< Luuka 20 >

1 kiliva kighono kimo, UYesu ye alyale ivulanisia avaanhu ku nyumba inyimike ja kufunyila na kudalikila ilivangili, avatekesi avavaa na vavulanisi va ndaghilo vakamulutila palikimo na vaghogholo.
And it came to passe, that on one of those dayes, as he taught the people in the Temple, and preached the Gospel, the hie Priests and the Scribes came vpon him with the Elders,
2 vakajova, vakam'bula, 'tuvule kwe kuvutavulua vuliku ghuvumba agha? nambe ghwe veeni ujuo juno akupelile uvutavulua uvu?”
And spake vnto him, saying, Tell vs by what authoritie thou doest these things, or who is hee that hath giuen thee this authoritie?
3 ghwope akamula akati, 'najune kange nikuvaposia. munivule
And he answered, and sayde vnto them, I also will aske you one thing: tell me therefore:
4 ulwofugho lwa Yonani pe lukahumile ku kyanya au kuvaaahu?'
The baptisme of Iohn, was it from heauen, or of men?
5 neke vakajofesania vavuo ku vavuo, vakatisagha, 'tungati, 'lukahumile kukyanya akutuposia, 'ongo pe namukamwitikile?
And they reasoned within themselues, saying, If we shall say, From heauen, he will say, Why then beleeued ye him not?
6 kange tungati; lukahumile ku vaahu; avaanhu vooni apa kya vikutotava na mavue, lwakuva vooni vikwitika kuuti uYoani alyale m'bili.
But if we shall say, Of men, all the people will stone vs: for they be perswaded that Iohn was a Prophet.
7 pe vakamwamula lwa kuva navakakagwile kuno lulyahumile.
Therefore they answered, that they could not tell whence it was.
8 uYesu akavavula, “najune nanikuvavula umue kwe kuvutavulua vuki nivomba agha.”
Then Iesus sayd vnto them, Neither tell I you, by what authoritie I doe these things.
9 alyavavulile avaanhu ikihwani iki, “umuunhu jumonga alyavyalile umughunda ghwa misabibu, akaluta iisi ijinge ku nsiki ntali.
Then began he to speake to ye people this parable, A certaine man planted a vineyarde, and let it forth to husbandmen: and went into a strange countrey, for a great time.
10 ku nsiki ghuno ghunoghile, akansung'ile um'bombi kuvalimi va misabibu, neke avalimi va misabibu vakantova, vakan'gomosia mavoko ghene.
And at the time conuenient he sent a seruant to the husbandmen, that they should giue him of the fruite of the vineyard: but the husbandmen did beate him, and sent him away emptie.
11 pe akansung'a kange um'bombi ujunge ghwope vakantova, na kum'bombela inyivi, na kukun'gomosia mavoko ghene.
Againe he sent yet another seruant: and they did beate him, and foule entreated him, and sent him away emptie.
12 akansung'a kange ughwa vutatu ghwope vakamulemasia na kukuntagha kunji.
Moreouer he sent the third, and him they wounded, and cast out.
13 lino untwa ghwa mughunda akati, 'kya nivomba kiki? nikunsung'a umwanango umughanike. pamo valamwitika.
Then sayd the Lord of the vineyard, What shall I doe? I will send my beloued sonne: it may be that they will doe reuerence, when they see him.
14 'neke avalimi va sabibu vati vamwaghile, vakajofesania vavuo ku vavuo vakatisagha, 'uju ghwe nya kyuma. tum'bude neke ikyuma kyake kive kitu.
But when the husbandmen sawe him, they reasoned with themselues, saying, This is the heire: come, let vs kill him, that the inheritance may be ours.
15 vakamwumia kunji ku mughunda ghwa misabibu na kukum'buda. pe unyamughunda kwale ikuvavomba kiki?
So they cast him out of the vineyarde, and killed him. What shall the Lord of the vineyarde therefore doe vnto them?
16 ikwisa kukuvabuda avalimi va misabibu, na kukuvapela avange umughunda ughuo”. vope ye vapulike aghuo, vakati, 'uNguluve akanile'.
