< Yeremiya 9 >

1 Ah, méning béshim suning béshi, Közüm yashning buliqi bolsiidi! Undaqta xelqimning qizi arisidiki öltürülgenler üchün kéche-kündüz yighlayttim!
Who schal yyue watir to myn heed, and a welle of teeris to myn iyen? And Y schal biwepe dai and niyt the slayn men of the douyter of my puple.
2 Ah, men üchün chöl-bayawanda yoluchilar chüshkidek bir turalghu bolsiidi! Undaqta xelqimni tashlap, ulardin ayrilghan bolattim! Chünki ularning hemmisi zinaxorlar, Munapiqlarning bir jamaitidur!»
Who schal yyue me in to a wildirnesse of dyuerse weigoeris? And I schal forsake my puple, and Y schal go awei fro hem. For whi alle ben auowteris, and the cumpenyes of trespassouris ayens the lawe;
3 — Ular oqyachi leshkerler oqyayini égildürgendek tilini yalghanchiliqqa égildürüshke teyyarlighan; ular zéminda üstünlük qazan’ghan, biraq bu semimiylik bilen bolghan emes; ular rezillik üstige rezillik qilghan, Méni héch tonup bilmigen» — deydu Perwerdigar.
and thei helden forth her tunge as a bouwe of leesyng, and not of treuthe Thei ben coumfortid in erthe, for thei yeden out fro yuel to yuel, and thei knewen not me, seith the Lord.
4 — Herbiringlar öz yéqininglardin hézi bolunglar, qérindashliringlargha héch tayanmanglar; chünki herbir qérindash peqetla aldighuchi, xalas, herbir yéqinliring bolsa töhmetxorluqta yürmekte.
Ech man kepe hym fro his neiybore, and haue no trist in ony brother of hym; for whi ech brother disseyuyng schal disseyue, and ech frend schal go gilefuli.
5 Ular herbiri öz yéqinlirigha aldamchiliq qilmaqta, héchkim heqiqetni sözlimeydu; ular öz tilini yalghan sözleshke ögitidu, ular qebihlikte özlirini upritidu.
And a man schal scorne his brother, and schal not speke treuthe; for thei tauyten her tunge to speke leesyng; thei traueliden to do wickidli.
6 Ular jebir-zulum üstige jebir-zulum qilmaqta, aldamchiliqtin yene bir aldamchiliqqa ötmekte; ular Méni tonushni ret qilidu, — deydu Perwerdigar.
Thi dwellyng is in the myddis of gile; in gile thei forsoken to knowe me, seith the Lord.
7 Shunga samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Mana, Men ularni éritip tawlap sinaymen; xelqimning qizining rezillikige Manga bashqa yol qalmidimu?
Therfor the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal welle togidere, and Y schal preue hem; for whi what other thing schal Y do fro the face of the douyter of my puple?
8 Ularning tili ejel oqidur; u aldamchiliqni sözleydu; herbir éghiz sözide yéqini bilen tinch-amanliqni sözleydu, lékin könglide qiltaq teyyarlaydu.
The tunge of hem is an arowe woundynge, and spak gile; in his mouth he spekith pees with his frend, and priueli he settith tresouns to hym.
9 Bu ishlar tüpeylidin ularni jazalimay qoyamdim? — deydu Perwerdigar, — Méning jénim mushundaq bir eldin qisas almay qoyamdu?
Whether Y schal not visite on these thingis, seith the Lord, ether schal not my soule take veniaunce on siche a folc?
10 «Taghlardiki yaylaqlar üchün yigha we nale-peryad kötürimen, Daladiki otlaqlar üchün mersiye oquymen; Chünki ular köyüp kettiki, héchkim u yerdin ötmeydu; Kalilarning hörkireshliri anglanmaydu; Hem asmandiki uchar-qanatlar hem haywanatlarmu qéchip, Shu yerdin ketti!».
On hillis Y schal take wepyng and mournyng, and weilyng on the faire thingis of desert, for tho ben brent; for no man is passynge forth, and thei herden not the vois of hym that weldith; fro a brid of the eir `til to scheep, tho passiden ouer, and yeden awei.
11 — Men Yérusalémni xarablashqan top-top döwe, chilbörilerning bir turalghusi qilimen; Yehuda sheherlirini adem turmaydighan derijide wayrane qilimen.
And Y schal yyue Jerusalem in to heepis of grauel, and in to dennes of dragouns; and Y schal yyue the citees of Juda in to desolacioun, for ther is no dwellere.
12 — Kim bu ishlarni chüshinishke danishmen bolidu? Kim Perwerdigarning aghzidin söz élip bularni chüshendüreleydu? Némishqa zémin weyrane, héchkim ötmigüdek, köyüp chöl-bayawandek bolup ketti?
Who is a wise man that schal vndurstonde these thingis, and to whom the word of the mouth of the Lord schal be maad, that he telle this? Whi the erthe perischide, it is brent as desert, for noon is that passith?
