< Nǝⱨǝmiya 7 >

1 Sepil ongxilip bolup, mǝn dǝrwazilarni ornitip, dǝrwaziwǝnlǝrni, ƣǝzǝlkǝxlǝrni wǝ Lawiylarni bekitip tǝyinligǝndin keyin xundaⱪ boldiki,
And it came to pass, when the wall was built, and I had set up the doors, —and the doorkeepers and the singers and the Levites had been appointed,
2 Mǝn inim Ⱨanani bilǝn ⱪǝl’ǝ sǝrdari Ⱨananiyani Yerusalemni baxⱪuruxⱪa ⱪoydum; qünki Ⱨananiya ixǝnqlik adǝm bolup, Hudadin ⱪorⱪuxta kɵp adǝmlǝrdin exip ketǝtti.
that I gave Hanani my brother, and Hananiah captain of the castle, charge over Jerusalem, for, he, was a truly faithful man, and revered God above many.
3 Mǝn ularƣa: — Kün issiƣuqǝ Yerusalemning ⱪowuⱪliri eqilmisun; ⱪowuⱪlarning ⱪanatliri etilgǝndǝ, baldaⱪlar taⱪalƣan waⱪitliridimu dǝrwaziwǝnlǝr yenida turup kɵzǝt ⱪilisun; xuningdǝk Yerusalemda turuwatⱪanlardin ⱪarawullar kɵzǝt nɵwǝtlirigǝ ⱪoyulup bekitilsun; ⱨǝrbir adǝm ɵzining bir kɵzitigǝ mǝs’ul bolsun, xundaⱪla ⱨǝrbirining kɵziti ɵz ɵyining udulida bolsun, dǝp tapilidim.
And I said unto them, Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened until, hot, be the sun, and, while they are standing by, let them close the doors, and make them fast, —setting watches, of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, every one in his watch, and every one over against his own house.
4 Xǝⱨǝr qong ⱨǝm kǝngri bolƣini bilǝn aⱨalǝ az, ɵylǝr tehi selinmiƣanidi.
Now, the city, was broad on both hands, and large, but, the people, were few in the midst thereof, —and the houses had not been built.
5 Hudayim kɵnglümgǝ mɵtiwǝrlǝr, ǝmǝldarlar wǝ hǝlⱪning ⱨǝrbirini nǝsǝbnamisi boyiqǝ royhǝtkǝ elixⱪa ularni yiƣix niyitini saldi. Mǝn awwal birinqi ⱪetim ⱪaytip kǝlgǝn adǝmlǝrning nǝsǝbnamisini taptim, uningda mundaⱪ pütülgǝnidi: —
So then my God put it into my heart, and I gathered together the nobles and the deputies and the people, to register their genealogy, —then found I a register roll, of them who came up at the first, and found written therein: —
6 Tɵwǝndikilǝr Yǝⱨudiyǝ ɵlkisidikilǝrdin, ǝsli Babil padixaⱨi Neboⱪadnǝsar tǝripidin sürgün ⱪilinƣanlardin, Yerusalem wǝ Yǝⱨudiyǝgǝ qiⱪip, ⱨǝrbiri ɵz xǝⱨirlirigǝ kǝtti: —
These, are the sons of the province, who came up from among the Captives of the Exile, whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon did exile, —but they came back to Jerusalem and to Judah, every one to his own city;
7 Ular Zǝrubbabǝl, Yǝxua, Nǝⱨǝmiya, Azariya, Raamiya, Naⱨamani, Mordikay, Bilxan, Mispǝrǝt, Bigway, Nǝⱨum wǝ Baanaⱨlar billǝ ⱪaytip kǝldi. Əmdi Israil hǝlⱪining iqidiki ǝrkǝklǝrning sani tɵwǝndikiqǝ: —
who came in with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, Baanah, —the number of the men of the people of Israel.
