< Pǝnd-nǝsiⱨǝtlǝr 6 >

1 I oƣlum, ǝgǝr dostungƣa borun bolƣan bolsang, Yat kixining ⱪǝrzini tɵlǝxkǝ ⱪol berixip wǝdǝ bǝrgǝn bolsang,
My son, if you be guarantor for your friend, if you have stricken your hand with a stranger,
2 Əgǝr ɵz sɵzüngdin ilinƣan bolsang, Ɵz wǝdǝng bilǝn baƣlinip ⱪalsang,
You are snared with the words of your mouth, you are taken with the words of your mouth.
3 U yeⱪiningning ⱪoliƣa qüxkǝnliking üqün, Amal ⱪilip ɵzüngni uningdin ⱪutⱪuz — Dǝrⱨal yeⱪiningning yeniƣa berip, ɵzüngni kǝmtǝr tutup [xu ixtin] haliy ⱪilixini ɵtünüp sora.
Do this now, my son, and deliver yourself, when you are come into the hand of your friend; go, humble yourself, and make sure your friend.
4 Jǝrǝn xikarqining ⱪolidin ⱪutuluxⱪa tirixⱪandǝk, Ⱪux owqining ⱪolidin qiⱪixⱪa tirixⱪandǝk, Ⱪutulmiƣuqǝ uhlap yatma, Ⱨǝtta ügdǝp arammu alma.
Give not sleep to your eyes, nor slumber to your eyelids.
Deliver yourself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.
6 I ⱨurun, qɵmülining yeniƣa berip [uningdin ɵgǝn], Uning tirikqilik yolliriƣa ⱪarap dana bol.
Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:
7 Ularning baxliⱪi, ǝmǝldari, ⱨɵkümdari yoⱪ bolsimu,
Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,
8 Lekin ular yazda yilning eⱨtiyaji üqün ax topliwalidu, Ⱨosul pǝslidǝ ozuⱪ tǝyyarliwalidu.
Provides her food in the summer, and gathers her food in the harvest.
9 I ⱨurun, ⱪaqanƣiqǝ uhlap yatisǝn? Ⱪaqan ornungdin turisǝn?
How long will you sleep, O sluggard? when will you arise out of your sleep?
10 Sǝn: — Birdǝm kɵz yumuwalay, birdǝm uhliwalay, Birdǝm ⱪolumni ⱪoxturup yetiwalay, — dǝysǝn.
Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep:
11 Lekin uhlap yatⱪanda, miskinlik ⱪaraⱪqidǝk kelip seni basidu, Yoⱪsulluⱪ huddi ⱪoralliⱪ bulangqidǝk ⱨujumƣa ɵtidu.
So shall your poverty come as one that travels, and your lack as an armed man.
12 Ərzimǝs, pǝyli buzuⱪ adǝm ⱨǝmmila yǝrdǝ yalƣan eytip, pǝslikni sɵzlǝydu.
A naughty person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth.
13 U kɵz ⱪisip, Putliri bilǝn ixarǝ ⱪilip, Barmaⱪliri bilǝn kɵrsitidu;
He winks with his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he teaches with his fingers;
14 Kɵnglidǝ aldamqiliⱪla yatidu, U daim rǝzillikning koyida bolidu, Ⱨǝmmila yǝrdǝ jedǝl-majira teriydu.
Perverseness is in his heart, he devises mischief continually; he sows discord.
15 Xunga uningƣa bekitilgǝn bala-ⱪaza uni tuyuⱪsiz basidu, U biraⱪla dawaliƣusiz yanjilidu.
Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.
16 Pǝrwǝrdigar nǝprǝtlinidiƣan altǝ nǝrsǝ bar, Bǝrⱨǝⱪ, yǝttǝ nǝrsǝ Uningƣa yirginqliktur.
These six things does the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 Ular bolsa, Tǝkǝbburluⱪ bilǝn ⱪaraydiƣan kɵz, Yalƣan sɵzlǝydiƣan til, Bigunaⱨlarning ⱪenini tɵküzidiƣan ⱪol,
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 Suyiⱪǝst oylaydiƣan kɵngül, Yamanliⱪ ⱪilixⱪa tez yügürǝydiƣan putlar,
An heart that devises wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 Yalƣan sɵzlǝydiƣan sahta guwaⱨqi, Buradǝr-ⱪerindaxliri arisiƣa bɵlgünqilik salƣuqi kixidur.