He will come and destroy these husbandmen, and wil giue out his vineyard to others. But when they heard it, they sayd, God forbid.
17 neke uYesu akavalola akavaposia, akati, “pe amalembe agha ghali nuvufumbue vuki? ilivue lino avajengi valyalikanile, lino lye livue lya npanguto?
And he beheld them, and said, What meaneth this then that is written, The stone that the builders refused, that is made the head of the corner?
18 umuunhu ghweni juno ighua pa kyanya pa livue ilio, idenyeng'ana kyongo. neke jula juno lingamughwile, liku'ndijania kyongo”
Whosoeuer shall fall vpon that stone, shall be broken: and on whomsoeuer it shall fall, it will grinde him to pouder.
19 lino avalembi na vavaha va vatekesi valyalondole isila ja kukun'kola mu nsiki ghughughuo, valyakagwile kuuti alyajovile ikihwani iki kuveene. neke vakavoghwipe avaanhu.
Then the hie Priests, and the Scribes the same houre went about to lay hands on him: (but they feared the people) for they perceiued that he had spoken this parable against them.
20 vakamulola vunono, vakasung'a vano viposelesia vano vikuvona kuva vaanhu va kyang'haani, neke vavwaghe uvuhosi ku malembe ghake, neke kun'twala ku vatemi na vanya vutavulua.
And they watched him, and sent forth spies, which should faine themselues iust men, to take him in his talke, and to deliuer him vnto the power and authoritie of the gouernour.
21 vope vakamposia, vakati, “m'bulanisi tukagula kuuti ghujova na kuvulanisia isa lweli kisila kusyangua nu muunhu ghwoghwoni, neke uve ghuvulanisia ilweli kujova isa Nguluve.
And they asked him, saying, Master, we know that thou sayest, and teachest right, neither doest thou accept mans person, but teachest the way of God truely.
22 pe lunoghile kulyusue kuhomba isongo kwa Kaisali au nambe?”
Is it lawfull for vs to giue Cesar tribute or no?
23 neke UYesu alyakagwile ulutegho lwavo, akavavula,
But he perceiued their craftines, and sayd vnto them, Why tempt ye me?
24 munisone ihela idinali. ikihwani ni litavua lyani fili kyanya jaake?” vakati, “lya Kaisali”.
Shew me a penie. Whose image and superscription hath it? They answered, and sayd, Cesars.
25 ughwope uYesu akavavula akati, 'pe mumpele uKaisali ifya kaisali, nu Nguluve ghano gha Nguluve;
Then he sayd vnto them, Giue then vnto Cesar the things which are Cesars, and to God those which are Gods.
26 avalembi na vavaha va vatekesi vakakunilue kukagula kila kino alyajovagha pavulongolo pa vaanhu. vakadegha ulwamulo lwake navakajova kyokyoni.
And they could not reproue his saying before the people: but they marueiled at his answere, and helde their peace.
27 avasadukayi vamonga vakamulutila, vala vano vijova kuuti avafue navalasyuka,
Then came to him certaine of the Sadduces (which denie that there is any resurrection) and they asked him,
28 vakamposia vakati, “m'bulanisi uMoose alyatulembile kuuti nave umuunhu angafwilue nu nyalukolo unya n'dala juno nsila mwana pe anoghile kukuntola un'dala ghwa nyalukolo ghwake na kuhola naghwo vwimila ulumbulie.
Saying, Master, Moses wrote vnto vs, If any mans brother die hauing a wife, and hee die without children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise vp seede vnto his brother.
29 kulyale na vanyalukolo lekela lubale, ughwa kwasia akatola akafua kisila kuleka umwana,
Now there were seuen brethren, and the first tooke a wife, and he dyed without children.
30 nughwa vuvili ghwope.
And the second tooke the wife, and he dyed childelesse.
31 ughwa vutatu akantola vulevule, enendikio ughwa lekela lubale naakalekile avaanha akafua.
