< Nnwom 119 >

1 Nhyira nka wɔn a wɔn akwan yɛ pɛ na wɔnante sɛdeɛ Awurade mmara kyerɛ.
Alleluia. Blessid ben men with out wem in the weie; that gon in the lawe of the Lord.
2 Nhyira nka wɔn a wɔkora nʼahyɛdeɛ, na wɔfiri wɔn akoma nyinaa mu hwehwɛ no.
Blessid ben thei, that seken hise witnessingis; seken him in al the herte.
3 Wɔnnyɛ mfomsoɔ biara; na wɔnam nʼakwan so.
For thei that worchen wickidnesse; yeden not in hise weies.
4 Woayɛ nkyerɛkyerɛ pa ato hɔ a ɛsɛ sɛ wɔdi so pɛpɛɛpɛ.
Thou hast comaundid; that thin heestis be kept greetly.
5 Ao sɛ mʼakwan bɛyɛ tee sɛdeɛ wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm no teɛ.
I wolde that my weies be dressid; to kepe thi iustifiyngis.
6 Sɛ mehwɛ wʼahyɛdeɛ no a ɛnneɛ, anka mʼanim rengu ase.
Thanne Y schal not be schent; whanne Y schal biholde perfitli in alle thin heestis.
7 Mede akoma a emu teɛ bɛkamfo wo ɛberɛ a meresua wo mmara a ɛtene no.
I schal knouleche to thee in the dressing of herte; in that that Y lernyde the domes of thi riytfulnesse.
8 Mɛdi wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm so; na nnya me korakora.
I schal kepe thi iustifiyngis; forsake thou not me on ech side.
9 Aberanteɛ bɛyɛ dɛn na nʼakwan ho ate? Ɛsɛ sɛ ɔdi wʼasɛm so.
In what thing amendith a yong waxinge man his weie? in keping thi wordis.
10 Mede mʼakoma nyinaa hwehwɛ wo; mma me mmane mfiri wo mmaransɛm ho.
In al myn herte Y souyte thee; putte thou me not awei fro thin heestis.
11 Mede wʼasɛm asie mʼakoma mu sɛdeɛ merenyɛ bɔne ntia wo.
In myn herte Y hidde thi spechis; that Y do not synne ayens thee.
12 Ao Awurade, nkamfo wɔ wo; kyerɛkyerɛ me wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
Lord, thou art blessid; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
13 Mede mʼano ka mmara a ɛfiri wʼanomu nyinaa.
In my lippis Y haue pronounsid; alle the domes of thi mouth.
14 Mʼani gye sɛ medi wʼahyɛdeɛ so te sɛdeɛ obi anigye ahonya bebree ho no.
I delitide in the weie of thi witnessingis; as in alle richessis.
15 Medwendwene wo nkyerɛkyerɛ ho na mehwehwɛ wʼakwan mu.
I schal be ocupied in thin heestis; and Y schal biholde thi weies.
16 Mʼani gye wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm ho; na merentoto wʼasɛm ase.
I schal bithenke in thi iustifiyngis; Y schal not foryete thi wordis.
17 Yɛ wo ɔsomfoɔ yie; na matena ase adi wʼasɛm so.
Yelde to thi seruaunt; quiken thou me, and Y schal kepe thi wordis.
18 Bue mʼani na menhunu anwanwadeɛ a ɛwɔ wo mmara no mu.
Liytne thou myn iyen; and Y schal biholde the merueils of thi lawe.
19 Meyɛ ɔnanani wɔ asase so; mfa wo mmaransɛm no nhinta me.
I am a comeling in erthe; hide thou not thin heestis fro me.
20 Me kra tɔ baha ɛberɛ biara wɔ wo mmara ho anigyina enti.
Mi soule coueitide to desire thi iustifiyngis; in al tyme.
21 Woka ahantanfoɔ anim, wɔn a wɔadome wɔn, na wɔmane firi wo mmaransɛm ho no.
Thou blamedist the proude; thei ben cursid, that bowen awei fro thin heestis.
22 Yi kasatia ne animtiabuo firi me mu, ɛfiri sɛ medi wʼahyɛdeɛ so.
Do thou awei `fro me schenschipe and dispising; for Y souyte thi witnessingis.
23 Ɛwom sɛ sodifoɔ hyia di me ho nsekuro, nanso wo ɔsomfoɔ bɛdwendwene wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm ho.
For whi princis saten, and spaken ayens me; but thi seruaunt was exercisid in thi iustifiyngis.
24 Wʼahyɛdeɛ yɛ mʼanigyedeɛ na ɛyɛ me fotufoɔ.
For whi and thi witnessyngis is my thenkyng; and my counsel is thi iustifiyngis.
