis un piecus pūrus miltu un simts rozīņu raušu un divsimt vīģu raušu, un to krāva uz ēzeļiem.
Abigayili asalaki na lombangu, azwaki mapa nkama mibale, bambeki mibale ya vino, bameme batumba mitano, bakilo tuku motoba na mibale na bagrame nkama mitano ya ble bakalinga, maboke nkama moko ya bambuma ya vino ekawuka mpe bagato nkama mibale basala na bambuma ya figi; mpe atiaki yango na likolo ya ba-ane.
Awo amangwago Abbigayiri n’ayanguwa n’addira emigaati ebikumi bibiri, n’ebita bibiri ebya wayini, n’ennyama ey’endiga ttaano ennongoose obulungi, n’ebigero bitaano eby’eŋŋaano ensiike, n’ebitole kikumi eby’ezabbibu enkalu, n’ebitole ebikumi bibiri eby’ettiini, n’abiteeka ku ndogoyi.
Dia nandeha faingana Abigaila ka naka mofo roan-jato sy divay eran’ ny tavoara roa sy ondry dimy voavoatra sy lango indimin’ ny vata sy takela-boaloboka maina zato ary ampempan’ aviavy roan-jato, dia nasampiny tamin’ ny boriky izany.
Nihepakepak’ amy zao ty Abigale, nandrambe mofo roan-jato naho zonjon-divay roe, naho ty henan’ añondry lime hinalankañe, naho famaran-tonon-tsako lime naho angarozam-baloboke maike zato naho garatòn-tsakoa maike roan-jato vaho najò’e am-borìke’e.
ഉടനെ അബീഗയിൽ ഇരുനൂറ് അപ്പവും, രണ്ട് തുരുത്തി വീഞ്ഞും, പാകം ചെയ്ത അഞ്ച് ആടും, അഞ്ച് പറ മലരും, നൂറ് ഉണക്കമുന്തിരിക്കുലയും, ഇരുനൂറ് അത്തിയടയും കഴുതപ്പുറത്ത് കയറ്റി ബാല്യക്കാരോട്;
ഉടനെ അബീഗയിൽ ഇരുനൂറു അപ്പവും രണ്ടു തുരുത്തി വീഞ്ഞും പാകം ചെയ്ത അഞ്ചു ആടും അഞ്ചു പറ മലരും നൂറു ഉണക്കമുന്തിരിക്കുലയും ഇരുനൂറു അത്തിയടയും എടുത്തു കഴുതപ്പുറത്തു കയറ്റി ബാല്യക്കാരോടു;
ഉടനെ അബീഗയിൽ ഇരുനൂറു അപ്പവും രണ്ടു തുരുത്തി വീഞ്ഞും പാകം ചെയ്ത അഞ്ചു ആടും അഞ്ചു പറ മലരും നൂറു ഉണക്കമുന്തിരിക്കുലയും ഇരുനൂറു അത്തിയടയും എടുത്തു കഴുതപ്പുറത്തു കയറ്റി ബാല്യക്കാരോടു;
അബീഗയിൽ സമയം ഒട്ടും നഷ്ടപ്പെടുത്തിയില്ല. അവൾ തിടുക്കത്തിൽ ഇരുനൂറ് അപ്പവും രണ്ടു തുരുത്തി വീഞ്ഞും പാകംചെയ്ത അഞ്ച് ആടും അഞ്ചു സേയാ മലരും നൂറ് ഉണക്കമുന്തിരിയടയും ഇരുനൂറ് അത്തിപ്പഴക്കട്ടയും എടുത്ത് കഴുതകളുടെ പുറത്തു കയറ്റി.
अबीगईलेने घाई करून दोनशे भाकरी व द्राक्षरसाचे दोन बुधले व शिजवून तयार केलेली पाच मेंढरे व पाच मापे हुरडा व खिसमिसाचे शंभर घड व अंजिराच्या दोनशे ढेपा ही घेतली व गाढवावर लादली.