Then the third tooke her: and so likewise the seuen dyed, and left no children.
32 pambele un'dala jula ghwope akafua.
And last of all the woman dyed also.
33 lino nave kwelule ulusyuko iiva nd'ala ghwani? ulwakuva vooni lekela lubale valyantolile'.
Therefore at the resurrection, whose wife of them shall she be? for seuen had her to wife.
34 uYesu akavavula, “vaanha va iisi iji vitola na kutolua. (aiōn g165)
Then Iesus answered, and sayd vnto them, The children of this world marry wiues, and are married. (aiōn g165)
35 neke vala vano vanoghile kukwupila uvusyuko vwa vafue na kukwingila mu vwumi vwa kusila na kusila navitola nambe kutolua. (aiōn g165)
But they which shalbe counted worthy to enioy that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry wiues, neither are married. (aiōn g165)
36 nambe navala fua kange, ulwakuva viiva palikimo na vanyaMhola ve vaanha va Nguluve, vaanha va vusyuko.
For they can die no more, forasmuch as they are equall vnto the Angels, and are the sonnes of God, since they are the children of the resurrection.
37 naju Moose alyajovile kuuti avavue vilisyuka. alyajovile uluo mu malembe mu lwa kihinja kino kilyale kivvika, alyatiile u Mutwa ndavule uNguluve, ghwe Nguluve ghwa Abulahamu, ghwe Nguluve ghwa Isaka, kange ghwe Nguluve ghwa Yakovo”.
And that the dead shall rise againe, euen Moses shewed it besides the bush, when he said, The Lord is the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Iacob.
38 lino umwene naghwe Nguluve ghwa vafue, looli avwumi ulwakuva vooni vikukala kwa mwene”.
For he is not the God of the dead, but of them which liue: for all liue vnto him.
39 pe avavulanisi vamonga ava ndaghilo vakamwamula, vakati m'bulanisi ghwamwile vunono.
Then certaine of the Scribes answered, and sayd, Master, thou hast well sayd.
40 kutengulila apuo vakava vikwoghopa kukumposia.
And after that, durst they not aske him any thing at all.
41 uYesu akavaposia akati, “asi lwa ndani avaanhu viitiuKilisite mwana ghwa Ntwa Davidi?
Then sayd he vnto them, Howe say they that Christ is Dauids sonne?
42 ulwakuva uDavidi jujuo alyalembile mu kitabu kya sabuli alyatile, uMutwa alyam'bulile umutwa ghwango ghukale uluvoko lwa kundio,
And Dauid himselfe sayth in the booke of the Psalmes, The Lord sayd vnto my Lord, Sit at my right hand,
43 kuhanga nikutange uvaleme avalugu vaako paasi pa maghulu ghako,
Till I shall make thine enemies thy footestoole.
44 uDavidi ikunkemela Kilisite 'Mutwa' pe iiva ndani mwana ghwa Davidi”?
Seeing Dauid called him Lord, howe is he then his sonne?
45 avaanhu vooni ye valyale vikumpulikisia akavavula avavulanisivua vaake akati,
Then in the audience of all the people he sayd vnto his disciples,
46 mujilolelelaghe na valembi, vano vilonda kughenda kuno vafwalile amenda amatali, na kunoghua kuuti avaanhu vavahungilaghe nu vwoghofi mumapuulo. pano vali mu nyumba isa kufunyila vilonda kukukala ku fitengo ifya kuvulongolo na mu fikulukulu vikukala mu fitengo fya voghopua.
Beware of the Scribes, which willingly go in long robes, and loue salutations in the markets, and the highest seates in the assemblies, and the chiefe roomes at feastes:
47 avaanhu ava vikuunya ifinu ifya vafwile! neke muvukedusi vwake vikufunya inyifuunyo inhaali, kuuti avaaanhu vatisaghe vagholofu. mu uluo uNguluve ikuvapeela ulupumuko ulukome kukila.
Which deuoure widowes houses, and in shewe make long prayers: These shall receiue greater damnation.

< Luuka 20 >