< Rut 3 >

1 Xu künlǝrdǝ, ⱪeynanisi Naomi uningƣa: — Əy ⱪizim, ⱨal-ǝⱨwalingning yahxi boluxi üqün, sening aram-bǝhtingni izdimǝymǝnmu?
Then Naomi her mother in law said unto her, My daughter, shall I not seek rest for you, that it may be well with you?
2 Sǝn dedǝkliri bilǝn ixligǝn Boaz bizgǝ tuƣⱪan kelidu ǝmǝsmu? Mana, bügün ahxam u hamanda arpa soruydu.
And now is not Boaz of our kindred, with whose maidens you were? Behold, he winnows barley to night in the threshing floor.
3 Əmdi sǝn yuyunup-tarinip, ɵzünggǝ ǝtirlik may sürüp, [esil] kiyimliringni kiyip, hamanƣa qüxkin; lekin u ǝr kixi yǝp-iqip bolmiƣuqǝ, ɵzüngni uningƣa kɵrsǝtmigin.
Wash yourself therefore, and anoint you, and put your raiment upon you, and get you down to the floor: but make not yourself known unto the man, until he shall have done eating and drinking.
4 U yatⱪanda uning uhlaydiƣan yerini kɵrüwal. Andin sǝn kirip, ayaƣ tǝripini eqip, xu yǝrdǝ yetiwalƣin. Andin u sanga nemǝ ⱪilix kerǝklikini eytidu, — dedi.
And it shall be, when he lies down, that you shall mark the place where he shall lie, and you shall go in, and uncover his feet, and lay you down; and he will tell you what you shall do.
5 Rut uningƣa: — Sǝn nemǝ desǝng mǝn xuni ⱪilimǝn, — dedi.
And she said unto her, All that you say unto me I will do.
6 U hamanƣa qüxüp, ⱪeynanisi uningƣa tapiliƣandǝk ⱪildi.
And she went down unto the floor, and did according to all that her mother in law bade her.
7 Boaz yǝp-iqip, kɵnglini hux ⱪilip qǝxning ayiƣiƣa berip yatti. Andin Rut xǝpǝ qiⱪarmay kelip, ayaƣ tǝripini eqip, xu yǝrdǝ yatti.
And when Boaz had eaten and drunk, and his heart was merry, he went to lie down at the end of the heap of corn: and she came softly, and uncovered his feet, and laid her down.
8 Yerim keqidǝ Boaz qɵqüp, aldiƣa engixkǝndǝ, mana bir ayal ayiƣida yatatti!
And it came to pass at midnight, that the man was afraid, and turned himself: and, behold, a woman lay at his feet.
9 Kim sǝn?! — dǝp soridi u. Rut jawabǝn: — Mǝn hizmǝtkaring Rut bolimǝn. Sǝn mening ⱨǝmjǝmǝt-nijatkarim bolƣining üqün hizmǝtkaringning üstigǝ tonungning etikini yeyip ⱪoyƣaysǝn, — dedi.
And he said, Who are you? And she answered, I am Ruth your handmaid: spread therefore your skirt over your handmaid; for you are a near kinsman.
10 U jawabǝn: — Əy ⱪizim, Pǝrwǝrdigardin bǝht-bǝrikǝt tapⱪaysǝn! Sening keyin kɵrsǝtkǝn sadaⱪǝt-meⱨribanliⱪing ilgiri kɵrsǝtkiningdinmu artuⱪtur; qünki [seni izdigǝn] yigitlǝr, mǝyli kǝmbǝƣǝl bolsun, bay bolsun, ularning kǝynidin kǝtmiding.
And he said, Blessed be you of the LORD, my daughter: for you have showed more kindness in the latter end than at the beginning, inasmuch as you followed not young men, whether poor or rich.
11 I ⱪizim, ǝmdi ⱪorⱪmiƣin! Deginingning ⱨǝmmisini orundap berimǝn; qünki pütkül xǝⱨirimizdiki mɵtiwǝrlǝr seni pǝzilǝtlik ayal dǝp bilidu.
And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to you all that you require: for all the city of my people does know that you are a virtuous woman.
12 Durus, sanga ⱨǝmjǝmǝt-nijatkar bolƣinim rast; lekin sening mǝndin yeⱪinraⱪ yǝnǝ bir ⱨǝmjǝmǝting bar.
And now it is true that I am your near kinsman: nevertheless there is a kinsman nearer than I.
13 Əmdi keqiqǝ bu yǝrdǝ ⱪalƣin; ǝtǝ sǝⱨǝrdǝ ǝgǝr u ⱨǝmjǝmǝtlik ⱨoⱪuⱪini ixlitip seni elixni halisa, u alsun; lekin ⱨǝmjǝmǝtlik ⱨoⱪuⱪi boyiqǝ seni almisa, Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱨayati bilǝn ⱪǝsǝm ⱪilimǝnki, mǝn sanga ⱨǝmjǝmǝtlik ⱪilip seni alay. Tang atⱪuqǝ bu yǝrdǝ yetip turƣin! — dedi.
Tarry this night, and it shall be in the morning, that if he will perform unto you the part of a kinsman, well; let him do the kinsman's part: but if he will not do the part of a kinsman to you, then will I do the part of a kinsman to you, as the LORD lives: lie down until the morning.
14 U uning ayiƣida tang atⱪuqǝ yetip, kixilǝr bir-birini tonuƣudǝk boluxtin burun ⱪopti. Qünki Boaz: — bir ayalning hamanƣa kǝlginini ⱨeqkim bilmisun, dǝp eytⱪanidi.
And she lay at his feet until the morning: and she rose up before one could know another. And he said, Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor.
15 U yǝnǝ [Rutⱪa]: — Sǝn kiygǝn yepinqini eqip turƣin, dedi. U uni eqip turuwidi, Boaz arpidin altǝ kǝmqǝn kǝmlǝp berip, uning ɵxnisigǝ artip ⱪoydi. Andin u xǝⱨǝrgǝ kirdi.
Also he said, Bring the vail that you have upon you, and hold it. And when she held it, he measured six measures of barley, and laid it on her: and she went into the city.
16 Rut ⱪeynanisining yeniƣa kǝldi. U: — Əy ⱪizim, sǝn ⱨazir kim?! — dǝp soridi. Xuning bilǝn u ⱪeynanisiƣa u kixining ⱪilƣanlirining ⱨǝmmisini dǝp bǝrdi.
And when she came to her mother in law, she said, Who are you, my daughter? And she told her all that the man had done to her.
17 U: — U bu altǝ kǝmqǝn arpini manga bǝrdi, qünki u: «ⱪeynanangning yeniƣa ⱪuruⱪ ⱪol ⱪaytip barmiƣin» dedi, — dedi.
And she said, These six measures of barley gave he me; for he said to me, Go not empty unto your mother in law.
18 Naomi: — Əy ⱪizim, bu ixning ahirining ⱪandaⱪ bolidiƣinini bilgüqǝ muxu yǝrdǝ tǝhir ⱪilƣin; qünki u adǝm bügün muxu ixni pütküzmǝy aram almaydu, dedi.
Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until you know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day.

< Rut 3 >