အ​ဘိ​ဂဲ​လ​သည်​မုန့်​အ​လုံး​နှစ်​ရာ၊ စ​ပျစ်​ရည် အ​ပြည့်​ရှိ​သော​သား​ရေ​ဘူး​နှစ်​ဘူး၊ သိုး​ကင် ငါး​ကောင်၊ ပေါက်​ပေါက်​နှစ်​တင်း၊ စ​ပျစ်​သီး​ခြောက် အ​ပြွတ်​တစ်​ရာ​နှင့်​သင်္ဘော​သ​ဖန်း​သီး​ပျဉ် အ​ပြား​နှစ်​ရာ​ကို အ​လျင်​အ​မြန်​စု​ဆောင်း ပြီး​လျှင်​မြည်း​များ​အ​ပေါ်​သို့​တင်​၏။-
အဘိဂဲလသည် မုန့်လုံးနှစ်ရာ၊ စပျစ်ရည်ဘူးနှစ်လုံး၊ ချက်ပြီးသော သိုးငါးကောင်၊ ပေါက်ပေါက်ငါးဧဖာ၊ စပျစ်သီးခြောက် အပြွတ်တရာ၊ သင်္ဘောသဖန်းသီး ပျဉ်အပြားနှစ်ရာတို့ကို အလျင်အမြန် ယူ၍ မြည်းတို့အပေါ်၌တင်ပြီးလျှင်၊
အဘိဂဲလ သည် မုန့် လုံးနှစ်ရာ ၊ စပျစ်ရည် ဘူး နှစ် လုံး၊ ချက် ပြီးသော သိုး ငါး ကောင်၊ ပေါက်ပေါက် ငါး ဧဖာ ၊ စပျစ်သီး ခြောက် အပြွတ်တရာ ၊ သင်္ဘောသဖန်းသီး ပျဉ်အပြားနှစ်ရာ တို့ကို အလျင်အမြန် ယူ ၍ မြည်း တို့အပေါ် ၌တင် ပြီးလျှင်၊
Na hohoro tonu a Apikaira, maua atu ana e ia he taro e rua rau, he waina e rua nga ipu, he hipi e rima, he mea kua oti te taka, he kanga pahuhu e rima nga mehua, he tautau karepe maroke kotahi rau, he papa piki e rua rau, he mea whakawaha ki te kaihe.
U-Abhigeli kasachithanga sikhathi. Wathatha izinkwa ezingamakhulu amabili, izikhumba ezimbili zewayini, izimvu ezinhlanu ezihlinziweyo, amagokoko amahlanu amabele akhanzingiweyo, amakhekhe alikhulu amagrebisi awonyisiweyo, lamakhulu amabili amakhekhe omkhiwa okhanyiweyo, wakuthwalisa obabhemi.
UAbigayili wasephangisa wathatha izinkwa ezingamakhulu amabili, lembodlela ezimbili zewayini, lezimvu ezinhlanu ezilungisiweyo, lamaseya amane amabele akhanzingiweyo, lamahlukuzo alikhulu ezithelo zevini ezonyisiweyo, lezinkwa ezingamakhulu amabili zomkhiwa, wakuthwalisa obabhemi.
अनि अबीगेलले हतार गरिन् र दुई सय रोटी, दुई मशक दाखमद्य, पहिले नै तयार पाँच वटा भेडा, आठ पाथी सुकेको अन्‍न, एक सय झुप्‍पा किशमिश, दुई सय डल्ला सुकेको नेभारा लिए र तिनलाई गधामाथि राखिन् ।
Da skyndte Abiga'il sig og tok to hundre brød og to skinnsekker med vin og fem får som var tillaget og fem mål ristet korn og hundre rosinkaker og to hundre fikenkaker og la dem på asenene.
Då skunda Abiga’il seg og tok tvo hundrad brød, tvo vinhitar, fem tillaga sauer, ti settungar steikte aks, hundrad rosinkakor og tvo hundrad fikekakor, og klyvja på asni.
