Nainoia, Inc

Nainoia, Inc. exists for Christian mission promotion, technical support services, and Bible publication. Nainoia, pronounced ( nă’-ĭ-nō-ī` ), is the Greek adjective aionian / aiōnios, spelled backwards. This Greek word, commonly translated eternal in the Bible, actually means something wonderfully more complete than eternal time. Instead the emphasis in meaning is complete, entire, or even consummate. The Greek noun aiōn means age. As you can see aiōn is similar in spelling to eon. Thus for the Greeks the adjective aiōnios was much more than eternal time, but instead entirety or wholeness from the beginning to the completion. Nainoia, Inc. is aiōnios spelled backwards to recognize that our world is less than it could be and often the opposite of what it should be. We exist for the task of helping the world to be more than it is and turning what is backwards to the forwards, made whole in Jesus’ name.

We are not a membership organization, church, or fellowship, but instead a task oriented organization established in 2016. We are recruiting and empowering Christians to the task of Christian mission promotion, technical support services, and Bible publication. Nainoia, Inc. helps Christians and existing Christian fellowships and organizations work together, sharing resources, and encouraging practical hands-on effort in Christian mission. We seek to employ the same talents that make us successful in our careers to serve the Lord in his Great Commission. Perhaps Nainoia, Inc. is an organization where you can grow, strengthen, and exercise your talents in Christian mission. We are recruiting volunteers, contractors, staff, and board directors.

We plan to 1) develop the Holy Bible Aionian Edition™ at, in print, and other formats to help others investigate the thesis of God’s unconditional love for all mankind for themselves from the Bible, 2) promote further research and publication of Biblical arguments for the thesis of God’s unconditional love for all mankind, 3) help Christians network online and face-to-face, 4) protect the sanctity of all life, 5) promote God’s design for marriage and the one flesh relationship of husband and wife which illustrates the relationship of Christ and the church, 6) implement strategies against pornography and sexual abuse, 7) speak truth and initiate peacemaking into Middle East and world conflict with the powerful weapons of prayer and Scripture, 8) raise awareness of world-wide need, 9) support Christian evangelism and discipleship, and 10) provide computer and technical support services to existing Christian fellowships and organizations. You may also have your own project to present to our board with a passion to lead and recruit resources and funding. The sky is not our limit… our limit is the God who knows no limits!

We hope to pray and plan with you further! Ora et labora! Pray and work!

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