< Chöl-bayawandiki seper 8 >

1 Perwerdigar Musagha söz qilip: —
And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying,
2 Sen Harun’gha: «Sen chiraghlar yaqidighan chaghda yette chiraghning hemmisi chiraghdanning aldini yorutidighan bolsun» dep éytip qoy, — dédi.
Speak unto Aaron and say unto him, When you light the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light opposite to the candlestick.
3 Harun shundaq qildi; u chiraghdan üstidiki chiraghlarning hemmisini yandurup, xuddi Perwerdigarning Musagha éytqinidek, chiragh nurini chiraghdanning aldini yorutidighan qilip qoydi.
And Aaron did so; he lighted the lamps thereof opposite to the candlestick, as the LORD commanded Moses.
4 Chiraghdanning yasilishi mundaq: u altundin bolqa bilen soqup yasalghan, putidin güllirigiche bolqa bilen soqup chiqirilghan. Perwerdigar Musagha körsetken nusxidek, u chiraghdanni shundaq yasatti.
And this work of the candlestick was of beaten gold, unto the shaft thereof, unto the flowers thereof, was beaten work: according unto the pattern which the LORD had showed Moses, so he made the candlestick.
5 Perwerdigar Musagha mundaq dédi: —
And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying,
6 Sen Israillarning ichidin Lawiylarni tallap chiqip paklighin.
Take the Levites from among the children of Israel, and cleanse them.
7 Ularni paklash üchün ulargha mundaq qil: «kafaret süyi»ni ularning bedinige chachqin; andin ular özliri pütün bedinini ustura bilen chüshürsun, kiyimlirini yuyup özini pak qilsun.
And thus shall you do unto them, to cleanse them: Sprinkle water of purifying upon them, and let them shave all their flesh, and let them wash their clothes, and so make themselves clean.
8 Andin kéyin ular bir torpaq bilen shuninggha qoshup ashliq hediyesini, yeni zeytun méyi ileshtürülgen ésil unni keltürsun; sen gunah qurbanliqi üchün yene bir torpaqni keltür.
Then let them take a young bullock with his food offering, even fine flour mingled with oil, and another young bullock shall you take for a sin offering.
9 Sen Lawiylarni jamaet chédirining aldigha keltür we pütün Israil jamaitini yighip kel;
And you shall bring the Levites before the tabernacle of the congregation: and you shall gather the whole assembly of the children of Israel together:
10 Lawiylarni Perwerdigarning huzurigha hazir qilghin; andin Israillar kélip qollirini ularning üstige qoysun.
And you shall bring the Levites before the LORD: and the children of Israel shall put their hands upon the Levites:
11 Harun Lawiylarni Israillarning «pulanglatma qurbanliq»i süpitide Perwerdigarning xizmitini qilsun dep, Perwerdigargha hediye qilsun.
And Aaron shall offer the Levites before the LORD for an offering of the children of Israel, that they may execute the service of the LORD.
12 Lawiylar qollirini héliqi ikki torpaqning béshigha qoysun; sen birini gunah qurbanliqi bolsun, birini köydürme qurbanliq bolsun, Lawiylar üchün kafaret keltürsun dep Perwerdigargha sun’ghin.
And the Levites shall lay their hands upon the heads of the bullocks: and you shall offer the one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering, unto the LORD, to make an atonement for the Levites.
13 Sen andin Lawiylarni Harun bilen uning oghullirining aldida turghuzup, ularni pulanglatma qurbanliq süpitide Perwerdigargha hediye qil.
And you shall set the Levites before Aaron, and before his sons, and offer them for an offering unto the LORD.
14 Lawiylar Méningki bolsun dep, sen Lawiylarni ene shu teriqide Israillardin ayrip chiq.
Thus shall you separate the Levites from among the children of Israel: and the Levites shall be mine.
15 Andin Lawiylar kirip jamaet chédirining ishlirini qilsa bolidu; sen ularni paklandur, ularni pulanglatma qurbanliq süpitide hediye qil.