25 Woabrɛ me ase ma meda mfuturo mu. Kyɛe me nkwa so sɛdeɛ wʼasɛm no teɛ.
Mi soule cleuede to the pawment; quykine thou me bi thi word.
26 Mesesee mʼakwan na wogyee me so; kyerɛkyerɛ me wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
I telde out my weies, and thou herdist me; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
27 Ma mente deɛ ɛwɔ wo nkyerɛkyerɛ mu ase; na mɛdwendwene wʼanwanwadeɛ ho.
Lerne thou me the weie of thi iustifiyngis; and Y schal be exercisid in thi merueils.
28 Awerɛhoɔ ama me ɔkra atɔ baha; hyɛ me den sɛdeɛ wʼasɛm no kyerɛ.
Mi soule nappide for anoye; conferme thou me in thi wordis.
29 Yi me firi nnaadaa akwan so; na fa wo mmara so dom me.
Remoue thou fro me the weie of wickidnesse; and in thi lawe haue thou merci on me.
30 Mafa nokorɛ kwan no so; mede mʼakoma adi wo mmara akyi.
I chees the weie of treuthe; Y foryat not thi domes.
31 Ao Awurade, mekura wo nkyerɛkyerɛ mu denden mma mʼanim ngu ase.
Lord, Y cleuede to thi witnessyngis; nyle thou schende me.
32 Metu mmirika wɔ wo mmaransɛm kwan no so, ɛfiri sɛ wama mʼakoma atɔ me yam.
I ran the weie of thi comaundementis; whanne thou alargidist myn herte.
33 Kyerɛkyerɛ me, Ao Awurade, na menni wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm so, na mɛdi so akɔsi awieeɛ.
Lord, sette thou to me a lawe, the weie of thi iustifiyngis; and Y schal seke it euere.
34 Ma me nteaseɛ, na mɛdi wo mmara so, na mede mʼakoma nyinaa bɛdi so.
Yyue thou vndurstonding to me, and Y schal seke thi lawe; and Y schal kepe it in al myn herte.
35 Kyerɛ me wo mmaransɛm kwan no na ɛhɔ na menya anigyeɛ.
Lede me forth in the path of thin heestis; for Y wolde it.
36 Dane mʼakoma kɔ wʼahyɛdeɛ ho na ɛmfiri pɛsɛmenkomenya ho.
`Bowe thou myn herte in to thi witnessingus; and not in to aueryce.
37 Yi mʼani firi nneɛma hunu so; na kyɛe me nkwa so sɛdeɛ wʼasɛm teɛ.
Turne thou awei myn iyen, that `tho seen not vanyte; quykene thou me in thi weie.
38 Di ɛbɔ a woahyɛ wo ɔsomfoɔ no so, na wasuro wo.
Ordeyne thi speche to thi seruaunt; in thi drede.
39 Yi animguaseɛ a ɛbɔ me hu no firi hɔ, ɛfiri sɛ wo mmara yɛ papa.
Kitte awey my schenschip, which Y supposide; for thi domes ben myrie.
40 Mʼani agyina wo nkyerɛkyerɛ no! Kyɛe me nkwa so wɔ wo tenenee mu.
Lo! Y coueitide thi comaundementis; quikene thou me in thin equite.
41 Ao Awurade, ma wo dɔ a ɛnsa da no mmra me so, wo nkwagyeɛ no sɛdeɛ wo bɔhyɛ no teɛ.
And, Lord, thi merci come on me; thin heelthe come bi thi speche.
42 Afei, mɛbua deɛ ɔyi me ahi no, ɛfiri sɛ mewɔ wʼasɛm mu ahotosoɔ.
And Y schal answere a word to men seiynge schenschipe to me; for Y hopide in thi wordis.
43 Nyi nokwasɛm no mfiri mʼanom, ɛfiri sɛ mʼanidasoɔ wɔ wo mmara mu.
And take thou not awei fro my mouth the word of treuthe outerli; for Y hopide aboue in thi domes.
44 Mɛdi wo mmara so ɛberɛ biara akɔsi daa apem.
And Y schal kepe thi lawe euere; in to the world, and in to the world of world.
45 Mede ahofadie bɛnante ɛfiri sɛ mahwehwɛ wo nkyerɛkyerɛ.
And Y yede in largenesse; for Y souyte thi comaundementis.
46 Mɛka wʼahyɛdeɛ ho asɛm wɔ ahemfo anim na mʼanim rengu ase,
And Y spak of thi witnessyngis in the siyt of kingis; and Y was not schent.
