< Nnwom 107 >

1 Monna Awurade ase na ɔyɛ; na nʼadɔeɛ wɔ hɔ daa.
Alleluya. Knouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his merci is in to the world.
2 Momma wɔn a Awurade agye wɔn nka saa, wɔn a wagye wɔn afiri ɔtamfoɔ nsam no,
Sei thei, that ben ayen bouyt of the Lord; whiche he ayen bouyte fro the hond of the enemye, fro cuntreis he gaderide hem togidere.
3 wɔn a ɔboaboaa wɔn ano firii nsase soɔ no, ɛfiri apueeɛ kɔsi atɔeɛ, atifi kɔsi anafoɔ.
Fro the risyng of the sunne, and fro the goyng doun; fro the north, and fro the see.
4 Ebinom kyinkyinii wɔ nsase paradada so, a wɔanhunu ɛkwan ankɔ kuropɔn no mu, baabi a wɔbɛtumi anya atenaeɛ.
Thei erriden in wildirnesse, in a place with out watir; thei founden not weie of the citee of dwellyng place.
5 Ɛkɔm ne sukɔm dee wɔn na wɔtotɔɔ baha.
Thei weren hungri and thirsti; her soule failide in hem.
6 Afei wɔsu frɛɛ Awurade wɔ wɔn amanehunu mu, na ɔgyee wɔn firii wɔn ahohiahia mu.
And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem fro her nedynesses.
7 Ɔde wɔn faa ɛkwan tee so baa kuropɔn a wɔtumi tena mu no mu.
And he ledde forth hem in to the riyt weie; that thei schulden go in to the citee of dwelling.
8 Momma wɔnna Awurade ase, nʼadɔeɛ a ɛnsa da ho ne nʼanwanwadeɛ a ɔyɛ ma nnipa.
The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueilis knouleche to the sones of men.
9 Ɔma wɔn a sukɔm de wɔn nsuo na ɔde nnepa hyɛ wɔn a ɛkɔm de wɔn ma.
For he fillide a voide man; and he fillide with goodis an hungry man.
10 Ebinom tenaa esum ne awerɛhoɔ mu, nneduafoɔ a wɔde dadeɛ nkɔnsɔnkɔnsɔn agu wɔn,
God delyuerede men sittynge in derknessis, and in the schadowe of deth; and men prisoned in beggerye and in yrun.
11 ɛfiri sɛ, wɔtee Onyankopɔn nsɛm ho atua na wɔbuu Ɔsorosoroni no agyinatuo animtiaa.
For thei maden bitter the spechis of God; and wraththiden the councel of the hiyeste.
12 Enti ɔgyaa wɔn maa adwuma den; wɔsuntisuntiiɛ na wɔannya ɔboafoɔ.
And the herte of hem was maad meke in trauelis; and thei weren sijk, and noon was that helpide.
13 Afei, wɔsu frɛɛ Awurade wɔ wɔn amanehunu mu, na ɔgyee wɔn firii wɔn ahohiahia mu.
And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem from her nedynessis.
14 Ɔyii wɔn firii esum ne awerɛhoɔ mu na ɔbubuu wɔn nkɔnsɔnkɔnsɔn mu.
And he ledde hem out of derknessis, and schadowe of deth; and brak the boondis of hem.
15 Momma wɔnna Awurade ase, nʼadɔeɛ a ɛnsa da ho ne nʼanwanwadeɛ a ɔyɛ ma nnipa.
The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueils knouleche to the sones of men.
16 Ɔbubu kɔbere mfrafraeɛ apono na ɔtwitwa nnadeban mu.
For he al to-brak brasun yatis; and he brak yrun barris.
17 Ebinom bɛyɛɛ nkwaseafoɔ, wɔn atuateɛ enti na wɔhunuu amane, wɔn nnebɔne enti.
He vptook hem fro the weie of her wickidnesse; for thei weren maad lowe for her vnriytfulnesses.
18 Wɔkyirii aduane nyinaa na wɔtwe bɛnee owuo ɛpono ano.
The soule of hem wlatide al mete; and thei neiyeden `til to the yatis of deth.
19 Afei, wɔsu frɛɛ Awurade, wɔn amanehunu mu na ɔgyee wɔn firii wɔn ahohiahia mu.
And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he delyuerede hem fro her nedynessis.
20 Ɔsomaa nʼasɛm na ɔsaa wɔn yadeɛ; na ɔgyee wɔn firii ɛda mu.
He sente his word, and heelide hem; and delyuerede hem fro the perischingis of hem.
21 Momma wɔnna Awurade ase, nʼadɔeɛ a ɛnsa da ho ne nʼanwanwadeɛ a ɔyɛ ma nnipa.
The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueils to the sones of men.
22 Momma wɔmmɔ aseda afɔdeɛ na wɔmfa ahurisie nnwom nka ne nnwuma ho asɛm.
And offre thei the sacrifice of heriyng; and telle thei hise werkis in ful out ioiyng.
