< Luke 1 >

1 Sumbu batu batona sonika mambu momo mavioka va khatitsikꞌeto;
Forsothe for manye men enforceden to ordeyne the tellyng of thingis, whiche ben fillid in vs,
2 banga bubatukambila mawu kuidi batu bobo baba bambangi bamona mesotona vana thonono ayi baba bisadi bi mambu ma Nzambi.
as thei that seyn atte the bigynnyng, and weren ministris of the word,
3 A mueni Tewofile, ndimona ti didi dimbote, sumbu ndifiongunina bumbotemambu moso tona vana thonono mu kusonikina mawu boso bu malandikinini
bitaken, it is seen also to me, hauynge alle thingis diligentli bi ordre, to write to thee,
4 muingi wuzaba kiedika ki mambu momo wulongu.
thou best Theofile, that thou knowe the treuthe of tho wordis, of whiche thou art lerned.
5 Mu thangu Elode kaba ntinu mu Yuda, muba ayi nganga Nzambi yimosi, dizina diandi Zakali. Niandi wuba mu dikabu di Abia ayi nketo andi Elizabeti wuba mu nkuna Aloni.
In the daies of Eroude, kyng of Judee, ther was a prest, Sakarie bi name, of the sorte of Abia, and his wijf was of the douytris of Aaron, and hir name was Elizabeth.
6 Bawu buadi baba batu basonga va meso ma Nzambi ayi baba kinzikangazithumunu zioso ayi mina mioso mi Pfumu mu kambu tsembolo.
And bothe weren iust bifor God, goynge in alle the maundementis and iustifiyngis of the Lord, withouten pleynt.
7 Basia buta bana ko bila Elizabeti wuba sita ayi bawu buadi baba banuna ngolo.
And thei hadden no child, for Elizabeth was bareyn, and bothe weren of grete age in her daies.
8 Lumbu kimosi Zakali kaba sala kisalu kiandi ki kinganga Nzambi va ntuala Nzambi bila yiba thangu yi dikabu diandi;
And it bifel, that whanne Zacarie schulde do the office of preesthod, in the ordre of his cours tofor God,
9 landila bu bela kifu ki zinganga Nzambi, niandi wubuilu tsombo mu kota mu vinga ki nlongo ki Pfumu mu diambu di yoka ansa.
aftir the custome of the preesthod, he wente forth bi lot, and entride in to the temple, to encense.
10 Mu thangu yinyokongo ansa, nkangu woso wu batu widi mu lusambulu ku nganda.
And al the multitude of the puple was with outforth, and preiede in the our of encensyng.
11 Tumbu zimbukila mbasi yi Pfumu yintotukila, buna yitelimini va koko ku lubakala lu diziku di banyokilanga ansa.
And an aungel of the Lord apperide to hym, and stood on the riythalf of the auter of encense.
12 Zakali bu kammona, weka ntita ayi weka mona tsisi.
And Zacarie seynge was afraied, and drede fel vpon hym.
13 Vayi mbasi yinkamba: —A Zakali, bika mona tsisi bila Nzambi wuwilu lusambulu luaku, diawu nketoꞌaku Elizabeti wela kubutila muana wu bakala ayi wela kuntedilanga Yowani.
And the aungel seide to hym, Zacarie, drede thou not; for thi preyer is herd, and Elizabeth, thi wijf, schal bere to thee a sone, and his name schal be clepid Joon.
14 Wala ba tho yi khini ayi di tsaya kuidi ngeyo ayi batu bawombo bela mona khini mu mbutukulu andi.
And ioye and gladyng schal be to thee; and many schulen `haue ioye in his natyuyte.
15 Wela ba wunneni va ntuala Pfumu, kalendi nua kadi vinu ko, kadi malavu mankolosongo ko. Wela ba wufuluka mu Pheve Yinlongo tona mu vumu ki nguandi.
For he schal be greet bifor the Lord, and he schal not drynke wyn and sidir, and he schal be fulfillid with the Hooli Goost yit of his modir wombe.