47 ɛfiri sɛ mʼani gye wo mmaransɛm ho na medɔ no.
And Y bithouyte in thin heestis; whiche Y louede.
48 Mede anidie ma wo mmaransɛm a medɔ no, na medwendwene wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm ho.
And Y reiside myn hondis to thi comaundementis, whiche Y louede; and Y schal be excercisid in thi iustifiyngis.
49 Kae asɛm a woaka akyerɛ wo ɔsomfoɔ, ɛfiri sɛ woama me anidasoɔ.
Lord, haue thou mynde on thi word to thi seruaunt; in which word thou hast youe hope to me.
50 Mʼawerɛkyekyerɛ wɔ mʼamanehunu mu ne sɛ: Wo bɔhyɛ kyɛe me nkwa so.
This coumfortide me in my lownesse; for thi word quikenede me.
51 Ahantanfoɔ bu me animtia bebree, nanso mennane mfiri wo mmara ho.
Proude men diden wickidli bi alle thingis; but Y bowide not awei fro thi lawe.
52 Ao Awurade mekae wo tete mmara no, na menya awerɛkyekyerɛ wɔ mu.
Lord, Y was myndeful on thi domes fro the world; and Y was coumfortid.
53 Abufuo hyɛ me ma, ɛsiane amumuyɛfoɔ a wɔapo wo mmara enti.
Failing helde me; for synneris forsakinge thi lawe.
54 Wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm yɛ me dwom tiban wɔ baabiara a mesoɛ.
Thi iustifiyngis weren delitable to me to be sungun; in the place of my pilgrimage.
55 Ao Awurade, anadwo mekae wo din, na mɛdi wo mmara so.
Lord, Y hadde mynde of thi name bi niyt; and Y kepte thi lawe.
56 Yei ne adeɛ a meyɛ da biara, medi wo nkyerɛkyerɛ so.
This thing was maad to me; for Y souyte thi iustifiyngis.
57 Ao Awurade, wone me kyɛfa; mahyɛ bɔ sɛ mɛdi wo nsɛm so.
Lord, my part; Y seide to kepe thi lawe.
58 Mede mʼakoma nyinaa ahwehwɛ wo; hunu me mmɔbɔ sɛdeɛ wo bɔhyɛ no teɛ.
I bisouyte thi face in al myn herte; haue thou merci on me bi thi speche.
59 Madwene mʼakwan ho na madane mʼanammɔntuo akyerɛ wʼahyɛdeɛ.
I bithouyte my weies; and Y turnede my feet in to thi witnessyngis.
60 Mɛyɛ ntɛm, merentwentwɛn sɛ mɛdi wo mmaransɛm soɔ.
I am redi, and Y am not disturblid; to kepe thi comaundementis.
61 Ɛwom sɛ amumuyɛfoɔ de ahoma kyekyere me nanso me werɛ remfiri wo mmara.
The coordis of synneris han biclippid me; and Y haue not foryete thi lawe.
62 Ɔdasuom, mesɔre de wʼaseda ma wo wo mmara a ɛtene enti.
At mydnyyt Y roos to knouleche to thee; on the domes of thi iustifiyngis.
63 Meyɛ wɔn a wɔsuro woɔ nyinaa adamfo, wɔn a wɔdi wo nkyerɛkyerɛ soɔ nyinaa.
I am parcener of alle that dreden thee; and kepen thin heestis.
64 Ao Awurade, wʼadɔeɛ ahyɛ asase so ma; kyerɛkyerɛ me wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
Lord, the erthe is ful of thi merci; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
65 Wo ne wo ɔsomfoɔ nni no yie sɛdeɛ wʼasɛm teɛ, Ao Awurade.
Lord, thou hast do goodnesse with thi seruaunt; bi thi word.
66 Kyerɛkyerɛ me nimdeɛ ne atemmuo pa, ɛfiri sɛ megye wo mmaransɛm no di.
Teche thou me goodnesse, and loore, and kunnyng; for Y bileuede to thin heestis.
67 Ansa na merebɛhunu amane no, mefomm ɛkwan, na seesei deɛ, medi wʼasɛm so.
Bifor that Y was maad meke, Y trespasside; therfor Y kepte thi speche.
68 Woyɛ, na deɛ woyɛ nso yɛ; kyerɛkyerɛ me wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
Thou art good; and in thi goodnesse teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
69 Ahantanfoɔ de atorɔ afɔre me ho, nanso mede mʼakoma nyinaa di wo nkyerɛkyerɛ so.
The wickidnesse of hem that ben proude, is multiplied on me; but in al myn herte Y schal seke thin heestis.
