< Qɵl-bayawandiki sǝpǝr 7 >

1 Musa ibadǝt qedirini tikligǝn küni, u qedirni mǝsiⱨ ⱪilip maylap muⱪǝddǝs ⱪildi, xundaⱪla uning iqidiki barliⱪ ǝswab-jabduⱪlar, ⱪurbangaⱨ wǝ uning barliⱪ ⱪaqa-ⱪuqa ǝswablirini mǝsiⱨ ⱪilip maylap muⱪǝddǝs ⱪildi; xü küni xundaⱪ boldiki, Israilning ǝmirliri, yǝni ularning ata jǝmǝtining baxliⱪliri bolƣan, ⱪǝbilǝ ǝmirliri kelip ⱨǝdiyǝlǝrni sundi; xu ⱪǝbililǝrning ǝmirliri sanaⱪtin ɵtküzüx ixiƣa nazarǝt ⱪilƣuqilar idi.
And it came to pass on the day that Moses had fully set up the tabernacle, and had anointed it, and sanctified it, and all the instruments thereof, both the altar and all the vessels thereof, and had anointed them, and sanctified them;
That the princes of Israel, heads of the house of their fathers, who were the princes of the tribes, and were over them that were numbered, offered:
3 Ular ɵzlirining ⱨǝdiyǝlirini Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱨuzuriƣa ⱨazir ⱪilixti, kǝltürülgǝn bu ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr jǝmiy bolup altǝ ⱨarwa, on ikki ɵküzdin ibarǝt idi; ⱨǝr ikki ǝmir birlixip birdin sayiwǝnlik ⱨarwa, ⱨǝrbir ǝmir birdin ɵküz elip kǝldi; ular bu ⱨǝdiyǝlǝrni qedirining aldiƣa ǝkilixti.
And they brought their offering before the LORD, six covered wagons, and twelve oxen; a wagon for two of the princes, and for each one an ox: and they brought them before the tabernacle.
4 Pǝrwǝrdigar Musaƣa sɵz ⱪilip: —
And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying,
5 Jamaǝt qedirining ixliriƣa ixlitix üqün sǝn bu nǝrsilǝrni ⱪobul ⱪilip, Lawiylarning ⱨǝrbirining bejiridiƣan ixliri boyiqǝ ularning ixlitixigǝ bǝrgin, — dedi.
Take it of them, that they may be to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation; and you shall give them unto the Levites, to every man according to his service.
6 Xuning bilǝn Musa ⱨarwa bilǝn ɵküzlǝrni ⱪobul ⱪilip Lawiylarƣa tapxurup bǝrdi.
And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto the Levites.
7 U Gǝrxon ǝwladlirining ⱪilidiƣan ixliriƣa asasǝn, ularƣa ikki ⱨarwa bilǝn tɵt ɵküz bǝrdi.
Two wagons and four oxen he gave unto the sons of Gershon, according to their service:
8 Mǝrari ǝwladlirining ⱪilidiƣan ixliriƣa asasǝn, ularƣa tɵt ⱨarwa bilǝn sǝkkiz ɵküz bǝrdi; ularning ⱨǝmmisi kaⱨin Ⱨarunning oƣli Itamarƣa ⱪaraytti;
And four wagons and eight oxen he gave unto the sons of Merari, according unto their service, under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
9 lekin u Koⱨatning ǝwladliriƣa ⱨeqnemǝ bǝrmidi; qünki ular muⱪǝddǝs nǝrsilǝrni kɵtürüxkǝ mǝs’ul idi; demǝk, ular mǝs’ul bolƣan nǝrsilǝrni ɵz mürisidǝ kɵtürǝtti.
But unto the sons of Kohath he gave none: because the service of the sanctuary belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders.
10 Ⱪurbangaⱨ maylinip mǝsiⱨlǝngǝn küni, uni Hudaƣa beƣixlax yolida ǝmirlǝr sunidiƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlirini elip kelip, ⱪurbangaⱨ aldiƣa ⱪoyuxti.
And the princes offered for dedicating of the altar in the day that it was anointed, even the princes offered their offering before the altar.
11 Pǝrwǝrdigar Musaƣa: — Ular ⱪurbangaⱨni beƣixlax yolida ⱨǝdiyǝlirini sunsun; ⱨǝrbir ǝmir ɵz künidǝ sunsun, — dedi.
And the LORD said unto Moses, They shall offer their offering, each prince on his day, for the dedicating of the altar.
