< Nnwom 12 >

1 Wɔde ma dwomkyerɛfoɔ sɛ wɔnto no wɔ “Seminit” sankuo nne so. Dawid dwom. Boa yɛn, Awurade, na nyamesurofoɔ asa; nokwafoɔ ayera wɔ nnipa mu.
To the victorie on the eiyte, the song of Dauid. Lord, make thou me saaf, for the hooli failide; for treuthis ben maad litle fro the sones of men.
2 Obiara di atorɔ kyerɛ ne yɔnko; wɔn ano a ɛdɛfɛdɛfɛ no ka nnaadaasɛm.
Thei spaken veyn thingis, ech man to hys neiybore; thei han gileful lippis, thei spaken in herte and herte.
3 Ma Awurade ntwa nnaadaa ano ne tɛkrɛma biara a ɛhoahoa ne ho ntwene;
The Lord destrie alle gileful lippis; and the greet spekynge tunge.
4 wɔn a wɔse, “Yɛde yɛn tɛkrɛma bɛdi nkonim; yɛn ano yɛ yɛn dea, na hwan ne yɛn wura?”
Whiche seiden, We schulen magnyfie oure tunge, our lippis ben of vs; who is oure lord?
5 “Esiane nhyɛ a wɔde hyɛ mmɔborɔni no ne ohiani apenesie no enti, mɛsɔre afei,” Awurade na ɔseɛ. “Mɛbɔ wɔn ho ban afiri wɔn a wɔha wɔn ho.”
For the wretchednesse of nedy men, and for the weilyng of pore men; now Y schal ryse vp, seith the Lord. I schal sette inhelt he; Y schal do tristili in hym.
6 Awurade asɛm yɛ nokorɛ te sɛ dwetɛ a wɔasɔne so wɔ fononoo mu, na wɔahoa ho mprɛnson.
The spechis of the Lord ben chast spechis; siluer examynyd bi fier, preued fro erthe, purgid seuen fold.
7 Ao Awurade, wobɛkora yɛn na woabɔ yɛn ho ban afebɔɔ afiri saa abɔnefoɔ yi ho,
Thou, Lord, schalt kepe vs; and thou `schalt kepe vs fro this generacioun with outen ende.
8 abɔnefoɔ a wɔnenam sɛdeɛ wɔpɛ ɛberɛ a adasamma de anidie ma afideɛ.
Wickid men goen in cumpas; bi thin hiynesse thou hast multiplied the sones of men.

< Nnwom 12 >