70 Wɔn akoma yɛ den na wɔnni tema, nanso mʼani gye wo mmara ho.
The herte of hem is cruddid as mylk; but Y bithouyte thi lawe.
71 Ɛyɛ sɛ mehunuu amane sɛdeɛ mɛsua wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
It is good to me, that thou hast maad me meke; that Y lerne thi iustifiyngis.
72 Mmara a ɛfiri wʼanomu no som bo ma me sene dwetɛ ne sikakɔkɔɔ mpempem.
The lawe of thi mouth is betere to me; than thousyndis of gold and of siluer.
73 Wo nsa na ɛbɔɔ me na ɛnwonoo me; ma me nteaseɛ a mede bɛsua wo mmaransɛm.
Thin hondis maden me, and fourmeden me; yyue thou vndurstondyng to me, that Y lerne thin heestis.
74 Sɛ wɔn a wɔsuro wo no hunu me a, ma wɔn ani nnye, ɛfiri sɛ mede mʼanidasoɔ ahyɛ wʼasɛm mu.
Thei that dreden thee schulen se me, and schulen be glad; for Y hopide more on thi wordis.
75 Ao Awurade, menim sɛ wo mmara tene, na nokorɛdie mu na woatwe mʼaso.
Lord, Y knewe, that thi domes ben equite; and in thi treuth thou hast maad me meke.
76 Ma wʼadɔeɛ a ɛnsa da nkyekyere me werɛ sɛdeɛ ɛbɔ a woahyɛ wo ɔsomfoɔ no teɛ.
Thi merci be maad, that it coumforte me; bi thi speche to thi seruaunt.
77 Ma wʼayamhyehyeɛ mmra me so, na mennya nkwa, ɛfiri sɛ mʼani ka wo mmara ho.
Thi merciful doyngis come to me, and Y schal lyue; for thi lawe is my thenkyng.
78 Ma ahantanfoɔ ani nwu wɔ bɔne a wɔyɛɛ me, nanso, mɛdwendwene wo nkyerɛkyerɛ ho.
Thei that ben proude be schent, for vniustli thei diden wickidnesse ayens me; but Y schal be exercisid in thin heestis.
79 Ma wɔn a wɔsuro wo no mmra me nkyɛn, wɔn a wɔte wo mmara ase no.
Thei that dreden thee be turned to me; and thei that knowen thi witnessyngis.
80 Ma mʼakoma nnya bembuo wɔ wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm ho, na mʼanim angu ase.
Myn herte be maad vnwemmed in thi iustifiyngis; that Y be not schent.
81 Wo nkwagyeɛ ho anigyina ama me ɔkra atɔ baha, nanso mede mʼanidasoɔ ahyɛ wʼasɛm mu.
Mi soule failide in to thin helthe; and Y hopide more on thi word.
82 Mahwɛ wo bɔhyɛ anim ama mʼani abu; meka sɛ, “Da bɛn na wobɛkyekyere me werɛ?”
Myn iyen failiden in to thi speche; seiynge, Whanne schalt thou coumforte me?
83 Ɛwom sɛ mete sɛ nsã kotokuo a ɛsɛn wisie ano deɛ, nanso me werɛ remfiri wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
For Y am maad as a bowge in frost; Y haue not foryete thi iustifiyngis.
84 Wo ɔsomfoɔ ntwɛn nkɔsi da bɛn? Da bɛn na wobɛtwe wɔn a wɔtaa me no aso?
Hou many ben the daies of thi seruaunt; whanne thou schalt make doom of hem that pursuen me?
85 Ahantanfoɔ atu amena de asum me afidie, a ɛne wo mmara bɔ abira.
Wickid men telden to me ianglyngis; but not as thi lawe.
86 Wo mmaransɛm nyinaa mu wɔ ahotosoɔ; boa me ɛfiri sɛ nnipa teetee me kwa.
Alle thi comaundementis ben treuthe; wickid men han pursued me, helpe thou me.
87 Ɛkaa kakra bi na wɔyi me firi asase so, nanso mennyaa wo nkyerɛkyerɛ so die.
Almeest thei endiden me in erthe; but I forsook not thi comaundementis.
88 Kyɛe me nkwa so sɛdeɛ wʼadɔeɛ teɛ, na mɛdi nkyerɛkyerɛ a ɛfiri wʼanomu no so.
Bi thi mersi quikene thou me; and Y schal kepe the witnessingis of thi mouth.
89 Ao Awurade, wʼasɛm no tim hɔ daa; ɛgyina hɔ pintinn wɔ ɔsorosoro.
Lord, thi word dwellith in heuene; with outen ende.
