< Nnwom 9 >

1 Wɔde ma dwomkyerɛfoɔ. Wɔto no sɛdeɛ wɔto “Ɔba no wuo”. Dawid dwom. Ao Awurade, mefiri mʼakoma nyinaa mu mekamfo wo. Mɛka wʼanwanwadeɛ no nyinaa.
In to the ende, for the pryuytees of the sone, the salm of Dauid. Lord, Y schal knouleche to thee in al myn herte; Y schal telle alle thi merueils.
2 Mɛma mʼani agye na madi ahurisie wɔ wo mu. Mɛto ayɛyie dwom ama wo din, Ao Ɔsorosoroni.
Thou hiyeste, Y schal be glad, and Y schal be fulli ioieful in thee; Y schal synge to thi name.
3 Mʼatamfoɔ sane wɔn akyi; wɔtete hwe, na wɔwuwu wɔ wʼanim.
For thou turnest myn enemy abac; thei schulen be maad feble, and schulen perische fro thi face.
4 Woadi mʼasɛm ama me, na mɛnya mʼahofadie; woatena wʼahennwa so, abu atɛntenenee.
For thou hast maad my doom and my cause; thou, that demest riytfulnesse, `hast set on the trone.
5 Woatwe amanaman no aso, na woasɛe amumuyɛfoɔ. Woapepa wɔn din a wɔrenkae wɔn bio.
Thou blamedist hethene men, and the wickid perischide; thou hast do awei the name of hem in to the world, and in to the world of world.
6 Ɔsɛeɛ a ɛnni awieeɛ ato ɔtamfoɔ no, woatutu wɔn nkuropɔn; na wɔnnkae wɔn bio mpo.
The swerdis of the enemy failiden in to the ende; and thou hast distried the citees of hem. The mynde of hem perischide with sown;
7 Awurade di ɔhene daa daa; wasi nʼatemmuo ahennwa.
and the Lord dwellith with outen ende. He made redi his trone in doom; and he schal deme the world in equite,
8 Ɔde tenenee bɛbu ewiase atɛn; ɔde atɛntenenee bɛdi nnipa no so.
he schal deme puplis in riytfulnesse.
9 Awurade yɛ dwanekɔbea ma wɔn a wɔhyɛ wɔn so, ɔyɛ abandenden wɔ ahohia mmrɛ mu.
And the Lord is maad refuyt, `ether help, `to a pore man; an helpere in couenable tymes in tribulacioun.
10 Wɔn a wɔnim wo din no de wɔn ho bɛto wo so, ɛfiri sɛ, wo Awurade, wonnyaa obiara a ɔhwehwɛ wo no mu da.
And thei, that knowen thi name, haue hope in thee; for thou, Lord, hast not forsake hem that seken thee.
11 Monto ayɛyie dwom mma Awurade a ɔte ahennwa so wɔ Sion; mompae mu nka deɛ wayɛ wɔ amanaman no mu.
Synge ye to the Lord, that dwellith in Syon; telle ye hise studyes among hethene men.
12 Na ɔkae deɛ ɔtɔ mogya so were no; ɔmmu nʼani ngu ɔbrɛfoɔ sufrɛ so.
God foryetith not the cry of pore men; for he hath mynde, and sekith the blood of hem.
13 Ao Awurade, hwɛ sɛdeɛ mʼatamfoɔ teetee me! Hu me mmɔbɔ na yi me firi owuo apono ano,
Lord, haue thou merci on me; se thou my mekenesse of myn enemyes.
14 na matumi apae mu aka wʼayɛyie wɔ Ɔbabaa Sion apono ano na ɛhɔ, madi ahurisie wɔ wo nkwagyeɛ no mu.
Which enhaunsist me fro the yatis of deeth; that Y telle alle thi preisyngis in the yatis of the douyter of Syon.
15 Aman amanmufoɔ atɔ amena a wɔatu no mu; afidie a wɔsum hintaaeɛ no ayi wɔn nan.
Y schal `be fulli ioyeful in thin helthe; hethene men ben fast set in the perisching, which thei maden. In this snare, which thei hidden, the foot of hem is kauyt.
16 Awurade atɛntenenee da no adi; amumuyɛfoɔ nsa ano adwuma ayi wɔn.
The Lord makynge domes schal be knowun; the synnere is takun in the werkis of hise hondis.
17 Amumuyɛfoɔ sane kɔ damena mu, amanaman a wɔn werɛ firi Onyankopɔn nyinaa. (Sheol h7585)
Synneris be turned togidere in to helle; alle folkis, that foryeten God. (Sheol h7585)
18 Nanso ɛnyɛ daa na ne werɛ bɛfiri ohiani, anaa sɛ mmɔborɔni anidasoɔ bɛyera korakora.
For the foryetyng of a pore man schal not be in to the ende; the pacience of pore men schal not perische in to the ende.
19 Sɔre! Ao Awurade, mma ɔdasani nni nkonim, bu amanaman no atɛn wɔ wʼanim.
Lord, rise thou vp, a man be not coumfortid; folkis be demyd in thi siyt.
20 Hunahuna wɔn, Ao Awurade; na ma wɔnhunu sɛ, wɔyɛ adasamma.
Lord, ordeine thou a lawe makere on hem; wite folkis, that thei ben men.

< Nnwom 9 >