8 Paroxning ǝwladliri ikki ming bir yüz yǝtmix ikki kixi;
The sons of Parosh, two thousand, one hundred, and seventy-two;
9 Xǝfatiyaning ǝwladliri üq yüz yǝtmix ikki kixi;
The sons of Shephatiah, three hundred, and seventy-two;
10 Araⱨning ǝwladliri altǝ yüz yǝtmix bǝx kixi;
The sons of Arah, six hundred, and fifty-two;
11 Paⱨat-Moabning ǝwladliri, yǝni Yǝxua bilǝn Yoabning ǝwladliri ikki ming sǝkkiz yüz on sǝkkiz kixi;
The sons of Pahath-moab, belonging to the sons of Jeshua and Joab, two thousand, eight hundred, and eighteen;
12 Elamning ǝwladliri bir ming ikki yüz ǝllik tɵt kixi;
The sons of Elam, a thousand, two hundred and fifty-four;
13 Zattuning ǝwladliri sǝkkiz yüz ⱪiriⱪ bǝx kixi;
The sons of Zattu, eight hundred, and forty-five;
14 Zakkayning ǝwladliri yǝttǝ yüz atmix kixi;
The sons of Zaccai, seven hundred, and sixty;
15 Binnuiyning ǝwladliri altǝ yüz ⱪiriⱪ sǝkkiz kixi;
The sons of Binnui, six hundred, and forty-eight;
16 Bibayning ǝwladliri altǝ yüz yigirmǝ sǝkkiz kixi;
The sons of Bebai, six hundred, and twenty-eight;
17 Azgadning ǝwladliri ikki ming üq yüz yigirmǝ ikki kixi;
The sons of Azgad, two thousand, three hundred, and twenty-two;
18 Adonikamning ǝwladliri altǝ yüz atmix yǝttǝ kixi;
The sons of Adonikam, six hundred, and sixty-seven;
19 Bigwayning ǝwladliri ikki ming atmix yǝttǝ kixi;
The sons of Bigvai, two thousand, and sixty-seven;
20 Adinning ǝwladliri altǝ yüz ǝllik bǝx kixi;
The sons of Adin, six hundred, and fifty-five;
21 Ⱨǝzǝkiyaning jǝmǝtidin bolƣan Aterning ǝwladliri toⱪsan sǝkkiz kixi;
The sons of Ater, pertaining to Hezekiah, ninety-eight;
22 Ⱨaxumning ǝwladliri üq yüz yigirmǝ sǝkkiz kixi;
The sons of Hashum, three hundred, and twenty-eight;
23 Bizayning ǝwladliri üq yüz yigirmǝ tɵt kixi;
The sons of Bezai, three hundred, and twenty-four;
24 Ⱨarifning ǝwladliri bir yüz on ikki kixi;
The sons of Hariph, a hundred, and twelve;
25 Gibeonning ǝwladliri toⱪsan bǝx kixi;
The sons of Gibeon, ninety-five;
26 Bǝyt-Lǝⱨǝmliklǝr bilǝn Nitofaliⱪlar jǝmiy bir yüz sǝksǝn sǝkkiz kixi;
The men of Bethlehem, and Netophah, a hundred, and eighty-eight;
27 Anatotluⱪlar bir yüz yigirmǝ sǝkkiz kixi;
The men of Anathoth, a hundred, and twenty-eight;
28 Bǝyt-Azmawǝtliklǝr ⱪiriⱪ ikki kixi.
The men of Beth-azmaveth, forty-two;
29 Kiriat-yearimliⱪlar, Kǝfiraⱨliⱪlar wǝ Bǝǝrotluⱪlar bolup jǝmiy yǝttǝ yüz ⱪiriⱪ üq kixi;
The men of Kiriath-jearim, Chephirah and Beeroth, seven hundred, and forty-three;
30 Ramaⱨliⱪlar bilǝn Gebaliⱪlar jǝmiy altǝ yüz yigirmǝ bir kixi;
The men of Ramah and Geba, six hundred, and twenty-one;
31 Mikmaxliⱪlar bir yüz yigirmǝ ikki kixi;
The men of Mickmas, a hundred, and twenty-two;
32 Bǝyt-Əlliklǝr bilǝn ayiliⱪlar jǝmiy bir yüz yigirmǝ üq kixi;
The men of Bethel and Ai, a hundred and twenty-three;
33 ikkinqi bir Nebodikilǝr ǝllik ikki kixi;
The men of the other Nebo, fifty-two;
34 ikkinqi bir Elamning ǝwladliri bir ming ikki yüz ǝllik tɵt kixi;
The sons of the other Elam, a thousand, two hundred, and fifty-four;
35 Ⱨarimning ǝwladliri üq yüz yigirmǝ kixi;
The sons of Harim, three hundred, and twenty;
36 Yeriholuⱪlar üq yüz ⱪiriⱪ bǝx kixi;
The sons of Jericho, three hundred, and forty-five;
37 Lod, Ⱨadid wǝ Ononing ǝwladliri jǝmiy yǝttǝ yüz yigirmǝ bir kixi;
The sons of Lod, Hadid and One, seven hundred, and twenty-one;
38 Sinaaⱨning ǝwladliri üq ming toⱪⱪuz yüz ottuz kixi.
The sons of Senaah, three thousand, nine hundred, and thirty;
39 Kaⱨinlarning sani tɵwǝndikiqǝ: — Yǝxua jǝmǝtidiki Yǝdayaning ǝwladliri toⱪⱪuz yüz yǝtmix üq kixi;
The priests, The sons of Jedaiah, of the house of Jeshua, nine hundred, and seventy-three;
40 Immǝrning ǝwladliri bir ming ǝllik ikki kixi;
The sons of Immer, a thousand, and fifty-two;
41 Paxhurning ǝwladliri bir ming ikki yüz ⱪiriⱪ yǝttǝ kixi;
The sons of Pashhur, a thousand, two hundred, and forty-seven;
42 Ⱨarimning ǝwladliri bir ming on yǝttǝ kixi.