90 Wo nokorɛdie kɔ so wɔ awoɔ ntoatoasoɔ nyinaa mu; wode asase sii hɔ, na ɛtim hɔ.
Thi treuthe dwellith in generacioun, and in to generacioun; thou hast foundid the erthe, and it dwellith.
91 Wo mmara wɔ hɔ bɛsi ɛnnɛ, na nneɛma nyinaa som wo.
The dai lastith contynueli bi thi ordynaunce; for alle thingis seruen to thee.
92 Sɛ mʼani anka wo mmara no ho a, anka mʼamanehunu akum me.
No but that thi lawe was my thenking; thanne perauenture Y hadde perischid in my lownesse.
93 Me werɛ remfiri wo nkyerɛkyerɛ no, ɛfiri sɛ ɛno so na wonam akyɛe me nkwa so.
With outen ende Y schal not foryete thi iustifiyngis; for in tho thou hast quikened me.
94 Gye me nkwa, na meyɛ wo dea; na mahwehwɛ wo nkyerɛkyerɛ no.
I am thin, make thou me saaf; for Y haue souyt thi iustifiyngis.
95 Amumuyɛfoɔ retwɛn sɛ wɔbɛsɛe me, nanso, mɛdwendwene wʼahyɛdeɛ ho.
Synneris aboden me, for to leese me; Y vndurstood thi witnessingis.
96 Mahunu sɛ pɛyɛ nyinaa wɔ deɛ ɛkɔpem; nanso wo mmaransɛm no nni hyeɛ.
I siy the ende of al ende; thi comaundement is ful large.
97 Ao medɔ wo mmara no! Medwendwene ho ɛda mu nyinaa.
Lord, hou louede Y thi lawe; al dai it is my thenking.
98 Wo mmaransɛm ma me hunu nyansa sene mʼatamfoɔ, ɛfiri sɛ ɛwɔ me nkyɛn daa.
Aboue myn enemyes thou madist me prudent bi thi comaundement; for it is to me with outen ende.
99 Mewɔ nhunumu sene mʼakyerɛkyerɛfoɔ nyinaa, ɛfiri sɛ medwendwene wʼahyɛdeɛ ho.
I vndurstood aboue alle men techinge me; for thi witnessingis is my thenking.
100 Mewɔ nteaseɛ sene mpanimfoɔ, ɛfiri sɛ medi wo nkyerɛkyerɛ so.
I vndirstood aboue eelde men; for Y souyte thi comaundementis.
101 Memfaa me nan nsii ɛkwan bɔne biara so sɛdeɛ mɛtumi ayɛ ɔsetie ama wʼasɛm.
I forbeed my feet fro al euel weie; that Y kepe thi wordis.
102 Memmane memfirii wo mmara ho, ɛfiri sɛ wʼankasa na woakyerɛkyerɛ me.
I bowide not fro thi domes; for thou hast set lawe to me.
103 Wo nsɛm yɛ me dɛ, ɛyɛ dɛ sene ɛwoɔ wɔ mʼanom.
Thi spechis ben ful swete to my cheekis; aboue hony to my mouth.
104 Menya nteaseɛ firi wo nkyerɛkyerɛ mu; enti mekyiri ɛkwan bɔne biara.
I vnderstood of thin heestis; therfor Y hatide al the weie of wickidnesse.
105 Wʼasɛm yɛ me nan ase kanea ne mʼakwan so hann.
Thi word is a lanterne to my feet; and liyt to my pathis.
106 Maka ntam ahyɛ mu kena sɛ mɛdi wo tenenee mmara no so.
I swoor, and purposide stidefastli; to kepe the domes of thi riytfulnesse.
107 Mahunu amane bebree; kyɛe me nkwa so, Ao Awurade, sɛdeɛ wʼasɛm teɛ.
I am maad low bi alle thingis; Lord, quykene thou me bi thi word.
108 Ao Awurade, ma wʼani nsɔ mʼanom nkamfo a ɛfiri me pɛ mu, na kyerɛkyerɛ me wo mmara.
Lord, make thou wel plesinge the wilful thingis of my mouth; and teche thou me thi domes.
109 Ɛwom sɛ daa metoto me nkwa ase, nanso me werɛ remfiri wo mmara.
Mi soule is euere in myn hondis; and Y foryat not thi lawe.
110 Amumuyɛfoɔ asum me afidie nanso memfom memfirii wo nkyerɛkyerɛ ho.
Synneris settiden a snare to me; and Y erride not fro thi comaundementis.
111 Wʼahyɛdeɛ yɛ mʼagyapadeɛ afebɔɔ; ɛma mʼakoma ani gye.
I purchasside thi witnessyngis bi eritage with outen ende; for tho ben the ful ioiyng of myn herte.