And after that shall the Levites go in to do the service of the tabernacle of the congregation: and you shall cleanse them, and offer them for an offering.
16 Chünki ular Israillar ichide pütünley Manga atalghan; Méning ularni Méningki bolsun dep tallishim ularni Israillarning arisida baliyatquning tunji méwisi ornida qoyghanliqimdur.
For they are wholly given unto me from among the children of Israel; instead of such as open every womb, even instead of the firstborn of all the children of Israel, have I taken them unto me.
17 Chünki Israillarning tunjisi, meyli u insan yaki haywan bolsun, pütünley Manga tewedur; Men Misir zéminida barliq tunjilarni öltürgen küni ularni Özümge muqeddes qilip éliwalghanidim.
For all the firstborn of the children of Israel are mine, both man and beast: on the day that I stroke every firstborn in the land of Egypt I sanctified them for myself.
18 Méning Lawiylarni u yol bilen tallishim ularni Israillarning ichidiki tunjilirining ornida qoyushum üchündur.
And I have taken the Levites for all the firstborn of the children of Israel.
19 We jamaet chédirida Israillarning xizmitide bolsun we Israillarning [gunahini tilep] kafaret keltürsun, shuningdek Israillar muqeddes jaygha yéqinlashqanda ular arisida bala-qaza chiqmisun dep, Men Israillar ichidin Lawiylarni Harun bilen uning oghullirigha berdim.
And I have given the Levites as a gift to Aaron and to his sons from among the children of Israel, to do the service of the children of Israel in the tabernacle of the congregation, and to make an atonement for the children of Israel: that there be no plague among the children of Israel, when the children of Israel come nigh unto the sanctuary.
20 Musa, Harun we pütkül Israil jamaiti Lawiylarni shundaq qildi; Perwerdigarning Lawiylar toghruluq Musagha buyrughinidek Israillar hemmisini beja keltürdi.
And Moses, and Aaron, and all the congregation of the children of Israel, did to the Levites according unto all that the LORD commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did the children of Israel unto them.
21 Lawiylar shundaq qilip özlirini [gunahtin] paklap, kiyim-kécheklirini yuyup pakizlidi; Harun ularni pulanglatma qurbanliq süpitide Perwerdigargha hediye qildi; Harun yene ularni paklashqa [gunahini tilep] kafaret qildi.
And the Levites were purified, and they washed their clothes; and Aaron offered them as an offering before the LORD; and Aaron made an atonement for them to cleanse them.
22 Andin kéyin Lawiylar kirip Harunning aldida, shundaqla uning oghullirining aldida, jamaet chédiri ichidiki ishlarni qilishqa kirishti; Perwerdigar Lawiylar toghruluq Musagha qandaq buyrughan bolsa, Israillar uni shu boyiche beja keltürdi.
And after that went the Levites in to do their service in the tabernacle of the congregation before Aaron, and before his sons: as the LORD had commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so did they unto them.
23 Perwerdigar Musagha söz qilip mundaq dédi: —
And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying,
24 Lawiylarning wezipisi mundaq bolsun: — Yigirme besh yashtin yuqiriliri kirip jamaet chédiri ichidiki ishlarni qilishqa sepke kirsun;
This is it that belongs unto the Levites: from twenty and five years old and upward they shall go in to wait upon the service of the tabernacle of the congregation:
25 ellik yashqa yetkendin kéyin septin chékinip shu xizmetni qilmisun;
And from the age of fifty years they shall cease waiting upon the service thereof, and shall serve no more:
26 lékin ular jamaet chédiri ichide qérindashlirigha yardemliship, ularning hajetliridin chiqishqa bolidu, emma chédirdiki resmiy wezipide bolmisun. Lawiylarning wezipiliri heqqide ulargha ene shundaq qil.
But shall minister with their brethren in the tabernacle of the congregation, to keep the charge, and shall do no service. Thus shall you do unto the Levites concerning their charge.

< Chöl-bayawandiki seper 8 >