16 Wela vutula bana ba Iseli bawombo kuidi Nzambi awu.
And he schal conuerte many of the children of Israel to her Lord God;
17 Wela tuamina Pfumu ku ntuala mu mpeve ayi mu lulendo lu Eli mu diambu di vutula nguizani va khatitsika madisa ayi bana bawu, mu diambu di batu bobo badi matingu batula mu tezo ki yindula bangabatu basonga ayi mu kubika batu bakubama mu diambu di Pfumu.
and he schal go bifor hym in the spirit and the vertu of Helie; and he schal turne the hertis of the fadris in to the sones, and men out of bileue to the prudence of iust men, to make redi a perfit puple to the Lord.
18 Buna Zakali wuyuvula mbasi: —A buevi ndiela bu zabila e? Bila minu veka ndieka nunu ki ngolo ayi nketo ama mimvu miwombo keka.
And Zacarie seide to the aungel, Wherof schal Y wite this? for Y am eld, and my wijf hath gon fer in to hir daies.
19 Mbasi yimvutudila: —Minu ndidi Ngabi, minu nditelamanga va ntuala Nzambi, thumunu mu kuyolukila ayi ku kamba minsamu miami mimbote.
And the aungel answeride, and seide to hym, For Y am Gabriel, that stonde niy bifor God; and Y am sent to thee to speke, and to euangelize to thee these thingis.
20 Vayi weka kituka dibaba ayi wulendi baka bu buela yolukilanga ko nate lumbu kioki mambu mama mela vangama. Bobo buela bela bila wusi wilukila ko mambu mama, momo mela vangama mu thangu yifuana.
And lo! thou schalt be doumbe, and thou schalt not mow speke til in to the dai, in which these thingis schulen be don; for thou hast not bileued to my wordis, whiche schulen be fulfillid in her tyme.
21 Vayi mu thangu beni, nkangu wu batu wuba vingila Zakali. Batu basimina bu bamona ti wulembu zingila muna vinga ki nlongo.
And the puple was abidynge Zacarie, and thei wondriden, that he tariede in the temple.
22 Bu katotuka, kasi baka bu yolukila ko batu bobo bakutakana. Buna basudika ti tsongolo kamueni muna vinga nlongo. Niandi mu bidimbu kaba kuba yolukila ayi wusiala dibaba.
And he yede out, and myyte not speke to hem, and thei knewen that he hadde seyn a visioun in the temple. And he bikenyde to hem, and he dwellide stille doumbe.
23 Bu kamanisa bilumbu biandi bi kisalu, buna wuvutuka ku nzoꞌandi.
And it was don, whanne the daies of his office weren fulfillid, he wente in to his hous.
24 Bilumbu bina bu bivioka, nketo andi Elizabeti weka mu buemba. Vayi zingondi zitanu kasuamina bila wukamba ti:
And aftir these daies Elizabeth, his wijf, conseyuede, and hidde hir fyue monethis, and seide,
25 —Tala maphangidi Pfumu! Niandi wumbengudidi thalu yimbote ayi botudi zitsoni ziama va meso ma batu boso.
For so the Lord dide to me in the daies, in whiche he bihelde, to take awei my repreef among men.
26 Mu ngondi yi nsambanu, Nzambi wufidisa mbasi Ngabi ku divula dimosi didi mu Ngalili. Dizina di divula beni Nazaleti,
But in the sixte moneth the aungel Gabriel was sent fro God in to a citee of Galilee, whos name was Nazareth,
27 kuidi muana ndumba wumosi wuwizana makuela ayi bakala dimosi, diba mu nkuna Davidi. Dizina di bakala beni Zefu ayi dizina di muana ndumba Maliya.
to a maidyn, weddid to a man, whos name was Joseph, of the hous of Dauid; and the name of the maidun was Marie.
28 —Mboti aku e! Ngeyo wumonokono nlemvo kuidi Nzambi! Pfumu widi yaku!
And the aungel entride to hir, and seide, Heil, ful of grace; the Lord be with thee; blessid be thou among wymmen.