ତହୁଁ ଅବୀଗଲ ଶୀଘ୍ର ଦୁଇ ଶହ ରୁଟି ଓ ଦୁଇ କୁମ୍ପା ଦ୍ରାକ୍ଷାରସ ଓ ପାଞ୍ଚୋଟି କଟା ମେଷ ଓ ପାଞ୍ଚ ଗଉଣୀ ଭଜା ଶସ୍ୟ ଓ ଶହେ ପେଣ୍ଡା ଦ୍ରାକ୍ଷାଫଳ ଓ ଦୁଇ ଶହ ଡିମ୍ବିରି ଚକ୍ତି ନେଇ ଗଧମାନଙ୍କ ଉପରେ ନଦିଲା।
Abiigayiil yeroo hin balleessine. Isheen buddeena dhibba lama, daadhii wayinii qalqalloo lama; hoolota qalmaaf qopheeffaman shan, akaayii safartuu shan, maxinoo ija wayinii dhibba tokkoo fi maxinoo ija harbuu dhibba lama fudhattee harreetti feʼatte.
ਤਦ ਅਬੀਗੈਲ ਫੁਰਤੀ ਨਾਲ ਉੱਠੀ ਅਤੇ ਦੋ ਸੌ ਰੋਟੀਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਦੋ ਮਸ਼ਕਾਂ ਮੈਅ ਦੀਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਪੰਜ ਭੇਡਾਂ ਰਿੰਨ੍ਹੀਆਂ ਹੋਈਆਂ ਅਤੇ ਪੰਜ ਟੋਪੇ ਭੁੰਨੇ ਹੋਏ ਦਾਣੇ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਸੌ ਗੁੱਛਾ ਸੌਗੀ ਦਾ ਅਤੇ ਦੋ ਸੌ ਪਿੰਨੀ ਹੰਜ਼ੀਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਗਧਿਆਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਲੱਦ ਲਿਆ।
آنگاه ابیجایل تعجیل نموده، دویست گرده نان و دو مشگ شراب و پنج گوسفند مهیا شده، وپنج کیل خوشه برشته و صد قرص کشمش ودویست قرص انجیر گرفته، آنها را بر الاغهاگذاشت.
آنگاه اَبیجایِل با عجله دویست نان، دو مشک شراب، پنج گوسفند کباب شده، هفده کیلو غلهٔ برشته و صد نان کشمشی و دویست نان انجیری برداشته، آنها را روی چند الاغ گذاشت
Pospieszyła się tedy Abigail, i wzięła dwieście chleba, i dwie łagwi wina, i pięć owiec oprawnych, i pięć miar prażma, i sto wiązanek rodzynków, i dwieście funtów fig, a włożyła to na osły;
Wtedy Abigail pośpieszyła się, wzięła dwieście chlebów, dwa bukłaki wina, pięć przyrządzonych owiec, pięć miar prażonego ziarna, sto pęczków rodzynków oraz dwieście placków figowych i załadowała to na osły.
Então Abigail tomou logo duzentos pães, e dois odres de vinho, e cinco ovelhas guisadas, e cinco medidas de grão tostado, e cem cachos de uvas passas, e duzentos pães de figos secos, e carregou-o em asnos;
Então Abigail se apressou, e tomou duzentos pães, e dois odres de vinho, e cinco ovelhas guisadas, e cinco medidas de trigo tostado, e cem cachos de passas, e duzentas pastas de figos passados, e os poz sobre jumentos.
Então Abigail se apressou, e tomou duzentos pães, e dois odres de vinho, e cinco ovelhas guisadas, e cinco medidas de trigo tostado, e cem cachos de passas, e duzentas pastas de figos passados, e os pôs sobre jumentos.
Então Abigail se apressou e levou duzentos pães, dois recipientes de vinho, cinco ovelhas prontas a vestir, cinco mares de grãos tostados, cem cachos de passas, e duzentos bolos de figos, e os colocou sobre burros.
Абигаил а луат ындатэ доуэ суте де пынь, доуэ бурдуфурь ку вин, чинч ой прегэтите, чинч мэсурь де грыу прэжит, о сутэ де турте де стафиде ши доуэ суте де легэтурь де смокине. Ле-а пус пе мэгарь
Atunci Abigail s-a grăbit și a luat două sute de pâini și două burdufuri cu vin și cinci oi gata pregătite și cinci măsuri de grâne prăjite și o sută de ciorchini de stafide și două sute de turte de smochine și le-a pus pe măgari.