23 Ebinom tenaa ahyɛn mu wɔ ɛpo so; wɔyɛ adwadifoɔ wɔ nsuo akɛseɛ so.
Thei that gon doun in to the see in schippis; and maken worching in many watris.
24 Wɔhunuu Awurade nnwuma, nʼanwanwadeɛ a ɛwɔ ebunu mu.
Thei sien the werkis of the Lord; and hise merueilis in the depthe.
25 Ɔkasaeɛ maa ahum tui na ɛkukuruu asorɔkye.
He seide, and the spirit of tempest stood; and the wawis therof weren arerid.
26 Wɔpagya kɔɔ sorosoro na wɔsiane kɔɔ ebunu mu tɔnn; wɔn amanehunu mu no wɔn bo tui.
Thei stien til to heuenes, and goen doun `til to the depthis; the soule of hem failide in yuelis.
27 Wɔkyim totɔɔ ntintan sɛ asabofoɔ; na wɔnhunu deɛ wɔnnyɛ bio.
Thei weren troblid, and thei weren moued as a drunkun man; and al the wisdom of hem was deuourid.
28 Afei, wɔsu frɛɛ Awurade, wɔn amanehunu mu, na ɔgyee wɔn firii wɔn ahohiahia mu.
And thei crieden to the Lord, whanne thei weren set in tribulacioun; and he ledde hem out of her nedynessis.
29 Ɔmaa ahum no yɛɛ dinn; ɛpo so asorɔkye ano brɛɛ ase.
And he ordeynede the tempest therof in to a soft wynde; and the wawis therof weren stille.
30 Wɔn ani gyeeɛ ɛberɛ a ɛyɛɛ dinn no, na ɔkyerɛɛ wɔn ɛkwan de wɔn kɔduruu gyinabea a wɔpɛ.
And thei weren glad, for tho weren stille; and he ladde hem forth in to the hauene of her wille.
31 Momma wɔnna Awurade ase, nʼadɔeɛ a ɛnsa da ho ne nʼanwanwadeɛ a ɔyɛ ma nnipa.
The mercies of the Lord knouleche to hym; and hise merueilis to the sones of men.
32 Wɔmma ne so wɔ asafo no mu na wɔnkamfo no wɔ mpanimfoɔ nhyiamu ase.
And enhaunse thei him in the chirche of the puple; and preise thei him in the chaier of eldre men.
33 Ɔdanee nsubɔntene maa no yɛɛ ɛserɛ, asutene yɛɛ asase wesee,
He hath set floodis in to deseert; and the out goingis of watris in to thirst.
34 na asasebereɛ danee nkyenenkyene, wɔn a wɔte asase no so amumuyɛ enti.
He hath set fruytful lond in to saltnesse; for the malice of men dwellyng ther ynne.
35 Ɔdanee ɛserɛ so maa no yɛɛ nsuwansuwa na nkyɛkyerɛ yɛɛ sɛ asutene ananmu;
He hath set deseert in to pondis of watris; and erthe with out watir in to outgoyngis of watris.
36 Ɛhɔ na ɔde wɔn a ɛkɔm de wɔn kɔsoɛe, na wɔkyekyeree kuropɔn tenaa mu.
And he settide there hungri men; and thei maden a citee of dwelling.
37 Wɔyɛɛ mfuo ne bobe nturo na ɛmaa wɔn nnɔbaeɛ bebree.
And thei sowiden feeldis, and plauntiden vynes; and maden fruyt of birthe.
38 Ɔhyiraa wɔn na wɔn ase dɔreeɛ. Wamma wɔn ayɛmmoa dodoɔ so anhwan.
And he blesside hem, and thei weren multiplied greetli; and he made not lesse her werk beestis.
39 Afei wɔn dodoɔ so hwaneeɛ na nhyɛsoɔ, amanehunu ne awerɛhoɔ brɛɛ wɔn ase;
And thei weren maad fewe; and thei weren trauelid of tribulacioun of yuelis and of sorewis.
40 deɛ ɔbu aberempɔn animtiaa no ma wɔkyinkyinii asase bonini a ɛkwan nni hɔ so.
Strijf was sched out on princes; and he made hem for to erre without the weie, and not in the weie.
41 Nanso, ɔpagyaa ahiafoɔ firii wɔn ahohia mu na ɔmaa wɔn mmusua dɔree sɛ nnwankuo.
And he helpide the pore man fro pouert; and settide meynees as a scheep bringynge forth lambren.
42 Ateneneefoɔ bɛhunu ama wɔn ani gye, nanso amumuyɛfoɔ nyinaa bɛmua wɔn ano.
Riytful men schulen se, and schulen be glad; and al wickidnesse schal stoppe his mouth.
43 Momma deɛ ɔyɛ onyansafoɔ no mmu yeinom, na ɔnnwene Awurade adɔeɛ kɛseɛ no ho.
Who is wijs, and schal kepe these thingis; and schal vndirstonde the mercies of the Lord?

< Nnwom 107 >