29 Maliya weka mona boma bu kawa mambu momo. Wuba ku kiyuvula tsundu yi mbote yoyo.
And whanne sche hadde herd, sche was troublid in his word, and thouyte what maner salutacioun this was.
30 Buna mbasi yinkamba: —Bika mona tsisi Maliya bila Nzambi wumueni kiadi.
And the aungel seide to hir, Ne drede thou not, Marie, for thou hast foundun grace anentis God.
31 Tala: wela ba mu buemba ayi wela buta muana wu bakala; wela kuntedilanga Yesu.
Lo! thou schalt conceyue in wombe, and schalt bere a sone, and thou schalt clepe his name Jhesus.
32 Wela ba wunneni. Wela tedudulungu “Nzambi yizangama” ayi Pfumu Nzambi wela kumvana kundu ki kipfumu ki nkulu andi Davidi.
This schal be greet, and he schal be clepid the sone of the Hiyeste; and the Lord God schal yeue to hym the seete of Dauid, his fadir,
33 Wela biadilanga, mu zithangu zioso, batu batotukila mu Yakobi ayilubialu luandi lulendi suka ko. (aiōn g165)
and he schal regne in the hous of Jacob with outen ende, and of his rewme schal be noon ende. (aiōn g165)
34 Maliya wukamba Mbasi: —A buevi mela vangimina bila ndisi zaba nitu yi bakala ko?
And Marie seide to the aungel, On what maner schal this thing be doon, for Y knowe not man?
35 Mbasi yimvutudila: —Pheve Yinlongo yela kuluka mu ngeyo ayi kitsusula ki lulendo lu Nzambi wuzangama kiela kufukidila. Diawu wunlongo wela butuka, wela tedudulungu Muana wu Nzambi.
And the aungel answeride, and seide to hir, The Hooly Goost schal come fro aboue in to thee, and the vertu of the Hiyeste schal ouerschadewe thee; and therfor that hooli thing that schal be borun of thee, schal be clepid the sone of God.
36 Tala khombꞌaku Elizabeti, mamvandi widi mu buemba bu muana wu bakala mu bununu buandi. Niandi baba tedilanga sita weka mu ngondi andi yi nsambanu.
And lo! Elizabeth, thi cosyn, and sche also hath conceyued a sone in hir eelde, and this moneth is the sixte to hir that is clepid bareyn;
37 Bila kuisi ko diambu diela lembakana vanga Nzambi.
for euery word schal not be inpossible anentis God.
38 Buna Maliya wuvutula: —Minu ndidi kisadi ki Pfumu. Bika mavangimina kuidi minu boso buididi mambu maku. Buna mbasi yimbika.
And Marie seide, Lo! the handmaydyn of the Lord; be it don to me aftir thi word. And the aungel departide fro hir.
39 Mu bilumbu bina, Maliya wuyenda nsualu-nsualu ku divula didiku miongo, mu zunga ki Yuda.
And Marie roos vp in tho daies, and wente with haaste in to the mounteyns, in to a citee of Judee.
40 Wukota mu nzo Zakali ayi wuvana Elizabeti mboti.
And sche entride in to the hous of Zacarie, and grette Elizabeth.
41 Thangu Elizabeti kawa mbote yi Maliya muanꞌandi wunikuka mu vumu kiandi. Buna wuwala mu Pheve Yinlongo.
And it was don, as Elizabeth herde the salutacioun of Marie, the yong child in hir wombe gladide. And Elizabeth was fulfillid with the Hooli Goost,
42 Ayi wuyamikina mu mbembo yingolo: —Ngeyo widi wusakumunu va miudi baketo ayi muana widi mu vumu kiaku widi wusakumunu.
and criede with a greet vois, and seide, Blessid be thou among wymmen, and blessid be the fruyt of thi wombe.
43 Buna kuevi kubedi diambu diadi ti ngudi yi Pfumu ama kiza kuidi minu e?
And whereof is this thing to me, that the modir of my Lord come to me?
44 Bila mu thangu nguilu mbotiꞌaku mu matu mama buna muana wunikukini mu vumu kiama mu diambu di khini.
For lo! as the voice of thi salutacioun was maad in myn eeris, the yong child gladide in ioye in my wombe.
