< Mmɛbusɛm 12 >

1 Obiara a ɔpɛ ahohyɛsoɔ no pɛ nimdeɛ, na deɛ ɔkyiri ntenesoɔ no yɛ ogyimifoɔ.
Whoever loves correction loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid.
2 Onipa pa nya Awurade nkyɛn adom, na Awurade bu onifirani fɔ.
A good man shall obtain favor from Yahweh, but he will condemn a man of wicked plans.
3 Amumuyɛsɛm rentumi mma onipa ase ntim, na wɔrentumi nntu ɔteneneeni ase.
A man shall not be established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous shall not be moved.
4 Ɔyere a ɔwɔ suban pa yɛ ne kunu ahenkyɛ, nanso ɔyere animguasefoɔ te sɛ porɔeɛ wɔ ne kunu nnompe mu.
A worthy woman is the crown of her husband, but a disgraceful wife is as rottenness in his bones.
5 Teneneefoɔ nhyehyɛeɛ yɛ pɛ, na amumuyɛfoɔ afotuo yɛ nnaadaa.
The thoughts of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.
6 Amumuyɛfoɔ nsɛm da hɔ twɛn mogya, na ɔteneneeni kasa yi wɔn firi mu.
The words of the wicked are about lying in wait for blood, but the speech of the upright rescues them.
7 Wɔtu amumuyɛfoɔ gu na wɔyera, nanso teneneefoɔ fie gyina pintinn.
The wicked are overthrown, and are no more, but the house of the righteous shall stand.
8 Wɔkamfo onipa sɛdeɛ ne nyansa teɛ na nnipa a wɔn adwene yɛ kɔntɔnkye deɛ, wɔbu wɔn animtiaa.
A man shall be commended according to his wisdom, but he who has a warped mind shall be despised.
9 Ɛyɛ sɛ wobɛyɛ wo ho sɛ ɔteta a nso wowɔ ɔsomfoɔ, sene sɛ wobɛyɛ wo ho sɛ obi, nanso wonni aduane.
Better is he who is little known, and has a servant, than he who honors himself and lacks bread.
10 Ɔteneneeni ma nʼayɛmmoa deɛ wɔpɛ, na amumuyɛfoɔ nneyɛɛ a ɛyɛ pa ara yɛ atirimuɔden.
A righteous man respects the life of his animal, but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel.
11 Deɛ ɔyɛ nʼasase so adwuma no bɛnya aduane bebree, na deɛ ɔdi nsɛm huhuo akyi no nni adwene.
He who tills his land shall have plenty of bread, but he who chases fantasies is void of understanding.
12 Amumuyɛfoɔ pɛ abɔnefoɔ afodeɛ, nanso ɔteneneeni ase dɔre.
The wicked desires the plunder of evil men, but the root of the righteous flourishes.
13 Ɔbɔnefoɔ anosɛm yi no sɛ afidie, nanso ɔteneneeni nya ne ho tete wɔ ahohiahia mu.
An evil man is trapped by sinfulness of lips, but the righteous shall come out of trouble.
14 Nneɛma pa firi onipa anomu aba mu hyɛ no ma sɛdeɛ ne nsa ano adwuma ma no akatua no.
A man shall be satisfied with good by the fruit of his mouth. The work of a man’s hands shall be rewarded to him.
15 Ɔkwasea akwan tene wɔ nʼani so, na ɔnyansafoɔ tie afotuo.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who is wise listens to counsel.
16 Ɔkwasea bo nkyɛre fu, nanso ɔbadwemma bu nʼani gu atɛnnidie so.
A fool shows his annoyance the same day, but one who overlooks an insult is prudent.
17 Ɔdanseni nokwafoɔ di adanseɛ turodoo, na deɛ ɔdi adansekurumu no twa nkontompo.
He who is truthful testifies honestly, but a false witness lies.
18 Nsɛm hunu keka wowɔ te sɛ akofena nanso onyansafoɔ tɛkrɛma ma abodwoeɛ.
There is one who speaks rashly like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals.
19 Ano a ɛka nokorɛ no tim hɔ daa, na atorɔ tɛkrɛma ɛnkyɛre koraa.
Truth’s lips will be established forever, but a lying tongue is only momentary.
20 Nnaadaa hyɛ wɔn a wɔdwene bɔne ho akoma mu, na wɔn a wɔpɛ asomdwoeɛ nya ahosɛpɛ.
Deceit is in the heart of those who plot evil, but joy comes to the promoters of peace.
21 Ɔhaw biara rento ɔteneneeni, nanso amanehunu mee amumuyɛfoɔ.
No mischief shall happen to the righteous, but the wicked shall be filled with evil.
22 Awurade kyiri ano a ɛtwa atorɔ, na nʼani gye nnipa a wɔdi nokorɛ ho.
Lying lips are an abomination to Yahweh, but those who do the truth are his delight.
23 Ɔnifirafoɔ mmɔ ne nimdeɛ ho dawuro na nkwaseafoɔ akoma da agyimisɛm adi.
A prudent man keeps his knowledge, but the hearts of fools proclaim foolishness.
24 Nsa a ɛyɛ adwuma no bɛdi tumi, nanso akwadworɔ wie nkoasom mu.
The hands of the diligent ones shall rule, but laziness ends in slave labor.
25 Akoma a ɛpere adeɛ ho ma onipa boto, nanso nkuranhyɛsɛm bi hyɛ no den.
Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down, but a kind word makes it glad.
26 Ɔteneneeni wɔ ntoboaseɛ wɔ ayɔnkofa mu, nanso amumuyɛfoɔ kwan ma wɔfom.
A righteous person is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
27 Onihafoɔ ntoto ne hanam, nanso nsiyɛfoɔ ahonyadeɛ som bo ma wɔn.
The slothful man doesn’t roast his game, but the possessions of diligent men are prized.
28 Tenenee kwan mu wɔ nkwa; na owuo nni saa ɛkwan no so.
In the way of righteousness is life; in its path there is no death.

< Mmɛbusɛm 12 >