13 Perwerdigar deydu, — Chünki ular Men ular aldigha qoyghan Tewrat-qanunni tashliwetken, Méning awazimgha qulaq salmighan we uningda mangmighan,
And the Lord seide, For thei forsoken my lawe, which Y yaf to hem, and thei herden not my vois, and thei yeden not therynne;
14 Belki öz qelbidiki jahilliqqa egeshken, ata-bowiliri ulargha ögetkendek Baallarning keynige egiship ketken,
and thei yeden aftir the schrewidnesse of her herte, and aftir Baalym, which thei lerneden of her fadris;
15 Shunga samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar, Israilning Xudasi mundaq deydu: — Mana, Men bu xelqqe kekrini yégüzimen, ulargha öt süyini ichküzimen,
therfor the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal fede this puple with wermod, and Y schal yyue to hem drynke the watir of galle.
16 ularni ular yaki ata-bowiliri ilgiri héch tonumaydighan eller arisigha tarqitimen; Men ularni yoqatquche ularning keynidin qoghlashqa qilichni ewetimen.
And Y schal scatere hem among hethene men, whiche thei and her fadris knewen not; and Y schal sende swerd aftir hem, til thei ben wastid.
17 Samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Köngül qoyunglar, matemchi ayallarni kélishke chaqiringlar, yighlashqa eng usta bolghan qiz-ayallarni chaqirip kélishke adem ewetinglar!
The Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, Biholde ye, and clepe ye wymmen `that weilen, and come thei; and sende ye to tho wymmen that ben wise, and haste thei.
18 — Berheq, ular téz kelsun, biz üchün zor yigha kötürsunki, bizning közlirimizdinmu yashlar taramlap tökülsun, chanaqlirimizdinmu yash tamchiliri aqsun —
Haste thei, and take thei weilynge on you; youre iyen brynge doun teeris, and youre iyelidis flowe with watris;
19 chünki Ziondin yigha awazi anglinip: — «Biz qanchilik bulang-talang qilinduq! Qanchilik shermende bolduq! Ular turalghulirimizni örüwetti, biz zéminimizni tashliduq!» — déyilidu.
for the vois of weilyng is herd fro Sion. Hou ben we distried, and schent greetli? for we han forsake the lond, for oure tabernaclis ben forsakun.
20 Perwerdigarning sözini anglanglar, i ayallar, Uning aghzidiki sözge qulaq sélinglar; Qizinglargha yighlashni ögitinglar, Herbiringlar yéqininglargha mersiye oqutunglar;
Therfor, wymmen, here ye the word of the Lord, and youre eeris take the word of his mouth; and teche ye youre douytris weilyng, and ech womman teche hir neiybore mournyng.
21 Chünki ölüm bolsa dérizilirimizdin yamiship kirgen, Orda-istihkamlirimizghimu kirgen; U balilarni kochilardin, Yigitlerni reste-meydanlardin yulup tashlighan.
For whi deth stiede bi youre wyndows, it entride in to youre housis, to leese litle children with outforth, and yonge men fro the stretis.
22 [Yéqinliringlargha] uqturup: «Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Berheq, jesetler dalada tézektek yiqilidu; Ular ormichining orghiqining astigha yiqilghan, Lékin héchkim yighmaydighan bashaqtek yerge chéchilidu!» — denglar!
Speke thou, the Lord seith, these thingis, And the deed bodi of a man schal fal doun as a toord on the face of the cuntrei, and as hei bihynde the bak of the mowere, and noon is that gaderith.
23 Perwerdigar mundaq deydu: — Dana kishi danaliqi bilen, küchlük kishi küchlükliki bilen, bay bayliqliri bilen pexirlinip maxtanmisun;
The Lord seith these thingis, A wise man haue not glorie in his wisdom, and a strong man haue not glorie in his strengthe, and a riche man haue not glorie in hise richessis; but he that hath glorie,
24 pexirlinip maxtighuchi bolsa shuningdin, yeni Méni, yer yüzide méhir-muhebbet, adalet we heqqaniyliqni yürgüzgüchi Men Perwerdigarni tonup yetkenlikidin pexirlinip maxtansun; chünki Méning xursenlikim del mushu ishlardindur, — deydu Perwerdigar.
haue glorie in this, to wite and knowe me, for Y am the Lord, that do merci and dom and riytfulnesse in erthe. For whi these thingis plesen me, seith the Lord.
25 Mana, shundaq künler kéliduki, — deydu Perwerdigar, — Men xetne qilmighanlarni xetne qilin’ghanlar bilen bille jazalaymen;
Lo! daies comen, seith the Lord, and Y schal visite on ech man that hath prepucie vncircumcidid; on Egipt,
26 yeni Misir, Yehuda, Édom, Ammoniylar we Moabiylar, jümlidin chöl-bayawanda turuwatqan, chéke chachlirini chüshürüwetken ellerni jazalaymen; chünki bu ellerning hemmisi xetnisizdur; Israilning barliq jemetimu könglide xetnisizdur.
and on Juda, and on Edom, and on the sones of Amon, and on Moab, and on alle men that ben clippid on long heer, and dwellen in desert; for whi alle hethene men han prepucie, forsothe al the hous of Israel ben vncircumcidid in herte.

< Yeremiya 9 >