45 Khini kuidi nketo wowo wuwilukila bila mambu momo makamba Pfumu mu diambu diandi mela vangama.
And blessid be thou, that hast bileued, for thilke thingis that ben seid of the Lord to thee, schulen be parfitli don.
46 Buna Maliya wukamba: Muelꞌama wunkembisanga nzitusu wu Pfumu
And Marie seide, Mi soule magnyfieth the Lord,
47 ayi mpeve yama yilembo mona khini mu diambu di Nzambi, Mvulusi ama.
and my spirit hath gladid in God, myn helthe.
48 Bila wubengudi thaluꞌandi va kisadi kiandi kikambulu mfunu, diawu zitsungi zioso ziela kuthedilanga nketo wu zikhini.
For he hath biholdun the mekenesse of his handmaidun.
49 Bila Nzambi yi zingolo zioso wuphangidi mambu manneni Dizina diandi didi dinlongo.
For lo! of this alle generaciouns schulen seie that Y am blessid. For he that is myyti hath don to me grete thingis, and his name is hooli.
50 Ayi mamboti mandi mela zingilanga mu tsungi ka tsungi, kuidi bobo ba kunkizikanga.
And his mercy is fro kynrede in to kynredes, to men that dreden hym.
51 Wumonikisidi zingolo ziandi mu koko kuandi, wusasikisidi batu badi luniemo mu mintima miawu
He made myyt in his arme, he scaterede proude men with the thouyte of his herte.
52 Wukuludi batu ba lulendo mu bikundu biawu bi kipfumu ayi wunangikidi batu bobo badi balembama
He sette doun myyti men fro sete, and enhaunside meke men.
53 Wuyukutisidi batu bobo baba nzala mu bima bimbote. Wusindika bamvuama mioko yi mioko
He hath fulfillid hungri men with goodis, and he hath left riche men voide.
54 Wusadisidi kisadi kiandi Iseli mu thebukulu yi moyo mu mambote mandi.
He, hauynge mynde of his mercy, took Israel, his child;
55 Banga buididi tsila yi kavana bakulu beto kuidi Abalahami ayi kuidi nkunꞌandi mu zithangu zioso. (aiōn g165)
as he hath spokun to oure fadris, to Abraham and to his seed, in to worldis. (aiōn g165)
56 Tezo ki zingondi zitatu Mliya kavuandila kuidi Elizabeti, bosi wuvutuka ku nzoꞌandi.
And Marie dwellide with hir, as it were thre monethis, and turnede ayen in to hir hous.
57 Lumbu ki Elizabeti ki buta bu kifuana, wubuta muana wu bakala.
But the tyme of beryng child was fulfillid to Elizabeth, and sche bare a sone.
58 Bakundi bandi ayi bibutu biandi bu bawa phila Pfumu kamonisina mambote mandi, bamona khini va kimosi ayi niandi.
And the neiyboris and cosyns of hir herden, that the Lord hadde magnyfied his mercy with hir; and thei thankiden hym.
59 Muana bu kadukisa dinana di bilumbu, bayiza mu diambu di nzengulu yi nitu yi kibakala. Bawu boso bazola kuntedila Zakali banga dizina di siandi,
And it was don in the eiyte dai, thei camen to circumcide the child; and thei clepiden hym Zacarie, bi the name of his fadir.
60 vayi nguandi wukamba ti: —Nana, dizina diandi Yowani.
And his moder answeride, and seide, Nay, but he schal be clepid Joon.
61 Vayi bawu bankamba: —Kadi mutu wumosi mu dikanda diaku kasi ko dizina diodi.
And thei seiden to hir, For no man is in thi kynrede, that is clepid this name.
62 Buna bayuvula dise, mu bidimbu, mu zaba dizina mbi katidi vana muana.
And thei bikeneden to his fadir, what he wolde that he were clepid.
63 Wulomba tini ki dibaya; muna kasonika ti: —Dizina diandi Yowani. Buna batu boso basimina.
And he axynge a poyntil, wroot, seiynge, Joon is his name.
