< Mmɛbusɛm 3 >

1 Me ba, mma wo werɛ mfiri me nkyerɛkyerɛ, kora me mmara yi wɔ wʼakoma mu,
Mi sone, foryete thou not my lawe; and thyn herte kepe my comaundementis.
2 na ɛbɛma wo nkwa aware, mfeɛ bebree na ɛde yiedie abrɛ wo.
For tho schulen sette to thee the lengthe of daies, and the yeeris of lijf, and pees.
3 Mma adɔeɛ ne nokorɛ mfiri wo nkyɛn fa yane wo kɔn mu twerɛ gu wʼakoma ɛpono so.
Merci and treuthe forsake thee not; bynde thou tho to thi throte, and write in the tablis of thin herte.
4 Na wobɛnya adom ne din pa wɔ Onyankopɔn ne nnipa anim.
And thou schalt fynde grace, and good teching bifore God and men.
5 Fa wʼakoma nyinaa to Awurade so na mmfa wo ho nto wʼankasa nteaseɛ so;
Haue thou trist in the Lord, of al thin herte; and triste thou not to thi prudence.
6 hunu no wʼakwan nyinaa mu, na ɔbɛtene wʼakwan.
In alle thi weies thenke thou on hym, and he schal dresse thi goyngis.
7 Nnye wo ho nni sɛ woyɛ onyansafoɔ suro Awurade na kyiri bɔne.
Be thou not wijs anentis thi silf; drede thou God, and go awei fro yuel.
8 Ɛde ahoɔden bɛbrɛ wo onipadua na ayɛ aduane ama wo nnompe.
For whi helthe schal be in thi nawle, and moisting of thi boonys.
9 Fa wʼahonya hyɛ Awurade animuonyam, ne wo nnɔbaeɛ a ɛdi ɛkan nyinaa;
Onoure thou the Lord of thi catel, and of the beste of alle thi fruytis yyue thou to pore men;
10 na ɛno na ɛbɛma wo pata ayɛ ma abu so, na nsã foforɔ abu afa wʼankorɛ so
and thi bernes schulen be fillid with abundaunce, and pressours schulen flowe with wiyn.
11 Me ba, sɛ Awurade tene wo so a, tie no yie, na sɛ ɔka wʼanim a, mpa aba,
My sone, caste thou not awei the teching of the Lord; and faile thou not, whanne thou art chastisid of him.
12 Ɛfiri sɛ, obiara a Awurade pɛ nʼasɛm no, ɔtwe nʼaso, sɛdeɛ agya tene ɔba a ɔdɔ no so no.
For the Lord chastisith hym, whom he loueth; and as a fadir in the sone he plesith hym.
13 Nhyira nka onipa a ɔhunu nyansa, onipa a ɔnya nteaseɛ,
Blessid is the man that fyndith wisdom, and which flowith with prudence.
14 ɛfiri sɛ, nimdeɛ ho mfasoɔ sene dwetɛ, na deɛ ɛfiri mu ba sene sikakɔkɔɔ.
The geting therof is betere than the marchaundie of gold and of siluer; the fruytis therof ben the firste and clenneste.
15 Ne boɔ yɛ dene sene bota; na worentumi mfa wʼapɛdeɛ biara ntoto ho.
It is preciousere than alle richessis; and alle thingis that ben desirid, moun not be comparisound to this.
16 Nkwa tenten wɔ ne nsa nifa mu; ahonyadeɛ ne animuonyam wɔ ne nsa benkum mu.
Lengthe of daies is in the riythalf therof, and richessis and glorie ben in the lifthalf therof.
17 Nʼakwan yɛ ahomeka, na nʼasa nyinaa yɛ asomdwoeɛ.
The weies therof ben feire weies, and alle the pathis therof ben pesible.
18 Ɔyɛ nkwa dua ma wɔn a wɔsɔ ne mu; wɔn a wɔkura ne mu no bɛnya nhyira.
It is a tre of lijf to hem that taken it; and he that holdith it, is blessid.
19 Nyansa mu na Awurade yɛɛ asase fapem, na nteaseɛ mu na ɔde ɔsoro timii hɔ.
The Lord foundide the erthe bi wisdom; he stablischide heuenes bi prudence.
20 Ɛfiri ne nimdeɛ mu na ɔkyekyɛɛ ebunu mu, na omununkum nso tɔɔ bosuo.
The depthis of watris braken out bi his wisdom; and cloudis wexen togidere bi dewe.
21 Me ba, fa atemmuo pa ne nhunumu sie, na mma ɛmfiri wʼani so;
My sone, these thingis flete not awey fro thin iyen; kepe thou my lawe, and my counsel;
22 ɛbɛyɛ nkwa ama wo, ahyehyɛdeɛ a ɛma wɔ kɔn nya animuonyam.
and lijf schal be to thi soule, and grace `schal be to thi chekis.
23 Afei wo kwan so bɛyɛ wo dwoodwoo, na wo nan rensunti;
Thanne thou schalt go tristili in thi weie; and thi foot schal not snapere.
24 sɛ woda a worensuro; sɛ woda a wʼani bɛkum.
If thou schalt slepe, thou schalt not drede; thou schalt reste, and thi sleep schal be soft.
25 Nsuro mpofirim amanehunu anaa ɔsɛeɛ a ɛba amumuyɛfoɔ so,
Drede thou not bi sudeyne feer, and the powers of wickid men fallynge in on thee.
26 Ɛfiri sɛ, Awurade bɛyɛ wʼawerɛhyɛm na ɔbɛkora wo nan afiri afidie mu.
For the Lord schal be at thi side; and he schal kepe thi foot, that thou be not takun.
27 Mfa ade pa nkame wɔn a wɔfata, ɛberɛ a tumi wɔ wo nsam.
Nil thou forbede to do wel him that mai; if thou maist, and do thou wel.
28 Nka nkyerɛ wo yɔnko sɛ: “Kɔ na bra; mede bɛma wo ɔkyena” wɔ ɛberɛ a wowɔ no saa ɛberɛ no.
Seie thou not to thi frend, Go, and turne thou ayen, and to morewe Y schal yyue to thee; whanne thou maist yyue anoon.
29 Mpam ɔhaw mma wo yɔnko ɛberɛ a ɔne wo te yie.
Ymagyne thou not yuel to thi freend, whanne he hath trist in thee.
30 Mfa ɛso nto obi so kwa ɛberɛ a ɔnyɛɛ wo bɔne biara.
Stryue thou not ayens a man with out cause, whanne he doith noon yuel to thee.
31 Mma wʼani mmere basabasayɛfoɔ, na mfa nʼakwan no mu biara,
Sue thou not an vniust man, sue thou not hise weies.
32 ɛfiri sɛ Awurade kyiri basabasayɛfoɔ na ɔde ne werɛ hyɛ ɔteneneeni mu.
For ech disseyuer is abhomynacioun of the Lord; and his speking is with simple men.
33 Awurade nnome wɔ omumuyɛfoɔ efie so, na ɔhyira ɔteneneeni fie.
Nedinesse is sent of the Lord in the hous of a wickid man; but the dwelling places of iust men schulen be blessid.
34 Ɔdi fɛdifoɔ a wɔyɛ ahantan ho fɛ na ɔdom ahobrɛasefoɔ.
He schal scorne scorneris; and he schal yyue grace to mylde men.
35 Anyansafoɔ bɛnya animuonyam adi, nanso nkwaseafoɔ deɛ, ɔma wɔn anim gu ase.
Wise men schulen haue glorie; enhaunsing of foolis is schenschipe.

< Mmɛbusɛm 3 >