Тогда Авигея поспешно взяла двести хлебов, и два меха с вином, и пять овец приготовленных, и пять мер сушеных зерен, и сто связок изюму, и двести связок смокв, и навьючила на ослов,
Тада Авигеја брже узе двеста хлебова и две мешине вина и пет оваца зготовљених и пет мерица прженог жита, и сто гроздова сувог грожђа и двеста груда сувих смокава, и метну на магарце.
Tada Avigeja brže uze dvjesta hljebova i dvije mješine vina i pet ovaca zgotovljenijeh i pet mjerica pržena žita, i sto grozdova suhoga grožða i dvjesta gruda suhih smokava, i metnu na magarce.
Abhigairi haana kupedza nguva. Akatora mazana maviri ezvingwa, matende amatehwe ewaini maviri, makwai akavhiyiwa mashanu, zviyero zvishanu zvezviyo zvakakangwa, mazana mashanu amakeke amazambiringa akaoma uye mazana maviri amakeke amaonde akasvinwa, akazvitakudza mbongoro.
И потщася Авигеа, и взя двести хлебов и два сосуда вина и пять овец устроеных и пять мер муки чистыя и кошницу гроздия и двести вязаниц смоквей, и возложи на ослята,
Potem se je Abigájila podvizala in vzela dvesto hlebov, dva vinska meha, pet pripravljenih ovc, pet mer opraženega žita, sto grozdov rozin in dvesto figovih kolačev in jih položila na osle.
Markaasaa Abiigayil dhaqsatay, oo waxay soo qaadatay laba boqol oo xabbadood oo kibis ah, iyo laba sibraar oo khamri ah, iyo shan neef oo ido ah oo la qalay, iyo shan koombo oo hadhuudh la dubay ah, iyo boqol rucubood oo sabiib ah, iyo laba boqol oo fud oo berde ah, oo waxay ku raratay dameerro.
Entonces Abigail tomó luego doscientos panes, y dos cueros de vino, y cinco ovejas guisadas, y cinco medidas de harina tostada, y cien hilos de uvas pasas, y doscientos panes de higos secos, y lo cargó en asnos;
Abigail recolectó rápidamente doscientos panes, dos cueros de vino, cinco ovejas ya sacrificadas, cinco seahs de grano tostado, cien tortas de pasas y doscientas tortas de higos, y luego cargó todo en los asnos.
Entonces Abigail se apresuró a tomar doscientos panes, dos cántaros de vino, cinco ovejas preparadas, cinco seahs de grano tostado, cien racimos de pasas y doscientos pasteles de higos, y los puso sobre los asnos.
Entonces Abigail se apresuró, tomó 200 panes, dos odres de vino, cinco ovejas ya preparadas, cinco medidas de grano tostado, 100 racimos de uvas pasas y 200 tortas de higos secos. Ordenó cargar todo sobre asnos
Tomó, pues, Abigail a toda prisa doscientos panes, dos pellejos de vino, cinco ovejas aderezadas, cinco medidas de grano tostado, cien atados de pasas y doscientas tortas de higos secos, y poniéndolos sobre los asnos,
Entonces Abigail tomó luego doscientos panes, y dos cueros de vino, y cinco ovejas guisadas, y cinco medidas de harina tostada, y cien hilos de uvas pasadas, y doscientas masas de higos pasados, y cargólo en asnos;
Entonces Abigail tomó luego doscientos panes, y dos cueros de vino, y cinco ovejas guisadas, y cinco medidas de grano tostado, y cien hilos de uvas pasas, y doscientos panes de higos secos, y cargólo en asnos;
Luego, Abigail tomó rápidamente doscientos pasteles de pan y dos pieles llenas de vino y cinco ovejas listas para cocinar y cinco medidas de grano seco y cien paquetes de uvas secas y doscientos pasteles de higos, luego cargó todo en los asnos.