64 Muna thangu yina, munu andi wuzibudidi ayi ludimi luandi luniangukidi. Wuyolukidi ayi wukembisidi Nzambi.
And alle men wondriden. And anoon his mouth was openyd, and his tunge, and he spak, and blesside God.
65 Batu babo bafikasana yawu bamona tsisi, ayi, bayolukilamambu beni mu tsi yoso yi miongo mi Yuda.
And drede was maad on alle her neiyboris, and alle these wordis weren pupplischid on alle the mounteyns of Judee.
66 Babo bawa nsamu beni balunda wawu mu mintima miawu ayi batuba: “A buna muana beni buevi kela bela e?” Bila Pfumu wuba yandi.
And alle men that herden puttiden in her herte, and seiden, What maner child schal this be? For the hoond of the Lord was with hym.
67 Dise diandi Zakali wufuluka mu Pheve Yinlongo, diawu kabikudila ti:
And Zacarie, his fadir, was fulfillid with the Hooli Goost, and prophesiede,
68 Nkembo kuidi Pfumu, Nzambi yi Iseli Bila wuyiza tala batu bandi ayi wuba kudidi
and seide, Blessid be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visitid, and maad redempcioun of his puple.
69 Wututotudidi nkudi wu lulendo mu nkuna Davidi, kisadi kiandi.
And he hath rerid to vs an horn of heelthe in the hous of Dauid, his child.
70 Banga bu kayolukila tona vana thonono mu miunu mi mimbikudi miandi minlongo: (aiōn g165)
As he spak bi the mouth of hise hooli prophetis, that weren fro the world. (aiōn g165)
71 ti wela ku tukula mu mioko mi bambeni zieto; mu mioko mi batu bobo ba kutulendanga.
Helthe fro oure enemyes, and fro the hoond of alle men that hatiden vs.
72 Mu diambu di dukisa mambote kuidi bakulu beto ayi mu diambu di tebukila nguizani andi yinlongo moyo;
To do merci with oure fadris, and to haue mynde of his hooli testament.
73 ayi tebukila moyo ndefi yoyo kalevila nkulu eto Abalahami
The greet ooth that he swoor to Abraham, oure fadir, to yyue hym silf to vs.
74 mu kutuvana diluaku di kunsadila mu kambu tsisi bu kameni kutukula mu mioko mi bambeni zieto
That we with out drede delyuered fro the hoond of oure enemyes,
75 mu bunlongo ayi mu busonga, mu bilumbu bieto bi luzingu, va ntualꞌandi.
serue to hym, in hoolynesse and riytwisnesse bifor hym in alle oure daies.
76 Ngeyo muana, wela tedudulungu Mbikudi wu Nzambi yizangama bila ngeyo wela tuaminina Pfumu ku ntualꞌandi mu diambu di kubika nzilꞌandi;
And thou, child, schalt be clepid the prophete of the Hiyest; for thou schalt go bifor the face of the Lord, to make redi hise weies.
77 mu diambu di zabikisa kuidi batu bandi ti Nzambi wumveni phulusu ayi wunlemvukidi masumu andi.
To yyue scyence of helthe to his puple, in to remyssioun of her synnes;
78 Bila Nzambi eto fulukidi mu diadi ayi mu mambote Diawu mbuetete yi nsuka yela totukila ku yilu mu diambu dieto
bi the inwardnesse of the merci of oure God, in the whiche he spryngynge vp fro an hiy hath visitid vs.
79 mu diambu di kienzula bobo badi mu tombi ayi bobo badi mu kini ki lufua, ayi mu diambu di diaisa zithambi zieto mu nzila yi ndembama.
To yyue liyt to hem that sitten in derknessis and in schadewe of deeth; to dresse oure feet in to the weie of pees.
80 Muana wuyunduka ayi wukinda mu mpeve. Bosi wuzingila mu bibuangu bisuama nate mu lumbu kioki kakimonisa va meso ma batu ba Iseli.
And the child wexide, and was coumfortid in spirit, and was in desert placis `til to the dai of his schewing to Israel.

< Luke 1 >