112 Mʼakoma ayɛ krado sɛ ɛbɛhwɛ wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm so akɔsi awieeɛ.
I bowide myn herte to do thi iustifiyngis with outen ende; for reward.
113 Mekyiri nnipa a wɔn adwene yɛ wɔn ntanta, na medɔ wo mmara.
I hatide wickid men; and Y louede thi lawe.
114 Wone me dwanekɔbea ne me kyɛm; mede mʼanidasoɔ ahyɛ wʼasɛm mu.
Thou art myn helpere, and my `taker vp; and Y hopide more on thi word.
115 Momfiri me so nkɔ, mo nnebɔneyɛfoɔ, na menni me Onyankopɔn mmaransɛm so!
Ye wickide men, bowe awei fro me; and Y schal seke the comaundementis of my God.
116 Wowa me sɛdeɛ wo bɔhyɛ no teɛ, na mɛtena nkwa mu; mma mʼanidasoɔ nyɛ kwa.
Vp take thou me bi thi word, and Y schal lyue; and schende thou not me fro myn abydyng.
117 Sɔ me mu, na menya nkwagyeɛ; na ɛberɛ biara mɛhwɛ wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm no.
Helpe thou me, and Y schal be saaf; and Y schal bithenke euere in thi iustifiyngis.
118 Wopo wɔn a wɔfom wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm nyinaa, na wɔn nnaadaa no yɛ ɔkwa.
Thou hast forsake alle men goynge awey fro thi domes; for the thouyt of hem is vniust.
119 Woyi amumuyɛfoɔ nyinaa si nkyɛn sɛ dadeben; enti medɔ wʼahyɛdeɛ.
I arettide alle the synneris of erthe brekeris of the lawe; therfor Y louede thi witnessyngis.
120 Wo ho suro ma me ho popo; wo mmara abɔ me hu.
Naile thou my fleischis with thi drede; for Y dredde of thi domes.
121 Mayɛ deɛ ɛtene na ɛyɛ pɛ. Nnyaa me mma wɔn a wɔhyɛ me soɔ!
I dide doom and riytwisnesse; bitake thou not me to hem that falsli chalengen me.
122 Hwɛ ma wo ɔsomfoɔ nni yie; mma ahantanfoɔ nhyɛ me so.
Take vp thi seruaunt in to goodnesse; thei that ben proude chalenge not me.
123 Mahwɛ wo nkwagyeɛ anim ama mʼani abu, ɛrehwehwɛ wo bɔhyɛ a ɛtene no.
Myn iyen failiden in to thin helthe; and in to the speche of thi riytfulnesse.
124 Wo ne wo ɔsomfoɔ nni no sɛdeɛ wʼadɔeɛ teɛ na kyerɛkyerɛ me wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
Do thou with thi seruaunt bi thi merci; and teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
125 Meyɛ wo ɔsomfoɔ; ma me nhunumu na mate wʼahyɛdeɛ ase.
I am thi seruaunt, yyue thou vndurstondyng to me; that Y kunne thi witnessingis.
126 Ao Awurade, ɛberɛ aso sɛ woyɛ biribi; wɔrebu wo mmara so.
Lord, it is tyme to do; thei han distried thi lawe.
127 Esiane sɛ medɔ wo mmaransɛm sene sikakɔkɔɔ, anaa sikakɔkɔɔ amapa,
Therfor Y louede thi comaundementis; more than gold and topazion.
128 na medwene sɛ wo nkyerɛkyerɛ nyinaa yɛ enti mekyiri ɛkwan bɔne biara.
Therfor Y was dressid to alle thin heestis; Y hatide al wickid weie.
129 Wʼahyɛdeɛ yɛ nwanwa; enti medi so.
Lord, thi witnessingis ben wondirful; therfor my soule souyte tho.
130 Wo nsɛm ase teɛ ma hann; na ɛma ntetekwaa nya nteaseɛ.
Declaring of thi wordis liytneth; and yyueth vnderstonding to meke men.
131 Mebue mʼanom na megu ahome, na mʼani gyina wo mmaransɛm.
I openede my mouth, and drouy the spirit; for Y desiride thi comaundementis.
132 Dane wʼani hwɛ me na hunu me mmɔbɔ sɛdeɛ woyɛ daa ma wɔn a wɔdɔ wo din no.
Biholde thou on me, and haue merci on me; bi the dom of hem that louen thi name.
133 Tutu mʼanammɔn sɛdeɛ wʼasɛm no teɛ. Mma bɔne biara nni me so.
Dresse thou my goyingis bi thi speche; that al vnriytfulnesse haue not lordschip on me.