12 Birinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Yǝⱨuda ⱪǝbilisidin Amminadabning oƣli Naⱨxon boldi.
And he that offered his offering the first day was Nahshon the son of Amminadab, of the tribe of Judah:
13 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
And his offering was one silver charger, the weight thereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them were full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
14 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One spoon of ten shekels of gold, full of incense:
15 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir ǝrkǝk torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
16 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
17 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Amminadabning oƣli Naⱨxon sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Nahshon the son of Amminadab.
18 Ikkinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Issakarning ǝmiri Zuarning oƣli Nǝtanǝl boldi.
On the second day Nethaneel the son of Zuar, prince of Issachar, did offer:
19 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
He offered for his offering one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
20 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One spoon of gold of ten shekels, full of incense:
21 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
22 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
23 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Zuarning oƣli Nǝtanǝl sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Nethaneel the son of Zuar.
24 Üqinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Zǝbulun ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Ⱨelonning oƣli Eliab boldi.
On the third day Eliab the son of Helon, prince of the children of Zebulun, did offer:
25 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
26 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
27 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
28 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
29 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Ⱨelonning oƣli Eliab sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Eliab the son of Helon.
30 Tɵtinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Rubǝn ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Xidɵrning oƣli Əlizur boldi.
On the fourth day Elizur the son of Shedeur, prince of the children of Reuben, did offer:
31 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
32 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
33 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
34 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
35 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Xidɵrning oƣli Əlizur sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Elizur the son of Shedeur.
36 Bǝxinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Ximeon ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Zuri-xaddayning oƣli Xelumiyǝl boldi.
On the fifth day Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai, prince of the children of Simeon, did offer:
37 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
38 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
39 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
40 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
41 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Zuri-xaddayning oƣli Xelumiyǝl sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Shelumiel the son of Zurishaddai.
42 Altinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Gad ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Deuǝlning oƣli Əliasaf boldi.
On the sixth day Eliasaph the son of Deuel, prince of the children of Gad, offered:
43 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, a silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
44 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
45 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
46 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
47 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Deuǝlning oƣli Əliasaf sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Eliasaph the son of Deuel.
48 Yǝttinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Əfraim ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Ammiⱨudning oƣli Əlixama boldi.
On the seventh day Elishama the son of Ammihud, prince of the children of Ephraim, offered:
49 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
50 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
51 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
52 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
53 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Ammiⱨudning oƣli Əlixama sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Elishama the son of Ammihud.
54 Sǝkkizinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Manassǝⱨ ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Pidaⱨzurning oƣli Gamaliyǝl boldi.
On the eighth day offered Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur, prince of the children of Manasseh:
55 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger of the weight of an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
56 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
57 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
58 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
59 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Pidaⱨzurning oƣli Gamaliyǝl sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Gamaliel the son of Pedahzur.
60 Toⱪⱪuzinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Benyamin ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Gideonining oƣli Abidan boldi.
On the ninth day Abidan the son of Gideoni, prince of the children of Benjamin, offered:
61 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
62 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
63 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
64 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
65 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Gideonining oƣli Abidan sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Abidan the son of Gideoni.
66 Oninqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Dan ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Ammixaddayning oƣli Aⱨiǝzǝr boldi.
On the tenth day Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai, prince of the children of Dan, offered:
67 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
68 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
69 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
70 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
71 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Ammixaddayning oƣli Aⱨiǝzǝr sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Ahiezer the son of Ammishaddai.
72 On birinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Axir ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Okranning oƣli Pagiyǝl boldi.
On the eleventh day Pagiel the son of Ocran, prince of the children of Asher, offered:
73 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
74 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
75 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
76 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
77 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Okranning oƣli Pagiyǝl sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Pagiel the son of Ocran.