The sons of Harim, a thousand, and seventeen;
43 Lawiylarning sani tɵwǝndikiqǝ: — Hodwaⱨning ǝwladliridin, yǝni Yǝxua bilǝn Kadmiyǝlning ǝwladliri yǝtmix tɵt kixi.
The Levites, The sons of Jeshua, of Kadmiel, of the sons of Hodevah, seventy-four;
44 Ƣǝzǝlkǝxlǝrdin: — Asafning ǝwladliri bir yüz ⱪiriⱪ sǝkkiz kixi.
The singers, The sons of Asaph, a hundred, and forty-eight;
45 Dǝrwaziwǝnlǝrning nǝslidin: — Xallumning ǝwladliri, Aterning ǝwladliri, Talmonning ǝwladliri, Akkubning ǝwladliri, Hatitaning ǝwladliri bilǝn Xobayning ǝwladliri jǝmiy bir yüz ottuz sǝkkiz kixi.
The doorkeepers, The sons of Shallum, the sons of Ater, the sons of Talmon, the sons of Akkub, the sons of Hatita, the sons of Shobai, a hundred, and thirty-eight;
46 Ibadǝthana hizmǝtkarliri tɵwǝndikiqǝ: — Zihaning ǝwladliri, Hasufaning ǝwladliri, Tabbaotning ǝwladliri.
The Nethinim, The sons of Ziha, the sons of Hasupha, the sons of Tabbaoth;
47 Kirosning ǝwladliri, Siyaning ǝwladliri, Padonning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Keros, the sons of Sia, the sons of Padon;
48 Libanaⱨning ǝwladliri, Ⱨagabaⱨning ǝwladliri, Xalmayning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Lebana, the sons of Hagaba, the sons of Salmai;
49 Ⱨananning ǝwladliri, Giddǝlning ǝwladliri, Gaⱨarning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Hanan, the sons of Giddel, the sons of Gahar;
50 Reayaⱨning ǝwladliri, Rǝzinning ǝwladliri, Nikodaning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Reaiah, the sons of Rezin, the sons of Nekoda;
51 Gazzamning ǝwladliri, Uzzaning ǝwladliri, Pasiyaning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Gazzam, the sons of Uzza, the sons of Paseah;
52 Bisayning ǝwladliri, Mǝunimning ǝwladliri, Nǝfussǝsimning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Besai, the sons of Meunim, the sons of Nephushesim;
53 Bakbukning ǝwladliri, Hakufaning ǝwladliri, Harhurning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Bakbuk, the sons of Hakupha, the sons of Harhur;
54 Bazlitning ǝwladliri, Mǝⱨidaning ǝwladliri, Harxaning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Bazlith, the sons of Mehida, the sons of Harsha;
55 Barkosning ǝwladliri, Siseraning ǝwladliri, Temaⱨning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Barkos, the sons of Sisera, the sons of Temah;
56 Nǝziyaning ǝwladliri bilǝn Hatifaning ǝwladliridin ibarǝt.
the sons of Neziah, the sons of Hatipha.
57 Sulaymanning hizmǝtkarlirining ǝwladlirining sani tɵwǝndikiqǝ: — Sotayning ǝwladliri, Sofǝrǝtning ǝwladliri, Peridaning ǝwladliri,
The Sons of the Servants of Solomon, The sons of Sotai, the sons of Sophereth, the sons of Perida;
58 Yaalaning ǝwladliri, Darkonning ǝwladliri, Giddǝlning ǝwladliri,
the sons of Jaala, the sons of Darkon, the sons of Giddel;
59 Xǝfǝtiyaning ǝwladliri, Hattilning ǝwladliri, Poⱪǝrǝt-Ⱨazzibaimning ǝwladliri bilǝn Amonning ǝwladliridin ibarǝt.
the sons of Shephatiah, the sons of Hattil, the sons of Pochereth-hazzebaim, the sons of Amon.
60 Ibadǝthana hizmǝtkarliri wǝ Sulaymanning hizmǝtkari bolƣanlarning ǝwladliri jǝmiy üq yüz toⱪsan ikki kixi.
All the Nethinim, and the Sons of the Servants of Solomon, were three hundred, and ninety-two.
61 Tɵwǝndiki kixilǝr Tǝl-Melaⱨ, Tǝl-Harxa, Kerub, Addon, Immǝrdin kǝlgǝn bolsimu, lekin ular ɵzlirining ata jǝmǝtining yaki nǝsǝbining Israil adimi ikǝnlikini ispatlap berǝlmidi.