Ndipo Abigaili akaharakisha na akachukuwa mikate mia mbili, chupa mbili za divai, kondoo watano waliokwisha andaliwa, vipimo vitano vya bisi, vishada mia moja vya zabibu, na mikate mia mbili ya tini na akavipakia juu ya punda.
Abigaili akafanya haraka, akachukua mikate mia mbili, viriba viwili vya divai, kondoo watano waliochinjwa vipimo vitano vya bisi, vishada mia moja vya zabibu kavu, mikate mia mbili ya tini, akavipakia juu ya punda.
Då gick Abigail strax och tog två hundra bröd, två vinläglar, fem tillredda får, fem sea-mått rostade ax, ett hundra russinkakor och två hundra fikonkakor, och lastade detta på åsnor.
Då hastade sig Abigail, och tog tuhundrad bröd, och två läglar, vin, och fem kokad får, och fem skäppor mjöl, och hundrad stycke russin, och tuhundrad stycke fikon, och lade på åsnar;
Då gick Abigail strax och tog två hundra bröd, två vinläglar, fem tillredda får, fem sea-mått rostade ax, ett hundra russinkakor och två hundra fikonkakor, och lastade detta på åsnor.
Nang magkagayo'y nagmadali si Abigail, at kumuha ng dalawang daang tinapay, at dalawang balat ng alak, at limang handang tupa, at limang takal ng trigo na sinangag, at isang daang kumpol na pasas, at dalawang daang binilong igos, at ipinagpapasan sa mga asno.
Pagkatapos nagmadali si Abigail at kumuha ng dalawang daang tinapay, dalawang boteng alak, limang tupang nakahanda na, limang sukob ng sinangag na butil, isang daang tungkos ng pasas, at dalawang daang mamon ng igos at ikinarga ang mga ito sa mga asno.
அப்பொழுது அபிகாயில் வேகமாக 200 அப்பங்களையும் இரண்டு தோல்பை திராட்சை ரசத்தையும், சமையல்செய்யப்பட்ட ஐந்து ஆடுகளையும், ஐந்துபடி வறுத்த பயிற்றையும், வற்றலாக்கப்பட்ட 100 திராட்சை குலைகளையும், வற்றலான 200 அத்திப்பழ அடைகளையும் எடுத்து, கழுதைகள்மேல் ஏற்றி,
உடனே அபிகாயில் தாமதிக்கவில்லை; அவள் இருநூறு அப்பங்களையும், இரண்டு தோல் குடுவைகளில் திராட்சை இரசத்தையும், தோல் உரித்த ஐந்து செம்மறியாடுகளையும், ஐந்துபடி அளவு வறுத்த தானியத்தையும், நூறு திராட்சை அடைகளையும், இருநூறு அத்திப்பழ அடைகளையும் எடுத்து அவற்றைக் கழுதைகள்மேல் ஏற்றினாள்.
అప్పుడు అబీగయీలు నాబాలుతో ఏమీ చెప్పకుండా గబగబా 200 రొట్టెలు, రెండు ద్రాక్షారసం తిత్తులు, వండిన ఐదు గొర్రెల మాంసం, ఐదు మానికల వేయించిన ధాన్యం, 100 ఎండు ద్రాక్షగెలలు, 200 అంజూరు పండ్ల ముద్దలు గాడిదలకెక్కించి
Ko ia naʻe fai fakatoʻotoʻo ai ʻe ʻApikale, ʻo ne toʻo ʻae mā kotoa ʻe uangeau, mo e hina uaine ʻe ua, mo e sipi ʻe nima kuo ngaohi, mo e fua uite tunu ʻe nima, mo e fuhi kālepi ʻe teau, mo e mā fiki ʻe uangeau, pea naʻa ne fakaheka ia ki he fanga ʻasi.
Avigail zaara oza qiyxha, q'öd vəş gıney, q'ölle çaxıren tuluğ, xholle vəq'əyn laşşag, sa xəbna qootsuyne sukuna maşuk', vəş ts'ets' qeqquyne t'ımılena, q'öd vəş t'exa qeqqu'ıyne incileeşin sı'ı, əməleeşilqa iliyxhe.