A false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren.
20 I oƣlum, atangning ǝmrigǝ ǝmǝl ⱪil; Anangning kɵrsǝtmisidin qiⱪma.
My son, keep your father's commandment, and forsake not the law of your mother:
21 Ularning sɵzini ⱪǝlbinggǝ tengip, Ularni boynungƣa marjandǝk ⱪilip esiwal.
Bind them continually upon your heart, and tie them about your neck.
22 Yolƣa qiⱪⱪiningda ular seni yetǝklǝydu, Uhliƣiningda ular seni saⱪlaydu, Uyⱪudin oyƣanƣiningda ular seni hǝwǝrlǝndüridu.
When you go, it shall lead you; when you sleep, it shall keep you; and when you awake, it shall talk with you.
23 Qünki [Hudaning] pǝrmani yoruⱪ qiraƣ, Uning muⱪǝddǝs ⱪanuni nurdur; Tǝrbiyǝning tǝnbiⱨliri bolsa ⱨayatliⱪ yolidur.
For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:
24 Ular seni buzuⱪ hotundin saⱪliƣuqi, Yat hotunning xerin sɵzliridin yiraⱪ ⱪilƣuqidur.
To keep you from the evil woman, from the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman.
25 Uning guzǝllikigǝ kɵnglüngni baƣlimiƣin, Uning ⱪax-kɵz oynitixi seni ǝsirgǝ almisun.
Lust not after her beauty in your heart; neither let her take you with her eyelids.
26 Qünki buzuⱪ ayallar tüpǝylidin adǝmlǝr bir parqǝ nanƣimu zar bolidu, Yat adǝmning [zinahor] ayali bolsa kixining ⱪimmǝtlik jenini ɵzigǝ ow ⱪiliwalidu.
For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adultress will hunt for the precious life.
27 Otni ⱪoynungƣa salsang, Ɵz kiyimingni kɵydürmǝmsǝn?
Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned?
28 Qoƣning üstidǝ dǝssǝp mangsang putungni kɵydürmǝmsǝn?
Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?
29 Baxⱪilarning ayali bilǝn bir orunda yatidiƣan kixi xundaⱪ bolidu; Kim uningƣa tegip kǝtsǝ aⱪiwitidin ⱪutulalmaydu.
So he that goes in to his neighbour's wife; whosoever touches her shall not be innocent.
30 Aq ⱪalƣanda ⱪorsiⱪini toyƣuzux üqün oƣriliⱪ ⱪilƣan kixini baxⱪilar kǝmsitmǝydu;
Men do not despise a thief, if he steal to satisfy his soul when he is hungry;
31 Xundaⱪ turuⱪluⱪ u tutulup ⱪalsa, Igisigǝ yǝttini tɵlǝxkǝ toƣra kelidu; U ɵz ɵyidiki ⱨǝmmǝ nǝrsisini tapxuridu.
But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.
32 Ⱨalbuki, baxⱪilarning hotuni bilǝn zina ⱪilƣuqi uningdinmu [bǝttǝr bolup], tolimu ƣǝplǝtliktur; Undaⱪ ⱪilƣuqi ɵz-ɵzini ⱨalak ⱪilidu.
But whoso commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding: he that does it destroys his own soul.
33 U zǝhmǝt yǝydu, xǝrmǝndǝ bolidu, Uning rǝswasi ⱨeq ɵqürülmǝydu.
A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not be wiped away.
34 Qünki künlǝx oti ǝrni dǝrƣǝzǝpkǝ kǝltüridu, Intiⱪam alƣan künidǝ u ⱨeq rǝⱨim ⱪilmaydu.
For jealousy is the rage of a man: therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
35 Tɵlǝm puli berǝy desǝngmu u ⱪobul ⱪilmaydu, Ⱨǝrⱪanqǝ sowƣa-salam bǝrsǝngmu uni besiⱪturƣili bolmaydu.
He will not regard any ransom; neither will he rest content, though you give many gifts.

< Pǝnd-nǝsiⱨǝtlǝr 6 >