And, these, are they who came up from Tel-melah, Tel-harsha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer, —but they could not tell their ancestral house, nor their seed, whether, of Israel, they were:
62 Bular Delayaning ǝwladliri, Tobiyaning ǝwladliri wǝ Nikodaning ǝwladliri bolup, jǝmiy altǝ yüz ⱪiriⱪ ikki kixi;
the sons of Delaiah, the sons of Tobiah, the sons of Nekoda, —six hundred and forty-two,
63 Kaⱨinlardin Habayaning ǝwladliri, kozning ǝwladliri bilǝn Barzillayning ǝwladliri bar idi; Barzillay Gileadliⱪ Barzillayning bir ⱪizini alƣaqⱪa ularning eti bilǝn atalƣanidi.
And, of the priests, the sons of Hobaiah, the sons of Hakkoz, —the sons of Barzillai, who had taken of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite to wife, and was called after their name.
64 Bular jǝmǝtining nǝsǝbnamisini izdǝp tapalmidi; xunga ular «napak» ⱨesablinip kaⱨinliⱪtin ⱪalduruldi.
These, sought their writing wherein they were registered, but it was not found, —so they were desecrated out of the priesthood;
65 Waliy ularƣa: — Urim wǝ tummimni kɵtürgüqi kaⱨin arimizda hizmǝttǝ bolƣuqǝ «ǝng muⱪǝddǝs yimǝkliklǝr»gǝ eƣiz tǝgküzmǝysilǝr, dedi.
and the governor told them, they must not eat of the most holy things, —until there should stand up a priest, with Lights and Perfections.
66 Pütün jamaǝt jǝmiy ⱪiriⱪ ikki ming üq yüz atmix kixi;
All the gathered host together, was forty-two thousand, three hundred, and sixty;
67 Buningdin baxⱪa ularning yǝnǝ yǝttǝ ming üq yüz ottuz yǝttǝ ⱪul-dediki bar idi; yǝnǝ ikki yüz ⱪiriⱪ bǝx ǝr-ayal ƣǝzǝlqisi bar idi. Ularning yǝttǝ yüz ottuz altǝ eti, ikki yüz ⱪiriⱪ bǝx ⱪeqiri,
besides, their men-servants and maid-servants, were these, seven thousand, three hundred, and thirty-seven, —and, to them, pertained, singing-men and singing-women, two hundred, and forty-five:
their horses, were seven hundred, and thirty-six, —their mules, two hundred, and forty-five;
69 tɵt yüz ottuz bǝx tɵgisi wǝ altǝ ming yǝttǝ yüz yigirmǝ exiki bar idi.
camels, four hundred, and thirty-five, —asses, six thousand, seven hundred, and twenty.
70 Jǝmǝt kattiwaxliridin bǝziliri [ibadǝthana] ⱪuruluxi üqün ⱨǝdiyǝlirini tǝⱪdim ⱪildi; waliy hǝzinigǝ ming darik altun, ǝllik das wǝ bǝx yüz ottuz ⱪur kaⱨin toni tǝⱪdim ⱪildi;
And, a portion of the ancestral chiefs, gave unto the work, —the governor, gave unto the treasury, of gold, a thousand darics, tossing bowls, fifty, tunics for priests, five hundred, and thirty;
71 jǝmǝt kattiwaxliridin bǝziliri ⱪurulux hǝzinisigǝ yigirmǝ ming darik altun, ikki ming ikki yüz mina kümüx;
and, some of the ancestral chiefs, gave unto the treasury of the work, of gold, twenty thousand darics, —and, of silver, two thousand and two hundred manehs;
72 hǝlⱪning ⱪalƣini yigirmǝ ming darik altun, ikki ming ikki yüz mina kümüx, atmix yǝttǝ ⱪur kaⱨin tonini tǝⱪdim ⱪildi.
and, that which the rest of the people gave, was, of gold, twenty thousand darics, and, of silver, two thousand manehs, —and, tunics for priests, sixty-seven.
73 Xuningdin keyin kaⱨinlar, Lawiylar, dǝrwaziwǝnlǝr, ƣǝzǝlkǝxlǝr wǝ bir ⱪisim hǝlⱪ ⱪoxulup, ibadǝthana hizmǝtkarliri, xundaⱪla ⱪalƣan Israil hǝlⱪining ⱨǝmmisi ɵz xǝⱨǝrlirigǝ makanlaxti.
So the priests and the Levites and the door-keepers and the singers and some of the people, and the Nethinim and all Israel, took up their abode in their cities. And, when the seventh month arrived, the sons of Israel were in their cities.

< Nǝⱨǝmiya 7 >