Bunun üzerine Avigayil, hiç zaman yitirmeden, iki yüz ekmek, iki tulum şarap, hazırlanmış beş koyun, beş sea kavrulmuş buğday, yüz salkım kuru üzüm ve iki yüz parça incir pestili alıp eşeklere yükledi.
Abigail ansɛe bere koraa. Ɔfaa brodo mua ahannu, nsa aboa nhoma abien, nguan anum a wɔakum wɔn asiesie wɔn, nkyewe susude anum, bobe ɔfam ɔha ne bobe aba a wɔabɔ no atɔwatɔw ahannu de soaa mfurum.
Abigail ansɛe berɛ koraa. Ɔfaa burodo mua ahanu, nsã aboa nwoma mmienu, nnwan enum a wɔakum wɔn asiesie wɔn, nkyeweɛ susudeɛ enum, bobe ɔfam ɔha ne bobe aba a wɔabɔ no ntowantowa ahanu de soaa mfunumu.
Тоді Авіґа́їл поспішно взяла́ двісті хлібів, і два бурдюки́ вина, і п'ятеро приготовлених з отари, і п'ять сеїв пряженого зе́рна, а сто — родзи́нок, та двісті — су́шених фіґ. І склала це на ослів.
तब अबीजेल ने जल्दी की और दो सौ रोटियाँ और मय के दो मश्कीज़े और पाँच पकी पकाई भेंडें और भुने हुए अनाज के पाँच पैमाने और किशमिश के एक सौ ख़ोशे और इन्जीर की दो सौ टिकियाँ साथ लीं और उनको गधों पर लाद लिया।
ئابىگائىل دەرھال ئىككى يۈز نان، ئىككى تۇلۇم شاراب، بەش پىشۇرۇلغان قوي، بەش سېئاھ قوماچ، بىر يۈز كىشمىش پوشكىلى، ئىككى يۈز ئەنجۈر پوشكىلى ئېلىپ ئېشەكلەرگە ئارتىپ
Абигаил дәрһал икки йүз нан, икки тулум шарап, бәш пиширилған қой, бәш сеаһ қомач, бир йүз кишмиш пошкили, икки йүз әнҗир пошкили елип ешәкләргә артип
Abigail derhal ikki yüz nan, ikki tulum sharab, besh pishurulghan qoy, besh séah qomach, bir yüz kishmish poshkili, ikki yüz enjür poshkili élip ésheklerge artip
Abigail dǝrⱨal ikki yüz nan, ikki tulum xarab, bǝx pixurulƣan ⱪoy, bǝx seaⱨ ⱪomaq, bir yüz kixmix poxkili, ikki yüz ǝnjür poxkili elip exǝklǝrgǝ artip
A-bi-ga-in vội vàng lấy hai trăm ổ bánh, hai bầu da rượu nho, năm con chiên đực nấu chín, năm đấu hột rang, một trăm bánh nho khô, và hai trăm bánh trái vả khô, chất trên lưng lừa.
A-bi-ga-in vội vàng lấy hai trăm ổ bánh, hai bầu da rượu nho, năm con chiên đực nấu chín, năm đấu hột rang, một trăm bánh nho khô, và hai trăm bánh trái vả khô, chất trên lưng lừa.
A-bi-ga-in vội vàng lấy 200 ổ bánh, hai bầu rượu, năm con chiên quay, 30 lít hạt rang, 100 bánh nho khô, 200 bánh trái vả, chất tất cả lên lưng lừa.
Abigaili sì yára, ó sì mú igbá ìṣù àkàrà àti ìgò ọtí wáìnì méjì, àti àgùntàn márùn-ún, tí a ti ṣè, àti òsùwọ̀n àgbàdo yíyan márùn-ún, àti ọgọ́rùn-ún ìdì àjàrà, àti igba àkàrà èso ọ̀pọ̀tọ́, ó sì dìwọ́n ru kẹ́tẹ́kẹ́tẹ́.
Verse Count = 213

< 1-Samuel 25:18 >