78 On ikkinqi küni ⱨǝdiyǝ sunƣuqi Naftali ǝwladlirining ǝmiri Enanning oƣli Aⱨira boldi.
On the twelfth day Ahira the son of Enan, prince of the children of Naphtali, offered:
79 U sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx legǝn, eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl kelidiƣan bir kümüx das bolup, bular muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝndi; axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ bolsun dǝp ikkisigǝ zǝytun meyi arilaxturulƣan esil un toldurulƣanidi;
His offering was one silver charger, the weight whereof was an hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary; both of them full of fine flour mingled with oil for a food offering:
80 on xǝkǝl eƣirliⱪta, huxbuy toldurulƣan bir altun piyalǝ;
One golden spoon of ten shekels, full of incense:
81 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ üqün bir torpaⱪ, bir ⱪoqⱪar, bir yaxliⱪ bir ǝrkǝk ⱪoza;
One young bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first year, for a burnt offering:
82 gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün bir tekǝ;
One kid of the goats for a sin offering:
83 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün ikki buⱪa, bǝx ⱪoqⱪar, bǝx tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ bǝx ǝrkǝk ⱪoza; bular Enanning oƣli Aⱨira sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr idi.
And for a sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five he goats, five lambs of the first year: this was the offering of Ahira the son of Enan.
84 Ⱪurbangaⱨ maylinip mǝsiⱨlǝngǝn künidǝ, Israil ǝmirliri ⱪurbangaⱨⱪa sunƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr: — jǝmiy on ikki kümüx legǝn, on ikki kümüx das, on ikki altun piyalǝ boldi,
This was the dedication of the altar, in the day when it was anointed, by the princes of Israel: twelve chargers of silver, twelve silver bowls, twelve spoons of gold:
85 ⱨǝrbir kümüx legǝnning eƣirliⱪi bir yüz ottuz xǝkǝl, ⱨǝrbir kümüx dasning eƣirliⱪi yǝtmix xǝkǝl idi; muxu ⱪaqa-ⱪuqiƣa kǝtkǝn kümüx muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝngǝndǝ, jǝmiy ikki ming tɵt yüz xǝkǝl qiⱪti;
Each charger of silver weighing an hundred and thirty shekels, each bowl seventy: all the silver vessels weighed two thousand and four hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary:
86 huxbuy bilǝn toldurulƣan altun piyalǝ on ikki bolup, muⱪǝddǝs jaydiki xǝkǝlning ɵlqǝm birliki boyiqǝ ɵlqǝngǝndǝ, ⱨǝrbir altun piyalining eƣirliⱪi on xǝkǝl qiⱪti; bu altun piyalilǝrning altuni jǝmiy bir yüz yigirmǝ xǝkǝl qiⱪti;
The golden spoons were twelve, full of incense, weighing ten shekels apiece, after the shekel of the sanctuary: all the gold of the spoons was an hundred and twenty shekels.
87 kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪlar üqün bolƣan mallar: — jǝmiy on ikki torpaⱪ, on ikki ⱪoqⱪar, on ikki bir yaxliⱪ ǝrkǝk ⱪoza idi, ⱨǝrbiri tegixlik axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr bilǝn billǝ sunuldi; on ikki tekǝ gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi üqün sunuldi;
All the oxen for the burnt offering were twelve bullocks, the rams twelve, the lambs of the first year twelve, with their food offering: and the kids of the goats for sin offering twelve.
88 inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪliri üqün sunulƣini jǝmiy yigirmǝ tɵt buⱪa, atmix ⱪoqⱪar, atmix tekǝ, bir yaxliⱪ atmix ǝrkǝk ⱪoza idi. Ⱪurbangaⱨ maylinip mǝsiⱨlinip, uni Hudaƣa beƣixlax yolida sunulƣan ⱨǝdiyǝlǝr mana muxular.
And all the oxen for the sacrifice of the peace offerings were twenty and four bullocks, the rams sixty, the he goats sixty, the lambs of the first year sixty. This was the dedication of the altar, after that it was anointed.
89 Musa [Pǝrwǝrdigar] bilǝn sɵzlǝxkili jamaǝt qediriƣa kirgǝn qeƣida, u «ⱨɵküm-guwaⱨliⱪ sanduⱪi»ning üstidiki «kafarǝt tǝhti»ning ikki tǝripidiki kerubning otturisidin uning ɵzigǝ gǝp ⱪilƣan awazini anglap turdi; Pǝrwǝrdigar xu yolda uningƣa sɵz ⱪilatti.
And when Moses was gone into the tabernacle of the congregation to speak with him, then he heard the voice of one speaking unto him from off the mercy seat that was upon the ark of testimony, from between the two cherubims: and he spoke unto him.

< Qɵl-bayawandiki sǝpǝr 7 >