134 Gye me firi nnipa nhyɛsoɔ mu, na madi wo nkyerɛkyerɛ so.
Ayeyn bie thou me fro the false chalengis of men; that Y kepe thin heestis.
135 Ma wʼanim nhyerɛn wo ɔsomfoɔ so na kyerɛkyerɛ me wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
Liytne thi face on thi seruaunt; and teche thou me thi iustifiyngis.
136 Nisuo adware me sɛ asutene ɛfiri sɛ nnipa nni wo mmara so.
Myn iyen ledden forth the outgoynges of watris; for thei kepten not thi lawe.
137 Ɔteneneeni ne wo, Ao Awurade, na wo mmara nso yɛ pɛ.
Lord, thou art iust; and thi dom is riytful.
138 Ahyɛdeɛ a woayɛ no tene; ɛyɛ deɛ wɔnya mu ahotosoɔ pa ara.
Thou hast comaundid riytfulnesse, thi witnessingis; and thi treuthe greetli to be kept.
139 Abufuo ahyɛ me ma, ɛfiri sɛ mʼatamfoɔ bu wɔn ani gu wo nsɛm no.
Mi feruent loue made me to be meltid; for myn enemys foryaten thi wordis.
140 Wɔasɔ wo bɔhyɛ ahodoɔ no ahwɛ pa ara, na wo ɔsomfoɔ dɔ wɔn.
Thi speche is greetli enflawmed; and thi seruaunt louede it.
141 Ɛwom sɛ mennka hwee na memfra deɛ, nanso me werɛ mfiri wo nkyerɛkyerɛ.
I am yong, and dispisid; Y foryat not thi iustifiyngis.
142 Wo tenenee wɔ hɔ daa na wo mmara no yɛ nokorɛ.
Lord, thi riytfulnesse is riytfulnesse with outen ende; and thi lawe is treuthe.
143 Ɔhaw ne ahohiahia aduru me, nanso wo mmaransɛm ma me ahosɛpɛ.
Tribulacioun and angwische founden me; thin heestis is my thenking.
144 Wʼahyɛdeɛ yɛ nokorɛ daa; ma me nteaseɛ na manya nkwa.
Thi witnessyngis is equite with outen ende; yyue thou vndirstondyng to me, and Y schal lyue.
145 Ao Awurade, mede mʼakoma nyinaa mefrɛ wo, gye me so, na mɛdi wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm no so.
I criede in al myn herte, Lord, here thou me; and Y schal seke thi iustifiyngis.
146 Mesu mefrɛ wo, gye me nkwa na medi wʼahyɛdeɛ so.
I criede to thee, make thou me saaf; that Y kepe thi comaundementis.
147 Mesɔre anɔpahema, na mesu pɛ mmoa; mede me werɛ ahyɛ wo nsɛm mu.
I bifor cam in ripenesse, and Y criede; Y hopide aboue on thi wordis.
148 Mʼani gu so anadwo nyinaa, na mɛdwendwene wo bɔhyɛ ho.
Myn iyen bifor camen to thee ful eerli; that Y schulde bithenke thi speches.
149 Tie me nne sɛdeɛ wʼadɔeɛ no teɛ; Ao Awurade, kyɛe me nkwa so sɛdeɛ wo mmara teɛ.
Lord, here thou my vois bi thi merci; and quykene thou me bi thi doom.
150 Wɔn a wɔhyehyɛ atirimuɔdensɛm no abɛn, nanso wɔne wo mmara ntam ware.
Thei that pursuen me neiyden to wickidnesse; forsothe thei ben maad fer fro thi lawe.
151 Ao Awurade, wo deɛ, wobɛn me, na wo mmaransɛm nyinaa yɛ nokorɛ.
Lord, thou art nyy; and alle thi weies ben treuthe.
152 Mmerɛ bi a atwam no, mesuaa wʼahyɛdeɛ a wode timiiɛ hɔ sɛ ɛntena hɔ daa no.
In the bigynnyng Y knewe of thi witnessingis; for thou hast foundid tho with outen ende.
153 Hwɛ mʼamanehunu na gye me nkwa ɛfiri sɛ me werɛ mfirii wo mmara no.
Se thou my mekenesse, and delyuere thou me; for Y foryat not thi lawe.
154 Di mʼasɛm ma me na gye me. Kyɛe me nkwa so sɛdeɛ wo bɔhyɛ no teɛ.
Deme thou my dom, and ayenbie thou me; quikene thou me for thi speche.
155 Nkwagyeɛ ne atirimuɔdenfoɔ ntam kwan ware, ɛfiri sɛ wɔnhwehwɛ wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm no.
Heelthe is fer fro synners; for thei souyten not thi iustifiyngis.
156 Ao Awurade, wʼayamhyehyeɛ yɛ kɛseɛ; kyɛe me nkwa so sɛdeɛ wo mmara no teɛ.
Lord, thi mercies ben manye; quykene thou me bi thi dom.
157 Atamfoɔ a wɔteetee me dɔɔso, nanso memmane memfirii wo nhyehyɛeɛ ho.
Thei ben manye that pursuen me, and doen tribulacioun to me; Y bowide not awei fro thi witnessingis.
158 Mehwɛ wɔn a wɔnni gyidie no a, wɔn ho yɛ me nwunu, ɛfiri sɛ wɔnni wʼasɛm so.
I siy brekers of the lawe, and Y was meltid; for thei kepten not thi spechis.
159 Hwɛ sɛdeɛ mʼani gye wo nkyerɛkyerɛ ho; Ao Awurade, kyɛe me nkwa so sɛdeɛ wʼadɔeɛ teɛ.
Lord, se thou, for Y louede thi comaundementis; quikene thou me in thi merci.
160 Wo nsɛm nyinaa yɛ nokorɛ; na wo mmara a ɛtene no to rentwa da.
The bigynnyng of thi wordis is treuthe; alle the domes of thi riytwisnesse ben withouten ende.
161 Sodifoɔ taataa me kwa, nanso ɛyɛ wʼasɛm nko ara na mesuro.
Princes pursueden me with outen cause; and my herte dredde of thi wordis.
162 Mʼani gye wo bɔhyɛ ho te sɛ obi a wanya asadeɛ kɛseɛ.
I schal be glad on thi spechis; as he that fyndith many spuylis.
163 Mekyiri nkontompo na medɔ wo mmara.
I hatide and wlatide wickidnesse; forsothe Y louede thi lawe.
164 Mekamfo wo mprɛnson da biara wo mmara a ɛtene no enti.
I seide heriyngis to thee seuene sithis in the dai; on the domes of thi riytfulnesse.
165 Wɔn a wɔdɔ wo mmara no wɔ asomdwoeɛ mmoroso, na biribiara rentumi mma wɔnsunti.
Miche pees is to hem that louen thi lawe; and no sclaundir is to hem.
166 Ao Awurade, metwɛn wo nkwagyeɛ, na medi wo mmaransɛm so.
Lord, Y abood thin heelthe; and Y louede thin heestis.
167 Medi wʼahyɛdeɛ so na medɔ no yie.
Mi soule kepte thi witnessyngis; and louede tho greetli.
168 Medi wo nkyerɛkyerɛ ne wʼahyɛdeɛ so, na wonim mʼakwan nyinaa.
I kepte thi `comaundementis, and thi witnessingis; for alle my weies ben in thi siyt.
169 Ao Awurade, ma me sufrɛ nnuru wʼanim; ma me nteaseɛ sɛdeɛ wʼasɛm no teɛ.
Lord, my biseching come niy in thi siyt; bi thi speche yyue thou vndurstonding to me.
170 Ma me nkotosrɛ nnuru wʼanim; na gye me sɛdeɛ wo bɔhyɛ no teɛ.
Myn axing entre in thi siyt; bi thi speche delyuere thou me.
171 Ma nkamfo nhyɛ mʼanom ma; ɛfiri sɛ wokyerɛkyerɛ me wo ɔhyɛ nsɛm.
Mi lippis schulen telle out an ympne; whanne thou hast tauyte me thi iustifiyngis.
172 Ma me tɛkrɛma nto wʼasɛm ho dwom, ɛfiri sɛ wo mmaransɛm nyinaa tene.
Mi tunge schal pronounce thi speche; for whi alle thi comaundementis ben equite.
173 Yɛ ahoboa bɛboa me, ɛfiri sɛ masɔ wo nkyerɛkyerɛ no mu.
Thin hond be maad, that it saue me; for Y haue chose thin heestis.
174 Ao Awurade, mʼani agyina wo nkwagyeɛ, na wo mmara yɛ mʼanigyedeɛ.
Lord, Y coueitide thin heelthe; and thi lawe is my thenking.
175 Ma me ntena nkwa mu na matumi akamfo wo, na wo mmara nso awowa me.
Mi soule schal lyue, and schal herie thee; and thi domes schulen helpe me.
176 Mafom ɛkwan sɛ odwan a wayera. Hwehwɛ wo ɔsomfoɔ, ɛfiri sɛ me werɛ mfirii wo mmaransɛm no.
I erride as a scheep that perischide; Lord, seke thi seruaunt, for Y foryat not thi comaundementis.

< Nnwom 119 >